Dragging a grumpy DH back to the World ~ Single Digits!!

Well, I wish I was there jumping up and down with you! Poor kitty. :lmao:

Okay, the bear face isn't EXACTLY a bear face, but you have to use your imagination. Look at the main building (with the flags on the roof)...At the top of the building, there's two triangle windows...Those are the eyes. Then inside from that...those windows are the nose and mouth. A CM told me that during Christmas or something, they put up lights that make it look like the bear is growling or something. I can't remember..it was so long ago!

I think I found it! Actually, I kind of cheated and went over to http://www.wildernesslodgesite.com/content/secrets-and-history-wilderness-lodge to get help. :rolleyes1 So cool, though!! I would love to see that at Christmas time. The pictures that I've seen look AMAZING!!! That's my next goal, to stay there at Christmas time. Sigh.

Did you have any luck writing your paper last night?

Aww, I am so happy you are staying at VWL! Those photos are sooo gorgeous. I haven't been to WL since 2003 (we ate at WCC, didn't stay there though) and I remember how beautiful that lobby is. How difficult is the process of renting points? I would love to hear about how the whole transaction works!

Thanks!! :hug: Aren't those pictures great? You should take a peak at this thread. It made me SO excited to stay there -- even more so than I already am.

The process of renting points was a bit stressful (only the part about finding someone to rent to you that had the price you were looking for). Otherwise, the whole thing has been really easy so far. I'll outline it in my next post for you.
YAY!!!! So happy for you. I'm sure you will love it there!! YAY for being close to the MK.

I can see the bear face, how cool!
Yay! How awesome is that?! We are also so excited to stay at WL for the first time. You are getting me all excited all over again!

Please do post about your whole DVC point renting experience. I am thinking about doing this for a 2010 trip and I'm a little anxious over the idea.
I just signed our e-contract this morning and submitted our payment via PayPal. We're staying at the VWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can't tell how excited I am, can you? I think we got a pretty sweet deal, too. Here's how it breaks down:

Renting DVC Points
5 Nights (August 23-28) = 65 points
$9/pt * 65 points = $585 + $4 PayPal fee = $589

Reservations through Disney
Studio: $325/night * 5 = $1828.15 (includes tax) :scared1:
Studio with 40% pin = $975

Standard Room: $240/night * 5 = $1350.00
Standard Room with 40% pin = $750.00
**Not sure if the 40% pin would work for this.

Money Saved by Renting Points:

Regular rate = $1239.15
40% pin rate on studio= $386.00
40% pin rate on standard = $165.00

Overall, the process was very easy and (so far) I would most definitely do it again. Now, hopefully that opinion won't change after we go in August. I would highly recommend renting points to anyone. I've went ahead and outlined the process below:

  1. I posted a reservation request on the DIS DVC Rent/Trade thread, as well as another site (PM me to get it, DIS blocks it out). My request was pretty detailed:

    Check-In: Sunday, August 23
    Check-Out: Friday, August 28
    # of People: 2
    Room Type: Studio
    Price Per Point: $9 (or less) preferred

    Here's the location preference (in order):

    VWL - studio (65 pts)
    AKV - value studio only (45 pts)
    BWV - studio, standard (55 pts)
    OKW - studio (50 pts)
    SSR - studio (60 pts)

  2. After posting that on Tuesday (4/21), I waited to receive replies. The waiting was the stressful part. I am NOT a patient person. Plus, I have a desk job so I'm constantly at my computer checking and RECHECKING my email awaiting a reply. :sad2: Sad, I know.

  3. I received far more replies that I thought I would. I also stalked this this thread, as it lists the PRT (points for rent/trade) requests as they are submitted. Basically, this is the best way to pounce on a great deal (i.e. anything less than $10/point).

  4. The best reply I received was from an owner who was offering $9/point. Most options I saw averaged about $10-11/point. She offered to check availability and to send references from previous renters. She also gave me this link: http://www.occompt.com/ to confirm that she was in fact a DVC owner.

  5. I contacted all of the previous renters via email and received wonderful feedback of the owner. They all said they'd rent from her again and that the had a blast on their vacation! :thumbsup2

  6. I contacted the owner to proceed with the reservation. A copy of the reservation confirmation info was sent to me, along with a copy of the agreement that she uses. The way this owner does it, she makes the reservation in her name and changes it to the renter upon receiving payment.

