Does anybody else get Disney 'Abuse'?


Mar 30, 2009
So thankful for this site I can always rely on, just wondered how all other disneyholics go on with anti disney people inc work, family etc, so many seem so negative and always asking why dont we go somewhere else, are you not bored etc, even my own dad upset me with a post on Facebook, I came back of my hols with flu type fever and he wrote 'bet your friends think you deserve it'!!! I have has a very stressful year which I have been ill with, we are not rich but we don't drink or smoke and sacrifice a lot so we can look forward to our holidays, so upsetting and a downer when people act this way! :sad2:

Debs xx
I have always had it grew up in a family who love Disney so from as young as I can remember people asking why don't I go somewhere else.
We have had trips to other places Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Copenhagen, France (non Disney) but its just not as exciting we have a great time I never get that feeling where I don't want to come home or get that feeling that I need to go back. All inclusive beach/ sun bathing holidays aren't for me if you are lying on a beach sun bathing you could be any where why pay £1000's to get there when you could go to Disney world where you can sun bathe, go for amazing meals, visit theme parks, water parks. It just baffles me that people don't get Disney lol!

I think the comments you get from people are something you just have to shrug off I just laugh at them and say yeah Disney AGAIN! You know how happy it makes you that's all that matters. Imagine if every one did love Disney as much as us. All the queues would be huge ;)
So thankful for this site I can always rely on, just wondered how all other disneyholics go on with anti disney people inc work, family etc, so many seem so negative and always asking why dont we go somewhere else, are you not bored etc, even my own dad upset me with a post on Facebook, I came back of my hols with flu type fever and he wrote 'bet your friends think you deserve it'!!! I have has a very stressful year which I have been ill with, we are not rich but we don't drink or smoke and sacrifice a lot so we can look forward to our holidays, so upsetting and a downer when people act this way! :sad2:

Debs xx

debs, that was rather mean of your dad. :confused3

it is great to have the dis for support. :cheer2:

our first trip was supposed to be our only trip-but we were hooked as soon as we stepped onto main street!

we don't drink or smoke either,if only we didn't eat either :lmao: or live lavish lifestyles by any stretch- our holidays cost more than our mortgage payments- but we save and budget for our fun in the usa and it's our choice-no one elses business.

that said, it is sometimes upsetting listening to the 'non-believers'. my parents certainly don't get it, they have no idea how much we spend, but often pass negative/snidey comments. i generally let them go in one ear and out the other. it does get to you sometimes though when you hear, going there?! again?!

a man at work told me, he was thinking about going to disney, but looked at the price of tickets and said there was absolutely no way he would spend that (him,wife,dd) and he would continue to holiday in spain for less than the cost of ultimate tix. he proceeded to tell me what a waste of money, and continued for several weeks, seemingly it never got old! :rotfl:
I have always had it grew up in a family who love Disney so from as young as I can remember people asking why don't I go somewhere else.
We have had trips to other places Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Copenhagen, France (non Disney) but its just not as exciting we have a great time I never get that feeling where I don't want to come home or get that feeling that I need to go back. All inclusive beach/ sun bathing holidays aren't for me if you are lying on a beach sun bathing you could be any where why pay £1000's to get there when you could go to Disney world where you can sun bathe, go for amazing meals, visit theme parks, water parks. It just baffles me that people don't get Disney lol!

I think the comments you get from people are something you just have to shrug off I just laugh at them and say yeah Disney AGAIN! You know how happy it makes you that's all that matters. Imagine if every one did love Disney as much as us. All the queues would be huge ;)

Lol, very true, your thoughts are exactly like mine, it's just come to the point where I get embarrassed saying we are going there again (next year is just one week though)! We have tried going Spain and other beach hold but we get bored and end up arguing, there is always something different at Disney too, we have just enjoyed Halloween and Christmas and Epcot food & wine,next year it will be the flower & garden festival and test track will be open!!! :yay:

Debs xx
I agree that you should shrug comments off. Life's way too short. In your dad's case, couldn't it have just been a light-hearted tease that you were away in the sunshine while your friends were in rain-soaked grey Britain? I rarely go along with the 'they are just jealous' line of thinking. Some may be, but many will be just puzzled, because it's not for everyone. We took some of our closest friends some years ago after a good week on the west coast USA, and we had perfect weather and great accommodation in Florida too. They just didn't care for it. We still go away together - to places they really enjoy; Italy, Majorca, Germany etc.

