Losing Pounds or Losing My Mind for Disney 05/2016 PTR

I can't decide on a font size or whether or not I should bold the letters. I seem to like this one --- size 4, no bold. Looks good.

So, Disney plans......
It's just going to be the three of us --- me, Peter and Victoria --- I'm not sure if I mentioned that or not.
Our flights leave out of Portland, Maine at 5:45am! Ugh!! That means I have to be up and out the door by at least 3am which means up at 2-2:30am. Just shoot me now!!! This is why I do not plan much for that first day because technically I'm still sleeping!! :faint: I can usually sleep on the plane during that first flight depending on how talkative everyone is. We are landing in Baltimore at 7:20am so it's then that I plan on eating breakfast and taking my meds prior to getting back on the plane to Orlando at 9:20am and by 11:20am we will be home!!!

Like I've said before, we are not sure if we will be at OKW or AKL as we are on the waiting list for AKL. Another thing I'm not sure of is what time we will be able to get in the villa. Check in is not until 4pm for DVC and last year when we stayed at the GF it wasn't until 5pm or so that our room was ready. (I was mad, but hey, that whole trip was a freaking nightmare ---- I may share some of it with you guys!) The plan is to get on Magical Express to the "surprise" resort, give our bags to the luggage people (for the life of me I can't think of their names......) and head over to Disney Springs! Victoria fell in love with Wolfgang Puck's during last year's trip, so that's going to be lupper for that day.

I will then have to go over to Guest Services to have Photopass added to my annual pass. As I understand it now I can have the Photopass added to my annual pass and pay the upgrade of $25-50. I can't remember off the top of my head how much that is. It's definitely worth it to me as I always get Photopass (Memory Maker, whatever) and this would be much cheaper!

As you can see the first day is up in the air as I really don't know the times of anything. I would love to get the Photopass upgrade, do a little shopping, and unpack our suitcases, but that all depends on if we can get into our villa before 4pm and if ME has delivered our suitcases. I would really love to go to a park, but I'm not sure if we'll be too tired or not. I guess we'll just be playing it by ear. I'm a big pin trader so a trip to Pin Traders is definitely planned!

We won't have the dining plan as I purchased the Tables in Wonderland card for last year's trip when it was still only $100. Every TS restaurant we went to accepted it, so it worked out really well. Oh, and if you are wondering ---- I WILL BE EATING EVERYTHING I WANT TO ON VACATION!!!! Just had to make that one clear!! :rotfl2:TIW saves us 20% off of our meals and includes the tip. Food is still expensive at Disney, but we didn't end up with wasted snack credits! Oh man, why did I have to start thinking about Disney Food now....ugh! Ok, you all are going to suffer with me.....here you go, kids!!

Following along!! Long time no talk. I'm rooting for you! I got thyroid issues too so I know how hard it can be. You can do it! :woohoo:
I don't post often here but I love to encourage folks making the journey to get in better shape. It gets harder every year, but is so rewarding when you start seeing progress. I'm also a type 1 diabetic and as an avid calorie watcher I can't stress enough how valuable glucose tablets are when you are experiencing low blood sugar. You can quickly correct your sugars without intaking a ton of calories (which you know is easy to do when you are low). I also invested in a fitbit a few years ago and it's one of the best things I ever did. I started walking and listening to different Disney Podcasts and got to the point where walking became very addicting. I got to the point where I walked so much that I was able to add many more calories to my diet and eat more at meals when I wanted. I got rid of cable because walking became a great entertainment for me. I will follow along on your journey and wish you the best of luck. Hope I didn't babble on too much but hope my journey is at least helpful.
That cupcake looks delicious. Ok let me ask everyone here- how many of you start daydreaming about your disney trip while you are at work, and then decide to stroll over to the allears website and look at the menus- hence making yourself twice as hungry??? Hehe I do it all the time, I'll catch myself doing it before lunch, and my mouth will be watering until it's actually time for me to eat lunch.

