No wbta 2013

Could your DH put in a leave request even if the WBTA hasn't been formally announced, we know the dates are more than likely to be 12 - 26 October (going by the dates the Magic is booked in some of the Ports). Could you do that then cancel the leave if need be?

We have actually had many discussions of this. He can only "cancel leave" if there is someone else who would like to take his vacation (if that makes sense?? :confused3) Working for the Fed. Gov (he's an Air Traffic Controller) really limits how/when they can take vacation. They bid in rounds by seniority so he is already near the bottom and they go 7 days at a time. So the earlier they announce the easier it will be for him to talk with people to ensure he gets those dates.

I have no idea if that all makes sense. I just wish they would announce it already so that we can start making plans! Grrr Disney... I'm a planner and organizer and not being able to do this STRESS ME OUT! :sick:
We have actually had many discussions of this. He can only "cancel leave" if there is someone else who would like to take his vacation (if that makes sense?? :confused3) Working for the Fed. Gov (he's an Air Traffic Controller) really limits how/when they can take vacation. They bid in rounds by seniority so he is already near the bottom and they go 7 days at a time. So the earlier they announce the easier it will be for him to talk with people to ensure he gets those dates.

I have no idea if that all makes sense. I just wish they would announce it already so that we can start making plans! Grrr Disney... I'm a planner and organizer and not being able to do this STRESS ME OUT! :sick:

Yes that makes sense, that is quite a strict policy. I can definitely see how stressful it is for you, I would hate it if my DH had to have his leave authorised like that. Fingers crossed you can book the cruise before the deadline. :wizard:
Good Morning to all. I haven't been on here for sooooooooooooooo long. I have been reading all the posts, and trying to keep my hopes up for an annoucement. Holly, I too will send Karl an email. Did this one other time a while back, but like you got the stock responce. Also, I would like to thank everyone for the great information you provided on Barcelona. There is so much to see and do, must make plans to spend extra days there to do it all!!!!:thumbsup2
I was told by a DCL rep that Fall 2013 will not be released until the Fall of this year (Aug-Oct). :-(
I was told by a DCL rep that Fall 2013 will not be released until the Fall of this year (Aug-Oct). :-(

We've been told so many different things it isn't funny. Just a few weeks ago a DCL VP told someone it'd be "a few weeks". :(

At this point....who knows.... :confused3
i'm probably less optimistic as I don't think the emails will do anything to speed up the announcement....afterall this IS disney! :rolleyes1 As I said in my original post it was my opinion.....I didn't say you (or anyone else for that matter) can't send an email to express your opinion.
I think you have the proper perspective. Sending emails to Karl Holtz is not going to change anything in this case. This is not a matter of on-board policies. Maintenance, dry dock, and itinerary scheduling is is not something that guests can dictate or control. It isn't like alcohol policies that can easily be altered. It is a complicated, internal matter that is based on numerous factors involving DCL and the companies they deal with.

Disney knows that anyone who really wants to sail with DCL will wait for the announcement and book if it suits them. They also know that those who only want to do a TA cruise but don't care which cruise line may book elsewhere. That's reality. If they announce it a year ahead they'll have plenty of time to fill the ship. If they announce it next week, same scenario, but the further ahead people book, the more likely they are to cancel due to changes in their life or finances. It happens. Be patient. The announcement will come in plenty of time for people to plan.

pillow, what that DCL rep told you just might be right! ;)
I'd like to respectfully disagree on some points (that is on the points brought up - NOT regarding the poster).

Any company we deal with should at least listen to it's consumers. Whether they listen is another matter, and for some companies it may well end up affecting those companies' bottom line. An attitude of it's "well it's XXX company" will only go so far. It may well work for quite awhile, but at some point it is going to affect them.

I will agree, there are things that are out of our control, as well as any company's. However, there are many issues and situations that are not based solely or largely on those situations, and in those cases, consumers should let companies know their feelings. They are there to sell, and we are there to buy.

If companies start thinking "we don't care who buys our product" will start having problems. Thinking that well, we are "XXXX" and someone will always buy our product is a problem. I am not just talking Disney here - this is a very broad statement as there are many companies who have dealt with that same issue and have suffered, and then have to scramble to get that "we care" feeling back.

As for the announcement coming in plenty of time for people to plan, that is only for some people. There are many who have to plan in advance and they will not be able to go on this trip. Okay, that is reality.

IF DCL is waiting because of port schedules or drydocks, then that is understandable. I personally (again MY opinion) feel that at this point those have to be set. My problem with DCL on this is the inconsistency of information. (and that is also for many other areas where the lack of consistency is starting to make people think twice) We get DCL reps that say "fall", we get DCL VP's saying "in a few weeks" and then we get other scenarios.

