DAS changes coming WDW May 20/ DL June 18, 2024

I'm not going to lie. This is really scary. Narrowing DAS to only those with developmental delays will really impact my family's ability to do WDW and DL. We need DAS due to my youngest being medically complex. If we are stuck in a winding line with no way out and he needs airway clearance, we will hold up the whole line. He can be sensitive to heat. Literally everything takes us twice as long as everyone else due to my kiddo's complex needs. I am hoping there is still some form of access accommodations available to us or I fear our safe place to go will no longer feel that way.
I think there will still be accommodations for those of us who need them.
In the TikTok link I posted last night, https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLU1bQcv/ Amy from Touringplans visited MK and talked to guest services about the changes. Some of the answers she received were interesting. They said they were serious about the developmental disabilities requirement. Another that the return to line pass/ language not sure yet, would not be a guest services thing but an attractions cast thing. She said boots on the ground people. So to me that sounds like it’s not really an accommodation but will be available to all at the moment needed in lines. But I’m just speculating there. She also talked some about how registering works with the upcoming rollover date.
Oh jeez, I really hope for both the CM's "on the ground" sake and the people who need that accommodation's sake, it is much more organized than an "available to all at the moment needed" and "not a true accommodation". Again, we don't know the details, but that sounds like a recipe for disaster on all sides.
I sent an email to the Disability.services@disneyparks.com account shortly after my original post in here expressing my concerns. I was very disappointed this morning when I found that not only did they auto reply almost instantly that day, but after 2 days they sent a copy paste reply rather than actually trying to hear people out with their concerns.

Here is that reply:
I got the same reply. It says if your trip is after May 20 you can't apply until May 20. But it has been that you apply 30 day in advance. So if my trip is May 21, I really can't apply until May 20?? Or I can apply April 21, but the rules for after May 20 will apply?
Does anyone have percentage of people who requested DAS ahead of time vs during trip? Just curious just removing the two pretrip ones, how much of a difference does that alone make.
I don't have a percentage-but I know that I personally requested it during the trip, and did not get pre-selections. And I'm fine with that. We also only ever used it for our nuclear family (parents and 3 children). We also still bought genie-the DAS can only be used on rides that the person with the DAS pass goes on, and there are rides my child with DAS does not ride, so we paid for genie for the other kids to ride the other things. Like someone else said, I never saw hardly anyone else scanning for DAS-so I wonder if the biggest abuse is those large parties that some have mentioned-something I never saw for myself and am stunned to hear about.
My point was some places where kids could go and let off some steam or be distracted while waiting. Our DD is sensory seeking with elopement issues so she would love these kind of things, for others who need to unwind there should be places like the baby care center and cabanas (they had in the past).
Outside of what Universal did with more of their rider swap rooms built into the queue (like MIB for example) it's probably not realistic to do all of this for most if not all of the attractions held within the queue itself.

Another point to make is a sensory friendly places will quickly become overpopulated if too many are in there negating some of that intended benefit. And with what we know now with the population there are probably more guests who would probably use these places than before.

Going back to my comment I made yesterday where they listed out in their opinion places they've identified as good "Take a Break" places at some point there has to be a middle ground with people as it's literally impossible to provide exactly what every single person(s) wants/needs/desires/helps, etc. I personally thought they were quite descriptive of places like "Corridor between Norway and China", "Corridor on right just before Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge; Pathway between Muppet Vision 3D and Mama Melrose’s Ristorante Italiano" which actually I remember us relaxing for a bit in that area back in 2017. For your child, depending on crowd conditions some of these areas Disney has listed in their Take a Break section may allow for lower risk spots but only you know your child best.

I have said in the past that Disney needs more playground areas like they used to have (and looking at Universal How to Train Your Dragon area of Epic Universe is supposed to have one just as an example) but these places are meant for all kids to enjoy and that doesn't mean it's a place all kids can handle.

While I can't make argument that Disney doesn't have some room in there to build these places in this spot or that spot most of us also are critical of Disney for not adding more attractions, shows, etc to potentially help offset increase in crowds (which affect lines).
I didn't know Peter Pan had interactive stuff in the queue but I also refuse to wait in the standby line for that ride so that's probably why lol

