My wedding is just an excuse to have a Disneymoon-Aug '13 PTR (NEW!! 9/14)

7. Wedding Updates
And now it's time for some wedding updates! I've only been engaged for a little over 3 months but the wedding industry expects you to have a lot done already.

When I was looking for venues, 11 months out, I found that almost all the venues in Toronto had been booked up for my date 14 months out. Why do people book so early??? It's because of these people that everyone else also has to book early if they want to get a place they like.

Fortunately, we were able to find a country club that met all of our criteria. It's actually a club Andrew's family used be members of! So it was really lucky for us that he remembered it. So we have our venue booked at the Richmond Hill country club. I'll put up some pictures in another post.

I've started dress shopping, only cause I was itching to try on wedding dresses. My thoughts? I don't want a wedding dress. The wedding dress industry expects me to shell out hundreds of dollars and look down on me when I tell them my budget. I mean, I'm only going to wear this dress for about 7 hours! I'd rather spend hundreds on something I'll wear again and again.

According to Chinese tradition, I'm supposed to have about 4-5 wardrobe changes DURING DINNER. I've cut that down to just 2. I'm really excited about getting my custom "chipao", a traditional red Chinese dress. My mom said I had to wait to get married before I could have one.

Just this weekend, we started our gift registry. We are telling everyone we'd MUCH RATHER they contribute money instead of a gift because we'll be moving to China right after we get married so money would be most helpful. BUT, we understand we'll have guests that are uncomfortable with that so we created a registry just for them. There are actually cash registries online where people can contribute to specific experiences. I've listed my Disneymoon as one of them.

This is one thing no one ever tells you. Registering for gifts is STRESSFUL. Especially when you have a fiance that really could care less and a mother that cares TOO much. We DID impress our consultant though, when the BOTH of us whipped out a notebook to take down notes about our registry. She said she's never ever seen the groom whip anything out, let alone write anything down. Hooray for more involved Andrew!

I think that's the one thing I've stressed over and over in the wedding planning. This is OUR wedding, not just MY wedding. I'm really tired of the society that expects the bride to do all the work and BE OK WITH IT. I'm not ok with taking on this enormous task by myself. I'm not the only one getting wedding-ed. Also, when we were registering, she insisted that she take down the bride's information as the contact person. It's on the form and everything! I said I thought that was kind of sexist and that I would like Andrew's name. I mean, what if there ARE no brides? What if it were two men registering? Ok, I'll get off my horse....

More updates to come!

Thanks for posting the proposal pictures. Andrew did such a great job surprising you.

Yes, planning a wedding is very stressful. I remember thinking that if I had any idea how difficult it was, I would've seriously considered eloping. You'll make it through though. :goodvibes
Thanks for posting the proposal pictures. Andrew did such a great job surprising you.

Yes, planning a wedding is very stressful. I remember thinking that if I had any idea how difficult it was, I would've seriously considered eloping. You'll make it through though. :goodvibes

Thanks Glenn, and YES eloping is looking very attractive to me right now. Especially those 20-people Escape weddings at DisneyWorld....
Side PTR-Freedom pt.1

Right now, I'm working on pricing out my Disneymoon so I can give my family friends' an estime of how much this 12 day trip will cost. Still trying to figure out which activities and meals we should have as a group and which we should do separately...

Meanwhile, my family and I have booked a cruise! We depart on Apr 28 for 7nights on the beautiful Freedom of the Seas.

I'm so excited! The Freedom class ships are what I have dreamed of cruising on ever since I learned about cruising. This time I will be going with my family, my grandpa, and Andrew. I'm also trying to get my friends to come along because I found a great group deal that includes onboard credit!

We will be going on a Western Caribbean cruise, stopping in Jamaica, Mexico, Haiti, and Grand Caymans. The last time my family took a vacation together was....2007 when we went to Las Vegas, so this trip is LONG over due.

