DISmoms 3! If the Tiara fits... 5/13-5/17/11 Complete! 11/8!

Now Kara, you know that you love the attention!:rotfl: Besides I need this title to justify all of the time that I'm wasting on these boards! :surfweb:

Oh Mother of Wicket...... you are too silly. But I so love titles! Did I ever mention my self assigned title of VP of Customer Relations for my company? My boss thinks I'm a customer service manager.... silly man!

happy belated bday Loni... um and didnt someone say she had a great rack.. I totally agree

Love the tiarras

You say it like its a bad thing.. im so jealous of everyones trippys

She does have a great rack! :rotfl2: Not that I notice that sort of thing.....:rolleyes1 "Not that there's anything wrong with that...."

And I need to get back to YOUR TR - I've fallen behind!
Hope us groupies aren't freakin you out too much! At least we're on here posting, instead of silently stalking!

But seriously, its just nice to realize that there are other crazy organized folks out there, and it's not just me. Living with a very go with the flow hubby you start to wonder.

Then i read everyones threads on how they plan things out and obsess over the same stupid (not to us but to everyone else) little details and it makes you feel sorta normal!:thumbsup2

Yeah, I said I'm sorta normal, cause I can't go all the way to completely sane!:rotfl:

I think its a mom thing. Especially if you work or have several kids. You gotta do it cause otherwise everything falls to poo poo! So when you get the chance to cut loose, we all want to celebrate and live vicariously through you until its our turn!

So bring on more chocolate milk!:woohoo:
That is one hot waiter! I'm shocked none of you were tempted. :laughing: All that food porn. Now I must go eat.

We try to go a few times a year. Then one or more of them will usually join us on a Disney trip each year. :thumbsup2

It WAS very hard to keep our hands off of him, I have to say! :rolleyes:

Have yall tried Via Napoli?! OMG :love::cloud9:

The pizza is to die for and the Sangria is seriously out of this world delicious! It's the best I've had anywhere! SO YUMMY!

I really like Via Napoli! I've been twice- once with Pods, and then on the last day of this trip. :thumbsup2

Ellen, I know what you mean about Italian food. There is a restaurant near us that is run by Italians so good & another about 25 miles away that is terrific. So I don't need to have meh Italian food. Handsome waiters are a whole nother ball game! :thumbsup2

Yes, I ate at TI with the boys a couple of years ago and loved the ambiance- the waiters were soooo Italian, I felt like I was back in Italy. This particular gentleman....not so much...

happy belated bday Loni... um and didnt someone say she had a great rack.. I totally agree

Love the tiarras

You say it like its a bad thing.. im so jealous of everyones trippys

I wish you were IN them!!!

I should be able to update later today-

Hope us groupies aren't freakin you out too much! At least we're on here posting, instead of silently stalking!

LOVE all the posting!! Too funny!!

But seriously, its just nice to realize that there are other crazy organized folks out there, and it's not just me. Living with a very go with the flow hubby you start to wonder.

Then i read everyones threads on how they plan things out and obsess over the same stupid (not to us but to everyone else) little details and it makes you feel sorta normal!:thumbsup2

Yeah, I said I'm sorta normal, cause I can't go all the way to completely sane!:rotfl:

I think its a mom thing. Especially if you work or have several kids. You gotta do it cause otherwise everything falls to poo poo! So when you get the chance to cut loose, we all want to celebrate and live vicariously through you until its our turn!

So bring on more chocolate milk!:woohoo:

I ALWAYS have to have a plan- even if I don't follow it to the letter, I need to have the security of it- mainly because I don't want to think too much while I'm there. If I make most of the decisions before-hand, it feels like more of a vacation while I'm doing it, I guess. Plus, when I have people relying on me, I don't want to let them down.

You have to be somewhat of a planner for WDW, anyway- there's only so much flying by the seat of your pants you can do there if you like TS and are bigger than a couple. KWIM?

