Disboutiquers Part 29 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

First of all I already know I am crazy!

I do not do well in heat. I take some meds that make me have terrible problems when I get too hot (which happens very easily) This is the main reason we go to Disney in the cooler months, because the last time we went in September I came pretty close to ending up in the hospital.

Now, with that information, you also need to know that I am older than most of you. I have 5 kids ranging in age from 11 to 35...

My youngest daughter is turning 13 in June...and we promised her a short trip to Disney for her birthday. The trip is booked, dining is planned, so we really have no way out of it! LOL!

We are only going to go to one park...one day...Magic Kingdom. We will arrive the previous day and spend the day at the pool (CSR) and leave th day after the park day ...probably heading to the beach. (which is not a problem for me heat wise the water keeps me cool)

I plan on taking a misting fan, my chilly pads, a water bottle (and I know about asking for free ice water at fountain drink places), and we will be taking a break after lunch to swim at the resort for a few hours.

But I am starting to panic... please give me your best hot weather touring suggestions!

Hi all,

Long-time lurker, occasional poster...

I need some assistance. I am looking for recommendations on some type of digitizing software that will allow me to merge files. I have heathersue's disney font and I want to merge the letters to make names. I am trying to personalize my FE gifts for our upcoming cruise if I can. Also, I have a Mac... any suggestions?? How time consuming is it to simply merge letter files to make names?? Thanks!!!

Yeah!! People who won't roll their eyes when I talk about tutus and who will understand my dilemma when I say I have more ideas for outfits than we will have days at Disney (what to do, what to do?) I live with all males (even the dogs), and unfortunately my boys are too old to force them to wear cute stuff (16 and 19). Luckily, my sister moved nearby with her little girl (4), and she (my sister) has no interest in sewing or shopping, so I do get to make pretty things now.
I haven't read much of the thread yet. Wanted to subscribe so I wouldn't lose it. But I will be looking at your pics and eventually posting my own.

BTW, sorry if my signature seems a bit boring; I had to turn them off because there's too much flashing and blinking on them (migraines for me) so I haven't spent any time on my own since I wouldn't see it anyway.

Welcome!! Have fun making pretty things...and remember to show them off!!

I bought the He1 last week & I love it. I have the 270D so it's basically the same minus the sewing function adding the updated feature of it hooking right up to my computer to download designs. I'm loving it.

That makes me feel better about what I just did...I broke down, with a little prodding by DH, and bought a PE550 from Amazon for about $30 less than the HE1 I was looking at. Yes, it's only a 4x4, and I may be getting some symathetic, friendly "I told you so" in a few month when I get hoop envy, but it was in the budget, and it's a reward/prod to get me to finish cleaning my sewing room.

I should get it by Wednesday...we'll se what happens then. I'm a little excited.
And, the big news, I did get a new machine! I went this morning and worked my shift at the twins resale, then drove 45 minutes to the Expo and quickly checked out the Brother Dream Maker VE2200 and left the expo hall with it. Truth be told it was $200 more than the Babylock I tested out Thursday, but Brother is what I am used to (though I know they aren't that different) and their finance option was better. I did look into the 6-needle, but even with the expo discount I just couldn't justify it for my tiny little operation. I did chuckle when they were telling me that it came with the software that is usually $3000, plus a stand, plus classes, etc. And added, "Oh and scissors" so they tried to sweeten the deal with scissors. Which, for the record, they also gave me with the half-that-price machine. (it was actually a scissor set with like 8-9 different styles of scissors.) I did talk with the lady who does all their training on the multi-needles and she and I both agreed that for my volume and style which is mostly applique, the 7x12 single needle would be great.
Plus I am delighted to say I went to the resale with 7 bins of clothing, toys and shoes plus a couple larger items and came home with 1/2 a bin of clothes, 2 toys and 1 pair of shoes. So I got rid of a ton of clutter too!
Right now I need to rearrange my sewing room and get that new machine set up!

CONGRATS! :cool1: It is so exciting to get a new machine. It is awesome you got rid of so much clutter too!
Wow, I didn't realize you made money on your Ellageo! That's awesome! I see machines on ebay all the time at really good deals. I do think that's the way to go.

Yes, I was shocked by how much I got for the Ellageo. I never expected the bidding to go so high on it. It ended up selling for about double what I thought I would get. So my new upgraded machine only ended up costing me a few hundred dollars in the end. I was absolutely thrilled!


And, the big news, I did get a new machine! I went this morning and worked my shift at the twins resale, then drove 45 minutes to the Expo and quickly checked out the Brother Dream Maker VE2200 and left the expo hall with it. Truth be told it was $200 more than the Babylock I tested out Thursday, but Brother is what I am used to (though I know they aren't that different) and their finance option was better.I did talk with the lady who does all their training on the multi-needles and she and I both agreed that for my volume and style which is mostly applique, the 7x12 single needle would be great.
Plus I am delighted to say I went to the resale with 7 bins of clothing, toys and shoes plus a couple larger items and came home with 1/2 a bin of clothes, 2 toys and 1 pair of shoes. So I got rid of a ton of clutter too!
Right now I need to rearrange my sewing room and get that new machine set up!
How exciting!:cool1: I am sure you will absolutely LOVE it! I really enjoyed playing with it when I went to the Expo. You will have to take some pictures to show her off to us!

