Everything you ever wanted to know about Be Our Guest


DIS Veteran<br><a href="http://www.disboards.com/s
Oct 3, 2012
Since BOG is a new and unique restaurant, there are often lots of questions posted on the boards about it. I thought it would be a good idea to make a superthread with all the information and answers to FAQs in one place. Mods, perhaps this could be a sticky if you deem it appropriate :goodvibes Feel free to make suggestions and corrections!


Table of Contents

1. Overview and restaurant photos
2. All About Lunch
3. All About Dinner
4. Tips on reservations (dinner) and waiting in line (lunch)
5. FAQs
6. Menus, reviews, and other helpful links
7. Food Photos

Themed to look like the castle from Beauty and the Beast, this restaurant opened in November 2012 as part of New Fantasyland in Magic Kingdom. Guests can dine in one of three rooms inspired by the film. Be Our Guest serves lunch and dinner. Lunch is counter service, while dinner is table service. The cuisine is French-American.

Lunch hours are 10:30 am - line cutoff, somewhere between 2:00-2:30 pm. See post #5 with more info on this.
Dinner hours begin at 4:00 pm. The time the latest ADR can be made depends on the park hours for that day, and will be close to the park's scheduled closing time. The latest ADR that can can possibly be made is 9:30 pm.


You'll walk across this stone bridge to the front entrance of the restaurant. The archway on the left is the check-in location for dinner.


The largest of the three rooms, the Ballroom is designed to look like the room where Belle and the Beast dance in the movie.


To the right is the Rose Gallery. This room is the lightest, airiest, and possibly quietest room of the three. It features a giant music box, a wedding gift from Maurice.


To the left of the Ballroom is the West Wing. This is the smallest of the three dining rooms and is very dark. It features the enchanted rose and a portrait of the prince. Sounds of a thunderstorm are played continuously. Small children may find this room scary.

All About Lunch

Lunch at Be Our Guest is counter service with no reservations taken. The ordering process is different from other CS locations. After you enter the restaurant and walk down a hallway with suits of armor, you will visit a greeter who will ask you how many are in your party. This person is wanting to know how many will be on the same ticket. If your group will be splitting the bill, answer accordingly. For example, if your party includes two couples and each couple will be paying separately, the person talking to the greeter should answer that there are 2 in your party. You will still be able to sit with your friends, but you'll be splitting up for ordering purposes.

You will then be given an object that looks like a red hockey puck with a rose design:


You will be directed to either a touchscreen or a cashier where you will place your order. If you are paying with cash or have a large group, you will be directed to the cashier. If you would like to make any substitutions in your order, I suggest asking the greeter if you can order this way rather than doing it at a kiosk. If you are on the DDP or are paying with a credit/debit card, you will be directed to a touchscreen. Look for the Mickey symbol on the rose you were given and touch it to the reader (also a Mickey symbol).


If you have dietary needs, be sure to look for the banner at the top of the screen and tap it. This will allow you to see foods that are free of various allergens. Make your selections, pay, and take your receipt. Cast members are on hand if you need assistance. You may choose a table in any of the three dining rooms. Place your rose on the table, then gather your silverware, napkins, and drinks. Soon, a server will bring your meal on a cart. Be sure to have your receipt handy so they can check to be sure they have all your items. When you finish your meal, leave your dishes on the table. Feel free to explore the restaurant and take photos before you leave!
All About Dinner

Dinner at Be Our Guest is table service and reservations are nearly always required. While a few have reported success with walk-ups, this is currently the most in-demand restaurant in all of WDW. You'll want to make this reservation first thing at your 180 or 180+10 window, if possible. More information on this in the reservations section.

One question that comes up a lot is, "How are the lunch and dinner experiences different?" One obvious difference is that you are seated by a host or hostess and have a server, just like any other TS restaurant. A complimentary bread service with salted butter is offered. The tables are nicely appointed, with cloth napkins folded into roses and (fake) flickering candles:


The Rose Gallery is typically closed during dinner and no one is seated there. You may or may not be allowed to take a peek inside after your meal; ask a CM. Although BOG is not a character meal, the Beast does make an appearance every half-hour or so. A (rather loud) announcement is made, and he walks through the restaurant, waving to guests. After your meal, you can meet Beast in his study; this is the room where you place your order at lunch. He does not sign autographs.


Another big difference between lunch and dinner is that alcoholic beverages are available at dinner. This is the only location in Magic Kingdom where they can be purchased, and they must be consumed inside the restaurant.

The lunch and dinner menus are different, with lunch being mostly salads and sandwiches and dinner offering meat, fish, and side dishes. However, the soups and desserts offered are the same on both menus.

For those guests dining as part of a celebration (birthday, anniversary, etc.), BOG offers a complimentary serving of The Grey Stuff. For those of you not familiar with Beauty and the Beast, this is a reference to a line from the restaurant's namesake song:

Try the grey stuff, it's delicious!
Don't believe me? Ask the dishes!