  7. After reviewing, I signed an e-contract using this really cool service called Sertifi. Pretty cool! I instantly received an electronic copy (PDF format) of the signed agreement.

  8. The owner sent me an invoice via PayPal to submit payment for the reservation. I opted to pay in full. Once I did, I received a receipt.

  9. I've made sure to save and print a copy of the agreement, emails, reservation confirmation, etc... This way, I have a paper and an e-copy trail of all of our correspondence...just in case.

So, that's it. Pretty straightforward and easy to do! I highly recommend it. :thumbsup2
Girl you got such a great deal!! Good for you.
YAY!!!! So happy for you. I'm sure you will love it there!! YAY for being close to the MK.

I can see the bear face, how cool!

Girl you got such a great deal!! Good for you.

I know, right?! :cool1: I am so giddy right now! I seriously have no clue how I'm going to concentrate for the next four months. :confused3 I'm falling in love w/ VWL looking at all these awesome pictures on here. Seriously, so amazing!

And, isn't the bear face cool? I'm glad she pointed it out!

Yay! How awesome is that?! We are also so excited to stay at WL for the first time. You are getting me all excited all over again!

Please do post about your whole DVC point renting experience. I am thinking about doing this for a 2010 trip and I'm a little anxious over the idea.

Yay!! Now we have even more to discuss! This has always been my dream place to stay and I thought it'd take a lot longer to stay there -- husband in college = POOR! :rotfl: I'm so glad that I decided to just take the plunge! I can't wait to hear how your June trip goes. Oh, and you better take TONS and TONS of pictures!!!

Feel free to ask me any questions about the renting experience. I'd love to help you out for your trip next year! :thumbsup2
Kristen I tried to add you on facebook but it says your email does not exist..grrr.

It will be here before you know it girl. My trip like just came out of no where. April is flying by.
Oh, more good news...

I got a Facebook message this morning from this guy who owns a local cookie shop. Apparently, I left my wallet there and he's been trying to track me down for the last two weeks. :eek: I have no idea why I was so convinced I lost it at Wal-Mart. I must apologize to Wal-Mart for all the rude, snarky comments I made about it "stealing" my wallet. :lmao:

The funny thing is...this place is just a few blocks away from my office. So, I've been stressing over a lost wallet and it's just been down the street! THANK GOODNESS!!! :dance3: I now don't have to worry about losing my one-day ticket. YAY!!!

I've learned some very valuable lessons in all this:

  1. Don't carry your SS card in your wallet...DUH!
  2. Don't carry your WDW tickets in your wallet.
  3. Make sure to put a card with your current phone number and/or email address in your wallet. If it's lost, they can contact you this way.
  4. ALWAYS take a picture or photocopy the back of your WDW tickets. If you lose them, they can replace them using the numbers on the back of the ticket.
  5. Don't underestimate the power of prayer!!! He truly works in mysterious ways.
That does sound pretty easy...:scratchin

And you got a great deal on it renting points!

Staying in a timeshare can be a lot of fun. I can't speak for DVC because I haven't done it, but DH and I own a timeshare that we exchange through RCI. We bought it back in the day when owning "weeks" was more the norm, so I'm not familiar with the whole points process, although I get the idea of it. Anyway, we have done several exchanges and always have had a great time. When we have done it, we have really taken advantage of the kitchen to save $$$ on vacation. Some kitchens are better than others. That studio kitchen had just enough to enhance a Disney vacation IMO. I know you'll have a great time. Maybe this taste of staying in a resort other than Pop will make your DH appreciate going to Disney more! Hopefully, right?!:rolleyes1:angel:
Thank GOD they have it and they got in touch with you girl!!!!!

HAHA I would have cursed wal mart too.
Kristen I tried to add you on facebook but it says your email does not exist..grrr.

It will be here before you know it girl. My trip like just came out of no where. April is flying by.

Well...boo! PM me your email address and I'll add you. I think I tried to make my account "super" private b/c I had this weird stalker guy who was claiming to be madly in love with me. No joke. It was seriously creepy!!