Currently I'm obsessing over ST Marteen for our cruise next month. Other than going to Maho to see the planes, I haven't nailed anything down- a big part of me wants to check out one of the restaurants in Grand Case, but that's on the other side of the island where Orient Beach is, which I would also like to see- but I really can't go to a schmancy restaurant in a bathing suit....and then there's the Lolos which sound good too, but more casual....see?? OCVP!!! All the way!!!:rotfl:
On our walk over to Test Track, Lonnie started saying why she wouldn't be riding this ride- she hates it, it makes her flashback to a car accident she had in her teens, it makes her sick...the sky is blue...:rolleyes: Lonnie just really, really hates going on most rides. Part of it is that she does get motion sick on occasion. :sick: The other part is that she has a laundry list full of reasons why she won't go on any given ride. (I have been begging her to come on Soarin since we started coming to WDW together, and could never get her on it (which made me CRAZEEEEE because I KNEW she would think it was the coolest thing ever!). Well, she FINALLY rode it when she was in WDW with her hubby last winter, and guess what? She freakin LOVED it!! SHOCKING!!) So anyway, tonight she was not going on TT, and then, to my shock and dismay....newbie Evie, who assured me she would ride anything, declined as well. She said her stomach was just too full, and she was afraid she might get sick.

On Test Track.

I'm sorry, I guess I must be half in the bag everytime I've ever gone on TT, because I seriously can't recall the corkscrew, upside down, double steep super dip on the ride. :confused3


Anyway....the other four thrill-seekers jumped on the single-rider line....


Time to sing and dance!!! ALL THE SINGLE RIDERS!! all the single riders!!



Ya put your hands UP!


:rotfl2: I just LOVE me some Kara Jean!! :rotfl2:



Well.....we decided to have a little fun with Lonnie & Evie when we came out- so I marched up to them with Laura, and we told them they were RIGHT!! We should never go on such a scary ride OR swim for 2 hours after a meal!! Laura puked all over some poor unsuspecting child!! :rolleyes1 OMG, it was a freakin SCENE, man!!


I told them to get together, so I could take a photo of the SMART ones-


During all this, Kara was laughing so hard she looked like she was having a Depends moment...same with Joan...somehow Laura and I semi- held it together and were VERY convincing- because I don't think those ladies knew we scammed them until RIGHT NOW!!!

Sorry girls- but wow, was that a whole lotta fun for US!! :rotfl2:

After TT, it was just about time for Illuminations- so we headed over to Canada. We actually had a reason why we wanted to watch from there, but we'll explain that later. Afterwards, it was EMH- but we were all REALLY starting to fade. But not so much that we couldn't stop for a nightcap in England! I had a Pimm's Cup-


It was good, but I like iit the way my girlfriend Fiona makes it better- with cucumber. We made some new friends-


ALways meet some interesting characters in the R&C! Kara & I were busy snappin' away-



Thankfully, Laura's tummy was feeling much better...:rolleyes: We left and made a quick stop in France...where we met the most AWESOME CM, SOPHIE!!!


What a doll- we would run into her again before we were done on this trip. She liked us, too- in fact, her co-worker took a pic of us & Sophie with THEIR camera. Wow, I guess DISmoms really ARE celebrities!! Anyway, if you ever run into Sophie in France (the Disney one, or the real one!) please tell her the DISmoms say hello.

Back to the Boardwalk, another friendly CM (well, kind of CM- he works for Big River) was leaving work as we were trying to figure out how the heck to get INTO the BWV. His name was SHIP- and WOW...was he a BIGUN!


He was very powerful- he actually made Lonnie SHRINK! He said he was what...11 lbs when he was born? BIG UN! He was a lot of fun- and we made sure to see him again on our little visit. WHich really after this involved us randomly yelling his name off the balcony whenever we saw him outside working at BRG- sometimes even when we didn't see him- since we were right above that restaurant.

Well, that was ENOUGH for our first day- and once we found our way back to the villa, it was nighty nite sleep tight until the morning...

We needed to rest up, we still had so much to do!!:dance3:


After TT, it was just about time for Illuminations- so we headed over to Canada. We actually had a reason why we wanted to watch from there, but we'll explain that later. Afterwards, it was EMH- but we were all REALLY starting to fade. But not so much that we couldn't stop for a nightcap in England! I had a Pimm's Cup-


OK, I always thought I was an Epcot LUSH, but compared to you guys, I'm practically a founding member of Epcot Alcoholics Anonymous!