:woohoo: So happy you get to do a cruise again! And the Freedom of the seas looks really nice! I am very happy for you, Yuki! :thumbsup2
:woohoo: So happy you get to do a cruise again! And the Freedom of the seas looks really nice! I am very happy for you, Yuki! :thumbsup2

I'm so excited to go cruising again! I sent you some emails, have you been able to recieve them?
I'm so excited to go cruising again! I sent you some emails, have you been able to recieve them?

Whoops, sorry, yes I did! But I didn't have time to answer right away and forgot about it. Can I blame it on old age? Going back to answer right now! :thumbsup2
8. It's all about the theming

I don't know why I keep thinking I already posted about this...Probably because I feel like I've told everybody else!

This was pretty hard for us to do actually. The colours were easy. Dark green and black. Gender-neutral colours and also my favourites. Trying to pick a cohesive theme wasn't easy. There isn't any 1 thing that we love or are interested in. We're pretty much all over the place. Well-rounded geeks?

I knew I wanted some Disney in there but it couldn't take over the wedding cause Disney is not really Andrew's thing. I racked my brain to finally come up with a compromise, Hidden Mickeys! Andrew really loved looking for them on our trip and they're a great way to carry out the black in our colour. We didn't want the black to take over because it's bad luck or something....But we're still planning on black tablecloth.

We ran through our interests and was finally able to find something that can incorporate a huge chunk of it. A TV-theme. We love watching TV shows and really like the idea of naming each table after a show we love, instead of a number. We're also going to make the placecards look like tiny TVs! The head table is going to be the Game of Thrones table. My mother has agreed to embroider the sigil of the Targaryan house for us to drape over our table.

So that's our main theme. I'm really excited to work with it~! I have a lot of DIY to do but I love crafting. As an added bonus to show our love for board games, we're going to have a board game room for the guests that aren't into dancing. Too bad we'll be too busy hosting our wedding to enjoy it, haha.

It sounds like trip plans and wedding plan are coming together quite nicely!

When DH and I got married, my mom and I planned the wedding in about a weeks time. Super simple, laid back ceremony and BBQ at a local park. I think we spent maybe $1500 total on the wedding (between renting the pavilion at the park, food, decorations, my bouquet, and wedding clothes...I didn't want to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on a wedding dress, so I just bought a funky, summer sun dress off the rack). Simple weddings can be really beautiful and fun too. Just keep that in mind. :)
It sounds like trip plans and wedding plan are coming together quite nicely!

When DH and I got married, my mom and I planned the wedding in about a weeks time. Super simple, laid back ceremony and BBQ at a local park. I think we spent maybe $1500 total on the wedding (between renting the pavilion at the park, food, decorations, my bouquet, and wedding clothes...I didn't want to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on a wedding dress, so I just bought a funky, summer sun dress off the rack). Simple weddings can be really beautiful and fun too. Just keep that in mind. :)

Wow, that sounds like a really nice wedding! If it were up to me, I'd have something simple like that too. Unfortunately, that's not what my family wants....

I keep telling myself, I can have what I want when I renew my vows...but this wedding is for everyone else and not just us.
9. I'm going to Disneyland!

Hong Kong Disneyland that is. Next week, I'll be leaving for a 2.5 week trip to Taiwan and Hong Kong. Most of Andrew's family is in Taiwan and won't be able to come all the way to Canada for the wedding, so we're holding mini-receptions in Taiwan for them. Same goes for my family in Hong Kong. That's 3 engagement parties! His mom's side, his dad's side, and my dad's side.

The bulk of our trip will be in Taiwan because we rarely spend time with his family. He's the only one in his immediate family that lives in Canada permanently so he only sees his parents and sister about 1 or 2 times a year. We'll be spending Christmas and New Year's with them!

After that, we will be in Hong Kong for about 5 days, spending most of that time with my grandma and cousins I haven't seen in over 10 yrs.

So how did this Disneyland trip come about? Well initially, I had planned for us to go to Ocean Park, Hong Kong's main theme park before Disneyland showed up. I used to go there as a kid and love aquariums. It's also right on Hong Kong Island, which will make it easy for me to get there. Disneyland is located on a nearby island.

