MOMS TO TODDLERS (f/k/a the new mom's thread)

Hey everyone!

Well I got Owen's cold, and then it promptly morphed into a sinus infection. OTC's doing nothing, so I got a phone appt with my dr. and she prescribed meds to hopefully take care of this (DH is picking them up from the pharmacy by his work on his way home). In the meantime, I've gone through 3 boxes of kleenex and poor Owen has to spend another week indoors because now I'm sick. Kid can't get a break.

Michelle, I hope you get that break from crazy work stuff soon. Will sounds like he's doing great - love the "no work/no school" comment! Owen's still doing regular naps. There are days where the schedule gets messed up a bit and he only gets an hour or so, but that's more the exception rather than the rule. Everyone is happier when he naps well! ;)

Any fun summer plans for anyone?

We've signed Owen up for swim lessons again this summer - 2 days a week for 4 weeks, parent-tot class. That will go from mid-June to mid-July. My step-sister is getting married July 31, so we're headed back to MN for a week for the wedding and to see my family. The only people I won't see will be my sis, who is preg and due around July 1. They are (understandably) not up for travelling from D.C. to MN with a toddler and a newborn.
Hey Sara, so how far along are you now? feeling okay> how fun on registering and even better that you got a free gift card!!!

Bethany- sorry you are sick, is Owen well now though? the MN trip sounds fun. I love all the stories of Owen on FB- he has such a great imagination. i see only great things for him when gets older!!! :goodvibes sorry to hear about your friends losing their house, that is so terrible.

Work has finally slowed a little. i had a big project, this 16 page supplement we are doing for a magazine and it just was so much work. now that is done and still busy, but not like i was. i felt bad, i was working 8am-6pm, eating lunch at my desk and a few days i barely made it to day care by 6;30 when they close to get Will. I usualy pick him up by 5:30, so that was way late for me. I felt awful. He probably didn't care, he loves it at day care. ;) So glad to be back to a more regular schedule now and be able to take lunch.

nothing too exciting for us this summer- i am heading to vegas, staying at the wynn for work july 24-28. DH was going to come out, but we decided not to and save our money to finish paying off our DVC by end of the year. Disneyland in september and of course WDW in Dec. So no real 'summer' vacation for us. gotta save my vacation up for Dec since i just started accruing it in April.

we did get season passes to the local water park here that is really nice. Already went on memorial day and Will went down the big slides! We are continuing swim lessons once a week- on friday nights now. Just planning to spend weekends outside when it isn't too miserably hot and hitting indoor playgrounds and hanging out with friends and family. My parents sold their house and are moving into an apartment next week while their new house is being built. we went and saw the land and a similar house on the same block and it is going to be awesome- i can't wait. it will have a media room and all that. they are so excited and i am so happy for them.

well time to get some shut eye, an early day tomorrow for a meeting.

hope you all are staying well and enjoying a fabulous summer!!!!!
Bethany - I hope everyone is feeling better at your house!

Michelle - I'm 25 weeks now, and feeling sooo much more uncomfortable than last time. It must be such a relief to finish the big project at work! I had one of those last year and felt so bad "neglecting" Alex. I would get home from work @ 6, turn my laptop on and keep working til 10 or 11 and he would just be watching tv. I was even working on the weekends, and it was so exhausting! The water park sounds like lots of fun, can't believe Will is going down the "big" slides already!

DH painted the new baby's nursery last weekend, since we had a "cool spell" and the weather was only in the 90s. Now my sister is going to come over to do a stencil, can't wait until it's finished! Not much else going on right now. I'm leaving Sunday afternoon for a short trip to Portland for work, will be back Tuesday afternoon. It will be about 30 degrees cooler there, so that part should be nice at least!

I hope everyone else is doing well. Not much activity here anymore, especially since so many of the mom's have more kids now, and less time! At least we have FB!
Owen and DH are both healthy, but I'm still battling a sinus infection. Tomorrow is my last day of antibiotics, but I'm still going through a lot of tissues and getting sinus headaches from time to time. It's not as bad as pre-antibiotics, but I am a little concerned that I might need more meds, so I'm supposed to talk to my dr tomorrow with another phone appointment and see what she thinks.

