DAS changes coming WDW May 20/ DL June 18, 2024

Virtual queue for every single ride is the solution. There is no reason anyone needs to stand for hours in a queue. I feel like everyone has a diagnosis these days. IBS is so common something needed to change.
Yup - to some extent I agree with this - if only there was a system that was available to all, and like, it allowed you to pass the line, and it was fast too ... a Pass that was Fast and was available to all people equally .... hrm. Someone should work on that.

Seriously though - the only concern about ALL virtual queues, is where do the people go ? Thousands and thousands of people are standing in line at any given time, remove the lines, and where do the people go ?
I’m concerned with DVC. If we called 30 days ahead and get denied, we won’t go on trip. But at that point, our points go into holding.

Last trip we did few hours park, few hours rest resort, few hours park. Next day at resort, Repeat 5 times. We thought our trip last year was our last trip. This trip really will be our last trip and even a bit slower.

But if we get denied , not going to Disney to spent two weeks in resort. Yes, we did do some things like roasting marshmallows, pretending we knew how to play pool, and counting the lizard population at BLT. I can stay home and count cicadas instead.
We're DVC and...same. Not enough info to make a decision and that puts many people in a bad position.
Virtual queue for every single ride is the solution. There is no reason anyone needs to stand for hours in a queue. I feel like everyone has a diagnosis these days. IBS is so common something needed to change.

I agree with you there. I actually floated a similar idea earlier in the thread. There are a lot of things Disney would have to do to change its operations such as adding capacity for people no longer standing around waiting in line by adding more shopping, more restaurants, perhaps large entertainment venues that could seat a lot of people (think: opening the Fantasmic theater during the day or putting something in during the day where the Rivers of Light used to show).

Cap the line to around a 30 minute wait in the physical line and everyone else gets called back when its their turn similar to how Tron and Cosmic Rewind work.

It could actually enhance safety as during an evac you'd have less people in line and you would need to offer less recovery passes if a ride went down.

Lightning Lane could still be used but more like Express Pass at Universal, charge a lot more and allow entry into the Lightning Lane whenever someone wanted to. It would ensure revenue from Genie+ doesn't go away, it would just be coming from less guests.

It could potentially work for many current DAS users as well although for situations where it doesn't you could still have a process for a DAS like option that used the lightning lane. In those scenarios it would also benefit the DAS user as the lightning lane wait should be significantly shorter.

Some rides that have a high ride capacity and generally low wait times like the People Mover could still use a normal standby queue instead of virtual queue maybe?

Its not a perfect idea, there are things Disney would need to do to make it all work - but it makes the most sense imho. Maybe long term Disney will eventually do that (probably test it at a smaller International park first).
I emailed Disability Services the day this all dropped asking for clarification and expressing my frustration. Here is the letter I received in response.

Dear Guest,

Thank you for your message to the Walt Disney World Resort regarding services for Guests with disabilities.

Disney is committed to providing a welcoming, inclusive environment, and accessible experience for all our Guests. All Guests who inquire about accessibility options during this period of transition are receiving this note to share information ahead of your next visit.

We would encourage you to first explore our website for Guests with disabilities, which has been updated to showcase a variety of accommodations and services to meet different needs.

Additionally, to help you plan your visit, we have developed an Accessibility Planning Guide and Recommendations and a Sensory Experience Guide, which provide pertinent information as well as answers to many Frequently Asked Questions.
There are various accommodations available to meet the needs of our Guests, which may be discussed in individualized conversations within 30 days of a planned visit with our Accessibility Services Cast Members. The Disability Access Service (DAS) is one program offered, and it is intended specifically for those guests who, due to a developmental disability like autism or similar, are unable to wait in a conventional queue for an extended period of time.

Some Guests enrolled in DAS in the past may be offered alternate accommodations based on the results of their individual conversations. These include Rider Switch, Mobility Services, options for those who may unexpectedly need to leave a queue, and/or other recommendations. Guests who may need accessibility accommodations will be offered an individualized conversation with our team within 30 days of a planned trip (including on the day of your visit, if necessary), to help provide an appropriate match of tools and services.

