Emmysdaddy Accompanies the Damsels & Yes, He Posed with Princesses 2/2 Completed

Good luck! Are you DVC?? sorry, can't recall if you have said. I just checked out BLT on the WDW site for our anticipated August trip and I do see availability for all room types starting 8/30. :)

Yes :) We own at OKW - my parents had bought into it in '92/'93 and since it's just my mom now she transfered it into my name. Which is great so that we can take advantage of perks. Dec is a low point month (first 2 weeks) so a lot of them book up quick at the 11 month owners window. However the resort is beautiful and to be within a 5 - 10 min walk to Cinderellas castle!! :cloud9:
Wow! Beautiful room. And so big. Thanks for the detailed pictures.

I love the artwork on the walls, especially the 4 pictures of Space Mountain above the table.

Please tell Michael that I appreciate his mathematical observations about the room number.

Hi Dee! Interestingly, I didn't think I would like the artwork but it grew on me. I would love to be inside Michael's mind for two minutes and see how that guy ticks! He comes up with the funniest things. :)

Yes :) We own at OKW - my parents had bought into it in '92/'93 and since it's just my mom now she transfered it into my name. Which is great so that we can take advantage of perks. Dec is a low point month (first 2 weeks) so a lot of them book up quick at the 11 month owners window. However the resort is beautiful and to be within a 5 - 10 min walk to Cinderellas castle!! :cloud9:

How wonderful to be a DVC owner! Now I see why you have to book ahead. I would love to go in late November/early December some time - taking advantage of the cooler weather, holiday decorations, and of course the special holiday treats. ;)

BLT...so pretty ::yes:: Would love to stay there some day.

Wednesday August 22, 2012: Day 5 - Part 4

After taking about 50 photos of the room we were ready to see if our bags had been safely delivered via the luggage transfer process from Boardwalk Villas. Yes, all bags were ready to be brought up as long as we would be in the room. Within 15 minutes we had all 5 of our bags delivered to our room. What this immediately triggers is the nesting syndrome in me for which I am compelled to put everything away before I can relax. While I was doing that it had started to rain so once I had completed getting organized we sat on the balcony and enjoyed listening to the rain.

We had booked the Wishes Dessert Party at MK and had an 8pm reservation. We decided to use the walkway and headed to the park a little after 7pm.

Elevator lobby - facing MK:

Artwork in entrance to BLT lobby:


Walkway to MK:


We took the time to have a photopass picture taken at the front of the park.


And in front of the castle:

We arrived early for our reservation but rather than head to any of the attractions we simply waited in line to be checked into the party. The dessert party was a fabulous event and we really enjoyed the perfect view of Magic, Memories, and You followed by the Wishes fireworks show. Of course, having access to all manner of desserts was a nice perk as well. Here is my dessert party review. I didn’t include this bonus footage in my dining review but this is the fireworks finale (or at least the last couple of minutes) followed by the “good night” to Cinderella’s castle at the end of the day.

Photopass photo from Dessert Party:




The park was closing at 9pm so everyone was making a beeline for the exit following the fireworks show. We hung back to allow the crowds to disperse while the Cast Members at the Dessert Party were encouraging folks to partake in more desserts as there was an abundance left. We passed… there is too much of a good thing!

We walked back to BLT and were in our room by 9:45pm. We had a perfect view of the electric water pageant on Bay Lake from our balcony. It makes a circuit through Seven Seas Lagoon and Bay Lake. (You can see where they store the barges to the West of MK when you ride the resort monorail right before the MK stop.) The barges have strings of lights that compose various sea characters including a sea serpent, leaping dolphins, and a whale. At the end of the procession they change the lights to stars and flags and have patriotic music play for the finale. It is really a cool display that we look forward to seeing each trip. AllEars.net has some great photos and information here: http://allears.net/tp/ewp.htm

The rest of the evening was spent watching TV with Em and Michael. Nothing interesting there so we’ll just be moving along to the next day….

:welcome: home! Sounds like a nice start to your stay at BLT and that you settled in. Was the is the 2 day or 5 day part of your stay?

I'm so glad you were early and could get all those great dessert pictures. I was going to ask what you liked best and least, but you outlined that. Thanks!

Great video of the Wishes finale. I haven't actually ever watched Wishes *ducks* so I appreciate seeing video of the show.
Note: I copied this post from my Dining Review thread since it is my 10th Dismeet!!! I wanted to share this here as well!

I had the pleasure of meeting Linda67 for luch at Disneyland today!