Swim lessons are a disappointment this year. After the city announced it didn't have the money to open our neighborhood pool, a sports club said it would take over operations for the summer. At first it sounded great, although the swim lessons were a little more expensive and the schedule wasn't as great (only one parent-tot class time slot - 10:30am - so DH can't join us without taking off work). But still, it's a great pool, and so nice and shallow for the little ones to just walk right in and stand by themselves, so we signed up.

Well the class instructor just stands there! Owen at 2.5 is the oldest child in the class, but she wants us to get the kids to go hand-over-hand along the side of the pool, hold onto the side and blow bubbles while kicking, work on the correct arm motions, and hold onto a kickboard and practice bubbles, arms and kicking all together. :rolleyes: Really? On the first day? Seriously, she just told us all what to have the kids do, then stood there and watched us. All the little ones except for Owen were screaming, she didn't do any games, she didn't talk to the kids, nothing.

I talked with another mom who had also been in our class last year, and she said she's called the sports club to complain and ask that they provide some training or guidance for the teacher. We'd signed up for two sessions, but now I'm wondering if we should cancel the second series. On the one hand, we're not being taught anything. On the other, we've got the pool pretty much to ourselves for 30 minutes - seriously, it's just 6 kids and their parents in the entire pool. Plus we really want to show support for our neighborhood pool and make sure that the city gets the message that we want it open and we'll use it if it's open.

I guess it's just $32, so it might be worth it to just suck it up. Owen still loves playing in the water, and we practice the skills and games we learned last year.

DH is annoyed that his mom is very busy right now and can't spend time with Owen for a couple weeks. Poor man remembers when the oldest grandchild was born and Nonna was the main babysitter while his sister was back at work. He thinks Owen should be getting the same kind of attention, even though we don't have any kind of arrangement with Nonna for childcare. There's now 6 grandkids, she's got all kinds of volunteer work and her own friends and travels - I totally understand and think it's great - but DH wants her to be stopping in to ooh and aah over her grandson at least every couple weeks.

Anyway, that's the news from us (feel like I should say "that's all the news from Lake Woebegon..." :)). Happy summer all!
Hey ladies! How has everyone been doing this H-O-T summer? It's been pretty slow around here, so it seems like most of us are trying to enjoy it as much as we can.

I found out Thursday I passed the 3 hour glucose test, so I went home and made Ghiradelli dark chocolate brownies - yum!

Alex is getting really excited about his new little sister. He loves picking out toys and stuff for her at the store. He also puts his ear up to my stomach and says, "I can hear her dancing in there!" :dance3:

What has everyone else been up to?
Hey Sara! We are doing good, staying cool. it is HOT, even by Southeastern NC standards! Sam & Zoe are potty training this weekend..I am so ready to be done with pull ups. They are too freakin expensive! How are you feeling? Do you have names picked out?
Sara, that is so cute!! What a sweet comment from Alex. He's going to be a great big brother!

Meredith, I've been following your potty training adventure on facebook - good luck! Owen's interest comes and goes in potty training. Some days he's totally into it and loves going on the potty, and some days you'd think we're torturing him by even asking him to try. :rolleyes:

We've had a remarkably cool summer here, even though the rest of the country is baking. We've had a few days that touched the 90's but mostly it's been in the upper 70's and low 80's. Of course we're in the land of microclimates, so it's 5-10 degrees warmer about 10 miles south of us, and the same amount cooler just a little farther north. Still weird that I might need jeans in one part of town and shorts & a tank top just a short drive south!

Owen is very 2. His first reaction to most things is to say "No! I don't want to!" even if it's something we know he'll like. It always takes him a little while to come around and realize that he really does want what we're offering. When he really doesn't like something, he'll say "FINE! Then I'm going to GO A-WAY!" and he'll try to run off - often heading to hide in his closet. It's funny, but also challenging trying to help him transition when we need him to do something.
sarah---I can't believe that you are 30 weeks already! She will be here before you know it!

We just got back from our yearly vacation to Canada last night. Caleb had a blast playing with his cousins. He went on the boat but was not really good on the boat because the first boat outing during the day is during his naptime so he was cranky...the second boat outing was during the time when he is dead tired and ready for bed for the night. So Caleb and mommy stayed in most of the time! But he loved seeing the fishies.