If you are visiting before May 20, 2024:
Please visit us at Accessibility Services to initiate a connection with our team. You will be connected with a Cast Member via live video to assist you further. Please note that you will need to have access to a video camera and a microphone. During this discussion, if eligible, you may register in advance for DAS between 2 and 30 days prior to your visit.
During this time, you may also request accommodations by visiting a Guest Relations location once you arrive at our theme parks. Our Guest Relations Cast Members will work individually with you to discuss your overall needs to determine which service will be appropriate. Guests will not be asked for medical documentation.
Note: If you already have an approved DAS accommodation, it remains valid until your existing expiration.
If your visit begins May 20, 2024 or later:
Beginning May 20 at the Walt Disney World Resort, there will be an updated process for Accessibility Services conversations. Guests can learn more on our website for Guests with disabilities. In this video discussion, health care professionals may be available, if needed, to help determine appropriate accommodations. Guests will not be asked for medical documentation.

Please know we will not determine any Guest’s future eligibility until our processes are updated on May 20.
I’m wondering if / what the changes to G+ will be

Will they go more towards the universal route (deluxe resorts get it free?, make it a super expensive fee to reduce the amount the sell but not reduce their bottom line?)

Open it up to be able to ride whatever ride you want to ride as many times you want?

I wonder when this announcement (if at all) will be rolled out, because it will impact a lot - for my family at least.

We bought into DVC because Disney was one of the easiest vacations we are able to do with our kids because how accommodating they are and it feels more like a “vacation” for us. I got a little personal with one of my sons earlier in the thread and his breathing issues but have another son who has benefited from DAS greatly - even going to the grocery store with him can be difficult - we often send one parent to the store unless it’s a dire need to go as a family.

That's it, for us Disney has always been our place where we feel "taken care of". As they've taken more perks away over the years ( not just changes to DAS, but overall ), it's feeling less and less the case. But I also don't want to be an alarmist, and we'll see what happens once these new changes go into effect.
I’m wondering if / what the changes to G+ will be

Will they go more towards the universal route (deluxe resorts get it free?, make it a super expensive fee to reduce the amount the sell but not reduce their bottom line?)

Open it up to be able to ride whatever ride you want to ride as many times you want?

I wonder when this announcement (if at all) will be rolled out, because it will impact a lot - for my family at least.

We bought into DVC because Disney was one of the easiest vacations we are able to do with our kids because how accommodating they are and it feels more like a “vacation” for us. I got a little personal with one of my sons earlier in the thread and his breathing issues but have another son who has benefited from DAS greatly - even going to the grocery store with him can be difficult - we often send one parent to the store unless it’s a dire need to go as a family.

The only thing I've heard is some way to pre-select rides, which may only be for resort guests and it may only be the first ride. I wonder if those changes will be announced along with more information on DAS changes on 5/20?
Still no response to my email yet. I am guessing it’s because they can’t use that copy-paste as the pre-registration isn’t something I am officially allowed to do in the UK.
Yup, this right here. (I know DVC only guarantees a place to stay and not park access, but we still bought in because of how well the vacation worked with DAS.)

When I bought DVC, I was going to get FastPass+, Magical Express with luggage delivery to the resort and airline luggage delivery from the resort along with other resort exclusive benefits like Magic hours.

Unfortunately all of those things are now gone :(
That's right. But won't you need tickets for the DAS interview? You needed them before but who knows now.
I didn't even think of this. This trip was iffy to start with. Our trip a year ago, was suppose to be our last trip. If we were going next week, we could. The trip isn't for 6 months, I had planned to make DVC room resservations and do the rest last min. I didn't even think of buying tickets that we may not ever use. Yes, I can give them to someone else, etc. but rather not buy in the first case if not being use for who knows when.

