Do You think DISNEY has gone down hlll the last few years?

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Actually tiger they don't have to take out any attractions just use alot of the empty space they have to make more.Wonders of life pavilion, alot of empty space at innoventions,years that 20,000 leagues sat empty,just to name a few.Not to pick on you tiger but we love McDonalds,not everyday mind you but we like them.Told you I'm not a fine food diner!LOL:lmao:
I don't care that much about fireworks or parades. I like the ELP but it's supposed to leave eventually.

I think that Universal has better rides overall, great theming, decent restaurants (if you know where to eat much like WDW), wonderful hotels, the best shops and Starbucks. Those mean a lot to me, YMMV.
I agree that $36.00 for a buffet is a lot, but so is $5.00 for a latte. I think Disney is slow to make new attractions as you have the nostalgia factor. Can you imagine the mass hysteria that would ensue if you took away Space Mountain or It's a Small World? There is a certain air of nostalgia to Disney, of which there is none at Universal. I think that is the big difference between how Disney and Universal operate.

Where to begin! COP has lines in the summer too! I love COP, as do thousands of other guests - as I said above, Disney has nostalgia and Walt's memory to constantly deal with, so I honestly believe they think very carefully about major additions. I wonder how long the new MK plans have been in the works for?

It seems to me that you prefer Universal, for whatever reason, but I just don't agree with many of your points. The huge lines aren't because there aren't enough rides at Disney, it's because Disney is always packed with guests! Universal doesn't have huge lines, because they are not as packed with guests. Disney services more guests than any other family destination in the world, so even during slow times, they will have more guests than Universal or Sea World. I'm sorry, but Disney has way more to do than both Universal and Sea World put together - just because you don't find value in those experiences, does not mean that they don't exist. They are still there, and many of us do partake in them. There are lots of hidden experiences and not so popular attractions or shows that are great, and this is part of why we love Disney.

I don't understand your logic...Universal has no fireworks, yet you seem to be ok with that, over the fact that Disney has cut back on some fireworks (honestly, Illuminations is my favourite fireworks show, and I didn't notice any difference in July). Disney still has fireworks, whereas Universal and Sea World have none. I'm confused...

I will agree, and have said many times, that food has been cutback, but as I said, I really don't think it's that horrible. I've eaten incredible food all of my life, and I really don't feel the buffets are all that horrible. Overpriced, yes, but unedible, no. McDonald's on the other hand is unedible food. If Disney makes cuts, and people still eat at their restaurants, than they are doing good business. Restaurants have to cut all of the time, as food products and labour costs are always increasing. Us regulars may be a bit more selective or hard on Disney, as we've eaten everywhere, but most people I know, think Disney's food is wonderful. Will Disney continue to cut? More than likely, as costs keep rising. Despite this, millions of guests are still buying the Dining Plans and eating in Disney's restaurants, so something is working for them at this point.

So, I won't say that Disney is going downhill, due to some cutbacks. They have to cutback, as most every company has had to do as of late. I would rather a few cutbacks, then park or resort closures. We've all seen other family destinations up and close their doors. Could it happen at Disney? None of us know the bottom line, so we have to trust that a few cutbacks are necessary. I'm sure we all have different thresholds as to how much cutback is acceptable, and that is where this discussion is so great!

YMMV, Tiger

There are so many empty spots and not really successful rides, take out Stitch, who will miss it? It definitely took them forever to come out with Stitch in a first place. Walts way is great but you cannot sell it forever, people need something new and exciting and Disney just do not do it lately, while Universal does. Take Harry Potter, Disney wanted it badly but they just did not come out with a perfect plan while Universal did. Take a "very creative" idea of FL, cute but is it exciting, not to me and many. Take new promotion, whose brilliant idea it was. They put more thinking in anticipating people then in actual idea.

You are mistaken about me, I do not like Universal more, I love them equally but I cannot just close my eyes when I see all the cuts. This BTW is why I mentioned fireworks. Illuminations was a shame a month ago, Fantasmic, LOW, those are advantages over Universal, and should have never be touched. You said you have not been to Universal for years, you should go and see it again, there are plenty to do and enjoy. BTW, check how many people goto Universal parks and Disney, not much of a difference, so lines are because of lack of rides. Take TSM, there is no rides in DHS, correction, very few rides and this is why line remains more then an hour even during slow times for 2 years.

