Hotter than Hades - a Halloweentime 2015 trip report (finished 12/6)

Day 5 part 2: Blue Bayou

Running back in the park Belle is out meeting near the entrance.

Once inside... of course the Diamond Chipmunks are meeting and the line is closed. NOT FUNNY. :worried:

Back at New Orleans Square we sign in for our Fantasmic Package at Blue Bayou. In hindsight this should turn out to be another not so bright idea.

We're being seated at a waterside table. Would have been nice if the ride had been running, but alas it wasn't meant to be. The good news is though that our lovely hostess has no less than three new Hidden Mickeys on her lanyard. Big score.

Bread basket - that was really good.

Andrea's starter, gumbo. She thought it was okay.

My starter, salad - not much chances to screw up a salad. Though the dressing was very heavy on the vinegar side, so I did not particularly like this.

Andrea's main, Puertobello Mushroom and Long Grain Rice. She absolutely hated it and didn't even eat half.

My main - the slow roasted beef strip loin. That wasn't bad, but it really was not as delicious as a lot of people said it would be.

Dessert. We're still debating if this was a peach or a pear tart. We heard differently and each of us claims it tasted of what we heard. :D Apparently from the menu it should have been Strawberry and Rhubarb Galette... well the strawberries I know certainly don't taste like this. ;)

I go and find JJ in Tomorrowland. One of the Terrace performers (Thomasina) has her last show today and I promised to join her for at least two sets before running off for Fantasmic. The downside at the Terrace is that they block off the stage and only open the area shortly before the performance. If you go by hearsay that happened because some idiots kept climbing on it. Anyway, we have a pretty good spot until the rope drops and there's a stampede. Our front row spots are gone and because everyone in front towers above us we decide to hunt for a table instead. Oh well. You got to love queue jumpers.

JJ adores Thomasina. While I agree she's got a great voice I will admit that the performance isn't really my thing.

I leave early to get to the Rivers of America. Prior reports had indicated that showing up at the time designated on the Fast Pass wasn't the brightest idea.
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Day 5 part 3: A visit at the Zoo aka Fantasmic

I had agreed with Andrea to meet 45 minutes before the time given on the Fastpass. An hour before when I try to find out where we have to go the Rivers are a zoo. I have to ask four Cast Members before anyone can direct me to the area where the Special Dining Packages wait. Area? There is a scrum on the walkway to Critter Country, going back way past Splash Mountain. Ummm... are all of these people Special Dining seating?

While I am still trying to find out someone decides to let the mob in the walkway at the water. Have you ever been standing in front of a huge group of Japanese when they are trying to get somewhere? I have, unfortunately, that very moment. I have no chance than follow. Trying to stand up against a stampede? No chance. Crap. That is not going to end well. Andrea doesn't see well in the dark at all. Our only chance is texting and me trying to save a spot for her.

Chatting to some people next to me it turns out that the scrum consists of at least three groups. Blue Bayou Dining, River Belle Dining and Blue Fastpasses, with some Yellow Fastpasses that have gone astray mixed in.

Seriously??? You're not trying to sort us now, do you?

Nope, they don't.

Some CMs are yelling from the front Dining Fast Passes to the left, blue Fastpasses to the right, if you got yellow you are in the wrong place.

And then you're on your own. No matter if you heard that "announcement" or not.

I wish I was joking.

I understand something had to be done. The camping out got out of hand. I actually liked the Fast Pass idea when they introduced it. BUT: right when that came up I was wondering where they wanted to keep the different lines. Just tossing most of the viewers in a narrow walk way and "let the strongest one win" can't be the solution. What they are doing now is a complete mess. Next time I'm going Fantasmic will be down anyway, but if they keep this when/if the show comes back this night was my last show, no matter how much I love it. This "system" is pure chaos and even dangerous. I was seriously scared.

Somehow I make it out alive and even in second row behind some Japanese. Now I even have a chance to see something, I am taller than them.

Now frantic texting to Andrea sets in. I'm almost at the verge of giving up our seat - but then we really paid the money for nothing. In the end she makes it in the right area, but can't make it through to me. Once a Japanese guest has claimed their spot their really not moving, no matter what happens.

Photo taking is hard that close to the fence, but I actually managed to get a couple of okay ones.

Can't they let the dragon win just once, please? :D

Fireworks photography.

Not bad for shooting fireworks with my DSLR for the first time. Hopefully that means good pictures from the special seating for "Mystical Spirits of the Blue Bayou."