He has recently been into choo-choos. His Papa (DH dad) has a huge train collection that is worth some money...but Papa lets the kids play with the not as nice when Caleb is over there...Papa has the trains out for him to play with. IT keeps him interested for hours. So I bought some thomas trains and my sil bought him a couple and those kept all the kids entertained for hours since his older cousins love to play with him!

HE though is now calling all females mama...including his aunt and female cousins! LOL! we called SIL "aunt mama" and cousins "cousin mama" LOL!

overall we had a good trip and are ready to be home but not ready to go back to work! LOL! today will be major laundry time!
Hey Sara! We are doing good, staying cool. it is HOT, even by Southeastern NC standards! Sam & Zoe are potty training this weekend..I am so ready to be done with pull ups. They are too freakin expensive! How are you feeling? Do you have names picked out?

I wish I hated waited to put DS in pull-ups since they are so expensive! Luckily he only wears them at night now, so it's not as bad.

As for names, I'm pretty sure we're going with Isabella Rose. Isabel was DH's mom's name, and she passed away 12 years ago this September. DH has always wanted to name a DD after her, but his brother used the name Isabel a few months ago, so now we are going with Isabella. :goodvibes

Owen's interest comes and goes in potty training. Some days he's totally into it and loves going on the potty, and some days you'd think we're torturing him by even asking him to try. :rolleyes:

Alex was the same way, until one day it just seemed to click and he didn't want to wear diapers any more. It's difficult to just let them have control over it, but it's really the only way potty training works.

HE though is now calling all females mama...including his aunt and female cousins! LOL! we called SIL "aunt mama" and cousins "cousin mama" LOL!

Alex went through a phase of calling all females "mama" too, sometime around 1.5 years, I think. Luckily it didn't last long b/c I like being the only "mama" to my kids!
Owen thinks it's funny that Mama and Daddy have different names that other people call us, so sometimes if he hears someone call me Bethany, he'll start calling me "Bethany", too. And when I was a nanny, little G. called me "Naynee" and DH "Baba", so now lots of our friends' kids call us that, and Owen will start calling us Naynee and Baba instead of Mama and Daddy. We always correct him - I earned the name Mama, and he'd better use it! ;)

My brother is fine with his kids calling him by his first name, but that just seems odd to me.
Hi guys-just poppping in- i keep up with most of you on FB now! Love seeing all the pics of everyone and hearing the latest news (and Owen's latest 'sayings')!

I've been super busy at work. Just got back from Vegas last night after being there since Saturday am, so didn't even have a weekend (here's hoping i get at least one comp day for that!). OUr big user conference was at the Wynn and I was a big part of it- over 1000 customers attended and all went well. I am beat though. between working all day long, organizing video and photo shoots, ensuring the classes were going well and doing the nighttime events, including an 80s party, i am wiped! way too old for this staying out late stuff. did play some craps and win a little. can't wait to get home today and just chill out, plus AF is visiting and i feel like total dog doo! :rotfl:that usually wipes me out too. gotta love it. now work won't be so crazy anymore, or i can hope, right?

Will is great and my DH did awesome with him by himself for 4 days. It is nice knowing i can leave him and not have a worry. I guess when/if we have two, that won't be as easy, and he might need 'help'. But Will is getting really big and tall still- nearing 40 inches. He turns 3 on 10/30. He is speaking better and better each day. His motor skills are fantastic. He is into the terrible twos and throwing tantrums and saying 'no'. and even trying to hit us when he gets frustrated. but overall he is pretty good. He also was very bad lately on 'running away' when Alan picked him up from day care last week, he ran out the door of the day care into the parking lot! doh! did that to me at chik fil a- he got through 2 doors and was almost about to step off the curb where the drive through comes right through when i caught him by his collar. scared me to death. stupid baseball team was blocking my way to get to him fast enough in the restaurant. he is quick. so we have had some lectures on NOT opening doors alone or running out. He could have been hit by a car, my heart nearly stopped when i couldn't get to him fast enough! scary to say the least and i felt like a horrible mom.