Yeah, you're totally right. I can't believe how fast your trip came up. You leave next week!!! :woohoo: I bet you guys are so excited!!!! A part of me wants the summer to go by slow, since we have all sorts of fun things planned. I'm seeing Keith Urban TWICE this summer!!
That does sound pretty easy...:scratchin

And you got a great deal on it renting points!

Staying in a timeshare can be a lot of fun. I can't speak for DVC because I haven't done it, but DH and I own a timeshare that we exchange through RCI. We bought it back in the day when owning "weeks" was more the norm, so I'm not familiar with the whole points process, although I get the idea of it. Anyway, we have done several exchanges and always have had a great time. When we have done it, we have really taken advantage of the kitchen to save $$$ on vacation. Some kitchens are better than others. That studio kitchen had just enough to enhance a Disney vacation IMO. I know you'll have a great time. Maybe this taste of staying in a resort other than Pop will make your DH appreciate going to Disney more! Hopefully, right?!:rolleyes1:angel:

So far...so good! It was really easy and the only stress (so far) was finding someone who offered a great deal. I hope it works out for you guys!

Yeah, I've stayed at one other time share before and we really enjoyed it. We, too, utilized the kitchen and it made things so much nicer! Some people don't like cooking on vacation, but my family always did. Plus, you can save a TON of money! I think the kitchenette in the studio will be perfect for us. DH LOVES cereal and I like to have sandwich meat for breakfast (I'm strange). And I'm sure we'll find something to cook in the microwave. :laughing:

Ha, funny you should mention that about DH. I've been telling him that since I talked him into it. No offense against Pop, b/c I do love it. But, I'm thinking (and hoping) it can't hold a candle to VWL! I'm definitely crossing my fingers!!

Thank GOD they have it and they got in touch with you girl!!!!!

HAHA I would have cursed wal mart too.

YES!!! I was seriously lucky. Although, I already canceled everything but I still wanted my stuff back...just for the moral of it -- and that one-day ticket I had stashed in there. Seriously, WHY did I think that was a good idea?!?!

Wal-Mart gives me hives...I swear! Aaron won't let me go in there unless I have a full stomach (I'm cranky when I'm hungry) and it's not very crowded. Otherwise...watch out! I hate that place, but we're poor so we shop there. I swear though, I refuse to go there once DH is out of school and has a FT job, too. :sad2:
Well...boo! PM me your email address and I'll add you. I think I tried to make my account "super" private b/c I had this weird stalker guy who was claiming to be madly in love with me. No joke. It was seriously creepy!!

Yeah, you're totally right. I can't believe how fast your trip came up. You leave next week!!! :woohoo: I bet you guys are so excited!!!! A part of me wants the summer to go by slow, since we have all sorts of fun things planned. I'm seeing Keith Urban TWICE this summer!!

Ok I will PM you. How creepy. People are such whack jobs.

Next Sunday!! Aww you do have a fun summer planned!
I saw this great idea on autumnpalm's PTR, and decided to "borrow" it. :)

Here is a list of the top 10 things DH and I MUST do during our trip:

  1. Visit each of the monorail resorts - I've been to WDW at least 25 times and have never done this. I always say I am going to, but it never happens. This year, it WILL happen!
  2. Attend morning EMH at one of the parks - I love to get up early, but my family does not. Therefore, we've never been able to attend the AM EMH. Aaron is flexible though, so I think we might be able to do it this trip.
  3. Use PhotoPass - Shameful, I know. We've never taken advantage of this great idea. I love all the pics I've seen on TR that were PP pics. I'm hoping to get in on one of the PP shares on DIS. Now, if only I can remember to look into that in late March - early April.
  4. Keys to the Kingdom Tour - I have wanted to do this tour for quite some time, but never seem to actually do it. Aaron said he wouldn't mind, and I think I'd really enjoy it.
  5. Trade pins with Scoop - I 've never seen him, and I'm determined to meet him this year!
  6. Attend EMH at AK - this is something I'm just hoping to do b/c I ALWAYS miss it by just one day during our past trips.
  7. Watch SpectroMagic - I've never actually stopped to watch it! I know, shameful. Although, technically I did see parts of it once while I was on Splash Mountain. It was kind of cool to see all the floats coming out while we rounded the corner -- pretty neat perspective.Wicked cool. we love this parade.
  8. Trade pins with the super-traders - I did this for the first time last October, and I really enjoyed it. Now that I've overcome the intimidation, I want to look through all the pins and see what else I can get. It was pretty fun and I got an awesome pin! I got some amazing Lady and the Tramp pins. They're fun to talk to, too. :thumbsup2:
  9. Buy a Christmas ornament - I wanted to create a tradition where I bought a new ornament each year. Well, I've been to sporadic about it and now I really want to force myself to do it. We get a new ornament for each of our kids each year. I put their names and the year on it. When they grow up and leave home :woohoo::sad1: they'll have at least 20 or so ornaments for their own trees.
  10. Convince Aaron that he loves WDW - I'm crossing my fingers!!

