Do You think DISNEY has gone down hlll the last few years?

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Exactly! So, are CMs rude, indifferent and disengaged because of rude guests, or, is it because this is how much of society is becoming?

Regardless, I think it matters that the parks are full of rudies, as it has a direct effect on crowd patterns, moods (of guests and CMs) and general vacation satisfaction for many.

I have read trip reports that said people's vacations were ruined due to rude guests, yet CMs were fabulous, and I've read trip reports where guests had their trips ruined by 1 rude or disengaged CM. It's all about perception, expectations and satisfaction, when it comes to rating and ranking vacations. One bad egg could spoil an otherwise fabulous vacation, due to the nature and severity of the problem, so we know that Disney corporate knows this, but they don't seem to be communicating nor stressing this to CMs as of late. Or, perhaps they are, but due to being seriously overworked and understaffed, it's a big issue.

It's an interesting discussion, and one that is important here as it directly affects how the mood and atmosphere at the parks, IMHO.

Tiger :)

I think it is sort of egg/chicken argument. Guests pay more, come and see cuts and not everyone can close their eyes on it. So they act demanding and they are rude and mean to others and CMs.
CMs on the other hand, experience worse working conditions and have to deal with angry guests. Considering they do not have proper training, not all of them can handle situations properly.
And round we go...
I think that many factors contribute to the slip in customer service. Unfortunately I've been working in that area for a while now and believe me, when you deal with rude people day in day out and you are overworked and you work for a company that doesn't seem to care - it can get to you. I pride myself on how nice I am to people but I'm working hard to escape from the job I'm in because I'm burned out. I work very hard and yes, I'm tired of being criticized by both Management and the public and I'm tired of doing all of this for way too little compensation. I guess that I can probably relate to the feelings of some of these CM's.

Of course, you will have those CM's that never did care and those that still do care too. They aren't all the same.
Just wanted to add...customer service is not limited to or only about attitudes of staff. It also includes product quality and overall experience.
I am a Walt Disney World fan for life. That being said, I cannot completely disagree. Walt's dream was affordable fun for all people. With all of the changes with the board over the years, it is treated much more like big business than I can believe Walt ever intended. I love going to Disney over the holidays, Christmas and Halloween are my favorites. Any other time it is just too crowded. If you are in the wrong place during the evening fireworks display, it can take over an hour to depart the park. It was not always like this. They have increased the number of individuals allowed into the parks at any given time. However, they have some of the most stingent fire codes in the state. (Okay, off topic)
Back to affordability. Florida residents receive a tremendous price break. I know, I lived in Florida for 7 years and you can bet I took full advantage.
I miss the good old days when you could buy a 10 day pass and use it overtime instead of all at once. Disney didnt like that people were reselling as it was effecting their sales. I am lost again.. Oh, renovation timeframes have increased. They used to not want to interupt the "Magic" for too long, now, it seems to matter less :(
I won't stop going but I do hope that we can go back to the good old days!
I think it is sort of egg/chicken argument. Guests pay more, come and see cuts and not everyone can close their eyes on it. So they act demanding and they are rude and mean to others and CMs.
CMs on the other hand, experience worse working conditions and have to deal with angry guests. Considering they do not have proper training, not all of them can handle situations properly.
And round we go...

Yup, absolutely what I referred to - both sides harm the other, and thus the cycle begins, and are definitely correct on that.

I think that many factors contribute to the slip in customer service. Unfortunately I've been working in that area for a while now and believe me, when you deal with rude people day in day out and you are overworked and you work for a company that doesn't seem to care - it can get to you. I pride myself on how nice I am to people but I'm working hard to escape from the job I'm in because I'm burned out. I work very hard and yes, I'm tired of being criticized by both Management and the public and I'm tired of doing all of this for way too little compensation. I guess that I can probably relate to the feelings of some of these CM's.

Of course, you will have those CM's that never did care and those that still do care too. They aren't all the same.

I agree to a point...DH and I are both service professionals: he is a bank manager and I'm a highschool teacher. We both worked in retail in university, and that is how we met. We never treated our customers wrongely at all, and again we were both in supervisory positions - despite dealing with a huge Canadian corporation that was difficult to deal with, as well as harsh customers. In our current careers, we deal with 'customer 'service' issues all day long, so to speak. We cannot as senior team members, treat our 'clients' as we call them, rudely, just because we get rude from them. And believe me...teenagers and bank customers can be very rude at times! We cannot work this way, or the rudeness will never end...I think for Disney CMs, it's probably a lot of the way management and the corporation treat them, as well as guests.