Nobody said that food was spoiled or uneatable but it does not live to the price, it is smaller and it is worse then it used to be. Disney restaurants are full because of free DP, how many of those people will pay OOP for those meals. Why do you think they running Free DP non stop right now.

As for finding little things to do. Yes you can but I can do little things home at any local park. I spend so much money to be amazed not just be "not bored". And again Universal just wins here. Their rides just success after success, you do not have to look for little things, do big things. BTW, every time Disney try to compete with Universal they just fail, DHS, SOAT, FL. I do not understand it but it seems like they ran out of imagination larely.

As for cuts, I do not understand how charging more and giving less can be understandable nor fair. Just my opinion. While I do not believe Disney gone down hill, I believe it is on the way there.
There are so many empty spots and not really successful rides, take out Stitch, who will miss it? It definitely took them forever to come out with Stitch in a first place. Walts way is great but you cannot sell it forever, people need something new and exciting and Disney just do not do it lately, while Universal does. Take Harry Potter, Disney wanted it badly but they just did not come out with a perfect plan while Universal did. Take a "very creative" idea of FL, cute but is it exciting, not to me and many. Take new promotion, whose brilliant idea it was. They put more thinking in anticipating people then in actual idea.

You are mistaken about me, I do not like Universal more, I love them equally but I cannot just close my eyes when I see all the cuts. This BTW is why I mentioned fireworks. Illuminations was a shame a month ago, Fantasmic, LOW, those are advantages over Universal, and should have never be touched. You said you have not been to Universal for years, you should go and see it again, there are plenty to do and enjoy. BTW, check how many people goto Universal parks and Disney, not much of a difference, so lines are because of lack of rides. Take TSM, there is no rides in DHS, correction, very few rides and this is why line remains more then an hour even during slow times for 2 years.

Nobody said that food was spoiled or uneatable but it does not live to the price, it is smaller and it is worse then it used to be. Disney restaurants are full because of free DP, how many of those people will pay OOP for those meals. Why do you think they running Free DP non stop right now.

As for finding little things to do. Yes you can but I can do little things home at any local park. I spend so much money to be amazed not just be "not bored". And again Universal just wins here. Their rides just success after success, you do not have to look for little things, do big things. BTW, every time Disney try to compete with Universal they just fail, DHS, SOAT, FL. I do not understand it but it seems like they ran out of imagination larely.

As for cuts, I do not understand how charging more and giving less can be understandable nor fair. Just my opinion. While I do not believe Disney gone down hill, I believe it is on the way there.

Stand TALL on that soapbox, Kelly NY. You are speaking for many of us tonight!
Actually tiger they don't have to take out any attractions just use alot of the empty space they have to make more.Wonders of life pavilion, alot of empty space at innoventions,years that 20,000 leagues sat empty,just to name a few.Not to pick on you tiger but we love McDonalds,not everyday mind you but we like them.Told you I'm not a fine food diner!LOL:lmao:

For sure, I totally agree with re-opening areas. Have been wishing for that for years. I was commenting on posters who said that Disney is tired or needs updating, as Universal has new rides. I made that connection because Universal's new rides were specifically mentioned. I don't want any of my favourite nostalgic rides to close at Disney, but updating old areas that have been closed would be great.

Sorry, about McDonald's - wasn't trying to offend at all. :flower3:

I don't care that much about fireworks or parades. I like the ELP but it's supposed to leave eventually.

I think that Universal has better rides overall, great theming, decent restaurants (if you know where to eat much like WDW), wonderful hotels, the best shops and Starbucks. Those mean a lot to me, YMMV.

I'm glad you love Universal - like I said, we haven't gone in years, and really have no desire to go there. We would like to see Harry Potter, but there isn't much else that appeals to me there. We the love fireworks, parades, character greets and guest interaction that Disney provides. We have also had incredible resort stays too at Disney. It's a good thing that Universal and Disney were not carbon copies of each other - it's good to have lots of family vacation choices. :thumbsup2

There are so many empty spots and not really successful rides, take out Stitch, who will miss it? It definitely took them forever to come out with Stitch in a first place. Walts way is great but you cannot sell it forever, people need something new and exciting and Disney just do not do it lately, while Universal does. Take Harry Potter, Disney wanted it badly but they just did not come out with a perfect plan while Universal did. Take a "very creative" idea of FL, cute but is it exciting, not to me and many. Take new promotion, whose brilliant idea it was. They put more thinking in anticipating people then in actual idea.

