Leaving the Disney-Hater at Home: A Dorky Disboutiquing Diser Sista Trip Report 6/4

Love your trip report...it's my first time trying to subscribe so I can read the rest.:goodvibes Thanks for writing!
When we stepped outside of Crystal Palace, I instantly noticed that it had gotten warmer. It certainly wasn't WARM, but it was warm-ER.

I noticed that Sawyer's diaper was sagging. We were right next to the baby center, or whatever it's called. I had never been in there, so I thought this was a much better option than doing the "amazing standing diaper change" that we had done up to this point. You see, there is generally only 1 or 2 changing tables in the Disney bathrooms. There is always a baby on the table and a line of 3 more waiting to be changed. So, I generally just take Sawyer into the stall with me and change his diaper while he's standing up (as long as it's just wet). Hence, the "amazing standing diaper change" was born. I called it such because it made him laugh when I said it.

It was a really cool place! A sweet woman met us at the door and asked us how she could help. I told her I needed to change Sawyer's diaper and she directed us to a large room full of big, padded, changing tables. They had huge sheets of paper that you put down under the kid so as to not get all germy. It was like diaper changing heaven.


We were the only ones in there! After I was done changing his diaper, we all needed to use the bathroom. There was a unisex bathroom adjacent to the changing area, so we went in there. I was very surprised when I saw that it was just like a regular public bathroom. You know, the kind with the slats that you can see through, if you are looking, and multiple stalls. I used it, but I was really afraid a man would walk in!! I really don't think that should have been a unisex bathroom!

We peeked around the rest of the baby area and saw a room with lots of baby stuff- formula and everything. There was everything you could possibly need in there. There was also an area with high chairs for feeding babies. I hope there was a seperate area to nurse your baby, but we wouldn't have went in there and disturbed them.

Sawyer had been looking forward to riding Buzz Lightyear since he saw it online (mom had been showing him videos online for months). So, we went to check out the wait.

First, we saw that it looked like there wasn't much wait for the Laugh Floor, so we got in line. However, Sawyer was fading fast and I wasn't sure he would stay awake for the whole show. So, we got back out of the line and went over to Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin.

The line was very short- maybe 3-4 minutes.


Mom got to take Sawyer on his first spin since she got him so excited about riding it.


Deer in the headlights!


Sawyer LOVED it!!


Tessa took it very seriously.


Here's my redneck photo of a photo. Notice how I cut our scores out? You didn't need to see my pitifully low score. I believe it wasn't more than 4 digits long...


Mom is actually pretty good at this game. Her score is always WAY higher than mine.


As soon as we got off the ride, Sawyer was jumping and saying "Again! Again! Again!" He got upset with me when I wouldn't let him get right back on the ride at the exit. But, I assured him that we were going around to ride again. First, we had to pose for the standard "Imprisoned with the Evil Emporor Zurg" pictures.



This time there was absolutely no line at all. I mean NONE! We walked right on and there weren't even any people in front of or behind us! I got Sawyer this time. In the weeks leading up to the trip, he was really looking forward to shooting grandma on Buzz Lightyear. Sick, I know. So, I turned our car around and let him fire away.


He was laughing and giggling so hard, he practically fell out of his seat. He was having the time of his life! I can't believe I didn't get a picture of him! It was SO cute!

I'm thinking we rode a 3rd time, again with no line at all!!

When we got off our final spin with Buzz, we saw BUZZ HIMSELF over by the Carousel of Progress. I told mom to get the kids in line and I'd go to the stroller and get the autograph books.

We definitely waited longer to see Buzz than to ride the ride! But, it was worth it! Buzz was hilarious and kept doing these silly poses and such.


I don't think the kids thought he was as funny as I did because they were just looking at him like he was crazy.


I wish there had been a photopass photographer with him! I would have gotten in the picture.


Sawyer was very unsure about the whole thing, even though he LOVES Buzz!


We noticed that below us (we were up on the walkway to COP), Stitch was signing autographs. So, we got in line for him, too.


Stitch was really funny, too. (Tessa chose the totally unrelated decorations for this picture)


Stitch took Sawyer's autograph book and put it on his pen and started spinning it around.


Then, it flew off!


He proceeded to pick it up off the ground and "lick" it clean. It was SO funny! I was "EWWW"ing and "gross" ing. So, when he went to hand Sawyer his book back, he really didn't want it. (Sawyer really liked the Bolt decoration and insisted on it for this pic)


I had to go and take it for him.