I hope you are able to find a new job soon! Best of luck!

Just wanted to add...customer service is not limited to or only about attitudes of staff. It also includes product quality and overall experience.

100% correct. If Disney valued their guests as much as they claim to, then they would offer better quality merchandise, food, etc. They value their profits more, and that will inevitably make customer service suffer.

I am a Walt Disney World fan for life. That being said, I cannot completely disagree. Walt's dream was affordable fun for all people. With all of the changes with the board over the years, it is treated much more like big business than I can believe Walt ever intended. I love going to Disney over the holidays, Christmas and Halloween are my favorites. Any other time it is just too crowded. If you are in the wrong place during the evening fireworks display, it can take over an hour to depart the park. It was not always like this. They have increased the number of individuals allowed into the parks at any given time. However, they have some of the most stingent fire codes in the state. (Okay, off topic)
Back to affordability. Florida residents receive a tremendous price break. I know, I lived in Florida for 7 years and you can bet I took full advantage.
I miss the good old days when you could buy a 10 day pass and use it overtime instead of all at once. Disney didnt like that people were reselling as it was effecting their sales. I am lost again.. Oh, renovation timeframes have increased. They used to not want to interupt the "Magic" for too long, now, it seems to matter less :(
I won't stop going but I do hope that we can go back to the good old days!

I think it's naive to assume or to expect that in 2011, the Disney Company is going to run things like Walt wanted. All expenses have increased tenfold since Walt's days, plus guest expectations and how the guests treat the product, which in this case is the parks, has also drastically changed.

As someone who understands economics and corporations, I don't expect Disney to treat me as a family member in 2011; it's simply not possible nor realistic, given the change in economics that have happened over the years. I do expect for them to provide me with a good quality product, and when that product slips in various areas, I expect to be able to work out a positive solution, and I expect to see changes in place so the next guest doesn't experience the same issue.

Disney used to be good in this area, but no so much anymore, and that is their fault. Although I have to say, whenever I contact Disney, which is usually at least 1x after every trip, for both postive praise or customer service issues we have had, they always contact me back by email and phone. Anyway, providing cheap merchandise, subpar food and inconsistent quality on Disney's end, now costs them big customer service money as they have to compensate guests all of the time, and these are usually the areas that I have to contact them about. Everytime I have a faulty product, they pay to ship me a new product. This costs big money, and the other difference is that the corporation's profit margins are astrononimcal - they aren't happy when they make 1 billion dollars in profit, so they increase that to make more next quarter. Pretty much the only way to do that is to cut somewhere, and it seems to always be where guests and low level CMs, who work the hardest, are going to feel it, and this is where the downhill spiral comes from. Disney's own expecatations are out of hand these days, and this is where the cuts come from.

I think a lot of problems come from the attitudes of the guests at the parks. I've noticed an explosion of rude and inconsiderate people at the resorts and parks the last few years.:confused3

This is not just at WDW; this is the me, me,me, mine, mine, mine, entitlement attitude of Americans today. Try holding a door open for someone and see how many people get upset because you offer a kind gesture. Go 65 mph in a 60 and see how many people crawl on your bumper, beep their horn and flip you a bird as they pass. Go to a McDonald's and see how often they give you eye contact and say " may I help you" and "thank you," then proceed to throw your order on the counter. Try calling customer service of a company and after pushing 10 different options and being on hold for 30 minutes the person is rude and confrontational. We have an employee at Walmart being killed by mob mentality all to get an electronic game during Christmas season. Just spend a day here on the DIS and see how rude and nasty some of the threads can get (fortunately most are great).

I have noticed an explosion of rude and inconsiderate people in this country around us and it's not just at WDW. Sometimes I wish I could have been around when my grandparents were alive back when people cared for the other person as much as themselves. While our lives have been made much more simple with technology, it has become more difficult because we have forgotten the "Golden Rule," treat others as you would like to be treated, or as we find in the good book, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
This is not just at WDW; this is the me, me,me, mine, mine, mine, entitlement attitude of Americans today. Try holding a door open for someone and see how many people get upset because you offer a kind gesture. Go 65 mph in a 60 and see how many people crawl on your bumper, beep their horn and flip you a bird as they pass. Go to a McDonald's and see how often they give you eye contact and say " may I help you" and "thank you," then proceed to throw your order on the counter. Try calling customer service of a company and after pushing 10 different options and being on hold for 30 minutes the person is rude and confrontational. We have an employee at Walmart being killed by mob mentality all to get an electronic game during Christmas season. Just spend a day here on the DIS and see how rude and nasty some of the threads can get (fortunately most are great).

