Inching My Way Closer to the Castle Final thoughts/future trips 4/2p90 The End 4/4p92

Finally a minute to catch up! Thanks for the links...and congrats on the BC in May..... we loved it there and hope to get back there in June!

POR is a great resort, we have seen Bob a lot over the years... he has been there a long time.

Thanks for the DTD shopping trip today, I love my Mickey soap bars from Basin too!
Or 3????? :rotfl2:

Too bad Bob Jackson only plays at POR. It would be cool if he also played at other places that would be easier to get to. But I get the whole theming thing. He really is a hoot!

Well, I don't know if I can do 3 and still walk well. I definitely don't think I'd definitely need a nap! How about I'll have one and DH will have one too?!
I actually saw those mugs in a lot of different places and I kept putting off buying it. So, no, I didn't buy it at MK. I actually almost didn't buy it at all. Does that give you a hint?

Oooo, ooooo, does that mean you bought it at the airport??? :rotfl:


I would love to have this picture on my wall! :lovestruc

After all of these Rice Krispies treat pictures I think I will have to make some this weekend....I always liked them best when they were warm coming out of the oven :cloud9:

You make your rice krispie treats in the oven? I've never heard of that way. Can you share how you do it? :confused3
Hey girl!

We just got home this morning so I'm going to catch up on this weekend. Hope you had a wonderful time and I can't wait to hear all about it.

:laughing: Denise....I was thinking the Earport for the mug too....when she said she almost didn't buy it!!! One last shopping spree!!! :thumbsup2 I think she had enough room in her EMPTY Sherpa cooler to fit it!!!! :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Great update, Mary Ellen. I love the photos you took at the Art of Disney. The one with the Mickey and Fireman is a favorite as is the one on the chairs at the beach (that is the one I want to surprise Mark with for Christmas to hang on the wall in our bedroom).

We saw Piano Bob a couple of years ago for a little are right, he does put on a good show.
Why am I always the last one to find my way over to someone's TR LOL!! I swear I have tunnel vision or something!!!! Anyways I'm finally here WOOT WOOT!!

Love the pictures from the Art of Disney store! In May I spent an hour in there just looking around!!! Gorgeous pictures!!

OOOH can't wait for the Contemporary!!!
Great update! I have that picture of Mickey and Minnie on the beach looking at the castle hanging on my wall, I love that picture soooo much! I could spend all of my money on Disney art, it's all so beautiful!

Bob sounds like fun! I'll have to stop by one night when I'm at POR, I have a feeling my DH will like it! I'm not really a big audience participation person, but he will probably enjoy it! :rotfl:

Can't wait to see BLT pics!
Ok....all caught up and I must say one of the best dual trip reporting I have ever read....great job ladies!!!

Love the pictures for Art of Disney. So many interesting things to look at in there.

We never made it over to PORS but I would love to catch that show. It sounds like a blast.

Looking forward to BLT!
I swear I haven't fallen off the planet, just working a bunch this weekend (hopefully to finance a future WDW trip :thumbsup2)

Bob was a lot of fun. Neither one of us had a real camera with us. I took a couple pics with my phone and I'll post them after I E-mail them to myself. People were going crazy for Bob! Such a great entertainer! Our server came over nd took out drink order and we waited. Then he came back, liked at us and realized we had no drinks, so he took our order again; and we waited - again. I was contemplating an appetizer but figured I wouldn't get it before it was time to go.

On the way back to POFQ we walked over the bridge and strolled past the mansions. I remember seeing that resort in the Disney trip planning brochure many years ago; back when it was Dixie Landings. Have I mentioned that already? I can't remember.

Anywho - when I get home tonight I might fix up a few pics to post. Or I might crash in bed. It's a toss up right now. :welcome: to all those that just arrived!
I remember reading about him on your TR a few weeks before we left, so going to see him was an idea fresh in my mind. So THANKS because it really was a ton of fun and I will definitely return to see him in the future!

Oh, you're welcome! I'm really glad that you enjoyed it. He gets that piano rocking doesn't he? (I mean literally rocking!)
You ordered it when you got back home? Joe did that for me with a mug I wanted but never bought! :thumbsup2

Close. Very close indeed!