And it is great that you got rid of a ton of clutter as well. I used to love shopping at the Mothers of Multiples sale when my girls were little. They weren't twins but wore the same size for several years.

I plan on taking a misting fan, my chilly pads, a water bottle (and I know about asking for free ice water at fountain drink places), and we will be taking a break after lunch to swim at the resort for a few hours.

But I am starting to panic... please give me your best hot weather touring suggestions!

I hate going to Disney when it is hot out too. But now that the kids are getting older, missing school isn't really an option anymore. We are going right around the same time as you. We have the same ideas that you have. Lots of water, one of those cooling neck cloths and if we can manage it, a swim break mid-day.

Hi all,
I need some assistance. I am looking for recommendations on some type of digitizing software that will allow me to merge files. I have heathersue's disney font and I want to merge the letters to make names.

Jen can probably answer this better than anybody else. I don't really have any experience in this area so I hope she sees your post and responds. Since she just got her new machine today, she might not be back on here since she will be too busy playing with it.;)
Great news! On both fronts that is. Selling a ton of stuff and a new machine, all in a single day. I can only imagine how excited you are.

And, the big news, I did get a new machine! I went this morning and worked my shift at the twins resale, then drove 45 minutes to the Expo and quickly checked out the Brother Dream Maker VE2200 and left the expo hall with it. Truth be told it was $200 more than the Babylock I tested out Thursday, but Brother is what I am used to (though I know they aren't that different) and their finance option was better. I did look into the 6-needle, but even with the expo discount I just couldn't justify it for my tiny little operation. I did chuckle when they were telling me that it came with the software that is usually $3000, plus a stand, plus classes, etc. And added, "Oh and scissors" so they tried to sweeten the deal with scissors. Which, for the record, they also gave me with the half-that-price machine. (it was actually a scissor set with like 8-9 different styles of scissors.) I did talk with the lady who does all their training on the multi-needles and she and I both agreed that for my volume and style which is mostly applique, the 7x12 single needle would be great.
Plus I am delighted to say I went to the resale with 7 bins of clothing, toys and shoes plus a couple larger items and came home with 1/2 a bin of clothes, 2 toys and 1 pair of shoes. So I got rid of a ton of clutter too!
Right now I need to rearrange my sewing room and get that new machine set up!

CONGRATS! :cool1: It is so exciting to get a new machine. It is awesome you got rid of so much clutter too![/QUOTE]
First of all I already know I am crazy!

I do not do well in heat. I take some meds that make me have terrible problems when I get too hot (which happens very easily) This is the main reason we go to Disney in the cooler months, because the last time we went in September I came pretty close to ending up in the hospital.

Now, with that information, you also need to know that I am older than most of you. I have 5 kids ranging in age from 11 to 35...

My youngest daughter is turning 13 in June...and we promised her a short trip to Disney for her birthday. The trip is booked, dining is planned, so we really have no way out of it! LOL!

We are only going to go to one park...one day...Magic Kingdom. We will arrive the previous day and spend the day at the pool (CSR) and leave th day after the park day ...probably heading to the beach. (which is not a problem for me heat wise the water keeps me cool)

I plan on taking a misting fan, my chilly pads, a water bottle (and I know about asking for free ice water at fountain drink places), and we will be taking a break after lunch to swim at the resort for a few hours.

But I am starting to panic... please give me your best hot weather touring suggestions!

I made these: http://mymagicmom.com/cooling-neck-wrap-tutorial/ for my family for our annual trip to the Twins Days festival in Ohio which is the first weekend in August and is always a million and a half degrees. My husband and I actually ran a 5K wearing them, it really helped. We just soaked them in the hotel sink with some cool water and some ice from the hallway ice machine, then put them in a ziplock in our bag for the day. I would modify the pattern a little and make the pockets wider but still put the same amount of beads in, a little goes a long way because they REALLY swell. Ours didn't lay as flat as I would like, they were more sausage-like which did the trick but would have been more comfy if they were flatter, with more touching the neck if that makes sense. My kids wouldn't wear them, but they were in a stroller with a sun canopy, which I assume isn't an option for you. ;) I got the beads at Hobby Lobby in the floral section, they came in a huge jar and you use a tiny spoonful so I have a lifetime supply! One note we did hang them in the laundry room to dry when we got back and they took a couple of weeks to return to their non-swelled state.

Hi all,

Long-time lurker, occasional poster...

I need some assistance. I am looking for recommendations on some type of digitizing software that will allow me to merge files. I have heathersue's disney font and I want to merge the letters to make names. I am trying to personalize my FE gifts for our upcoming cruise if I can. Also, I have a Mac... any suggestions?? How time consuming is it to simply merge letter files to make names?? Thanks!!!

Embrilliance. I love it. I am a life-long Mac loyalist (and former apple employee married to a current apple employee so not changing ever...) And it's great. They JUST came out with an add-on like last week called AlphaTricks too which lets you map alphabets you buy, like Heather's Disney Font or any of the 600+ 8clawsandapaw fonts I got in their subscription deal last year, and instead of using them as 26 individual PES files and placing them manually, you can literally TYPE using those fonts. I have already mapped a few dozen that I use most often, it saves SO much time. (But I do a LOT of custom shirts with names so I use that option several times a week. If it is more a one-off thing you can just do what I have been doing for the past several months and manually place them in the Embrilliance without the alpha tricks add on. Also you can put embrilliance on as many computers as you own (We have 3) and they have a 30 day guarantee if you buy it and don't like it they will refund it. They have great tech support and have been really responsive. I posted a weird behavior on their facebook forum and they released an update and messaged me to let me know they fixed it.