You are mistaken about me, I do not like Universal more, I love them equally but I cannot just close my eyes when I see all the cuts. This BTW is why I mentioned fireworks. Illuminations was a shame a month ago, Fantasmic, LOW, those are advantages over Universal, and should have never be touched. You said you have not been to Universal for years, you should go and see it again, there are plenty to do and enjoy. BTW, check how many people goto Universal parks and Disney, not much of a difference, so lines are because of lack of rides. Take TSM, there is no rides in DHS, correction, very few rides and this is why line remains more then an hour even during slow times for 2 years.

Nobody said that food was spoiled or uneatable but it does not live to the price, it is smaller and it is worse then it used to be. Disney restaurants are full because of free DP, how many of those people will pay OOP for those meals. Why do you think they running Free DP non stop right now.

As for finding little things to do. Yes you can but I can do little things home at any local park. I spend so much money to be amazed not just be "not bored". And again Universal just wins here. Their rides just success after success, you do not have to look for little things, do big things. BTW, every time Disney try to compete with Universal they just fail, DHS, SOAT, FL. I do not understand it but it seems like they ran out of imagination larely.

As for cuts, I do not understand how charging more and giving less can be understandable nor fair. Just my opinion. While I do not believe Disney gone down hill, I believe it is on the way there.

We will have to agree to disagree. I can't compare to Universal, as I haven't been there for years, so I am just speaking of Disney. You do Disney differently than I do Disney, and that's ok. I am still amazed with many things at Disney, and I am grateful for that. It's all about balance for me, and Disney is great for that! As someone who doesn't do rides at all, there is always lots for me to do at Disney, whereas at Universal, not so much. I like lots of varied experiences, and Disney does a great job of providing those, IMHO.

Does it mean that I wouldn't like to see refurbishments or updates? Not at all - it just means that perhaps our expectations are different as to what a Disney vacation is, and that's ok too! Again, not sure when you go to Disney, but I go only during peak seasons as I'm a teacher, and there is no Free Dining when I go, and restaurants are always packed. During peak seasons at Disney, most resorts and restaurants are full, and that has nothing to do with Free Dining. Disney is still working for millions of guests all around the world. So for me, Disney is not going downhill. Have there been cutbacks? Absolutely, but I don't think they are going downhill. That is an entirely different area altogether...IMHO.

Tiger :)
Tiger, :hug: I agree with your belief re. expectations. My signature quote is serving me well lately. :rotfl: Found it looking for one for a girl's group.
Tiger, I agree that it's good that we all have so many options. Also, don't misunderstand where I stand. I like both Universal and WDW which is why I park hop between the two when we're there. It costs a lot but it's so much fun for us!

Anyway, I hate the comparison thing anyway. It's really just a matter of taste after all. The question to me is whether Disney measures up to its own standards, not anyone else's. I find it lacking in some areas but it's still a heck of a lot of fun!
I just got back last night from a week there 8 days and I also spent one day at Univeral, both parks.

Universal has nothing on Disney.

Harry Potter......while it may be a "cutting edge" ride, I will NEVER go on it again. While yes it was very good and the look is wonderful, that ride made me nervous that I was going to fall out at some point!

Other than that I did everything else except Hulk, Doom, Jurassic Park.

However, the wait for those rides were between 5 to 30 mins. Simpsons was 45 minutes, but if I paid an additional $50 I could get front line access for those rides so I don't have to wait. Disney doesn't charge me for that and I can use FastPass as many times as I want without a charge. Plus I don't have to pay for a locker EVERY single time I want to go on a ride.

I ate in sevearl new places in Disney and thought the food was great, service was excellent and every bathroom was clean that I went into.

I just don't see how where the complaints are coming from? I was actually looking for them, I was trying to find fault and it never came.
My advice for those who dislike things is to please stop going. If all you want to do is cry that the food is bad, you do not get as much as you did etc. Voice your protest by not going. It will really clear things up for me. Maybe I can get an ADR adn not have to listen to an jerk, whine abotu no reservations and that they have to wait. cry about not getting enough food with their free dining plan. Please save us all the pain and just stop going. You will make it much more enjoyable for the rest of us.:banana:
First of all my advice is, and this is coming from someone who can only make it to Disney every couple of years, and that is if my professional performing and dancing touring schedules permit. Is first of all realize you are one of the fortunate few who have been able to take a Disney vacation let alone be able to go somewhere, there are a lot of people who can not afford to go anywhere. Second, while you expect Disney to be picture perfect all the time its not always going to be particularly like now when the economy isn't doing so well. Third, rather stop complaining about things so people who haven't even gone and are making their first ever trip to Disney can enjoy their trip to the fullest, stop going all together if you think things have gotten that bad, or just simply take a break from going to Disney for a year or two.
However, the wait for those rides were between 5 to 30 mins. Simpsons was 45 minutes, but if I paid an additional $50 I could get front line access for those rides so I don't have to wait. Disney doesn't charge me for that and I can use FastPass as many times as I want without a charge. Plus I don't have to pay for a locker EVERY single time I want to go on a ride.