Ann, you deserve to sat whatever you want in disney! I'm sure your hard work will have paid off by then so enjoy yourself!!!
Following along!! Long time no talk. I'm rooting for you! I got thyroid issues too so I know how hard it can be. You can do it! :woohoo:

Margaret --- HI!!!! :wave: Oh, I miss reading your adventures with your Dad!! I loved your trip report!! Are you planning on going again soon?? Details!!!

I don't post often here but I love to encourage folks making the journey to get in better shape. It gets harder every year, but is so rewarding when you start seeing progress. I'm also a type 1 diabetic and as an avid calorie watcher I can't stress enough how valuable glucose tablets are when you are experiencing low blood sugar. You can quickly correct your sugars without intaking a ton of calories (which you know is easy to do when you are low). I also invested in a fitbit a few years ago and it's one of the best things I ever did. I started walking and listening to different Disney Podcasts and got to the point where walking became very addicting. I got to the point where I walked so much that I was able to add many more calories to my diet and eat more at meals when I wanted. I got rid of cable because walking became a great entertainment for me. I will follow along on your journey and wish you the best of luck. Hope I didn't babble on too much but hope my journey is at least helpful.

Hi bphilb!! :welcome: Ok, I would like to know your name or at least how to pronounce bphilb!! :rolleyes1 Thanks for the words of support! I have never taken those glucose tablets. I always though they would taste gross, kind of like Tums. Am I way off on that thought? How many calories are they? OH I know all about overeating when there is a low. I just get so scared that I can't raise it quickly enough that I can almost drink the whole half gallon of juice! Or I'll have an entire pb sandwich. I don't think I've ever learned the meaning of moderation. I was seriously thinking of getting a fit bit but I can't justify the cost of it yet. I do have a pedometer and I can keep track of my steps that way. I know fit bits do way more than that, though. Maybe someday. I'm very happy to have you following along and please comment every time you have a suggestion or comment for me! I'd love it.

That cupcake looks delicious. Ok let me ask everyone here- how many of you start daydreaming about your disney trip while you are at work, and then decide to stroll over to the allears website and look at the menus- hence making yourself twice as hungry??? Hehe I do it all the time, I'll catch myself doing it before lunch, and my mouth will be watering until it's actually time for me to eat lunch.

Ann, you deserve to eat whatever you want in disney! I'm sure your hard work will have paid off by then so enjoy yourself!!!

Well Janine I can honestly say I don't browse the menus much. We eat at pretty much the same restaurants every trip with few substitutions, so I know what the offerings are. I'm not a huge foodie, either, as I stick to the same types of food. I know, I'm boring. We are trying one new place, The Plaza, for lunch one day. Let me be honest --- I just want the Mickey pants sundae.....OMG hot fudge......:faint: I will start looking up Disney stuff while at work and I'm always going over my break times......not intentionally, but it happens. Disney rules!! Today I have to have lunch from 11 - 12 as I have to go to domestic violence court at noon and represent the Department. Oh yay me. I really don't mind court. It's pretty interesting to listen to everyone's stories. But being in court will mean no internet for the afternoon......sad! No checking Disboards or anything else Disney. Whatever will I do?? :rotfl2: Oh yeah, that's right ---- I have to do my job. Go figure!

Sorry buddies......just had to share!!!
The glucose tablets are like flavored sugar pills is the best way I can describe them. They do a good job of getting your blood sugar up quickly and are only 15 calories per tablet. Sometimes I will eat 6 or 8 if I feel like I'm dropping quickly, but it doesn't kill my diet like the food can when I start shoving it down to get my sugars high. They are not bad tasting, nothing like Tums, though they are not exactly candy either.

The fitbits are great, but there are a million different ways to watch your diet so whatever works for you is great. I'm very goal oriented and the fitbit keeps me honest and makes me get up and get my steps in. I do highly recommend downloading some Disney podcasts if you get out and walk. There are some great one's out there and many times I keep walking even when I have completed my goals because I love listening about Disney. Something tells me you would be similar.

