DIS writers - a place for us.

Just finished the read throgh of the play little while ago. It was very different experiance.Actully wound up reading a role. Wow, as an actor I suck.
Rest were all good. Some lines were read differently than I intended, going to listen to recording to see who wwas right.
Still everyone seemed to like it and no one got hurt:)
I just started writing a historical for the scandalous line for Entangled. They need it asap, so uhhh yeah... I need to come up with a plot. It focuses on the months following the peasant wars in England, circa 1381.
How is everyone doing? Its been so quiet in here! Has everyone given up? Still clicking those keys?
I am in the middle of book #3.
Each one is the start of a unique series.
At least I hope to make them all series, if I ever get enough readers for any.

How is it going with the historical romamnce story?
I am in the middle of book #3.
Each one is the start of a unique series.
At least I hope to make them all series, if I ever get enough readers for any.

How is it going with the historical romamnce story?

I had started a trilogy, but I put it down to work on this one. Its going well so far. I'm almost on schedule - a bit behind with the word count because I was sick with that nasty flu for two weeks - but I'm trying to catch up. I have the plot, its just a matter of getting it all down now. The response has been good! i posted the first eight sentences of it last week on my blog if you want to go check it out. Its called The Archer's Daughter.
I should have two books out this year, both non-fiction. One has the working title of "The Pregnant Woman's Guide to Preparing to Breastfeed" and the other is a complete revision of a book that first came out many years ago called "The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers." I've got the editor's notes back for the first one now and hope to work through them this weekend. The other one is still being reviewed by the editors (it is much longer).

I had started a trilogy, but I put it down to work on this one. Its going well so far. I'm almost on schedule - a bit behind with the word count because I was sick with that nasty flu for two weeks - but I'm trying to catch up. I have the plot, its just a matter of getting it all down now. The response has been good! i posted the first eight sentences of it last week on my blog if you want to go check it out. Its called The Archer's Daughter.

Im hooked.
Nice start.
How is everybody doing?
Would love to hear updates.

In really big publishing/social media news Amazon bought Goodreads.

Not sure what it means to Goodreads, but it is bigs news.

I think they did it before Apple came out of their fog and said what should we do with our money that will make us bigger into the book end of these devises.

I know people have talked about what Apple should do with their money, this was a place to have spent a little. Big oersight on their part IMO.
How is everybody doing?
Would love to hear updates.

In really big publishing/social media news Amazon bought Goodreads.

Not sure what it means to Goodreads, but it is bigs news.

I think they did it before Apple came out of their fog and said what should we do with our money that will make us bigger into the book end of these devises.

I know people have talked about what Apple should do with their money, this was a place to have spent a little. Big oersight on their part IMO.

My next book comes out April 9! I have done nothing to promote it. It's like my forgotten stepchild. :(

Turned in revisions for my 6th book and am now writing its sequel. Both of them are coming out in 2014. I sent the synopsis to my agent and we decided it should probably be a trilogy, so now I'm waiting to see what my editor has to say.

I've always considered Goodreads to be a place for readers, not authors, because people can and do rip apart authors and books at will there, whether or not they've read them. So one part of me wonders if Amazon will help boost the integrity of Goodreads reviews-- but if the Goodreads reviews end up filtering into Amazon, then that's a scary thing.
I think they will do best to keep it going.
They took Shelfari and basically burried it, Goodreads came back twice the size.
Don't think they will do that again.

I really think this was the campnay for Apple though. More than half the user more than likely have Itune/Apple accounts with the same email and you had a way to know how to market to everyone of them to try to build the I-Shelf.
I think they will do best to keep it going.
They took Shelfari and basically burried it, Goodreads came back twice the size.
Don't think they will do that again.

I really think this was the campnay for Apple though. More than half the user more than likely have Itune/Apple accounts with the same email and you had a way to know how to market to everyone of them to try to build the I-Shelf.

I think you are right.

What are you up to? Have you been writing anything new?
I have a lot to update! ::yes::

In May of last year I self published my erotic paranormal romance novel. It is the first book in my series. Within the year I self pubbed a novelette and novella for the series and have another novella coming out within the next 2 months. Currently, I am working on the next 2 novels in my series. I have had sales that have exceeded my expectations, granted my expectations were really low :rotfl2: I thought I would only sell 2 books if I was lucky! :rotfl: It's been a lot more than that! :) I have a website, an internet presence on almost every social media outlet available, a blog, and I actually have some "fans" on Goodreads!:woohoo:

Reviews have been really good. My only downfall was my 1st book needed editing & any negative review I received, was because of that. As it stands my 1st book has an average 3.17 star rating, my 2nd book 4.33 stars and my 3rd book 4.0 stars (this is from my reviews on Goodreads where I have the largest amount of reviews)

Right now a blogger is reading my 1st book for review on a popular blog for the genre I write. I'm nervous & excited at the same time!

It has been an amazing journey with highs and lows. At first, I really didn't take it too serious. Now I am treating it like it deserves to be treated, it is my career. I love what I do & have met so many wonderful, helpful people along the way. I have learned so much! My biggest lesson, I need a copy editor for my novels! ;) Once I hired one, and cleaned up my novel, I saw that spelling errors, and run on sentences can slip by no matter how many times you reread your own work it.

I have also written a novella that is an erotic romance and have that out on submission to epublishers. I'm curious to see, if it gets accepted, how that whole process works compared to self publishing. Crossing my fingers I hear good news soon.

My only issue is, I wish I had more time to write and could write faster! I have no idea how these authors out there can have novels out almost every month or two!
I think you are right.

What are you up to? Have you been writing anything new?