I like your list. I'm doing this for all of us in mine.

Really enjoying your PreTR. Everyone in my family loves WDW. Good luck on your last task. Shouldn't be too hard!
I don't blame you for driving. Just think, that's more money you can save or use at WDW! Having a portable DVD player really helps too. What movies are you thinking about taking? Has your DH downloaded any of the Disney attraction audio yet? I've added a few to my iPod. I like to close my eyes and think I'm at WDW.

I actually enjoy driving to WDW. I really love when you enter Florida and start seeing all the Disney signs. I also love stopping at this one welcome center and looting all the travel brochures. I LOVE them!! Oh, and I also like getting the free orange juice too. :thumbsup2

:scared1::confused::banana: Do tell... NOW!!

Seriously, sorry if someone's already gotten all excited and jumped up and down on your pre-trip about this, but I'm doing it again.

Where? How? OOOOHHH!! Can't wait. Yet another surprise for my kids!
Weekly Weight Loss: 0 lbs...but, nothing gained
Total Weight Loss: 4 lbs
Days Spent Exercising: 4

Well, I didn't lose any weight this past week. :sad2: But, I am relieved that I didn't gain anything either. I really need to find some better food options - especially for dinner. I feel stagnate in the food department. I eat a lot of the same thing and I'm starting to get tired of it. Any ideas?

Oh my gosh, you're probably so tired of me by now... but I do have some ideas:

Hummus (sp?) and pita chips, add grapes and cucumber slices.

Tuna fish wrapped in Romaine lettuce with couscous.

Your favorite tomato sauce, with favorite meat, over steamed fresh green beans.

omelettes (fill your own). ham, sausage, bell peppers, mushrooms, gouda cheese, ... whatever sounds good.

Strawberry shortcake with whipped cream--oops, sorry. but if you're gonna splurge, splurge big and don't waste calories on supper!;)

DH has diabetes, so we try to invert the menu. Eat a larger breakfast when you have a chance of working it off, then a big lunch, and a lighter dinner. Since he coaches two seasons, he gets home pretty late. These meals (except the last:laughing:) don't screw up his blood sugar too much.
We must have posted at the same time, I JUST saw that you got your wallet back!!!:cool1:Yay!!

I have a feeling that Pop CAN'T hold a candle to VWL. Seriously. Not that there's anything wrong with Pop, I'm sure, but I have a feeling that VWL will just be an more escapist atmosphere and while it is totally themed, a theme which I can't wait to see, because I've never even BEEN in the lobby, I think it will be a departure from Disney immersion, even though you are still at Disney. Am I making sense?
Ok I will PM you. How creepy. People are such whack jobs.

Next Sunday!! Aww you do have a fun summer planned!

YAY!!! We're Facebook friends, Lynn!!! :banana: Now, don't be falling in love with me or stalking me on there. :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl: Just kidding! Seriously though, the person was such a creep. He was trying to tell me how he thought I was his soul mate based on my profile pic. I'm like...REPORT, DELETE, HIDE PROFILE. What is wrong w/ people today?!?

I can't believe you leave next week!!!!! I know, I've said that a ton on your PTR...but seriously -- NEXT WEEK!!! That is so exciting.

Btw...I'm almost done with your wedding TR. HA, you were right. It's taking me FOREVER! But...WOW!!! Everything was so perfect and you looked absolutely stunning!!!!!!!

I finally got the paper done! :headache: Thanks for asking. :)

Woo, glad you finished it! Are you about done with your semester? DH has one more week and then finals. :headache: Then he's taking two summer classes that are EVERYDAY. :scared: At least he'll be done soon...thank goodness!!!!

