Life's a Happy Song When There's Someone by my Side to Sing Along* TR started! *

Omg, 27 days until the wedding!? Are you freaking out yet?
I was kind of like that before mine, didn't know how a wedding ceremony went. Glad you got it all sorted out! :thumbsup2 Are you both walking up the aisle together? Or separate with your own fathers or other family members? Or alone?
(Umm, can you tell I love weddings? Hahahaha)
Congratulations to both of you on your weight loss! That's really awesome!
Not to throw a wrench into your departure day plans, but I believe for international flights your ME pickup is actually 4 hours before your flight (i.e. yours would be around 9:30) and of course here I'm assuming you guys are flying right home instead of to Maine or similar and then driving. But I just wanted to point that out in case.
Omg, 27 days until the wedding!? Are you freaking out yet?
I was kind of like that before mine, didn't know how a wedding ceremony went. Glad you got it all sorted out! :thumbsup2 Are you both walking up the aisle together? Or separate with your own fathers or other family members? Or alone?
(Umm, can you tell I love weddings? Hahahaha)
Congratulations to both of you on your weight loss! That's really awesome!
Not to throw a wrench into your departure day plans, but I believe for international flights your ME pickup is actually 4 hours before your flight (i.e. yours would be around 9:30) and of course here I'm assuming you guys are flying right home instead of to Maine or similar and then driving. But I just wanted to point that out in case.

Haha I'm not freaking out yet although I seem to be having dreams about the wedding every second night. I think we will be walking down separately with our own fathers. We still have to figure out the processional order and music.

As for the wrench, you might be right. I had assumed that it was 3 hours because that's what it was last time BUT last time we had a layover in New Jersey. I'll have to look into that. Thanks for the information :)

Soundtrack: Kiss the Girl

:goodvibes:dance3:45 days!!! :dance3::goodvibes
I finished paying off the trip today so it means there is no going back now!
Now I just gotta wait patiently till we board the plane :rolleyes:

In real life news we just drove 5 hours to get some documents for our wedding. The only thing left for me to work on now is programs, place cards and figuring out last minute decorations. Oh and jewelry...and I should probably decide how I'm going to wear my hair for the wedding too...ok starting to freak out haha.

Splash by Obelix_22, on Flickr
Soon we'll be taking the plunge ;)

:wave2: hi! i followed you over here from my PTR, hee.

i loved your idea for the wedding of classy instrumental versions of disney songs and such! it's a really awesome way to incorporate a little disney into the day without going so far as to have mickey mouse walk you down the aisle or something, haha.

your ADRs look great too! i wish we could still fit kona café in! the tonga toast and macadamia pancakes sound sooo good.
Yay for paying off the trip!!! :dance3: :banana: :cheer2: :woohoo:

Also, 24 days till the wedding?! I would be loosing my mind! I'm already starting to freak out, and I've still got 4 months! Well, 2 days shy of 4 months :laughing: It sounds like you've got things figured out for the most part though, so that's really good. I guess I'm more freaking out because I need shoes and my dress hasn't come in, and I need to book a dress fitting, and we need to get our invites out...

Sorry about that...MOVING ON...:rolleyes1

If you are flying to somewhere in the USA before heading to Canada, then it's 3 hours before your flight for the ME, but it could be 4 hours before if you're going back to Canada right away. We've always flown up to NY or MI or NJ before heading back home, for the most part.

Your last day plans sound good though :thumbsup2 It always makes me sad to have to plan the last day...I usually skip planning that day for a while :laughing:
Wow! I can't believe how quickly your wedding is approaching! I hope we get to see pictures when you get them back from your photographer! =)

Congrats on the weight loss as well. I am glad you are finding success with WW. I have heard great things about that program!

Splash by Obelix_22, on Flickr
Soon we'll be taking the plunge ;)

Nice one. ;)

For about two months before my wedding I had weekly nightmares that I hadn't booked a hair appointment (which in reality, I didn't -- did my own) and started to regret it. I was trying to figure out what to do with my hair and I only had minutes until the ceremony was supposed to start. I threw it up in a messy bun and cried because I was wishing I had done something better. Wow. My brain was really messed up thanks to my wedding jitters. :lmao: (In hindsight, a practice run on my hair might have stopped the nightmares!) So here's hoping for no nightmares for you!!