I have noticed an explosion of rude and inconsiderate people in this country around us and it's not just at WDW. Sometimes I wish I could have been around when my grandparents were alive back when people cared for the other person as much as themselves. While our lives have been made much more simple with technology, it has become more difficult because we have forgotten the "Golden Rule," treat others as you would like to be treated, or as we find in the good book, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Dhubby and I call them the "me firsts".

Disney has actually created their own group which can bring out the "me firsts" in know.......the entitled.

Dhubby had to "shut down" one such person at Boardwalk Bakery a couple of trips ago. It was so ugly and so unnecessary. "Is this the service $40,000 gets you now". I want to see your manager - YESTERDAY"......etc....etc. (because they could not deliver her breakfast order to her room).

Dhubby (New Yorkers can get away with this) stepped up and said "Hey Lady, if I give you $40,000 will you shut up and go away" others in line cheered.

Yes, the met firsts are everywhere. 99% of the time we just turn away because there are so many NICE people at the parks too. But sometimes they seem to cluster at WDW and can be overwhelming.

Want to see some me-first-ugly? Spend a day minding your own business at WDW in a scooter. For some crazy reason people think you get special treatment simply by.....sitting. Well, let me tell you, I still can have my WDW trips with a scooter.....but the visits are nothing like they used to be. We do so much less, it is so much more frustrating to negotiate crowds, switchbacks....or simply try to not run over a little person who had suddendly darted right in your way.

Ok, one good thing.....with my pouch on the back of my little scooter (named and decorated, of course), nobody has to carry anything anymore so all my travel friends are happy! We also "stop and smell the roses" more often because our travel is far more slow.

Me Firsts - phoey!
I think it's naive to assume or to expect that in 2011, the Disney Company is going to run things like Walt wanted.

I assure you it is not a product of naivity. Lets call it idealistic thinking. I too am would rounded in terms of business however their are ways to operate without losing sight of the vision.
I assure you it is not a product of naivity. Lets call it idealistic thinking. I too am would rounded in terms of business however their are ways to operate without losing sight of the vision.

But who says they have lost sight of the vision? Walt's vision is still realized each day in the parks, although it might look different, families are still spending time together making memories, and even though this is a simplistic version of Walt's vision, it's still his vision, nonetheless.

The homespun version from the 60s when Walt created Disneyland is just not realistic today, from either a financial or social perspective, IMHO.

Some of Disney's downhill slide can be attributed to the "me" mentality but not all of it.

How do you explain the the fact that the food quality if not even half of what it was in 2000? Disney implemented the DDP and at first it was an excellent deal, then each year the price has risen and the quality and the perks have dropped. Disney did this for profit and yes it's a business yada yada but the "me" mentality did not make them do this.

I've been going to WDW since 1973 and I can tell you that I saw rude guests since that time. The difference is in the old days, the CMs were still nice and helpful. A few years ago we checked into the Poly. The CM gave us the wrong directions to the building and not one CM walking around the property could tell us how to get to the building. Luckily there was a map legend on property. That is how we found the room.

In November we were at the Contemporary on the club floor. At about 7, there's a banging on the door which woke me and I answered it. A security officer tells me the ambulance is on the way. For a second I panicked thinking my 16 yo or her cousin may have been hurt. Then I looked in the bed and they were sitting there groggy wondering what the heck was happening. I asked if they had called the ambulance and they said no so that is what I told the guard. His response, "Well I don't know which one of you called but the ambulance is on its way." Then he stomped off down the hall leaving me with a dropped jaw. A bit later we went to the lounge for breakfast and I asked if they had found the right room for the ambulance. The CM looked at me like I had 3 heads and asked how I knew about that. Turned out it was a room at the opposite end of the floor and on the other side of the building. We never received an apology from the guard or the concierge CMs. I did complain and we were comped for that night which I told the manager was not necessary and not expected. All I wanted was an apology and I told her that. Yes we did receive something for our trouble but an apology would have meant more.
Some of Disney's downhill slide can be attributed to the "me" mentality but not all of it.

How do you explain the the fact that the food quality if not even half of what it was in 2000? Disney implemented the DDP and at first it was an excellent deal, then each year the price has risen and the quality and the perks have dropped. Disney did this for profit and yes it's a business yada yada but the "me" mentality did not make them do this.

I've been going to WDW since 1973 and I can tell you that I saw rude guests since that time. The difference is in the old days, the CMs were still nice and helpful. A few years ago we checked into the Poly. The CM gave us the wrong directions to the building and not one CM walking around the property could tell us how to get to the building. Luckily there was a map legend on property. That is how we found the room.

