Is Mickey a Captain or a Jedi? Both! - May '15 Land & Sea ~ Updated 6/14: Trip Report Started!

There are also a few others who posted earlier on in this PTR with overlapping dates, but I haven't seen around lately: @sock2you If any of you see some overlap and want to say hi, let me know. Otherwise, maybe we'll just see each other around. :goodvibes

Hi :wave2: so I've been a little MIA from the boards, it's our busy season for work so I've been doing most of my catch up on the FB May group board with a few questions here and there. Our schedule is Friday (22) Epcot-still trying to decide if we want to brave the 24 hour event
Sat (23) rest day
Sun (24) Animal Kingdom
Mon 25 (HS)

I would love for my DD Sophia to meet Izzy, I bet they would hit it off.
Hope I can handle all that walking through Epcot and such.
You'll be fine. Being in the parks gives you extra energy and endurance. It is a proven scientific fact.

So, in many ways, like bringing an older kid and some extra freedom with that. :cool1: However, the attitude and strong verbal skills are what scares me. Don’t get me wrong, she’s always been a pretty agreeable and good-natured kid, and she still generally is, but she really seems to be testing out various forms of resistance these days. Refusing just for the sake of refusing (i.e. saying, “I don’t like that!” to a food that she’s never tried and would likely love) and being very stubborn and uncooperative at times. Losing her little mind if she doesn’t get her way. Lots of tears and screaming. :sad: I’m just hoping we can keep that to a minimum during the trip.
Um... yep. Toddler. They call it terrible 2's. DD is 3 now and still going strong. :sad2:

Oh my gosh. How fitting. Seriously. :rotfl2: Too bad she didn't want anymore new shirts.

Not exactly my favorite (and they didn’t have the Ariel version in her size), but there were not a lot of options for her size/width and these seemed fun enough that maybe she will agree to wear them instead of her boots. :scratchin And could be fun at night with the lights
Nice! I'm sure she'll enjoy them. Light up shoes might make the boots a little less important to her.

For instance, "Do you want to see the Disney Junior Live show?" was followed with, "Noooooo! I don't want to see that! That would be silly! Sorry!" (yes, she apologizes for bad news, but not for injuring me, which she did three times today :headache: ).
Seriously. I feel ya. Get used to it, it is a long ride. :faint:

But at least she's polite. :thumbsup2 :rotfl:

And, besides, I have to do an update to this SWW PTR on Star Wars Day, right? ::yes::
Of course!

Like any good parent, I whipped out the camera to take photos and video :rotfl2::
:rotfl: We've done that with DD before. When she gets upset over something ridiculous and has a tantrum. If we video her freaking out over nothing and play it back right away, it usually gets her to stop. Or it makes her more mad. It's playing with fire really, but it's the only thing we've found that *might* work.

This day started off with a bang. Got a 6am text from our daycare provider that she would be closed for the day. :scared: Thankfully, we have a back-up care center provided as a benefit through my work and they were able to get Izzy in today. :thumbsup2 Turns out that our daycare provider’s husband was in the hospital with chest pains. :eek: Fortunately, his tests today all came out fine and he is back home and doing well. :goodvibes Very scary start to the day.
Wow. I'm glad things worked out all the way around and that he's ok.

So, I walked over to the clinic in Target HQ (yes, there is a full medical clinic there)
Wow, emergency child care and a clinic? Convenient!

Thank goodness this is done! I hope there’s nothing else to book – we leave in 10 days!
Oh, you know they'll find something else to throw at you. :rolleyes1

I’m sure glad I opened it, as inside was this:
:scared1: Yeah, that would definitely not be a good thing to have tossed aside as junk mail.

They broke up sticking to the pan and all (guess I am out of practice on the mac & cheese cooking skillz :rotfl:)
Oh, I'm the mac & cheese master. You know... toddlers. DD is in a huge mac & cheese phase right now. Sometimes, that's all she'll eat. We go through a lot of that stuff around our house.

The worst part though, we almost have to make sure we keep enough cooked that we have leftovers in the fridge. Sometimes she wants mac & cheese, but it has to be cold. :faint:

So, I told her I was making “big hot dogs” and she got all excited. Until she saw them on her plate. End of the world! :sad: Because, apparently, by “big hot dogs” she meant “corn dogs”. Oops, toddler translation fail. :sad2:
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you. Been there, done that. I feel your pain.

Looks like a lot of potential DIS meets. Have a great time!
:faint: <------- Me, after finally catching up over here. You are a Planning Machine!

Another fun thing is that you can trade with the Jawas that come around.
This is so cool!

For my late MK night, I’ll try to focus on the big rides I want to get in.
I love that you and Dug give each other late nights in the parks - that is just such a great thing!

but it would be nice to enjoy some wine on the verandah. :drinking1
Oh, it is sooooo nice! :goodvibes

It looks like our options would be Enchanted Garden or Royal Palace? Any thoughts on this? :listen:
I prefer Royal Palace - sit-down, full-service. I did not care for Enchanted Garden for breakfast - if we're doing a buffet, we're going to Cabanas with way more options (Willow is the buffet-lover in our family, and she likes a BIG buffet).

Not sure what we’ll try for lunch. Any recommendations? :listen:
I love Royal Palace for lunch. Willow loves Cabanas (again, she's the big buffet fan).

Did I miss anything for this day?
Good grief, I doubt it! :laughing: I don't plan our cruise time at all other than getting reservations for things like Remy, spa, BBB or an excursion or two. We check out the navigator each evening and talk about what we might want to do the next day. It's a nice break after the WDW planning. But I KNOW you like to plan! :laughing:

It sounds like the sit-down option tends to be rushed, so I’m thinking we should avoid that.
Really? We didn't do the sit-down breakfast on the Wonder, but we did on the Fantasy, and we weren't rushed at all. :confused3 Of course, everyone is just kind of wanting to get off the ship because it's too depressing to be sitting around crying over the fact that the cruise has ended. :laughing:

We are heading over to the Swalphin for the character buffet at Garden Grove. Our ADR is at 6:45pm.
Oh, I'll be interested to hear about this - one of two or three character meals we haven't done.

In other news, I did some online shopping today. Man, these trips make me buy things! :rotfl2:
It's insane, isn't it? I never budget/plan for all the extra money I end up spending! :rotfl2:

These look fantastic!

This is my fave of the new shirts - it's just adorable!

So, I present to you, the Non-Crafty Person’s WDW Countdown Chain :rotfl2::

I love it!!!!

Still sick here, but I’ve been working on this update all day (I’m very slow today :snail: ), so wanted to post it before going to bed.
Ugh - I sure hope you start feeling better soon.

However, the attitude and strong verbal skills are what scares me. Don’t get me wrong, she’s always been a pretty agreeable and good-natured kid, and she still generally is, but she really seems to be testing out various forms of resistance these days. Refusing just for the sake of refusing (i.e. saying, “I don’t like that!” to a food that she’s never tried and would likely love) and being very stubborn and uncooperative at times. Losing her little mind if she doesn’t get her way. Lots of tears and screaming. :sad: I’m just hoping we can keep that to a minimum during the trip.
I hate to say this, but buckle your seatbelt. Although the triggers and levels of emotion ebb and flow, this stuff continues for a VERY long time. I mean, Willow is 8......

Izzy: “No! No, I don’t need it, sorry!”

So cute!

I love these!!!!