Yeehaa Bob is now on the list for March. I've read several TRs about him and every one has given rave reviews, it's TIME! You think a 3 year old would at least sit through a bit of it? Maybe an hour? I will bring distraction items as well, but I'm hoping the show is entertaining enough.

I think you would love him and I think Henry would be entertained at least for a set or two. It's so much group singing and clamping and dancing. How could he NOT like that?

Finally a minute to catch up! Thanks for the links...and congrats on the BC in May..... we loved it there and hope to get back there in June!

Glad you enjoyed the links. I am soooooooo excited about BC. Glad to hear you loved it!

POR is a great resort, we have seen Bob a lot over the years... he has been there a long time.

It is a great resort. I read Bob's bio and I noticed he's been there forever. I actually emailed him to tell him how much I liked his show and he emailed me back. I think its so cool that he responds to every email. Cool guy!

Thanks for the DTD shopping trip today, I love my Mickey soap bars from Basin too!

I love virtual shopping, don't you? I can't wait to get some more Mickey soap bars.

Well, I don't know if I can do 3 and still walk well. I definitely don't think I'd definitely need a nap! How about I'll have one and DH will have one too?!

I know I couldn't drink three and still walk well. I got buzzed from even one.....3 would be pushing in. :laughing: I like your plan - you drink one and DH drinks one. Make sure you give me a good toast.

Check out the report from this little guy that stays at your home resort ;)
I read another one of these awhile back :laughing:


Thanks Tracy. I checked it out a couple days ago and think this TR is so creative. I love it!!!!!! Plus the pictures are so creative that I am thinking of copying the idea.

Oooo, ooooo, does that mean you bought it at the airport??? :rotfl:

ding ding ding ding ding.....we have a winner.:woohoo: Too bad there's no prize. I saw it in Ear Ports on the way out. Since my bags were checked and I my hands were free I decided that was a good time to get it. Because I was always lugging around so much stuff I didn't want one more thing to carry to the airport. It worked out perfectly.

]I would love to have this picture on my wall! :lovestruc

So would I! (and I would love to have about 3/4's of the other stuff in that store).

You make your rice krispie treats in the oven? I've never heard of that way. Can you share how you do it? :confused3

Please do. I would like to try to make them!

Hey girl!

We just got home this morning so I'm going to catch up on this weekend. Hope you had a wonderful time and I can't wait to hear all about it.

:welcome: and Welcome Back! Hope you both had a super fabulous trip!!!!!!

:laughing: Denise....I was thinking the Earport for the mug too....when she said she almost didn't buy it!!! One last shopping spree!!! :thumbsup2 I think she had enough room in her EMPTY Sherpa cooler to fit it!!!! :rotfl2::rotfl2:


ding ding ding ding ding.....another winner. Yup, once I dumped the sherpa cooler and my 49lb bag I was ready to go shopping!:laughing:

Great update, Mary Ellen. I love the photos you took at the Art of Disney. The one with the Mickey and Fireman is a favorite as is the one on the chairs at the beach (that is the one I want to surprise Mark with for Christmas to hang on the wall in our bedroom).

We saw Piano Bob a couple of years ago for a little are right, he does put on a good show.

I love the picture of Mickey and the fireman, especially since I am supposed to be a "volunteer firefighter", only by proxy for being in a fire company band. I love the chairs at the beach. How I would love that one.

Bob was a hoot. I can't wait to see him again - such fun!

Why am I always the last one to find my way over to someone's TR LOL!! I swear I have tunnel vision or something!!!! Anyways I'm finally here WOOT WOOT!!

Love the pictures from the Art of Disney store! In May I spent an hour in there just looking around!!! Gorgeous pictures!!

OOOH can't wait for the Contemporary!!!

No worries are here now so :welcome: Sometimes I miss TRs for days. I can skim right by them and then go, "doh".

I love that Art of Disney store. If only I had the money to indulge all my art desires. How great would that be?

BLT is right around the bend.

Great update! I have that picture of Mickey and Minnie on the beach looking at the castle hanging on my wall, I love that picture soooo much! I could spend all of my money on Disney art, it's all so beautiful!