AAAAAaanyway... hooray for 45 days!! And paying off the trip!! :banana:
:wave2: hi! i followed you over here from my PTR, hee.

i loved your idea for the wedding of classy instrumental versions of disney songs and such! it's a really awesome way to incorporate a little disney into the day without going so far as to have mickey mouse walk you down the aisle or something, haha.

your ADRs look great too! i wish we could still fit kona café in! the tonga toast and macadamia pancakes sound sooo good.

Hello Cactus :) Thanks for following me over here! The other great thing about Kona is that it opens early enough to get a good breakfast in and still make it in time for rope drop at MK.

Yay for paying off the trip!!! :dance3: :banana: :cheer2: :woohoo:

Also, 24 days till the wedding?! I would be loosing my mind! I'm already starting to freak out, and I've still got 4 months! Well, 2 days shy of 4 months :laughing: It sounds like you've got things figured out for the most part though, so that's really good. I guess I'm more freaking out because I need shoes and my dress hasn't come in, and I need to book a dress fitting, and we need to get our invites out...

Sorry about that...MOVING ON...:rolleyes1

If you are flying to somewhere in the USA before heading to Canada, then it's 3 hours before your flight for the ME, but it could be 4 hours before if you're going back to Canada right away. We've always flown up to NY or MI or NJ before heading back home, for the most part.

Your last day plans sound good though :thumbsup2 It always makes me sad to have to plan the last day...I usually skip planning that day for a while :laughing:

Not losing my mind yet about the wedding. We have a to do list that we try to attack daily. It's coming down nicely. We met with my mom yesterday and she took on a few of the points on the list so that's gonna lower the stress on us. You've still got 4 months so you are right on track :)

As for the flight, you guys are right it is going to be 4 hours so I don't know what we are going to do for that morning. I think I'm going to use your technique and just not think about it for some time.

Wow! I can't believe how quickly your wedding is approaching! I hope we get to see pictures when you get them back from your photographer! =)

Congrats on the weight loss as well. I am glad you are finding success with WW. I have heard great things about that program!

I can't believe it either. Time has gone by so fast! I will definitely put pictures here as soon as I get them back. and yes WW is great. I am definitely loving it.

Nice one. ;)

For about two months before my wedding I had weekly nightmares that I hadn't booked a hair appointment (which in reality, I didn't -- did my own) and started to regret it. I was trying to figure out what to do with my hair and I only had minutes until the ceremony was supposed to start. I threw it up in a messy bun and cried because I was wishing I had done something better. Wow. My brain was really messed up thanks to my wedding jitters. :lmao: (In hindsight, a practice run on my hair might have stopped the nightmares!) So here's hoping for no nightmares for you!!

AAAAAaanyway... hooray for 45 days!! And paying off the trip!! :banana:

Don't you just love those stress dreams? My mom's been having some where she is trying to get to the wedding ceremony but keeps getting lost and going to the wrong places. So far I've been good but I know that I tend to get stress dreams before big events so I'm trying to stay ahead of the stress.

oh I meant to mention that my parent's did the Cabot Trail last week end. They said it was lovely and that the view was amazing but that they feared it would never end :rolleyes1. My father can be very carsick so I think the long drive around Cape Breton was too much for him haha.

Soundtrack: Not Disney but my new favorite song: Fun.: Carry On (Acoustic)

Real Life Update:
So the wedding is in a week. My to-do list keeps getting longer and longer even though I keep checking stuff off. I'm looking forward to getting all the prep work done and then enjoying the day. We are taking a day off tomorrow because it's our bachelorette :cool1:! I almost NEVER drink so it should be interesting! :scratchin
I'll try and update to let you guys know if I survive :P.

Disney Update:

I got something pretty awesome in the mail earlier this week!



I LOVE the luggage tags this year. My dad was really impressed with the 3D effect. It is well done this year. The Disney envelope was a welcomed changed from all the wedding stuff we've been doing lately.

Well that's it for today because I've got too much else to do. I'll try to update once more before the wedding but afterwards I'll be back with plenty of Disney related goodness.