It would serve them far more if they would just come out officially and say "we are still exploring our options, and don't anticipate announcements until ....."

In the end, it doesn't matter what I think for DCL will announce (or not) when they announce. But letting them know as consumers what we feel is at least letting them know that the people who buy their products are thinking where they will use their purchasing powers.

One could say, "well if you don't like their policies, just go elsewhere, you are free to do so". That is totally true, and sadly I am starting to hear more and more people who are doing exactly that. I love sailing DCL, and have not sailed another line. I want very much to go on this particular sailing. However, a year or so ago, I'd never have even thought all that much about other lines.

With this particular sailing, there is much emotion attached. So many of us were SO excited to book this many, many months ago. Then the big let down. With the back-and-forth information, it's become emotionally wearing for many. For others it's just not as big a deal.

For me personally sending an email made me at least feel like I was expressing my opinion to DCL. Now like Pinky, I'm not feeling optimistic that it did any good, or even that anyone even read it. But for my own satisfaction, at least I did something.
I'd like to respectfully disagree on some points (that is on the points brought up - NOT regarding the poster).

Any company we deal with should at least listen to it's consumers. Whether they listen is another matter, and for some companies it may well end up affecting those companies' bottom line. An attitude of it's "well it's XXX company" will only go so far. It may well work for quite awhile, but at some point it is going to affect them.

I will agree, there are things that are out of our control, as well as any company's. However, there are many issues and situations that are not based solely or largely on those situations, and in those cases, consumers should let companies know their feelings. They are there to sell, and we are there to buy.

If companies start thinking "we don't care who buys our product" will start having problems. Thinking that well, we are "XXXX" and someone will always buy our product is a problem. I am not just talking Disney here - this is a very broad statement as there are many companies who have dealt with that same issue and have suffered, and then have to scramble to get that "we care" feeling back.

As for the announcement coming in plenty of time for people to plan, that is only for some people. There are many who have to plan in advance and they will not be able to go on this trip. Okay, that is reality.

IF DCL is waiting because of port schedules or drydocks, then that is understandable. I personally (again MY opinion) feel that at this point those have to be set. My problem with DCL on this is the inconsistency of information. (and that is also for many other areas where the lack of consistency is starting to make people think twice) We get DCL reps that say "fall", we get DCL VP's saying "in a few weeks" and then we get other scenarios.

It would serve them far more if they would just come out officially and say "we are still exploring our options, and don't anticipate announcements until ....."

In the end, it doesn't matter what I think for DCL will announce (or not) when they announce. But letting them know as consumers what we feel is at least letting them know that the people who buy their products are thinking where they will use their purchasing powers.

One could say, "well if you don't like their policies, just go elsewhere, you are free to do so". That is totally true, and sadly I am starting to hear more and more people who are doing exactly that. I love sailing DCL, and have not sailed another line. I want very much to go on this particular sailing. However, a year or so ago, I'd never have even thought all that much about other lines.

With this particular sailing, there is much emotion attached. So many of us were SO excited to book this many, many months ago. Then the big let down. With the back-and-forth information, it's become emotionally wearing for many. For others it's just not as big a deal.

For me personally sending an email made me at least feel like I was expressing my opinion to DCL. Now like Pinky, I'm not feeling optimistic that it did any good, or even that anyone even read it. But for my own satisfaction, at least I did something.
I can respectfully disagree with most of your points also. No one has said that DCL does not listen to its customers. I don't know where that came from. :confused3

I got the impression from the wording of your email to Karl Holtz that you were more or less accusing DCL of deliberately withholding the WBTA information from you and others and prompting them to just go ahead and tell you, so you thought "nudging" by email might hasten the process. DCL would have no reason to do that. It is to THEIR benefit to release the information as soon as it is FINALIZED, so that people CAN start booking.

I'm sure they ARE exploring their options, but don't want to keep throwing out random projected dates for an announcement because if they didn't meet those deadlines people would get even angrier. They may lose a few people who for some reason have to plan when and where they will be FURTHER than a year ahead, but several DCL reps have told me that the majority of their guests book inside of a year. I think they were not counting "dummy dates" but those cruises that are sailed as initially booked.

You mention "inconsistency of information," but wasn't that mostly hearsay? Unless DCL issues an OFFICIAL press release or posts it on their website, it's nothing more than rumor. Remarks made by crew members, no matter their position, are only that. They work for DCL. They don't run the company. Comments can also be misinterpreted and misconstrued by the time they reach a message board. This is what can cause emotions to run rampant. You say, "So many of us were SO excited to book this many, many months ago," but the cruise did not yet exist. People get overly excited about a cruise that has not yet even been announced, then they get frustrated and angry with DCL. I'm sorry for those who think DCL takes pleasure in causing anxiety for them but I'm sure that is not their intention because, as you said, that would be bad for business. They will make their announcement as soon as is possible for THEM, be it next week or Sept./Oct. :)
I won't go further, as I don't feel this meet thread is here for people to argue. I believe what I believe, as well as others have their own opinions which may or may not align with mine, and for me it's more about policies and actions of DCL.

