Jon and Kate Plus 8 Official Thread - Part 6

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"It's very carefree and fun," she said of their relationship. "We just laugh—like, our best times are when it's just me and him.

"We both enjoy just simple things in life," she said, citing their mutual love of snowboarding, watching movies, playing pool and other "normal" activities.
Yeah, like, it must be nice without all those darn kids around all the time. :rolleyes:
The whole marriage & kid thing is so controlling & a real buzz kill.
Ain't it the truth!
Can anyone answer these two questions for me??

1) What ever happened to the old producer, Jen?
2) How did Kate know about the USS Alabama? Is she from Alabama?

Concerning question #1, I heard (read on the internet) that Jen, Scott and others on the team requested to be moved to the Duggar's show because the tension level in the Gosselin home was too much to handle. I can't help you with q #2! ;)
How Stuff Works - Inside J&K+8

This story says (got link from TLC's site) that J&K Kate met when Kate was visiting the hotel he worked at because her friend worked there. I thought they met at a picnic???
she looks forward to being a grandmother. "I have very vivid dreams of our family in the future -- a house full of love, laughter, and lots of grandkids to spoil!"[/I
I've always read that she met John while he was working. I can't remember..was he waitering and she caught his eye? I think he was dating somone else at the time. I'm sure someone will know.

Sad about being a grandmother and apart..I doubt either of them thought they wouldn't be together for that in the begining.
I've always read that she met John while he was working. I can't remember..was he waitering and she caught his eye? I think he was dating somone else at the time. I'm sure someone will know.

Sad about being a grandmother and apart..I doubt either of them thought they wouldn't be together for that in the begining.

according to this video, they met at a picnic ... both versions :)
Just my 2 cents on PA custody concerns - Years ago, we had a custody issue with my DSDs. They lived with us in NJ and were visiting with their mother in PA over Easter vacation. She got tired of them :rolleyes: and wanted us to pick them up immediately. We couldn't (I worked in NYC - had a 2 hr commute home and then she was 3 hours away and we only had one car). We said we would pick them up the next day. I took a personal day and we left early in the morning to get them. She was so angry that we didn't get them the night before that she refused to open the door. She's bi-polar and I guess started a bad turn.

I went to call the police (before cells) while DH tried to reason with her through the door. I explained the whole situation and they refused to come out even though we had our custody order in hand. They said that unless it clearly stated that the police were to get involved, and they had that order on file at their office, they considered it a domestic issue and we had to deal with our attorneys. :headache:

I don't know if things have changed in PA but I do know there was no help whatsoever with a custody concern even when we stated we felt the children could be in danger. :confused3

Sooo. How did Kate get the police out there in the first place?

Hailey Glassman is just "a normal 22-year-old girl." So how did she turn into "the goldfish that was put in the piranha tank"?

The admitted college-era weed smoker (it happens) exclusively tells E! News that, about five years ago, the only thing she had to say about the Jon & Kate Plus 8 star was, "Wow, you've got a lot of kids."

But now, she is really, truly in love with her family friend turned boyfriend, and she thinks there is plenty of blame to go around for her 15-plus minutes of infamy.

"Before all this, I was happy-go-lucky," Glassman said in a recent sit-down with E!

"I was never a follower. I was never a gossiper. I did my own thing. To be honest, this whole thing, I have lost my happiness through this all. I don't want to say the public and media stripped me of my self-esteem. But they really have. I've been the sacrificial lamb in this situation."

And don't even get her started on TLC's role in this fiasco.

"More like the lying channel," Glassman said when reminded that TLC stood for The Learning Channel. TLC didn't allow [Jon and Kate Gosselin] to come out and say their marriage was done a year ago," she said. But "no network owns what I can and cannot say."

And the gist of what she has to say is that she and Mr. Gosselin didn't hook up until after his marriage had come undone, and they went from friends to best friends to more.

"It's very carefree and fun," she said of their relationship. "We just laugh—like, our best times are when it's just me and him.

"We both enjoy just simple things in life," she said, citing their mutual love of snowboarding, watching movies, playing pool and other "normal" activities.

Having already dismissed Gosselin's rumored girlfriend No. 2, Kate Major, as being "cuckoo, cuckoo," Glassman also insists that nanny Stephanie Santoro is nothing but a nanny.

"Jon has a good heart, she has a child and he felt bad. He knows how it feels to have a child and not be able to afford, you know, so he hired her to give her a job."

As for her future with the father of eight, Glassman says her current objective is happiness for all.

"I don't like to talk in the future," she said. "I like to live in the present. As of right now, I want to be happy. I want Jon to be happy. I want every side to be happy.

"People need to realize there's two sides to every story...TLC, they're telling something but the truth is always in that fuzzy area. You can't touch it, but only the people contracted can see it, but no one can say it.