Thanks for reading. Wish me luck tomorrow ;) pixiedust:

One week!! Eeee! If I don't get another chance to say it, I'll say it now --
I hope you both have an amazing wedding day and I wish you all the best! I'd love to hear all about it when life settles back down for you.
Also good luck for the bachelorette!
I love Mickey Mail day <3 I love those luggage tags, they're really cute.
I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! I hope you had a great night last night! If you remember! :rotfl:
You'll have to post some pictures after the big day.

I was totally fine leading up to the big day but I fell apart before the ceremony. I'm afraid of people :rotfl2: There were too many there! I won't share my real life nightmares because I don't want to freak you out. But after everything was done it was perfect.

Good luck with everything!
Omg I can't believe your wedding has crept up so fast! I hope you had an awesome time the other night! :) Also want to wish you two the best on Friday, since you probably won't be on here much before then. You'll have to share all the details and pictures when you can :)
Yay for mickey mail! Getting that info is always the best!
Definitely is awesome to finally get Mickey receiving bills by a long shot haha.

One week!! Eeee! If I don't get another chance to say it, I'll say it now --
I hope you both have an amazing wedding day and I wish you all the best! I'd love to hear all about it when life settles back down for you.
Also good luck for the bachelorette!
I love Mickey Mail day <3 I love those luggage tags, they're really cute.

Thanks, I survived the bachelorette and I can't wait to get married. I will be back here after the wedding with some pictures for all of you.

I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! I hope you had a great night last night! If you remember! :rotfl:
You'll have to post some pictures after the big day.

I was totally fine leading up to the big day but I fell apart before the ceremony. I'm afraid of people :rotfl2: There were too many there! I won't share my real life nightmares because I don't want to freak you out. But after everything was done it was perfect.

Good luck with everything!

You'll have to tell me about the nightmare AFTER the ceremony :P. Like Jessica says: "As long as you say yes, it'll be the best day of my life". And that's good enough for me.

Omg I can't believe your wedding has crept up so fast! I hope you had an awesome time the other night! :) Also want to wish you two the best on Friday, since you probably won't be on here much before then. You'll have to share all the details and pictures when you can :)
Thanks for the well wishes.
Time has gone by SOOO fast. I can't believe we are at 3 nights till the big day. It'll be your turn soon enough :) I will be back after to share all the details and the pictures :).


Just a quick update. We are on track for everything. The tent arrived yesterday and we will be setting up the tables and chairs later today. I've nearly finished the seating chart and program just gotta do one last spell check and then it's off to the printer (my own printer haha). My parent's will be coming up Friday morning (they where supposed to be here earlier but my Grandpa had surgery last week and has been living with us since) and we will spend the day decorating. I haven't been able to add much Disney to the ceremony but there is a Cinderella carriage on our programs. Oh and we picked a quote from our favorite book to read during the ceremony so I am super happy about that. It's from The Alchimist which is one of the first books I bough for Jess. I had written my favorite passage on the first page and it quickly became an symbol of our relationship so I am very happy that we decided to go with that.

Oh and a quick note about the bachelorette! It was a lot of fun. Our sisters did a great job. We had custom made tshirts with Mickey heads on them :)

That's it for now. Next update I will be a married women!!! :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc:cloud9:

I'm just :hyper: for you guys today!!! I hope everything goes as awesome as it can, and the weather is great! I just felt I had to come over and do a little dance to celebrate with you guys (since I'm working late tonight and won't be able to later)...

:dance3: :banana: :yay: :dance3: :banana: :yay: :dance3: :banana:

:cheer2: :jumping1:



(PS- You guys should try to make it down for the Pride parade next Saturday :P)
Soundtrack: So Happy Together

So I'm sitting at home because the hairdresser is done and we are waiting for the makeup artist. My parents went out for some last minute what do I do? DIS TIME! I thought I'd pop by and give an update.

We have the tent all set up and rehersal went really well yesterday. I must of inflammed my knee because it is red and swollen this morning so I have my leg up and I'm icing it haha. Nothing can ruin today though. It is a nice warm sunny day not a cloud in sight and just a slight breeze.