I don’t normally buy mac and cheese (though I did have a period of my young life where I survived on Kraft Spiral Mac & Cheese), but I had to get one – too cute! So, I made that tonight, along with Kielbasa “light sabers” and “Endor trees” (broccoli).
What a totally fun idea!!!!

All your plans sound great - I'm sorry I can't do more specific comments. I actually can't believe I managed to catch up! :rotfl2:
Oh I think you underestimate yourself-I wouldn't be surprised if you're approached by a LOT of people in the park, especially this trip!!! I originally found you while researching(read:dreaming) of Aulani and being so envious of your AMAZING 1st class airfare!! I have been a loooong and avid reader of your trip reports ( Captain Oblivious is another of my favorites) . I have read all of your pre&trip reports. My DS10 is always looking over my shoulder while I'm reading and asking if I'm "reading about that baby again...what's that baby girl up to these days...and oh it's those 3kids again, where are they now(Oblivious, pre-Drew)" . At this point I think he knows more about your trips than our own families :rotfl2:!! Just as well MOST of OUR family doesn't understand our frequent Disney trips! I've been saying for a few years that we would go to a Star Wars Weekend, and this year is it... we will be there May 21-26, and I think we have several overlapping
Parks, portion of meals etc. My DS10(looks as tall as 13) has Eagle eyes, so don't be shocked if he spots you and says"there's that Izzy and her Dug family" :dogdance: :rotfl:
Wow, I am so incredibly flattered! :flower3: I don't know - nobody has ever approached us in the parks before, but we'll see. :confused3 I mean, I'm no Captain Oblivious! :rotfl:Love his reports too! :thumbsup2 As he would probably say, "Wow, I can't believe people read all of this mindless drivel." ::yes:: That is awesome that your DS knows all about us DISers. :goodvibes That is great that we overlap - please say hi if he spots us! :wave2:

We are staying at the Yacht Club, so we may see you on your Stormalong Bay day, and we have dozens of horded ADRs that I'm trying to figure out still.
Can't wait for Stormalong! Lucky you to be staying at Yacht Club! :hyper: I know about the dozens of hoarded ADR thing. :goodvibes I will be canceling a bunch this weekend.

I'm not sure there is time for a meal on the 4 show SWW days...??!!
Not really! We are cramming in RH between the last show and dessert party. Between the shows themselves, there's not much time at all. Eat fast!

No APs this trip, so we plan on HS Friday for our Deluxe Premium FTW, then onto the 24 MK night/early am. No parks on Saturday, I'm in awe that your doing the FTF directly after 24MK :scared1:
Wow, your Friday will be busy! Haha, yeah, I'm not sure the FtF is the best thing to do after a late MK night. But it is what it is. And it helps that Dug gets to sleep, as he's the one who wants to see all the shows. I can be a bit more tired, I guess. Not as much to pay attention to. :rotfl:

I thought I had most everything kinda figured out til I realized that my H&V Jedi meals overlapped with either Warwick Davis or the Obi One show :eek:
Yeah, that was the problem we had. Our original H&V was package day and getting all those shows made it impossible to do. I still have three ADRs to cancel, if you need one. Well, only two during your trip, both on 5/25 with Fantasmic. If you're interested, let me know ASAP.

Add in the Rebel Lounge frenzy! Oh ya, my mother decided to join us, and many of my resos are for 2 not 3 ...oh well it will all come together, I hope o_O
I hope it all works out! Planning for this trip is madness. :crazy2: Can't imagine trying to add an extra person to everything last-minute! :faint:

OMG Yulilin is AMAZING :worship: !! I hope I get a chance to meet her & thank her on that SWW II Sunday....I have NEVER had a more complicated trip to plan and could never have known or been afforded so many great opportunities, if not for her fabulous thread!! I am also amazed at how helpful, and non snarky everyone has been on that positive & helpful!!
:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2 Totally agree. It's been a really bright spot on the DIS (next to the TRs of course!)

I'm sure we will be seeing you in passing several times this trip....Izzy is a celebrity in her own right, so don't be surprised if people are calling out to you guys both ll be great to see you in person!!
Haha, I feel like such an average/invisible person in those crowds. Will be interesting to see if anyone (unplanned) does spot us. Hope you do! :goodvibes

Have a great will LOVE the cruise:sail: ! We did a trans Atlantic a few years ago....Heaven, 14 days on the Magic!!
Cannot wait - we loved our Royal Caribbean cruise in 2008 and I know this will be even better! :cloud9:

Sorry I still stink at isolating reply quotes from a bigger quote :sad2:


It worked! :cheer2:

I would say you have quite a few DIS meets lined up! Sometimes its hard to keep them all straight, but I have full confidence that you will manage! ::yes:: I think May is a great time to visit because you are almost certain to overlap with other people. I am going in August and I don't think I know one other DISer who I overlap with (except for 2 wonderful DISers who happen to live there year round:thumbsup2).
That's a bummer there's not much overlap for you. I remember a lot of DISers went last May, so I guess it's a good time. And you know all about that, as the reason I read your reports is because you kept showing up in all the other reports I read! :rotfl2:

Yay! I am so excited for a possible DISmeet. Your TR from 2011 was one of the first ones I read when I joined the DIS last year and when I pretty much just lurked:blush:.
Aw, thanks! You actually inspired me to go back and read my own 2011 TR the other day. :goodvibes So strange to look back at our pre-Izzy days! I hope we get to meet up, but not for TOO long or it will mean that Chewie line is out of hand. :scared1: :lmao:

I'll PM with you with my details since I probably won't be on the DIS next week and that is what I have done with others I am hoping to meet. See ya real soon :banana:
Gotcha in my phone now! :thumbsup2

Wow - that is great you have so many potential DISmeets ... plus I am sure there will be a ton of Izzy's fans that come out of the woodwork and want some autographs, etc. We need Kenny the Pirate to start tracking DISers so we know where each other are at all times :rotfl2:
:lmao: Wouldn't that be awesome! He can start by tracking Rob and MEK, I think. ::yes::

One of these trips I am sure ours will overlap (too bad we are off just a bit for Disneyland in the fall).
I know, we're so close on DL!

... wait a minute! This is the internet! There is no room for that! Where will all the snark fit?!?!?!?!?
I know! I mean, I just asked an innocent question on the cruise boards the other day and got some, uh, off-topic (?) responses:

In all seriousness that is great that she ran such an awesome thread and that it was kept positive and up beat - I am sure with all the changes Disney did it would be easy for people to get grouchy and snarky about it
That is very true. It could have gone horribly wrong, but you can tell she pours her heart and soul into making it a happy place. :thumbsup2

Yes, we arrive on the 23rd and should be at the restaurant about 30 minutes after you. :hyper: Please feel free to either wave us over when it's convenient or stop by when you're done - I don't want to interrupt a toddler's lunch time and we're pretty flexible. :-) I'm really looking forward to meeting you and your family!