I like your list. I'm doing this for all of us in mine.

Really enjoying your PreTR. Everyone in my family loves WDW. Good luck on your last task. Shouldn't be too hard!

Hey!! :wave2: Thanks for stopping by!!

I think I'll be able to do everything on the list, w/ the exception of the KttK tour. Since we upgraded to VWL, I don't think I'll be able to persuade DH to do it. That's okay. I think I'll save it for when I go with my sister and mom. They will appreciate it much, MUCH more! :thumbsup2

When you said, "They're fun to talk to" I thought you were referring to your pins...not the pro-pin traders. :rotfl: :rotfl2: Then I went back and read it and realized what you meant. Haha! I agree, they are a blast!! Although, they can be really intimidating as well.

Thanks, I need all the luck/help I can get with that! :goodvibes I'm really hoping to win him over via the VWL! ::crosses fingers::

:scared1::confused::banana: Do tell... NOW!!

Seriously, sorry if someone's already gotten all excited and jumped up and down on your pre-trip about this, but I'm doing it again.

Where? How? OOOOHHH!! Can't wait. Yet another surprise for my kids!

No need to apologize, I was and still am excited over having Disney music to listen to. Although, I'll PM to let you know where I found them. ;) They are seriously great! I shared some with my sister and her kids were so excited to listen to "Disney World" in the car. They are mostly songs from attractions (i.e. Yo Ho, Yo Ho..., Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow, Spectro Magic, etc...). I really want to find audio from some of the attractions. That would be awesome!

Oh my gosh, you're probably so tired of me by now... but I do have some ideas:

Hummus (sp?) and pita chips, add grapes and cucumber slices.

Tuna fish wrapped in Romaine lettuce with couscous.

Your favorite tomato sauce, with favorite meat, over steamed fresh green beans.

omelettes (fill your own). ham, sausage, bell peppers, mushrooms, gouda cheese, ... whatever sounds good.

Strawberry shortcake with whipped cream--oops, sorry. but if you're gonna splurge, splurge big and don't waste calories on supper!;)

DH has diabetes, so we try to invert the menu. Eat a larger breakfast when you have a chance of working it off, then a big lunch, and a lighter dinner. Since he coaches two seasons, he gets home pretty late. These meals (except the last:laughing:) don't screw up his blood sugar too much.

No way, I love to have people contribute on here!! The more, the merrier. Thanks so much for the meal ideas. I could really use the help. I've fallen off the wagon...pretty HARD! I especially like the omelet idea...mmm. I love to eat salads too, but I also love the convenience of fast food. It's bad. I really need to get back on the kick. I'll have to try your suggestions...especially that last one! :rotfl:

We must have posted at the same time, I JUST saw that you got your wallet back!!!:cool1:Yay!!

I have a feeling that Pop CAN'T hold a candle to VWL. Seriously. Not that there's anything wrong with Pop, I'm sure, but I have a feeling that VWL will just be an more escapist atmosphere and while it is totally themed, a theme which I can't wait to see, because I've never even BEEN in the lobby, I think it will be a departure from Disney immersion, even though you are still at Disney. Am I making sense?

Isn't that cool? My mom kept telling me she felt I would get it back -- and she was right! Everything was in perfect, er perfect to me, order and not a thing was missing. I truly was lucky!

Yeah, I have the same feeling about VWL. It reminds me a lot of traveling out west. When I was younger, my dad would take us to Yellowstone, Grand Tetons NP and throughout southern Utah. It truly majestic. Of course, I did not appreciate it at the time and wondered why he made us suffer. Anyway, we stayed a few times at the Old Faithful Inn. I have always wanted to stay at WL/VWL for nostalgic reasons. Based on the pictures, it looks more like NPS than Disney...and I think I'll really enjoy that. So yeah, in my long-winded way I completely understand what you're saying.

I'm so excited we're both staying there! How neat!!! Although, it's really bad for my work performance. All I do is peruse the WL/VWL threads on the resort board. :rolleyes1
Thanks for the PM. I'm waiting patiently.

Really. 'Cause you work.

Still patient! ;)

Oh, and I hate slap-stick too, except Cary Grant, who is my all time favorite actor. Nice shoes for Xmas, by the way.


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