The restaurant's version is a mousse of some sort with crunchy pearls. There is no official description and various diners have experienced different tastes. I had been told it was an Oreo mousse and that was what it tasted like to me. For birthdays, it is served with a candle:


If you'd like to sample The Grey Stuff, be sure to add a celebration to your reservation. You can also wear one of the complimentary buttons available at City Hall.

After you eat, feel free to explore the restaurant and take photos!
Tips on Getting Reservations

As previously mentioned, you will want to make reservations ASAP. If you are past your 180 or 180+10 window and the restaurant is booked for your dates, do not despair! Try the following:

-Be flexible with your dates and times. The more options you have, the more likely you will be able to find an opening.
-If you have a small, odd-numbered party, try increasing your party size by one. For instance, if you are a party of 3, you would be seated at a 4-top table anyway. So try searching for reservations for 4 instead of 3. Due to the quirks of Disney's system, this may increase available tables for you.
-Subscribe to the cancellations thread for the month of your trip on the Reservations board. If someone has an ADR to cancel and posts it there, you can coordinate a time to be online and snag it.
-Check the Disney website and/or call every day, more than once if you can.
-If your vacation arrives and you have still been unable to get an ADR, check again the day before you'd like to dine there. Due to this restaurant's credit card hold, anyone who wants to cancel must do so 24 hours before their ADR or face a fee.
-If all else fails, plan to go to the check-in booth at 3:30-3:45. A few users have reported success with getting a walkup at this time.

LisaTN posted a great thread on the Reservations board with some fantastic tips on making ADRs!

Tips on Waiting for Lunch

Many people see the line for lunch out the door of the restaurant and down the bridge and are instantly put off by a seemingly long wait. However, it is definitely possible to dine here without waiting for an exorbitant amount of time.

-First, the general rule of avoiding peak lunch times applies. The longest waits are during the 11:00 and 12:00 hours.
-CMs have been known to exaggerate wait times, so if you are told the wait is 60 minutes, don't worry. It's unlikely to be nearly that long, unless you are there during the busiest times of the year (Easter and Christmas/New Year's).
-One strategy is to get in line at about 10:00 so you are one of the first to be let in when the restaurant opens at 10:30. Personally, I don't recommend this as I see that as valuable morning touring time. But if you'd prefer to eat earlier rather than later and/or have more than one day scheduled for MK, you may want to go this route.
-Another strategy is to arrive between 1:00-1:30. Typically waits are about 20 minutes from the end of the line to the ordering station at this time of day. The line is cut off between 2:00-2:30 each day in order to allow time for all the guests in line to eat and leave so that the restaurant can be prepared for dinner. As far as I can tell, they have not been consistent as to the exact time when the line is cut off, so I would not arrive any later than 1:55 to be safe.
-Menus are provided while you are in line, so you can use this time to decide what you'd like to eat.

Q: Is dinner worth fighting for a reservation?
A: It depends. If you or someone in your party loves Beauty and the Beast, it is worth it. You may want to do both lunch and dinner in this case. If you or someone in your party appreciates Imagineering and Disney theming, it is probably worth it. If you are a character hunter, it is probably worth it. If you are only casually interested in the restaurant because it is new, you may prefer to stick to lunch or skip it altogether and wait for popularity to wane.

Q: Is lunch worth standing in a long line?
A: It depends. If you or someone in your party loves Beauty and the Beast, it is worth it. You may want to do both lunch and dinner in this case. If you or someone in your party appreciates Imagineering and Disney theming, it is probably worth it. If you are only casually interested in the restaurant because it is new, you may prefer to make a dinner reservation or skip it altogether and wait for popularity to wane.

Q: Should I go for lunch or dinner?
A: It depends. Do you prefer CS or TS? Which menu appeals to you more? Would you rather get up early at 180 days to make a reservation, or stand in line for 20 minutes? This really all comes down to personal preferences.

Q: Is this a kid-friendly restaurant? Is this an adult-oriented/romantic restaurant?
A: Yes and yes. Children are welcome and often present at both lunch and dinner. However, in my experience dinner was somewhat quieter than lunch and there seemed to be fewer parties with young children. If you would like a more intimate atmosphere at dinner, ask to be seated in the West Wing*. They may or may not be able to meet this request, but it is worth asking. At lunch, choose the West Wing or Rose Gallery for fewer people and less noise.

*Note that there are only two 2-top tables in this room. If you have a reservation for 2, it is unlikely this request can be met.

Q: How is the food?
A: The answer to this question largely depends on your personal tastes. The general consensus among DISers seems to be that lunch is higher quality than dinner, and that dinner is good, but not great. BOG is all about atmosphere and theming, and the food is not the star player. For reviews, see the following post. If you have reasonable expectations, you will probably enjoy it.