I believe that's our only overlap - we head off to Universal after our Beaches and Cream lunch and you head home before we go back to Disney World. I'm thrilled that we'll have a great shot at meeting despite the fact we're not stepping foot into a park until May 27th!
So, I'll post this in the next update too, but we got a B&C dinner on our SAB night (what we originally wanted), so are probably going to cancel the lunch now - I'm so sorry! :sad1: However, I think we'll still be in the area and could stop by/meet up anyway. If you want to exchange #s to find each other, send me a PM. :goodvibes

:laughing: So true... go us!!! :thumbsup2
Yay, us! :cheer2:

HAHAHAHAHA! I hear ya there!
I am constantly reviewing our plans in my head, trying to get them straight. :rotfl:


Sounds like you have quite the list of potential Dismeets! Woohoo!!! :hyper::hyper::hyper:
Should be pretty crazy! :thumbsup2

It sounds like a great list of potential DIS meets! Even if you just have time for a quick hi it will be fun to see everyone after reading so many PTRs/TRs!
I agree - I love that all DISers are like long-lost friends, especially when in the motherland. :rotfl:
Good decision.
Yep, happy I didn't go with the dominoes! :thumbsup2

I'm waiting for some purchases to happen, I still have time to win! :rotfl2:
Haha, just wait for the next update! :rotfl:

Love this idea! Good thinkin :thumbsup2
Thanks! If all "crafts" were this easy, maybe I'd do them! :rotfl2:

I think the Toy Story shirt with this white skirt would look cute actually if she doesn't end up wearing the skirt with her other shirt that day!
Oooh, good idea! I like it!

I think you're super patient and have made it through so many trips with her already, including solo! With Dug's help, i'm sure you guys will do just great! :goodvibes
But you forget, does having Dug along mean help or that I now have two toddlers to manage? ;) :rotfl:

Uh, hello hair!!! Where did all that come from! :hyper:
I guess from not having a haircut since her first and only on our Dec. 2013 trip! :rotfl2: Actually, I was looking at that same picture the other day and noticing that it really looks like she has a ton of hair there. I mean, she has more than she used to, but there's something about that angle that's really amplifying it, I guess. :confused3

Would you mind sharing the name? We're going to be going on a road trip in June driving up to Seattle, so I'm thinking we're going to need something. Is it Potette or something like that?
This is the one I got: So far, so good! :thumbsup2 Have a fun road trip, that sounds great! :car: (By the way, not sure if you read RGirl's reports (Roni), but she and her daughter did a road trip down the coast to DL from their home in WA. Lots of sightseeing and such).

Uh Izzy, don't you know I have a bet to win, you're supposed to be on my side! :rotfl: On another note, I just love her responses :rotfl2:
She cracks me up all the time. I just never know what's going to come out of her mouth and it's often hilarious! :lmao:

Why is that something I would wear in the 70's :lmao:
I like wearing jeans and a light fleece, but even I had to take my fleece off that day - I was boiling in the hot sun! :sunny:

I love these! Love the 'crown' straps.
Izzy approves of them too! She's been wearing them happily the last few days! :thumbsup2

She's just too fantastic!
My little mouseketeer! :earsgirl:

Seems like something you would do. :rotfl:

Yikes that is scary. And i've always wondered about what happens if the daycare would ever be closed due to illness. Good thing you had a backup.
That back-up daycare has been one of the best benefits! We use it when our provider is on vacation and it's great then, but SO nice in an emergency! We used it last-minute one other time when a kid at our normal daycare had lice and thankfully Izzy never got it!

That is super convenient!
It was really nice and bonus of having a great doctor too!

Very cool!!
Can't wait to see what this place is like! :hyper:

Super cute!
Thanks, I love it! :lovestruc

Woah! Thank goodness you decided to look.
So glad I did! :faint:

Love the names! Endor trees is great!
Thanks - broccoli/trees was an easy one! ::yes:: Izzy is more likely to eat broccoli if I call it tiny trees. :rotfl:

Holy DIS meets!!! :worship: If there was an award, i'm sure you'd win one for most DIS meets in a trip. Will be fun to see how many you get!
Eh, I'm pretty sure Rob would wipe the floor with me. :rotfl: I mean, he pretty much meets people on accident while on his way to meet people on purpose, right? :confused3

We may end up at Epcot and the Poly on the 16th now but I'm thinking of going to the MK late as they are open until 2am! Who knows what we'll end up doing that day. I do have a Beaches and Cream ADR but otherwise we are going to try to decide on the fly! But it looks like my 50's Prime Time is gonna stay! So I'm sure we'll see you there! I'll send you my info and a picture so that we have better odds of saying hi! :wave:
Dug might be at MK that night! If you're keeping 50's, that would be great if you PM info/pic so we can find each other! :goodvibes

I went to the mall today for a haircut (which I may hate :crazy2:) and stopped into our Hot Topic. The whole store was on sale!!!! Most things were Buy One, Get One for 50% off and then they have their own version of Kohl's cash which gives you $15 for every $30 you spend. I was able to pick up some really cute accessories and a T-shirt for my hubby. I also went to the Disney Store and grabbed a few shirts for myself. I think I'm addicted to shopping - especially when it comes to Disney stuff!
Sorry about the haircut. :sad2: Wow, I think I need to avoid that place. :rotfl: Glad you got some deals, though! :thumbsup2

I was able to get the perfect time slot thanks to you and everyone else in the SWW thread! It fit into the exact hour that I planned to drop by when I thought it was just quick service. Woo! This is going to be a day of food for sure!!!!! But it will be food shaped like Yoda! :yoda:
:rotfl2: That's awesome! That Yoda key lime pie is pretty crazy looking! Glad it worked out for you with the ADR! :thumbsup2

I'm primarily looking for the 17th but something that can be over with by 8:30. I was able to pick up one that might work but still looking for something a little bit earlier. If I can book the dinner that day, then we'll only need to go back to HS for the breakfast which would be on our last day.
Eh, bummer - I only have the 15th and 25th. I hope you can find something! pixiedust: (I do think a lot of last-minute cancellations are happening, so keep checking!)

I'm so excited just to see some of what the Poly has to offer. I wish we were staying much longer so we'd have time to explore everything! But it just means that we need more trips in the future! We are definitely going to check the wait times at Trader Sam's and see if we can fit it in. Hopefully the wait will be low the whole week and we can both get in there! :rolleyes1
I am really excited to check out Trader Sam's. I'm okay with sitting outside if we need to, but it would be really cool to see all the special effects inside! The Poly is such a great place to hang out - on our 2011 trip, we stayed at Pop, but spent a ton of time pretending we were staying at the Poly. :rotfl:

We are staying Club Level.... for one night! Every day I think about calling and figuring out the cost to make all of our stay Club Level but I don't think I can justify the money. I know it will be REALLY nice but it's a lot more per night. Also, I had NO idea that you could do take out from Ohana either until I read it on the Poly thread. No reservations are available during our stay so it seems like a great way to experience the meal anyway! Plus, many people felt that one order is actually enough for 2 people so it is a huge savings! :thumbsup2

Hopefully Lawrence will still be there!

I can't believe that I'm down to 8 days left! Time is flying by!
That is awesome about the 'Ohana meal! I never knew that!

Lawrence holds a special place in our hearts for magically upgrading us to Club Level for our entire Dec. 2010 trip for the same price as 40% off Garden View! :eek: :faint: :thumbsup2
Hi :wave2: so I've been a little MIA from the boards, it's our busy season for work so I've been doing most of my catch up on the FB May group board with a few questions here and there. Our schedule is Friday (22) Epcot-still trying to decide if we want to brave the 24 hour event
Sat (23) rest day
Sun (24) Animal Kingdom
Mon 25 (HS)
Hi! :wave2: Wow, sounds like we don't have any overlap unless either of us changes plans. Or if you go to the 24-hour day. We'll be there on the 22nd (though Garden Grove in the Swalphin for dinner), DHS 23rd, Epcot/Boardwalk/DHS on 24th, MK/Beach Club on 25th.