anyhow- that's it for us- just prepping for my girls only disneyland trip from sept 10-13th. and still excited for our dec 4-11 trip! still trying to figure out who is going with us. it was originally me, DH, Will and my MIL and her hubby. Well now they are divorcing. So he isn't coming, so now it is just the 4 of us in a 1bedroom. heck, we could fit in a studio for that, for half the points. but all the studios are booked now at BLT. so, anyhow, now DH says his brother might try and come and bring his two kids. more drama- apparently him and his wife are doing a trial separation, after almost 15 years of marriage and 2 kids (12 and 7). I had no clue anything was up, but apparently it is all her- she wants to just explore other options I guess. he is really upset about it (my BIL). anyhow- i don't mind them coming along- but it would mean 4 adults and 3 kids in a 1bed at BLT. it officially has the master, which could hold me, DH and Will. then the living room has a queen couch pull out (which could hold BIL and MIL), then there is a chair twin pull out (which could hold one of the kids). another kid would have to take the floor or do an air mattress or something. Question is- would BLt allow this or even know? DH, Will and I are getting APs, they would all get park hoppers for 8 days. we do plan to use evening EMH, but not AM. i guess we would not all have a 'key' officially if BLt only lets you have 6 people in the room (and would only give 6 keys). would any of you do this? I don't worry about the room, i think we can fit okay in there. any ideas? I thought about looking for a 2 bed tthere, but just not sure.

Sara- i can't believe you are like 30weeks now. sounds like the nursery is coming along too. are you feeling any better? too cute on Alex being so excited!!

Bethany- are you guys feeling better now? wow, swim sounds awful! we got to Emler swim school and they are awesome. he's been in it since 6 months and can swim underwater on his own a good ways, plus get out of the pool and hold onto the wall (good things for safety, if he falls in on accident). anyhow- we started in the water with him when he was a baby and we sang songs etc. Now the kids take turns (4 in his class), they sit on the edge of the pool and the instructor takes them one at a time. she still sings to them (like they sing while practicing floating on their back). they work on breath control, holding on the wall, jumping in etc. It is all very step by step. it all includes singing or games to keep their interest. they all then also get in a 'motorboat' which is like a water noodle with a tie at the end, so it makes a little circle- they go on the inside and hold on, like a float and practice kicking to move around and sing motorboat. so cute. I would definitely complain and ask for a course handbook or something, to prove they actually do have a plan and instruct the teachers- maybe it is just a bum teacher, or maybe the whole course/place is bum. i would definitely complain though! although $32 isn't bad. how many classes is it? We go once a week per session (summer right now) and it is very pricey- like $250 for summer.

Meredith- so glad the twins are doing well! i love all your updates on FB- they are so big now! do they fight a lot or play together well? HOw is it having two at once that age?

Kara- hi! so was Canada nice? too cute on the choo choos! Will is very into them right now too.

everyone else - Hi and miss ya! :wizard:
Michelle, I hope you get a good break after all that work! :scared1: on Will running scary!! Owen is mostly good with that, but he's had a few moments, too. I try to remember the monkey backpack/leash but sometimes I just don't think I'll need it and then boom - off he goes. Your swim class sounds awesome! Wow - wish we had something that great here. Maybe we do...I'll have to hunt around and see what I can find. The $32 was for 4 sessions, and they did get better after a while. We ended up keeping Owen registered for two sessions because he got an ear infection (from a cold, not swimming) that made him miss 2 classes from the first session, and then he did 3 of the 4 classes from the second session and missed the last class because he had a fever. Oy.

So sorry to hear about all the family drama - hope everything works out for your trip. We've never stayed DVC, so I can't help you there.

Today I bought a new dress for the first time since 2005 (not counting my maternity dresses...). :woohoo: Although, I gotta say that I really didn't like most of the styles I was finding in the stores - so many really ugly prints and colors and styles. I miss Petite Sophisticate; I always used to find cute clothes that fit me there. Finally found a good dress in Coldwater Creek and felt positively ancient shopping there - I was the youngest person in the store (except maybe one of the cashiers) and most of the other customers looked like they were in their 50's & 60's. Sigh. Plus the style of dress is different from what I've worn before, but it suits my post-baby shape a lot better. All of my pre-Owen dresses look strange and lumpy on me now, so I needed something more flattering for my step-sister's wedding this weekend.