At least for letting us out they got smart: they opened a backstage corridor at Jungle Cruise. So going back to the hotel goes a little more smooth than hoped.
Day 6 part 1: Goofy's Kitchen

Andrea is still dealing with the heat very badly. Jackie and her family have APs for Sea World now and had a spare ticket. San Diego weather is supposed to be slightly better, so she decides to tag along with them for the day. Means: I am on my own now until JJ arrives. Which is kind of matching seeing this morning we had a reservation at Goofy's Kitchen which up to the changes last year has always been a well loved tradition for Andrea and me.

Since my last visit the new photo stop for Goofy has been completed.

The entry has pictures of the cast now.

Goofy's outfit hasn't really changed, but the backdrop differs a little.

The restaurant is very quiet, but thankfully soon two Japanese girls are being seated closeby. So we all have a photographer, plus the characters get used to photocalls with us around. :D

Some food shots:

Chip finally remembers that he hasn't exactly been acting like a good boyfriend and is all concerned that I am solo. I explain to him about JJ coming later and how sorry she was that she culdn't join me. After our photosession he motions I should wait. I had no intention of going anywhere, I am still missing Pluto. :D

Pluto just left my table when the new entertainment starts, napkin twirling. They could at least have left the place the old "entertainment." *sighs* Hello WDW 2.0.

Imagine my surprise when Chip comes running with cookies for JJ. Good boyfriend. ;)

Overall: I certainly had fun. The characters were entertaining as always. I'm still not over the random characters disappearing though. Goofy's is an option I may eventually consider for another visit, but it lost the "must do" status it had for 8 years.
Day 6 Part 2: Morning Tea

I make it just for park opening.

When I walk under the train tracks Ariel walks in from backstage. No one is paying much attention to her, so I stop and say good morning. We chat a little until she declares "Girls Trip!" and walks me to her meet. If looks could kill I'd be long buried... some moms are seemingly not too happy I get the honors.

It's again Halloween outfits for Mickey and his friends. Oh pretty please, of course I am only missing the main Diamond outfits I wanted... munks and ducks.

Pluto has almost no line, I decide to go for another photo. The line's already closed when a French couple walks up and asks in French about Pluto. The cast member tells them he doesn't understand them, yet they repeat the question in French. Walking up to someone in Anaheim expecting them to understand French is extremely optimistic to put it very nicely. Thank god my French is passable enough to repeat what the CM told the others trying to line up in French. They leave without saying thank you even. Somehow I'm not surprised. The CM is surprised however that I jumped in and profusely thanks me. We start chatting. He also tells me Daisy is on Main Street hiatus for Halloween because she doesn't have a costume. Oh no. :(

When I try to leave for Pixie Hollow Mickey shows up, takes my arm and walks me to his line. I guess I am taking another photo then. :D

On the way to Pixie Hollow I see the Queen of Hearts coming out. Okay, scratch the Pixies... Her Royal Highness it is.

I end up having to give chase, she's taking a clue from a certain Penguin I hunted years ago apparently. Near the Alice ride there's trash on the ground. The Queen stomps her foot repeatedly and demands someone picks it up, but no one reacts. Okay, okay... guess it's the turn of the person with backpack and camera bag then. *goes to pick up trash*

I follow her all the way to Dumbo, where Alice and the Hatter are having another tea party.

There's only a small crowd, but when the party is over and Hatter announces the next round is the last everyone surges forward. I was in what was the actual line and would have been screwed. Stress the "would" cause help comes from an unlikely ally: the Queen of Hearts. She blocks people and motions to me "sit down." See, it pays to show some manners. *smirks and sits down*

Hatter asks us: "state your name and purpose." I do and give my purpose as "having tea with you." He really likes that response.

The Queen meanwhile discovers I have drawn her, so I get her autograph after all.

I would really die for a picture with all three, but the Queen takes off, I have no photographer and everyone is ignoring me asking. Mr Hatter decides people are rude and he will take the photos. O. M. G.

And he really didn't do a bad job.

One of the Japanese finally realizes I am in trouble and grabs the camera from him.

And on the way to backstage I even get my group photo after all.

Now that was fun and completely made any rainclouds left from the drama the night before disappear.
Yes, it was. You don't get that chance too often. I was so glad I went to pick up that trash when the Queen of Hearts insisted. She was so obviously on my side that morning. :D
Day 6 Part 3: More Royalty

Backtracking to Pixie Hollow. Still no line.

Silvermist is meeting, without a CM around to take photos. We chat a little and she decides she'll just join me in the Tink line so I'd get my photo after all, plus she wants to see Tink's reaction to the group fairy picture I've drawn.

