DIS Diva's **Old thread**

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Good morning, ladies! Speaking of cleaning, that's what I've been doing all morning. :faint: Well, not as much cleaning as organizing. I hate to clean, love to organize. I rearranged the twins room and it looks really good now. Too bad it won't last long. lol

Have a good day, ladies! Don't forget sign ups are going on for the Christmas card exchange if you are interested. Those will continue until the 30th.

Lisa, I like Linda's idea. If you forget something, just go shopping!

Mel, good luck with all the remodeling you are doing. Even though you aren't having Thanksgiving at your house, it sure sounds like you are doing most of the cooking! That's nice of you.

Trudi, I loved the pics from DL. Violet is so precious.

Kelly, thanks for the info on Forks. I know it's a sleepy little town. I just think it will be neat to take a pic there. Really, I'm looking forward to seeing the beaches near there.

Kerri, okay, what are yucky beans?? Did I miss that somewhere? lol
If you've forgotten something ..... just shop! :rotfl2:
Trudi, I loved the pics from DL. Violet is so precious.

Kerri, okay, what are yucky beans?? Did I miss that somewhere? lol

Awww, thanks. We had such a great time! Oh, I looked high and low for the monkey bride and it was not there!

Don't know what yucky beans are either.:confused3
Yucky beans sound, well, yucky! ;)

We saw the monkey bride! She's on the left, almost all the way at the end of the section right below a bucket of 8 balls (like those black forture ones). I think if you are on the right side you would miss her.

I agree that Violet is adorable. princess:

Is everyone ready for Thanksgiving? I have a few last minute things to get at Fresh and Easy tomorrow (because they are like fresh and easy :lmao:) and we will be all set for the big feast. ::yes::
I did my shopping yesterday so I'm ready. :) After work today I'm just going home and prepping food, I need to get the beans ready (I may make them tonight, they are better the next day usually lol) and I got some broccoli and other veggies to make myself a veggie plate. They always have appetizers but they are heavy fat things so I'm going to do Ranch and veggies for myself so I don't eat too much of the fatty ones. LOL

Ok, yucky beans (I tend to forget people don't know what they are ;) ) are just green bean casserole but I make it differently, I use fresh beans instead of canned or frozen, and instead of just milk I use sharp cheddar cheese. So I add 2 cups of sharp cheddar (well really I just mix it in until I think it looks cheesy enough lol) in place of the milk and add about 1/4 cup of milk so it does have some liquid. I also use a full can of french fried onions instead of part of the can. They come out crisp and cheesy and oh so good!! They are called yucky beans because they look yucky and kids always say "ewwww yucky beans" lol

Melody, I'm sending a new check today.....via UPS......LOL
We saw the monkey bride! She's on the left, almost all the way at the end of the section right below a bucket of 8 balls (like those black forture ones). I think if you are on the right side you would miss her.

Yay for the Monkey Bride! You almost have to look back as you're going past her to see her. If you're on the right side, it's almost impossible to see her (or if you just refuse to believe the truth, doesn't matter where you sit, you'll never get over yourself enough to see her :rolleyes1 )

Did you do the Holiday Tour? How was it?
Good morning!
I have so not been keeping up. I really don't know what's going on anymore, I'm just showing up in February hoping that the meet is still on :p

Tomorrow is going to be a hectic. We are joining my aunt & her family for Thanksgiving dinner. Then I'll probably nap until I have to leave for work at 10:30pm. Yup, I'm opening up the Bath & Body Works store. I work there 11:30pm - 8am and then at The Disney Store 2:30pm - 11pm. Hoping it goes by fast!

Anyone else going Black Friday shopping?

Oh, I looked high and low for the monkey bride and it was not there!
I rest my case.

Is everyone ready for Thanksgiving? I have a few last minute things to get at Fresh and Easy tomorrow (because they are like fresh and easy :lmao:) and we will be all set for the big feast. ::yes::
I'm ready. Which isn't saying much. lol We are keeping it very simple because it's just us and also we are leaving the next day so I didn't want a bunch of left overs that no one will be home to eat. We'll have all the usual stuff, just not very much of it.

I did my shopping yesterday so I'm ready. :) After work today I'm just going home and prepping food, I need to get the beans ready (I may make them tonight, they are better the next day usually lol) and I got some broccoli and other veggies to make myself a veggie plate. They always have appetizers but they are heavy fat things so I'm going to do Ranch and veggies for myself so I don't eat too much of the fatty ones. LOL
You are so "good" and healthy!

If you're on the right side, it's almost impossible to see her (or if you just refuse to believe the truth, doesn't matter where you sit, you'll never get over yourself enough to see her :rolleyes1 )
I'm ignoring that comment...

I have so not been keeping up. I really don't know what's going on anymore, I'm just showing up in February hoping that the meet is still on :p

I rather like that idea. Sounds good to me! :thumbsup2
Aloha ladies from the beautiful island of Maui! We will be having a very non-traditional Thanksgiving! Eating at the famous Duke's Beach House (he was consider the father of surfing). Looking forward to macadamia nut crushed fresh fish of the day! Yep - no turkey! They actually do offer it on the menu today but I prefer their fish. Best of all - no cooking!

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!
Yucky beans sound, well, yucky! ;)

We saw the monkey bride! She's on the left, almost all the way at the end of the section right below a bucket of 8 balls (like those black forture ones). I think if you are on the right side you would miss her.