It's around $150 I think, and Alphatricks is on special since it is new for $79, actual price is $99 I think. You can also PM me if you have specific questions about it, I am happy to help.

Yes, I was shocked by how much I got for the Ellageo. I never expected the bidding to go so high on it. It ended up selling for about double what I thought I would get. So my new upgraded machine only ended up costing me a few hundred dollars in the end. I was absolutely thrilled!

How exciting!:cool1: I am sure you will absolutely LOVE it! I really enjoyed playing with it when I went to the Expo. You will have to take some pictures to show her off to us!

And it is great that you got rid of a ton of clutter as well. I used to love shopping at the Mothers of Multiples sale when my girls were little. They weren't twins but wore the same size for several years.

Jen can probably answer this better than anybody else. I don't really have any experience in this area so I hope she sees your post and responds. Since she just got her new machine today, she might not be back on here since she will be too busy playing with it.;)

I got as far as unboxing the new machine and getting it put together, except for the power cord, before my kids woke up from their nap demanding to eat, so we took Grandma out for dinner as a thank you for all her help, and just got back. They are watching a short show before bed and then I intend to go play!

Funny story, they are watching "Classic Mickey Collection" of these early Mickey Mouse cartoons. They are in color but are probably from the 1950s maybe? Anyway, they watched it for the first time on Friday with Grandma and now they are demanding endlessly to watch "Plastic Mickey!" instead of Classic Mickey. It's very cute. And I love that they are enjoying the old stuff.
And, the big news, I did get a new machine! I went this morning and worked my shift at the twins resale, then drove 45 minutes to the Expo and quickly checked out the Brother Dream Maker VE2200 and left the expo hall with it. Truth be told it was $200 more than the Babylock I tested out Thursday, but Brother is what I am used to (though I know they aren't that different) and their finance option was better. I did look into the 6-needle, but even with the expo discount I just couldn't justify it for my tiny little operation. I did chuckle when they were telling me that it came with the software that is usually $3000, plus a stand, plus classes, etc. And added, "Oh and scissors" so they tried to sweeten the deal with scissors. Which, for the record, they also gave me with the half-that-price machine. (it was actually a scissor set with like 8-9 different styles of scissors.) I did talk with the lady who does all their training on the multi-needles and she and I both agreed that for my volume and style which is mostly applique, the 7x12 single needle would be great.
Plus I am delighted to say I went to the resale with 7 bins of clothing, toys and shoes plus a couple larger items and came home with 1/2 a bin of clothes, 2 toys and 1 pair of shoes. So I got rid of a ton of clutter too!
Right now I need to rearrange my sewing room and get that new machine set up!

:cool1::cool1::cool1: Yay! Congrats on the new machine! You are going to have so much fun playing with it! Yes, pictures please. And hurray for de-cluttering!

First of all I already know I am crazy!

I do not do well in heat. I take some meds that make me have terrible problems when I get too hot (which happens very easily) This is the main reason we go to Disney in the cooler months, because the last time we went in September I came pretty close to ending up in the hospital.

Now, with that information, you also need to know that I am older than most of you. I have 5 kids ranging in age from 11 to 35...

My youngest daughter is turning 13 in June...and we promised her a short trip to Disney for her birthday. The trip is booked, dining is planned, so we really have no way out of it! LOL!

We are only going to go to one park...one day...Magic Kingdom. We will arrive the previous day and spend the day at the pool (CSR) and leave th day after the park day ...probably heading to the beach. (which is not a problem for me heat wise the water keeps me cool)

I plan on taking a misting fan, my chilly pads, a water bottle (and I know about asking for free ice water at fountain drink places), and we will be taking a break after lunch to swim at the resort for a few hours.

But I am starting to panic... please give me your best hot weather touring suggestions!


You already listed my tried and true heat-busters. We usually go in September and it's still very hot. Going to some air conditioned attractions really helps too when the heat is getting to you. You know the ones: Carrousel of Progress, Hall of Presidents, It's a Small World, Philharmagic. There's always the Dole Whip or a Mickey Bar.;)

Hi all,

Long-time lurker, occasional poster...

I need some assistance. I am looking for recommendations on some type of digitizing software that will allow me to merge files. I have heathersue's disney font and I want to merge the letters to make names. I am trying to personalize my FE gifts for our upcoming cruise if I can. Also, I have a Mac... any suggestions?? How time consuming is it to simply merge letter files to make names?? Thanks!!!


I see Jen answered your question. I just wanted to say welcome and good luck with your project.:goodvibes

That makes me feel better about what I just did...I broke down, with a little prodding by DH, and bought a PE550 from Amazon for about $30 less than the HE1 I was looking at. Yes, it's only a 4x4, and I may be getting some symathetic, friendly "I told you so" in a few month when I get hoop envy, but it was in the budget, and it's a reward/prod to get me to finish cleaning my sewing room.

I should get it by Wednesday...we'll se what happens then. I'm a little excited.

