New DisneyParksBlog on MyMagic+ and FP+

My family (all adults!) are those lunatics taking it in turns to run off and grab fastpasses for everyone in our party lol, so the part about being able to pre-book them sounds like a fantastic idea to us!

It was a pain in the **** having to split up and of course, the rest of us couldn't queue for anything else while we waited for the 'runner' to get back anyway! It would be great for someone like me who likes to plan our days with military precision lol.

My main concern would be a limit to the number you can have in a day. We used the fastpass system all day long; every time our current window for a ride opened, we would grab fastpasses for something else and ride shorter queues in between to maximise how much we could fit in. (With limited time at the parks and coming all the way from the UK that's imperative!).
We also like to park hop so if there is also a one park per day limit that may also be problematic!

Another good thing about the bands though would not be having millions of pieces of paper flying around or the millions of different photocards we somehow ended up with! All photos on one wristband would also be a good thing for us!

With regards to losing the bands, there are pros and cons. I like the idea of combining things as much as possible and only having one thing to worry about (reducing the risk of losing things). On the flip side, if you do lose the band, you lose everything at once (room key, money, photos, fastpasses, park ticket) lol! Hmmm.... think i'm still undecided!
~Great post! I'm the runner of the family, it sux! :( :goodvibes

I would still think one could park hop effectively under the proposed FP+ program. There will still be that segment of people that do not want to get up early on vacation and do rope drop. You could make Rope Drop at one park and minimize your time in line and then hop over to another park where you have made your allotment of FP+ reservations. Personally, this would be my daily strategy when/if FP+ meant the eventual demise of the regular FPs. I would park hop MORE not less.
~It's been a few years since I've used park hoppers. When FP+ is finally implemented, I'm going to look into purchasing them again! I think I would park hop more with FP+. :goodvibes

I think everyone is really getting caught up in the "3 fastpass thing" which has not been officially announced by Disney.

I can totally see Disney offering more FP per person depending on the time of year. Christmas week? You only get 3 pp. A Tuesday in February? You get 5 pp.

Disney has ALWAYS catered to those with more money who invest in the property. Celebrities, Golden Oak Ranch Owners, Rich people who can afford tours, and every perk has always been slanted towards who has more money and/or more knowledge and just plain luck.

I think people just hate change. Those of us who find ways to squeeze as much out of disney as we can will learn to work this system to our advantage, just like old systems.

As the population grows, and with the expansion of credit in the last 30 years, I'd say a Disney vacation is more possible for most families and parks that used to comfortably hold a high of 30,000 people now regularly hold 40,000 and Disney is going to keep trying to find ways to better satisfy MORE of those people per day so that they continue to spend money while theyre there AND they continue to come back.

If it completely sucks, Its much easier to fine tune an electronic system, than it is to fix an entire park (California Adventure for example) so let Disney try to make the experience better, and possibly fail, only to give us something even better. I'm excited to invest in a really cute wristband with my name on it, and possibly some AP details that reg guests won't get. When we go, we rarely commando the day, so if I cant plan to do Space Mtn next Tuesday, maybe I'll get to it next month. Thats not any different than how we do Disney now...

Im excited...
~Excellent post! I totally agree! I don't think the amount of FP's available will be set in stone. I read that it may vary based on a variety of factors -- three might be the lowest amount of FP's an individual is guaranteed on the highest peak attendance days. But, if the number turns out to be three, I'll deal with it! :goodvibes

I agree.

I'm excited too! :thumbsup2
:thumbsup2 :cool1: :goodvibes

The thing is, if you don't like it, don't use it. :confused3

So really the choice is up to the guest.
:thumbsup2 :goodvibes
You can think what you want, but my history on here tends to be pretty caring, kind, open to people's opinions, etc. I was actually including all of us on here with my comment - don't we all think people are "sound" when we agree with them? Its okay with me if you think it was immature and rude, but rude was not what I meant. I'm not sure who you are referring to when you say my buddys though :confused3. And I wasn't being negative when I wrote it, but again, I can't change what you think or believe. One more thing - I don't tend to lie. If I say I'm not being snarky, I'm not. Take it for what its worth. Oh yeah, one more thing - I was actually enjoying reading your opinions all along and I wasn't being negative when I was reading them either.
~Hi skater! No, I don't think people are "sound" just because I happen to agree with them. I am only responding to what was "written," not the "poster." It's not in my nature to take pleasure in judging & disrespecting someone and/or their opinion, it doesn't matter if it is an opposing viewpoint. I can disagree with a post/poster and still respect the post/poster. Again, I can't speak -- as to whether someone is "sound" -- especially on the internet. I am only referencing the post *not* the poster.