After the initial excitement from meeting this lovely lady we headed towards New Orleans Square where Linda had booked a lunch reservation at Cafe Orleans.


Linda's Mint Julep recipe below:

Cafe Orleans Menu:



Cheers to new friends:

I made a suggestion that we should share the pomme frites which are an amazing garlic, parmesean basket of fries served with a cajun spice remoulade with a sprinkling of parsley. Actually, the remoulade is not spicy at all. These were so good even when eaten cold since all of our chatting kept us from eating them right away.

Pomme Frittes:

We both decided to go with a light option of having the appetizer salad which was a house salad with baby greens, candied pecans, crumbled goat cheese, cherry tomatoes, and tossed with a raspberry vinaigrette. C'est Bon!

La Salade de Maison:

Our food:

In all my chattiness, I almost forgot to text Barb some photos! And the ones that I did send had literally no information including the important little fact about where we were dining!!! Poor Barb had to do all the work to look up what we ate. She did a great job! Here's her post for our live dining review.

Dis pals:

Notice the lovely UK themed bag on the table... Linda was generous enough to gift me with a collection of wonderful UK inspired Disney treats and wares.


Linda knows me so well! My favorite things! Kona, cupcakes, Epcot, Disneyland, WDW, planning vacations, and being a premier passholder. ;) This was so perfect!​



Back to the Dismeet...
After lunch we wanted to get a few photos together so what better place to go than Sleeping Beauty's Castle?

Seriously, the castle is already getting its holiday make-over!

Lovely Linda:



It was an honor and a pleasure to get to spend time with Linda today. :yay: I wish her a wonderful couple of days at the parks before she heads back across the pond! :goodvibes

Here's the recipe for this non-alcoholic drink:
1 lb granulated sugar
6 cups water
1 1/4 ounces lime juice concentrate
8 1/2 ounces lemonade concentrate
3/4 cup creme de menthe (syrup available at liquor stores. Do not confuse it with creme de menthe liqueur)

1. Combine the sugar and water in a 3 quart saucepan. Stir the contents until the sugar is dissolved.
2. Stir in lime and lemonade concentrate next. Continue stirring and bring to boil just below the boiling point (210 degrees.) DO NOT BOIL!
3. Remove pan from heat and chill. Once chilled, add a ratio of 1 part syrup to 5 parts chilled water.
4. Transfer beverage to pitcher and enjoy!
5. Garnish each serving with mint leaves, lime slice and a maraschino cherry.

:welcome: home! Sounds like a nice start to your stay at BLT and that you settled in. Was the is the 2 day or 5 day part of your stay?

I'm so glad you were early and could get all those great dessert pictures. I was going to ask what you liked best and least, but you outlined that. Thanks!

Great video of the Wishes finale. I haven't actually ever watched Wishes *ducks* so I appreciate seeing video of the show.

This was the 3 day part of our 8 nights at BLT. The TPV was for 5 nights. :)

Yeah, there were really no outstanding desserts that I tried... they may have been there but they were not on my plate! ;) Although I did enjoy the cannoli.

Wishes is such a great show but I love the finale. All those booms!
Loved reading about your DISmeet lunch at DL! The food, drinks and company all looked fantastic.

Teena, the Beach Club greeter was at DL yesterday, too, with her daughter Jeanne and granddaughter Lily.

Did you see this adorable little pixie yesterday?



I know DL is huge, but it is a Small World, After All.
One of the few things I liked during our stays at the Contemporary, was that walkway to the MK.

Love your photopass pictures. :thumbsup2

And, I already posted it on the dining review, but :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: for a DISmeet and lunch too.
Yay for another Dismeet! :dance3: I think it's so great that so many people on here are connected and can meet up and enjoy Disney (and real life) together :goodvibes
Those pomme frites and mint julep look delicious!
Okay!! I'm caught up!!! :goodvibes

Love Michael's math for the room number! Totally something my husband would think of! ::yes::

I love the rooms! And I love that they have a highchair in there!! I mean, not that your kid needed it, but it's nice to know for my group! ;) And forget the great location! That's just icing on the cake! :cool1:

Why don't you come down and spend Thanksgiving with me and keep my room neat and organized??
Loved reading about your DISmeet lunch at DL! The food, drinks and company all looked fantastic.

Teena, the Beach Club greeter was at DL yesterday, too, with her daughter Jeanne and granddaughter Lily.

Did you see this adorable little pixie yesterday?



I know DL is huge, but it is a Small World, After All.