I can feel your excitement zinging right off the page! Congratulations and enjoy! And yes, we will tell you "I told you so" in six months, but good for you for sticking to your budget. And it's great that your DH is so supportive of your hobby. Have lots of fun getting to know your new machine and don't forget to post pictures of what you make.:thumbsup2
First of all I already know I am crazy!

I do not do well in heat. I take some meds that make me have terrible problems when I get too hot (which happens very easily) This is the main reason we go to Disney in the cooler months, because the last time we went in September I came pretty close to ending up in the hospital.

Now, with that information, you also need to know that I am older than most of you. I have 5 kids ranging in age from 11 to 35...

My youngest daughter is turning 13 in June...and we promised her a short trip to Disney for her birthday. The trip is booked, dining is planned, so we really have no way out of it! LOL!

We are only going to go to one park...one day...Magic Kingdom. We will arrive the previous day and spend the day at the pool (CSR) and leave th day after the park day ...probably heading to the beach. (which is not a problem for me heat wise the water keeps me cool)

I plan on taking a misting fan, my chilly pads, a water bottle (and I know about asking for free ice water at fountain drink places), and we will be taking a break after lunch to swim at the resort for a few hours.

But I am starting to panic... please give me your best hot weather touring suggestions!


You are not crazy. Afterall, I was the one who got heat exhaustion in mid-May! I would suggest going into an attraction with A/C as least once an hour. I like to use the bathroom at Cosmic Rays as it gives me a few minutes of A/C break.

That makes me feel better about what I just did...I broke down, with a little prodding by DH, and bought a PE550 from Amazon for about $30 less than the HE1 I was looking at. Yes, it's only a 4x4, and I may be getting some symathetic, friendly "I told you so" in a few month when I get hoop envy, but it was in the budget, and it's a reward/prod to get me to finish cleaning my sewing room.

I should get it by Wednesday...we'll se what happens then. I'm a little excited.

Congrats! I am sure you will have lots of fun creating with your new machine. Like I said, you could do quite a bit with a 4x4. I managed with a 4x4 for quite some time before I could afford an upgrade.

I got as far as unboxing the new machine and getting it put together, except for the power cord, before my kids woke up from their nap demanding to eat, so we took Grandma out for dinner as a thank you for all her help, and just got back. They are watching a short show before bed and then I intend to go play!

Funny story, they are watching "Classic Mickey Collection" of these early Mickey Mouse cartoons. They are in color but are probably from the 1950s maybe? Anyway, they watched it for the first time on Friday with Grandma and now they are demanding endlessly to watch "Plastic Mickey!" instead of Classic Mickey. It's very cute. And I love that they are enjoying the old stuff.

I can't wait to hear what you think of your new machine. I am sure grandma appreciated the meal out. "Plastic Mickey" is simply too cute! I associate the classic Mickey with Mickey's Fun Wheel now, as long as I can ride the non-swinging version! :rotfl:
Here is my newly, sort of organized sewing room. I would really like to add a second L shaped desk in the other corner so I can put one machine on each surface, the sewing and serger on one and the two embroidery machines on the other. (you can see the cute thank you I got from Trev's Star Wars give, I loved it so much I hung it on the wall.)

The PE770 look so tiny compared to the new machine.

All my scraps under 1 yard or so are organized by color-ish, and then I have a few bins for novelty and character fabrics (and it bugs me that they are not all the same, I need to go buy more clear bins!)

Sadly, I have not even plugged in my machine yet, I have been trying to organize and unbox and then my husband decided that the car needed to have alignment and tires TODAY, even though it has been needing it for a while, and he says it is too annoying to take the kids to run errands. (Really? I hadn't noticed when I have to do it EVERY DAY.) So anyway, the kids are here with me so I must wait until nap time. :(

Pictures of the other wall and corner purposely ommited since it is a huge pile of stuff relocated from that side of the room...
I made these: http://mymagicmom.com/cooling-neck-wrap-tutorial/

Funny story, they are watching "Classic Mickey Collection" of these early Mickey Mouse cartoons. They are in color but are probably from the 1950s maybe? Anyway, they watched it for the first time on Friday with Grandma and now they are demanding endlessly to watch "Plastic Mickey!" instead of Classic Mickey. It's very cute. And I love that they are enjoying the old stuff.
Love the idea of the neck wraps for our June trip. I think I am going to look for some of those beads and make those for the 4 of us.

I love the plastic Mickey story!

I like to use the bathroom at Cosmic Rays as it gives me a few minutes of A/C break.
Good tip!

The sewing room looks beautiful and organized. Your new machine looks awesome. What are you going to make first?
Welcome!! Have fun making pretty things...and remember to show them off!!

That makes me feel better about what I just did...I broke down, with a little prodding by DH, and bought a PE550 from Amazon for about $30 less than the HE1 I was looking at. Yes, it's only a 4x4, and I may be getting some symathetic, friendly "I told you so" in a few month when I get hoop envy, but it was in the budget, and it's a reward/prod to get me to finish cleaning my sewing room.

I should get it by Wednesday...we'll se what happens then. I'm a little excited.

Congratulations. I got my He1 for under $200 & it's the same exact machine as the Pe500 except for the blue vs pink color scheme. I have been embroidering for almost 10 years & have never had need for a bigger hoop. You can buy the multi position one & it works well for me.
Here is my newly, sort of organized sewing room. I would really like to add a second L shaped desk in the other corner so I can put one machine on each surface, the sewing and serger on one and the two embroidery machines on the other. (you can see the cute thank you I got from Trev's Star Wars give, I loved it so much I hung it on the wall.)

