Do You think DISNEY has gone down hlll the last few years?

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Some of you should check out websites that are message boards for employees who work in theme parks. I work in a customer service environment and am no stranger to abusive customers. And some of those horror stories are so mean and ugly that I wonder if I will be able to hold my tongue if I run into any of the people who abuse CMs because they can get away with it. Seriously, read those boards and consider what they go through before you hurl abuse at them. In one instance, a guest knocked a CM down because she told him his kid was too short to get on one of the rides. I hope, later in life, that his kid gives him a piece of his mind for putting his life in danger just to "push his weight around." Some of those guests should be spending time in a military school. Society has continued its sad downward spiral towards social anarchy.

No one should endure any type of abuse from a guest, zero zip. But I have seen CM's that were just not interested in helping/assisting other guest(s) etc. As if they do NOT want to be there. To be a CM at WDW one of the requirements is to deal with guests/public. That means screaming kids, stressed out adults etc. CM's should know that they will be in the public eye dealing with millions of people every year. Screaming children, and stressed out adults should be a given. But as the poster earlier stated above, that valet parking people just did not have any interest at all helping her husband with her motorized scooter it's disturbing to say the least. I'm sure those scooters weigh a couple hundred pounds! But for a couple of young guys just standing around doing nothing but watch the husband struggle with the scooter is rather bothersome. I ran into several CM's that were just not interested in giving me a breakfast oatmeal at the WL. I also have had CM's that just were mediocre at best as our waitress. Of course I do notice a lot of great CM's that do go that extra mile. Maybe CM's need to be trained more throughly on how to handle stressful parents, and crying children...

Hey, Brunette! Good to see you again! Just posted my updates above as we just returned from our March Break Flower and Garden Festival trip. I can believe that no one helped her hubby - I see that all of the time in my own community, let alone at Disney. It speaks to the lack of citizenship and civility in our society. Sorry to hear that...

Can't believe this thread is still going! Tiger :)

Hi! I can't believe no one helped her husband either! Sheesh! Glad you had a good time. Your villa looks really nice! We're going back down May 12 for 2 weeks. Can't wait! :)
I think its particularly noticeable for the folks who've been going for decades, go multiple times a year - people who really have a huge foundation on which to base their assessment. That isn't to say people who just started going to Disney with the advent of "Free Dining" don't have valid view points as well, just maybe not as likely as someone who knew what things were like 20 years ago (let alone 30-40 years ago).

The CM's - many are fabulous and many more than used to be are just unconcerned. The food - I can't even get started there. Maintenance around the parks is substandard at best - filthy bathrooms, trash everywhere, paint chiping and wearing off. As much as I love the people mover I'm always horrified at the roofs of everything we pass. I know that its people who leave the trash, but if Disney can't employ enough people to handle it, they don't need to push the parks to capacity every single day.

All they seem to care about is packing as many people in as possible, keeping them on property as trapped as possible and making as much money as possible. I really do understand that they are a business and need to make money, but the sacrificing of quality is pretty astounding.

I'll admit that I often wonder why I still want to go to Disney every chance I get as more and more I'm disappointed for frustrated with our trip experiences. I think we're so used to it and love some much about what it used to be I just can't give it up. And we do still love it and do still have great vacations at Disney, but I wonder if we've overdone it. A break would probably be a good thing. We're booked for 3 weeks this summer probably another week in December. Might take a break after that - except my mom lives in Clermont so probably not :rolleyes:

But yes, I think ultimately the quality of Disney has absolutely declined. Particularly in the last 10 years.
This is an excellent analysis! Agree 100%

"I think the problem is we (general public) are a "Walmart" mentality nation"...BINGO!!!
I was always taught, "you get what you pay for" and "nothing is free".:thumbsup2
And sorry tsnell, just beacause you work for the public does not mean some one has the right to abuse you.