We were done in Tomorrowland and I wanted to head over to The Jungle Cruise because it was closed for part of our last trip and I didn't get to ride it.

However, Tessa started having a meltdown because she wanted in the stroller and she didn't want Sawyer in there with her. We have a wonderful Peg Perego Pliko P3 stroller that the incredibly generous Stephres gave me. It has a little platform on the back for Tessa to stand on, so she wasn't doing much walking. But, she wanted to get IN the stroller. We let her get in, but Sawyer had to be in there with her because he was tired, too.

This did NOT make her happy.


You really must watch this video of how mom and I react to such things.

We could see that she actually thought we were pretty funny, but she wasn't about to admit it.


I warned her that she needed to stop acting like that or we were going to go back to the hotel. She really didn't want to leave, so she straightened up for a few minutes.

But, when we got in line (it was really short) for the Jungle Cruise she started acting naughty again. I was starting to think we would have to leave the park after the Jungle Cruise.

Anyway, Sawyer got a 2nd wind after resting in the stroller and he was LOVING the Jungle Cruise. I wanted him to sit on my lap so he could see better, but he insisted on sitting on the seat like a big boy.


My mom HATES snakes! This one's for her.


Pouting Tessa:


Lions! Oh my!



Sawyer LOVED the whole ride! It was so cute!


We had quite a long delay docking the boat. I don't know what was going on, but we waited for around 10 minutes to dock. But, our captain was great! He entertained us with jokes, trivia, and just chatting.


I wish I could remember some of his jokes because they were rather funny.

After the ride, Tessa was still acting up. So, I took her in the bathroom for a "discussion". She decided that she'd rather be a nice girl than have to go back to the hotel for a nap. So, she straightened right up.

I am happy to say that this was the ONLY no reason, tired, meltdown that we had on this trip! That is a reason to rejoice!!

We wandered around and saw that the line for Pirates of the Carribean was way too long and there was still no Peter Pan or Wendle around. So, we headed to Frontierland.

As soon as we crossed into Frontierland, we saw Donald Duck, right next to a DVC station. We quickly got in line. There was a guy standing at the DVC station smoking a cigarette and it was blowing right at us. I was very irritated. Then, this same guy knocked a big thing of popcorn over and it spilled into our stroller. It wasn't a big deal and he felt really bad about it. So, I ALMOST forgave him for smoking in a non-designated area. ALMOST, but not quite. :snooty:

I've never seen Donald Duck over here and it was pretty cool that we just happened upon him!



Tessa stopped at the DVC center for a little pin trading. The guy there was less than enthusiastic and very impatient when Sawyer decided that he wanted to trade, too. Sawyer was really excited about it, so it irked me when the guy was rushing him (it's not like there were people lining up to hear about the DVC).

We saw that they were getting ready for the parade to start, so we staked out a sweet spot right there in Frontierland. We were about 1/2 hour early, but we were happy to have a seat and rest for a while.


Sawyer was starting to get tired, so I reclined the stroller in the hopes that he would take a little nap.

It wasn't happening.


Tessa suddenly gave me a hug and said "Thank you so much for taking me to Disney World. You're the best Mom in the world." :cloud9:


...and all was right with the world. :goodvibes:

I just love that girl!


Finally, the parade started. Here comes the family of the day. Who do you think it was???


Yes, that's the family from the teacups! It is also the camera crew that was with them. I find this to be very curious...Looking at the picture again, I just realized that I don't see the mom or the girls from the teacups- just the dad, the boys, and the camera crew. Very curious indeed...

Tessa was quite impressed with the "pretty dancing girls".



Sawyer tried waving at everyone, but he was fading fast...


You will notice in the following pictures that a great number of characters on the floats looked right at us and waved or blew kisses. It was awesome!





The parade stopped for a while when Ursula was right in front of us. Tessa had a good time with that at first. She would stick her tongue out at Ursula and Ursula would put her claw-like fingers in the air like she was going to get Tessa. It was all good fun until Tessa realized that this was REALLY URSULA!! She suddenly got really scared and hid behind me until the float moved again.

Seriously, what is up with the costumes these poor guys have to wear? They're very similar to the costumes the guy in the Disneyland Fun video (circa 1989) are wearing.


"Line up on the curb, come on everyone. Here the excitement and fun has just begun. As your Disney friends come dancing down the street. This show is a show that can't be beat."