I wanted to give a special thanks to TEEKA. We followed your idea of making a photowall for pictures. Hope its a hit!

Anyways, I have a hard time typing with my gel nails so I'll end this post.

Wish me Luck :)
Soundtrack: So Happy Together

So I'm sitting at home because the hairdresser is done and we are waiting for the makeup artist. My parents went out for some last minute what do I do? DIS TIME! I thought I'd pop by and give an update.

We have the tent all set up and rehersal went really well yesterday. I must of inflammed my knee because it is red and swollen this morning so I have my leg up and I'm icing it haha. Nothing can ruin today though. It is a nice warm sunny day not a cloud in sight and just a slight breeze.

I wanted to give a special thanks to TEEKA. We followed your idea of making a photowall for pictures. Hope its a hit!

Anyways, I have a hard time typing with my gel nails so I'll end this post.

Wish me Luck :)

Best of luck today! If your weather is anything like ours here, you're going to have a seriously perfect day for it. I wish you both all the best today! I hope to see some pictures some time!
I can't believe you're on the Dis the morning of your wedding! Cool as a cucumber, girl! I was a little frazzled.
I know the photowall willl be a hit! Especially as everyone drinks a little more, the pictures get better and better. :thumbsup2 hehehe.
Soundtrack: Can You Feel The Love Tonight

So it's official...:bride: I'm married! :bride:

It's our one-week-versary and we are sitting at home watching the Olympics (which I've been told is a very married couple thing to do...). I know it's not Disney but I would love to share the details of the day and some pictures :)

The day started with a bit of a stress. Jess woke up VERY early with the flu. I think the only thing she ate all day was Gravol and Gatorade (Our first toast was actualy made with Gatorade). She felt sick all day and would of been VERY pale had it not of been for the great job of the makeup artist haha. Jess was actualy a real trooper, no one would of known that she was not feeling well. The wedding was at 3:00pm and we where all done with our appointments with plenty of time. I even had time to update our PTR! My sister's BF drove me and my dad to the tent in a jeep with dark windows and Jess's dad drove her in a Civic with dark windows so that we could park near each other without seeing each other. When given the signal we pulled up and I exited the car. Soon after A Thousand Years by The Piano Guys indicated the start of the procession. I started down the aisle without looking back. My BIL moved the car and Jess's dad pulled up and helped her out of the car. By the time I reached the front of the tent, I turned around to watch Jess enter the tent. Even sick, she was breathtakingly beautiful. She joined me up front and both our dad's gave us to each other. The ceremony was officiated by Jess's aunt which made it very personal. It was a very touching ceremony and many of our family member's where tearing up. The wedding ended and we jumped into a family's friends' Mustand Convertible (RED!) to go take pictures. I never realized how important it is to get a photographer that you get along with. He is really the person that we spent the most time with during the day.

After the pictures we returned to the tent for supper. The tent was set up at Jess's family cottage so the guest could go for walks on the beach or play around the cottage which created a very fun atmosphere. We also set up a photobooth which many guest enjoyed. During supper we had to make a few toast but with Jess under the weather and since I rarely drink we made our toats with a champagne glass filled with Gatorade. We where probably the sobberest brides at a wedding dance! For someone who was sick Jess did amazing and danced all the way till 10:30. Afterwhich, we got a drive home and she promptly passed out (after a final dose of Gravol).

Looking back, it was an amazing day! I'm so thankful to have found my soulmate. Now, we are looking forward to the honeymoon in 14 days! I'll be back soon with more information about our Disney trip but in the mean time here are some non-professional pictures of the wedding taken from my sister, friends and aunt. Judging by these pics I can't wait to see our photographer's shots.


Red Velvet Cookies and fondant decorated top tier cake


Head Table Centerpiece


Head Table Wine Bottles with Wedding Dress Cover


Our Castle Shot Wine Bottles


Me Walking Down the Aisle


Jess Preparing to Walk Down the Aisle with her Papa (Isn't she beautiful?)


Exchange of the Rings


Relaxing Between Pictures


I think we have a tanning problem


First Dance as a Married Couple


Sunset to End a Wonderful Day

Thanks for reading :) :flower3:



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