Where did I state, anyone has the right to abuse another?:confused3 PP stated:
Originally Posted by julieannboo
don't forget those poor CM's get paid peanuts - maybe if they were paid a bit more maybe they would be willing to go out of their way to help people a bit more.
My response:
This is a poor reason for a lousy attitude or service. Not everyone chooses a career for the "big bucks". CM's know their pay level, BEFORE they accept the job.
No one should endure any type of abuse from a guest, zero zip. But I have seen CM's that were just not interested in helping/assisting other guest(s) etc. As if they do NOT want to be there. To be a CM at WDW one of the requirements is to deal with guests/public. That means screaming kids, stressed out adults etc. CM's should know that they will be in the public eye dealing with millions of people every year. Screaming children, and stressed out adults should be a given. But as the poster earlier stated above, that valet parking people just did not have any interest at all helping her husband with her motorized scooter it's disturbing to say the least. I'm sure those scooters weigh a couple hundred pounds! But for a couple of young guys just standing around doing nothing but watch the husband struggle with the scooter is rather bothersome. I ran into several CM's that were just not interested in giving me a breakfast oatmeal at the WL. I also have had CM's that just were mediocre at best as our waitress. Of course I do notice a lot of great CM's that do go that extra mile. Maybe CM's need to be trained more throughly on how to handle stressful parents, and crying children...


Hi Brunette,

Glad to see you again.:goodvibes I am totally agree with you, so many indifferent CMs. I blame management, no proper training and no control and no motivation. If CMs know, they can do it and get away with it, they will. Not everyone actually wants to be there. For many it is just something while they look and hope for better job. I can not blame them for heavy thoughts, it is difficult to clean toilets when you have a master degree but here is where motivation and training should take place. If person knows he must be 100 % great all the time and if he knows he can get promoted and basically he can change carreer, even with master degree, he will try his very best. Nobody wants to jump jobs after all. Another aspect is college program. No proper training again and those kids just chat around instead of helping. I saw 2 college girls at CBR store, standing chatting and totally ignoring me walking around them. :sad2:
Anyway, no matter what it is, tired CMs, no motivation, training or control, it is management problem and when we say something about Disney being a business and wanting to get as much money as possible, I can only say, it is my money and I want to get it worth it, after all there are so many vacational destinations I can invest in.
And when I see cuts here and there, again for a profit, I cannot help it to think about Iger bonus again and again.
Hi! I can't believe no one helped her husband either! Sheesh! Glad you had a good time. Your villa looks really nice! We're going back down May 12 for 2 weeks. Can't wait! :)

Hope you have a :wizard: trip! May is our favourite time, but have only been able to do that when I was on maternity leave, so no more May trips for us as being a teacher is not conducive to going at that time of year.

Our next trip is our regularly scheduled 2 week summer trip. Currently staying at BLT for a few days, and then AKV for 11 days.

Tiger :)
I was always taught, "you get what you pay for" and "nothing is free".:thumbsup2

Where did I state, anyone has the right to abuse another?:confused3 PP stated:
My response:

Oy vey :rolleyes: The point of the response was that salary is rarely the sole factor in a workers performance. Jeez, it was an observations, a continuation on a theme not a point by point analysis of "he said, she said".
Hi Brunette,

Glad to see you again.:goodvibes I am totally agree with you, so many indifferent CMs. I blame management, no proper training and no control and no motivation. If CMs know, they can do it and get away with it, they will. Not everyone actually wants to be there. For many it is just something while they look and hope for better job. I can not blame them for heavy thoughts, it is difficult to clean toilets when you have a master degree but here is where motivation and training should take place. If person knows he must be 100 % great all the time and if he knows he can get promoted and basically he can change carreer, even with master degree, he will try his very best. Nobody wants to jump jobs after all. Another aspect is college program. No proper training again and those kids just chat around instead of helping. I saw 2 college girls at CBR store, standing chatting and totally ignoring me walking around them. :sad2:
Anyway, no matter what it is, tired CMs, no motivation, training or control, it is management problem and when we say something about Disney being a business and wanting to get as much money as possible, I can only say, it is my money and I want to get it worth it, after all there are so many vacational destinations I can invest in.
And when I see cuts here and there, again for a profit, I cannot help it to think about Iger bonus again and again.

HI Kelly!

Good to see you too! It's been too long! LOL! You make some valid points, totally on target. Not sure why there is a slip in customer service. Like I said earlier there is plenty of very good CM's. When they're good they're really good.

When it comes to pricing (buffet, tickets, strollers) I think they will eventually out price themselves. They will go beyond their price point. It will come to a time when people will no longer afford to go to Walt Disney World.