"It's a dirty, dirty world. Bamboozling, this world. I didn't know any of this would happen."

Glassman added, referrering once again to the media poo-storm. "If I wanted fame, don't you think I would be out all the time? I stay in my house. I've been staying home with my parents because I feel safe there."

Did anybody see this on TV? From the way it reads on the screen, it sounds like she's confirming OUR assumptions. So, because of that, it's pretty hard to find fault with what she's saying (because we're always right)
I think every married man who has had an affair & wants to hang out in bars would agree with you. The whole marriage & kid thing is so controlling & a real buzz kill.

I didn't say marriage and kids were a buz kill. I said Kate was controlling and TLC is now controlling his actions. I can understand someone being very frustrated under those circumstances and going a little wild once freed from that control.

I also said Jon is acting childishly. He doesn't get a pass from me but I don't think he is the only guilty party here. Kate did her fair share to destroy that marriage. It's rarely one spouse's fault when a marriage fails.

Sorry. Not gonna join in the man hating party tonight.
The boys are so cute!!!!!

Maddy did not seem to enjoy their day out with dad. Probably felt like it was daddy and Cara day.

I agree, the boys are so adorable! I really like the new episodes.. Kate has mellowed out a lot.. I cringed when I saw the ice cream on one of the boys shoes, I really thought TLC showed that before going to commercial because we were going to see Kate freak out but :cool1:.. no freak out! I think I would like the show more if it was Kate Plus 8 right now.

I felt kind of bad for Mady. She looked bored and I was worried she felt left out since the activities were more Cara's type of fun. E! is trying to spin that Mady looked bored/sad because the separation was getting to her (
Was their marriage really over a YEAR ago??....Didn't they move into their mansion last October?...why would anyone plan a move as a family into a very large expensive house if they were breaking up?:confused3

what do you all think?...I always thought they started to break down after they moved into the house. They were obviously having problems on the couch together,...whereas they still seemed happy enough on the couch in the old house.
I really can't believe they were "apart" when they renewed their vows..they genuinely seemed close at thet time...but how can things fall apart so drastically so quickly?:confused3
Can anyone answer these two questions for me??

1) What ever happened to the old producer, Jen?
2) How did Kate know about the USS Alabama? Is she from Alabama?

Hey guys, been lurking for a long time and wanted to comment here! Don't know about #1, but as for #2, she was on the USS North Carolina, which is a huge tourist attraction here in Wilmington, NC. Since Kate was visiting Bald Head, I am sure she was told about the battleship, since everyone that vacations here goes to the battleship, same thing with the Serpentarium from last weeks episode. BTW, thank for keeping this thread hearing the latest news here!
Hey guys, been lurking for a long time and wanted to comment here! Don't know about #1, but as for #2, she was on the USS North Carolina, which is a huge tourist attraction here in Wilmington, NC. Since Kate was visiting Bald Head, I am sure she was told about the battleship, since everyone that vacations here goes to the battleship, same thing with the Serpentarium from last weeks episode. BTW, thank for keeping this thread hearing the latest news here!

While they were on the USS North Carolina Kate was rambling about some fact about something and mentioned she knew that because of the USS Alabama. So that's why they were wondering when she was on the USS Alabama.
Just goes to show you that the media isn't quite as savvy to what's going on with the Gosselins ...

in the article about last night's episode, the blogger writes:
Could the constant attention from the press and the conflict between Jon and Kate Gosselin - who got into an epic fight over Stephanie Santoro (Jon's babysitter and possible play thing) last week - be starting to get to Mady and Cara?

we all know that this was filmed weeks ago, long before Stephanie Santoro entered the picture. (unless this person has inside information and SS was around in May .. which, I suppose, is possible ...)

and TLC kept good to their word. Blurred Ed Hardy. :rotfl:
While they were on the USS North Carolina Kate was rambling about some fact about something and mentioned she knew that because of the USS Alabama. So that's why they were wondering when she was on the USS Alabama.

oh, ok, gotcha! Was kinda in and out watching last night, so missed that! Thanks!
Was their marriage really over a YEAR ago??....Didn't they move into their mansion last October?...why would anyone plan a move as a family into a very large expensive house if they were breaking up?:confused3

Unfortunately, I know a couple that did this. They had just moved in! Everyone was shocked to hear that their marriage was falling apart. Now there's talk of divorce but neither of them can afford the house alone. So, it's one big mess. I can't imagine why they would have bought the new house other than maybe they thought it would "fix" things?
Was their marriage really over a YEAR ago??....Didn't they move into their mansion last October?...why would anyone plan a move as a family into a very large expensive house if they were breaking up?:confused3

what do you all think?...I always thought they started to break down after they moved into the house. They were obviously having problems on the couch together,...whereas they still seemed happy enough on the couch in the old house.
I really can't believe they were "apart" when they renewed their vows..they genuinely seemed close at thet time...but how can things fall apart so drastically so quickly?:confused3