Being a Disneyphile, I couldn't resist looking up on HKDL, just for my future trips to Hong Kong, you know? I mean, I know I want to celebrate my birthday there next year. What's a little research going to do?

Well, the first thing I found out is the HKDL now has 2 new lands! Toy Story Land and Grizzly Gulch. This means there's now more to do at this park. Another tidbit I found out is that the place I rented is actually between Disneyland and Ocean Park. It would take me about an hr on the subway to get to both of those parks.

Sure, HKDL is about $20 more than Ocean Park but COME ON, it's Disneyland! I'll have other oppurtunities to go to Ocean Park...

So now we're going to Disneyland! :cool1: I'm so excited and can't wait to go. Another PTR?

YUKI!!!!! :hyper:Holy cow you're getting married. ME TOO! And of course you're doing a Disneymoon. We're like Disneymoon Bros? Can girls be Bros? :confused3 I'm not sure. However, I'm going to go back and read this in more detail. I just saw this and had to write a post. Woot! Congratulations to you and Andrew!

Also, my board game collection has grown significantly. Just bought my Fiance Netrunner for Christmas. I don't know if you've heard of it, but we went to GenCon in Indianapolis this past summer. It's like a Board Game and Tabletop game trade show. Basically heaven for nerds.:worship:
Ok now, I'm done being a spaz, and now I can write a post like a civilized human being. Can't wait to hear all about your trip to China and HKDL! I love to hear about different Disney Parks in far away lands. Lurkyloo's TR about Tokyo Disneyland is pretty awesome. Anywho...

You're engagement story is super cute! I loved that Andrew put on a suit. That is one classy dude! You're a lucky lady Yuki.

Also "Anime Beach Day" cracked me up. Did Andrew's nose spew blood like a geyser when you punched him. :rotfl2:

Now down to wedding shenanigans.

There are actually cash registries online where people can contribute to specific experiences. I've listed my Disneymoon as one of them.

Have you looked into a Disney Honeymoon Registry? My DF and I made one. We haven't received anything from it yet but we made one anyways. Basically you put down monetary amounts that people can make as a gift towards something for your trip. Then the money can either be sent to you and Andrew in the form of a check, or be wired directly to a bank account. We have things like our hotel room, spa services, dinners, tours, extra spending money which range from gifts of $200 to $25. We're hoping people are feeling generous. LOL. :rolleyes:

The head table is going to be the Game of Thrones table. My mother has agreed to embroider the sigil of the Targaryan house for us to drape over our table.

Oh man! This sound SWEET! Game of Thrones is AWESOME! ok enough with the capslock. Wow how cool of your mom to make that for you. I'm sure it's going to look great! You guys should get some kind of goblets to toast out of to make it even MORE Game of Thrones-y. (Jeez again with the caps :rolleyes2)

what if there ARE no brides? What if it were two men registering?

I know Right???:mad:
YUKI!!!!! :hyper:Holy cow you're getting married. ME TOO! And of course you're doing a Disneymoon. We're like Disneymoon Bros? Can girls be Bros? :confused3 I'm not sure. However, I'm going to go back and read this in more detail. I just saw this and had to write a post. Woot! Congratulations to you and Andrew!

Oh em gee, Kristin!!! It's good to see you! Haha, girls can be bros! How's the wedding planning coming along? So you're not having the wedding at Disney anymore?

Also, my board game collection has grown significantly. Just bought my Fiance Netrunner for Christmas. I don't know if you've heard of it, but we went to GenCon in Indianapolis this past summer. It's like a Board Game and Tabletop game trade show. Basically heaven for nerds.:worship:

OH yes, our collection has grown too. I haven't heard of netrunner, but I'll check it out. Oh gosh, I wish I could've been at Gen Con. Cool Settlers stuff!

Ok now, I'm done being a spaz, and now I can write a post like a civilized human being. Can't wait to hear all about your trip to China and HKDL! I love to hear about different Disney Parks in far away lands. Lurkyloo's TR about Tokyo Disneyland is pretty awesome. Anywho...