I didn't see the cute little pixie but she is adorable! I would definitely have recognized Teena if I saw her! How funny that she was here at DL... doesn't her DD live in Vegas?? (I just returned from being in Vegas for the week so I still have a lot of catching up to do!)

One of the few things I liked during our stays at the Contemporary, was that walkway to the MK.

Love your photopass pictures. :thumbsup2

And, I already posted it on the dining review, but :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: for a DISmeet and lunch too.

HI Kathy! That walkway sure is handy - especially when the monorail lines are crazy when MK closes. :thumbsup2

Yay for another Dismeet! :dance3: I think it's so great that so many people on here are connected and can meet up and enjoy Disney (and real life) together :goodvibes
Those pomme frites and mint julep look delicious!

HI Avasmommy! I get excited when any of my Disboard buddies says they will be at DL since it is a Dismeet waiting to happen since we live so close. :upsidedow They need to have those pomme frites at Port Orleans or somewhere else at WDW - just the smell alone is mesmerizing!

Okay!! I'm caught up!!! :goodvibes

Love Michael's math for the room number! Totally something my husband would think of! ::yes::

I love the rooms! And I love that they have a highchair in there!! I mean, not that your kid needed it, but it's nice to know for my group! ;) And forget the great location! That's just icing on the cake! :cool1:

Why don't you come down and spend Thanksgiving with me and keep my room neat and organized??

They also have a pack and play in the rooms - didn't need that as well! ;) The rooms reallly are family friendly.

I could be your personal maid service and valet - I'm practially like Mary Poppins with tidiness!! ::yes::

You and your family will have an awesome time in just a couple of weeks!!! How EXCITING!!
Thursday August 23, 2012: Day 6 - Part 1​

The day dawned with a glorious sunrise that I viewed from the balcony – I love those early mornings sitting out there enjoying the quiet and cool of the day.

We had an 8:15am ADR at my all-time favorite WDW restaurant, Kona Café, so we were up and to the monorail by 8am. Read here for my Kona Café breakfast review! During breakfast I had a random Dismeet with Neal who had finished breakfast at ‘Ohana with his family. How cool was that? This was Dismeet #4 of 9!!




Following breakfast we took the short monorail ride to MK where I wanted to start the day with some character photos. The line for Mickey & Minnie was almost non-existent so we shared our smiles with them first. They seemed glad to see us since they didn’t stop smiling the entire time we were in their dressing room! I love the little details of the queue that can go un-noticed at first glance. The theme is Mickey the Magnificent who will be performing his amazing magic show. You meet him in his dressing room of the theater. When we were invited to enter for our photo with Mickey & Minnie I told the Cast Member that we were there to see her boss – the Big Cheese!




After our Mickey time I wanted to stick around and hang with the princesses. Because my goal was to pose with as many princesses as possible (thereby getting the most of my investment in the Photopass) this was convenient! Of course, it meant that Michael had to pose with Princesses too but he’s a good sport and didn’t complain too much. Since the line was about 60 minutes we decided to get fast passes and do some other activities while awaiting our photo op. (We received a bonus Dumbo FP as well – cool!)

Mary Poppins was seeing guests near the Town Square Theater so we hopped in line to get some photos with her. She was practically perfect!



We didn’t make it far from Main Street since we stopped to listen to the Main Street Citizens entertain the crowds followed by shopping in the Emporium store. Em found a Disney story book that she remembered me reading to her when she was younger – just the smell of the book was nostalgic to her.




Back at the Town Hall Theater, we were greeted first by Rapunzel. She was charming and beautiful even if we did think that it looked a little like she had partied a bit too hard the night before. She did a great job being in character.


Next was Belle, who was lovely! Emily’s skirt matched Belle’s dress so well. We didn’t interact with Belle too much but she is one of my favorites since I love the good girl meets bad boy story behind her character! Finally, Cinderella welcomed us. She was perfectly in character and we enjoyed our 60 seconds with her! Michael fulfilled his obligation to pose with princesses quite nicely!



Castle photos:


It was then time to introduce Michael to some new attractions so we went to Fantasyland and saw Mickey’s Philharmagic followed by Peter Pan and then we used our FP to Dumbo. I liked the new queue and play area where you are handed a pager to await your turn. Great idea especially for those with little ones to give them some play time while they wait.







And of course I took photos of the FLE construction:


Next Up: More MK fun!

Thursday August 23, 2013 - Day 6, Part 2

Since the day was warming up, we enjoyed Casey Jr. Splash 'n Soak Station next to Dumbo which was fun and refreshing!



