Lisa & Pete's DCL PJ & Trip Report - WEDDING VIDEO POSTED!!!

So we were totally out of our minds and had an at home reception just 4 days after returning from our 12 day wedding trip!!!

Nuts right? Well we needed (wanted) to have the reception while Pete's parents were still visiting.

When we decided to have an at home reception we tossed around alot of Ideas. We wanted a party that we didn't have to cook or clean up. We wanted to enjoy ourselves. I shopped around and found the best location that we could afford. We paid for the reception (and alot of the wedding ourselves).

I prepared alot of things for the reception before our trip and then ran around and did last minute things once we were home from Disney.

This was the table decor. The reception site did not use enough crystals or enough lime slices....but whatever!


This is our Guest Book Table. I borrowed the idea from Lynn. We got our guest book from the Guest Book Store. I loved it and alot of guest really liked it too.


This is our Cake. We bought it from a lady who doesn't really do cakes per se, but made my awesome awesome awesome Shower Cake. She made the cake and I decorated it with the flowers that I got at the market the day before the reception. We re used our Mickey and Minnie Cake Topper and used the knife set that was Pete's Parent's.


Ok now onto the recap.

I woke up and started getting ready. I was so excited. THEN Pete's friend showed up at our house at 10am!!!!! Oh I was mad. I mean we already had four adult that needed to get ready and now his friend and his 2 kids were there. Pete knew I was angry. So I got ready and then Pete and I went to pick up the cake and headed to the reception hall. Pete dropped me off and I went into the Bridal Suite and hung up my dress and then went to supervise the set up! I got them to fix some things, but didn't notice the limes and crystals until it was too late.

The DJ got there early. so I was there to go over a few things with him. Then my Aunt and cousins showed up and Laura, Brandon and Alyssa. I was happy to see my sister. She helped me into my dress and we started the debate. DO I wear the sleeves or do I wear the veil. I couldn't wear both it didn't look right. I went with the sleeves since it was chilly! When I was done getting ready I went out to the hall and Pete and his parents were there. I was glad Pete was there as our guests started to arrive. We invited over 200 people and had about 150 people! There were over 20 no shows....which made me mad since we paid per head!!!! I knew I should have fudged the numbers some!

We stood near the door and greeted our guests.

I was also glad my Great Grandmother came. She is my Dad's Grandmother and is 90 years old.


We sat down and they started calling tables to go into the food room. I liked that the hordorves were set up in the main room but the real food was set up in a separate room. We had Roast Beef, Ham, Bake Ziti, Green Beans, Mixed Veggies, Two types of Potatoes, rolls and condiments. We starters we had Meatballs, Cheese and Fruit and Salad.


After dinner Laura and Edwin gave their speeches. They were so great! We were touched that people cared about us so much to say the awesome things they had to say.


After the speeches Pete and I had a second 1st dance. It was nice! Then I danced with my Daddy and Pete danced with his mom.


I walked around and visited with alot of our guests. I don't really know what Pete did. LOL There were so many people.

This is me and my bridesmaids. Shannon couldn't make it, but the other three were there wearing their dresses!


Here is me and my Grandmother. She has Alzheimer's and didn't know where she was, but I love this picture and I am so glad she was there with me.


This is Ryleah, my sweet flower girl and I showing off our princess poses.


Now it was cake cutting time! We didn't smash cake on the cruise because I had to wear my dress two more times. This is the last time so we had at it. Now the photographer missed the smash...ugh...but we got some great pictures.




This picture makes me ANGRY! I spent a long time making my crystals perfectly random. THEN one of the kids thought it would be cute to ruin them! EverytimeI see these pictures I get mad inside! I couldn't fix them because the kid and his dad were there and I didn't want to hurt anyone's feeling.


This is my Best Friend Nikki. We have been best friends since we were 8 years old. 22 years. I could not have gotten through this wedding with out her!


Chicken Dance


Now some people don't like the Chicken Dance or line dances. BUT the crowds do. They get people up moving and people like doing them. I think it is almost selfish of brides to leave out the fun!

I got to spend some time with my friends. My friend Tony (on the left) and I have been friends for 20 years, Bob (on the right) and I have been friends for about 10 years and Nikki and Crystal are my forever girl friends. WE go way way back. We have lived together and been there for each other through everything. I love this group photo! The only thing that makes me sad is that I left some of our old group of friends off the guest list. I would have loved to have had them all there!!!