I would love for my DD Sophia to meet Izzy, I bet they would hit it off.
Izzy would love that! If things do change, shoot me a message - it would be fun to say hi! :goodvibes

You'll be fine. Being in the parks gives you extra energy and endurance. It is a proven scientific fact.
Oh, okay then, I'm good! Thanks! :thumbsup2:goodvibes:rotfl: Luckily, my stamina seems to be returning. No longer getting winded walking to the office printer and resumed taking my walks over breaks without too much of a reduction in speed. I'm on the mend, I'd say! :thumbsup2

Um... yep. Toddler. They call it terrible 2's. DD is 3 now and still going strong. :sad2:

Oh my gosh. How fitting. Seriously. :rotfl2: Too bad she didn't want anymore new shirts.
I know, I really wanted to get that one for her! But, you know, what it said on the shirt and all... :confused3 :darth:

Nice! I'm sure she'll enjoy them. Light up shoes might make the boots a little less important to her.
That's totally what happened. She's been happily wearing them and doing a lot of hopping around to watch them flash. :rotfl2:

Seriously. I feel ya. Get used to it, it is a long ride. :faint:

But at least she's polite. :thumbsup2 :rotfl:
Ugh. But, yeah, she's so polite. We constantly have conversations like, "Izzy, do you need to use the potty?" "No, mommy, I don't need to use the potty, sorry!" (pronounced "saw-wy") Too cute.

Of course!

:rotfl: We've done that with DD before. When she gets upset over something ridiculous and has a tantrum. If we video her freaking out over nothing and play it back right away, it usually gets her to stop. Or it makes her more mad. It's playing with fire really, but it's the only thing we've found that *might* work.
:rotfl2:This had me :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Wow. I'm glad things worked out all the way around and that he's ok.
Me too. Scary day.

Wow, emergency child care and a clinic? Convenient!
Not bad perks! :thumbsup2

Oh, you know they'll find something else to throw at you. :rolleyes1
I can't wait to find out. :faint:

:scared1: Yeah, that would definitely not be a good thing to have tossed aside as junk mail.
So glad I pulled it back out of the pile to open!

Oh, I'm the mac & cheese master. You know... toddlers. DD is in a huge mac & cheese phase right now. Sometimes, that's all she'll eat. We go through a lot of that stuff around our house.
Izzy eats a ton of mac and cheese, but it's almost always when we go out/leftovers. If I made it here, it's pretty much all she'd ever eat, I think. ::yes::

The worst part though, we almost have to make sure we keep enough cooked that we have leftovers in the fridge. Sometimes she wants mac & cheese, but it has to be cold. :faint:
:lmao::lmao: She has demands! :rotfl2: I was thinking you needed leftovers to be able to microwave it quick - Izzy is very impatient once she decides she's hungry. :rotfl:

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you. Been there, done that. I feel your pain.

Looks like a lot of potential DIS meets. Have a great time!
Glad you know your hot dogs! :rotfl: The DIS meets should be fun!

I'm jealous of all these Dis-meets! Maybe we'll have to do a MN Dis-Meet. Disney Store at MoA?!? :P
We really should! :goodvibes I remember, way back when, a DISer that's no longer active around here (Dizneydawn - she was hilarious!) was going to organize a MN meet, as there are a lot of us, but I don't think it ever happened. :sad1:

:faint: <------- Me, after finally catching up over here. You are a Planning Machine!
I'm impressed you caught up! :worship: I am so far behind on everyone else's reports now. :faint:

This is so cool!
Should be fun to make some trades!

I love that you and Dug give each other late nights in the parks - that is just such a great thing!
I am hoping it works out really well. We used to both be late-night park-goers, but want to make sure Izzy gets decent sleep, so this seemed like a good compromise - no need for both of us to hang out in the room every evening.

Oh, it is sooooo nice! :goodvibes
Cannot wait! :thumbsup2

I prefer Royal Palace - sit-down, full-service. I did not care for Enchanted Garden for breakfast - if we're doing a buffet, we're going to Cabanas with way more options (Willow is the buffet-lover in our family, and she likes a BIG buffet).
I love Royal Palace for lunch. Willow loves Cabanas (again, she's the big buffet fan).
Thanks for the RP recommendations! I'll remember that! :goodvibes

Good grief, I doubt it! :laughing: I don't plan our cruise time at all other than getting reservations for things like Remy, spa, BBB or an excursion or two. We check out the navigator each evening and talk about what we might want to do the next day. It's a nice break after the WDW planning. But I KNOW you like to plan! :laughing:
I think my problem is that this is only a 4-night cruise (and a pricey one! :teacher:) and I don't want to feel like I missed anything. Who knows when/if we'll be back on the Dream. Want to get it right, if I can. ::yes::

Really? We didn't do the sit-down breakfast on the Wonder, but we did on the Fantasy, and we weren't rushed at all. :confused3 Of course, everyone is just kind of wanting to get off the ship because it's too depressing to be sitting around crying over the fact that the cruise has ended. :laughing:
I think it might depend on your seating time. The ones I've read that were really rushed are the late seating. So, we might be okay with early seating, but that means a very early morning! :faint:

Oh, I'll be interested to hear about this - one of two or three character meals we haven't done.
I'm excited to try it. I barely knew it existed, but dtr_angel really recommended it, so why not?

It's insane, isn't it? I never budget/plan for all the extra money I end up spending! :rotfl2:
I know, I really have to be careful! :faint:

These look fantastic!
Mmmm, now I'm remembering that I still have all the ingredients. :scratchin Guess I know what's for breakfast tomorrow! :hyper:

This is my fave of the new shirts - it's just adorable!
Thanks, I love that one too!

I love it!!!!
Thanks! It's fun, Izzy likes to help me pull them off each night.

Ugh - I sure hope you start feeling better soon.
Getting there!

I hate to say this, but buckle your seatbelt. Although the triggers and levels of emotion ebb and flow, this stuff continues for a VERY long time. I mean, Willow is 8......

Thanks, Izzy likes them too! :thumbsup2

I love these!!!!
Me too. I was so glad to see they had them in her new size, as we loved the old pair.

What a totally fun idea!!!!
Mmmm, mac and cheese...late night hunger is hitting here. :rotfl:

All your plans sound great - I'm sorry I can't do more specific comments. I actually can't believe I managed to catch up! :rotfl2:
I thought that was a lot of very specific comments! Good job! :thumbsup2
Packing and More

If you read my PTRs because you like random, wordy, hodge-podgy updates, you’re in luck tonight. :rotfl2: So, let’s go! :cool1:

This is kind-of unrelated, but bear with me and I’ll tie it in. I realized the other day that I have been out of high school for 20 years this year! :scared1: (Totally don’t know how that’s possible, as I’m not a day over 26. :rolleyes1 Or 36, I’ll take that too :rotfl:). Anyway, that random realization made me look for a reunion Facebook group and, sure enough, there was one with over half my class in it. I joined and looked at the few posts there. And one said that they would do something to honor classmates that had passed away. :angel: And someone listed a couple names. One I didn’t know, but one I did. The guy who was right before me in alphabetical order (therefore, next to me in homeroom, locker-neighbors, graduation, etc.) was that name. :sad1: Such a super nice guy. We weren’t close friends, but he always brightened my day with his humor and kindness (high schoolers aren’t necessarily known for those traits). I was so sad to read this and hunted around the internet until I found out more details. A relative had written a beautiful blog piece about the experience (by the way, it’s really amazing how you can find nearly anything on the internet!) It turns out that he passed away 6 years ago (at 32!) from cancer. :sad: I won’t go into all the details, but just so sad and unexpected! He was so young and so loved and had so much life in front of him. I mention this partially because it’s really been weighing on my mind these last couple days, but also because these types of realities are what justify these trips for me.