Silvermist explaining the picture on my behalf. :D

Tink signing.

And group shot.

Mr Dragon, have you sent over some Pixie Dust because I cheered for you last night? :flower1:

When I leave Pixie Hollow the Evil Queen is out meeting. Okay cool, that's the next line then.

While I wait our friends from Wonderland walk past and Mr Hatter does have the idea to offer the other Queen some tea...

Which neither said Queen nor his Queen appreciated. :D

I guess I giggled too loud or maybe it was the Chessie ears... her Majesty wasn't happy with me.

The Pearly Band started playing meanwhile and Mary and Bert showed up too.

I guess I should start heading towards the Fantasyland Theater to check on the Frozen FPs. The Sunday morning routine starts off with a Theater visit and I need to check on return times.
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Day 6 Part 4: Waiting for T Time

Fast Pass return times are still for the first show, but without JJ I of course can't get one.
I don't want to go too far, she can arrive any time.

Adventureland has Jafar out.

There's basically no line and the CM says Genie will come out shortly, so double whammy.

JJ texts, she's on the tram. Back to the Royal Theater... just make it through Rapunzel's line before JJ gets back.

When JJ arrives of course the Fast Pass times have jumped and are now mid afternoon at a time where we want to be at the T stage already. We get some water and watch the show from the cheap seats standing outside.

I will leave them that, they did have some cute ideas how to solve certain parts of the storyline on the limited stage they have. But seriously, they killed the Tangled show for THAT??? I'm praying that they'll give at least back that stage once they took over Hyperion. *snorts* (Disclaimer: I don't mind Frozen. I am in "Camp So Over Frozen". While generally if something distracts attendance from a place I want to be: all is well with the world I do mind everything been frozen-ized though.)

The Main Street march is cut short. No Dappers, no real train station show. We must be close to some sort of heat index.

Might as well change over to DCA to guard our spots at the T stage.

After we set up camp there JJ sends me to "go and do Olaf." It probably was the area we were in, but that sounded way more dirty than it should. ;) When the whole Frozenland was implemented last fall and they killed T for it I had sworn I wasn't going to go and see Olaf because they killed T for the whole overlay. Now T's back, go and see the Snowman. May I intodroduce you to JJ logic?

Okay, I guess I'll also pick FPs for Anna and Elsa while I am at it.

At Olaf's meet... no one in line. Huh? :crazy:

Picture of "Frozenland" from the exit of Olaf's queue:

Over at the Animation Academy I ask a CM where to get FP for Anna and Elsa.

I am informed I could go straight in. :crazy:

I run back to get my drawings. And yes, I fully admit to running back to the T stage going "it's dying, it's dying!" :P

When I go back CMs are actually walking around asking people to go and see Anna and Elsa! It won't look good if I start rubbing my hands with glee now, would it?

Horrible photo I know - the CM seemed to have trouble with my DSLR.


On the way back I quickly into Clarabelle's Handscooped Ice Cream to get a treat... that dripping trail to the T Party stage was pretty impressive. What's a girl to do, they ran out of cups!
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Love the TR! Awesome that you were able to see the characters without a wait. Cant wait to read more
Half luck, half good timing. The Frozen lines have really died down. But others like the Aladdin lines always seemed really long.
Day 6 part 5: Sunday Funday

And we're back - Mad T Party time.

Introducing Cheshire Cat.


March Hare.


Our host Mr Hatter.

And of course Alice - for some reason I am completely lacking solo shots of her from that night.

March Hare and Caterpillar dancing.

Remember what I said about him knowing where each camera is? :D

The new background graphics are pretty spectacular - March Hare following his alter ego.

Day 7 part 1: Storytellers

Another one of our traditions... Storytellers, the home of the munks.

And indeed Chip visits first.

We're probably a little early, he doesn't seem to be awake yet. I'm in full munk outfit including a Tokyo plush backpack and he couldn't have cared less.

Kenai and Koda more than make up for that though.

Bear photobomb!

I had made sure to do drawings for them to keep. Pretty elaborate ones cause they're cute and fluffy and I like cute and fluffy. Plus the bears have a good taste. Some years ago they would not let us go upon seeing us wear Firefly shirts.

I show them the first drawing.

Kenai won't let it go and when I tell him it's a gift and he can keep it he runs through the whole restaurant showing it to everyone. And he leaves behind Koda... who does follow the same routine when I pull out a second drawing and give it to him. Hey, do you really think I am not getting something for both of you?

Now if everyone will excuse me, I am looking for the way to Camp Team Brother Bear.