I'm here to enjoy myself even if I am frustrated with DCL.

Love reading or posting when there is something for me to say - so, i hope that they do announce the cruise.

I am still thinking about taking it and this time having the opportunity to finish it too. Had to get off in Madeira when my mother passed away, and from everything I have read and heard from dear friends, the rest of the cruise was wonderful.
Below is the reply I received in regards to my email to Karl Holz. It would seem the VP who said, "in a few weeks" is incorrect, as this email states, "later this year". While both "in a few weeks" and "later this year" are rather vague, I read "later this year" as much further than a "few weeks". So, fellow WBTA hopefuls, any announcement of whether we do or do not get a WBTA is going to be quite awhile away:

Thank you for your recent email to Karl. He has asked that I respond
and I appreciate this opportunity.

As you might imagine, itinerary planning and the release of sail dates
are some of the most strategic decisions we make and we look forward to
sharing our plans later this year.

We certainly recognize our guests are naturally curious about the
potential of a transatlantic voyage, but have nothing specific to share
at this time.

We look forward to announcing our plans when the time is right for us to
do so and truly hope that you?ll have the opportunity to sail with us
again in the future.
Well, I must let all of you know that my wife and I will not be going on this cruise. We just can't wait any longer. After reading the response Holly got from DCL, it appears as if it will be a while yet before any announcement will be made. We would have loved to go, just guess it ain't in the cards for us. We have a couple of other cruises we want to take in place of this one. We hope everyone who is planning on going has a great time. Happy sailing!!!
I don't see there is anything to read into that email. It is just a generic bog standard response, quite clearly saying though that they aren't prepared to be forced into giving up any information before they are ready.

Passing comments from crew members of any rank should be viewed as just that - passing comments and not relied on as concrete promises.

We will just keep waiting for the release of the 2nd half of 2013 itineraries and see what it brings. We booked the WBTA 2011 only 3 months out, so anything around a year away is fine with us. Any longer and we wouldn't know how to stem the excitement!!
Haven't been on here in a very long time...just checking in to say "hi" :wave2: to everyone.
Patiently, patiently waiting for the announcement. Maybe we just need some more pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust: to get it going. :thumbsup2
We will just keep waiting for the release of the 2nd half of 2013 itineraries and see what it brings. We booked the WBTA 2011 only 3 months out, so anything around a year away is fine with us. Any longer and we wouldn't know how to stem the excitement!!

The two of us probably have the advantage of being able to take vacation on short notice (and having more vacation days than many others - I have no idea when to take them all this year, with Christmas being on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday I have about 12 days that I just don't know what to take them for). Taking days off for me just means asking my colleague if she has any plans for those days and telling my boss that I will be gone :rotfl:
It's prefered that I take time off during semester break but as I am just the secretary and there is two of us... well, I wasn't here last week and maybe I was missed but it really wasn't a problem. That certainly gives us a chance to wait oh so patiently for an announcement.

Oh the other hand, DH is breathing down my neck.
He understands that I would really, really like to do the TA on the Magic. For him, however, it's that he wants to do a TA on any cruise line, as long as there are ports in the Caribbean (e.g. Celebrity Eclipse). He worries that if we wait too long, we might not be able to score a nice cabin for a good price if the itinerary that Disney choses doesn't appeal to him/us.

Oh well. We will wait patiently :) and all will be well.
The two of us probably have the advantage of being able to take vacation on short notice (and having more vacation days than many others - I have no idea when to take them all this year, with Christmas being on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday I have about 12 days that I just don't know what to take them for). Taking days off for me just means asking my colleague if she has any plans for those days and telling my boss that I will be gone :rotfl:
It's prefered that I take time off during semester break but as I am just the secretary and there is two of us... well, I wasn't here last week and maybe I was missed but it really wasn't a problem. That certainly gives us a chance to wait oh so patiently for an announcement.

Oh the other hand, DH is breathing down my neck.
He understands that I would really, really like to do the TA on the Magic. For him, however, it's that he wants to do a TA on any cruise line, as long as there are ports in the Caribbean (e.g. Celebrity Eclipse). He worries that if we wait too long, we might not be able to score a nice cabin for a good price if the itinerary that Disney choses doesn't appeal to him/us.