Q: My child is a very picky eater. Can he/she get chicken nuggets or pizza here?
A: BOG's kids' menu is not standard Disney fare, especially at lunch when it is CS. Many guests requested that Disney offer healthier alternatives to the usual children's offerings, and that is what you'll find at BOG. Some substitutions can be made at lunch, and at dinner your server will be happy to work with you to find something your child will enjoy. But there are no off-menu items like chicken nuggets, burgers, or your typical mac 'n cheese. You may wish to feed your child at a different restaurant prior to dining here. If you'd like to make substitutions to your child's meal at lunch, I suggest asking to place your order with the cashier rather than at a kiosk. It may be difficult to make substitutions on the touchscreen. This way, you can also find out exactly what the kitchen can and cannot do. And, cashiers may be able to make substitutions you'd be unable to at a kiosk.

Q: At dinner, can I request to be seated in a certain location?
A: Yes, just know that they may or may not be able to meet your request. You may make seating requests at check-in.

Q: Does BOG accept the Tables in Wonderland card?
A: Yes, the TIW card is accepted at dinner.

Q: How many DDP credits does BOG cost?
A: At lunch it is 1 CS credit, and at dinner it is 1 TS credit.

Q: Does BOG require a credit card guarantee? How does the no-show fee work?
A: Yes, BOG does require you to place a credit card on file as a guarantee. If you cancel your reservation less than 24 hours beforehand or no one in your party checks in for your reservation, this card will be charged $10 per person on the reservation. No matter how many people are on the reservation, if even just one person shows up you will not be charged at all.

Q: Is there a dress code?
A: BOG does not have an official dress code. It's not a Signature restaurant and park attire is definitely acceptable. However, it's not unusual for people to dress up a bit for dinner. When I visited, my friend and I took an afternoon break at the resort to shower and change clothes before our reservation. We both chose comfortable, lightweight dresses and wore them for more park touring during EMH after our meal. I'm glad we were able to do this; the atmosphere is beautiful and it was fun to dress as elegantly as was practical. (I actually did a DisneyBound as Belle, which I really loved :goodvibes) If it's not easy for your party to do this, though, you will not be out of place in normal touring clothes. If you do choose to dress up, I'd suggest:

-Khaki shorts or pants and a polo or button-down for boys/men
-Casual/"Sunday" dresses or nice capris and a dressy top for girls/women

This might also be a great celebration meal for your little princess after a BBB appointment, especially if she is a fan of Belle.

Q: Can one person in my party stand in line and order, then have the rest of my party join them inside the restaurant?
A: Maybe, but I wouldn't plan on it. The last time I was there, the CM was telling people that their entire party must be together to enter the restaurant and that if you tried to rejoin your group inside, you would not be allowed to do so but would have to wait in line. I am not sure whether or not you would actually be turned away if you told the CM that your group was inside the restaurant. I have a feeling this might be a policy that just depends on the CMs working that day. Regardless, I would not plan to have one person order for your group and have everyone join them inside, like Josh at easyWDW has recommended in the past. If you'd like to have one person wait in line while others do a ride or shop, this would be fine as long as you can coordinate meeting back up before you enter the castle. I'd suggest contacting the other members of your group when there are about 10 parties between you and the CM at the entrance.

Q: If I'm on the DDP, do my kids get a cupcake or cream puff for dessert?
A: At dinner, kids on the DDP can choose a cupcake or cream puff from the dessert menu. At lunch, the peach applesauce serves as the dessert. If they choose one of the two meals that does not list it as being included, they will still be able to receive it. I do not know if you need to specifically request it in this case, or if it comes automatically. If you order a kids' meal OOP, you will recieve whatever is listed as included. If the applesauce is not listed, you will not receive it.
Food Photos



Braised Pork with Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans Jardiniere


Croque Monsieur with Pommes Frites


Quinoa Salad


Carved Turkey Sandwich (with optional green beans substituted for pommes frites)


Tuna Nicoise Salad


Vegetable Quiche


Kids' Carved Turkey Sandwich with sweet potato wedges and peach applesauce


Kids' Slow-Cooked Pork with green beans and mashed sweet potatoes


Kids' Mickey Meatloaf with broccoli florets and zucchini, and "orange stuff" (carrot ketchup) for dipping


Kids' Seared Mahi-Mahi with finger salad and peach applesauce (I was unable to find a photo other than this official one from Disney, so if someone can submit a photo of the actual meal I'll replace it)


Kids' Whole Grain Macaroni with Marinara Sauce, shown with zucchini substituted for the seasonal vegetables (CM said it is currently broccoli)



Appetizer - Charcuterie Board


Appetizer - French Onion Soup (also available at lunch)


Appetizer - Potato Leek Soup (also available at lunch)


Appetizer - Mussels Provencal


Appetizer - Seasonal Salad Trio


Appetizer - Garden Salad with Champagne Vinaigrette


Sauteed Shrimp and Scallops


Rotisserie Cornish Hen


Thyme-Scented Pork Rack Chop


Grilled Strip Steak


Layered Ratatouille


Pan Seared Salmon


Kids' Grilled Chicken Breast served with pasta and seasonal vegetables

I was unable to find photos of the other kids' meals.