The PE770 look so tiny compared to the new machine.

All my scraps under 1 yard or so are organized by color-ish, and then I have a few bins for novelty and character fabrics (and it bugs me that they are not all the same, I need to go buy more clear bins!)

Sadly, I have not even plugged in my machine yet, I have been trying to organize and unbox and then my husband decided that the car needed to have alignment and tires TODAY, even though it has been needing it for a while, and he says it is too annoying to take the kids to run errands. (Really? I hadn't noticed when I have to do it EVERY DAY.) So anyway, the kids are here with me so I must wait until nap time. :(

Pictures of the other wall and corner purposely ommited since it is a huge pile of stuff relocated from that side of the room...

Nice half a room! If I were to show my recent cleaning in my room, there's 3/4 of it that I wouldn't be able to show, so I completely understand.

I was trying to describe your scrap organization and DH gives me this puzzled look and then burst out laughing. He explains that he thought I was talking about a Scrap Organization, rather than organizaton of scraps. Like Organized Crime (he's watching the Untouchables) and he was wondering if there was money in a Scrap Organization.

Have fun with the new machine.(when you can get to it finally - husbands, can't live with them, can't hypnotize them into doing what you want all the time.)

BellePrincessBelle: Thanks, I'm really looking forward to playing with the new machine.

But if I want to play, I have to go clean now. But I'll check in tomorrow, I'm sure.
Nice half a room! If I were to show my recent cleaning in my room, there's 3/4 of it that I wouldn't be able to show, so I completely understand.

I was trying to describe your scrap organization and DH gives me this puzzled look and then burst out laughing. He explains that he thought I was talking about a Scrap Organization, rather than organizaton of scraps. Like Organized Crime (he's watching the Untouchables) and he was wondering if there was money in a Scrap Organization.

Have fun with the new machine.(when you can get to it finally - husbands, can't live with them, can't hypnotize them into doing what you want all the time.)

BellePrincessBelle: Thanks, I'm really looking forward to playing with the new machine.

But if I want to play, I have to go clean now. But I'll check in tomorrow, I'm sure.
That is pretty funny. I assume by the droves of trucks driving around the night before garbage pickup that there is some money in scrap. My own husband came in when I was sorting the bins and asked if I was going to organize it. I told him yes, by color, which I thought was evident, but he said it wasn't. But he doesn't use the fabric so I guess that doesn't matter. (how else could I do it? Alphabetical? Dots before stripes...)

I finished up 2 projects today before I had to take a break and make dinner. One was a big 7x12 hoop applique birthday shirt for my nephew, he turns 6 next month and is a huge Cubs fan, so I made it cubs colors. I also got some red/white/blue hawaiian flower fabric at the expo for super cheap that I am going to make him a Hawaiian-style Cubs shirt. But this was my start. I had some problems with the thread breaking on the A and the Y but then it ran fine after that so I am not sure what that is about. And of course once I got the shirt done it looks like the back of a jersey so he will look like he has his shirt backward... oh well. I think he will like it anyway.

I tried to multi-task while that was stitching out (the new machine was fast but that shirt was 24K stitches!) and do an order I had from last month. A lady ordered a big brother shirt for her son to wear to the hospital when her baby was born, but didn't know what she was having so I told her I would make the little sibling shirt when the baby was born, so this is the little sister shirt to match one I already mailed out. I tried it on the old machine, which I had just had in for maintenance, but the onesie got all sorts of brown oily spots on it. I called and they weren't sure why that would be since they don't use brown oil... so, hmm. so much for my multitasking. :( (it stitched ay faster on the new machine anyway!)

Here is my newly, sort of organized sewing room. I would really like to add a second L shaped desk in the other corner so I can put one machine on each surface, the sewing and serger on one and the two embroidery machines on the other. (you can see the cute thank you I got from Trev's Star Wars give, I loved it so much I hung it on the wall.)

The PE770 look so tiny compared to the new machine.

All my scraps under 1 yard or so are organized by color-ish, and then I have a few bins for novelty and character fabrics (and it bugs me that they are not all the same, I need to go buy more clear bins!)

Sadly, I have not even plugged in my machine yet, I have been trying to organize and unbox and then my husband decided that the car needed to have alignment and tires TODAY, even though it has been needing it for a while, and he says it is too annoying to take the kids to run errands. (Really? I hadn't noticed when I have to do it EVERY DAY.) So anyway, the kids are here with me so I must wait until nap time. :(

Pictures of the other wall and corner purposely ommited since it is a huge pile of stuff relocated from that side of the room...

Your sewing room looks so neat and organized! I am sure you will have lots of fun creating things in that room!

I was trying to describe your scrap organization and DH gives me this puzzled look and then burst out laughing. He explains that he thought I was talking about a Scrap Organization, rather than organizaton of scraps. Like Organized Crime (he's watching the Untouchables) and he was wondering if there was money in a Scrap Organization.

That's too funny. I guess he must be thinking like scrap metal from cars or something? I am sure there is money in a "scrap organization" since I just keep all my scraps in a large bag!