~With that said, I am very familiar with your history here and I like you as a poster. I totally agree that you are kind, caring and respectful of others opinions! You also have a great sense of humor! You and I had it out once in the bus thread, a few years ago. We didn't agree on a few things, but our exchange was friendly and so fun and there was a mutual level of respect. Which is why I don't understand how you can come up with this?!? Anyway, I really appreciate your post and you taking the time to further clarify things. I'm so sorry I misjudged the intent of your post.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :goodvibes
I am very new to this site and we are planning a trip but i have been trying to read as much as possible but it way to much info to read all at once.
I am reading about this my magic+ how do you get one of those bands and how much is it to get one of those bands if someone has already asked this question sorry for the same question.
FastPass+ terms and conditions are listed in the new app " my Disney experience" which I downloaded yesterday.
The previous poster is correct. Unfortunately only 3FP+ per day & limited to 1 park per day.
The terms & conditions also stipulated that accessing the new FP+ , you will not be able to also access the existing FP.
Paper tickets will also be able to be upgraded to the new Magic-band RFID technology which stores details such as resort key, ADR'S, FP+ selections, dining plan, credit card details.

The bolded part is not technically correct. The magic bracelet will store a number that identifies you. All of the other stuff will exist on WDW's network. The Terms and Conditions in the 'My Disney Experience' application alludes to this when it states that the credit card information is 'associated' with the RFID device.

It should be noted that having all of that information saved to the band itself makes no sense since it is all already in WDW's system. All they need on the band is a number that identifies a guest in WDW's system.
I am very new to this site and we are planning a trip but i have been trying to read as much as possible but it way to much info to read all at once.
I am reading about this my magic+ how do you get one of those bands and how much is it to get one of those bands if someone has already asked this question sorry for the same question.
As I understand it, you will be given your bands when checking in at your on-site hotel or wherever you would normally pick up your tickets on-site. Also, as I understand it, the regular bands ar at no charge (or included in ticket price, if your prefer). The upgrade bands will likely be available at most any gift shop. The fact that they will be selling upgrade bands is also one reason that it is unlikely that a bunch of personal info will be saved to the bands, themselves, since upgrading a band would be as simple as changing the band's identifying number in your profile on WDW's network.
~I think you are being snarky & I don't appreciate the tone of your post, in spite of the emoticons. The posts I quoted above *are* sound & reasonable. Who are you to suggest, otherwise? I don't have to "agree" with a post to consider it sound -- that's a very immature and rude thing to say, but typical. I have every right to like and appreciate what I wan't on these boards without ridicule. It's funny how I don't care about what anyone else thinks -- people are entitled to their own opinion. I would appreciate it, going forward if you & your "buddy(s)" focus your negativity elsewhere! Thanks so much! :thumbsup2 :goodvibes

Personally, I am getting sick and tired of reading your typical responses like above. You feel everyone is always picking on you. Throw some of your pink pixie dust on yourself and get over it already.:headache:
Disingenuous is the word that comes to my mind as well. DH says that he feels like the best days at Disney are over. I say its a state of mind, but it will be more difficult to enjoy Disney in the same relaxed manner I've come to enjoy.

I agree with you wholeheartedly :(
Read it here,

Once you sign up for Fastpass+ you are limited to one park per day using the Fastpass+ system and will not be able to use the regular FastPass system at that park or any other park you hoop to. However It doesn't specifically says 3 passes per experience.

This is my only hope for this being a positive change. If they have a limit on the pre-scheduled FP's and allow you to book regular FP's through your device the day of, then this is a wonderful change. If you get only 3 FP+'s per day, in one park only, then this system is MUCH lamer than the system in place for onsite guests @ US. Even for the lame pay-for Express pass at US you get a pass for every ride that utilizes it, not just 3 and you get to walk up any time of day. The on-site guests get unlimited!

I always felt the FP system is/was one of the major non-ephemeral advantages of Disney over just about every theme park out there. It meant you always had a shot at riding your favorite ride, under most circumstances, with just a little planning and no extra expense. I used to hold it up as justification for a Disney centric vacation rather than staying at US or off-site and merely going to WDW for a couple days.

I don't see how this is going to be an improvement of the current system especially wait times. I think the FP time enforcement made a positive change, I noticed TSM FP's were available later in the day on my last trip, but how does limiting FP's help? Your average guest has enough trouble dealing with sticking a card in a slot and returning at the time printed on it. How are they going to navigate this?