Brad Philbert (BPhilb)
I have never had the Kitchen Sink but that picture is pretty convincing..might have to put it on my to-do list for my May trip!! And you go girl! 2 pounds down means two pounds closer to your goal! :yay: Oh one last thing! For my trip last May, I worked until 9:30pm (Retail like your second job!) and had to leave the house by 2:30am...so I totally feel your pain!! Looking back though it was a super memorable way to start my trip! Very exhausting but just an excuse to drink even more coffee :P
Hi Ann! Way to go - down 2 pounds!! I got on the scale this morning and I realized I need to get serious about my eating since I let a lot of things slide around the holidays. Maybe we can keep each other motivated. Although the food pictures aren't helping. :rotfl:

I use myfitnesspal on my phone to log my weight, exercise, and calories. I find that I have to write it all down or I lose track. It also tracks my steps from my fitbit but I'm sure you can manually enter steps from your pedometer.
I am going on a trip for memorial day to Disney and also started my weight loss goals as well. I usually don't post but I am lurker.. but wanted to send you a few words of encouragement!!! I have celiacs and really struggle with weight loss. It is very courageous to post your weight...for all women - that took courage!!! I am going to continue to follow your journey to help support myself for losing weight for my trip! You go girl!!
Well hello everyone!!! I'm having one of "those days" where I feel fat (my jeans feel tight today), everything I do is wrong and I just want to eat everything that isn't tied down. Oh, heck, I'd even consider things that are tied down at this point!! :tongue: Last night around 1am I had a low blood sugar of 59 --- not too terrible, but enough to wake me up. That's one good thing about me --- I do wake up when the blood sugar is low. I didn't have any juice in the fridge and ended up eating not just one, but TWO ice cream cups at 2 points per cup. I knew better. I just didn't have enough willpower to stop. I know it's only 4 points total, but those are 4 points I didn't have available. I know I'm still doing very good as far as my food choices go, but I was a little depressed that I haven't lost more weight. I know it's 2 pounds and it hasn't even been a week yet, but I'm eating sooooo differently that you would think it would go pretty fast. I mean, just cutting out that DD in the morning is huge! Again, in my head I know it's only been since Monday and I need to be patient, but it's still depressing. I bought the WW breakfast sandwiches for 6 points per sandwich and they are not horrible.....oh, believe me they aren't as good as DD, but they'll do. Today I had one of those for breakfast and a Fiber One chocolate chunk cookie for a snack. Those are 2 points each. For lunch I had a hot pocket which is 6 points, that makes a total of 14 points for the day with 15 more to go. Tonight I have a shift at Party City so it's that lovely "what can I eat in 15 minutes that won't be horrible" evenings. I'd really like a ham finger sandwich at Circle K, but I don't know what the nutritional value is and I'm not sure if I could find it online. I will try, though, because that's what I feel like eating. I wish I had a personal chef who would determine all my meals for me! wouldn't that be a dream!!

126 more days until Disney!!! Yay!!! pixiedust: I cannot wait!! I was reading someone's TR today and it looked like they had so much fun at Hoop-de-Doo that I wonder if I could squeeze it in anywhere....I think I could on the first night, but it's over $200 for the three of us. Ugh! That's a lot of money for a dinner! I would also have to pay for that up front and I just don't have that money right now. So, I'm not sure that will happen.
2 pounds in a few days is really good actually!! But I know it can be discouraging when you change your entire eating habits. I'm glad the WW breakfast sandwiches aren't too bad- nothing compared to a DD one but still, better than nothing! The most filling breakfast for me is a slice of wheat toast with peanut butter. I'm ready for lunch usually 4-5 hours after, which compared to cereal which leaves me hungry an hour later, it's pretty good! :thumbsup2 I'm not sure if you're much of a coffee drinker, or how that rates healthwise when losing weight, but I find drinking coffee throughout the morning helps keep me full till lunch. I drink my coffee with half and half, but no sugar so hey atleast that's good! Good luck at work tonight!! Atleast it gets you out of the house during a huge snacking period! I'm not sure if you're a salad fan (I feel like either people love salad or hate it!) but I love salad and bringing a salad to work in a container with a hard boiled egg and some light vinaigrette can be a very satisfying dinner believe it or not. 15 minute breaks are tough to enjoy a real dinner. But just keep Disney in mind and how happy you'll be come May! It'll be worth all the sacrifice :cool1:
The glucose tablets are like flavored sugar pills is the best way I can describe them. They do a good job of getting your blood sugar up quickly and are only 15 calories per tablet. Sometimes I will eat 6 or 8 if I feel like I'm dropping quickly, but it doesn't kill my diet like the food can when I start shoving it down to get my sugars high. They are not bad tasting, nothing like Tums, though they are not exactly candy either.

