DDC XXIV - What Bacon Shortage? We're Full Of It!

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Someone say Pabst Blue Ribbon?????


(taken at WWoS March 2010 Mets/Braves spring training)

$3 16oz during the 6th inning. :)


Maybe the only time I'll give a :thumbsup2 to a Yankee's fan, and actually have it be a thumb...
Hey guys. Second to last day at the job, and cleaning out the inbox and packing up files is more work than I've had in a long time... :rotfl:

Who said an accountant's work is boring?!?!?! :confused3

(They were right) ;)

Well, just about everyone says it's boring. Including the accountants.:rotfl2::rotfl2: Good luck getting everything done. A fresh start is always a challenge, but worth it.
Great idea! :thumbsup2 Wish that I could get away with that... :crazy2:

::yes:: :scared:

:welcome: You don't know what post padding is, do you? :scared:

Stupid Browns! :headache:
(not a Browns fan, just REALLY hate Dallas)

The Brown's have fans? :confused3 Who would have thought people would pay to see the Browns play? Must be the same ones that watched the Drew Carry show every week.
Dues are in the mail! Not sure how the Dole Whips are going to hold up with holiday mails though!

It's easy enought to deal with the Steelers haters...the 6 Lombardi trophies make it easier.:)
Although losing tot eh Ravens or Browns is the equivalent of having to swallow broken glass.:mad:

We own at BLT and SSR. We bought in at BLT and added on at SSR. I'm sure we'll be buying more at some point. The Disney points have paid for our DDP twice now. I javen't figured out if it's a good deal or if my wife is just spending too much money to earn that many points:lmao:

I'm guessing it's a little bit of both.:lmao::lmao: I get to use mine for work expenses so the points add up quickly. We never bought DVC because we weren't going back every year. Yup, not going back. Have now been 8 times in last 5 years.:confused3 I just keep thinking we would have paid for the points by now already.:sad2:
Wait! I agree with my nemie? Write this down. I'm off to chaperone ninja nite at DD's taekwondo school. And she's about to lose her first tooth. What's the tooth fairy paying these days? (Norm- she can't have bourbon yet)

We usually go with $2-3. We have been using the gold dollars instead of paper. We also used the new president silver dollars recently. It's a pretty cool touch. The kids get really excited because we don't see them often.
mm1971 said:
I'm guessing it's a little bit of both.:lmao::lmao: I get to use mine for work expenses so the points add up quickly. We never bought DVC because we weren't going back every year. Yup, not going back. Have now been 8 times in last 5 years.:confused3 I just keep thinking we would have paid for the points by now already.:sad2:

Or a good chunk of them, that was the final state for us to buy. Calculated what we were going to spend on a hotel for sept/nov ( in a moderate resort) and saw it was more than what the down payment was, so took the cash and bought in.
But, we're not camping there. We are living there in a camper.

That definitely makes a difference. Just remember that he is not an accountant. He is a number crunching, bean counting consultant. That sounds much better when explaining who is on your lawn.:rotfl:
I payed $10 for the first tooth and $5 for each tooth after.... errr I mean the tooth fairy paid it. :tink:

If I send you the teeth, will you send me $5 each? Sounds like the tooth fairy at your house is really generous. I think my kids would be pulling them out for $10.:lmao::lmao:
Someone say Pabst Blue Ribbon?????


(taken at WWoS March 2010 Mets/Braves spring training)

$3 16oz during the 6th inning. :)

$3????:confused3 We can't buy water at a game for that. Well I guess PBR pretty much is water anyway.
I'm guessing it's a little bit of both.:lmao::lmao: I get to use mine for work expenses so the points add up quickly. We never bought DVC because we weren't going back every year. Yup, not going back. Have now been 8 times in last 5 years.:confused3 I just keep thinking we would have paid for the points by now already.:sad2:

We did a family trip with my wife's sister and her fam including my MIL and g'ma. It was a blast. 10 people...my oldest was just 2.5 at the time and my wife's gram was 80...that big of an age range and we all had so much fun!

We said... "Maybe every 3 years"...then "every two"..."Every other"...
As you can see in my sig, we were there in march and again 2 weeks ago!

Once we met with the DVC folks and saw the rooms...my wife and I both knew we wanted it without even saying a word to each other!

The rule of thumb is 6 trips and you're at break even. My fiscally conservative Certified Financial Planner whom I sometime call my older brother...was the one that assuaged my fears and convinced me to join.

As for the Disney Visa...we use it for everything that allows cc payments. Then we just pay it each month. We upgraded to the premier one this year, too. The annual cost was nothing given how many points we earn in the course of a year.
We did a family trip with my wife's sister and her fam including my MIL and g'ma. It was a blast. 10 people...my oldest was just 2.5 at the time and my wife's gram was 80...that big of an age range and we all had so much fun!

We said... "Maybe every 3 years"...then "every two"..."Every other"...
As you can see in my sig, we were there in march and again 2 weeks ago!

Once we met with the DVC folks and saw the rooms...my wife and I both knew we wanted it without even saying a word to each other!