Doesn't making it 1 park a day discourage hopping? Was the WPFM and Hopper package a sign they are giving up on hopper ticket income? Personally if I am limited to FP's in 1 park per day I will be much more likely to head to a non-Disney attraction part of the day. A morning at SeaWorld knowing my FP's for TSM or SM and parade spot are secure sounds nice. Maybe a day at MK then an evening shopping at the awesome outlet mall in the evening as well. How does this help Disney profit?

And before anyone starts singing that old "you can opt-out" song, I know it is optional but one of the few details Disney has been clear on is that this IS the future of FP. Some day soon FP+ will be plain old FP.
~Hi skater! No, I don't think people are "sound" just because I happen to agree with them. I am only responding to what was "written," not the "poster." It's not in my nature to take pleasure in judging & disrespecting someone and/or their opinion, it doesn't matter if it is an opposing viewpoint. I can disagree with a post/poster and still respect the post/poster. Again, I can't speak -- as to whether someone is "sound" -- especially on the internet. I am only referencing the post *not* the poster.

~With that said, I am very familiar with your history here and I like you as a poster. I totally agree that you are kind, caring and respectful of others opinions! You also have a great sense of humor! You and I had it out once in the bus thread, a few years ago. We didn't agree on a few things, but our exchange was friendly and so fun and there was a mutual level of respect. Which is why I don't understand how you can come up with this?!? Anyway, I really appreciate your post and you taking the time to further clarify things. I'm so sorry I misjudged the intent of your post.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :goodvibes

Its all good! I do want to address your question about how I can come up with this? It really wasn't a slam against you. Its basic human nature to think the arguments we agree with are the most sound and the most logical. It doesn't mean I thought you were bad or anything. I"m sorry if that's not what you were doing - maybe I was projecting myself into that a little :rotfl:. I always think the people who believe what I believe are the smartest and most logical :goodvibes. Especially when it comes to politics and religion :lmao:.

Anyway, I respect your opinion and everybody else's on these and even more controversial threads. I like to discuss things - but honestly I'm so thankful to even be going back to Disney next month, that I'll deal with whatever they throw at me! I really don't think I will like the new system at all, but I will be just as thrilled as ever walking into Magic Kingdom. In fact, I may just be the crazy woman kissing the ground on Main Street :).
Personally, I am getting sick and tired of reading your typical responses like above. You feel everyone is always picking on you. Throw some of your pink pixie dust on yourself and get over it already. :headache:
~Personally, who are you?!? Nevermind, I really don't care. This is probably one of the strangest and creepiest post's I have ever encountered on these boards.

~Anyway, here's a newsflash, you don't have to read my posts!!! If you don't like my posts, don't read them!!! I don't read yours! Don't waste another dendrite on attempting to process anything I write! Also, you don't know a darn thing about me.

~In no way, do I feel "everyone" is picking on me. I go don't around stalking posters and jumping in the middle of things that don't concern me -- then run and cry to the mods!!! I get along with the majority of the posters on this board & 99% of the time I'm having fun.

~I don't give a flip what you or anyone else thinks. Since you are "sick & tired" there is an ignore button, I suggest you use it because later on -- I'm going to make sure to post in just about every thread on this board, and I don't want to make you any "sicker" than what you already are!!! LOL.
Doesn't making it 1 park a day discourage hopping?
I don't think so. After all, right now you can't schedule any FPs in advance and plenty of people still park hop. In fact, the one-park in advance FP+ rule and the fact that current FPs are apparently on the way out and there must be a FP option for at-the-gate ticket buyers and spur-of-the-moment passholders makes me believe that there must be a plan for same-day FP+ reservations.
Its all good! I do want to address your question about how I can come up with this? It really wasn't a slam against you. Its basic human nature to think the arguments we agree with are the most sound and the most logical. It doesn't mean I thought you were bad or anything. I"m sorry if that's not what you were doing - maybe I was projecting myself into that a little :rotfl:. I always think the people who believe what I believe are the smartest and most logical :goodvibes. Especially when it comes to politics and religion :lmao:.