When it comes to dining I think people are now realizing that they are taking away higher end entrees because of the so call free dining, while at the same time raising their prices.

No one should endure any type of abuse from a guest, zero zip. But I have seen CM's that were just not interested in helping/assisting other guest(s) etc. As if they do NOT want to be there. To be a CM at WDW one of the requirements is to deal with guests/public. That means screaming kids, stressed out adults etc. CM's should know that they will be in the public eye dealing with millions of people every year. Screaming children, and stressed out adults should be a given. But as the poster earlier stated above, that valet parking people just did not have any interest at all helping her husband with her motorized scooter it's disturbing to say the least. I'm sure those scooters weigh a couple hundred pounds! But for a couple of young guys just standing around doing nothing but watch the husband struggle with the scooter is rather bothersome. I ran into several CM's that were just not interested in giving me a breakfast oatmeal at the WL. I also have had CM's that just were mediocre at best as our waitress. Of course I do notice a lot of great CM's that do go that extra mile. Maybe CM's need to be trained more throughly on how to handle stressful parents, and crying children...


I am sure there are insurance reasons for them not helping anymore with the scooter. If they are helping her husband and the scooter falls and injures her hubby, what is the next logical step. Can we say lawsuit. They may have done it in the past, but that service should never be counted on. How do they manage the other 51 weeks out of the year?? That is not a service issue, it is a safety issue for WDW.
Hi! I can't believe no one helped her husband either! Sheesh! Glad you had a good time. Your villa looks really nice! We're going back down May 12 for 2 weeks. Can't wait! :)

Hey Brunette! How 'ya been?

Can you believe it? We were sooooo spoiled at BWI. 2009 December trip there was an especially annoying young valet who was ALWAYS there to open our door and instantly. Finally he BEGGED Jim to show him how the scooter breaks down and how to reassemble. He wanted to know so he could help other people. He REALLY was terrific. I wrote a very nice letter about him to the GM....but everyone was very good at BWI.

2010 December trip at was like we ..... smelled bad.

Jim was very upset.

.....but this is a very good representation of what we found in many places. Where guests were once greeted like royalty, seems now they just can't be bothered.

Now you know Jim is a 33 year castmember and we can see from the inside why. Lets not forget in 2009 they had 2 large layoffs and these positions have mostly not been filled. Castmembers are not trained, overworked at times and there simply is no longer enough Management to keep an eye on them when they are working to make sure standards are maintained.

It's just not as happy a place to work as it once was.

For the first time EVER in many-many years of Disney travel, we just were not as heartbroken to leave WDW as we always are. It's just too sad to see the changes and found we could not look away and pretend any more.

This means DL will be getting our meager Disney dollars this year and we will fill the holes with CRUISES - our 12 night caribbean and probably bermuda as well! Yippee!
I am sure there are insurance reasons for them not helping anymore with the scooter. If they are helping her husband and the scooter falls and injures her hubby, what is the next logical step. Can we say lawsuit. They may have done it in the past, but that service should never be counted on. How do they manage the other 51 weeks out of the year?? That is not a service issue, it is a safety issue for WDW.

Oh please. Our little rental scooter breaks down into 7 pieces. Highest weight - 36 lbs. They would have less back strain taking out our scooter segments than lifting your 50 lb. suitcase out of the trunk.

Insurance restrictions didn't stop the valets at the Grand Floridian from taking out our scooter from the trunk - and assembling and then later - helping hubby lift the disassembled scooter into the trunk. Insurance restrictions - HAHAHA

I return to my original post. We are at a resort which charges $300+ p/night in Value season and calls itself a Delux.

If your valet is no longer allowed to handle your 50 pound suitcase because of insurance restrictions, then don't have them standing around and explain valet service is no longer available. In that case, I would have immediately moved to the Boardwalk where good valet serice IS available.

Since you expect an explanation of my lifestyle.......

My knee was partially crushed in 2008 in a very freak accident. In spite of now 2 surgeries on the knee, I will continue to have trouble until I finally relent and get a brand new one. You have no idea how many hours of PT I have gone through. (I call Heidi the Nazi. "Does this hurt? A bit. Good, hold it and count to ten.) I would give just about anything to be able to once again walk around World Showcase at the end of the evening, hand in hand with my husband....vs. hand in my scooter. (fully decorated, of course) Don't ever take your ability to walk pain free for granted.