So being the apparent heretofore unacknowledged teetotaler that I am, pray tell, what is in a Pimm's Cup?

I need this info ASAP as we leave for WDW on July 8th! :cool1:
I love how all the other guests in the Single Rider Dance photos just loved dancing along with you! :lmao:

Oh, the scam you pulled off with Laura! :rotfl:

Lonnie, I had car accident flash backs for probably 15 yrs, too. I made myself start riding things at Disney, and little by little, I got over it! Just make yourself do one thing at each park - there are a few uncomfortable moments, but you will survive and you will have so much fun if you do!!! :hug:

Time to sing and dance!!! ALL THE SINGLE RIDERS!! all the single riders!!


:lmao: I love it!!!

What a fun first day! Seriously people...test track is so much fun and NOTHING to be afraid of! I know two giant disney fans who do NOT do roller coasters...they stay away form Splash, Space, even Everest...forget TOT and RNRCC BUT both of them site Test Track as their favorite ride! It's just enough thrill for the not-so-thrill-seekers!
OK, I always thought I was an Epcot LUSH, but compared to you guys, I'm practically a founding member of Epcot Alcoholics Anonymous!

I thought that is what you were supposed to do in Epcot?!! :rotfl2: You should see me during F&W....last year I had my Cosmo slush in one hand and a pomegranate kir in the other.....they both contain antioxidants right? :rolleyes1

Fun update Ellen....I was cracking up over your little joke!! So what was so special about Canada eh?!! ;)

I love reading this....HILARIOUS!!!! You girls had a great time and that's what it's all about. We are all so busy, working, raising kids, we rarely have time to let our hair down and just have fun!!!! I love it!!! I wish I could convince some of my friends to go to Disney for a MOMS ONLY trip......but they want to go to Vegas to celebrate all of us turning 40 in a few years.......I guess I'll tag along......but I'd rather go to WDW!

Keep it up, Ladies!!! All the best!!!
OK, now let me tell y'all what REALLY happened that night....

Yes, Ellen is correct, we went back to Epcot. And then a giant panda bear came skateboarding through World Showcase, scooped me up on his shoulders and carried me back to his spaceship where he presented me as an offering to his leader, and then, and then, and then..... oh, wait, you wanted to know about Tutto Italia, right?


Well, Tutto Italia was very nice. And I love me some farfurgnugen.......


And I don't care what the others say, I think our waiter was very hot. And since my HOttie McHotness seems to be avoiding us on our DISmoms trips.... wait, jumping ahead.....

Anywho, maybe the other DISmoms are anti Italianites?

Besides, maybe he was just intimidated by THIS!


Happy Birthday Lonnie! Thanks for a taste of your birthday dessert.... NOT!


It doesn't matter how much I eat anywhere in WDW, I'm always up for some TT! And the only thing that upsets my stomach on DISmoms trips is all the laughing!!!! Seriously, I may actually lose inches from all the muscles contracting so much!!!

One of the things that made me laugh a LOT on this trip was Evie. She has this..... "thing" for want of a better word. As an actress, she had a way of getting into character for her roles, and it was to follow people and mimic their walks. Yes, you can only imagine the fun she had in WDW!! And I was quite entertained.

Imagine if you will...... a man with a limp, caused not from an injury, but from poor posture, flat feet, and a little extra junk in the trunk. Next thing you know Evie falls in behind him and within 10-12 steps she has the walk down PERFECTLY!!!!!

OMG, seriously, Evie doing her "thing" + a few drinks with the DISmoms = Depends moment. A common occurrence.

As we made our way back to FW to hit TT, we tried to imagine what Lonnie's excuse would be for THIS one..... "and one time, at band camp......" but no, I think she's saving that one for later.... :rolleyes1

Hey, I'm not the ONLY one who can Beyonce with the best of em!


I could have sworn that I rode with Laura on this, because even though we rode single rider line, I just asked the person in line with me if they would switch with Laura (cause they looked like a lonely single too). But in Ellen's pic, I'm not there?

Oh wait!!! That's cause I jumped out when Laura started barfing!!!! Now I remember!!!! And THAT is when it blew back into the kids lap behind her. Wow, must have had one too many cocktails cause I almost forgot how that all went down!

Poor Laura.....