Anyway, I respect your opinion and everybody else's on these and even more controversial threads. I like to discuss things - but honestly I'm so thankful to even be going back to Disney next month, that I'll deal with whatever they throw at me! I really don't think I will like the new system at all, but I will be just as thrilled as ever walking into Magic Kingdom. In fact, I may just be the crazy woman kissing the ground on Main Street
~Ugh... I don't like your comments in red. I have to re-read them later and try to understand where you are coming from. I'm not saying your wrong at all, I might come back to revisit this later. I just don't have time right now and I don't want to derail the thread any further. Maybe we'll have to agree to disagree, lol. :rotfl:

~Anyway, I hope you have the most fabulous trip ever -- you're a lot of fun to chat with!
~Ugh... I don't like your comments in red. I have to re-read them later and try to understand where you are coming from. I'm not saying your wrong at all, I might come back to revisit this later. I just don't have time right now and I don't want to derail the thread any further. Maybe we'll have to agree to disagree, lol. :rotfl:

~Anyway, I hope you have the most fabulous trip ever -- you're a lot of fun to chat with!

I'm really good at agreeing to disagree. Thanks for the good wishes!
I don't think so. After all, right now you can't schedule any FPs in advance and plenty of people still park hop.

Yes but they hop with the knowledge that except in in a few cases(TSM, Soarin', etc,) they will be able to get fastpasses. Say I am at MK and have used my 3 FP+'s and want to leave because wait times are getting high and I can't get anymore FP's. I look at my wait times app and see that wait times at other parks have gotten pretty high, I'm not going to hop if I can't get FP's. I just go and do something else in Orlando, there is certainly no lack of options. Due to the FP+ limit Disney has now lost a chance at any dollar I spend the rest of the day. I would also be less likely to buy hoppers, again loss of income.

In fact, the one-park in advance FP+ rule and the fact that current FPs are apparently on the way out and there must be a FP option for at-the-gate ticket buyers and spur-of-the-moment passholders makes me believe that there must be a plan for same-day FP+ reservations.

That's my hope. If the 3 FP+ limit is for ADVANCE scheduling only then this is a definite improvement. It allows for uber-planners to have more control and still lets the non-planners take things as they come. It also leaves me with potential incentive to hop to another park. Say I am at AK and have used my 3 FP+'s. I see on my wait time app lines are long at Epcot, but wait! I see I can get a FP for TT @x:xx pm. Great! That's worth a trip over instead of looking for something to do without a long line.

If the system goes forward as proposed in the discussions here I don't think I would take advantage of it. I just don't think the option of scheduling a parade view or TSM FP is worth it to limit my options the entire trip. Once this is THE FP system I really think I would look at it as a negative when planning future trips. I just can't believe that Disney thinks we would see advance planning as a fair exchange for such a draconian limitation of FP's. I might be more inclined to look favorably if you could choose FP+ day to day. Say use it for 1 MK day for a parade spot, or 1 DHS day for TSM, but no way the entire trip. It's just not worth it.
Anyone think maybe this will decrease morning lines even more? Hear me out :) There's a certain group who will never get up in the morning. Even if the only TSMM fp+ time is for 9:30, they'll book it and not make it (I know people like this). Those people are stable. But now people who book afternoon fp+ might assume they can just sleep in when they couldn't before. Meaning even less people in the park early, meaning I can get a lot done. Just I thought that's been circling my brain
Anyone think maybe this will decrease morning lines even more? Hear me out :) There's a certain group who will never get up in the morning. Even if the only TSMM fp+ time is for 9:30, they'll book it and not make it (I know people like this). Those people are stable. But now people who book afternoon fp+ might assume they can just sleep in when they couldn't before. Meaning even less people in the park early, meaning I can get a lot done. Just I thought that's been circling my brain

One can hope!
Anyone think maybe this will decrease morning lines even more? Hear me out :) There's a certain group who will never get up in the morning. Even if the only TSMM fp+ time is for 9:30, they'll book it and not make it (I know people like this). Those people are stable. But now people who book afternoon fp+ might assume they can just sleep in when they couldn't before. Meaning even less people in the park early, meaning I can get a lot done. Just I thought that's been circling my brain

Does sound like a great opportunity. But will people be willing to give up one of their 3 so easily? There has been two school of thoughts on the missed fastpass +. 1. If you miss it, you lose it. 2. If you miss it, you can can reschedule for something else available later even if it is after your time. I would think if it was #2, more people would skip FP appointments.
Anyone think maybe this will decrease morning lines even more? Hear me out :) There's a certain group who will never get up in the morning. Even if the only TSMM fp+ time is for 9:30, they'll book it and not make it (I know people like this). Those people are stable. But now people who book afternoon fp+ might assume they can just sleep in when they couldn't before. Meaning even less people in the park early, meaning I can get a lot done. Just I thought that's been circling my brain

That's what I'm hoping for. Early morning standby line and then book FP+ for afternoon/evening.


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