Yeah, I've read her TR! There are not that many TRs on HKDL, cause it's still pretty new. I'm really looking forward to it.

You're engagement story is super cute! I loved that Andrew put on a suit. That is one classy dude! You're a lucky lady Yuki.

Thanks :blush:

Also "Anime Beach Day" cracked me up. Did Andrew's nose spew blood like a geyser when you punched him. :rotfl2:

Haha, that would have been really funny.

Have you looked into a Disney Honeymoon Registry? My DF and I made one. We haven't received anything from it yet but we made one anyways. Basically you put down monetary amounts that people can make as a gift towards something for your trip. Then the money can either be sent to you and Andrew in the form of a check, or be wired directly to a bank account. We have things like our hotel room, spa services, dinners, tours, extra spending money which range from gifts of $200 to $25. We're hoping people are feeling generous. LOL. :rolleyes:

Oooh, a registry just for Disneymoon's of course! Well, since we want a cash registry for everything else, we're keeping it all in one place. We're planning on paying for the flights with points and the rooms won't be that much anyways. I love Value Season.

Oh man! This sound SWEET! Game of Thrones is AWESOME! ok enough with the capslock. Wow how cool of your mom to make that for you. I'm sure it's going to look great! You guys should get some kind of goblets to toast out of to make it even MORE Game of Thrones-y. (Jeez again with the caps :rolleyes2)

Actually, we are now looking for dragon goblets to use instead of champagne flutes. Not that easy of a task though. Any tips?

Are you on Offbeat Bride? Cause I am! If you are, let me know your screen name. I recently reconnected with a roommate on OBB, it was pretty awesome. Again, it's so great to see you here! :hug:
Hello again Yuki. We're not having our wedding at Disney anymore. :sad2: Basically, it would have cost WAY too much, then adding travel expenses on top of that. I just wouldn't have been able to have the people I wanted there for what we could afford.

I am in FULL WEDDING MODE currently. We basically have majority of the planning done. I have my dress, my bridesmaids have their dresses, we have the venues, basically we just need flowers, tuxes, flower girl dresses, gifts for our wedding party.

I AM on OBB, I haven't posted anything, but now that I know someone on there I want to share ALL THE THINGS. I'll send you a PM with my name.
10. Mini PTR for HKDL
I am banging my head against the desk right now because I didn't copy the post I just wrote and the DIS signed me out so I lost everything...:headache: lesson learned. Again.

I'm leaving for Taiwan tomorrow! I thought I could do a quick post about what I want to do before I head out.

Because HKDL is so new, there is very little information out there besides their website and some threads on the HKDL sub-board here. Because of this, many people still believe it's a tiny park with nothing to do. If I didn't look into it, I wouldn't have known about their two new parks, Toy Story Land and Grizzly Gulch (trying saying that 10 times fast).

My family keeps telling me I'll regret going. They just don't know me at all. :sad2: They think Disney is an amusement park so they see the lack of rides as disappointing. Disney is a theme park and I'm going to enjoy it as such!

When I heard about the new lands, I got a little worried that I won't be able to do everything I want in 1 day. Especially when it opens from 10am to 8pm. Then I remembered that I'm planning on buying HKDL's version of an AP when I move to China because I'll be visiting HK often.

Their AP is a 4-tiered program that range from the least espensive option that lets you into the parks most weekdays and only 3 designated weekends to the most expensive option that acts like a regular AP here. Depending on which card you get, your benefits also differ. The Red Card (least expensive) gives you a 5% discount on food while the Platinum (most expensive) gives you a 20% discount. Not only are they tiered, they also have lower prices for students too.

What I'm looking forward to:
-Toy Story Land
-Grizzly Gulch
-the castle
-Jungle Cruise, and experiencing it in all 3 languages
-Stitch Encounter, their version fof Turtle Talk
-The Golden Mickeys, similar to the DCL show
-Duffy the Disney Bear stuff



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