Little Warrior's Wish Come True -- Marenna's Trip Report

I am enjoying reading your report.
I wish I had time to read EVERY MAW trip report, but unhappily, I have a job and my work here is just volunteer time.

If you would not mind, I would like to post a link to your trip report in the disABILITIES FAQs thread. You can follow the link in my signature to that thread and the MAW information is in post #3 of that thread.
I am enjoying reading your report.
I wish I had time to read EVERY MAW trip report, but unhappily, I have a job and my work here is just volunteer time.

If you would not mind, I would like to post a link to your trip report in the disABILITIES FAQs thread. You can follow the link in my signature to that thread and the MAW information is in post #3 of that thread.

Thank you! I'm honored! :)
I've been MIA from the DIS for a few weeks but loved your last few updates! I am so glad to see you guys got special treatment at US/IOA. You got some fabulous photopass pictures! Hope you all are well!
Boy, before our trip, I have to admit ... I couldn't understand why it took so long for some people to post their trip reports. Well, now I get it! :lmao: (And I have become "some people.") Life interferes!

Good life, for us. We just got back from a trip to the mountains of Pecos, NM. We'd had this trip planned for last summer, my whole family getting together, but then they found the recurrence ...:sad2:

But we got to go this year and had a wonderful time. Something about being around a river, very healing.

About to continue the trip report!
Our last full day ... and last "park" day ...

Greased up with sun lotion (we had run out of the spray on and the stuff in the tube was a lot greasier) we headed out to breakfast. But first, a ride on the carousel. Wouldn't all of our days be better if we could have a carousel ride, first thing?



Then over to the Gingerbread House for breakfast. Oooh, those waffles!


On to Disney's Hollywood Studios!



Lilyanne, Marenna and I went to the Playhouse Disney show while the others went to ride roller coasters. We showed them Renn's pin and they put us to the side to wait for a special place up front.


WARNING WARNING WARNING! Heed our advice! You do not WANT a place up front. This is a puppet show, and everyone sits on the ground, below the stage. Which means that, sitting up front, your child will see this:



My advice: thank them kindly, then ask politely if you may sit farther back.

After that, we went outside to meet some friends:


By now, we were starting to learn the tricks of finding the characters. By the Playhouse Disney stage, there was an area (can't remember the name), kind of like a museum of the cartoon work. Down into that, we found lots of friends.



The Incredibles! Like many families, we're big fans, since we secretly know that WE are the Incredibles, with our own super powers. But ... "Dad" Incredible was just too big, too scary for Renn. But "Mom" was just fine.

After that, it was off to Pixar!


And here, we had one of the most special moments of our trip. It had nothing to do with being a Wish family, and everything to do with you guys, and the idea of Pixie Dust! :love:

I had given each child some little trinkets that they could hand out to kids who looked like they needed a smile. Well, in the Pixar area, there were these two twin boys in a stroller, about 2 or 3, one of them screaming his lungs out. The Dad was trying to be patient, but looked stressed. Jackson pulled out two pirate sets -- an earring and eye patch -- and approached the Dad. He asked if it was okay to give the sets to the boys. Dad said sure, with a little hope in his eyes, I might add! Jackson gave them out, the screaming stopped. We walked away, both boys jabbering excitedly and trying to put on their earrings and Jackson heard the mom say to the dad, "Well, that saved the day!"

What a thrill! Better than a roller coaster! :rotfl:

After that, we went on Toy Story Mania. Too fun!




We wandered, going on other things, like the Great Movie Ride. Renna-Bear fell asleep.


I grabbed some shade and sat down with her, while the others did some Star Wars stuff. Jackson got his picture taken in Darth Sidius garb. (Sorry, don't have a scanner.) It was an expensive picture - :scared1: -- but we'd been fairly careful with our money. Good souvenir.

While I was sitting in the shade, a mother and daughter sat down near me. The daughter -- probably about 8 -- took great pains to save a ladybug that had landed on the seat. So of course I had to give her one of the little princess wands we had as fairy dust! :goodvibes

After the others got back, we swung by 50's Prime Time Cafe to see if they had any openings. Sure, about 2ish. Perfect for us! We noodled around for a bit, then went for our late lunch.

Marenna was awake by now, playing with her Daddy's hat. She had fun in the waiting area.


Our table was ready! We started off with onion rings, mostly because I'm mad about horseradish.


Lily and Renn got kids' meals which included chicken noodle soup. When we were in the hospital, one thing that Renna would eat with some consistency was canned chicken noodle soup. Can't believe she still loves it! The rest of us got either the pot pie or the pot roast. I had the roast -- it was delicious.



Then, it was time for Beauty and the Beast!




We had a good day, but were tired. We left in the late afternoon to get back to Give Kids the World. We wanted to go have some more fun there. (And Mom wanted to pack.)

So, Tom took the kids swimming while I began doing laundry, packing, etc. During this, I turned on the tv, which we hadn't really done all week. Turned on the news. Swine Flu!

And all of a sudden, it was just all too much for me. We had been in a place of total fun, a place where we felt truly safe. Safe from cancer, swine flu, safe from reality. I started boo-hooing.

This, I am so embarrassed about. But I include it, in case others have a similar experience. I went on a crying jag. I was calm about it, kept doing what I needed to do, but just couldn't turn off the faucets. My kids were a little concerned, but not unduly so. They've seen me cry quite a bit over the last three years.

Well, I don't recommend you waste your time with a crying jag as I did, but GKTW isn't the worst place for it. We had pizza in our room with a movie, and then they all went to the Ice Cream Palace for dessert, bringing me back a sundae. Mmm, wish I had one now. With full tummies, we went to bed so we could get up early and really enjoy our last day.
well worth the wait, looks like you guys had a great time. i love beauty and the beast show, and i think leaving the happiest place on earth brings a lot of us to tears. i think there is actually a thread on here about all the things at disney that make you cry. for me it is the opening show on main street and the fireworks on my last day.
I completely understand any lag in a TR! Life does get in the way of the DIS sometimes, especially for families with any special needs. :goodvibes

Thank you so, so much for coming back and giving us some more, though!

So sorry about the bad seats for the puppet show. I wish they would put the line back so that the front row could see. :confused3 Strange.

I love the pirate pixie dust you guys were able to spread around! pirate: What a great idea and awesome way to use that! It probably changed their whole day and something they will remember for a long time. :love:

Ok...I can't believe I stress SOOOO much over ADR's and you just walked up and got Prime Time!! WOW. Don't tell the poor souls over on the restaurant board. :lmao:

I am so sorry that "real" life hit before you even left GKTW. The swine flu was quite a scare, but has gotten old in the news. It is still an issue in our area. We have had over 100 cases in MS this week for kids on church trips. They even encouraged one large church to stay home on Sunday morning to keep folks from getting sicker. Over 50 students in that congregation got sick and passed it on to their family, etc. Not good. :sad2: I am very thankful the first reports of the swine flu being so deadly were false. It sure is contagious. :sick: Sorry for the rant.

Thank you so much for catching us up! Can't wait for more from your last day! :)
Love the photos and update! It was great that you guys shared pixie dust. What luck getting into 50's Prime Time Cafe - we really enjoyed it! I think everyone will understand your crying jag!
I have hunted and hunted for you to see if you did a trip report and just found it tonight through one of Maroo's threads. I am so happy to see that you all had a great trip.
I think I somehow missed the last update! What a wonderful thing Jackson did with the pirate garb! A magical moment for sure! I love the outfits! Everyday would be great if it could start out with a carousel ride!! Hope all is going well.


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