We had time for another ride before lunch. Haunted Mansion here we come! This time we did the interactive queue since Michael had not seen it yet. Disney did a great job with all of the details and theming.





We had a lunch reservation at Tony's Town Square at 1pm. Here's my dining review of our wonderful meal!


More family photos in MK:

It was about time for a break in the day so we decided to hit up POTC before heading back to our room.




I think I mentioned that when we received our luggage at the BLT room that one of our bags was starting to rip at the seam. Good thing the Bay View Gift shop at CR sells luggage with several options to choose from.

Michael selected this lovely Mickey themed bag! He then proceeded to gift it to me for future girl trips. I suppose that means I have his full endorsement for more WDW vacations! Yay!


Next Up: Epcot dinner plans.
Great updates, Brenda. I love that Michael posed with the princesses with you (that's the one and only thing I've not gotten Mark to agree to as of yet...but I'm working on him).

You got quite a few attractions in as well. Don't you just love that new Dumbo area? It is great, and love the new splash area for the kids.
Your TR was bumped up in my queue this morning so I tried to speed read through some photos before work.

I got behind because I was recently in the world and then it took for ever to update my own TR.

I just have to say - you have some of the cutest tops. :thumbsup2

Cool DiS meet at DL and your mug is absolutely AWESOME!

Speaking of awesome - your view from BLT. I only stayed there once and it was a lake/castle view. The lake view is just as lovely and I agree that mornings are the best time.

Kona breakfast - YUM!

Be back later to catch up.
I didn't realize I'm so far behind here!!! :headache: Yay for meeting with Linda, how fun!!! Your mug from her is awesome!!! :worship:

We always enjoy Kona for breakfast! I wonder how those blueberry pancakes would have been with the topping? :laughing:
Loved your updates!

What a lovely morning view!

Kona is at the top of my list for Disney restaurants, too! Definitely for breakfast. The Macadamia Pineapple Pancakes are my favorite thing to eat in the World. Maybe even the world.

Love the suggestions of replacing the meat with fruit or egg.

I am not surprised that Michael is comfortable posing with princesses. After all, he is surrounded by two lovely princesses all the time!

I like the picture with Mickey and Minnie. If he had been over to the left just a smidge, it would have looked like he had yellow antlers.

I love that Emmy found a book that was nostalgic to her. So sweet!

Dumbo Fast Pass! So Cool!

Enjoyed your review of Tony's. We had a reservation there once, but skipped it. It was the year of Tropical Storm Faye, during which we had the Deluxe Dining Plan and a son with tummy troubles who didn't want to be at restaurants.
Hi Brenda!:wave2:
I've been following your DR, I haven't commented on it since waaay back. Life for me has been crazy busy, and I spend way too much time on the Dis but would be spending a lot more commenting on everything I want to comment on. :)
I've loved following all your DRs and especially this recent one, it's so much fun!
I love that I found your TR, it just makes the trip so complete to read both reports intertwined.
You have a beautiful family and fun times at Disney!

I have taken solo trips with each of my 3 kids and girls' trips with both of my DDs. They are some of the best trips! I recently took a combo solo/trip alone with DH for our anniversary to run the Tower of Tower 10 miler. Your reports along with others have really inspired me to want to do some dining/trip reports but I'm so intimidated by the whole process. :faint:

We are homegrown Poly people but in the past few years have tried many new resorts. LOVED BWI and BLT, DD10 and I did them both last year for the first time. :cloud9:

We haven't been out to DLR in several years but I'm itching to sign up for the DL 1/2 Marathon to get a Coast to Coast Medal next year! DH and DS ran it last year to get their C2C medal.

Thanks for sharing all your wonderful experiences!
I've neglected my TR far too long... too much work and travel for business and not enough time. ;) I'll try to get at least a short update posted. Thanks for hanging in there for anyone still reading!! :goodvibes

Great updates, Brenda. I love that Michael posed with the princesses with you (that's the one and only thing I've not gotten Mark to agree to as of yet...but I'm working on him).

You got quite a few attractions in as well. Don't you just love that new Dumbo area? It is great, and love the new splash area for the kids.

He did finally pose with Princesses and didn't complain too much. Funny that you update I just read this evening mentioned Mark and posing with Princesses. At least he posed with Mickey!

And yes, I love the new Dumbo area although we didn't ride the Goofini roller coaster. next time...

Your TR was bumped up in my queue this morning so I tried to speed read through some photos before work.