That seems to be the #1 picture from all us crazy Dis'ers. It's just so perfect. It combines all the right components of what I consider relaxation.

Bob sounds like fun! I'll have to stop by one night when I'm at POR, I have a feeling my DH will like it! I'm not really a big audience participation person, but he will probably enjoy it! :rotfl:

Can't wait to see BLT pics!

Bob was a hoot! If you get a chance to see him on your upcoming trip, go for it! I'm not a big audience participation person either, but there was a great group there and it was fun....heck its Disney so who cares if you act like a fool.

BLT coming soon.

Ok....all caught up and I must say one of the best dual trip reporting I have ever read....great job ladies!!!

I am so glad you are enjoying the TR. I need to get over to yours and check it out. I can't wait to hear all about your mega trip!

Love the pictures for Art of Disney. So many interesting things to look at in there.

You're not kidding - so many great things to see! definite eye candy. Probably one of my favorite stores.

We never made it over to PORS but I would love to catch that show. It sounds like a blast.

Looking forward to BLT!

It's a great show. If you ever get a chance to see Bob, go for it.

BLT is coming up soon!

I swear I haven't fallen off the planet, just working a bunch this weekend (hopefully to finance a future WDW trip :thumbsup2)

Bob was a lot of fun. Neither one of us had a real camera with us. I took a couple pics with my phone and I'll post them after I E-mail them to myself. People were going crazy for Bob! Such a great entertainer! Our server came over nd took out drink order and we waited. Then he came back, liked at us and realized we had no drinks, so he took our order again; and we waited - again. I was contemplating an appetizer but figured I wouldn't get it before it was time to go.

On the way back to POFQ we walked over the bridge and strolled past the mansions. I remember seeing that resort in the Disney trip planning brochure many years ago; back when it was Dixie Landings. Have I mentioned that already? I can't remember.

Anywho - when I get home tonight I might fix up a few pics to post. Or I might crash in bed. It's a toss up right now. :welcome: to all those that just arrived!

That's right. I remember now that you were thinking about getting food but it took 10 or more minutes just to get our drinks. They were good though. Yum! I think we both ate rice cakes when we got back to the room. Booorrrrrinnnnggggg! But that's all we had.

Just post when you can. I have been a little slow with the TR this weekend because I have been editing soccer pictures. I really want to keep posting them to my photobucket account so I can share them with the rest of the team.

Oh, you're welcome! I'm really glad that you enjoyed it. He gets that piano rocking doesn't he? (I mean literally rocking!)

There were a couple times I thought he was going to tip the whole thing over.:rotfl: It was pretty funny to watch the big ol' upright piano swinging back and forth. My mom used to have an old upright and that bad boy was heavy. Maybe Bob's is the striped down version.
Great update, Mary Ellen! The Art of Disney always has such cool stuff in there. That picture of Mickey and Minnie looking at the castle would look great in the kids' bathroom.

Bob Jackson sounds fabulous! I bet it was a wonderful way to end the night listening to him perform!
Great update, Mary Ellen! The Art of Disney always has such cool stuff in there. That picture of Mickey and Minnie looking at the castle would look great in the kids' bathroom.

Bob Jackson sounds fabulous! I bet it was a wonderful way to end the night listening to him perform!

I love the Art of Disney - so totally cool. We also visited the one in Epcot at the end of the trip. I plan to stop there and REALLY look around next trip. So many awesome things!

Bob was great. I highly recommend his show for a fun time!
I am sure this will part 1 of Bebopping over to BLT. When I looked through all my photos I can already tell I am going to need several posts for this update.

So with day 1 safely tucked under our belts, it is now time for Day ......


I hope Jen doesn't hate me for posting this picture. She hadn't been up very long when I took it so she was being a good sport by letting me take her Day 2 picture. I took quite a few pictures of the room. I actually forgot how many I took, but it was a decent amount.

So I was smart, for once, and I decided to prepare the coffee the night before. I was up around 6:30am and I really didn't want to wake Jen. Because I normally get up at 5am, it can be difficult for me to sleep past 6:30am when I am on vacation. It takes me several days to "learn" to sleep later. By the end of my week at the OBX I was actually sleeping to almost 8am. That is REALLY late for me. :laughing:

I tried not to make any noise when I got up. I really didn't want to wake Jen, so I silently sipped my coffee. In fact, I don't really remember drinking my coffee so I must have guzzled it. No matter - it was yummy and it helped get the cobwebs out of my brain.