I think Pooh could also fit in that category too. That line can slow to a crawl when people stop to watch their kids play with the interactive elements and don't move forward.
I rode Pooh once in 2017 and decided it was not for me, my gosh who thinks bouncing like that is actually fun then again my motion sickness was part of it (this is light-hearted of course some people enjoy it) so I did not remember that queue. I think another poster mentioned it too.
I think there will still be accommodations for those of us who need them.
yeah I’m beginning to think that those of us who have the thought of that won’t really work for me because I also have x,y & z will just be sent to whatever that secondary questioning/accommodations call to speak with a more nuanced person. But I also think we are probably a small minority of the DAS population.
I don't think anyone's saying people with IBS aren't getting a DAS, just that with other accommodations such as a return to line pass, there probably isn't a specific need to actually not be in the queue
Yeah I think the goal here is alternative assistance for common issues that do not specifically need to avoid the queue environment.
Like so many of you, I am really worried about getting accommodations. I have lower back nerve issue that can cause extreme pain. I am always in some level of pain, but have really learned how to manage it to help minimize it so its not off the charts pain. I can't sit for prolonged periods of time upright. I also can't stand for prolonged periods of time (usually after 25 min, pain starts really increasing). Sitting is worse than standing. Walking is great because it keeps my muscles loose.
I really need DAS in order to do the parks. I am so concerned that Disney is taking this away from me. I don't look disabled. I can walk just fine. But people can't see in my head and understand the pain I am dealing with in that moment. If they could, they would understand.
I am so stressed about this. Why can't Disney see that there are people with other disabilities that need help that a wheelchair just doesn't provide?
My daughters friend also uses a DAS. She has a heart condition on top of high levels of anxiety. If she begins to get very anxious, she will pass out. Crowded lines with the "feeling" of not being able to escape can cause this. What is she supposed to do?
ok, but that’s not the experience of the average DAS user, per Disney’s data.
What Disney Data are you referencing. The folks I know that use DAS do not ride a lot of rides and, were it not for DAS, would not ride any rides. I think Disney need to provide more specifics on the changes, and do a better job communicating. If they have DAS data, why not communicate the proposed changes and solicit feedback from the DAS users, before introducing a major change which has so far been ill-defined and poorly communicated??
TBH, my biggest concern at this point is that the wait times for virtual chats will be too long for my schedule to permit. I keep seeing that they’re adding staff for that, which is good… but they’re also going to have more people needing it, so it could be a wash. My life just doesn’t allow for holding for hours; it’s literally not possible with my schedule. That said, I cannot imagine they expect someone *in the park* to stand there for hours waiting, either, so surely the virtual system they have set up for people utilizing in-park service will be a dedicated line apart from the 2-30 days pre-visit line… I hope.
I actually think the 20-30m DAS/LL waits is why Disney is doing this (I know more cynical people think it’s to juice Genie+ revenue)— families shouldn’t have to skip rides because the DAS returns are so long—and the best way to make it possible for them to ride all the rides is to (a) limit DAS to conditions where it’s truly necessary (and eliminate fraud and (b) reduce the party size so fewer people are in the queue who don’t need to be there. Both of the changes appear to impact me personally for the worse, but if it means that DAS/LL is actually more accessible for people who can’t tolerate 20 minute lines, I understand the trade off.

I guess another option is to only give DAS uses 1-2 top tier attractions and 2-4 middle tier attractions, as opposed to the current unlimited use? Would people on this thread prefer that?
This idea would actually be perfect with my kids with genuine developmental disabilities. That’s exactly what we are able to accomplish in a day with DAS now. Without DAS we could enjoy 2 attractions.

One other thing I noticed, Allears says the "return to queue" process will stay the same.

The only "return to queue" option I am aware of at a Disney park is the bathroom pass and Rider switch.

Most of us probably know how Rider switch works, it is usually used for a child that is unable to ride due to height requirements. One adult will stay with the child outside of the line and be given a Lightning Lane pass for the ride. After the rest of the family rides, the adult can ride with a shorter wait in the Lightning Lane. Sometimes 1 additional person is also granted a Lightning Lane pass so the 1 adult does not have to ride alone.

The bathroom pass which I had posted earlier and sounds most like what the "return to queue" option is. There is a link describing how it works here: https://www.travelandleisure.com/attractions/disneyland-new-star-wars-ride-long-lines-bathroom-pass

There is also a post as far back as September 2023 that people were being issued bathroom passes instead of DAS (probably on a more limited basis than the changes recently announced) here: https://www.disboards.com/threads/change-in-das-at-disneyland.3929473/
solicit feedback from the DAS users,
In theory that is what I wish many companies, cities, etc would do but in reality it has to depend case by case.

Seeking citizen opinions on how they feel about toll roads, a new housing development, etc is quantifiable in the answers.

Asking millions of guests feedback who may use DAS? Not at all quantifiable. Even asking a sampling of guests feedback.

All the threads over time for DAS show that people are so different in their needs. Many of the back and forth discussion in this now 70 page thread (that's excluding the DLR thread which probably has some of the same discussion) there is this person saying X solution wouldn't work for them. Some may think a solution for their situation is not workable but another may think it's okay.