Bad picture, but I just love the theme of this float!


Hi Alice! Nope, that doesn't look like my good friend "Wendle" in the background.




This video of Tessa is too cute!


That was a wonderful parade! We all loved it. Well...Sawyer was asleep, but the rest of us loved it!

Since we were so close to the Haunted Mansion and Sawyer was sleeping, Tessa and I headed that way. Mom said she'd meet us by the exit (she doesn't do the Haunted Mansion for religious reasons).

I was afraid that the line would be REALLY long since the parade just ended. But, we got right in! This was a GREAT MK day!

Tessa hated this ride on our last trip. But, she said she wanted to ride it again. I made sure she really did want to ride it and that she wasn't scared. She said she did!

So, we did! She did great! She didn't seem to be scared at all. She told me that she knows it's just pretend. Our doom buggy stopped twice during the ride. I found this to be rather creepy. I admit, this ride scares me a little bit. So, when the car stopped in the darkness with the sounds of ghosts and freaky things going on around us, I was a bit nervous. I even could have swore I saw someone standing in the darkness beside us...


But, I don't think I let Tessa in on what was going on in my mind because she was fine.

Our doom buggy started moving again, thankfully, and I was fine, too.

When the ride was over, Tessa wanted to do some shopping. She had been wanting to buy a baby Dumbo that she had seen in the Pooh dump shop. I made her wait in case she found something else she wanted. That Dumbo cost over $20!! So, that was pretty much all of the money she had left.

We started doing some shopping and saw these jewels that she wanted (um...$7 for a little bag of plastic discs, I don't think so). We didn't buy them, but we told her to look like she had just found some treasure.


Not quite....try again...


There we go!

I decided to let her buy the Dumbo at that point. It was her money and she REALLY wanted it. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that Arminda got this very same Dumbo on our last trip. :rolleyes:

Mom noticed on the Times Guide that Storytime with Belle was about to start. Tessa told me that she didn't want to be in the show this time. She just wanted to watch. I told her that she could tell them that if they asked her to be in the show. In case you missed it, last time she was Chip in this show! Here's the video evidence!

Mom wasn't real enthused about sitting on a cement bench, in the cold shade, to watch a show. So, she sat on a bench out in the sun with a sleeping Sawyer.

Man, it was really cold in there! I thought maybe it wouldn't be too bad since it was more sheltered. But, it was windy, with no sun, on a cold cement bench. BRRR!!! Tessa really enjoyed the show and was relieved that she didn't get chosen for it.

There was a woman behind me who had 2 little girls dressed in Minnie dot. I asked her if she had made the outfits, but she said she had a friend make them for her. I told her they were really cute. She seemed very dissapointed that her girls weren't chosen to be in the show. But, her husband ended up being chosen as The Beast. Here's most of the cast:


Tessa really enjoyed the show and loved watching it this time instead of being in it.

Sawyer was still sleeping, so we thought we'd try once more to meet Tinkerbell and Co. When we got over to Toontown again, the line was still an hour long, and looked even longer than last time. Ugh! I just couldn't do it! Instead, we browsed the gift shop for a while.

I was looking at the magnets to add to my super-cool magnet collection. I thought I'd spotted one I liked and went to grab it. At that moment, a woman came up right next to me, and turned the revolving rack I was looking at! HOW RUDE! I said "Excuse me, but I was looking at those" and proceeded to turn it back. This woman actually grabbed the rack so I couldn't turn it back! I couldn't believe it! What a total and complete jerk! I said "You are behaving very rudely and I'm not going to fight you for control of the magnet rack." and I walked off. I'm not sure if she spoke English, because she never said anything to me at all.

In the meantime, Tessa had taken off with mom and had found an Ariel bank that she really wanted. She said it was just exactly what she was looking for since she broke her glass Cinderella bank. She even tapped on it to show me it was plastic! I told her that she'd already spent all of her money, so she couldn't get it. I know, I'm cruel!

Sawyer was interested in one thing, and one thing only, CANDY! He really wanted some overpriced Disney candy. Again, being the cruel mother that I am, I told him "No."

Then, I remembered that I had a $200 gift card!!! I went and got the bank that Tessa wanted, the candy that Sawyer wanted, and the magnet that I wanted. Yay! "Free" stuff! Mom came over to me and said she'd already bought the kids the suckers. How sweet is she? So, I put mine back. Tessa saw the bank and squealed with delight. She actually asked "Mom, is that for me or the Wish kids?" :rotfl: You see, lots of times when I buy fabric and things, it's for the Wish kids, and not for her. I assured her that it was for her and she was just as happy as could be.