I am not sure what Pete and his guys are doing!


My Dad changed into his Tux half way through the night. LOL he is a nut! I am sure you alreamember the Mickey shaved into his head for the wedding...LOL


Here is me and my sweet niece before she fell asleep!


Then it was time for the Last Dance of the night. We had picked "When You Wish Upon a Star". As soon as it started Ryleah Scream "Disney Song" and ran up to dance with Pete and I. Her Mom kept trying to call her away. To give us a chance for our last dance. I shooed Nikki away. Ryleah loves all things "Dis-a-ney" as much as Pete and I. I wanted her to be part of the dance!


Then we went out to leave and my sister, my brother in law and friends had decorated our car!


It was a great day. I was glad we got to see so many friends and family, BUT I wish we would have skipped the party. I know I know....But it was alot of work and I was tired and had to go back to work.

I had wanted lots of candids and photojournalistic pictures.......Our photographer didn't get that! LOL Oh well, the day was fun and that is what matters!
YAYYYY More p ictures. I love those dresses the bm wore by the way and the cake is beautiful!!!

The boys seem so fun.... I need them at my wedding!!
Your at home reception looked lovely! Your whole wedding experience seems amazing. I agree with the chicken dance, etc. I'm requesting the chicken dance particularly, because my daughter loves it! I'm also requesting the Cupid Shuffle, I know it's cheesy, but it's what my friends and I do best!!!

Back to YOU! You looked beautiful at your reception also. Everything from your cruise to your reception seemed special and I know they are memories you will cherish forever!!!
I just finished reading your trip report. Everything was just beautiful!! I love your pictures and your MK photo shoot photos came out fantastic!! Seeing what a great time you had is really tempting me to do a DCL VR!!!!!
Awe thank you.....DO IT! It was the best thing we could have done. It was perfect and I wouldn't have changed it for anything in the world!!!!
I missed your at home reception pics! EEK! :eek:

Beautiful pictures! Love the princess pose with the cutie Ryleah! And how wonderful to have a picture with your grandmother. Keep that picture always! :goodvibes

I'm sad that ends the TR. I enjoyed yours so much!! :guilty:
I cannot believe I didn't see this until just now! Wish I could've been there! Everything looked AWESOME! I would've been pissed about the crystals too. :rotfl: Oh well...something to remember and laugh in time!
It looks like everyone had a lot of fun at your reception, so in the end you're right that's all that matters. Ours was 3 months after the wedding and I was still tired, so I can't imagine just being home 4 days :eek: I love that your bridal party wore their outfits again. Two of my bridesmaids were out of state and the other two in MI were pregnant and didn't fit into theirs anymore by the time of our party :laughing: The shots with both grandmas are so sweet. I loved when I saw your great-grandma is only 90 because my regular grandma is 86 since I am the baby of the family.

I like that you were able to wear the sleeves on your dress for something different. It is kind of strange doing the cake and dance again isn't it? I know we laughed about it at our reception. Thanks for sharing all your pictures!
Your home reception looks like lots of fun - but your MK and epcot pictures are AMAZING. You really really lucked out with your photographer. My favorite is the one in the BBB boutique with the mirror - its so different from everyone elses pictures.

Anyhoo just wanted to say hi and that I really really liked your pictures.
Thanks guys....My Home reception was alot of fun! I still need to do a Final Thoughts post! I could not have asked for a better wedding and Honeymoon! I can not wait to go back....Just 6 months to go!!!!
Lisa and Pete,
What a wonderful wedding and honeymoon!! I loved reading through your PJ and TR. I didn't post a lot but I did read every post! I'm so happy for you and best wishes!
I just got a chance to look at your at home reception pics, and they are great! I love the cake with the pink icing and the gerbera daisies on it! :lovestruc It looks like you guys had such a fun time. It may have been exhausting, but think about all the memories you'll have of your friends and family getting to share your wedding with you!
I just found your TR, and I'm already hooked. I will have to read the whole thing when I get a spare moment. But in the mean time, I wanted to say I loved the proposal and that ring is so beautiful. And, I do have one question, since I haven't been able to read the whole report yet, you might have already mentioned this, or I might have over looked it since I am reading the TR with a 3 year old running around. But anyway, sorry if I missed you saying anything about this...but here is my question. Is the cost of the cruise wedding, which I saw starts at like 3,300...does that include your stateroom for you and your husband. The reason why I'm asking is for my future sil and also for myself, in case my DH and I want to re-new our vows in the future.