In November we were at the Contemporary on the club floor. At about 7, there's a banging on the door which woke me and I answered it. A security officer tells me the ambulance is on the way. For a second I panicked thinking my 16 yo or her cousin may have been hurt. Then I looked in the bed and they were sitting there groggy wondering what the heck was happening. I asked if they had called the ambulance and they said no so that is what I told the guard. His response, "Well I don't know which one of you called but the ambulance is on its way." Then he stomped off down the hall leaving me with a dropped jaw. A bit later we went to the lounge for breakfast and I asked if they had found the right room for the ambulance. The CM looked at me like I had 3 heads and asked how I knew about that. Turned out it was a room at the opposite end of the floor and on the other side of the building. We never received an apology from the guard or the concierge CMs. I did complain and we were comped for that night which I told the manager was not necessary and not expected. All I wanted was an apology and I told her that. Yes we did receive something for our trouble but an apology would have meant more.

You are absolutely right. Maybe the "me firsts" just make the decline of Disney quality more ..... frustrating!

The decline is there no matter how you try to paint over it, hide it, deny it, pretend it isn't there, look the other are paying a buttload MORE for it too!
You are absolutely right. Maybe the "me firsts" just make the decline of Disney quality more ..... frustrating!

The decline is there no matter how you try to paint over it, hide it, deny it, pretend it isn't there, look the other are paying a buttload MORE for it too!

You're not kidding! When the DDP first came out it was $37 and you got an appetizer and the tip was covered. The year it came out we stayed at CSR and it cost 85.00 with a discount. Now, the values are $85 with a discount.
This is not just at WDW; this is the me, me,me, mine, mine, mine, entitlement attitude of Americans today.

Sad, but true. :sad2: And the scary thing is... it's only getting worse. I've been a public school teacher for 13 years, and each year I see more and more of this attitude.

How do we, as a society, go about changing this attitude? What is it going to take? Scary.
I have noticed an explosion of rude and inconsiderate people in this country around us and it's not just at WDW. Sometimes I wish I could have been around when my grandparents were alive back when people cared for the other person as much as themselves. While our lives have been made much more simple with technology, it has become more difficult because we have forgotten the "Golden Rule," treat others as you would like to be treated, or as we find in the good book, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

I think about what you are saying a lot..I also wish we could go back to a more simple time but I try not to dwell on it. Each generation had it's probs. BUT you are right in saying that people were more polite, more respectful. Dh told me the other day that he held the door for someone and they didn't even say thank you..what is wrong with people?? Don't even get me started on the kids today.............;)
It always makes me laugh when people here complain about Disney making a buck. If they didn't make that buck, then they may have to close and you won't be able to go 6-8 times a year and complain about it. I'd bet there are a lot of people who would love to go once in their whole lifetime and have a great time regardless...Brazilian tour groups and all...
I think about what you are saying a lot..I also wish we could go back to a more simple time but I try not to dwell on it. Each generation had it's probs. BUT you are right in saying that people were more polite, more respectful. Dh told me the other day that he held the door for someone and they didn't even say thank you..what is wrong with people?? Don't even get me started on the kids today.............;)

Several months ago I held a door open for a lady and she responded by saying, "I'm more than capable of getting my own door a*#hole." Yep her words exactly. :scared1:

It always makes me laugh when people here complain about Disney making a buck. If they didn't make that buck, then they may have to close and you won't be able to go 6-8 times a year and complain about it. I'd bet there are a lot of people who would love to go once in their whole lifetime and have a great time regardless...Brazilian tour groups and all...

I don't think anyone here over the last few months of this thread (2,439 in total) since it started have every said they don't think WDW shouldn't make a buck. In fact I believe most here feel they should make a lot of bucks; after all, they are not a non profit organization.

Without blasting you I think you really need to go back through all the posts and see what people are truly saying here because you have missed the mark and missed it terrible. The concerns are continual cutbacks, lower standards, lower quality for the increased cost and many other issues. Again, I don't think a single person here has a problem with Disney earning money for the services they provide; just don't cut the standards of WDW as the profits rise. :confused3
I appreciate you not blasting me, though I'm not sure why you would have anyway on an Internet discussion board???

But I have read all 163 pages. I don't think I've missed any mark. In fact, my comment was more directed at the multiple threads similar to this on this board, not just this in particular. I just don't think you liked what I said, and that's fine :)

P.S. - you're boys from Ohio state just ruined my bracket...thanks a lot! ;)
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