I just can't play practical jokes. I can't! I laugh too much!!!! So while Ellen and Laura were going on and on and on about the poor kid that Laura spoiled, and how angry the mother was, yada yada yada, Joan and I were crossing our legs and hoping we didn't have a moment..... I'm guessing that Lonnie and Evie just thought we were laughing at Laura????

All I know is that I was starting to wind down. All my anxiety about flying, plus a lot of giggling, and I was starting to crash.

But never too tired for R&C, eh? Oh wait, "eh" is when I'm never too tired for a Molson or Labatt's. I guess I was never too tired for a pint o ale. (You MUST talk like Mary Poppins now).




Hey, wonder if the birthday girl will give me a taste of that????



OK, how was it that Evie and Laura walked ahead of us to the room? Did we stop somewhere along the way? I just remember Ellen telling us that there was a secret door to get into BWV and we thought we'd found it. But when you go into a back alley and find the garbage outside the door, the bums sleeping in corners, and you can hear the sound of gunshots in the not so distance, I think you are not meant to be using THAT secret door.

Ship thought so too.

"Can I help you?"
Ellen: Yeah, I'm podsnel from the Disboards, maybe you've heard of me? Anyway, I read that there is a secret door to get into the villas and I'm trying to find it.
Ship: Well, this isn't it.
Ellen: But I'm podsnel from the Disboards, are you sure? Because I read that I can use this door.
Ship: I think you are confused.
Ellen: Confused? No, but I'm podsnel from the Disboards? Does that get me anything?
Ship: Security!!!!!!!

OK, so I exaggerate a tiny bit. Ship didn't really call security.......

All I know was that as Ellen was negotiating with Ship, Joan and Lonnie and I (was it the three of us?) were S L O W L Y backing out of the alley, and looking frantically for.......

an open bar?

Oh, snap! All closed up for the night! But ship was kind enough to chat with us for awhile and make us all really miss our lovely children. When he told us he was an 11lb baby, and his mother did NOT have a c-section! :scared1: And he was an OB/GYN nurse? Or PA? I can't remember. But he had some sort of medical schooling and he did some time in the OB/GYN rotation. So he felt he could talk to us.

Or maybe he was just trying to talk us out of the alley. And nobody gets hurt.......

Yeah, that's it!

But poor Ship. If only he knew that he should NOT have told the DISmoms that he worked at the Boardwalk Brewery. When our balcony was directly over the entrance........

Up next, DISmoms have a drink!!!!! :eek:

Lonnie, Lonnie, Lonnie...I get a little nauseous on soarin' but have zero problems with TT. Next time it's a must for you! :thumbsup2

Oh you ladies are evil with that puking story. :lmao:

Just how big was he and what was he doing in that alley?! :scared1::laughing:
ok, now let me tell y'all what really happened that night....

ok...here we go...
yes, ellen is correct, we went back to epcot. And then a giant panda bear came skateboarding through world showcase, scooped me up on his shoulders and carried me back to his spaceship where he presented me as an offering to his leader, and then, and then, and then..... Oh, wait, you wanted to know about tutto italia, right?

kara jean!! Step awaaaay from the tequila!! You know you start hallucinating after that third shot!!


well, tutto italia was very nice. And i love me some farfurgnugen.......


and i don't care what the others say, i think our waiter was very hot. And since my hottie mchotness seems to be avoiding us on our dismoms trips.... Wait, jumping ahead.....

Anywho, maybe the other dismoms are anti italianites?

hmmmph...hardly- evie is very pro italianite, and well- it's new joisey- you want i should spell it out fa you? Bada bing! We are allll italian in nj!!

besides, maybe he was just intimidated by this!


what?? Pretty smiles?? Was it a problem when evie pinched his *** in an affectionate gesture she learned from her italian hubby???:confused3

happy birthday lonnie! Thanks for a taste of your birthday dessert.... Not!


yea- i don't care how pretty she is- where are this girl's manners????

it doesn't matter how much i eat anywhere in wdw, i'm always up for some tt! And the only thing that upsets my stomach on dismoms trips is all the laughing!!!! Seriously, i may actually lose inches from all the muscles contracting so much!!!

i concur in spades!! Love the laughing workout on our vacays!!!

one of the things that made me laugh a lot on this trip was evie. She has this..... "thing" for want of a better word. As an actress, she had a way of getting into character for her roles, and it was to follow people and mimic their walks. Yes, you can only imagine the fun she had in wdw!! And i was quite entertained.