The fitbits are great, but there are a million different ways to watch your diet so whatever works for you is great. I'm very goal oriented and the fitbit keeps me honest and makes me get up and get my steps in. I do highly recommend downloading some Disney podcasts if you get out and walk. There are some great one's out there and many times I keep walking even when I have completed my goals because I love listening about Disney. Something tells me you would be similar.

Brad Philbert (BPhilb)

Hi Brad!!! Thanks for the info, but I have yet to go buy some. I could have really used them last night!! Do you have any podcasts that you recommend? Yep, I think you and I are similar in that fashion!!!

I have never had the Kitchen Sink but that picture is pretty convincing..might have to put it on my to-do list for my May trip!! And you go girl! 2 pounds down means two pounds closer to your goal! :yay: Oh one last thing! For my trip last May, I worked until 9:30pm (Retail like your second job!) and had to leave the house by 2:30am...so I totally feel your pain!! Looking back though it was a super memorable way to start my trip! Very exhausting but just an excuse to drink even more coffee :P

Hey Sarah, that's not the kitchen sink.....it's the Mickey Pants sundae!! Wow....I can't believe you were able to get up at 2:30am after working until 9:30pm. I guess we do what we have to do, huh? I'm going to make sure I'm not working at Party City the night before. I don't think I could do it.

Hi Ann! Way to go - down 2 pounds!! I got on the scale this morning and I realized I need to get serious about my eating since I let a lot of things slide around the holidays. Maybe we can keep each other motivated. Although the food pictures aren't helping. :rotfl:

I use myfitnesspal on my phone to log my weight, exercise, and calories. I find that I have to write it all down or I lose track. It also tracks my steps from my fitbit but I'm sure you can manually enter steps from your pedometer.

Ok, note to self ---- do not post any more food pics if at all possible......Sorry Colleen! Of course we can keep each other motivated!! Well, I don't know if I can stay that motivated, but I'm going to try. You will not believe what a co-worker just brought into the office ---- mini cheesecakes. Oh, this is sooooooo not fair! I love cheesecake! So far I've resisted (yeah it's been like 10 minutes so far!! :crazy:) Hey, I have myfitnesspal on my phone too. I've never really looked at it much though. Maybe I should check it out......

I am going on a trip for memorial day to Disney and also started my weight loss goals as well. I usually don't post but I am lurker.. but wanted to send you a few words of encouragement!!! I have celiacs and really struggle with weight loss. It is very courageous to post your weight...for all women - that took courage!!! I am going to continue to follow your journey to help support myself for losing weight for my trip! You go girl!!
Hi Angola!! :welcome: I'm so glad you've joined me on my journey! It is sooo hard to lose weight when there are no conditions to deal with let alone both of ours, huh? I wish you nothing but the best in your journey and please, please, please feel free to share anything you want on my report!! It was very hard to post my weight, but if I'm going to be accountable I had to do it. Listening to everyone else's journey helps me on my own as well. If you want to you can share about where you are staying when you go to Disney and what your plans may be. I'd love to hear about them!!