I dressed in my running clothes and silently slipped out the front door, just as the sun was coming up. I had just run out to the main path when I got a text message that read, "Are you up yet?". I texted back, "Yes. Out running". It was one of my friends and within seconds my phone was ringing. I slowed to a walk and answered the phone. My friend was having trouble making a difficult decision and she called me for some support. She knew I was in Disney, so we chatted a bit about that. We actually chatted for awhile since I ended up walking all the way down to the bayou section of POR where I found myself at one of the quiet pools. I stopped there to sit for awhile. When we finished our conversation, I hightailed it back to POFQ. I was thinking about running further, but I was a sweaty mess by the time I got back to FQ, so I decided a short run would do just fine.

When I got back to the room Jen was still sleeping. I showered and changed and when I emerged from the BR Jen was just starting to stir. We packed up the room and headed over to luggage services to check our bags.

It was a little bitter sweet leaving the FQ. I really, really love that place. There aren't any resorts I don't like, but PO will always hold a special place in my heart. In some ways I think it will always be my #1! Now that I belong to DVC, I know my time there is limited, but I am definitely going to consider it for future trips. Say September 11', when I may go back with the soccer moms. We are thinking a combo DVC/resort stay. I think I am going to pick POR or FQ as our resort. It's the perfect little fantasy land for me.

I didn't take pictures of the actual room because I had my long lens on, but I did take pictures of some of the detailing in the room like this picture.......


The detailing where the curtain pull is located....


The lamps......


The bed spread.....




The shower curtain.....


The bathroom floor.....


Even that chair seat cushions........


Oh.....and in case you were wondering exactly what the weather was like that day......



I feel fairly certain that 95 degree temps where I live would not produce ozone in the 'good' range.

On our way over to transfer luggage I got a few more scenery pictures.....








Once our luggage (or should I say Sherpa bags) was safely checked for transfer we headed over to get some delicious bites of yumminess......

Oh Yeah....what is POFQ best known for.......


Why, of course, beignets. Having never tried a beignet before I was surprised at the enormous amount of powdered sugar that covered that fried dough ball. They were pretty yummy, although not exactly the healthiest of fares. Jen laughed at the mess I made. I had powdered sugar everywhere. It was probably straight down to my underwear. Cleaning up after myself proved to be a chore. We couldn't take too many pictures of the powdered sugar + dough event or we probably would have coated our cameras with it.

Once we properly disposed of our powdered sugar mountain i took a few final pictures of the interior of POFQ......





Continued in Next post.......

Here's a few more photos from our seating area......

Pretty pictures.....



A Very cool old piano.......


You know me. I love anything with a music theme......


But alas, as much as I wanted to stay and continue my visit at the FQ, I knew it was time to go. We had a schedule to keep and we were already behind. It was close to 9am when we hit the bus for MK so we had no hope of seeing the opening show. But that was OK. We were staying at BLT and we were optimistic that an opening show would be in our future.

Now the decision was whether to check-in at BLT and get our dining plan or just go into the MK. MK won out. It was already hot and the thought of the extra trip back and forth to BLT was not very appealing. We decided to stay at the MK until lunch time and then head on over to BLT to check in.

So where is my first picture of the castle???? The iconic castle that everyone photographs upon entering the MK and walking down mainstreet. Oops - I don't have one. At least its not my first picture. You see Jen was in need of a battery for a pin she had and I was in need of a bio break because you know how I had to drink about 3 more cups of that pomegranate lemonade before we left POFQ.

So while Jen was off searching for her button battery I hung a left for a pit stop. When I came out I couldn't resist a quick visit to the fire station. I never even realized this was here until I took the KTTK tour. In Disneyland Walt had his little apartment above the fire station. The last time I was here I noticed that there were fire company badges from all over the country.......






So, here' s a shout out to all those fire fighters (men and women) who protect our safety and put out fires. Strong work people! One of these days I am going to bring a badge from the citizens hose, the company I belong to. I'm considered a fire fighter, but only by proxy since I belong to the marching band.