Oh well. We will wait patiently :) and all will be well.

I feel your 'pain'. We both work for the government, so we have ample vacation time and sick time, which mostly works to really be like flex time for certain things. I have 30 days between the two. DH does as well. And you accrue time while you're using your time (ie the by week that you got paid using vacation time still accrues vacation time), so as long as our trips are spaced right, we are never without time to take.

DH's boss doesn't really care when he's there and not, but we work for different branches doing different things. Me? I still have to have two people say it's okay for me to go, but so far, that's not been an issue.

We are more tempted by other lines' itineraries at this point than anything else....
The two of us probably have the advantage of being able to take vacation on short notice (and having more vacation days than many others - I have no idea when to take them all this year, with Christmas being on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday I have about 12 days that I just don't know what to take them for). Taking days off for me just means asking my colleague if she has any plans for those days and telling my boss that I will be gone :rotfl:
It's prefered that I take time off during semester break but as I am just the secretary and there is two of us... well, I wasn't here last week and maybe I was missed but it really wasn't a problem. That certainly gives us a chance to wait oh so patiently for an announcement.

Oh the other hand, DH is breathing down my neck.
He understands that I would really, really like to do the TA on the Magic. For him, however, it's that he wants to do a TA on any cruise line, as long as there are ports in the Caribbean (e.g. Celebrity Eclipse). He worries that if we wait too long, we might not be able to score a nice cabin for a good price if the itinerary that Disney choses doesn't appeal to him/us.

Oh well. We will wait patiently :) and all will be well.

Hazel and I are lucky in the sense that we are self employed so could take as much holiday as we wanted, but that also the down side, because if we took anymore than 2 weeks at a time we may lose our clients! :sad2:

But the good thing is we can take it at whatever time of year we want to :yay:
I feel your 'pain'. We both work for the government, so we have ample vacation time and sick time, which mostly works to really be like flex time for certain things. I have 30 days between the two.

Horrible, isn't it?
I have 29 days of vacation and whatever I don't use up within the year I can take in the following year (used to be I had to take it within the next 9 months, was just changed to 12 months). It kind of forces you to take time off.
Plus I can take days off by collecting overtime, which is really convenient for things like doctor's appointments, bridging days or good weather.
Sick time is totally seperate from that and I don't even need to hand in a doctor's note if I miss less than three working days. They will pay me my full salary for up to six weeks if I am sick (with the same diagnosis that is - my colleague just managed to miss four whole months of work - November to March - by handing in doctor's notes for a bunch of different things... but that's a whole other story).

And I just read that pretty much all of Europe judges Germans as being the most hard working people (in Europe). No idea where they get that from :lmao:

@ JustAnnieNotHazel

I see. My dad was self employed, my aunt still is...
My father was lucky enough to have a secretary that could cover for him while he was gone. My aunt just came back from a three week hospital stay in which my mother (who works full time) covered for her - calling back clients who had left messages, making appointments in the evenings, doing some (basic) bookkeeping... fortunately it's a very specialized business, people can't just go elsewhere easily. But I know how difficult it can be to be gone for a longer period of time.
Horrible, isn't it?
I have 29 days of vacation and whatever I don't use up within the year I can take in the following year (used to be I had to take it within the next 9 months, was just changed to 12 months). It kind of forces you to take time off.
Plus I can take days off by collecting overtime, which is really convenient for things like doctor's appointments, bridging days or good weather.
Sick time is totally seperate from that and I don't even need to hand in a doctor's note if I miss less than three working days. They will pay me my full salary for up to six weeks if I am sick (with the same diagnosis that is - my colleague just managed to miss four whole months of work - November to March - by handing in doctor's notes for a bunch of different things... but that's a whole other story).

And I just read that pretty much all of Europe judges Germans as being the most hard working people (in Europe). No idea where they get that from :lmao:

@ JustAnnieNotHazel

I see. My dad was self employed, my aunt still is...
My father was lucky enough to have a secretary that could cover for him while he was gone. My aunt just came back from a three week hospital stay in which my mother (who works full time) covered for her - calling back clients who had left messages, making appointments in the evenings, doing some (basic) bookkeeping... fortunately it's a very specialized business, people can't just go elsewhere easily. But I know how difficult it can be to be gone for a longer period of time.

We look after children so the same problem really, the parents cannot just leave them elsewhere whilst we go away. We do make sure we have a 1 week and then 2 week break each year with days off to use uP the extra week.
This was posted on the forum today:

"My mom and DS are currently on the Magic. She emailed me a couple of hours ago and said additional itineraries will be coming out within 48 hours. I asked if she knew where and she said no, that was what she was told when she booked a future cruise yesterday. "


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