That is pretty funny. I assume by the droves of trucks driving around the night before garbage pickup that there is some money in scrap. My own husband came in when I was sorting the bins and asked if I was going to organize it. I told him yes, by color, which I thought was evident, but he said it wasn't. But he doesn't use the fabric so I guess that doesn't matter. (how else could I do it? Alphabetical? Dots before stripes...)

I finished up 2 projects today before I had to take a break and make dinner. One was a big 7x12 hoop applique birthday shirt for my nephew, he turns 6 next month and is a huge Cubs fan, so I made it cubs colors. I also got some red/white/blue hawaiian flower fabric at the expo for super cheap that I am going to make him a Hawaiian-style Cubs shirt. But this was my start. I had some problems with the thread breaking on the A and the Y but then it ran fine after that so I am not sure what that is about. And of course once I got the shirt done it looks like the back of a jersey so he will look like he has his shirt backward... oh well. I think he will like it anyway.

I tried to multi-task while that was stitching out (the new machine was fast but that shirt was 24K stitches!) and do an order I had from last month. A lady ordered a big brother shirt for her son to wear to the hospital when her baby was born, but didn't know what she was having so I told her I would make the little sibling shirt when the baby was born, so this is the little sister shirt to match one I already mailed out. I tried it on the old machine, which I had just had in for maintenance, but the onesie got all sorts of brown oily spots on it. I called and they weren't sure why that would be since they don't use brown oil... so, hmm. so much for my multitasking. :( (it stitched ay faster on the new machine anyway!)

The 2 shirts look great! I can't see the spots on the onesie so I hope they will wash out. I hope your future multitasking will work more smoothly. I like to multitask when Genie is sewing away too.
Looking for opinions.

I want an embroidery machine that does it all for me. Something that will use my computer skills but not my lack of sewing skills. Is there anything out there like that?

If so, what would you suggest for top of the line, mid range, and inexpensive?

I want to be able to put my kids names on shirts and some character pictures, etc. Put my husband's company logo on a polo shirt. Stuff like that.

Are we posting stash pics? :thumbsup2

Here are some of my sewing room...

jiminykrikkit, if my sewing room looked like that it would mean that someone robbed me :) Recently I had it all cleaned but the closet; then I took everything out of the closet to clean that...

I ran into the same issue of more outfits than we had days at Disney, but it came in handy since we did require a few wardrobe changes since my boys are 3 and quite messy. (Like fell asleep eating a mickey bar messy.) We don't have any definite plan for going back and I am already thinking of what outfits I could make if/when we do...

That's what my mother said too. :) But I still have to try not to go too crazy.

Now, what to do, what to do?
I went to the fabric store yesterday and got the tulle for the tutus plus some great animal print fabric - Somewhere along in this thread someone had an animal print twirly skirt that I must make for Animal Kingdom (sorry I can't remember who and there are too many pages to go back and look)- and some khaki to make safari vests, plus some really cool fluttery blue to do Cinderella.
Annnnd, they came and fixed my mother's quilting machine today. So I have several projects to catch up on there.
jiminykrikkit, if my sewing room looked like that it would mean that someone robbed me :) Recently I had it all cleaned but the closet; then I took everything out of the closet to clean that...

That's what my mother said too. :) But I still have to try not to go too crazy.

Now, what to do, what to do?
I went to the fabric store yesterday and got the tulle for the tutus plus some great animal print fabric - Somewhere along in this thread someone had an animal print twirly skirt that I must make for Animal Kingdom (sorry I can't remember who and there are too many pages to go back and look)- and some khaki to make safari vests, plus some really cool fluttery blue to do Cinderella.
Annnnd, they came and fixed my mother's quilting machine today. So I have several projects to catch up on there.

I made safari vests. I used the (modified) Carla c bowling shirt pattern and left
Off sleeves, placket and collar. I posted pics a page or two back.

And possibly you saw a patchwork twirl skirt or strip work twirl skirt, both patterns you can get from youcanmakethis.com from Carla c the scientific seamstress.
Family issues going on now and I have a new puppy which is making sewing difficult!

I still haven't decided what to make V for our trip and we head to the states in a few weeks and I have more/different material selection.

I am making a Wishes themed dress. I think the Grace ruffle dress. I'd love to do it in a black fairy frost or something. I want a sparkle to it, without it looking tacky. I'd like to have some bit of sparkle representing the night sky but not overdone. These are the fairy frosts, I can find but I'm not 100% sure on any of them. None are "sparkly" more so shimmer/two toned. Does anyone know of a different material that will give that sparkle that I'm looking for? Another option would be some sort of glitter spray that I could spray the fabric with and use a more solid black?


Cute puppy! You've got to tell us more about him/her!

I love the idea of a Wishes dress! Good luck with it! I actually have an idea for one in the back of my mind for our next trip, but that won't be for a couple of years yet.

I think this would work, it's not black but neither is the sky.

Joann's has a great fabric that might work for you.

I found this in the store but not online....


See the hidden Mickey's ?

Love that! I may need to grab some for future use!

Now that the package has arrived, I can share pictures of a small pixie dust project last weekend. I made a pair of cross body bags for one of the posters here. However, I left the straps off because I have no idea how long to make the straps. I am sure they can tie ribbons or something to the loops for the straps. The pattern is the Out and About Zipper Bag pattern from ymct.


The picture isn't the best quality as I took the picture using my phone at night.