You never know what life is going to throw at you. And it’s important to live in the moment and make memories whenever you can. People put off taking their kids to Disney until they’re “older” – well, what if that day never came? :confused3 People put off travel until they’re retired – but what if they never get to enjoy the fruits of their labor? :sad2: I know, it’s rather morbid thinking, but it does “justify” these trips for me. If you’ve read many of my reports, you know I’m, uh, “frugal.” (Hey, I work in accounting, it’s required! :rotfl2:) And I’ve said in this PTR that I feel a bit irresponsible taking this trip right now. It’s really expensive (even with all possible discounts used :teacher:) and I’m not happy with our emergency fund savings level right now. I should really be building that up to a better level first and then taking a vacation. But it’s really important for us to take this trip and make new memories together. Especially after Dug being away for half of our Hawaii trip and not being on the last two WDW trips. We need this. And it’s not like we’re going into debt for it. Just stifling the cash flow temporarily – we’ll start piling up more savings again over the summer. It will be okay. ::yes:: And it will be worth it (this may also explain why I am planning so much out, including the cruise – don’t want to miss anything for all the $$$ we’re forking over for this crazy trip :crazy2:).

Anyway, that concludes Deep Thoughts. :rotfl: Time for some lighter fare. Like that clothes-purchasing bet a couple of you having going on. :lmao:

So, Izzy does not have ANY more new shirts. You saw the ones I tried to buy her at the outlet mall – after that rejection, I gave up and decided to spend my coupons on myself. :thumbsup2 I used a Kohl’s reward and a Penney’s coupon and got myself two new shirts, for just over $2/each!

Ariel was from Kohl’s. Minnie is from JCP:

In case you’re wondering (since this is visible), they were both in the Juniors section and I always try to get a Large there, as they tend to run tiny (at least for someone 20 years out of high school :rotfl2:). Minnie only had M and XL, so I went big and it’s actually not bad. But not my normal size, haha.

I also got myself a super lightweight and comfy pair of capris, but who’s counting? :ssst:

Backtracking a bit to yesterday, I picked up the candy for the Fish Extenders, which meant I had everything except the Mickey straws that I’m getting at WDW. So, time to assemble them! (If any of Group Mickey is lurking, shut your eyes now! :cool2:) Because I’m me, I had to start with a spreadsheet that told me what goes to who:

(I noticed we have a lot of people on deck 5, some even seem to be next door to each other!) Then I pulled all the bags from the closet where I’d been stashing them. Man, there were a lot of them :faint: (piled high in the high chair - notice Bailey's cameo :dogdance:):

Looked a bit less intimidating when I took things out of bags and organized it:

Oh, I forgot to mention, I also found little treat bags at Party City that I thought would be nice to put the toddler items in:

I worked and worked and bagged and labeled and eventually ended up with this:


Leftover candy and other goodies for Izzy:

I am thinking all of this will take up the majority of a carry-on sized bag. :eek: I mean, it fills this diaper box pretty well:

I tried to get mostly “small” things, but it adds up. :earseek: I don’t know how some groups do like 50 cabins. I mean, ours is 13. We’re still waiting on our actual Fish Extender, which is why you haven’t seen a picture of it yet. I’ve been freaking out a bit, since we are so close, but the lady making it (Etsy) assured me I’d have it. It looks like it’s going to ship tomorrow and she uses 2-day priority mail. Whew, cutting it close! :scared: I just hope it arrives in time and we like it!

Speaking of close, our countdown chain is getting shorter (as of last night):

Bailey’s fur also got shorter (how’s that for a segway! :rotfl2:):

Got her groomed for the first time in forever. She had been VERY fluffy for winter. Now she’s all shaved down. And I’m not sure that Izzy understands she is the same dog we had before. :rotfl2: She keeps saying, “Oh, my little doggy!” Last night, she asked if Little Doggy would be back in the morning. And she seems much fonder of Bailey now than last week. :confused3 So funny, trying to decipher the inner workings of a toddler’s mind. ::yes:: Speaking of Bailey and the trip, she is getting a split-stay of grandparents while we’re gone. My dad and step-mom would happily watch her the whole time, but they are in Italy right now (lucky them!) and don’t get home until halfway through our trip. So, Dug’s parents are watching Bailey the first half, then my dad and step-mom will pick her up and keep her for the second half. So great to have that help! (Would have been an expensive kennel stay otherwise!) Kitty will guard the house, as usual, with Dug’s friend popping in to refresh her food and snuggle her. :cat:

So, back to packing. That’s what I was working on tonight. I’d been throwing things into suitcases/diaper boxes for awhile, but actually organized and really packed a bunch tonight. I have all my clothes, all of Izzy’s clothes, all swimwear, and numerous other things ready to go. I was pretty impressed with myself that I fit all of my clothes in less than half a suitcase. :thumbsup2 But with all of Izzy’s stuff and FE stuff, etc. I am hoping we can fit everything without paying for a bag. I had been thinking we’d each get a free checked bag, but realized recently that Izzy won’t because Sun Country bases it on having their credit card – which Dug and I do, but Izzy obviously doesn’t. :headache: I like Delta better where only one person needs the card and everyone in the party gets a free bag. So, we’ll have to make do with two checked bags and up to three carry-ons and personal items (and I’m already planning to stash the raingear in the stroller bag when we gate check it :rolleyes1).

I have managed to amass a decent collection of Disney shirts. In case you’re wondering, I have three Minnie shirts:

Three Frozen shirts:

A Mickey & Friends, Star Wars, and Little Mermaid:

And I have this Tinkerbell shirt that I like to sleep in and also this shirt I got for Hawaii made it in the suitcase too, maybe for the Poly visit:

I also threw in some solid color t-shirts and tank tops and the 8 pairs of shorts/capris I own.

I think that Izzy and I could be okay without doing laundry, but I’d like to try to do a load at some point, possibly on the cruise. I think at least Dug will need it. We’ll see, as he probably won’t be packing until like late Wednesday night. :scared:

Oh, I chose to pack Izzy’s clothes by type vs. outfit. In the past, I’ve put each full outfit in it’s own ziplock bag and that has worked well. But she is just so picky these days that I thought I’d save myself the agony and just put shorts in a bag and Princess shirts in another bag and skirts in another one, etc. Hope this works out for us!

One wardrobe question for you all. We have a dinner at Palo and I am hoping to book a brunch too. And still keep the dinner (on Pirate Night). When I was just going to do one meal there, I was planning to wear this old dress that I’ve had forever and love (and it packs so small):

Sorry for the crummy picture. At any rate, now I am thinking maybe I should have a second dress for the other meal. I looked though my closet and this was the only other viable option I found (thinking for the dinner):

Is this too much for Palo? All the sparkles and such? :confused3 I’m just not sure. I guess it packs small too, so can’t hurt. Any thoughts, though?