Desserts (also available at lunch), from L to R: Lemon Raspberry Cream Puff (gluten free/no sugar added), Lemon Meringue Cupcake, Passion Fruit Cream Puff, Strawberry Cream Cheese Cupcake, Chocolate Cream Puff, Triple Chocolate Cupcake
The only thing my son would eat would be the pasta. They don't have a very kid friendly menu :(
The only thing my son would eat would be the pasta. They don't have a very kid friendly menu :(

Sorry. As mentioned, the type of food offered was in response to requests for healthier alternatives to the usual options. However, you are not the only one with a child who would not eat much of what's on the menu.
Sorry. As mentioned, the type of food offered was in response to requests for healthier alternatives to the usual options. However, you are not the only one with a child who would not eat much of what's on the menu.

I'm all for healthy "alternatives" but to me that means that there are healthy choices along with the usual kids stuff like nuggets etc.. So those kids who would actually eat meatloaf and pulled pork (never met a young child that would) can order it. But what about the rest of us ?? Ugh! Not a big proponent of the nanny state telling us what to eat :furious:
I am confused bt the kids menu. I asked before but got limited response.

I see from the link posted that that kids get 1 entree, 1 dessert and 1 beverage. Is this correct and is this covered nder the dinning plan?

I know that thats how the dinning plan is written but most kids meals is an entree then something like carrots and grapes. And you could sub one for cookies.

Yet the meals here are an entree with two sides in most cases.

Really looking forward to eating here.
I'm all for healthy "alternatives" but to me that means that there are healthy choices along with the usual kids stuff like nuggets etc.. So those kids who would actually eat meatloaf and pulled pork (never met a young child that would) can order it. But what about the rest of us ?? Ugh! Not a big proponent of the nanny state telling us what to eat :furious:

If you haven't done so already, you can write to Disney and let them know what you think. If they receive enough complaints they will probably make some changes to the menu.
I am confused bt the kids menu. I asked before but got limited response.

I see from the link posted that that kids get 1 entree, 1 dessert and 1 beverage. Is this correct and is this covered nder the dinning plan?

I know that thats how the dinning plan is written but most kids meals is an entree then something like carrots and grapes. And you could sub one for cookies.

Yet the meals here are an entree with two sides in most cases.

Really looking forward to eating here.

Are you referring to lunch or dinner? I don't have experience with ordering a kids' meal on the DDP but I'll see what I can find.

ETA: Here is what I can gather with my limited knowledge. From looking at the menus, it seems like at both lunch and dinner your child would have the choice of drink, entree, and desserts on the menu. It does not seem to be a situation where you can substitute a dessert for one of the sides; it's included as a separate item. Whatever sides are listed are counted as part of the entree. So for instance, at lunch he or she could get:

-Carved turkey sandwich with sweet potato wedges and peach applesauce
-Chocolate milk
-Strawberry cream cheese cupcake

Or at dinner:

-Grilled steak served with seasonal vegetables
-Apple juice
-Chocolate cream puff

Does that make sense?
If you haven't done so already, you can write to Disney and let them know what you think. If they receive enough complaints they will probably make some changes to the menu.

Where do I write to? I will happily let them know how I feel.
I absolutely LOVE the kid's menu here. Nuggets are everywhere. Enough already. My kids ages 3-11 eat fish, meatloaf, pork, seafood, salads etc.. Nuggets are once in a while in our house and I am sick of them serving it everywhere. BOG is an upscale location and the food reflects that. It isn't like they are offering liver and brussel sprouts. These are common foods most kids would eat if mom was serving it to them.

And if "no nugget" menu means less families waiting in line than even better! :thumbsup2
I absolutely LOVE the kid's menu here. Nuggets are everywhere. Enough already. My kids ages 3-11 eat fish, meatloaf, pork, seafood, salads etc.. Nuggets are once in a while in our house and I am sick of them serving it everywhere. BOG is an upscale location and the food reflects that. It isn't like they are offering liver and brussel sprouts. These are common foods most kids would eat if mom was serving it to them.

And if "no nugget" menu means less families waiting in line than even better! :thumbsup2

I'm glad you like the menu. However, I don't want this thread to turn into a debate over chicken nuggets. I just want it to be a resource for people to find information about the restaurant and post questions they may have. So I'm going to respectfully request that this be the last comment on the subject :)


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