DISmoms Round TWO! Don't Axe, Don't Tell!! 4/30-5/4/10 updates 9/17


What a fantastic Breakfast! :love:

You guys sure are some powerful people!:worship: Not everyone can command zebra domes from their servers.:laughing: Must be those feminine charms!;)

Glad to hear planning for the next trip is well underway!;)
:rotfl2::rotfl2:OMG, I think I just wet my pants!!!:rotfl2::rotfl2:Pumpkin man has some serious competition, but I think he just might win this round! Wish I knew how to upload pictures...I have one with a front view of his Alice in Wonderland shirt and the goodies hanging off his fanny pack. Pumpkin Dude is stylin'!!:lmao:

Not to beat a dead horse, or pumpkin, but I'm on a roll with picture posting now and would love to share the beauty that is the front (sorta) view of Mr. Pumpkinhead............

We all need a gentle reminder now and then, don't ya think (reminder of what, I don't know :confused3, but there you are, so enjoy!)
Ok, not to backtrack too much, but since my "patooty" is in gear....thanks, MEK...:laughing:, here's how I saw the evening at DTD beginning.........
Waiting for the bus to DTD


and ending (sorry, Lonnie, you are just da bomb in this hat :rotfl2:).......

.....at least until the bus ride home!!! I must say that for someone who has absolutely no musical gifts, I think I was quite impressive (at least in my own mind) and entertained the masses quite nicely...:rotfl: :lmao: :laughing: :dance3:
Oh, and to be somewhat informative to those actually seeking information about the shops in DTD...........Trend-D is a great store with so many, many cool things. Wonderful, very helpful CMs. I bought a hot pink Mickey T for my DD13, also two rhinestone (one clear, one pink) link metal bracelets....with square, round and Mickey shaped beads (for lack of a better word). I could've gone even more nuts but had to restrain myself. I will definitely bring my daughter here when we return later this year (or next spring) for our next family trip. Such a fun, fun place!!!
Breakfast at BOMA....In a word.....YUM! Ellen posted wonderful pics of the food. I, on the other hand, was too busy making multiple trips to refill and then shovel food in as fast as I could, that I failed to take any pictures at breakfast. Again, wonderful surprises with the free Zebra Domes....OMG YUM-MO.....and desserts. It is a MUST to have a birthday girl, especially one as lovely as Lonnie, in the group. Freebies for everyone!:dance3:

I did take some pictures of the animals before we ate, but I seem to have duplicates of Ellen's as well as many of the tilted head yak for some reason. I think there is a story they were told last year about why he is in this land of misfit animals, but Ellen or Kara (or maybe Cammie or Lonnie....ahem:rolleyes1... could share that)....

Not to beat a dead horse, or pumpkin, but I'm on a roll with picture posting now and would love to share the beauty that is the front (sorta) view of Mr. Pumpkinhead............

We all need a gentle reminder now and then, don't ya think (reminder of what, I don't know :confused3, but there you are, so enjoy!)

Hey! I didn't even notice before- he even has a fanny pack!! He's like a fashion ROCK STAR!!!!!! :cool1: :rotfl2:

Ok, not to backtrack too much, but since my "patooty" is in gear....thanks, MEK...:laughing:, here's how I saw the evening at DTD beginning.........
Waiting for the bus to DTD


and ending (sorry, Lonnie, you are just da bomb in this hat :rotfl2:).......

.....at least until the bus ride home!!! I must say that for someone who has absolutely no musical gifts, I think I was quite impressive (at least in my own mind) and entertained the masses quite nicely...:rotfl: :lmao: :laughing: :dance3:

Ok- I LOVE that pic of us!! It looks like we were at a photoshoot or something with the white backround- meanwhile, it was just the temp bus stop at BCV! How awesome!!

Thanks for all your FABULOUS pics & posts, Joan. And can I just say....

You're everything I wish I could be.........


A preview of more fun to come!
Now, Kara, don't get too excited.....I'm singing to the shiny one this time. Yes, I wish I could be you too, but this time it's all about Ellen! I'll serenade you next, oh wind beneath my wings!!!:rotfl:

While some of us were moving a little slower than others (me being one of those slower movers, or maybe the SLOWEST mover!) we were thankful for a late ADR for breakfast. Lonnie drove us over in her magical mystery van, and we stepped out to my other "home". I really, REALLY love AKV, and walking in made me so happy we decided to come this morning to try the famed BOMA breakfast. We were a little early for our ADR, so we walked around a bit while we waited for our buzzer to light up. Pam & Joan had never seen this resort before, so we went on a little quickie tour-

I think we must have picked up Scooby and Shaggy along the way???