In other news, we’re still working on the getting healthy thing. Izzy seems to be better. :thumbsup2 She had her follow-up doctor appointment today (she had a small ear infection at her 2.5 year old check-up) and the doctor said her ear looked great – cleared up without needing an antibiotic! I do still hear her coughing sometimes, though. I am feeling quite a bit better than I was. Getting my energy back the last couple days. But still coughing too much and not breathing as well as I should. Dug almost seems to be getting sick again (he’s been sick for like a month). He said his throat hurts, his ear hurts, he’s coughing, super tired, etc. :sick: We need all this to go away, ASAP!

In ADR news, not much has changed. However, one thing did come up: I got my ideal 5/25 Beaches & Cream dinner back! 8:30pm, which gives us plenty of time to swim at Stormalong Bay first. However, this means we’re probably going to cancel the 5/24 B&C lunch ADR and stay in Epcot longer to use our FP+. (@SimplyGoofy – I’m thinking we can still be in the area to meet up like after/during your lunch – sorry for making last-minute changes!) Oh, one other ADR thing: we are planning to do the Rebel Hangar on 5/23, our package day, between the last show and the dessert party – 7:45pm ADR and dessert party opens around 8:40pm. Well, this isn’t a ton of time, but we will need to eat, so why not? However, we decided to ALSO keep the 7:20pm RH ADR I made on 5/24 – between our 5:10pm Jedi Mickey dinner and Fantasmic. This way, we can just eat quick some quick food on 5/23 and then go to the dessert party. On 5/24, we can relax more and order some drinks and whatever we want (not sure how hungry we’ll be 2 hours after a buffet ADR, but we’ll find something). I like this a lot. Takes the pressure off that first night.

I did our online resort check-in the other day. I know, most of you would have done it a long time ago :blush:, but I was holding out hope of our waitlist coming through (doesn’t look like it). Anyway, I found the check-in annoying for a split stay, as it wouldn’t let me do the other segments – kept modifying the original one, even when you clicked on the 2nd or 3rd one. Weird.

Dug’s Orlando co-worker told him today about the Landry’s Club for our T-Rex dinner. You pay $25 and get an immediate electronic credit of $25 to use there, then also get $25 each birthday, plus some other bonuses. Sounded good, so I got us signed up! (ETA - I also remembered that I'd heard Earl of Sandwich gives you a freebie for signing up for their free club, so I did that. And, sure enough, free sandwich email! Not sure if I'll have stomach space for it on our trip, but...FREE!)

Izzy has taken to her Aurora light-up shoes! :hyper: She loves hopping around in them and watching them flash. Thank goodness we don’t need to bring her boots along!

I’m working on updating my Excel sheet with all of our current information (ADRs, FP+, etc.) After all the planning and changes with this trip, my head is still spinning. :faint: I’m going to need that reference point.

I think that’s all I’ve got tonight. Going into Mother’s Day weekend, just want to wish a happy day to all mommies or mommy-hopefuls out there. Izzy made me something at daycare today:

Under each petal is something that Izzy said she liked about me or liked doing with me or thought of about me (whatever our daycare person could get out of her :rotfl:):



A cook

Reads books

Minnie Mouse


I thought that was just too sweet! :lovestruc

Have a great weekend!
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Glad everyone is your house is feeling better. That's awesome.

Yay for getting back your B&C ADR. I think you have tweaked everything to perfection.

Watching you pack your FE gifts is why I didn't do it. I just don't know how people pack all that, but it does look like a fun activity.

I love the second dress for Palo. I do NOT think it is too dressy. It's perfect. Very nice.

Love your collection of T's. They are all so cute. I always feel like I look terrible in T-shirts so I rarely wear them, but they are so cute. I think you're set.

Your dog is just adorable. I have always taken my long haired cats to the groomers and the other cats always think the groomed one is a stranger. It's funny to watch. :rotfl:
First off, I totally agree with the beginning of your post. And it's not just being alive, but being alive and feeling good, energetic, etc. All of the people who plan to do the "big" things once their retired... I mean, I hope I feel AMAZING at 65, but theres a decent chance I won't. And because of that, I want to make sure I get as many jet lagged, energy laden trips in that we can possibly afford.

We are doing a Christmas trip this year and we REALLY shouldn't. We had a baby last year (another THERE IS NEVER GOING TO BE A GOOD TIME. JUST DO IT!) and then had a horrible and terribly expensive move halfway across the country (another WHY ARE WE WAITING TO MOVE? THERE IS NEVER GOING TO BE A GOOD TIME!). I haven't mustered up the energy to really search hard for a new job (WHY AM I WAITING TO GET A JO.... oh...errr... nevermind). Needless to say, it's been expensive. BUT my husbands parents are in their mid-sixties, Maple hasn't been to Disney yet (out of utero), and by god, I will need a break from chilly Wisconsin weather by December! Sometimes it feels like I'm making excuses to spend money, but I know we'll be fine and when all is said and done. When I am on my death bed (hopefully at 97... that would give me 66 more years to take trips!), I won't think "Dang it, I really wish we had paid our mortgage off 4 years earlier". :hyper:
This is also a good reminder to be nicer to my husband and more patient with my dog and daughter, because who knows what tomorrow may bring! :cheer2:

That is so funny about Izzy and your pooch. We have a weird little squirrel statue in the backyard, and she calls it "Cha Cha" (our cat)... kids are strange! And LOL, your child wearing her boots in 85 degree weather in Orlando! :rotfl2:Glad the Aurora shoes worked out!

Your sparkle dress at Palo will work just fine. The CMs on the cruise will make you feel totally comfortable no matter what you're wearing, and know that there will be people around you in fancier dress and people around you who are slugs and will dress down as far as they can (Remy was the only restaurant where the dress code seemed super strict... Palo so-so... but on the formal night on 7-night cruises, I've seen many a flip flop). But I wouldn't even hesitate to wear that dress to Palo!
First off, so sorry to hear about your former classmate/locker buddy :sad1: How incredibly sad. But you're so very right: we all need to find all the happiness we can as much as we can in this life. It's so important to make special memories. :cloud9:

Woohoo for your new shirts! I especially love the floral one with Minnie. :thumbsup2

Your gifts are great! And so well organized! :worship:

Wow, your second dress is gorgeous! Ooh la la! I'll let others weigh in on Palo as I've never been on a Disney cruise, let alone to Palo! :laughing:

I'm SO hoping you all get and stay healthy! Glad that Izzy seems to be making good progress.

Awww, what a beautiful, sweet gift from Izzy for Mother's Day! :lovestruc
Just thought that I would add that I agree with you about not waiting to take those trips. My Mom always had plans of traveling with my Dad when they retired. He was in an accident 7 years ago & developed dementia. He died right after Christmas this past year. You just never know. She regrets not traveling when my brother & I were younger. She is coming with us next year on our trip to Disney. It will be her first visit. Can't wait for her to see why we love it so much & hope she catches the Disney bug as well.

And getting old is not fun. There are kids I used to babysit that have kids older than Lucas. It's crazy how fast the years have gone. DH & mine have our 20 year next year.
Hope everyone continues to feel beeter/Dug gets better.

Sorry to hear about your former classmate - obviously not a new thoughr, but cancer sucks.