Those are darling, Flora! What a great idea to make them with loops for adjustability!

Yeah!! People who won't roll their eyes when I talk about tutus and who will understand my dilemma when I say I have more ideas for outfits than we will have days at Disney (what to do, what to do?) I live with all males (even the dogs), and unfortunately my boys are too old to force them to wear cute stuff (16 and 19). Luckily, my sister moved nearby with her little girl (4), and she (my sister) has no interest in sewing or shopping, so I do get to make pretty things now.
I haven't read much of the thread yet. Wanted to subscribe so I wouldn't lose it. But I will be looking at your pics and eventually posting my own.

BTW, sorry if my signature seems a bit boring; I had to turn them off because there's too much flashing and blinking on them (migraines for me) so I haven't spent any time on my own since I wouldn't see it anyway.

Welcome! We'll look forward to seeing your projects!

Are we posting stash pics? :thumbsup2

Here are some of my sewing room...

sewing room reorganization by doodledodesigns, on Flickr

This is my room, those boxes along the bottom hold my stash. I'm a quilter first and foremost, so that's mostly quilting cottons broken down into colors. There's a cubby on the left that holds large cuts and all my apparel fabric is behind that.

Fabric Storage by doodledodesigns, on Flickr

That's some detail of how I organize my quilting cottons. See the hidden Mickeys? :cutie:

Love your sewing space! I drool over such a clean, neat place to work! I share half our finished basement with dh's computers. It's not bad, but I could use some more white shelf space like you've got! Thanks for sharing!

That is really cute, Lois! I like the colors!

That makes me feel better about what I just did...I broke down, with a little prodding by DH, and bought a PE550 from Amazon for about $30 less than the HE1 I was looking at. Yes, it's only a 4x4, and I may be getting some symathetic, friendly "I told you so" in a few month when I get hoop envy, but it was in the budget, and it's a reward/prod to get me to finish cleaning my sewing room.

I should get it by Wednesday...we'll se what happens then. I'm a little excited.

How exciting! So many new (or new-to-us!) machines around here lately!

Embrilliance. I love it. I am a life-long Mac loyalist (and former apple employee married to a current apple employee so not changing ever...) And it's great. They JUST came out with an add-on like last week called AlphaTricks too which lets you map alphabets you buy, like Heather's Disney Font or any of the 600+ 8clawsandapaw fonts I got in their subscription deal last year, and instead of using them as 26 individual PES files and placing them manually, you can literally TYPE using those fonts. I have already mapped a few dozen that I use most often, it saves SO much time. (But I do a LOT of custom shirts with names so I use that option several times a week. If it is more a one-off thing you can just do what I have been doing for the past several months and manually place them in the Embrilliance without the alpha tricks add on. Also you can put embrilliance on as many computers as you own (We have 3) and they have a 30 day guarantee if you buy it and don't like it they will refund it. They have great tech support and have been really responsive. I posted a weird behavior on their facebook forum and they released an update and messaged me to let me know they fixed it.

It's around $150 I think, and Alphatricks is on special since it is new for $79, actual price is $99 I think. You can also PM me if you have specific questions about it, I am happy to help.

I got as far as unboxing the new machine and getting it put together, except for the power cord, before my kids woke up from their nap demanding to eat, so we took Grandma out for dinner as a thank you for all her help, and just got back. They are watching a short show before bed and then I intend to go play!

Funny story, they are watching "Classic Mickey Collection" of these early Mickey Mouse cartoons. They are in color but are probably from the 1950s maybe? Anyway, they watched it for the first time on Friday with Grandma and now they are demanding endlessly to watch "Plastic Mickey!" instead of Classic Mickey. It's very cute. And I love that they are enjoying the old stuff.

I love the "Plastc Mickey" quote! How cute! So, now you're making me rethink getting Embird. That AlphaTricks add-on sounds amazing! I use a Mac, too, but with Virtual Box so I can keep SEU for as long as it's around, or until I save up enough to buy something else. I tried the Embrilliance demo a while ago, but was annoyed that I couldn't stitch out my testing, so I kind of wrote it off. I'm going to go check it out again, though before I buy Embird.

Here is my newly, sort of organized sewing room. I would really like to add a second L shaped desk in the other corner so I can put one machine on each surface, the sewing and serger on one and the two embroidery machines on the other. (you can see the cute thank you I got from Trev's Star Wars give, I loved it so much I hung it on the wall.)

The PE770 look so tiny compared to the new machine.

All my scraps under 1 yard or so are organized by color-ish, and then I have a few bins for novelty and character fabrics (and it bugs me that they are not all the same, I need to go buy more clear bins!)

Sadly, I have not even plugged in my machine yet, I have been trying to organize and unbox and then my husband decided that the car needed to have alignment and tires TODAY, even though it has been needing it for a while, and he says it is too annoying to take the kids to run errands. (Really? I hadn't noticed when I have to do it EVERY DAY.) So anyway, the kids are here with me so I must wait until nap time. :(

Pictures of the other wall and corner purposely ommited since it is a huge pile of stuff relocated from that side of the room...

Congrats on your new baby! How exciting!! Love, your organization too! Where are your cube shelves from?

Looking for opinions.

I want an embroidery machine that does it all for me. Something that will use my computer skills but not my lack of sewing skills. Is there anything out there like that?