Lockers are free for the attractions that require you to stow your stuff.
Lockers are free for the attractions that require you to stow your stuff.

You are correct HOWEVER, there is a time limit and by Men in Black it cost us $5.00 because the wait was over 30 mins and then the line to GET OUR STUFF was insane and nothing worked. We still had to pay.

Its a waste of time to go and do that.
You are correct HOWEVER, there is a time limit and by Men in Black it cost us $5.00 because the wait was over 30 mins and then the line to GET OUR STUFF was insane and nothing worked. We still had to pay.

Its a waste of time to go and do that.

i love MIB, although it makes my husband sick!:rotfl:Bummer about having to pay, though.

i like universal a lot. I like disney for more time. Neither are perfect, imo. But I am so happy they exist!
I was actually looking for them, I was trying to find fault and it never came.

:woohoo: Right there with you :)

We got back last week after a week in the world and had yet another fabulous Disney vacation...

My husband and I talked a lot about this thread- and looked for specifics- overflowing trashcans, chipped paint, unfriendly CM's, terrible food, burnt out light bulbs, etc, and didn't see any of it, which either means we live like this: :hippie:, or we are easy to please :)- We went with a total of 14 people, and each of us had the same impression. Now- I will admit we were extremely lucky to go in a very slow time of the year. However, when we were there last June for Star Wars Weekend, we didn't see any of the complaints. I am fortunate to have gone every single year since I was 2 (that's over 30 years- :eek:), and I have watched the changes- and it all seems to just keep getting better and better from my vantage point.

One thing that I was reminded of this trip, with such a large group, is how absolutely different each guest's Disney Experience is. Our group split up during the day and would come together for dinner at the end of the day. Talking about what each group did was almost like talking to 14 people who went to different parks (one of the things I love about Disney!) Take MNSSHP for example. One group focused all of their time on Trick or Treating, and the Haunted Mansion. One group focused on the short ride lines and did a billion rides. One group focused on meeting the hard to find characters. My group fell in love with the Villans Mix & Mingle & Club 626. We never left the hub & Tomorrowland. So if you were with my group, you would report back that there wasn't very much candy, but if you were with my brother's group, you would have 4 bags full to the top of candy. Different experiences, both precious to both groups.

It's all about perpective and what is important to you. I read most of the complaints and think, wow- that has never happened to us. Doesn't mean I am right or you are wrong, it's just different perspective. Then again, I could talk for hours about all of the detail I love in the Expedition Everest queue, and the person behind me might have never seen it, as they were celebrating their child's first roller coaster ride. Perspective is awesome.

Just my .02 (probably worth about .01)
Tiger, :hug: I agree with your belief re. expectations. My signature quote is serving me well lately. :rotfl: Found it looking for one for a girl's group.

Thanks for sharing. Like it! :thumbsup2

Tiger, I agree that it's good that we all have so many options. Also, don't misunderstand where I stand. I like both Universal and WDW which is why I park hop between the two when we're there. It costs a lot but it's so much fun for us!

Anyway, I hate the comparison thing anyway. It's really just a matter of taste after all. The question to me is whether Disney measures up to its own standards, not anyone else's. I find it lacking in some areas but it's still a heck of a lot of fun!

As you have already guessed, I don't like comparisons either - they are both different parks, although Disney is lacking in some areas, it really is a heck of a lot of fun!!!

I just got back last night from a week there 8 days and I also spent one day at Univeral, both parks.

Universal has nothing on Disney.

Harry Potter......while it may be a "cutting edge" ride, I will NEVER go on it again. While yes it was very good and the look is wonderful, that ride made me nervous that I was going to fall out at some point!

Other than that I did everything else except Hulk, Doom, Jurassic Park.