You are right though , as long as not doing something really finaciallt irresponsible you are more likely to regret not making the trip than making it. Family time is important.

Glad every thing is going well with the plans - that would be nuts to have 50 rooms that you would have to get gifts for !
Hi! :wave2: Wow, sounds like we don't have any overlap unless either of us changes plans. Or if you go to the 24-hour day. We'll be there on the 22nd (though Garden Grove in the Swalphin for dinner), DHS 23rd, Epcot/Boardwalk/DHS on 24th, MK/Beach Club on 25th.

Hopefully we'll bump in to each other :D
I agree with you 100% about making the most of our time and enjoying these trips! We could absolutely save more/have a bigger house/nicer cars but I would rather make memories and enjoy special time with the boys.

The fish extender gifts are looking good! I think you made great choices. I bet Izzy will be so excited when you get your own FE stuff!

And I’m not sure that Izzy understands she is the same dog we had before. :rotfl2: She keeps saying, “Oh, my little doggy!”

So cute! Haircut = new pet!

This looks like a great choice for your Palo dinner!

We need all this to go away, ASAP!

Hoping everyone gets (and stays) healthy soon!

Izzy has taken to her Aurora light-up shoes! :hyper: She loves hopping around in them and watching them flash. Thank goodness we don’t need to bring her boots along!

I'm glad she likes the light up shoes! They are a big hit around here too!

However, we decided to ALSO keep the 7:20pm RH ADR I made on 5/24 – between our 5:10pm Jedi Mickey dinner and Fantasmic. This way, we can just eat quick some quick food on 5/23 and then go to the dessert party. On 5/24, we can relax more and order some drinks and whatever we want (not sure how hungry we’ll be 2 hours after a buffet ADR, but we’ll find something). I like this a lot. Takes the pressure off that first night.

I saw an article about the RH menu online! The Darth Maul "chips and sith" look like fun! And I'm pretty sure they had corn dog light sabers or something - Izzy will be happy!

I’m working on updating my Excel sheet with all of our current information (ADRs, FP+, etc.) After all the planning and changes with this trip, my head is still spinning. :faint: I’m going to need that reference point.

I can understand the head spinning! It's basically 3 different trips to plan for with SWW thrown in!

Off topic - Don't you have a Britax stroller? Is it a B-Agile? I'm thinking of switching from our huge double jogger to that since I've heard it folds up pretty small. Is it easy to collapse?
I absolutely agree with you on why people should travel when the can and not put it off until the "ideal" time. Any vacation or fun experience with family or friends becomes the "ideal" time - I'm sure your family will have a very magical vacation! :cloud9:

Nice work on the fish extender gifts! You're right - that's quite a haul with only 13 cabins! I will cross my fingers that you get your real fish extender in enough time! :goodvibes

That's strange that you had issues with your online check-ins - all of mine seemed to operate separately and correctly despite my split stay. :confused3

I love the Mother's Day flower from Izzy! And wow, she equates you with Minnie Mouse? That must mean you're one awesome Mom! :thumbsup2
Glad everyone is your house is feeling better. That's awesome.
Well, better than we were, at least. I'm hoping we are 100% by Thursday, though.

Yay for getting back your B&C ADR. I think you have tweaked everything to perfection.
I think so too! I keep looking at things to tweak more and then realize there's not really anything to do. :rotfl:

Watching you pack your FE gifts is why I didn't do it. I just don't know how people pack all that, but it does look like a fun activity.
I hope we have a good time with it. I didn't want to do it and deal with all this, but Dug did - and, of course, I ended up doing all the work. :headache: I think it will be fun. I hope.

I love the second dress for Palo. I do NOT think it is too dressy. It's perfect. Very nice.
Great, thank you!

Love your collection of T's. They are all so cute. I always feel like I look terrible in T-shirts so I rarely wear them, but they are so cute. I think you're set.
I don't normally wear character T's or tanks, but when in Disney, might as well. ::yes::

Your dog is just adorable. I have always taken my long haired cats to the groomers and the other cats always think the groomed one is a stranger. It's funny to watch. :rotfl:
Aw, thanks! That's hilarious about your cats! :rotfl2:

First off, I totally agree with the beginning of your post. And it's not just being alive, but being alive and feeling good, energetic, etc. All of the people who plan to do the "big" things once their retired... I mean, I hope I feel AMAZING at 65, but theres a decent chance I won't. And because of that, I want to make sure I get as many jet lagged, energy laden trips in that we can possibly afford.
Yes, absolutely agree! I always thought it was strange that people spend their healthy years sitting at a desk and plan to spend their possibly-not-as-energetic years doing the active things. :confused3 Like you, though, I hope to be in good shape, but you just never know. My dad is 63 and currently in Italy, doing all sorts of hikes and outdoorsy things with my step-mom - so I know it can be done (he's in great shape and I can only hope to be doing so well in 25 years).

We are doing a Christmas trip this year and we REALLY shouldn't. We had a baby last year (another THERE IS NEVER GOING TO BE A GOOD TIME. JUST DO IT!) and then had a horrible and terribly expensive move halfway across the country (another WHY ARE WE WAITING TO MOVE? THERE IS NEVER GOING TO BE A GOOD TIME!). I haven't mustered up the energy to really search hard for a new job (WHY AM I WAITING TO GET A JO.... oh...errr... nevermind). Needless to say, it's been expensive. BUT my husbands parents are in their mid-sixties, Maple hasn't been to Disney yet (out of utero), and by god, I will need a break from chilly Wisconsin weather by December! Sometimes it feels like I'm making excuses to spend money, but I know we'll be fine and when all is said and done. When I am on my death bed (hopefully at 97... that would give me 66 more years to take trips!), I won't think "Dang it, I really wish we had paid our mortgage off 4 years earlier". :hyper:
Exactly - you never regret the experiences you have - just the ones you missed out on. I mean, it's a balance of being responsible and making those memories, but it's worth it to take advantage of the opportunities that we have.

This is also a good reminder to be nicer to my husband and more patient with my dog and daughter, because who knows what tomorrow may bring! :cheer2:
Very true. Cherish each day. :goodvibes

That is so funny about Izzy and your pooch. We have a weird little squirrel statue in the backyard, and she calls it "Cha Cha" (our cat)... kids are strange! And LOL, your child wearing her boots in 85 degree weather in Orlando! :rotfl2:Glad the Aurora shoes worked out!
:lmao: Funny about the squirrel statue! Yeah, we only recently got Izzy to stop wearing her winter hat and mittens. :rotfl2:

Your sparkle dress at Palo will work just fine. The CMs on the cruise will make you feel totally comfortable no matter what you're wearing, and know that there will be people around you in fancier dress and people around you who are slugs and will dress down as far as they can (Remy was the only restaurant where the dress code seemed super strict... Palo so-so... but on the formal night on 7-night cruises, I've seen many a flip flop). But I wouldn't even hesitate to wear that dress to Palo!
Okay, that's great to know. :goodvibes

First off, so sorry to hear about your former classmate/locker buddy :sad1: How incredibly sad. But you're so very right: we all need to find all the happiness we can as much as we can in this life. It's so important to make special memories. :cloud9:
Thank you - I just can't believe it. Too sad. But also a reminder to make the most of the opportunities we have to make memories and have fun.