If so, what would you suggest for top of the line, mid range, and inexpensive?

I want to be able to put my kids names on shirts and some character pictures, etc. Put my husband's company logo on a polo shirt. Stuff like that.


From the sounds of what you'd like to do, a Brother PE-770, sounds about right. It's what many of us have as our first embroidery machines.

So, a couple weeks ago we talked about pulling threads out from the needle rather than backwards to protect the machine's tension. My mom mentioned another tip she picked up at a class that I found useful and thought others might too.

Her teacher said NOT to use a spool cover (the circular disk that goes on the spool pin after the thread spool) when embroidering. At first I thought this was crazy, but I tried it and it really works well and saves time during thread changes. The only time I use one now is for winding a bobbin or if a spool happens to be notched or rough so that thread catches on it. I even discovered that some of my Marathon spools that unroll 'backwards' from the way they are supposed to enter the machine work fine this way. If you're interested, try it out and see what you think!

I've gotten a lot done on my towels and charms this week. I even had time to applique a dress for dd. The dress itself is from Kavio, who has lots of more girly styles than I've seen elsewhere. You do have to watch the weight on their stuff though since some of it is thin like tissue t's. Anyway, here it is:


Applique Close-up - it's from Bunnycup, a raggy design:

This is a shirt I did for myself a few weeks ago from Heather Sue's superhero designs after discovering that you cannot buy a Batgirl shirt in anything but Junior sizes. :) The guy at the comic shop was impressed. ;)

Hope you all have a great week!
Love the idea of the neck wraps for our June trip. I think I am going to look for some of those beads and make those for the 4 of us.

I love the plastic Mickey story!

Good tip!

The sewing room looks beautiful and organized. Your new machine looks awesome. What are you going to make first?

A little bit goes a LONG way on the water beads. At Hobby Lobby they had a little packet that looked like it had a sugar-packet worth and then a little jar which was about the size of a coke can. I figured the little one would not be enough and went with the bigger, I think the packet would have been fine!

I love the "Plastc Mickey" quote! How cute! So, now you're making me rethink getting Embird. That AlphaTricks add-on sounds amazing! I use a Mac, too, but with Virtual Box so I can keep SEU for as long as it's around, or until I save up enough to buy something else. I tried the Embrilliance demo a while ago, but was annoyed that I couldn't stitch out my testing, so I kind of wrote it off. I'm going to go check it out again, though before I buy Embird.

Congrats on your new baby! How exciting!! Love, your organization too! Where are your cube shelves from?

So, a couple weeks ago we talked about pulling threads out from the needle rather than backwards to protect the machine's tension. My mom mentioned another tip she picked up at a class that I found useful and thought others might too.

Her teacher said NOT to use a spool cover (the circular disk that goes on the spool pin after the thread spool) when embroidering. At first I thought this was crazy, but I tried it and it really works well and saves time during thread changes. The only time I use one now is for winding a bobbin or if a spool happens to be notched or rough so that thread catches on it. I even discovered that some of my Marathon spools that unroll 'backwards' from the way they are supposed to enter the machine work fine this way. If you're interested, try it out and see what you think!


Applique Close-up - it's from Bunnycup, a raggy design:

This is a shirt I did for myself a few weeks ago from Heather Sue's superhero designs after discovering that you cannot buy a Batgirl shirt in anything but Junior sizes. :) The guy at the comic shop was impressed. ;)

Hope you all have a great week!

I was annoyed too with not being able to save so I contacted them about it, they said they want people to be happy so if you do buy it and decide it isn't for you, they will refund your purchase. Which, being in systems admin for more than a decade, I can tell you, software companies just don't do. But yeah, the alpha thing is awesome.

I love the batman shirt. :) We are a superhero/comic nerd family so I think my kids have had batman in every size since 0-3. They had adorable onesies that were 0-3M but were HUGE on them when they were born and my husband asked every day for the almost-3-months that it took for them to fit wether they could wear them yet. When they outgrew them, we put the outfits onto stuffed animals a friend brought to the boys in the hospital when they were born, and they still sleep with them. They call them SuperMonkey and BatElephant. :)

I can't imagine if I had an embroidery machine back then, not that I would have had time or energy to make anything.

So about this spool cover thing? It doesn't come off? I have had issues where the thread gets caught between the cover and the spool end, but I never thought it would work not contained, for lack of a better word.

Also the shelves came from Ikea. I went looking for the Expedit shelves, but they had these right by them in the store and they are about 1/2 the price. They are slightly shorter than the expedit shelves I found out when the bins I also got there didn't fit. But I got 2 shelves instead of just the one I budgeted. I don't remember what the name is, and I didn't see them on the website, you have to go there I think.

I have to admit seeing all your praise for how neat my sewing room was made me feel like a charlatan or something. LIES, ALL LIES! This is what the other side looked like. (and don't even get me started on the closet!)

That motivated me to clean it up and now it looks like this:

I want to get a very small desk or even a shelf to put the computer on, since we got a new computer last week, I got the old Mac Mini we were using for a media server, and I moved the printer into my project room since the only time we print is shipping labels. (but it is networked in case we do need to print something from another room) The folding table is my main cutting/etc table, and clearly a catch-all. So lest anyone think my room is super neat, it is all in perspective. (though my husband came in this evening and was very impressed since it has been somewhat of a total wreck in there for a few weeks.


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