After our shopping excursion, we decided to take the train back to the entrance. Sawyer had been wanting to ride the "Choo Choo" the whole time we'd been there. So, we thought he'd love it!


Ummm...not so much... The train's whistle blew and it scared him to death as we were getting on. He cried for a few minutes. The poor thing!

Tessa was just happy that she had candy to eat!


Sawyer calmed down after a while and tried to enjoy himself.



It was 6:00pm and we were done for the day. So, we headed back to Pop Century for supper.

Mom offered to get the cups for us if we wanted to wait in the food court for her. I readily agreed because I was still freezing and pretty darn tired. I sat with the kids for a while and we talked about what a great day we had together. Sawyer said "Pan" was his favorite ride and Tessa said hers was Dumbo.

When mom came back with the mugs, she looked really excited. She whispered to me "We have a towel animal in the room!" She was positively giddy about it! Honestly, so was I! We never got a towel animal at all on our last trip to POP.

I don't remember what we ate, but we told Tessa that there was a surprise in our room and that we had no idea how it got there!


It's a bunny! It had a teeny little heart sticker on it's ear, too. So cute!


Tessa's headband was on the pillow, spread out all pretty (she wasn't wearing them today because I wanted her to wear the bow that I made to match her outfit).


Baby Simba (bought on our last trip and has slept with Tessa every night since) was wearing mom's Mickey ears.


It was so cute, and the perfect thing to come back to!

I had made some window decorations and printed them on transparent window paper. So, I went about putting them in the window. It was REALLY hard to get the backing off of those suckers! But, I finally did it and decorated the window all cute. I thought I'd wait until morning to take a picture from the outside.

We were all in bed and asleep by 9:00! The next day we were going to Animal Kingdom.

Up Next: No, it is NOT better than home!
I LOVE all the updates! I would love to see the bow up close! I had to go back and look after you said you made it. For some reason I have this desire to make a bow!

Sawyer was chunking on his lollipop! I have never been in the baby care center either but it sure seems nice. I didn't know it was there for the longest time.

Hmm, you can tell I didn't open word this time!

I love it when the room is all "decorated".
Great update. Your pictures are really good. I can't believe you walked on all those rides with no waiting!
Isn't the Baby Care center great! I love their changing rooms and they do have nice quiet nursing rooms.
I wanted to comment on your previous installment that I forgot to say. That Cinderella you met was kind of scary :scared1:

The lady in the gift shop was scary too:scared:

You and your Mom seem to be having so much fun!
I need to go back and read the latest update but how did you get your photopass pics on here?!?! I'm so confused :confused3
Love your trip report...it's my first time trying to subscribe so I can read the rest.:goodvibes Thanks for writing!
I am honored that your first post was on my TR!! :cloud9:

I LOVE all the updates! I would love to see the bow up close! I had to go back and look after you said you made it. For some reason I have this desire to make a bow!

Sawyer was chunking on his lollipop! I have never been in the baby care center either but it sure seems nice. I didn't know it was there for the longest time.

Hmm, you can tell I didn't open word this time!

I love it when the room is all "decorated".
I think his lollipop broke before that picture. He hadn't been eating it too long, so I can't imagine he'd actually eaten all that.

Great update. Your pictures are really good. I can't believe you walked on all those rides with no waiting!
Isn't the Baby Care center great! I love their changing rooms and they do have nice quiet nursing rooms.
I wanted to comment on your previous installment that I forgot to say. That Cinderella you met was kind of scary :scared1:

The lady in the gift shop was scary too:scared:

You and your Mom seem to be having so much fun!
I don't know what was wrong with the woman in the gift shop! :confused3 She had no manners, I guess.

I need to go back and read the latest update but how did you get your photopass pics on here?!?! I'm so confused :confused3

I'll PM you! :thumbsup2
I don't usually put Tessa's name on things, but she was getting jealous that the Wish kids got their names on stuff, but she didn't!

We are the Dorky Disboutiquing Diser Sistas! We embrace our dorkiness! :rotfl:


:rotfl2: :lmao: oh yeah I forgot!!! Silly me!!! Hahahaha
LOVE the new update. Sounds like a WONDERFUL DAY at the MK!!!!
Thanks Beth!