Dale visits next. A slight bit more attentive, but I really think the munks should have slept a bit more that morning.

Now Meeko is a whole different story.

I had done a drawing of him too. As soon as it's on the table in front of him.... one move, the picture is in his hand and he takes off.

Honey, granted the place is airconditioned - but unless you morph into Flynn when I kiss you I am not running after you. I had my chase yesterday, thank you very much! :D

But if you really want to keep it please, be my guest... it's not that I don't have any autographs of you and you can sign the book instead.

Mr McDuck, you may want to cover your eyes or ignore the inscription I put on. ;)

No guest star this year. The option to order from the menu also went away, it's buffet only. We enjoyed ourselves, but there have been better visits in the past years.
Day 7 part 2: An unexpected Dessert

Back in the park.

Again, Halloween characters.

Munks are out too and meanwhile apparently had their morning coffee. Maybe Donald shared his Pumpkin Spice Latte. ;) Quite fascinated with that backpack. :D

Mary and Bert are meeting near Coke Corner. Mary spots my parasol and compliments me on thinking that far ahaead to take it as it would be a hot day. I thank her, curtsey and tell her: "I learned from the best, Mary Poppins." Bert likes that.

New Orleans Square. I will admit I hurried there cause Syd's second play day is Monday.

It's not Syd who I spot first though...


Nope, I am not drunk. This pirate is seriously named Cupcake. :) JJ told me a lot about him and I had seen YouTube videos. But he's not sailing with the Bootstrappers regularly, so I never met him before. Needless to say I was over the moon.

Completing the crew are again Stringfellow:

Mean Jean and one of the older crew members:

And Phoebe Blackheart, the Queen of The Pirate Fiddlers.

A combination I really have never seen before.

Though Syd no shows. Grrrr.
Day 7 part 3: Surprise in Frontierland

As a couple of pirates had showed up late over the last few days we go on Haunted Mansion cause I am still holding out hope Syd may show after all.

No Syd.

Oh well, let's take Cupcake pictures then while I have him. ;)

There's not that many people stopping for them this time.
Stringfellow seems dead happy to have a known face to play with. I even get to make song requests. Problem about that? A hord of Japanese with pins pass by when Stringfellow sings "Courting in the Kitchen" for me. And that isn't exactly the right moment to run off.
The humidity is again steadily creeping back up. Andrea decides it's time for an afternoon break. Or maybe it was Mean Jean who made her sign the "A Pirate's Life for me" solo line. ;)
Tiana is meeting near the Riverboat. Nice setting - shame it will be gone soon.

I ask if I can take a picture of her alone... which makes the CM who took our pictures keep the camera and take the solo shots too. Okay then I guess - at least she knew how to handle the DSLR.

At the pin store in Frontierland a Japanese trader is sitting on a bench. Oooh... shiny. I walk up and say hi. We really find some things to trade - I knew I should have packed more things from the good book - argh!!!
She notices my munks backpack and comments that she got one for a friend of hers in Europe too who got her Frozen pins in return - I had mentioned I was from Germany. Umm... you didn't get your friend a Cheshire bag by any chance too? She looks at me bewildered. She did.

So I bumped into a Japanese friend of mine in Disneyland of all places. :D We hadn't talked for a while, so neither of us had a clue the other one was going. Unfortunately she was leaving the next morning, but hey... at least we met!
More Bootstrappers.

A quick visit at the Fantasy Faire brings the usual three visiting princesses.

Snow White compliments me on my Chessie ears. When I tell her Chessie loved them too and wouldn't stop playing with them she stops dead in her tracks. "You've met the Cheshire Cat."

Yes as a matter of fact I met him three times even. :D This leads to a very impressive bottleneck cause Snow White wants to hear all about it and I have to show her the pictures on my phone too.

Town Square has... Halloween characters. Diamond outfits after the parade I'm promised. Okay. Let's wait.
Adventureland has a nice group shot opportunity.

And then I am running out of options cause everyone is in the parade.
Guess food it is. Don't ask me what hit me to try this... Mac and Cheese Hot Dog.

It's extremely messy to eat this, but it tasted quite good actually.
Day 7 part 5: After the Parade

Anyone want to guess? Yes, still Halloween outfits. Grrrr.
However, the rumor starts coming up that Mickey and Minnie in Diamond outfits will be meeting together "shortly." As there is still a large number of Japanese fans around that means line from hell within .2 seconds. Might as well get in line and wait - not like I will be taking pictures at the Flag Retreat. At least there's lots of traders around, so I'll be busy.
Eventually - shortly meant a little over an hour...