However, the wait for those rides were between 5 to 30 mins. Simpsons was 45 minutes, but if I paid an additional $50 I could get front line access for those rides so I don't have to wait. Disney doesn't charge me for that and I can use FastPass as many times as I want without a charge. Plus I don't have to pay for a locker EVERY single time I want to go on a ride.

I ate in sevearl new places in Disney and thought the food was great, service was excellent and every bathroom was clean that I went into.

I just don't see how where the complaints are coming from? I was actually looking for them, I was trying to find fault and it never came.

We experienced the same thing, the last time we went. Our wait times were even longer for attractions and restaurants. We much prefer WDW as well.

First of all my advice is, and this is coming from someone who can only make it to Disney every couple of years, and that is if my professional performing and dancing touring schedules permit. Is first of all realize you are one of the fortunate few who have been able to take a Disney vacation let alone be able to go somewhere, there are a lot of people who can not afford to go anywhere. Second, while you expect Disney to be picture perfect all the time its not always going to be particularly like now when the economy isn't doing so well. Third, rather stop complaining about things so people who haven't even gone and are making their first ever trip to Disney can enjoy their trip to the fullest, stop going all together if you think things have gotten that bad, or just simply take a break from going to Disney for a year or two.

I think it's important that we discuss issues though. Those of us who are regulars and who have been for years, really do love Disney, and have great ideas about how they can improve in some areas. When you've done it many times, sometimes you really do have great tips and suggestions about how to better the place that you love so much.:thumbsup2

:woohoo: Right there with you :)

We got back last week after a week in the world and had yet another fabulous Disney vacation...

My husband and I talked a lot about this thread- and looked for specifics- overflowing trashcans, chipped paint, unfriendly CM's, terrible food, burnt out light bulbs, etc, and didn't see any of it, which either means we live like this: :hippie:, or we are easy to please :)- We went with a total of 14 people, and each of us had the same impression. Now- I will admit we were extremely lucky to go in a very slow time of the year. However, when we were there last June for Star Wars Weekend, we didn't see any of the complaints. I am fortunate to have gone every single year since I was 2 (that's over 30 years- :eek:), and I have watched the changes- and it all seems to just keep getting better and better from my vantage point.

One thing that I was reminded of this trip, with such a large group, is how absolutely different each guest's Disney Experience is. Our group split up during the day and would come together for dinner at the end of the day. Talking about what each group did was almost like talking to 14 people who went to different parks (one of the things I love about Disney!) Take MNSSHP for example. One group focused all of their time on Trick or Treating, and the Haunted Mansion. One group focused on the short ride lines and did a billion rides. One group focused on meeting the hard to find characters. My group fell in love with the Villans Mix & Mingle & Club 626. We never left the hub & Tomorrowland. So if you were with my group, you would report back that there wasn't very much candy, but if you were with my brother's group, you would have 4 bags full to the top of candy. Different experiences, both precious to both groups.

It's all about perpective and what is important to you. I read most of the complaints and think, wow- that has never happened to us. Doesn't mean I am right or you are wrong, it's just different perspective. Then again, I could talk for hours about all of the detail I love in the Expedition Everest queue, and the person behind me might have never seen it, as they were celebrating their child's first roller coaster ride. Perspective is awesome.

Just my .02 (probably worth about .01)


On an unrelated note - just found out that my baby boy has to have emergency surgery on Monday morning. This will be his 4th surgery in 1.5 years, and so at only 3 years old, he's been through a lot with his health.

If you could spare some pixie dust for a quick recovery, and no complications, it would be so appreciated!

Thanks, Tiger :)
Tiger I will keep you and your son in my prayers. Our babies should never have to go through that.
Does it mean that I wouldn't like to see refurbishments or updates? Not at all - it just means that perhaps our expectations are different as to what a Disney vacation is, and that's ok too!

While you and me may look for diferent things on vacation, I believe we both expect same thing, great trip. I can assure you that my expectations did not cnange since first trip 10 years ago, however my experience changed. I believe the difference is an acceptance. While you may accept some things, I do not, which is fine, whatever works for us.
My advice for those who dislike things is to please stop going. If all you want to do is cry that the food is bad, you do not get as much as you did etc. Voice your protest by not going. It will really clear things up for me. Maybe I can get an ADR adn not have to listen to an jerk, whine abotu no reservations and that they have to wait. cry about not getting enough food with their free dining plan. Please save us all the pain and just stop going. You will make it much more enjoyable for the rest of us.:banana:

WOW, no comment.:sad2:
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