Did I post that last one too soon? Should I space them out a little more? :confused3
First, your kids are little dolls!!!!! I LOVE the dumbo outfits!!!! All of this is jus making me want to go to DW sooooooo badly!!! I really have DisneyFever!!!!! You guys look like you are having so much fun!!!! I hope Tessa's bracelet gets fixed!!!! She looked soooo sad!:sad2: And I must add that if you only had ONE meltdown, you were doing extremely well!!!:thumbsup2

1. That Cinderella looked MEAN!!!
2. We finally met Ariel on our last trip and she was AWESOME!
3. Every Belle we have ever met has been fantastic!!!
4. How cool that Sawyer got a sword!!!!!
5. I really need to try out that Baby Care Center!
6. Maybe the lady REALLY needed a magnet!????:confused3 :rotfl2: :rotfl:
7. How great that you got a towel animal!! We have not gotten a towel animal, but I love the way they arrange everything!!! Last year we brought stuff from home, plus added to our collection. We got back one night and all of the animals were sitting in front of the TV with the remote watching cartoons!!! It was sooo cute!

Can't wait to read the rest!!!
I Hate Delta. Everytime I have flown with them they have lost my luggage. Twice on one trip. After they lost it the 2nd time (on our way back) they guy at the airport shuttle told us what Delta means.

D- Don't
E- Expect
L- Luggage
T- To
A- Arrive

:rotfl: its funny cause its true!

LOL! Delta has lost our luggage once and our car seats once. Only time anything has been lost.

I am so far behind; I didn't know you started already, but I will try to remember a few things.

*Security was open at the airport at 5am? I am jealous!

*That is a long, cold walk out to the plane. It was the coldest I had been the whole time I was in Michigan!

*The kids loved the creepy hallway and were hopeful we would get to walk it on the way back home. We did, but there was no singing.

*The kids look so cute in their customs! And you and your mom too, of course.

*We love Crystal Palace and used to do it every time. I would experiment with different character meals and Tom would say, why can't we just eat at Crystal Palace?

*Loved Sawyer and the sword! I can just picture him so excited about it and then discovering the sheath comes off, lol! Such a cute kid.

*Tessa sounds like she sleeps like Megan. Now you know why I shoved her off on Tessa instead of sleeping with her. Your poor face!

I can't remember anything else, but at least I didn't copy Teresa's, like some people! :snooty:
Another update - you are moving at lightning speed!

I am so glad that I don't have the only 5 year old that has pointless meltdowns and am happy for you that it was the only one on your trip!

The baby center does sound very nice - I have no idea where any of them are since my DD was potty-trained by the time of our first trip.

HM creeps me out a little bit too. Maybe we need a club for normally rational adults who get creeped out by HM but still ride it to save face. :rotfl:

I love how much Sawyer loved the Buzz ride and "shooting" Grandma.

Looking forward to the next update!
First, your kids are little dolls!!!!! I LOVE the dumbo outfits!!!! All of this is jus making me want to go to DW sooooooo badly!!! I really have DisneyFever!!!!! You guys look like you are having so much fun!!!! I hope Tessa's bracelet gets fixed!!!! She looked soooo sad!:sad2: And I must add that if you only had ONE meltdown, you were doing extremely well!!!:thumbsup2

1. That Cinderella looked MEAN!!!
2. We finally met Ariel on our last trip and she was AWESOME!
3. Every Belle we have ever met has been fantastic!!!
4. How cool that Sawyer got a sword!!!!!
5. I really need to try out that Baby Care Center!
6. Maybe the lady REALLY needed a magnet!????:confused3 :rotfl2: :rotfl:
7. How great that you got a towel animal!! We have not gotten a towel animal, but I love the way they arrange everything!!! Last year we brought stuff from home, plus added to our collection. We got back one night and all of the animals were sitting in front of the TV with the remote watching cartoons!!! It was sooo cute!

Can't wait to read the rest!!!
You should go to Disneyland in October. There are some disboutiquers who are thinking about taking a trip out there! :thumbsup2

She did look mean, didn't she? She seemed to be feeling ill. She looked like she was trying really hard, but not quite making it.

That must have been adorable to see the animals on the bed watching tv!! How Cute!! What did the kids think of it?

LOL! Delta has lost our luggage once and our car seats once. Only time anything has been lost.

I am so far behind; I didn't know you started already, but I will try to remember a few things.

*Security was open at the airport at 5am? I am jealous!