Just so you know - if you really like that picture of Mickey and the firefighter, you can purchase a statue right here in the fire station.....


Check out these very appropriately themed pumpkins.....



Jen sent me a text that she was in one of the shops on main street still searching tirelessly for that special button battery. As soon as I entered the shop my fascination with you know what was rekindled.....


If I was a kid I would HAVE to have one of these backpacks. Heck, I am an adult and I wanted to buy one of these backpacks. So cute!

Still no battery Jen and I set off in search of Space Mtn FPs. And you know what? We finally found that amazing castle......


Have you noticed that its getting harder and harder to take a picture of the castle because of all those pesky trees? I actually found the perfect spot to take a picture of the castle, but I can not reveal it to you until much, much later in this TR. you thinking now, don't I?

This is one cool topiary.....





Oh the familiar sites and sounds of tomorrow land......






After stopping for many pictures we finally made our way over to Space mtn. We grabbed fast passes and then got in line because the wait was, well, practically walk on. We were directed to the left side and I got the back car. Oh joy! The space mtn renovations did nothing to smooth out the jerkiness of that back car :laughing:. As jen reminded me later, I am "old" and I did find that the back car on Space mtn has gotten increasingly painful. So I tried to enjoy the ride the best I could despite my fear of whip lash.

Ok - kidding - it wasn't that bad! Close though!

When I return.......will we finally bebop it over to BLT tower? Will our room be ready? What about our view? All that and more coming up in the next update!

OMG your pictures are getting me so excited for my trip! 9 days!! Not that my pics will ever live up to yours but at least I'll be seeing the same things! :)

Is it wrong that beignets are the primary reason I want to stay at PO?

I am finding myself pulled toward pins and vinylmation... god help me. :rolleyes:
Holy cats am I behind! A crazy busy week at work and a girls weekend and I'm 3 updates behind. AACK!

I think they will have a new one by May because these mugs have been around for awhile. It's probably going to go with whatever their new theme is. Seriously 7 mugs X $15 - you deserve free soda for life!

:rotfl: I think you are right though and it will be a new one by May. We will see though!

I know that most of you know that I will be going on another GF trip in May. This time its with 4 lovely DIS'ers named Cynthia (my roomie), Melissa, Christine, and Tracy. I am so excited to announce that we have all been able to secure rooms at the BEACH CLUB VILLAS for May! Many of you know that it has always been my dream to stay at the BCV and now it is finally going to come true. :cool1: I am uber excited.

BTW - we have a PTR, so come over and visit us!

Here's our link!

yes! Come visit us! I am so excited I can't stand myself.

OK....Sorry for this next picture, but I went over to photobucket to get the rest of my DTD pictures and I found .....Monorail Cat! This picture completely cracks me up......


After we left Goofy's we headed towards the boat being extremely optimistic that they might be running. Unfortunately the lightening off in the distance had canceled all the boats. Jen tried to get the captain to take us anyway, but he refused.

Then we set off to POR. Jen had never been over there and she was looked forward to seeing the resort. I left my camera in the room because I was tired of carrying it. So the only thing I carried was my mug. We were on a mission. We were off to see the infamous Bob Jackson.

When we got to POR we couldn't find a seat at first, but then a couple of people took off and we grabbed their seats. We were close to the bar and a bartender quickly took our order. We both decided to try the teaka tea. Is that right Jen? Was that the name? All I really remember was the CM took our order and then took FOR EVVVVVVVVEEEEERRRRRRR to bring our drinks. When we finally got them, they were really quite good. Thank you Mr bartender.

Bob Jackson.....where can I start????? He was da bomb. He is such a talented piano player and a fabulous entertainer. I had heard he was good. That is not an understatement. He is really a lot of fun. And, of course, the more you drink, the funner Bob Jackson gets.

Here's Bob....

OK - that is one small picture of Bob. Let's see if I can find a youtube video....

Here we go.....

Here's Bob's website......


I have heard such good things about Bob! Bummer when the boats shut down, that happened to us to but like you, it worked out perfectly!

Ok, I have to run but will be back to comment on day 2 morn later!


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