I'm quite an assertive type so have not had many comments about my frequent trips, but I don't doubt it is commented upon ;). I don't care. Plus anyone who knows me is aware that I am lucky enough to go to lots of other places too.

Smile sweetly and get on with enjoying your addiction :)
debs, that was rather mean of your dad. :confused3

it is great to have the dis for support. :cheer2:

our first trip was supposed to be our only trip-but we were hooked as soon as we stepped onto main street!

we don't drink or smoke either,if only we didn't eat either :lmao: or live lavish lifestyles by any stretch- our holidays cost more than our mortgage payments- but we save and budget for our fun in the usa and it's our choice-no one elses business.

that said, it is sometimes upsetting listening to the 'non-believers'. my parents certainly don't get it, they have no idea how much we spend, but often pass negative/snidey comments. i generally let them go in one ear and out the other. it does get to you sometimes though when you hear, going there?! again?!

a man at work told me, he was thinking about going to disney, but looked at the price of tickets and said there was absolutely no way he would spend that (him,wife,dd) and he would continue to holiday in spain for less than the cost of ultimate tix. he proceeded to tell me what a waste of money, and continued for several weeks, seemingly it never got old! :rotfl:

Lol, so glad I'm not alone on this, I buy a new notebook for each hol and plan my budget a year in advance working out what to save from every wage, if I can afford it I do it, if not I'll find a way :rotfl2:

It was mean of my dad, he is retired and with a new partner (I lost my mm when she was only 48) and now have a stepbrother Jake who's 11 but his partner has never worked since I've known her (since her late 30's) so while I feel sorry for him not being able to afford it I can't help but be annoyed she is so lazy and he does everything, still don't think he should come out with nasty comments though especially on facebook :worried:

Debs xx
I agree that you should shrug comments off. Life's way too short. In your dad's case, couldn't it have just been a light-hearted tease that you were away in the sunshine while your friends were in rain-soaked grey Britain? I rarely go along with the 'they are just jealous' line of thinking. Some may be, but many will be just puzzled, because it's not for everyone. We took some of our closest friends some years ago after a good week on the west coast USA, and we had perfect weather and great accommodation in Florida too. They just didn't care for it. We still go away together - to places they really enjoy; Italy, Majorca, Germany etc.

I'm quite an assertive type so have not had many comments about my frequent trips, but I don't doubt it is commented upon ;). I don't care. Plus anyone who knows me is aware that I am lucky enough to go to lots of other places too.

Smile sweetly and get on with enjoying your addiction :)

It probably was his dry sense of humour, I might have taken it more to heart cus
I feel poop at the mo! :guilty:

Debs xx
I sometimes get the feeling people are sick of me talking about it, but I don't care because I've never been and this is my first holiday in about 7 years, the past 5 years my "holiday" has been a music festival lol. Plus the past 2 years have been awful for me so I like having something to look forward to so everyone else can like it or lump it!
I sometimes get the feeling people are sick of me talking about it, but I don't care because I've never been and this is my first holiday in about 7 years, the past 5 years my "holiday" has been a music festival lol. Plus the past 2 years have been awful for me so I like having something to look forward to so everyone else can like it or lump it!

