Cruisin into Spring Training-VWL & 4 Nt Dream 3/22-28/13 COMPLETE! 8/11

Four days! Oh my, do you think you will finish this report before you leave? I love CA. When I was in college (Univ of WA - UDUB) we would leave immediately after spring exams and do a two week road trip down the coast. EVERY YEAR! We were poor so we camped a lot and it was still a blast (I am not a camper). Do have major fun on this trip. ::yes:: I hope you plan to share your experiences in a TR. I need to plan a CA trip for Sarah and Rob. Time is running out. Sarah will be off to college in just three years and I doubt she will want to spend her summers touring around the country with Mom and Dad, unless, of course, we are paying for everything. :thumbsup2
Congrats on 4 days AND you get to meet Jenny? :cool1:

I am so jealous of your TA stuff. I really wanted to do that part time, but *sigh* I think I will have to wait until I don't have another full time job.

So glad you got around to having your Mickey bar. :thumbsup2

Have a wonderful trip!
Joining in late. Followed you over from someone’s tr. I hate Newark airport. When I lived in NJ I flew out of there. The room looks nice.
Kona is so good.
What a great surprise.
I thought Test Track was faster now too.
BOG looked so good.
Nice photo tour around VWL.
ROTF about the horse.
The ship looked so nice. I hope to take a cruise one day.
That is great they let him go into Vibe.
That storm in port looked crazy.
I liked the pics of the boat at night.
I am now hungry after all those food pics. LOL
Love the bike riding pics, the island is gorgeous.
The College of Knowledge is easy.
Great report and have fun in California.
Nice updates! That rainforest room looks really nice. What was the difference between those 2 sauna/steam rooms (one said Rain Forest and one said Water Fun)? Did you try both?

Beautiful Sunset pictures on the water.
I didn't realize you were pursuing the travel agent thing. Congratulations! You will be so good at it!! I'd love to do it someday but right now just don't think I can balance it with my "real" job. I'd get fired before too long b/c I would prioritize ADRs over my other work commitments. :rotfl2:

You really do have me sold on a cruise... EXCEPT for the pool area. It just looks so small and crowded. :scared: I love lounging around the pool but I need a little personal space. I know... there is so much more to do than go to the pool.

Love your souvenirs!

And also love the mickey bar pic! :mickeybar
You should have made a video of Tyler sedated when having his teeth pulled, I am sure it would be useful for blackmail purposes (just look at some of the ones posted on youtube) :lmao: I hope he is doing OK. video, but I do have plenty of photographs! :rotfl2: He was/is a great patient, though- and he also has a high tolerence for pain/discomfort. He is SOOOOO much like Pods in SOOOO many ways!
This is him after we had gone back to the house with our friends Pat & Christy- Pat is an oral surgeon, Christy is a dentist. They fussed over him all night AND they stocked their fridge with all kinds of post-op puddings etc. Plus they fed me dinner. I told Tyler not to think all surgery was like this- hardly EVER do you get to go home with the surgeon after surgery! :rotfl2:

Pat made that ice pack for him after the one from the office defrosted. They were so wonderful! If you are looking to have your teeth pulled in Maryland, I reccommmend the services of Dr. Pat Palumbo- ask for the special go-home-with-the-surgeon package! LOL :rotfl:

Oh I would love to do the spa. It looks so relaxing and looking out at the sea. Just have to wait to see what kind of discount my DS girlfriend gets. Then we are off making plans. :cool1:

You will LOVE it! What does your DS GF do? Is she a CM?

Thanks for the updates, Ellen! I am loving hearing about your alone time on the ship. I have a feeling (hope? :confused3) that I will be experiencing some of that this month. DD is so excited to be in the kids' club again after last summer's Wonder cruise that I am thinking I will be enjoying my Kindle, some adult beverages, and some of the adults-only areas of the ship. WOW. :eek:

Well, I hope you are having a GREAT time, right now!! :dance3:

Love the spa pics! What exactly is included with the day pass? I'm thinking it might be a good xmas present for my mom. We sail in Feb, but our PIF day is before turkey day, so... :)

My vote for toes colors is a hot pink for a smokin momma with all her boys! Gotta have a little girly in there...:thumbsup2

Sorry for the mixup on the T's! :)

The day pass offers access to the heated lounges, relaxing hydrotherapy overlooking the ocean (the hot tubs), plus all the saunas/steam rooms. It is very nice- extremely tranquil. Wish I was there right now!