I got behind because I was recently in the world and then it took for ever to update my own TR.

Hi Mary Ellen! Welcome back from your trip! Did you have a TR? I've peeked at all of your others. :)

I just have to say - you have some of the cutest tops. :thumbsup2
Thanks! :upsidedow

Cool DiS meet at DL and your mug is absolutely AWESOME!

It is always lovely to meet other Disers!! And the mug was so perfect. She knew me so well.

Speaking of awesome - your view from BLT. I only stayed there once and it was a lake/castle view. The lake view is just as lovely and I agree that mornings are the best time.


Kona breakfast - YUM!
My favorite breakfast at WDW!

Be back later to catch up.

Thanks for taking time to get caught up! Have a great week!

I didn't realize I'm so far behind here!!! :headache: Yay for meeting with Linda, how fun!!! Your mug from her is awesome!!! :worship:

We always enjoy Kona for breakfast! I wonder how those blueberry pancakes would have been with the topping? :laughing:

Hi Sara! I'm so far behind with everyone's TRs but I was glad to make it over and get caught up with yours today. You are so funny with your banana graffiti. :rotfl2:

You never know, perhaps Kona Cafe came up with the next amazing pancake combo with the blueberries and the pineapple.

Loved your updates!

What a lovely morning view!

Kona is at the top of my list for Disney restaurants, too! Definitely for breakfast. The Macadamia Pineapple Pancakes are my favorite thing to eat in the World. Maybe even the world.

Me Too!

Love the suggestions of replacing the meat with fruit or egg.
I'm not a huge bacon/sausage lover.

I am not surprised that Michael is comfortable posing with princesses. After all, he is surrounded by two lovely princesses all the time!

Awww.. you've heard Michael ask what country my dad was the king of since I think I'm a princess sometimes! :rotfl: Thanks though.

I like the picture with Mickey and Minnie. If he had been over to the left just a smidge, it would have looked like he had yellow antlers.

Ha! Yes, and he needs a slightly fatter head. :lmao:

I love that Emmy found a book that was nostalgic to her. So sweet!

Makes me long for those days oh so long ago when I used to tuck her in bed with a story.

Dumbo Fast Pass! So Cool!

Enjoyed your review of Tony's. We had a reservation there once, but skipped it. It was the year of Tropical Storm Faye, during which we had the Deluxe Dining Plan and a son with tummy troubles who didn't want to be at restaurants.

Thanks for stopping by Dee! I have to get over and see if you have updated since I know you are nearing the end of your saga with the 1,999 middle schoolers. (I know, not that many but I'm sure it felt like it at times.)

Hi Brenda!:wave2:
I've been following your DR, I haven't commented on it since waaay back. Life for me has been crazy busy, and I spend way too much time on the Dis but would be spending a lot more commenting on everything I want to comment on. :)

Awwww.. thanks for reading here too. I'm glad to see you on both of my reports. :)

I've loved following all your DRs and especially this recent one, it's so much fun! Thanks!
I love that I found your TR, it just makes the trip so complete to read both reports intertwined.
You have a beautiful family and fun times at Disney!

So many compliments, I'm blushing now. :blush:

I have taken solo trips with each of my 3 kids and girls' trips with both of my DDs. They are some of the best trips! I recently took a combo solo/trip alone with DH for our anniversary to run the Tower of Tower 10 miler. Your reports along with others have really inspired me to want to do some dining/trip reports but I'm so intimidated by the whole process. :faint:

You run too?? Awesome! I have a Dis pal running the next ToT 10 miler - what a great experience I'm sure! I run too but I don't love it. I just do it to keep somewhat healthy and eat what I want on vacation!

Honestly, you should jump in and do a DR/TR - I would love to hear what you think.

We are homegrown Poly people but in the past few years have tried many new resorts. LOVED BWI and BLT, DD10 and I did them both last year for the first time. :cloud9:

I stayed at Poly in 1984 - yeah.. a long time ago. But I LOVE BWI and BLT! We have similar tastes.

We haven't been out to DLR in several years but I'm itching to sign up for the DL 1/2 Marathon to get a Coast to Coast Medal next year! DH and DS ran it last year to get their C2C medal.

You should. If you come out here I'll treat you to some pomme frites like I had with Linda! :)

Thanks for sharing all your wonderful experiences!

Thanks so much - you are so sweet. And I'm in awe that you run so much. Yikes, 13 miles is about 10 miles farther than I like to run! ;)

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