oops...Owen is up and crabby. Must get the monster fed...
Bethany - Alex sometimes call us by our first names too, but we always tell him, "That's Mommy/Daddy to you!" He does it more with DH than he does with me. Though he went through a phase of calling me "Flaca" - spanish for skinny - DH's nick-name for me. Alex would leave off the "l" much of the time and it just didn't sound good him yelling "Faca!" at the store! :scared1:

Michelle - sounds like you've been really busy! Will is so tall! Alex was just about 39" at his 3 year appt back in Feb, not sure exactly how tall he is now. Will should be able to go on more of the rides at WDW when you go - I think 40" is the requirement on a few. :thumbsup2 Alex has been terrible with the running away thing too. We stopped taking him out for a while, about a month or so, and whenever he asked to go out we made sure to tell him he couldn't go because he ran away. He threw quite a few tantrums over that, but it's rarely an issue anymore. I don't know what the DVC rules are on # of ppl per room, but you might be able to get away with 7 ppl since 3 are kids. The kids wouldn't really need a room key anyway.
Okay, need to vent here and I don't dare put it on facebook...

So we're in MN visiting my family, and returning home tomorrow morning. We stayed with my brother & his family for the first couple days, then switched to my dad's place on Sunday evening. Well my brother's youngest son had a fever and sores in his mouth for a couple days before we got there, and then they were commenting on the sores appearing on his bottom and hands, and I said "have you looked up what those symptoms might mean?" since warning bells were going off in my head. And finally when the bumps appeared on the bottoms of his feet I just sat down and looked it up online myself, and sure enough, the kid has a classic case of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) which is REALLY contagious! :eek:

But they didn't care that they were exposing Owen to all this, and just took the attitude of "oh well, you're here now. He'll probably get it anyway" and let their DS keep kissing Owen and sucking on his binkies and drinking from his cup. Under normal circumstances, I probably would have just figured it's too late now, but since we'd just been there for about 30 hours and we still had a whole week in MN before we had to fly home, I felt like we needed to at least make an effort to keep Owen from getting this. Unfortunately, not only wasn't I able to persuade them of this, but they then proceeded to bring both boys over to Dad's place on Tuesday to spend the entire day with us, and then met us at the Children's Museum on Wednesday (they knew that was our plan). :headache: Now, I really did want to spend time with my brother, but everything we'd read on HFMD said that if Owen did get this, he could be starting to show symptoms before we went home, and I did NOT want to take a sick, crabby kid on a 4 hour flight home along with all the airport time. So I said I could come and spend time with them, but let's let DH and Owen go do stuff without us so that we're not getting him sick. But no...they just kept showing up!

And sure enough, Owen has started showing a few symptoms today, and he's getting increasingly crabby. Sooooo not looking forward to the 4 hour flight tomorrow. And then I have to keep him home and away from other kids for at least a week, but possibly longer.

Really, I love my brother, but this is too much. Just annoyed beyond belief. I cannot believe how inconsiderate they were. But of course they kept saying "well, we promised the boys that this is what we're going to do, and so we have to keep our word." But frankly, they just let their boys rule everything and I'm annoyed.
Bethany..I am so sorry that owen is getting sick! I would be upset too. I knowhow fast HFMD can spread and I feel for ya! Take care and hope Owen feels better soon.
bethany....sorry about owen! Sounds like he is getting it...hope it is mild for his and your and your dh sake!

And I know that I have one of the youngest dis babies on here of the ones of you that have had or are having a 2nd baby...but you people are starting to make me nervous with all of the dis babies just born or going to be born! LOL! i think baby fever is contagious! LOL! I am just getting the idea that i might be able to have another one...LOL!
Bethany - that really sucks! I think that is so inconsiderate of your brother. I hope Owen isn't getting sick, and if he is that it's a mild case.

Kara - I think you're right - it is contagious! :goodvibes


We finally got Alex in for his allergist appointment and it turns out he is definitely allergic to white fish. The unusual thing is that we have fed him fish since he was pretty young and he just had the first (and only so far!) reaction back in June. The doc said it's rare, but it happens. So we had to get some epipens ($144 for 2 WITH insurance! :scared1:) to keep around just in case he is exposed. Luckily DS has had no interest at all in eating fish since he had the allergic reaction, and it's only "fish with fins" - he can still eat shrimp, crab, and lobster - the expensive stuff!
Wow, glad Alex got the diagnosis so now you know what to avoid. That can be scary when they have an allergic reaction.

