DAS changes coming WDW May 20/ DL June 18, 2024

I deff understand where the people who use the current system appropriately and need it are coming from, but I also see where Disney is coming from.
I think this is a very good point. To a certain degree this discussion has devolved to “my issue is worse than that person’s” or “only this category should count because it affects me/my family.” Disney can’t make everyone happy and accommodate everything in everyone’s preferred way. If everyone was given a DAS, then everyone would be in the LL.
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For people who can't wait in line because they might need to use the bathroom (IBS etc). What would you do if you got stuck on a ride and couldn't get off? Not being sarcastic, just wondering, if you got stuck on spaceship earth, haunted mansion, pirates etc. and had to just sit and wait to be walked off it could take a long time. What would you do then? Do you go on the skyliner, in case that stops and you can't get off?
This is part of why universal’s is so hard to use and why we pay for express there instead of using it.
My son really wants to go to Universal, but this is one of the reasons we haven’t yet. There are just some things we can’t do. We also don’t rope drop the parks because those lines and crowds are insane. if we stay till park close, we linger a long time in the park to avoid those bus lines. I think people are forgetting how difficult and overwhelming a vacation like this can be for people with disabilities
I’m with @dreamer17555 on this. Reverting back to this feels like it would be punishing us and them even more then we’re getting punished by the revamp. Plus some of the areas where you can scan in are a mess as it is before you add in the DAS scanning in twice (Everest on a crowded day is a nightmare).

Admittedly this isn’t the only issue here but I’m too tired to open that can of worms. And honestly don’t want too
I would gladly go back to that if it meant not denying current DAS users the new DAS arbitrarily. The only people who don't want to go back to that are those that expect to still qualify under the new system.
I think I must be missing something in translation because when I'm having a GI flare, I want relief and would 100% prefer to leave a line (and miss an attraction) vs. getting on the attraction where I may have less control over my body due to a bump or movement. In those moments, my goal isn't to do the fun activity - it's to deal with the medical stress I'm having (I say this as someone who most recently went with two kids, majorly disappointing them by getting close to TSMM but needing to leave for the bathroom and not having obtained DAS, we felt our option was simply to leave - but that was far preferable to what would've happened if I had continued onto the attraction).
It really depends on the severity of my flare. If it is too severe, I won’t even go to the parks or get on the plane in the first place. A normal day for me now is a moderate flare and I just have to get on with life while my team move through the treatments. If I didn’t, I’d have none!

The point I am making is I am more likely to have an accident if I have to leave a main queue, navigate to the exit, speak to a CM (more likely to skip this to actually get to a bathroom), then find a bathroom, than I am using the DAS system. This is simply because I am in queues for less time. If I feel the need to go to the bathroom while in the LL queue, I will of course leave and not ride the attraction… this may also result in an accident but since I am in the queues for less time, it would happen less often.
I’m absolutely disgusted by this revamping of DAS. I’m one of those whose disability is not mobility related or developmental. Not quite sure what I’ll do for our upcoming trip. I’ve always used DAS with my “hidden” disability. I guess it won’t be so hidden anymore. Wondering how many times I’ll need to test my blood sugar in a queue that’s really long and give an injection with people looking on. Handwashing before/after testing?? Not to mention it’s hard to do all that testing standing up/walking to keep up with those in front. I have so much scar tissue build up from using an insulin pump that I’m on a pump holiday and have someone give me my injection in an area that requires my pants to be down! This is not going to fly if I’m stuck in a long queue or have to leave several time with my mother (who uses an ECV) in tow to give me my injections.
At that point if you are testing that many times, before rides, etc you should really consider a continuous glucose monitor. You place a new one on every 10 to 14 days depending on the brand and at any time you can just scan it with your phone or the reader and test without poking your finger every time.
I don't think anyone's defined it because it's so unique for every individual.
As I stated above even with DAS, there are certain rides like test track I just can't do because the queue time is so long. I've left the Guardians line when the queue was backed up.
And I pray that a ride never breaks down and I need to be evac'd.
That's my worse fear..
DAS helps but it didn't solve all the problems.
Those 20-30 minutes LL/VQ were still issues for many.
I actually think the 20-30m DAS/LL waits is why Disney is doing this (I know more cynical people think it’s to juice Genie+ revenue)— families shouldn’t have to skip rides because the DAS returns are so long—and the best way to make it possible for them to ride all the rides is to (a) limit DAS to conditions where it’s truly necessary (and eliminate fraud and (b) reduce the party size so fewer people are in the queue who don’t need to be there. Both of the changes appear to impact me personally for the worse, but if it means that DAS/LL is actually more accessible for people who can’t tolerate 20 minute lines, I understand the trade off.