Our trip last year, we didn't need to buy new tickets. I had an AP and DH had a few free park days that we saved over the years.
One solution that might work is to have a waiting area with a bathroom near the boarding area. Anyone qualified for “bathroom issue” accommodations would be allowed to enter via the LL, while the rest of the party would use the standby line. The qualified person (after getting through the LL queue) could then wait in comfort in the waiting area for the rest of their party, with a bathroom available whenever they needed it, and when the rest of their party arrived through the standby line everyone could ride together. Solo travelers would be required to wait in the waiting area for a period of time to ensure that their total wait was equivalent to the standby line.
Another genuine question....
Won't that be a solution with someone with Autism also? Waiting in a nice cooled down quiet room? I don't think I have Autism so I wouldn't know but I feel it could work?

They wouldn't be in crowded line either.... but Again I have no idea what is their trigger?

Just thinking out loud...

So basically why did they (if they indeed did) that particular disability?
I think the return to line pass could work for my particular medical issue in place of DAS if it can address the issues that Genie+ does not, like not being able to rebook that ride if I have to leave the LL urgently and the limits on return time if I have an issue and can't make it before it expires and I can't modify to a future time. Also there are issues in standby with navigating to the exit through crowds and the unkindness of strangers who don't want to let you return plus needing to do this multiple times which is already frustrating. I have been thinking about it the last couple of days and just need to convince myself to be patient until more info comes out. I feel like I got some breadcrumbs about a solution for my specific needs but for many of you, I know no info they released offers you any information on a reasonable solution for yours and that is even more concerning to me and I am so sorry.
I’m wondering if / what the changes to G+ will be

Will they go more towards the universal route (deluxe resorts get it free?, make it a super expensive fee to reduce the amount the sell but not reduce their bottom line?)

Open it up to be able to ride whatever ride you want to ride as many times you want?

I wonder when this announcement (if at all) will be rolled out, because it will impact a lot - for my family at least.

We bought into DVC because Disney was one of the easiest vacations we are able to do with our kids because how accommodating they are and it feels more like a “vacation” for us. I got a little personal with one of my sons earlier in the thread and his breathing issues but have another son who has benefited from DAS greatly - even going to the grocery store with him can be difficult - we often send one parent to the store unless it’s a dire need to go as a family.
We are in the same boat re: DVC and DAS. It is upsetting but I'm trying to remain hopeful that there will be some kind of accommodation that will help, vs. nothing at all. Hang in there :)
That's right. But won't you need tickets for the DAS interview? You needed them before but who knows now.
No. The advance selections are gone now and you no longer need park reservations. Hopefully they won’t make you buy the tickets before you know if you can even make the trip. We will see. Thankfully our trip isn’t until fall.
Another genuine question....
Won't that be a solution with someone with Autism also? Waiting in a nice cooled down quiet room? I don't think I have Autism so I wouldn't know but I feel it could work?

They wouldn't be in crowded line either.... but Again I have no idea what is their trigger?

Just thinking out loud...

So basically why did they (if they indeed did) that particular disability?
Telling my child he needed to wait for 65 minutes in a room (with strangers) would cause him to have a severe panic attack and ruin his whole day and after he came down from his overstimulation from all the others in the room with basically no way out, he would demand we leave the park and “go home”.

So no that would not be a solution for everyone.

Allowing him to wait outside the line, giving him the ability to use his calm down techniques from his sensory processing, and his anxiety (I’m not going to get into those because I don’t want to give people a script) gives him the ability to enjoy his day
Does anyone have percentage of people who requested DAS ahead of time vs during trip? Just curious just removing the two pretrip ones, how much of a difference does that alone make.
No. The advance selections are gone now and you no longer need park reservations. Hopefully they won’t make you buy the tickets before you know if you can even make the trip. We will see. Thankfully our trip isn’t until fall.
Disneyland still requires park reservations. Tickets have been required for DAS not just because of advance selections, but because they need to tie the DAS to active ticket media in order for it to be used.