The new house has a separate apartment over the garage -- better for Jon than having to live in the basement. Funny how once they moved there were no kids sleeping in the basement (for anyone new to this thread, this was suspected by some to be his bedroom in the old house)

Whether you believe Jon or not (who said he was in counselling and tried to get Kate to go too before Christmas) it's very possible that they thought they could live more separate lives in reality and avoid killing each other so that they could continue doing the show. This might have been a good enough reason for Kate (and Jon if he wasn't telling the truth about trying to keep the marriage going at that time)

Just goes to show you that the media isn't quite as savvy to what's going on with the Gosselins ...

in the article about last night's episode, the blogger writes:
Could the constant attention from the press and the conflict between Jon and Kate Gosselin - who got into an epic fight over Stephanie Santoro (Jon's babysitter and possible play thing) last week - be starting to get to Mady and Cara?

we all know that this was filmed weeks ago, long before Stephanie Santoro entered the picture. (unless this person has inside information and SS was around in May .. which, I suppose, is possible ...)

and TLC kept good to their word. Blurred Ed Hardy. :rotfl:

Good catch :thumbsup2

I find the blurring of the Ed Hardy t-shirts very distracting. Couldn't they have just stopped him from wearing the shirts in the future episodes? Or maybe demanded advertising money once Jon was in negotiations with the Ed Hardy people? Funny, but I think TLC made the t-shirts MORE noticeable by doing this :rotfl2:
Was their marriage really over a YEAR ago??....Didn't they move into their mansion last October?...why would anyone plan a move as a family into a very large expensive house if they were breaking up?:confused3

what do you all think?...I always thought they started to break down after they moved into the house. They were obviously having problems on the couch together,...whereas they still seemed happy enough on the couch in the old house.
I really can't believe they were "apart" when they renewed their vows..they genuinely seemed close at thet time...but how can things fall apart so drastically so quickly?:confused3

I didn't watch Hailey's interview, but it does corroborate Jon's story that Kate ended things sometime last year.

I'm guessing they moved for the same reason they keep doing the show must go on. We do not know for sure if they or TLC purchased the house. See, the show isn't following their life, it has now turned out their life is following the direction of the show. So what TLC wants them to do they do, except this annoying marital problem came up and now we know much more than they intended. I'm not sure if J&K don't realize this or don't care.

TLC is the 11th Gosselin. Hailey let on about that, I imagine this will be a big problem for Jon, and why they want to keep him quiet. But she is right, she has no confidentiality agreement and can say what she wants.
Jon Gosselin's 22-year-old girlfriend tells E! News that she's been "in hiding" since she started dating the "Jon & Kate Plus 8" star (and that would be in May, a month before the Gosselins announced they were splitting).

"I'm not some fame*****," says Hailey Glassman, who calls the media scrutiny "horrible." Since she and Gosselin debuted their relationship during a trip to St. Tropez in July, photographs of her drunken escapades and peccadillos have been splashed across the Internet. (We say, let him who has not gotten totally wasted and ended up face-down in a potted plant cast the first stone.)

"Do I choose my life or do I choose Jon?" Glassman tells E! News in her first interview. (It airs tonight at 7 p.m. and 10 p.m.) "I stay in my house with my parents where I feel safe. Take my 15 minutes, you can have it back. Please take it back!"

Glassman, the daughter of Kate Gosselin's tummy-tuck surgeon, says she met Jon when he stayed at her family's house while the couple were on the outs in May.

"He was living in my house, the person I joked around with. He was sad and bored, I was home and bored," she says. (Isn't that how Cleopatra and Marc Anthony met?)

"Jon and Kate have moved on with their lives -- it's only the viewers who haven't moved on." Snap!

Hailey needs to be careful commenting about viewers! They're paying for your boyfriend's life right now (as far as we know!) - don't bite the hand that feeds you!

I actually watched this last night. Don't know why but I did.

I was amused by how immature she sounded when she talked. She definitely doesn't have a PR person!!! :rotfl: She's only 22 years old. I'm 6 years older then she is but I remember being 22 and having a man with 8 kids wasn't exactly my idea of a good time. I'll be VERY suprised if this lasts for sure.

She did comment on Kate "playing the sympathy card". I didn't like that. I dont think she should say ANYTHING about Kate. Kate is the mother of Jon's children and she should be VERY careful as to what she says about her in the media. Of course what she said wasn't that bad it could have been worse but I still dont think she should say anything about her, especially if she actually expects to be the step mommy someday. :rolleyes1
Was their marriage really over a YEAR ago??....Didn't they move into their mansion last October?...why would anyone plan a move as a family into a very large expensive house if they were breaking up?:confused3

what do you all think?...I always thought they started to break down after they moved into the house. They were obviously having problems on the couch together,...whereas they still seemed happy enough on the couch in the old house.
I really can't believe they were "apart" when they renewed their vows..they genuinely seemed close at thet time...but how can things fall apart so drastically so quickly?:confused3

The vow renewal was a year ago. I'm in the minority (I think) and feel it was genuine, most likely a last effort to fix their marriage.