Aww I'm so pleased you are going, you will love it, we have been fortunate enough to have been many times and still can't get the Disney bug out of our system, if we are able we will still be going with our walking sticks! :rotfl:

Debs xx
Lol, so glad I'm not alone on this, I buy a new notebook for each hol and plan my budget a year in advance working out what to save from every wage, if I can afford it I do it, if not I'll find a way :rotfl2:

It was mean of my dad, he is retired and with a new partner (I lost my mm when she was only 48) and now have a stepbrother Jake who's 11 but his partner has never worked since I've known her (since her late 30's) so while I feel sorry for him not being able to afford it I can't help but be annoyed she is so lazy and he does everything, still don't think he should come out with nasty comments though especially on facebook :worried:

Debs xx


sorry about your mum :sad1:

it's always tough with newly mingled and extended families.

i love your comment about the notebook, i have mine by the bed, cinderella on the front cover, snow white on the back. :goodvibes

hope you feel better soon. :cool1:
amacspad said:
Lol, very true, your thoughts are exactly like mine, it's just come to the point where I get embarrassed saying we are going there again (next year is just one week though)! We have tried going Spain and other beach hold but we get bored and end up arguing, there is always something different at Disney too, we have just enjoyed Halloween and Christmas and Epcot food & wine,next year it will be the flower & garden festival and test track will be open!!! :yay:

Debs xx

Exactly where else can you go and get so many perks to the holiday.

I get told I only had DD for a reason to go but if we didn't have DD we would of been more lol!

I used to her embarrassed but I just don't care any more I love it there and count down our trips from the day we book.

sorry about your mum :sad1:

it's always tough with newly mingled and extended families.

i love your comment about the notebook, i have mine by the bed, cinderella on the front cover, snow white on the back. :goodvibes

hope you feel better soon. :cool1:

Thank you, and yes my book stays very closet to me too, I even include the 'free shopping/petrol weeks' while we are away, everything helps! :lmao:

Debs xx
Exactly where else can you go and get so many perks to the holiday.

I get told I only had DD for a reason to go but if we didn't have DD we would of been more lol!

I used to her embarrassed but I just don't care any more I love it there and count down our trips from the day we book.

My dd has just left home, we have just shared what I think will be our last holiday together for a while but I will still need my Disney fix! :rotfl2:

Debs xx
I have friends who shudder at the thought of a Disney holiday. They even maintain that their children would hate it! I love Disney and I certainly don't go for the sake of my kids ;)
amacspad said:
My dd has just left home, we have just shared what I think will be our last holiday together for a while but I will still need my Disney fix! :rotfl2:

Debs xx

Yes of course you do. Mum and dad still go to Florida with out us both my sister and I have now moved out. We are all planning to go to WDW in 2014 together really looking forward to it already x
I have friends who shudder at the thought of a Disney holiday. They even maintain that their children would hate it! I love Disney and I certainly don't go for the sake of my kids ;)

I have a friends at work like that too, luckily my dd is a Disney addict too! ;)

Debs xx
Yes of course you do. Mum and dad still go to Florida with out us both my sister and I have now moved out. We are all planning to go to WDW in 2014 together really looking forward to it already x

Sounds fab, hopefully we will do the same one day! :thumbsup2

Debs xx
i love disney but admit i do think how boring it must be for people who go to the same destination year after year? ( florida or anywhere else)

dont understand how they can not want to see and enjoy other places aswell

i can not wait for our florida trip but it is soo expensive our india trip will be twice as long for less than half the money

however if money was no object and i could afford to do disney plus elsewhere then i would do disney everyear
Oh I totally agree with you OP! It really annoys me - I mean I'm not harming anyone and spending my own money so why do people feel the need to be negative when I say we're going back! We love it, its as simple as that!! When we told several friends that we had booked our honeymoon they laughingly said 'well you can't go to Florida for that...can you?!?' and looked horrified when we said that YES our honeymoon did included a Disney portion! It wouldnt have been the same if we hadnt done Disney!! My brother in law told everyone that would listen that we just dont have the imagination to book a better honeymoon!! Made me SO mad! Well the last laugh was ours as we brought home our son! Our Disneymoon baby! Cant wait to bring him 'home' next year! And unlike some people who think that I'm only after booking our trip for our son and think its silly cause he wont even remember it I KNOW I booked it for myself! I want to see his face light up and experience it through his eyes but I also want to get my WDW fix as we didnt get to go this year lol!
Oh that's a lovely story, the way I see it you only live once and want to create all those wonderful memories not just for the children but for us too!:)

Debs x


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