*That is a long, cold walk out to the plane. It was the coldest I had been the whole time I was in Michigan!

*The kids loved the creepy hallway and were hopeful we would get to walk it on the way back home. We did, but there was no singing.

*The kids look so cute in their customs! And you and your mom too, of course.

*We love Crystal Palace and used to do it every time. I would experiment with different character meals and Tom would say, why can't we just eat at Crystal Palace?

*Loved Sawyer and the sword! I can just picture him so excited about it and then discovering the sheath comes off, lol! Such a cute kid.

*Tessa sounds like she sleeps like Megan. Now you know why I shoved her off on Tessa instead of sleeping with her. Your poor face!

I can't remember anything else, but at least I didn't copy Teresa's, like some people! :snooty:

I would be SOOO mad if they lost my car seats! How would you get home without them? We always take Sawyer's on, but Tessa's isn't approved for airplane use (didn't know that until after I bought it).

I love your last comment! :lmao: Poor Cathy!

Another update - you are moving at lightning speed!

I am so glad that I don't have the only 5 year old that has pointless meltdowns and am happy for you that it was the only one on your trip!

The baby center does sound very nice - I have no idea where any of them are since my DD was potty-trained by the time of our first trip.

HM creeps me out a little bit too. Maybe we need a club for normally rational adults who get creeped out by HM but still ride it to save face. :rotfl:

I love how much Sawyer loved the Buzz ride and "shooting" Grandma.

Looking forward to the next update!

Somehow it's worse to have a 5 year old with a meltdown than a 2 year old- and much more embarassing! I was shocked that it was the only one on this trip! She really had a great time! We all did!

I'll join the "Normal Rational Adults Who Get Creeped Out By the Haunted Mansion Club"! NRAWGCOBHM Hmm...that's kind of long...
The Peter Pan outfits really plus the Tink pic.
I just now found this report and just started reading it. But I had to ask. Where did you get that material in the first post. I love that dark green with Buzz. My son would go balistic over that. Well my daughter too but she is all about ANYTHING that is Disney!!.
I would love to be able to make him a shirt out of that material.
Thank you in advance.

Now off to read more of your report.:goodvibes
I just now found this report and just started reading it. But I had to ask. Where did you get that material in the first post. I love that dark green with Buzz. My son would go balistic over that. Well my daughter too but she is all about ANYTHING that is Disney!!.
I would love to be able to make him a shirt out of that material.
Thank you in advance.

Now off to read more of your report.:goodvibes

I bought it at JoAnn's last year. But, they didn't have it anymore the last time I checked. You might be able to find it on ebay. There's a fabric swap thread on the disboards you could post on, too. Here's the link:
I bought it at JoAnn's last year. But, they didn't have it anymore the last time I checked. You might be able to find it on ebay. There's a fabric swap thread on the disboards you could post on, too. Here's the link:

Thank you I will go check it out.

I just finished your report. What fun.
I actually spit out my tea when I saw the life Guard bundled up at the pool :lmao:

I am so glad you didn't encounter too many rude CM's. I know that can ruin a trip.
Can't wait to read more.

The clothes you make are adorable. I have just started getting into it more. I just haven't had too much time. But I want to make more time.
Thank you I will go check it out.

I just finished your report. What fun.
I actually spit out my tea when I saw the life Guard bundled up at the pool :lmao:

I am so glad you didn't encounter too many rude CM's. I know that can ruin a trip.
Can't wait to read more.

The clothes you make are adorable. I have just started getting into it more. I just haven't had too much time. But I want to make more time.

I thought that lifeguard was hilarious, too! How was she going to jump in and save anyone with all those clothes on?

Did you read my last TR? That was full of rude CMs!!

Thanks about the clothes! Have you seen the disboutiquers thread? We love newcomers, so don't hesitate to post there if you haven't already!

Feb. 5, 2009

From the Orlando Sentinel:
"If this morning feels colder than it has all winter, you're right. The National Weather Service issued a wind-chill warning for the Orlando area until 8 a.m. today. Forecasters expected winds at 10 mph to make it feel as though it's 15 to 20 degrees outside."

Sounds like a great day for Animal Kingdom! :cold:

We got up bright and early because we wanted to make it to rope drop at Animal Kingdom. I hopped in the shower and I heard my mom say "Oh no, Heather, there is green ink running all over the window!" As I was indisposed, I didn't know what she was talking about until I got dressed and came out.