Hello! I'm following along! Your title could be my title for my August trip (If I were the PTR writing kind, anyway!) My first adult trip to Disney was in 2014. when I came home, I was really unhappy with the pictures... so I set a goal to lose some weight by the 2015 trip. By 2015 I had lost 45 pounds and was so much happier and healthier! I kept off most of that weight, but never lot quite everything I had intended, and the holidays came... so I'm hoping to lose another 20 pounds by my trip this year! Good luck in your journey to better health!

I won't be exercising tonight, but I'll be on my feet for 4 hours tonight at work, so I consider that movement! !

Have you ever worn a Fitbit or activity tracker? I was amazed when I got mine by how many steps I take each day! I am on my feet at work too (preschool teacher!) and I easily walk 10,000 steps a day without hitting the gym. I need to go to the gym as well, but that's another story.
2 pounds in a few days is really good actually!! But I know it can be discouraging when you change your entire eating habits. I'm glad the WW breakfast sandwiches aren't too bad- nothing compared to a DD one but still, better than nothing! The most filling breakfast for me is a slice of wheat toast with peanut butter. I'm ready for lunch usually 4-5 hours after, which compared to cereal which leaves me hungry an hour later, it's pretty good! :thumbsup2 I'm not sure if you're much of a coffee drinker, or how that rates healthwise when losing weight, but I find drinking coffee throughout the morning helps keep me full till lunch. I drink my coffee with half and half, but no sugar so hey atleast that's good! Good luck at work tonight!! Atleast it gets you out of the house during a huge snacking period! I'm not sure if you're a salad fan (I feel like either people love salad or hate it!) but I love salad and bringing a salad to work in a container with a hard boiled egg and some light vinaigrette can be a very satisfying dinner believe it or not. 15 minute breaks are tough to enjoy a real dinner. But just keep Disney in mind and how happy you'll be come May! It'll be worth all the sacrifice :cool1:

OMG!!! I just remembered you guys really don't know about my eating habits, do you? Everyone around me knows how I am, so I didn't bother saying anything. :confused:

* I HATE SALADS, veggies in general. I will eat carrots, but they have to be really cooked and mushy! I do love potatoes and corn, but we all know those are carbs. I will eat wax beans but they have to be fresh -- not from a can and if they are too stringy with large beans, forget about it. I think it's all about the texture for me. There's another strike against my choices.

* NO COFFEE FOR ME, but I am a HUGE Diet Coke drinker!! :drinking: Hey, it's better than plain Coke (not taste-wise, but it's better for me.) I know, I've read reports where that stuff will kill me eventually, but I love it. I HATE WATER!! The only times I will drink water is if I am really, really thirsty and it's really, really hot out. I actually tried to go soda free when I have my lap-band surgery, but that didn't work well, either. Oh, I didn't drink soda during that time, but the lap band was a horrible experience for me.

* I DO LOVE EGGS and have an endless supply available since I have about 40 chickens. They aren't all hens but we get plenty of eggs! I do keep some hard-boiled eggs on hand.

Hello! I'm following along! Your title could be my title for my August trip (If I were the PTR writing kind, anyway!) My first adult trip to Disney was in 2014. when I came home, I was really unhappy with the pictures... so I set a goal to lose some weight by the 2015 trip. By 2015 I had lost 45 pounds and was so much happier and healthier! I kept off most of that weight, but never lot quite everything I had intended, and the holidays came... so I'm hoping to lose another 20 pounds by my trip this year! Good luck in your journey to better health! Have you ever worn a Fitbit or activity tracker? I was amazed when I got mine by how many steps I take each day! I am on my feet at work too (preschool teacher!) and I easily walk 10,000 steps a day without hitting the gym. I need to go to the gym as well, but that's another story.