And i forgot to do hot pink!! I'm sorry! I went yesterday- baby blue on my toes, lavender on my hands. princess:

No worries on the T's, either- people who KNOW them get confused! :rotfl2:

I keep reading all these cruise TR's and it really makes me want to go on one soon. It's just so addicting.

Hey Jen! :wave2: Yes, i agree- cruising on DCL has to be the most addicting form of travel there is. Right now I am kind of hyperventilating over all the details I have to keep track of on this 2 week Cali extravaganza-and thinking how much EASIER it would be if we were just going on the Fantasy to the Caribbean or the Wonder to Alaska instead!:goodvibes

But it will all be worth it!
Ok, I'm treating myself to a daypass on the Dream in October. It looks so much nicer than the Wonder/Magic.

Jill in CO

Hi Jill! Yea- you really need to go in there- a very nice way to spend part of your sea day. And it is nice to be able to enjoy the ocean view- I was able to do that when I had a massage last year on the Dream, too- I got one of the rooms with a window. :thumbsup2

Really???? That's awesome!

Thanks!! I am very excited about it! :yay:

Four days! Oh my, do you think you will finish this report before you leave? I love CA. When I was in college (Univ of WA - UDUB) we would leave immediately after spring exams and do a two week road trip down the coast. EVERY YEAR! We were poor so we camped a lot and it was still a blast (I am not a camper). Do have major fun on this trip. ::yes:: I hope you plan to share your experiences in a TR. I need to plan a CA trip for Sarah and Rob. Time is running out. Sarah will be off to college in just three years and I doubt she will want to spend her summers touring around the country with Mom and Dad, unless, of course, we are paying for everything. :thumbsup2

Well, I have all my photos loaded up to PB- so hopefully, I will finish. I have been kind of ignoring the DISmoms TR because of this one. :sad2: But I really want to finish here, so I will be back there after that! Definitely will do a Cali TR- it is going to be a HUGE trip- 13 days! Wish me luck- that we don't all kill each other from too much togetherness! pixiedust::rotfl2:

And I know what you mean about time running out- it is why I started pushing for all these trips other than LBI (the beach) when Timmy was 9- tick tick tick....

Congrats on 4 days AND you get to meet Jenny? :cool1:

AND Alison! :yay: AND see Drea, and meet her family! :yay: It;s going to be wonderful!

I am so jealous of your TA stuff. I really wanted to do that part time, but *sigh* I think I will have to wait until I don't have another full time job.

I am so excited about it, and enjoying learning everything! But I think once you get past the initial newbie period where you are figuring things out, it is really something that could be done part time if you wanted to.

So glad you got around to having your Mickey bar. :thumbsup2

Have a wonderful trip!

Thank you!! You know we will!!

Joining in late. Followed you over from someone’s tr. I hate Newark airport. When I lived in NJ I flew out of there. The room looks nice.
Kona is so good.
What a great surprise.
I thought Test Track was faster now too.
BOG looked so good.
Nice photo tour around VWL.
ROTF about the horse.
The ship looked so nice. I hope to take a cruise one day.
That is great they let him go into Vibe.
That storm in port looked crazy.
I liked the pics of the boat at night.
I am now hungry after all those food pics. LOL
Love the bike riding pics, the island is gorgeous.
The College of Knowledge is easy.
Great report and have fun in California.

Hey neighbor! Thanks for reading and commenting! Are you from the DISdads? :goodvibes I am a huge fan! Funny, funny bunch of guys!Thanks for confirming you thought TT was faster, too- I really wondered about that. You do need to get on a cruise- it is just so wonderful- my favorite kind of vacation- you get to see and experience so many places all while someone else does the driving and pampers you. NICE.... And yes, the College is very easy for Disney obsessed uber over planners such as our selves! :rotfl:

We will have a blast in California, I am sure- only 3 DAYS!!!!!! :dance3:
Nice updates! That rainforest room looks really nice. What was the difference between those 2 sauna/steam rooms (one said Rain Forest and one said Water Fun)? Did you try both?