And the famous goat cheese scrambled eggs people love-


Kara likey goat cheese scrambled eggs......

And that juice at BOMA??? It's DA BOMB!!! Best juice on the planet- couldn't get enough!! YUMMMMMM!!!! So light and refreshing! I do believe some server or another recommended trying it with rum sometime....but that would have to happen on another day...

WHAT???? RUM IN THE JUICE???? Why didn't anyone tell ME?????

But not a zebra dome in sight!! Sadly, there are no zebra domes at BOMA's brekkie.....UNLESS, of course, you've got some DISmom MOJO workin' for ya- then they bring out a plate just for you!!!


Yea, that's right....we ARE that SPECIAL! They were frozen when we ate them, because our boys got them from the freezer- and may I just say, frozen is THE way to go for a zebra dome....takes it to a whole new yummy level. I'll be having mine frozen from now on, thank-you very much.

I must say I totally agree that frozen is the way to go. Not so much with meats, like chicken. I prefer them warmed, actually cooked to the right temperature. But zebra domes??? FROZEN!!!!!

Gotta love that DISmom MOJO, for freebies and awesome servers everywhere we went!! We did a little more touring before we left....I'll include that in the next post!

We do have some serious mojo don't we? I think it's our charming personalities, shiny smiles, incredible Hollywood good looks, and maybe a little bit of our (YOUR) melodious harmonizing?

Tortured bartenders??? They LOVE us!!! We are VERY entertaining for Disney bartenders!! Especially when Kara lets loose and starts chug-a-lugging that chocolate milk!! WHOA!!!!! :rotfl2: And no, we sadly had no pop rocks tinis this trip- they are no longer offered, and we forgot to bring our own like we did last year. But we had a fabulous time even pop-rock-less.

HEY! I resemble that remark!!! ;)

Great new updates! Boma breakfast photos bring back happy memories - and the idea of frozen zebra domes - heavenly! :goodvibes

Nothing BUT heavenly for a bunch of DIS-Angels..... :rolleyes1

After breakfast was done, we took another walk around Jambo house- I just love showing off my home resort to people who have never been(you know- because I'm so responsible for how lovely it is! )- and that was Joan & Pam. I think it is themed so, so well, and I feel instantly relaxed and happy when i am there! :cloud9: Lonnie says it is her favorite place to stay at WDW, and Kara is also a big fan...Cammie...not so much. Anyway, we all wanted to take a look at the animals...

I was so happy my next stay would be at AKV concierge with Pods in September! We did a little shopping in that amazing gift shop before leaving...and I broke down and bought myself a Dooney & Bourke bag!! :cool1: I got the tonal Mickey mail carrier bag- after Kara reasoned me into it...and I am so glad that's the one I chose, thanks for the push in the right direction, Kara. I use it all the time, it is very pretty and also very practical. http://www.disneystore.com/dooney-b...arrier-bag-by-dooney-bourke/p/1265507/313202/

Then it was time to hop back into Lonnie's magical mystery van and head over to AK for the day.... coming up soon!! Thanks so much for reading and commenting- the comments actually keep me writing!

An AKL fan, oh yes I am!!!!

And you KNOW I love to spend your money, Ellen!!!!

It was time to drop Scooby and Shaggy back off so they could go catch Professor what's his name trying to fake haunt the mansion...... "And he would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you pesky kids!"

The other great thing about that bag? It's $95 and not $200+, AND I used my AP discount again. And I want to say it was less than $95 in that store, but I'm not certain. Hope you like yours at Christmas!!

$79 I believe, less passholder discount. I was watching your budget, you know..... sorry, that almost sounded dirty. I said BUDGET!!!!

I must be the odd one out. I don't like zebra domes. Please don't beat me.

I LOVE that bag!

Glad you like the bag, but you're out of the will now...... However, I suppose we could beat you WITH the bag since you like it???