The best hope I think we can have is that they put in place a policy that if one is denied DAS they have an opportunity to have their tickets refunded.
Disneyland still requires park reservations. Tickets have been required for DAS not just because of advance selections, but because they need to tie the DAS to active ticket media in order for it to be used.

The best hope I think we can have is that they put in place a policy that if one is denied DAS they have an opportunity to have their tickets refunded.
I think that policy is essential but not sure how they’ll handle this for international guests who are forced to do it on the day.

They’re not going to refund my whole holiday and put me on a plane home, so I think they’re going to have to open up those video calls to international visitors too. That, or they’re going to end up being more lenient on the day I think.
I’m wondering if / what the changes to G+ will be
EDIT: Found the episode
Disney Dish from July 9, 2023
What Changes is Disney World Reportedly Considering for Genie+

They start by saying DAS is expected to change within the next year so that happened. The rumored changes to Genie+ they list are based on information in a Disney survey. Lots of similarities to old Fastpass+. I can write out a summary if anyone is unable to listen?

I believe there was an episode of the Disney Dish (with Len Testa of Touring Plans) within the last few months where they talk about the rumored changes. I can't remember exactly but I feel like there was some sort of pre-booking element involved? Maybe someone else here heard it and remembers?i
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I emailed Disability Services the day this all dropped asking for clarification and expressing my frustration. Here is the letter I received in response.

Dear Guest,

Thank you for your message to the Walt Disney World Resort regarding services for Guests with disabilities.

Disney is committed to providing a welcoming, inclusive environment, and accessible experience for all our Guests. All Guests who inquire about accessibility options during this period of transition are receiving this note to share information ahead of your next visit.

We would encourage you to first explore our website for Guests with disabilities, which has been updated to showcase a variety of accommodations and services to meet different needs.

Additionally, to help you plan your visit, we have developed an Accessibility Planning Guide and Recommendations and a Sensory Experience Guide, which provide pertinent information as well as answers to many Frequently Asked Questions.
There are various accommodations available to meet the needs of our Guests, which may be discussed in individualized conversations within 30 days of a planned visit with our Accessibility Services Cast Members. The Disability Access Service (DAS) is one program offered, and it is intended specifically for those guests who, due to a developmental disability like autism or similar, are unable to wait in a conventional queue for an extended period of time.

Some Guests enrolled in DAS in the past may be offered alternate accommodations based on the results of their individual conversations. These include Rider Switch, Mobility Services, options for those who may unexpectedly need to leave a queue, and/or other recommendations. Guests who may need accessibility accommodations will be offered an individualized conversation with our team within 30 days of a planned trip (including on the day of your visit, if necessary), to help provide an appropriate match of tools and services.

If you are visiting before May 20, 2024:
Please visit us at Accessibility Services to initiate a connection with our team. You will be connected with a Cast Member via live video to assist you further. Please note that you will need to have access to a video camera and a microphone. During this discussion, if eligible, you may register in advance for DAS between 2 and 30 days prior to your visit.
During this time, you may also request accommodations by visiting a Guest Relations location once you arrive at our theme parks. Our Guest Relations Cast Members will work individually with you to discuss your overall needs to determine which service will be appropriate. Guests will not be asked for medical documentation.
Note: If you already have an approved DAS accommodation, it remains valid until your existing expiration.
If your visit begins May 20, 2024 or later:
Beginning May 20 at the Walt Disney World Resort, there will be an updated process for Accessibility Services conversations. Guests can learn more on our website for Guests with disabilities. In this video discussion, health care professionals may be available, if needed, to help determine appropriate accommodations. Guests will not be asked for medical documentation.

Please know we will not determine any Guest’s future eligibility until our processes are updated on May 20.

This makes it sound like the original phrasing was correct, and the majority of DAS will be those with developmental disabilities. I’m guessing they are trying to make former DAS users take advantage of the new line hold if you have to leave? Unless I’m not comprehending that correctly.


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