Working on a new novel(YA ish again) , as well as I wrote a play.
I actually tried to reach out to you(PM) a couple of months ago because I was wondering if you had any advice on pubbibg a play. Or if ou would recomend not doing it.

Did a reading (A friend is an actor) and it went well but trying figure out the harm of just putting it on line or publising it.

It is dark comedy and the particpants thought it was quite funny. The last month I was updating with concepts they thought would make two of the characters more believable. One character was "breaking a wall" so I used him sparingly, they thought I should expand the character.
I have a lot to update! ::yes::

In May of last year I self published my erotic paranormal romance novel. It is the first book in my series. Within the year I self pubbed a novelette and novella for the series and have another novella coming out within the next 2 months. Currently, I am working on the next 2 novels in my series. I have had sales that have exceeded my expectations, granted my expectations were really low :rotfl2: I thought I would only sell 2 books if I was lucky! :rotfl: It's been a lot more than that! :) I have a website, an internet presence on almost every social media outlet available, a blog, and I actually have some "fans" on Goodreads!:woohoo:

Reviews have been really good. My only downfall was my 1st book needed editing & any negative review I received, was because of that. As it stands my 1st book has an average 3.17 star rating, my 2nd book 4.33 stars and my 3rd book 4.0 stars (this is from my reviews on Goodreads where I have the largest amount of reviews)

Right now a blogger is reading my 1st book for review on a popular blog for the genre I write. I'm nervous & excited at the same time!

It has been an amazing journey with highs and lows. At first, I really didn't take it too serious. Now I am treating it like it deserves to be treated, it is my career. I love what I do & have met so many wonderful, helpful people along the way. I have learned so much! My biggest lesson, I need a copy editor for my novels! ;) Once I hired one, and cleaned up my novel, I saw that spelling errors, and run on sentences can slip by no matter how many times you reread your own work it.

I have also written a novella that is an erotic romance and have that out on submission to epublishers. I'm curious to see, if it gets accepted, how that whole process works compared to self publishing. Crossing my fingers I hear good news soon.

My only issue is, I wish I had more time to write and could write faster! I have no idea how these authors out there can have novels out almost every month or two!

Wow, congratulations! That is really good news. Congrats on the great sales and reviews and I hope you hear something good from the publishers soon.

Working on a new novel(YA ish again) , as well as I wrote a play.
I actually tried to reach out to you(PM) a couple of months ago because I was wondering if you had any advice on pubbibg a play. Or if ou would recomend not doing it.

You did? I'm sorry, I did not get that PM! I was not ignoring you :)

I don't really know. I confess I know very little about publishing plays.

But very cool that you wrote one! I am extremely impressed; I would have no clue how to do that.
"You did? I'm sorry, I did not get that PM! I was not ignoring you :)"

I knew that. I just got sidetrack when I got feedback from actors. Still haven't decided and most of the people I talk too here have no idea as well.
Pretty sure I am just going to put it out there once I update, as getting the reading together became a chore. I don't even want to imagine what trying to get more interest in it that way would entail.

Very happy to hear good news Desnik.
Have you updated the 1st book, its quite easy to do.
Grammar is the biggest issue with much of self pubbing. The other issue is the work just sucking. Seems from what reviewers are saying you have the better of the two issues. Send me a PM if you would like to comare notes. I also wish I had more time to write as well as market.
I actually spend more time marketing now than writing and it is not fun.
I'm working on a screenplay. At first I was writing a book, but the concept of a script is much more to my liking. How do I get it out there?! Do I look for screen play agents? Independent film company?
Great updates, everyone! Me, I'm still plugging away, finishing up edits for my fantasy romance coming out in a few months, and typing like crazy on my latest historical romance. I've been really busy with my blog though, hosting a lot of authors and participating in blog hops. That has really boosted my exposure! I have a contest going on right now, 300 hits just today.
"You did? I'm sorry, I did not get that PM! I was not ignoring you :)"

I knew that. I just got sidetrack when I got feedback from actors. Still haven't decided and most of the people I talk too here have no idea as well.
Pretty sure I am just going to put it out there once I update, as getting the reading together became a chore. I don't even want to imagine what trying to get more interest in it that way would entail.

Very happy to hear good news Desnik.
Have you updated the 1st book, its quite easy to do.
Grammar is the biggest issue with much of self pubbing. The other issue is the work just sucking. Seems from what reviewers are saying you have the better of the two issues. Send me a PM if you would like to comare notes. I also wish I had more time to write as well as market.
I actually spend more time marketing now than writing and it is not fun.

Yes, the new edited version was uploaded to replace the old file on all the formats my ebooks are published at (amazon, B&N, Kobo & allromanceebooks) on March 15th.

I'll certainly send a PM to compare notes! :-)
Great updates, everyone! Me, I'm still plugging away, finishing up edits for my fantasy romance coming out in a few months, and typing like crazy on my latest historical romance. I've been really busy with my blog though, hosting a lot of authors and participating in blog hops. That has really boosted my exposure! I have a contest going on right now, 300 hits just today.

Can you explain to me what exactly a blog hop is? I have seen it talked about, it has been suggested to me to do it, and I have even contacted a company that sets that all up, but I'm still not 100% certain what exactly it is! :lmao:

I need the exposure and it seems this would be a good way for me to do it and I have planned on doing a giveaway anyway.

Once I fully understand exactly what's expected of me on a blog tour, is it something I should set up myself? Is it easily done with bloggers? I ask because I have contacted 15 bloggers of my genre to read/review my 1st book and only 4 responded. Is that how it is for a blog tour too, or are they easier to set up with a blogger than a review? Should I use a company that sets it up?

Sorry about all the questions!:blush:
Another of my pictures books has been published. Woo Hoo!



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