Woohoo for your new shirts! I especially love the floral one with Minnie. :thumbsup2
Thanks - I'm pretty happy with my $2 bargain shirts! :thumbsup2

Your gifts are great! And so well organized! :worship:
Thanks - I hope they go over well!

Wow, your second dress is gorgeous! Ooh la la! I'll let others weigh in on Palo as I've never been on a Disney cruise, let alone to Palo! :laughing:
Thanks! I think I've only worn it once - kinda forgot I had it. :rotfl:

I'm SO hoping you all get and stay healthy! Glad that Izzy seems to be making good progress.
Same here! Still too much coughing around here, but I think we're making good progress and certainly better than last week.

Awww, what a beautiful, sweet gift from Izzy for Mother's Day! :lovestruc
Such a sweet surprise! I loved it! :lovestruc

Just thought that I would add that I agree with you about not waiting to take those trips. My Mom always had plans of traveling with my Dad when they retired. He was in an accident 7 years ago & developed dementia. He died right after Christmas this past year. You just never know. She regrets not traveling when my brother & I were younger. She is coming with us next year on our trip to Disney. It will be her first visit. Can't wait for her to see why we love it so much & hope she catches the Disney bug as well.
So sorry to hear about your dad! :hug: I hope that your mom has an amazing time in Disney with you, though. :goodvibes

And getting old is not fun. There are kids I used to babysit that have kids older than Lucas. It's crazy how fast the years have gone. DH & mine have our 20 year next year.
It is so crazy how fast time goes! :faint: My cousin just graduated college the other day and I clearly remember holding her as a baby! :eek:
Hope everyone continues to feel beeter/Dug gets better.
Thank you!

Sorry to hear about your former classmate - obviously not a new thoughr, but cancer sucks.
Sure does. :sad2: Just too awful.

You are right though , as long as not doing something really finaciallt irresponsible you are more likely to regret not making the trip than making it. Family time is important.
Exactly! As long as we don't lose our minds and/or shirts, I think we'll be very glad we did this. :rotfl:

Glad every thing is going well with the plans - that would be nuts to have 50 rooms that you would have to get gifts for !
I cannot even imagine! :faint: I would have to think you'd get a lot of really small trinkets that way. :confused3

Hopefully we'll bump in to each other :D
Hope so! Keep an eye out for us! :wave2:

I agree with you 100% about making the most of our time and enjoying these trips! We could absolutely save more/have a bigger house/nicer cars but I would rather make memories and enjoy special time with the boys.
Travel has always been a priority to both of us and I'm so glad we agree on that - it's for sure our "splurge" vs. cars/houses/stuff.

The fish extender gifts are looking good! I think you made great choices. I bet Izzy will be so excited when you get your own FE stuff!
I'm excited to actually put ours up and see what ends up in there! :hyper:

So cute! Haircut = new pet!
Pretty much! :rotfl2:

This looks like a great choice for your Palo dinner!

Hoping everyone gets (and stays) healthy soon!
Hope so, thanks!

I'm glad she likes the light up shoes! They are a big hit around here too!
She really enjoys them! She even wore her other pair (that doesn't light up) today. :thumbsup2

I saw an article about the RH menu online! The Darth Maul "chips and sith" look like fun! And I'm pretty sure they had corn dog light sabers or something - Izzy will be happy!
Yes, all the stuff looks so fun (and hopefully tasty!)

I can understand the head spinning! It's basically 3 different trips to plan for with SWW thrown in!
That's exactly it! I feel like I'm planning multiple trips and trying to integrate them with each other. :faint:

Off topic - Don't you have a Britax stroller? Is it a B-Agile? I'm thinking of switching from our huge double jogger to that since I've heard it folds up pretty small. Is it easy to collapse?
Yes, we have the B-Agile and love it! I'd actually seen other DISers recommending it. It is very similar to a City Mini, but usually can be found for a better price. It does fold small - basically into a square. It's very easy to collapse - just press the button, then grab the handle in the seat and lift - it folds and snaps shut on its own. I do that one-handed all the time. Opening it usually requires two hands, but still easy. It's been a good stroller for all our travels! :thumbsup2

I absolutely agree with you on why people should travel when the can and not put it off until the "ideal" time. Any vacation or fun experience with family or friends becomes the "ideal" time - I'm sure your family will have a very magical vacation! :cloud9:
Thanks, I totally agree! :goodvibes

Nice work on the fish extender gifts! You're right - that's quite a haul with only 13 cabins! I will cross my fingers that you get your real fish extender in enough time! :goodvibes
It apparently shipped yesterday with 2-day Priority and says it's scheduled to arrive tomorrow (Monday), so here's hoping!

That's strange that you had issues with your online check-ins - all of mine seemed to operate separately and correctly despite my split stay. :confused3
Really? Hmmm, weird. I did it multiple times and each time I tried to do the second or third stay, it would switch to my first one and change the info I'd put in. I gave up and just did the first one. :confused3

I love the Mother's Day flower from Izzy! And wow, she equates you with Minnie Mouse? That must mean you're one awesome Mom! :thumbsup2
Haha, it is a great honor to be put up there with Minnie! ::MinnieMo

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!!!! :goodvibes
Thank you so much! :goodvibes
I mention this partially because it’s really been weighing on my mind these last couple days, but also because these types of realities are what justify these trips for me.
Sad... And it definitely puts things in perspective.

You never know what life is going to throw at you. And it’s important to live in the moment and make memories whenever you can. People put off taking their kids to Disney until they’re “older” – well, what if that day never came? :confused3 People put off travel until they’re retired – but what if they never get to enjoy the fruits of their labor? :sad2: I know, it’s rather morbid thinking, but it does “justify” these trips for me. If you’ve read many of my reports, you know I’m, uh, “frugal.”
You just helped make me feel better about the 2 back to back trips we took that we maybe probably shouldn't have from a smart financial planning perspective.

Time for some lighter fare. Like that clothes-purchasing bet a couple of you having going on. :lmao:
I have no idea what you're talking about. :rolleyes1

I used a Kohl’s reward and a Penney’s coupon and got myself two new shirts, for just over $2/each!
Hmmm... I thought the over/under was 2. You need to go buy more so that it isn't a push. :rolleyes1

I also got myself a super lightweight and comfy pair of capris, but who’s counting? :ssst:
Nobody. It isn't a shirt. :thumbsup2:rotfl:

I tried to get mostly “small” things, but it adds up. :earseek:

:sick: We need all this to go away, ASAP!
Yes. You do!!!! I hope everyone is feeling better in the next few days!!!

In ADR news, not much has changed. However, one thing did come up: I got my ideal 5/25 Beaches & Cream dinner back! 8:30pm, which gives us plenty of time to swim at Stormalong Bay first. However, this means we’re probably going to cancel the 5/24 B&C lunch ADR and stay in Epcot longer to use our FP+.
That looks like it should work out great. Glad you got it!

However, we decided to ALSO keep the 7:20pm RH ADR I made on 5/24 – between our 5:10pm Jedi Mickey dinner and Fantasmic. This way, we can just eat quick some quick food on 5/23 and then go to the dessert party. On 5/24, we can relax more and order some drinks and whatever we want (not sure how hungry we’ll be 2 hours after a buffet ADR, but we’ll find something). I like this a lot. Takes the pressure off that first night.
Good idea! If nothing else, you can check out the hangar a couple of times and at least have a snack or something. :thumbsup2

I thought that was just too sweet! :lovestruc
It was. I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!


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