Imagine if you will...... A man with a limp, caused not from an injury, but from poor posture, flat feet, and a little extra junk in the trunk. Next thing you know evie falls in behind him and within 10-12 steps she has the walk down perfectly!!!!!

Omg, seriously, evie doing her "thing" + a few drinks with the dismoms = depends moment. A common occurrence.

she was hilarious!!! Our evie is very talented!!

as we made our way back to fw to hit tt, we tried to imagine what lonnie's excuse would be for this one..... "and one time, at band camp......" but no, i think she's saving that one for later.... :rolleyes1

"and this one time....at band camp......" omg!!!- :lmao:

hey, i'm not the only one who can beyonce with the best of em!


i could have sworn that i rode with laura on this, because even though we rode single rider line, i just asked the person in line with me if they would switch with laura (cause they looked like a lonely single too). But in ellen's pic, i'm not there?

maybe it was another ride that that happened?

oh wait!!! That's cause i jumped out when laura started barfing!!!! Now i remember!!!! And that is when it blew back into the kids lap behind her. Wow, must have had one too many cocktails cause i almost forgot how that all went down!

Poor laura.....


i just can't play practical jokes. I can't! I laugh too much!!!! So while ellen and laura were going on and on and on about the poor kid that laura spoiled, and how angry the mother was, yada yada yada, joan and i were crossing our legs and hoping we didn't have a moment..... I'm guessing that lonnie and evie just thought we were laughing at laura????

i think they were just so proud of themselves not puking that they didn't even notice- but i did- you guys were losin it!!! Nearly blew the whole thing!!! And can i just say- thank god laura was able to hold it together so i could take a break and turn around and laugh my butt off with you!! It was soooooo funny!!:rotfl:

all i know is that i was starting to wind down. All my anxiety about flying, plus a lot of giggling, and i was starting to crash.

Hey, wonder if the birthday girl will give me a taste of that????



yea- really- we made her wear the button- well, it was her bday most recently, but still- and she was all hating it with the " one tiiime....at band caaaamp....they made me wear a button.....and a shark ate it....." you know...the same ol, same ol... And no mousse for us??? Seems kinda cruella deville to me!!

ok, how was it that evie and laura walked ahead of us to the room? Did we stop somewhere along the way? I just remember ellen telling us that there was a secret door to get into bwv and we thought we'd found it. But when you go into a back alley and find the garbage outside the door, the bums sleeping in corners, and you can hear the sound of gunshots in the not so distance, i think you are not meant to be using that secret door.

Ship thought so too.

"can i help you?"
ellen: Yeah, i'm podsnel from the disboards, maybe you've heard of me? Anyway, i read that there is a secret door to get into the villas and i'm trying to find it.
Ship: Well, this isn't it.
Ellen: But i'm podsnel from the disboards, are you sure? Because i read that i can use this door.
Ship: I think you are confused.
Ellen: Confused? No, but i'm podsnel from the disboards? Does that get me anything?
Ship: Security!!!!!!!

Ok, so i exaggerate a tiny bit. Ship didn't really call security.......

ok- this is where i must protest!! I was looking for the door cammie showed me on my very first stay at bwv- solving all the problemos of windy, twisty, loooooooooooooong hallways leading to.....the wrong wing. We needed cammie. She could have opened that door- i know it!!!!!!!:snooty:

oh, snap! All closed up for the night! But ship was kind enough to chat with us for awhile and make us all really miss our lovely children. When he told us he was an 11lb baby, and his mother did not have a c-section! :scared1: And he was an ob/gyn nurse? Or pa? I can't remember. But he had some sort of medical schooling and he did some time in the ob/gyn rotation. So he felt he could talk to us.

i think he was a pa in the army- he made his country proud delivering all those 15 lb babies!:scared1:

So much fun, Kara- miss you still- and the DIS is acting weird- no caps? They all disappeared...:confused3
You certainly have some Fun Times!! I love this kind of stuff, one of these days I will pu my foot down & find some chicks like me & have a chick weekend at WSW! :woohoo:
OK, I always thought I was an Epcot LUSH, but compared to you guys, I'm practically a founding member of Epcot Alcoholics Anonymous!