Communication isn't Disney's forte but wanting them to get feedback from DAS users on proposed changes before making them wouldn't elicit overall helpful information for them IMO. They would get way too many varied responses. So in a sense making adjustments and essentially tweaking it based on the level of uproar is probably the more realistic route. Communicating more concrete understanding of what is even being adjusted I completely agree would have been better to do.
And it really doesn’t cut down on abuse! There are many ppl officially diagnosed with a “developmental disability” who do have the ability to wait in line but may abuse the system just the same.
And that's why it is a symptom and issue based decision on the type of accommodation, not a diagnosis based.one
I have IBS, and people have specifically told me I should get DAS (No, I haven't actually gotten it). People absolutely get DAS for IBS, as well as other medical conditions that can have similar symptoms like ulcerative colitis and Crohn's. The thing is, people with these conditions CAN have a normal period--hours or days or even longer--with no symptoms. My dad has Crohn's, and it can kind of go into remission at times and then flare back up. Of course, some people with Crohn's have had parts of their intestines removed, so their situation can be different.

Anyway, the point is, many people with these conditions can have a few good days (some can have good weeks) with no symptoms at all. Then you can have a flare of symptoms and be running to the bathroom over and over. For me, it comes in waves every few days and can last a couple of hours. It's basically chronic diarrhea.

I've never gotten DAS for it because I know I don't need to skip lines all day every day. And, even on a "bad" day, when I'm dealing with these issues, I can't ride on rides at ALL until my symptoms resolve, whether I have a Lightning Lane or not. That's why, to me, DAS isn't a good accommodation for my condition. Do I need to skip lines and wait virtually for every ride all day every day? No. If I'm having a flare up of symptoms, will it help me to have a Lightning Lane? Again, no. While there can be some exceptions, I'm sure, people with symptoms like mine need to be able to leave a line, possibly be gone for hours, and return later. I'm very happy with the Return to Line accommodation they'll be offering and am looking forward to hearing more details on it. It seems like a much better accommodation for people with needs like mine.

But yes, until now, people with conditions similar to mine have absolutely have gotten DAS. I think it's the most lied about condition, too, because I've heard people tell others to just say they have IBS to be able to get DAS. It makes me mad, personally, because I am a sufferer of IBS-D and haven't gotten DAS for it because I think that would be DAS abuse, yet people who don' really have IBS are lying and saying they do in order to get DAS. It's very frustrating. Anyway, I think the fact that people lie so much about IBS is why Universal was the first to stop offering their line skipping (or "virtual waiting" for those who prefer) accommodation to people with bathroom issues. Disney is now following suit, and bathroom/toilet issues will no longer meet the criteria for DAS. They did before, but won't going forward. I know some people are really unhappy about this and are used to getting DAS for their condition, and they're upset and feeling like something is being taken from them. However, this seems to be the new standard now. As an IBS sufferer who has had to run from lines before, I can still say I think the change is a good thing. I personally think a Return to Line feature is a much better accommodation for bathroom issues.
Please have a look at this page and try to understand what is the difference between IBS and IBD (which is a recognised disability by the way). IBD is a very complex disease. Please! It`s not only having diarrhoea. I wish!

https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/hea...se#:~:text=What is IBD?,the mouth to the anus.

Most of the people who have IBD unfortunately have numerous additional autoimmune conditions ie PBC/PSC, Arthritis, Diabetes also extreme fatigue

Actually Universal gave me the access card last year for my visit. I guess my medical history was enough proof that I need it.

Those who are having IBS probably you are right they wouldn`t get it.... BUT! I wouldn`t say that they NOT NEED it. You know .... everyone`s body is different. And we already established yesterday that you don`t need DAS. Someone else with IBS might need it. You CAN NOT KNOW this!

Why on Earth are you in this forum anyways? You don`t want DAS . You don`t need DAS. You never had DAS. Why are you so invested the changes of DAS? You just constantly keep belittling other people's disease.

One of my concerns is the timing change that says "DAS is valid for the length of the ticket or up to 120 days, whichever is shorter."

We often buy just a one day-one park ticket to start with, and see how things go, as to whether or not our DAS user is able to do another park day on a trip- sometimes more than one is just too much, but if he is having a "good day" and wants to try again, we will sometimes then buy another ticket for a specific park/day at that point. Since the new timing says "whichever is shorter," does that mean we would have to reapply for DAS after the one day ticket was used?

(I did email WDW disability services about this the other day and have not heard back other than the initial auto-reply, but assuming based on others' experiences that I can expect the same blanket response they received within the next few days.)

ETA: I got the " All Guests who inquire about accessibility options during this period of transition are receiving this note to share information ahead of your next visit" email less than 20 minutes after originally posting this....
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Being a negative Nancy here but it will only take a few months before people are all over the internet sharing what they were asked, how they responded and what accommodation they were given. Then Disney will have to change the system again (even if it takes a few years). Any DAS accommodation should come with an NDA (😂). People share waaaaay too much information whether it’s in the spirit of being helpful, guilt because they’re scamming the system so want others to or just sticking it to “the man” these types of things shouldn’t be posted.

I don’t mind Universals system. A little pre-planning to get paperwork in order and submitted isn’t the end of the world. I found it fairly easy.


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