This is what had become of my window clings:


They were turned into a pile of lime green mush and had gotten ink all over the window. Luckily, the window came clean really easily. But, I was upset that I'd wasted $10 and a lot of time on those stupid things! Apparently, when it's cold out, there is so much condensation on the window that it makes the ink run. Lesson learned!

As we were cleaning up the window mess, the kids got ahold of my camera and took some lover-ly photos.



At least this one's cute! This was taken by Tessa.


Then, my mom got ahold of the camera and tried taking a picture. We got this adorable video of Sawyer instead.

We got the kids ready, all dressed up in their Chip and Dale outfits. I knew we wouldn't be seeing much of the outfits, due to the weather forecast, so I got a picture of them before we left. Sawyer's shirt has Chip appliqued on the back and Tessa's shirt has Clarice (their girlfriend) on it. The lighter fabric has little Chip/Dales all over it.


When we headed out the door in the morning to get on the bus, it was a balmy 30 degrees with winds of 6.9mph. Feels like home! Let me explain: several times throughout the day, I heard people say "Well, it's better than home!" NO, it's NOT better than home! If it's 30 degrees out at home, I stay inside! I don't go galavanting all over the place and stay outside all day in frigid weather! BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! It was SOOOOO COLD!!!!!!!!

We got onto a nearly empty bus and called daddy again on the way to the parks. Notice what Sawyer is holding?



Tessa was very excited to see the talking palm tree. She remembered it from the trip we took when she was 3 years old! But, the palm tree was nowhere in site. We got there about 20 minutes before the park opened, so we had to wait in line at the turnstiles for a while. There weren't even any characters out yet. We did a lot of jumping up and down to stay warm.

Finally the bundled up CMs ventured out to take our ticket and they let us in to watch the opening show.

The show is just okay. Actually, it's a little bit stupid, especially if it's 33 degrees with winds of 10 mph (I found a cool site that shows what the temp and wind speed was at different times on any day in Orlando).


Once they let us in, I followed mom over to Expedition Everest. She knows this park much better than I do, so I told her she was in charge for the day. She knew a shortcut to get over there. She was right because we were early enough to get in the first car of the day! Sawyer and I stayed in the gift shop where it was warm while mom and Tessa rode on the first coaster of the day.

Sawyer wasn't very happy that he didn't get to ride. He figured since he rode the Barnstormer that he could go on all of the roller coasters! But, we passed the time looking at the pins and such. Did you know that the pins at Disney start at $7, for the really plain ones??? I'm glad I stocked up when they were on clearance at disneyshopping.com!

I had my camera ready, hoping to catch Tessa's exhuberance when she got off the coaster. But, she stopped inside to get a certificate for being on the first coaster of the day!


She was very pleased about that. She said she loved the ride!


We were doing the child swap, so I took Tessa back on with me. She was excited at first. But, once we actually got ON the roller coaster, she started to psych herself out.


She clung to me for the whole ride. She was really scared and mad at me for "making" her go on it again! Huh???


BRRRRRRRR!!!!! It was SOOOOOO cold up there!!!!!!


Yikes, is this ride up high!


This part actually scares me! I always think "What if....."


I don't find this part, or any part with the yeti to be very scary. But, poor Tessa did!


Let's just say that Tessa didn't have an enjoyable time on this ride, with mommy. I'm not sure why riding with Grandma was great, but riding with me was scary!


When we got off the ride, the CM working at the photo area said that in the 5 years she had lived in Orlando, this was the coldest day she had ever seen. Aren't we lucky to have shared it with her? :rolleyes: Of course, someone chimed in with "It's better than at home." grrr....

Here's my redneck shot. You can see me because I have the bright pink hoodie on and a 5 year old with a death clutch on my arm.


We wanted to catch the first Lion King show of the day because we thought it'd be warm in there. But, on the way, we saw Pocahontas. Pocahontas was looking rather chilly. She had on a couple of layers under her outfit. Who could blame her. Doesn't she look like she's ready to punch Tessa in this picture?


Next, we saw Lilo and Stitch. Tessa had really wanted to meet Lilo on our last trip, but she never got to. So, this time I let her get in line.


I was so glad I did! We used to watch the Lilo and Stich show on the Disney channel EVERY morning! She still loves Lilo and Stitch. So does Sawyer. While Tessa was hugging Lilo, Stitch was kicking the ground and pouting. So, Tessa had to hug him, too.




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