I love all the new babies here, but I'm more convinced than ever that it's best for us to stick with just one. I'm too crabby to deal with two! :lmao:

I ended up calling our HMO advice line and the nurse said there's not enough symptoms to go on to diagnose Owen with HFMD, but if he does have it, it sounds like it's a very mild case. The few spots he had on his bum and in his mouth have mostly cleared up, and there's no new spots showing up. Thank goodness!

Of course, he's still probably carrying around the virus to spread to other kids, so I talked to the nurse about it to get her feedback on whether or not it was safe for us to take him out. I don't want to be exposing other kids the way my brother did.:rolleyes: The nurse said that he's going to be carrying around a little of the virus for a MONTH :eek:, and given that he only had a mild case, she said to just live a normal life, but make sure that we're washing hands a lot and there's no sharing of ANYTHING that has come in contact with Owen's mouth (or diaper, but that's less likely!). She also said that HFMD is pretty common in preschoolers and they get a lot of cases at the HMO, but for the most part it's just a mild illness like a cold and not a big deal except the kids get so crabby because of the mouth sores.

So we're keeping a moderately low profile - I'll still take him to the park and out for walks in the stroller, but we won't host playgroup this month and I think I'll avoid the Children's Museum for at least the next couple weeks. And I've let our friends know he was exposed so they can decide if they still want to get together for play dates/babysitting/etc.

Ugh. But it could have been worse - at least it's a mild case and he's mostly over it.

Now to get him back on the Pacific time zone instead of Central! OY! No more waking up at 4:30am!!! :scared1:
ouch, so sorry Bethany- i would have been mad too. i mean, geez, you were trying to keep your kid healthy, what's so hard to understand about that? I am glad he is already getting better and his case was mild. I do hear how common it is (and contagious), we've lucked out that Will never has had it. (knocks on wood).

Sara, so glad you got Alex diagnosed and so sorry the epi pens were pricey- i had no idea that they were that expensive! Hope you are feeling okay- so 33 weeks now? won't be long now!

I am feeling the urge with all of these new babies! how would you guys say it is with 2 vs 1? Have you found it a lot more difficult to manage? I will start actively trying probably in January after our Dec trip. I am nervous about it all and doing the whole infertility stuff again possibly- heck we haven't used protection in the last 3 years, since before Will and no whoops, so i think we are in for a long ride again. I also worry about being an 'older' mom. not that i am super old, i'll be 37 next month, but still. working full-time with an active toddler and new baby sounds very daunting! heck, i wear out easy these days! i worry about keeping up with them. I also struggle with the weight. i've put on 15 pounds or so since our December trip. We really splurged. i have struggled to get it off these last few months and don't want to end up getting out of control with my weight too with another pregnancy (also have this fear because my mom and sister have ended up overweight/obese after kids). so i am scared of that too. but in the end, i want Will to have a sibling and want to have another child! We will see.

Vegas was good, but tiring! you can see pics from our 80s party on FB. nothing new with Will- still swimming and being a wild toddler. He is very sweet though and just started being more clingy this week- saying 'MY mommy' instead of just mama, and wanting me to hold him more. love it! His speech is a lot better than it was and he is doing better everyday. it cracks me up the things he says (although not as much as Owen!)
Michelle - We've been hoping for another kid since Christopher was born. I'm not so much worried about having 2, as I am about getting pregnant. I'm 36 now, and knowing what we went through to have Christopher, I'm fairly sure it isn't going to happen. DH and I finally sat down, and started talking about adoption. It's hard to realize that our journey to have another child on our own is over, but we're both feeling pretty comfortable with it. Now I just need to start doing a lot of research on what we need to do.

Bethany - Ugh on being sick. There are a ton of the kid viruses going around here this summer, but somehow, we've managed to avoid them. I'm sure my luck will run out soon :)

So we've been taking Christopher out kayaking a bit lately, and he's loving it. He's been good about sitting in his boat, and likes to try paddling on his own (although it's more like a rudder, since he just likes to hold it in the water :rotfl:) Apparently he's going to be a outdoor type of kid - he loves being on the water, camping, fishing, and occasionally hiking (except after about 1/2 mile, he wants to be carried for the rest of the day :scared1:)


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