The rule of thumb is 6 trips and you're at break even. My fiscally conservative Certified Financial Planner whom I sometime call my older brother...was the one that assuaged my fears and convinced me to join.

As for the Disney Visa...we use it for everything that allows cc payments. Then we just pay it each month. We upgraded to the premier one this year, too. The annual cost was nothing given how many points we earn in the course of a year.

Yup. We are talking about maybe buying now. We (and by we I mean my wife) don't plan to go back until 2014. Still trying to go sooner. We may take the plunge before that trip. I am the finance department in my family tree so I am always excited and depressed when we pay the bills.

We do the same with the premiere Visa. One advertising bill recovers the fee for us so we get the benefits of the additional %.

Maybe the only time I'll give a :thumbsup2 to a Yankee's fan, and actually have it be a thumb...
Thanks.. i think. :scratchin

If I send you the teeth, will you send me $5 each? Sounds like the tooth fairy at your house is really generous. I think my kids would be pulling them out for $10.:lmao::lmao:
Sure... knock some out and send 'em over!

$3????:confused3 We can't buy water at a game for that. Well I guess PBR pretty much is water anyway.
Pretty much. ::yes::

It sure did taste good though... it was about 84 degrees that day and we were in the sun the entire game. :furious:
Let's see if I can catch up a bit here:

The Tooth Fairy pays one gold $1 coin per tooth here in Kansas. (And if any of ya'll who pay $3-$5/tooth spill that where DD or DS can hear it at the DISDads Convention, I'll be sending ya'll the bill!).

We're contemplating DVC as well. We have some things we need to take care of to get our financial house in better order around here first. But DVC is near the top of the list of "next things" to consider. I get weekly Emails about secondary market DVC contracts every Friday. And every Friday I text DW about the deal that I'm looking at and trying not to weep over. Last week's had a 500 point AKL contract at $62/point. I have a good friend who I was really tempted to call and suggest that we buy it together, splitting the points (little-known fact - you can buy a DVC contract with non-relatives, and everyone who has an ownership stake is entitled to the DVC benefits, like DVC owner discounts, TiW, etc.). That's plenty of points for each of our families to travel every year, and/or with banking and borrowing to do more. But the kidney market was down a bit last week, and without a ready market, I didn't have the liquidity to make the move just yet.
Shoot away. ND and IU? Ugh. I'd rather eat glass than cheer for them.


Not to worry, by the time I'm on your lawn I'll be a retired accountant. :thumbsup2:thumbsup2

According to the letter of the law, if you provide more than 50% of our support (i.e. half of our Pabst Blue Ribbon), you can claim us. ;)

What if all he has is Strohs and Natty Light :confused3:rotfl2:

Let's see if I can catch up a bit here:

The Tooth Fairy pays one gold $1 coin per tooth here in Kansas. (And if any of ya'll who pay $3-$5/tooth spill that where DD or DS can hear it at the DISDads Convention, I'll be sending ya'll the bill!).

We're contemplating DVC as well. We have some things we need to take care of to get our financial house in better order around here first. But DVC is near the top of the list of "next things" to consider. I get weekly Emails about secondary market DVC contracts every Friday. And every Friday I text DW about the deal that I'm looking at and trying not to weep over. Last week's had a 500 point AKL contract at $62/point. I have a good friend who I was really tempted to call and suggest that we buy it together, splitting the points (little-known fact - you can buy a DVC contract with non-relatives, and everyone who has an ownership stake is entitled to the DVC benefits, like DVC owner discounts, TiW, etc.). That's plenty of points for each of our families to travel every year, and/or with banking and borrowing to do more. But the kidney market was down a bit last week, and without a ready market, I didn't have the liquidity to make the move just yet.

I'm with you Aaron. We won't really have a choice but to go to DVC after we expand the family.
Good morning all. Half day of work and then our company pitch in dinner starts at noon. We have a pretty diverse group so we will have dishes from Croatia, China, Thailand, Germany and Guatemala. We have all of the traditional stuff as well. Management is making 8 turkeys (2 fried, 2 BBQ, 2 Trad. 2 smoked) and they serve all the employees first. My stomach is eager with anticipation!
Morning guys,

The kid is on the plane in Newark on her way down here for the weekend. After picking her up, the rest of the day will be prep for tomorrow's dinner. Mostly brining the turkey. Hope everyone has a great day.
Good morning fellow dads, hope everything is well, it's funny readying all the tooth fairy talk, During DDs dental appt yesterday they discovered one of her teeth was abscessed so they had to pull it, once she was back to normal DD again she was excited that the tooth fairy would come to see her, without me saying a word when we got home she instantly put her tooth under the pillow, I was thinking tooth fairys gave maybe 5 but of course when we got home the tooth fairy discovered all he/she had was a 10 but also I remembered years ago when DDs sister list her first tooth she got 10 and even though DD wouldn't remember that I decided the tooth fairy should be fair, about to wake her up in a min so she's going to be excited
Thanks for all the tooth fairy info. Survived ninja night but I'm tired. Off to sleep now!
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