So being the apparent heretofore unacknowledged teetotaler that I am, pray tell, what is in a Pimm's Cup?

I need this info ASAP as we leave for WDW on July 8th! :cool1:

Hey Darlin-

Pimms is a gin based liquor that has some quinine and herbs in it- it's VERY different from Gin, but still in that family- it's not well known here in the US, but popular across the pond. :rolleyes: This one was mixed with sprite and had fruit on top- but a Pimms Cup is kind of like Sangria- oranges, lemons, cucumbers and sprite and Pimms with a bunch of mint- it's YUMMY!!! I hope you will try it and let us know what you think!!:thumbsup2

I love how all the other guests in the Single Rider Dance photos just loved dancing along with you! :lmao:

Oh, the scam you pulled off with Laura! :rotfl:

Lonnie, I had car accident flash backs for probably 15 yrs, too. I made myself start riding things at Disney, and little by little, I got over it! Just make yourself do one thing at each park - there are a few uncomfortable moments, but you will survive and you will have so much fun if you do!!! :hug:

Thank-you for pumping our Lonnie up!! :goodvibes

And yea... the scam was sweeeeeeeet! :rotfl2::rotfl2: Laura and I played together very well!!! :thumbsup2:rotfl:

:lmao: I love it!!!

What a fun first day! Seriously people...test track is so much fun and NOTHING to be afraid of! I know two giant disney fans who do NOT do roller coasters...they stay away form Splash, Space, even Everest...forget TOT and RNRCC BUT both of them site Test Track as their favorite ride! It's just enough thrill for the not-so-thrill-seekers!

Hey nick! I agree- TT is soooo fun- and sooo great for all!! NOTHING to be afraid of!!:thumbsup2

Can we go into the city puh-LEEEEEEZ!!!!! I am losing my mind this week!!! :scared:

I thought that is what you were supposed to do in Epcot?!! :rotfl2: You should see me during F&W....last year I had my Cosmo slush in one hand and a pomegranate kir in the other.....they both contain antioxidants right? :rolleyes1Fun update Ellen....I was cracking up over your little joke!! So what was so special about Canada eh?!! ;)


I always knew I loved you, Tracy! :rotfl:

I love reading this....HILARIOUS!!!! You girls had a great time and that's what it's all about. We are all so busy, working, raising kids, we rarely have time to let our hair down and just have fun!!!! I love it!!! I wish I could convince some of my friends to go to Disney for a MOMS ONLY trip......but they want to go to Vegas to celebrate all of us turning 40 in a few years.......I guess I'll tag along......but I'd rather go to WDW!

Keep it up, Ladies!!! All the best!!!

I've had a lot of my friends say, "But Las Vegas is Disney for adults!"

No offense to LV- but....HUH??? :confused3 OMG- WDW is fun for ALL!!! All those things that look fun while you are there riding IASW for the fifteenth time with your toddler???

UH-HUH- you can do 'em!

Spas, golf, fancy restaurants, secret bars, adult tours ( I mean KTTW kind of adult tours, just to clarify!!! ), CMs who could not POSSIBLY do more to be enthusiastic and excited about your adventure, GREAT cocktails , with , again, GREAT CMs who are soooo happy to see you, comfy beds, happiness all around..., a world tour of food......

Did I mention the CMs who are sooooo happy to see you and treat you like gold?

'Cuz that's what they do- for everyone- including you-:banana:

I just LOVE WDW- can ya tell? :goodvibes

OK, now let me tell y'all what REALLY happened that night....

Yes, Ellen is correct, we went back to Epcot. And then a giant panda bear came skateboarding through World Showcase, scooped me up on his shoulders and carried me back to his spaceship where he presented me as an offering to his leader, and then, and then, and then..... oh, wait, you wanted to know about Tutto Italia, right?


Well, Tutto Italia was very nice. And I love me some farfurgnugen.......


And I don't care what the others say, I think our waiter was very hot. And since my HOttie McHotness seems to be avoiding us on our DISmoms trips.... wait, jumping ahead.....