Beautiful Sunset pictures on the water.

The different water treatments have different scents/and or jets. :) I did not try them, because there were 2 couples in all of them at the time and I didn't feel like waiting around- I just went in the sauna and the steam rooms.

I didn't realize you were pursuing the travel agent thing. Congratulations! You will be so good at it!! I'd love to do it someday but right now just don't think I can balance it with my "real" job. I'd get fired before too long b/c I would prioritize ADRs over my other work commitments. :rotfl2:

Thank you! I have been thinking about it for a while- just wanted to get finished with PTA President obligations. a lot of people do it as a second job- for me that wasn't possible because the boys (especially Sean) take up so much of my time getting to practices, games, etc. (although Sean is for different reasons).

You really do have me sold on a cruise... EXCEPT for the pool area. It just looks so small and crowded. :scared: I love lounging around the pool but I need a little personal space. I know... there is so much more to do than go to the pool.

On sea days the pool is much more crowded than on port days, that is true. But as far as having your own space on deck, in the adult area there is a TON of space- never an issue up there. And on The Fantasy, there are even more pools to choose from, so that helps to distribute everyone better.

Love your souvenirs!

And also love the mickey bar pic! :mickeybar

Thanks! Me too! :mickeybar

Have a great trip to California Ellen!

Thanks Kristi! :hyper:
Have a great trip, Ellen!

That hair dryer outlet is inrestingly a typical German outlet! I could use all my appliances there without an adapter. how practical!
Our last night's dinner on the Dream was in Animator's for the show dinner. Now, we had been in here the previous evening, so I already knew where we were sitting- and I was pretty sure that, just as we had on the DISmoms Dream cruise the year before, we had scored one of "those" tables- where Crush talks to you. :yay: So I had all the kids sit on the side of the table facing the screen, just in case....

So first Crush is just swimmin around the room-

Then our appetizers were delivered....I was VERY happy, because THIS is my favorite app of the cruise-Black Truffle Pasta Pursettes - pasta purse filled with truffle scented cheese and coated with a delicate champagne sauce

YUMMMMMM....I love that app!!! I recently saw on Karin's TR that when they had dinner in Cabana's this delightful plate is served in a main course portion! Bring it, baby...BRING IT!!!!! Timmy decided to skip the app tonight. Heidi came by to chat between courses-

Our boys-

For dinner, I wanted to try something I had not had in there before, so I went with Marinated Angus Beef Tenderloin carved to order on wasabi mashed potatoes with bok choy and a tamarind-barbecue reduction

I was not crazy about it, though. It was my least favorite entree of the cruise- next time I would go back to ordering the Veal trio or the Pacific Cod.

Timmy ordered White Shrimp Pennette Pasta tossed with a basil and Reggiano Parmesan cheese sauce and topped with a parmesan cheese wafer

As we were eating, Crush came back and said, "Hey dude in the Orange shell!"

High fin!!

So...I don't care WHO you are, or how old you are, or how TEENAGER you are- having a conversation with Crush is just too cool!!! It's so awesome, and I felt so lucky that our table was the "one". The boys were happy about it too-

OOH look! It's all grown ups!

Timmy reminded me the other day- that on one of the nights the photographer had tried to get just Steve and i to take a picture- and we were like, Oh, that's ok- we don't need it. Then he went on to say, C'mon, it's not just for the kids, it's for the parents too. LOL- we had to convince him we were not a couple, and that we had just met like a day ago. :rotfl2: So funny! Once again, I can't say enough how HUGE we scored on tablemates AND servers- it was an EXCELLENT dining experience- totally fer sure, Dudes!

Francisco came around with some crayons to ponder while we waited for dessert...

I knew how to solve it! And I have never seen that one before- I swear!! :rolleyes1 I am just so super smart! :rotfl:

For dessert I had

Not quite sure what it was called, but it was good! Heidi came by and we all gave her her tip envelopes- it made her REALLY happy!