I guess another option is to only give DAS uses 1-2 top tier attractions and 2-4 middle tier attractions, as opposed to the current unlimited use? Would people on this thread prefer that?
I would gladly go back to that if it meant not denying current DAS users the new DAS arbitrarily. The only people who don't want to go back to that are those that expect to still qualify under the new system.
That feels like a bit of a conclusion jump. I have a developmental disorder so I do qualify under the new system. But I also don’t want to see people shut out. But I also have to acknowledge that developmental isn’t limited to just more mental issues among other things.

I really don’t want to go down this rabbit hole of trying to explain that developmental disorders come with an array of issues. And that the overstimulation among other things is not my only concern.

But I do have my reasons for not having liked the exit only scan in when it was done. While acknowledging the fact that this system fails other.

Because month ago this change would have screwed me over and I fully acknowledge that. But I got lucky that I got a diagnosis that helps me on this.
This is just so nuanced... and its nuanced coming from both "sides." I will tell you why I think that...

My family would be eligible to use DAS in its current state, but we choose not to use it. I just pay for Genie + on both coasts, and we take breaks. It works for us.

But what I really think is the nuanced part is that no one if defining what "waiting in a long line" means. This is what I really can't wrap my head around. We've waited in LL/VQ lines that are 20-30mins. We've waited in standby lines that said 60mins but were actually 15... What if Disney said, "Disability access/LL for this ride is only available when the wait is over 60 mins.." We all know that would be a logistics nightmare.

I deff understand where the people who use the current system appropriately and need it are coming from, but I also see where Disney is coming from.

The problem with DAS only being available with a 60+ min wait is that everyone's situation is different and it may even vary from day to day for the same person. On one day, 60 mins or less might be fine on another it could be that more than 30 minutes is not ok.
For people who can't wait in line because they might need to use the bathroom (IBS etc). What would you do if you got stuck on a ride and couldn't get off? Not being sarcastic, just wondering, if you got stuck on spaceship earth, haunted mansion, pirates etc. and had to just sit and wait to be walked off it could take a long time. What would you do then? Do you go on the skyliner, in case that stops and you can't get off?

Why would you ask something like this? How is it any of your business? My issues are different but I'll go ahead an answer you; I don't use things like a Skyliner. I don't go on all kinds of rides. The one time I was stuck on Pirates, they had to evacuate me personally, and I had to be assisted off because I got stuck at the part where you go back up towards the end (at Disneyland). It was humiliating.
For people who can't wait in line because they might need to use the bathroom (IBS etc). What would you do if you got stuck on a ride and couldn't get off? Not being sarcastic, just wondering, if you got stuck on spaceship earth, haunted mansion, pirates etc. and had to just sit and wait to be walked off it could take a long time. What would you do then? Do you go on the skyliner, in case that stops and you can't get off?
The same thing an autistic person would do in that situation...suffer.
For people who can't wait in line because they might need to use the bathroom (IBS etc). What would you do if you got stuck on a ride and couldn't get off? Not being sarcastic, just wondering, if you got stuck on spaceship earth, haunted mansion, pirates etc. and had to just sit and wait to be walked off it could take a long time. What would you do then? Do you go on the skyliner, in case that stops and you can't get off?
I think the answer is obvious. You try to hold it. If you can’t, you poop or pee.
I don't think anyone's defined it because it's so unique for every individual.
As I stated above even with DAS, there are certain rides like test track I just can't do because the queue time is so long. I've left the Guardians line when the queue was backed up.
And I pray that a ride never breaks down and I need to be evac'd.
That's my worse fear..
DAS helps but it didn't solve all the problems.
Those 20-30 minutes LL/VQ were still issues for many.
This is exactly my point. No one system Disney puts in place will meet the needs of everyone because a disability is specific to that person.