OK, I'm here say a quick "Hello" and that I will figure out how to upload pictures soon (I'm the clueless one who WANTS to be a DISMom, but doesn't have a photobucket account yet and has the instructions scrawled on a napkin...yeah, I'm THAT stupid), but it's after midnight and I need to go yell at my kids to go to bed! I will be back tomorrow night to comment on DTD (either confirm, deny, or just not tell......LOL) and Breakfast at Boma, etc, etc.....

Hallelujah!!! It's a miracle!!! Joan is here!!!!

I have to add here that it only took me an hour and a half to figure out how to post pictures once I got the Photobucket acct set up....I swear I completely lost every last brain cell when I had kids!!! :rotfl: So, Ellen, I'm now in bidness and you won't be the only ONE from this party of SIX posting, at least for the next couple days!!:hug:

You're doing great!!!!!


What a fantastic Breakfast!

You guys sure are some powerful people!:worship: Not everyone can command zebra domes from their servers.:laughing: Must be those feminine charms!;)

Glad to hear planning for the next trip is well underway!;)

We are powerful. We can bring home the bacon, fry them up in a.... wait, that's another song. We are the wind beneath some poor sap's wings though. I'm sure of it!

Ok, not to backtrack too much, but since my "patooty" is in gear....thanks, MEK.., here's how I saw the evening at DTD beginning.........
Waiting for the bus to DTD


.....at least until the bus ride home!!! I must say that for someone who has absolutely no musical gifts, I think I was quite impressive (at least in my own mind) and entertained the masses quite nicely...:rotfl: :lmao: :laughing: :dance3:

I think you had a lovely voice. And not to bother you, but it's time for my monthly payment to keep the tape off the boards....... jus sayin.....

I did take some pictures of the animals before we ate, but I seem to have duplicates of Ellen's as well as many of the tilted head yak for some reason. I think there is a story they were told last year about why he is in this land of misfit animals, but Ellen or Kara (or maybe Cammie or Lonnie....ahem:rolleyes1... could share that)....


Ear infection. But probably cost less than my poor Buckeye's ear infection two weeks ago. And didn't ruin the AK carpet like Buckeye did. Not that I'm comparing my dog to the tilty headed "beef, it's what's for dinner." After all, we all know Buckeye can hold his own..... wait, that didn't come out right.....

Thanks for all your FABULOUS pics & posts, Joan. And can I just say....


You're everything I wish I could be.........


A preview of more fun to come!
Now, Kara, don't get too excited.....I'm singing to the shiny one this time. Yes, I wish I could be you too, but this time it's all about Ellen! I'll serenade you next, oh wind beneath my wings!!!:rotfl:

Don't you worry bout that. I've got a bit to add to our AK day, too....... was that the electric slide or cupid shuffle you did that day???
And you KNOW I love to spend your money, Ellen!!!!
Don't we all?!?:laughing:

Hallelujah!!! It's a miracle!!! Joan is here!!!!
I've BEEN here...just vewy, vewy quietly (kind of like hunting wabbits!)

You're doing great!!!!!
Well, I thank you kindly, Miss Kara!

We are powerful. We can bring home the bacon, fry them up in a.... wait, that's another song. We are the wind beneath some poor sap's wings though. I'm sure of it!

Without a doubt, and they wouldn't know what to do without us!

I think you had a lovely voice. And not to bother you, but it's time for my monthly payment to keep the tape off the boards....... jus sayin.....
Can I buy your continued silence with the promise of all the pretty drinks with twisty straws you can handle next May?

Ear infection. But probably cost less than my poor Buckeye's ear infection two weeks ago. And didn't ruin the AK carpet like Buckeye did. Not that I'm comparing my dog to the tilty headed "beef, it's what's for dinner." After all, we all know Buckeye can hold his own..... wait, that didn't come out right.....Poor, poor Buckeye and your poor, poor carpet....Is all well again and Buckeye holding his own once more?.... :rotfl:

Don't you worry bout that. I've got a bit to add to our AK day, too....... was that the electric slide or cupid shuffle you did that day???
Can't wait to add a few photos of our very own Dancing Queen!!! :dancer:She had quite a day!!
And on to what had to be the HOTTEST day of the entire trip (or did I say that everyday?) Whew! I can only imagine Florida in the summer!
I'm new here, and was skimming and noticed your Mr. Pumpkinhead.
I took his picture Spring Break.
He was hanging out by Tiana.:rotfl2:
Like me, you all have excellent taste in men.:goodvibes

I LOVE this pic!!