I agree that Violet is adorable. princess:

Is everyone ready for Thanksgiving? I have a few last minute things to get at Fresh and Easy tomorrow (because they are like fresh and easy :lmao:) and we will be all set for the big feast. ::yes::
I stared right at those 8 balls because I had never noticed them before. If I had only looked a little lower! I'm hoping to get a trip in next month and I will find that monkey!
Aloha ladies from the beautiful island of Maui! We will be having a very non-traditional Thanksgiving! Eating at the famous Duke's Beach House (he was consider the father of surfing). Looking forward to macadamia nut crushed fresh fish of the day! Yep - no turkey! They actually do offer it on the menu today but I prefer their fish. Best of all - no cooking!

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!

Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving. Today Sarah and I said next year we are going to the Thanksgiving dinner at the Disneyland Hotel.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! In less than 10 hours, I'll be on my way to WDW. I think I'm finally done packing everything but the backpack. Need my glasses that I'm wearing and stuff like that to go in there still. I'M TOO EXCITED TO SLEEP!!!!!!!

Catch you all on the flip side!
Happy Black Friday, ladies!! If you are out braving the crowds, I hope you find some awesome deals. :thumbsup2
No shopping for me today. I've got to pack because as soon as Ruben gets home from work, we are leaving for California for the weekend. Going to visit his parents, and also get in a day at Universal. :)

Lisa, have a magical trip!!!

Bridget, sounds like a wonderful way to spend Thanksgiving.
Oh Man Bridget that sounds awesome!! Have a blast.

Trudi mom and I are going to be buying our Regan tickets hopefully this week so I will let you know. ;)

Beth have a blast at Univ and visiting the family. We went one time for Grinchmas and it was a blast and we were actually going to do it on this trip but it is SO expensive we opted to just go the museum and sight see instead. Have a blast!!

Today the girls and I are going with my parents to a museum here in town that has a Norman Rockwell exhibit. I love his work and am looking forward to it!

Tomorrow the girls are going with their dad to see Breaking Dawn and mom and I are going to do a little xmas shopping.

That's bout it for us. Hope everyone else is enjoying their holiday!
I just have to say that I love your Black Friday deals!! I wasn't brave enough to venture out to the stores but I did do some online shopping. They had a few sales here to keep us this side of the border but nothing too amazing.

Our little town has had a couple of exciting weeks. We have a small, old 24hour diner that is a great place to go after being out at the bars all night but it's also recently been picked for quite a few movies. The latest movie is starring Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter for anyone that doesn't know) He's been very approachable and awesome to his fans. He's been spotted at Tim Hortons mostly:) My brother got to meet him which is pretty cool!
Time to do some catching up! It's been a while. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and aren't getting trampled at the stores on Black Friday. We have something similar the day after Christmas called Boxing Day. I think some people try to take that title literally. :rolleyes1

Lisa, I hope you have a magical time in WDW!

Beth, I hope you have a great weekend with family and Universal.

Angie that's really exciting about Daniel being in your town. Hopefully you get to run into him at some point! The most exciting I've seen recently (and it wasn't THAT exciting) is Xibit's tour bus last weekend in Calgary. Boy that man doesn't like to be discreet! His face was plastered all over that thing!

I saw Breaking Dawn last weekend, and again on Wednesday. I loved it! Nice twist at the end, which I wasn't expecting.

This weekend I think we are going to set up Christmas. I know it's still a bit early, but I didn't get to set up at all last year, since we were moving, so now I am really itching to do it. I just hope it warms up enough to get lights on the house!
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! In less than 10 hours, I'll be on my way to WDW. I think I'm finally done packing everything but the backpack. Need my glasses that I'm wearing and stuff like that to go in there still. I'M TOO EXCITED TO SLEEP!!!!!!!

Catch you all on the flip side!
Looking forward to your pictures!
Trudi mom and I are going to be buying our Regan tickets hopefully this week so I will let you know. ;)
I was going to buy mine this week and forgot. Thanks for the reminder.
Our little town has had a couple of exciting weeks. We have a small, old 24hour diner that is a great place to go after being out at the bars all night but it's also recently been picked for quite a few movies. The latest movie is starring Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter for anyone that doesn't know) He's been very approachable and awesome to his fans. He's been spotted at Tim Hortons mostly:) My brother got to meet him which is pretty cool!

How exciting!
Hi everyone! Hope you are having a good Thanksgiving weekend. My kids and husband have been sick, but everyone was finally feeling well enough today that we ventured out to this place in Seattle (Ballard) I have been wanting to try. It's called Hot Cakes and the lady who runs it used to be a chocolatier for Theo's Chocolates. Anyway, their specialty is chocolate lava cakes and they also have pocket pies, chocolate and caramel sipping drinks, shakes etc. and butter beer! It is a fun place. Their products are all organic and they have gluten free and vegan options for those that want that. Anyway, that was my Saturday adventure.

Lisa - hope you are having a great time at WDW!

Kelly - I love Norman Rockwell's work. Hope you enjoy the museum!

Beth - hope you are enjoying Universal with your family.

Hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend!
Pam that sounds amazing! Hope it was yummy!

Thanks about the museum. It was really neat. Not only seeing Rockwell but also the rest of the art!

Can't believe the kids week off is already basically over. Today we are just doing grocery shopping and chores and we started watching our xmas movies.

Katy starts practice again for comp cheer tomorrow. SOOO not looking forward to that again. I was loving having a break. Ah well never ends LOL.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
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