Anywho, maybe the other DISmoms are anti Italianites?

Besides, maybe he was just intimidated by THIS!


Happy Birthday Lonnie! Thanks for a taste of your birthday dessert.... NOT!


It doesn't matter how much I eat anywhere in WDW, I'm always up for some TT! And the only thing that upsets my stomach on DISmoms trips is all the laughing!!!! Seriously, I may actually lose inches from all the muscles contracting so much!!!

One of the things that made me laugh a LOT on this trip was Evie. She has this..... "thing" for want of a better word. As an actress, she had a way of getting into character for her roles, and it was to follow people and mimic their walks. Yes, you can only imagine the fun she had in WDW!! And I was quite entertained.

Imagine if you will...... a man with a limp, caused not from an injury, but from poor posture, flat feet, and a little extra junk in the trunk. Next thing you know Evie falls in behind him and within 10-12 steps she has the walk down PERFECTLY!!!!!

OMG, seriously, Evie doing her "thing" + a few drinks with the DISmoms = Depends moment. A common occurrence.

As we made our way back to FW to hit TT, we tried to imagine what Lonnie's excuse would be for THIS one..... "and one time, at band camp......" but no, I think she's saving that one for later.... :rolleyes1

Hey, I'm not the ONLY one who can Beyonce with the best of em!


I could have sworn that I rode with Laura on this, because even though we rode single rider line, I just asked the person in line with me if they would switch with Laura (cause they looked like a lonely single too). But in Ellen's pic, I'm not there?

Oh wait!!! That's cause I jumped out when Laura started barfing!!!! Now I remember!!!! And THAT is when it blew back into the kids lap behind her. Wow, must have had one too many cocktails cause I almost forgot how that all went down!

Poor Laura.....


I just can't play practical jokes. I can't! I laugh too much!!!! So while Ellen and Laura were going on and on and on about the poor kid that Laura spoiled, and how angry the mother was, yada yada yada, Joan and I were crossing our legs and hoping we didn't have a moment..... I'm guessing that Lonnie and Evie just thought we were laughing at Laura????

All I know is that I was starting to wind down. All my anxiety about flying, plus a lot of giggling, and I was starting to crash.

But never too tired for R&C, eh? Oh wait, "eh" is when I'm never too tired for a Molson or Labatt's. I guess I was never too tired for a pint o ale. (You MUST talk like Mary Poppins now).




Hey, wonder if the birthday girl will give me a taste of that????



OK, how was it that Evie and Laura walked ahead of us to the room? Did we stop somewhere along the way? I just remember Ellen telling us that there was a secret door to get into BWV and we thought we'd found it. But when you go into a back alley and find the garbage outside the door, the bums sleeping in corners, and you can hear the sound of gunshots in the not so distance, I think you are not meant to be using THAT secret door.

Ship thought so too.

"Can I help you?"
Ellen: Yeah, I'm podsnel from the Disboards, maybe you've heard of me? Anyway, I read that there is a secret door to get into the villas and I'm trying to find it.
Ship: Well, this isn't it.
Ellen: But I'm podsnel from the Disboards, are you sure? Because I read that I can use this door.
Ship: I think you are confused.
Ellen: Confused? No, but I'm podsnel from the Disboards? Does that get me anything?
Ship: Security!!!!!!!

OK, so I exaggerate a tiny bit. Ship didn't really call security.......

All I know was that as Ellen was negotiating with Ship, Joan and Lonnie and I (was it the three of us?) were S L O W L Y backing out of the alley, and looking frantically for.......

an open bar?

Oh, snap! All closed up for the night! But ship was kind enough to chat with us for awhile and make us all really miss our lovely children. When he told us he was an 11lb baby, and his mother did NOT have a c-section! :scared1: And he was an OB/GYN nurse? Or PA? I can't remember. But he had some sort of medical schooling and he did some time in the OB/GYN rotation. So he felt he could talk to us.

Or maybe he was just trying to talk us out of the alley. And nobody gets hurt.......

Yeah, that's it!

But poor Ship. If only he knew that he should NOT have told the DISmoms that he worked at the Boardwalk Brewery. When our balcony was directly over the entrance........

