Last time you were at your


14001, 60056, 224
Apr 8, 2011
grade school ?

I haven't been inside since I went there but a few years ago, I walked my dog around the building and looked in the windows (school was out :rotfl:), man a flood of memories come back that I haven't thought of since I went there, it was nice
My first grade school burned to the ground many years ago, but I've driven around my old hometown to revisit the past, and to show my kids where I grew up.

I also worked at my old high school for 5 years, now that was funny. I couldn't call the teachers by their first names, no matter how many times they told me to! I was pretty young (22-27) and one time the vice principal asked me for a hall pass.
My kids went to the same school I did so was quite weird to go there for various occassions, especially when I saw some of the same teachers still there that I had:rolleyes1
My kids went to the same school I did so was quite weird to go there for various occassions, especially when I saw some of the same teachers still there that I had:rolleyes1

did they remember you :rotfl:, were you bad or good in grade school ?
My parents still live a block away from my school where I went from K-9. I haven't been in it in ages but pass by it regularly.
:rotfl:, I dont think I could call my teachers by there first name either, and lol about the hall pass, bet it made you feel good

My parents still live a block away from my school where I went from K-9. I haven't been in it in ages but pass by it regularly.

when know ones there go look in the windows, Im serious, I passed mine all the time also, but looking in the windows the memories come all back
When I attended them. We moved around a lot,so it was more then just 1. My first school for kindergrten actually closed last year was made into a community center. I went to my old high school last June during a reunion with a couple friends and we were able to walk around: the gym still smelled the same lol.
We drove past mine about our years ago when my granddaddy passed away and we were over that way. I haven't been in the school in many, may years.

I was in the very first 1st grade class in that school and we planted a tree out front. That tree has really grown over the years and it was really neat to see as we drove by. :goodvibes
Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten.Alter what is changeable, and accept what is unchangeable.
I was in the very first 1st grade class in that school and we planted a tree out front. That tree has really grown over the years and it was really neat to see as we drove by. :goodvibes

we had two trees planted in from of mine for two little girls that were murdered when i was there, the tress and plaques were still there, I still remember both of them :(
Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten.Alter what is changeable, and accept what is unchangeable.

wow thats deeper then Jerry Springers final thought of the day :thumbsup2
last month. i substitute teach there sometimes. the school is much bigger now-it has 5 buildings, instead of just the 2 that were there when i was in school. it brings back memories of both when i was there, and when DD15 went to school there.
we had two trees planted in from of mine for two little girls that were murdered when i was there, the tress and plaques were still there, I still remember both of them :(

Oh wow! That's horrible that something like that happened but what a sweet way for the students to remember them by.
You know how everyone walked miles to school up hill both ways?

Well, a few years ago we took the kids back to my home town and drove by my old grade school and then to my home. I did walk to and from school even when I was in 1st grade. My family was amazed that my parents let me walk back and forth everyday at such a young age. My dh actually went back to see how far it was and it was 1.5 miles and I had to walk along a busy road without a sidewalk! I think the kids had a new level of respect for me after that and couldn't believe it was even allowed. Little did they know that some kids walked even farther than I did.
My elementary school is closed. Wish I could check it out again. :thumbsup2 My Middle school is also closed. My High School closed then re-opened as a middle school years later. May check that out if I can.

My kids went to the same schools my husband did! :goodvibes
Oh wow! That's horrible that something like that happened but what a sweet way for the students to remember them by.

it sure was, it happen in 1970 and I seen a few years ago they let the Murder out for weekend pass ( he is/was borderline retarded (is that the proper word to use ?) anyway he went and stabbed two girls in a park, but there ok
We moved several times during my elementary years- I attended 6 different schools between K and 5th grade! They are scattered around the Midwest, South, and Puerto Rico. The only elementary school I ever re-visited was the one in Puerto Rico where I went to 2nd grade. It has been added onto several times, but the main building looks just like it did almost 40 years ago.
My kids go to my school and some of the same teachers are there. The K-4 building is the same one, but the 5-8 is different because we combined with another district the year after I graduated. So I get lost in their current building which is in another town.
My elementary school closed due to declining enrollment sometime in the mid 80s and was torn down in the mid 90s. The site was vacant for years but about 3 years ago an assisted living place was built there.

We moved around a lot, so I went to 5 elementary schools... all in the same town.

The weird thing is that the last 2 I attended, my oldest DD now works at. She moved to my hometown during her college years, so even though she grew up 5 hours away, she is now walking the same halls I did as a kid. I have been to visit her at work, but only saw parts of one school. Feels strange knowing I was a little girl there and she is now an adult there.

This summer I also had another weird school experience, my niece graduated from High School and we of course were there to cheer her on. She graduated from the same high school I did and I knew it was on the same date... but when we returned home a few days later I checked my old announcements and not only did we graduate on the same day, 30 years apart, but it was at the same time! So exactly 30 years earlier I was sitting in almost the same place she was (I had the same last name as her way back then).

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