I actually think we all need to chill.. because Disney has said more information coming. I think they are moving toward a "menu" of accessibility options to try and meet Indvidual needs. As someone said the current use of the LL line doesn't even work for some because the waits can be longer..
Wow, this is a lot to unpack, especially after a long day of work! We've been using DAS for a few years now, and it has helped more than we had expected. Based on the update it looks like we'll no longer qualify since it's not due to a developmental disability, which is disappointing, but just means less rides for us. Sucks, but we enjoy other aspects of Disney besides the rides, so fine for this year of our AP, but we'll likely not renew.

Definitely curious about a few aspects of this. The return to line thing is a big one. Is there a limit for how long one can be away from the line? Like if someone is having a panic attack in line and needs to leave the park for a few hours do they get to skip to where they left the line when they get back? And what if one is a solo traveler, how will the CMs know where they should be placed back in the line? From an operational standpoint this seems overly complicated.

I get that they need to curtail the abuse, but wouldn't these people abusing the system just claim they or their family member has autism to get it now? It doesn't appear like they are requiring proof. Without proof this doesn't seem like it will fix the abuse problems.

I also don't understand why other disabilities are not included. I get some can be accommodated in other ways, but for others being able to leave the line for a bit and come back won't always help. I suspect, or at least hope, the "or similar" statement opens the door for other non-developmental disabilities.

It is a big disappointing as someone who works for the government and has been working closely with accessibility regulations over the past few years to see this. I get needing to reduce the amount of people abusing the system, but it does seem like a step back, and it is already a fight to get people to follow the actual law when it comes to accessibility. Disney was a step ahead, but it seems like they are taking a big step back with this.
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I actually think the 20-30m DAS/LL waits is why Disney is doing this (I know more cynical people think it’s to juice Genie+ revenue)— families shouldn’t have to skip rides because the DAS returns are so long—and the best way to make it possible for them to ride all the rides is to (a) limit DAS to conditions where it’s truly necessary (and eliminate fraud and (b) reduce the party size so fewer people are in the queue who don’t need to be there. Both of the changes appear to impact me personally for the worse, but if it means that DAS/LL is actually more accessible for people who can’t tolerate 20 minute lines, I understand the trade off.

I guess another option is to only give DAS uses 1-2 top tier attractions and 2-4 middle tier attractions, as opposed to the current unlimited use? Would people on this thread prefer that?
Considering that is all we get done anyway, that would be fine with us. I doubt anyone who truly needs DAS is doing more rides than that.
lol ok, so the accommodation you are proposing is that people should wear depends when they go to Disney. Hehehehe.

I’m imagining how that conversation will go with the CMs.

Realistically, this plan is very naive and makes a lot of assumptions. Imagine this…not everyone “eliminates” in the same manner.

also, maybe I missed it, but I haven’t seen where people are threatening to have an accident in line. I think people have legitimate reasons for concern.
Of course that’s not what I said but anyone who goes to Disney knows that bathroom urgency and actually getting to a bathroom don’t go together. why wouldn’t people with severe bathroom issues that they are talking about here wear protection? And of course you had to throw an ostomy in here. I am referencing people talking about Disney needing to clean up their messes in line.
I actually think the 20-30m DAS/LL waits is why Disney is doing this (I know more cynical people think it’s to juice Genie+ revenue)— families shouldn’t have to skip rides because the DAS returns are so long—and the best way to make it possible for them to ride all the rides is to (a) limit DAS to conditions where it’s truly necessary (and eliminate fraud and (b) reduce the party size so fewer people are in the queue who don’t need to be there. Both of the changes appear to impact me personally for the worse, but if it means that DAS/LL is actually more accessible for people who can’t tolerate 20 minute lines, I understand the trade off.

I guess another option is to only give DAS uses 1-2 top tier attractions and 2-4 middle tier attractions, as opposed to the current unlimited use? Would people on this thread prefer that?
I can only speak for myself - I would have no problem with these limitations.
Considering that is all we get done anyway, that would be fine with us. I doubt anyone who truly needs DAS is doing more rides than that.
Completely agree. I’m trying to think if we’ve ever been able to make it through 6 attractions using DAS in a single day…highly unlikely. I would be completely fine capping the number.


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