Glad you like the bag, but you're out of the will now...... However, I suppose we could beat you WITH the bag since you like it???

Errrr can I have the bag after the beating? :rolleyes1 :rotfl:
I will not bore you with all the same pics of breakfast at Boma, food porn, animals.... more animals, etc.

But I WILL start you off on our AK day. It began something like this.....


And next thing you know.....


Ellen was doing the macarena with total strangers! Well, not that Ellen has ever actually MET a stranger.... ;)

I will let Ellen carry on from here. Let's just say that after kissing monkeys, doing the hokey pokey, and some crazy cocktails throughout the day, there was a RACE around the World before dinner. I'll not tell you who won.... But I didn't lose!!!!!

Back with more SOON!!!

it is never a dull day when you are with the DISMOMs....love it

Kara--if your signature gets any longer it may take up its own page ;)
You're everything I wish I could be.........


A preview of more fun to come!
Now, Kara, don't get too excited.....I'm singing to the shiny one this time. Yes, I wish I could be you too, but this time it's all about Ellen! I'll serenade you next, oh wind beneath my wings!!!:rotfl:

I LOVE your singing!!! Especially when it's all about ME!!! :banana: :rotfl2:

:rotfl: I think it is a ... ummm "frontie" pack.

I sooooooooo don't want to know what's in his frontie pack....:scared1:

I'm new here, and was skimming and noticed your Mr. Pumpkinhead.
I took his picture Spring Break.
He was hanging out by Tiana.:rotfl2:
Like me, you all have excellent taste in men.:goodvibes

Here's my picture of "that guy".


Hi there!! So happy you came to visit! :banana: I saw Mr Pumpkinhead in your TR....and it really has me wondering, how many OTHER Trs is that guy in ?????


I LOVE this pic!!

Errrr can I have the bag after the beating? :rolleyes1 :rotfl:

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

What a fantastic Breakfast! :love:

You guys sure are some powerful people!:worship: Not everyone can command zebra domes from their servers.:laughing: Must be those feminine charms!;)

Glad to hear planning for the next trip is well underway!;)

Our feminine charms are the least of it- once Kara starts acting up, all men in her path are powerless!!! :eek:
An AKL fan, oh yes I am!!!!

And you KNOW I love to spend your money, Ellen!!!!

It was time to drop Scooby and Shaggy back off so they could go catch Professor what's his name trying to fake haunt the mansion...... "And he would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you pesky kids!"

I am very happy when you guys are spending my $$...I just wish there was more $$$ to have you spend!

$79 I believe, less passholder discount. I was watching your budget, you know..... sorry, that almost sounded dirty. I said BUDGET!!!!

I do believe you are right!! $79 minus a discount sounds right- i guess it's very marked up online. All the more reason to shop on vacation! :thumbsup2

You're doing great!!!!!

Yes, she is!! YAY JOANIE!!! :cheer2:

We are powerful. We can bring home the bacon, fry them up in a.... wait, that's another song. We are the wind beneath some poor sap's wings though. I'm sure of it!

Speak for yourselves...so far I'm everyone's hero!!:snooty:

I think you had a lovely voice. And not to bother you, but it's time for my monthly payment to keep the tape off the boards....... jus sayin.....

I'm a little short this month....what with you all spending all my money all the time...I sure hope Joan or Lonnie can cover Us!

Ear infection. But probably cost less than my poor Buckeye's ear infection two weeks ago. And didn't ruin the AK carpet like Buckeye did. Not that I'm comparing my dog to the tilty headed "beef, it's what's for dinner." After all, we all know Buckeye can hold his own..... wait, that didn't come out right.....

Bucky can't hold his own- he needs you to hold it for him...and there in lies the problem...or, there out lies the problem I guess you could say... Poor, poor Bucky...

Don't you worry bout that. I've got a bit to add to our AK day, too....... was that the electric slide or cupid shuffle you did that day???

I believe it was called the hot sweaty smelly African dance. At least that's what it smelt..umm, I mean, felt like.:scared:

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