Up next, DISmoms have a drink!!!!! :eek:

Now we know the real story!:thumbsup2

Your Farfegnugen looks delish! No pic of your hottie? :confused3

Remind me to bring my depends if I ever come with you ladies - Evie sounds like a hoot!:rotfl2:

Oh, poor chivalrous Ship! :rotfl2::rotfl2: He probably found another job after meeting the DISmoms! :rotfl:

Oh, I'm so glad to see that coming up the DISmoms FINALLY get a drink!
What a fun evening at Epcot! Love the photos of your single rider's dance and the photopass ones!
I can only imagine HOW MUCH fun those trips must be, but you make me LOL here at home, thousands of miles away, too! :thumbsup2

Can't wait for more updates (and more trips!) :goodvibes
Why did evie and I get home so fast? I cannot remember--was it for me time? Blankinh out on that one. I have an update to add too. Just as soon as minnesoader stops prentending to be Kansas and having bad weather. Just saying...
My turn!

I did love the Italian atmosphere at Tutto, the only thing that I was disappointed in was how people dress when they are in a sit down place. It was very casual. Guess I'm crazy but I think even though you are at WDW you should look put together when you go to dinner. Oh well.:confused:


I had the caprese thingmabob. It was a tough decision. :lmao: just look at my face after all. Noodles were very al dente. Evie's did look great. I think I had a limoncello here or some sort of fruity drink. loved it either way. I was starting to fall asleep at the table though. Just pooped from the flight, it was a great break from the day. Again loved the girls and it was amazing how we all just clicked.:lovestruc

Here's Lonnie enjoying our lovely singing...click on it to play

But before we knew it we were off, trotting around the globe. Well some of us trotted, others shelpted, limped and meanandered. Evie I didn't think I would make it at times. Did we see Henry the VIII that night?? It is blurring to me. LOL.

Love Love Love test track. If I am not mistaken my tummy was upset:sick: before we got on in the cool single rider line. We flew thru that line. And yes Kara was so concerned about my tummy she just had to ride with me. It was great. We thought up the illness thing as we were coming out. I had to run to the potty and Ellen starts in about how ill I was and the mess and that the ride was shut down.:scared1: I stepped in just to fill in all the details. :rotfl: of we can tell a tale. Poor Lonnie and Evie, they were so concerned. :flower3: I meanwhile was nearly dying of laughter. I do think I actually snorted I laughed so hard, thank goodness for poise! Seriously I don't know when those to picked up on the story. It was convincing.

So we started to head back to the spot we wanted to watch illuminations from. But we needed to stop in jolly ol' england first. I think I may have been the one of the few to pass on a drink. I was too excited to watch illuminations. In all of my trips to WDW I have NEVER seen it. Kids are too young, hubby hates the crowds. I know crazy, huh? :confused3 So after meeting some nice american boys, who also were enjoying the refreshments of the pub, we wandered back to Canada to catch the show.popcorn:: Guess what...I cried. Yup just the start of my tears. loved it. I know my kids will too when they go back in 3 YEARS! It was special spot to watch the show. Very sentamental.

I still don't know how Evie and I got ahead of everyone one. Seriously was I even there...LOL I do recall needing "me" time so that may have been why. I do miss getting to see the secret entrance. :rolleyes1

It was a late night but we stayed up until 2:30 chatting and giggling. Just like a sleep over. :grouphug:
Mission Space is the only ride (beside the teacups) that is truly a puke inducer at WDW. DO NOT do the high intensity side if you have any hesitation from all the warning sides!

It's so bad they have airline barf bags in there. And yes, my big tough DH had to make use of it when we rode! :rotfl:

DS thought it was the funniest thing that his big tough daddy was barfing!

Love the single rider dance! Next year you'll have to get shirts made up saying Single Rider.

It's a thing at CP and other ride parks. There's a whole thread dedicated to Single Rider Bob and all the others wo do nothing but marathon the rides.

I can't believe you've only been there one day! But i've found about 10 new reasons to go back to epcot!

1. The Ditch
2. Ritas
3. Pimms
4. Ritas
5. Vodka slushies
6. Ritas
7. Ritas
8. Ritas
9. The Ditch
10. Ritas

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