Because of this, long walks are no longer possible for me. I can walk the dog - still with some pain ....but a day at Disney would be agony.

(this post was edited)
I am sure there are insurance reasons for them not helping anymore with the scooter. If they are helping her husband and the scooter falls and injures her hubby, what is the next logical step. Can we say lawsuit. They may have done it in the past, but that service should never be counted on. How do they manage the other 51 weeks out of the year?? That is not a service issue, it is a safety issue for WDW.

You know, when hotel calls itself deluxe, they should act like deluxe, helping people around and getting scooter out is same as getting bags out. They should be able to serve and take care without asking and this is what separates true deluxe from Disney deluxe. They had to at least offer help since they were there. Even if it is not in their manual, it is called initiative and it is always recognized by guests and eventually by manager/suervisor.
I am sure there are insurance reasons for them not helping anymore with the scooter. If they are helping her husband and the scooter falls and injures her hubby, what is the next logical step. Can we say lawsuit. They may have done it in the past, but that service should never be counted on. How do they manage the other 51 weeks out of the year?? That is not a service issue, it is a safety issue for WDW.

I have been in the insurance industry over 20 years and have owned my own insurance agency for quit some time. With my agency, commercial insurance is a huge part of what we do. With that said, I highly doubt there is an exclusion in their policy listing scooters being removed from a trunk or assisting a customer with one. The risk would be the same with any cast member helping a customer with their suit cases, wheel chairs, or any other item that requires lifting. I don't see it nor will any of the companies I underwrite with see it as a safety issue anymore than grabbing a suitcase.:goodvibes
Hey Brunette! How 'ya been?

Can you believe it? We were sooooo spoiled at BWI. 2009 December trip there was an especially annoying young valet who was ALWAYS there to open our door and instantly. Finally he BEGGED Jim to show him how the scooter breaks down and how to reassemble. He wanted to know so he could help other people. He REALLY was terrific. I wrote a very nice letter about him to the GM....but everyone was very good at BWI.

2010 December trip at was like we ..... smelled bad.

Jim was very upset.

.....but this is a very good representation of what we found in many places. Where guests were once greeted like royalty, seems now they just can't be bothered.Now you know Jim is a 33 year castmember and we can see from the inside why. Lets not forget in 2009 they had 2 large layoffs and these positions have mostly not been filled. Castmembers are not trained, overworked at times and there simply is no longer enough Management to keep an eye on them when they are working to make sure standards are maintained.

It's just not as happy a place to work as it once was.

For the first time EVER in many-many years of Disney travel, we just were not as heartbroken to leave WDW as we always are. It's just too sad to see the changes and found we could not look away and pretend any more.

This means DL will be getting our meager Disney dollars this year and we will fill the holes with CRUISES - our 12 night caribbean and probably bermuda as well! Yippee!

HI Donut! Good to see you too! Your statement in bold is true, it seems. Deluxe resorts should take care of you and call you by your name Mr. Smith etc. This kind of service is always done at top resorts such as Marriott, Hiltons, Bellagio, Wynn, etc. For the price people pay to stay there, they should be made to feel "special", after all this isn't a Quality Inn or Motel 6. Sheesh.

Now I have had some really great CM's throughout Disney, some that will go that extra mile. I'm telling you Disney should just weed out the ones that aren't people motivated.

Hi Goofy4Prez-

I totally concur with your above statement. You took the words right out of my mouth when you alluded to "suitcases". Some suitcases could weigh as much as 80 pounds. According to Donut her scooter only weighs a mere 36 pounds. Go figure!

Yup - we always rent a scooter called the Pride Revo. This is a sporty travel scooter which you can disassemble into 5 segments (new one now breaks down to 7). It's very easy to drive anywhere - it's peppy - lightweight pieces - and a comfortable ride. It is not nearly as big and clunky as the Disney rental scooters.

We would NEVER dream of dealing with the disney busses while I travel in a scooter....and we always rent a car anyway. This scooter is a great solution but does involve the trunk when we drive to the MK. (I LOVE the ferry ride vs. scooting in big crowds and changing onto another monorail.)