Francisco was happy about his tips too!

Look around the dining room- looks like all the servers did well that night! WOOHOO!!

We all would be back in the morning for breakfast (also known as the world's worst breakfast on the world's WORST day- disembarkation Day), but still, this last night at dinner really feels like...goodbye. :sad:

Cont'd next post-

Timmy and Avery hurried back to Vibe- they had spent a good part of the cruise making a movie about zombies, in which Timmy apparently ate Avery, although he looked ok to me :crazy2:, and tonight was the premiere! Those boys really did love hangin in Vibe- I know Timmy has told Tyler MANY times since coming home how much they will enjoy being in there on our Fantasy NYE cruise in December.

Dinner was over, so I went back to the cabin to go to sleep....


Raise you hand if you believe THAT for a second... :rotfl:

I went to....PINK!

Where Alex was as dull as ever-

I hope you all know me enough by now to realize that was sarcastic- Alex is ANYTHING but DULL!

She was making some pretty champagne cocktails-

I had to have one last Moet Ice- with lemon peel, por favor-

The same peeps from every night were there as usual, including that very nice couple at the bar. PLUS....we were joined by my spa/deck/NJ girlie, Karen for a bit, who also wanted to try the Moet Ice, which did not disappoint. So nice to see her again! I guess we were making up for lost time on that last day, huh?:rotfl:

And we STILL need to get together sometime at home.....

Eventually Karen wanted to go buy her pics- I went with her to help her decide, and then we said good bye. Back at Pink, the three amigas were still enjoying each other-

I had one last champagne, although I forget which one I tried, it was VERY lovely...and a water...


All too soon, it was closing time. I gave Alex a card, and a nice tip, and a HUGE bag full of candy, all of which made her cry. :hug: Goodbye my friend- hope to see you again!

Back in the cabin, there was one more friend for me to kiss goodnight- know I love me some monkey! ;)

Up next- only one more post- the world's worst breakfast is back again....:upsidedow

Have a great trip, Ellen!

That hair dryer outlet is inrestingly a typical German outlet! I could use all my appliances there without an adapter. how practical!

Thank you, Magdalene! We are all looking forward to it!
And so I guess your comment means that you noticed that plug waaaay before the last night of your cruise! :rotfl: You are way ahead of the curve, my friend! :rotfl:
Yum, that truffle pasta looks and sounds good!! Love the smiles on the kids faces when talking to Crush. So cool!!! Sounds like you really did luck out on tablemates. I have forgotten - was that pure luck or had you made a request to be seated with kids Timmy's age?

I think i would be spending the entire trip at Pink!! :rotfl2:

Have a great trip in a few days!!!! And I didn't remember you had a NYE cruise planned. WAY cool!!! I love living vicariously through your awesome vacations! :goodvibes
Thank you, Magdalene! We are all looking forward to it!
And so I guess your comment means that you noticed that plug waaaay before the last night of your cruise! :rotfl: You are way ahead of the curve, my friend! :rotfl:

No, actually I think only the Dream and the Fantasy have it. The Wonder had these useless wall mounted hair driers.

I wonder whether it has something to do with the Dream and Fantasy being built in Germany?
Great update. PINK looks fun and you totally scored on the great tablemates. It looks like such a good time.

Can't wait to meet you too. :woohoo: When do you arrive in Anaheim again?
That champagne looks just so delish! I think i need a glass of vino just to follow along tonight!

I think i will have to do the day pass for Mom for xmas! Good idea! :)

Have a great time in Cali! Are you going to do a mini TR on it? Make sure you hit Carsland! It is just soo cute!
Enjoying your updates! Loved your souvenirs, especially the one with the red sticker, we don't see many of those! I hope to find some on my cruise next summer! Have a great CA trip!
That pasta truffle really DOES look amazing.

So great that you had such awesome tablemates and that the boys hit it off so well. Major score!

Well, I am convinced that I am definitely spending some time at Pink - like EVERY day! :rotfl2:

All the cast members on the Dream seem like so much fun.

Not looking forward to the worst breakfast ever. So sad.


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