All Japanese did at least 5 minute photocalls too, so no matter if the CMs say please make it quick, I want a photo too.

Pluto is around too - did he remember us dancing from Paradise Pier last year? :D

Goofy's meeting at the Firehouse.

I finally track down a handler and ask. Donald and munks are done for the day. *sighs*
Day 7 part 6: Paint the Night

After taking some night time shots it becomes clear that the original timing for getting a spot for Paint the Night so doesn't work. I plop down and barely get a curb seat. Snacks have to wait until after Andrea's arrival... I'll spare you the repeat picture of the Cheddar Garlic Twist. ;)
Now Paint the Night. Some people had just stayed seated after the afternoon parade. So I guess it has its appeal. Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate it. But it's lacking charm. I'll steal a quote ;): "They could just have driven some big TV screens down Main Street." Some floats I really liked. Belle's for example. But other floats like Monsters Inc. or the Mack truck... I really don't know. I love my parades. My friend Rafael once said "I love you sweety, but you are a parade ****." The old Parade of Dreams had run its course and was severely outdated, but I was bawling like a 3 year old last time I got to see it. This one? One "oh that's nice!" for the Ariel float and the dancers. But not one "awww". And I like my parades with awww factor.
Anway, on to the pictures.


Day 8 part 1: Early Morning

A quiet morning.

That quiet that I actually get to keep a double highschore on Buzz for a while. :D

And again... Halloween outfits.

The characters all seem to come out of a certain cast exit, so the most logical thing to do is hang out in that area and run after them to their meeting spot - of course the spots are changing too, where`s the fun otherwise? :silly:
We hunt for breakfast.

I know, I know... you come all the way to Anaheim and eat at Starbucks???
Andrea decides on Jolly Holiday Bakery.

Matterhorn Macaroon - so so.

Andrea's Quiche, which she liked.

Pixie Hollow is absolutely deserted. Iridessa has flown in this morning.

When we leave Peter Pan runs past. Okay, I am sure you won't turn into Flynn either - but seeing you so never are where the app says you should be I am making an exception and will give chase. :P

Day 8 part 2: Toontown

The Bootstrappers are again sailing with a small crew today. Yuri leads the gang.

Tiana is meeting close by. Seeing I didn't manage to get the drawing out last time...

The second set of the Bootstrappers brings another late arrival... Grieving Tim.

On the way to Toontown we bump into Frollo again. Oh wait, I didn't get the drawing out last time because it looked like he was about to leave...

He's extremely flattered.

Showers me with attention and almost won't let me go. I promise to do another drawing and bring it to him tomorrow. In return his handler checks the schedule for any surprises - limited to Queen of Hearts though, the heat certainly doesn't help.
Toontown. The line to meet Mickey is actually out of his house. Never saw that happen before. Still the area is airconditioned, so Andrea and I agree we may as well go in. We're still hoping to find Steamboat Willie one day.

No luck, reshoots for Fantasia are happening.

Checking back at Town Square for the little show... the press release said Diamond Costumes after that for crying out loud.

In the end I try the good old screeching for a character method, but that's as close to a reaction as I get.

We have a Mansion Fastpass before late lunch, but I really need a snack on the way.

The heat was absolutely brutal.
Mansion shot:
Day 8 part 3: The Barbecue

I understand we all have to make sacrifices on occasion. If new stuff comes in old things sometimes have to go. And of course having the Big Thunder Ranch sitting at the entrance of Star Wars Land doesn't make sense. But still I'm sad. Big Thunder Barbecue is one of my favorite places to eat in the park. I don't want it to go. :puppy:

Our visit unfortunately is even cut short a little, cause at the Town Square visit again I had been promised a time for Diamond Donald and the munks. We race back to find... Halloween costumes. :bricks: :/:
Seriously people. If you don't know: that's fine. But don't make up random times and promise me "he will really show." That's getting a tad annoying. And it's reaching "seriously annoying" level if you run off from what may have been your last chance to enjoy one of your favorit meals for that!
Goofy's trying to smooch up to Cruella, but the reaction is kind of inevitable.

Andrea decides it's break time for her. I cross over to DCA - maybe I can catch some characters before the afternoon Aladdin performance.
Indeed, Oswald is out and about.

I don't think he's getting much love... totally flips when he sees my drawing.

I'm lucky and Buena Vista Street Minnie just walks out when I turn into Hollywood Boulevard to see Aladdin.

She really likes the parasol too... but still not borrowing it to you, sorry. :D



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