This little scooter is soooooooooo convenient and easy to manage.....even when covered with my decorations (in December I added twinkling battery lights to the garland on my basket - just adorable!)

A breeze to drive --- in case anyone is considering a rental!

.....another convenience.......

When we stayed at Kidani, they put us out - WAY FAR away from the lobby. No biggie, we had a car and parked right next to the elevator with my handicapped tag. Our 2 bedroom villa was about 30 steps from the elevator....easy with my cane.

In this case, it was such a short walk, we would actually leave the scooter in the car and the guys would carry up the 2 battery packs to charge overnight.

At BC and BWI that would not be possible because it was such a long walk to our room.

So you see.....the components to the scooter are really a breeze to take out of the trunk. I even helped Jim - standing there with my cane. That's generally when another guest would walk over and help us.....but never a valet. Sigh. Too bad for the Beach Club valets - they would have had a very nice tip!
Hope you have a :wizard: trip! May is our favourite time, but have only been able to do that when I was on maternity leave, so no more May trips for us as being a teacher is not conducive to going at that time of year.

Our next trip is our regularly scheduled 2 week summer trip. Currently staying at BLT for a few days, and then AKV for 11 days.

Tiger :)

Hi Tiger-

Sounds like a plan! I love the Animal Kingdom Lodge! It's well worth the price to see the exotic animals and well, the exotic hotel! It's so very cool! Have you ever stayed at their Conceirge Lounge? I heard it was very nice. I too love May, it's just a beautiful time of year.

Hi Tiger-

Sounds like a plan! I love the Animal Kingdom Lodge! It's well worth the price to see the exotic animals and well, the exotic hotel! It's so very cool! Have you ever stayed at their Conceirge Lounge? I heard it was very nice. I too love May, it's just a beautiful time of year.


We've had AK Concierge booked 2x, but cancelled it. We have stayed Concierge at Contemporary and Yacht Club, but didn't find it so worth the extra cost, or, DVC points in our case. Actually, Contemporary was much better than Yacht Club though. We have heard on our DVC board, that AK has cut Concierge offergings a lot, so won't spend the extra points. Plus, we only stay in 1 bedrooms now, so no need for it.

If hubby and I ever get to take an adults only trip, we may consider it for the extra animal tour you can now take, which I'm pretty sure you have to booked in Concierge to book.

Have a great May trip! Tiger :)
Customer service has been in decline for some time across the business landscape and Disney is no exception to this trend. I think what makes it hard to swallow and upsetting for many is when a company that prided itself on customer service and was the model of "doing it right" starts to show cracks and a departure from this philosophy?:confused3

I'm not saying it's dead at WDW or that there are not still examples of great service but I guess I'm in the crowd that believes it's definitely declined from what it once was.:sad1:

A very successful client of mine who owned a multi-million dollar business always told me something that I think holds true in WDW's case. He would always say that he could tell when one of his competitors businesses were declining because the first thing to go were the "little things".
I think a lot of problems come from the attitudes of the guests at the parks. I've noticed an explosion of rude and inconsiderate people at the resorts and parks the last few years.:confused3
I think a lot of problems come from the attitudes of the guests at the parks. I've noticed an explosion of rude and inconsiderate people at the resorts and parks the last few years.:confused3

Exactly! So, are CMs rude, indifferent and disengaged because of rude guests, or, is it because this is how much of society is becoming?

Regardless, I think it matters that the parks are full of rudies, as it has a direct effect on crowd patterns, moods (of guests and CMs) and general vacation satisfaction for many.

I have read trip reports that said people's vacations were ruined due to rude guests, yet CMs were fabulous, and I've read trip reports where guests had their trips ruined by 1 rude or disengaged CM. It's all about perception, expectations and satisfaction, when it comes to rating and ranking vacations. One bad egg could spoil an otherwise fabulous vacation, due to the nature and severity of the problem, so we know that Disney corporate knows this, but they don't seem to be communicating nor stressing this to CMs as of late. Or, perhaps they are, but due to being seriously overworked and understaffed, it's a big issue.

It's an interesting discussion, and one that is important here as it directly affects how the mood and atmosphere at the parks, IMHO.

Tiger :)
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