Hi Abarriger!!!! I would love to have your first name if you want to share it!!! :welcome: Thank you for following along! My pictures are also a huge reason I decided to lose weight. I'm not happy with my appearance whatsoever. That is FANTASTIC that you had lost 45lbs!!! It is really hard to keep the weight off so to keep ANY of it off is amazing!! You can definitely lose 20lbs by August! I know my goal is a pretty hefty one, but I feel I can make it. I haven't worn a fit bit or activity trainer. I do have a pedometer that I should try to see how much walking I actually do in the store. Maybe I'll dig it out tonight and see......Great idea! Thanks for the suggestion!! Look forward to more of your comments as I move along!! :butterfly
No coffee?! Oh my goodness! But you have your diet coke so we both have our addictions :love:
* I DO LOVE EGGS and have an endless supply available since I have about 40 chickens. They aren't all hens but we get plenty of eggs! I do keep some hard-boiled eggs on hand.

Ann, I am so jealous about your egg supply!! :rotfl2:I just started buying eggs from my CSA farmer and they are the most amazing things I've ever tasted!! He's taking this month off and I don't know how I'm going to exist on plain grocery store eggs. :rotfl:

Have you tried making your own egg sandwiches? I make myself a sandwich every morning with an egg fried with Pam on buttered (real butter) wheat toast. I don't know how many points it is (it's under 300 calories) but it's really yummy.
Well guys, here we are on Monday, weigh-in day and I've lost ....... 0!!!!! That's right, the big ole goose egg. Nada, nothing, nope. I can tell ya, I am pretty discouraged at this point. I was relatively great in my eating and fitness last week and I was even down 4 lbs on Friday. Heck if I know how they got back on! Well, I take that back. We did have Peter's family over for a Christmas gathering yesterday (yes I know it's January) and I did allow myself to have 2 slices of pizza, some chips, and a dessert, but you can't tell me that one day -- ONE DAY of eating poorly can do that to someone's weight! :sad: It was only one day and I'm back on the horse again this morning with the WW breakfast sandwich. I didn't even eat it all as I'm feeling nauseous. See, it's things like this that make me discouraged and not want to continue. What's the point if I'm giong to deprive myself just to lose ZERO!!?? I know the comments out there are "well you'll probably see it this week" or "it's just water" or "you're just bloated".........and those are great comments, but it doesn't help my mood today. Why can't this be easier than it is? This coming Friday I have my appointment with the Diabetes Center. Who knows what that visit is going to bring?! Oh, I know my sugars are better as I've been testing more regularly, but still. Yeah, I probably should stop writing now as I really don't have anything good to say.........
Sometimes you can't physically see a difference, and the scale doesn't see a change..but inside you're healthier. Your body is thanking you ::yes:: It's easy to get discouraged. Sooo easy. Why is it so hard to feel good about ourselves and about what we DO accomplish? Like how you had 6 out of 7 days eating good and sticking with your diet and healthy living plans. 6 whole days, in a row, now isn't that something to celebrate? I know you have a weight lose goal. But that goal isn't due to be accomplished until May. Week one may be over, and for the most part you've stuck with your plans. Walking around the track with your daughter (who looks up to you) and eating healthy. You're doing awesome. So you didn't lose any actual weight. But you're getting healthier....just imagine how much healthier you'll be for your husband and daughter. And for years to come you and your daughter can think of how this was the time you stuck it out and didn't give up. And to celebrate you get a Disney vacation with all the delicious snacks and desserts and meals you want :thumbsup2 It's so easy to give up. But we on the Disboards are here for you. To be that voice of reason when all you wanna do is give up. So here's to another healthy week of eating, minimal snacking, bland breakfast sandwiches and many walks around the track ;) I know it's upsetting. But smile because you've gotten your first week done. The first few weeks are the hardest! You got this! :woohoo:We're here for the hard times, and for the good times! We will celebrate each accomplishment little and big! Virtual hugs :grouphug:
I know how discouraging it can be when weigh ins go poorly... but you're making real progress! When I have 0 pounds of loss, I always tell myself... the old me probably would have gained here! Good job for me not putting any pounds on ;-) Maybe that will help you. Also, you have to broaden your focus beyond just the number on the scale. Eating healthy and exercise has so so many benefits that will never show up on the scale-- in the form of more years on this wonderful earth, and a happier, healthier body while you're here! It can be hard, but you have to find some positive thing to hold in your heart when the going gets tough. We're here for you!


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