Thanks so much.
I am new to DIS but the reason I am here is to get some wedding planning insight and I must say your PJ was amazing! It has been very fun to read through as well as helpful and informative.

First, I have to tell you how much I love your ring! Of course it's a Mickey, any of us could see it plain as day. How special. You had mentioned that there is a jeweler that specializes in Disney? Do you possibly have any names, links, websites by chance?

I also loved how your DF (at the time) proposed to you. It was such a unique and creative thing to do, and it was special to your relationship and well planned. He seems like a true prince, romantic all the way!:lovestruc If you have any info I would love it!! So glad things went amazing!! Congrats!!
Hello Lisa,
I know this is late but I'm in love with your MK shoot. There is sooo many fantastic ones but I really like the ones when the light is behind you and the one of the reflection in the mirror of BBB... simply gorgeous. It sounds like she knows what she is doing compared to the DCL photog, I can't image that you had to set up the shots yourself. Can I take you with me in May 2010???
Have a great weekend.
I keep seeing your siggy on my friends tr's and I have to say your pictures are beautiful! I know you've heard that a million times but I had to say it again! I'm bookmarking this report so I can read it sometime. :goodvibes
Lisa and Pete,
What a wonderful wedding and honeymoon!! I loved reading through your PJ and TR. I didn't post a lot but I did read every post! I'm so happy for you and best wishes!

Thank you so much!

I just got a chance to look at your at home reception pics, and they are great! I love the cake with the pink icing and the gerbera daisies on it! :lovestruc It looks like you guys had such a fun time. It may have been exhausting, but think about all the memories you'll have of your friends and family getting to share your wedding with you!

Thank you, not only was that cake pretty, but it tasted AMAZING!

I just found your TR, and I'm already hooked. I will have to read the whole thing when I get a spare moment. But in the mean time, I wanted to say I loved the proposal and that ring is so beautiful. And, I do have one question, since I haven't been able to read the whole report yet, you might have already mentioned this, or I might have over looked it since I am reading the TR with a 3 year old running around. But anyway, sorry if I missed you saying anything about this...but here is my question. Is the cost of the cruise wedding, which I saw starts at like 3,300...does that include your stateroom for you and your husband. The reason why I'm asking is for my future sil and also for myself, in case my DH and I want to re-new our vows in the future.

Thanks so much.

If you are looking at the Wish book, that price includes the cheapest cabin option. You should do it!

I am new to DIS but the reason I am here is to get some wedding planning insight and I must say your PJ was amazing! It has been very fun to read through as well as helpful and informative.

First, I have to tell you how much I love your ring! Of course it's a Mickey, any of us could see it plain as day. How special. You had mentioned that there is a jeweler that specializes in Disney? Do you possibly have any names, links, websites by chance?

I also loved how your DF (at the time) proposed to you. It was such a unique and creative thing to do, and it was special to your relationship and well planned. He seems like a true prince, romantic all the way!:lovestruc If you have any info I would love it!! So glad things went amazing!! Congrats!!

My Ring....It came from Jewlery Factory Outlet. My Boy did so good!

Aww Lisa your at home reception looked wonderful! loved your cake


Hello Lisa,
I know this is late but I'm in love with your MK shoot. There is sooo many fantastic ones but I really like the ones when the light is behind you and the one of the reflection in the mirror of BBB... simply gorgeous. It sounds like she knows what she is doing compared to the DCL photog, I can't image that you had to set up the shots yourself. Can I take you with me in May 2010???
Have a great weekend.

I love the one in the BBB, it was sooo cool to be in there, magical. I can see why the little girls love it so much!

I keep seeing your siggy on my friends tr's and I have to say your pictures are beautiful! I know you've heard that a million times but I had to say it again! I'm bookmarking this report so I can read it sometime. :goodvibes

Thanks...I hope you enjoy it. Sometimes I re read it and start to miss my wedding! LOL


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