I believe they moved into the new house last October? I'm pretty sure.

It does seem crazy to move into a new house if your marriage is crumbling. I think they both thought the house would bring more happiness to them all so it seemed like a good idea. Although Kate did say in one of her many People Mag. interviews that they bought the house to try and make Jon happy because he was feeling unfulfilled. Who knows if that's really true or not but I found it interesting especially given his behavior now that he's free of Kate.

BTW, I was in Target this weekend and what do you think I saw? Ed Hardy notebooks! I laughed so hard and my DH thought I was crazy! :laughing:

Also, DH and I watched 17 Again this weekend...there's a scene where Zac Efron tries dressing like a teenager and is decked out in head to toe Ed Hardy clothes! :laughing: A group of girls walked by and asked him if he mugged Kevin Federline!

Jon, are you reading this? Even teenagers think Ed Hardy is trashy!
The vow renewal was a year ago. I'm in the minority (I think) and feel it was genuine, most likely a last effort to fix their marriage.

I believe they moved into the new house last October? I'm pretty sure.

It does seem crazy to move into a new house if your marriage is crumbling. I think they both thought the house would bring more happiness to them all so it seemed like a good idea. Although Kate did say in one of her many People Mag. interviews that they bought the house to try and make Jon happy because he was feeling unfulfilled. Who knows if that's really true or not but I found it interesting especially given his behavior now that he's free of Kate.

BTW, I was in Target this weekend and what do you think I saw? Ed Hardy notebooks! I laughed so hard and my DH thought I was crazy! :laughing:

Also, DH and I watched 17 Again this weekend...there's a scene where Zac Efron tries dressing like a teenager and is decked out in head to toe Ed Hardy clothes! :laughing: A group of girls walked by and asked him if he mugged Kevin Federline!

Jon, are you reading this? Even teenagers think Ed Hardy is trashy!


I realize he got those clothes for free but does he have to wear them all the time??? I wouldn't think much of it if he wore them every once in a while. It's the excess of it that annoys me.
I actually watched this last night. Don't know why but I did.

I was amused by how immature she sounded when she talked. She definitely doesn't have a PR person!!! :rotfl: She's only 22 years old. I'm 6 years older then she is but I remember being 22 and having a man with 8 kids wasn't exactly my idea of a good time. I'll be VERY suprised if this lasts for sure.

She did comment on Kate "playing the sympathy card". I didn't like that. I dont think she should say ANYTHING about Kate. Kate is the mother of Jon's children and she should be VERY careful as to what she says about her in the media. Of course what she said wasn't that bad it could have been worse but I still dont think she should say anything about her, especially if she actually expects to be the step mommy someday. :rolleyes1

Funny you said she sounded immature -- the other reviews on this thread said that she talked better than Kate or Jon.

On the one hand, Hailey knew Kate a lot better than she knew Jon before May. But on the other hand, ITA with you that she needs to keep her mouth shut (try Jon's famous answer "you'll have to ask Kate", which was working for him up until last week).

The vow renewal was a year ago. I'm in the minority (I think) and feel it was genuine, most likely a last effort to fix their marriage.

I believe they moved into the new house last October? I'm pretty sure.

It does seem crazy to move into a new house if your marriage is crumbling. I think they both thought the house would bring more happiness to them all so it seemed like a good idea. Although Kate did say in one of her many People Mag. interviews that they bought the house to try and make Jon happy because he was feeling unfulfilled. Who knows if that's really true or not but I found it interesting especially given his behavior now that he's free of Kate.

BTW, I was in Target this weekend and what do you think I saw? Ed Hardy notebooks! I laughed so hard and my DH thought I was crazy! :laughing:

Also, DH and I watched 17 Again this weekend...there's a scene where Zac Efron tries dressing like a teenager and is decked out in head to toe Ed Hardy clothes! :laughing: A group of girls walked by and asked him if he mugged Kevin Federline!

Jon, are you reading this? Even teenagers think Ed Hardy is trashy!

JMHO, but I tend not to believe what anybody says about their soon-to-be-ex spouse when they're in the middle of a divorce (so yes, I believe Jon went to counselling, but his claims re Kate refusing to go, not so much)

Also, the Ed Hardy clothes might be considered trashy where you are but they're very popular here. But I would never see anyone wearing them from head to toe (kinda like wearing a leather jacket with leather pants :scared1:)
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