How many points do you have?

How many points do you currently own?

  • 0 pts - But I will own one day

  • 1 - 100 pts

  • 101 - 150 pts

  • 151 - 200 pts

  • 201 - 250 pts

  • 251 - 300 pts

  • 301 - 350 pts

  • 351 - 400 pts

  • 401 - 500 pts

  • 501 - 600 pts

  • 601 - 750 pts

  • Over 750 pts

Results are only viewable after voting.


"All our dreams can come true, if we have the cour
Apr 11, 2004
Inspired by the currently running thread "What do you think is the average number of points owned by a DVC member?" where most suggested a poll was in order so I figured I'd create one...

So how many points do you have?

I have 370 pts at OKW
385 SSR
100 OKW

Probably going to be 200 at BLT in the next week or so:scared:
We have 225 at BLT. We tried to buy enough to stay in a 1BR for one week per year and decided that his amount gave us a good amount of possibilities. Now we will be going THREE times this year, so an add-on may be in our future if this trend continues. :)
Akv 150
bcv 160
okw 332
vgc 105
We have 325 at OKW. I'd like to add another 25 in the same use year there so that they can be evenly divided between our girls, but that's sort of a small number to find available.
Everytime I read posts like this it makes me sad. I normally feel like my 250 is a decent amount until threads like this start. So depressing. :headache:
We started out small. We bought a 30 pt BWV last year and later added on another 30 pts, so we currently have a total of 60 pts. We will add on in small increments as we can afford to pay for them cash.
230 OKW (2057)
230 SSR
125 VGC
100 BLT

As we only stay in studios, this buys us a lot and leaves spare points for DCL and treating family to DVC accomodations when they travel with us.
160 blt
50 vgc
and I'm a little jealous of people who have the $$$ for more points and the vacation time to use them! :upsidedow Maybe someday I'll have gobs of both... :rotfl:
Today I have 1,125.

Tomorrow I should have 1,250.

Who knows how many I'll have next year?

2000, bought at once in 1992.

That was some decision! We first looked in 1996, and had to come up with a number of points to buy, I was totally lost. How on earth did one decide vacation habits? That was before I found the internet, knew about add ons, whatever. I just got a headache back then, and forgot about DVC. If I could have just decided, we needed 1000...close to what we have now (930), it would have been so easy.:goodvibes

I do admire you.


PS. DVC Mike I do love to read your posts're doing it "my" way, but even better!:goodvibes
I currently have 150 at Boardwalk
100 at Beach Club
101 at Animal Kingdom

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