Cruisin into Spring Training-VWL & 4 Nt Dream 3/22-28/13 COMPLETE! 8/11

Loved the Pirates night update Ellen !!!Those crepes did look a little strange !!We all enjoyed the Firewoks , had a great view !!!
Glad you are okay Karin I was getting worried about you!!!! No posts on yours or anyone's threads in a while !!! But August is fast approaching!!!

I was just REALLY busy, Rosie and did not have much DIS time. I did read along, but never could fit in the time to comment on anything, let alone post updates, but I hope to get a bit done soon. :thumbsup2
Loved the pirate-y updates! How amazing and perfect that Tim ended up right by you for the show! :lovestruc

Thanks, I agree with everything you said- including that Timmy is a wonderful young man! :)

Pods and I took a trip to SF before we had kids- I can't wait to go back! It's a beautiful city, and we have some exciting plans in it. The past two days I have been focusing on the Yosemite portion of our trip. I feel thoroughly overwhelmed! This trip is kicking my butt planning wise! But it's going to be awesome-

Umm- I don't think I did say how I liked Brave! I liked it- but it really bothered me how little respect Merida had for her Mom- she never listened, and that caused a LOT of problems, ya know? But I loved how strong she was. :)
Your trip must be super-close now. I hope you have a great time! Are you going to report about it somewhere? :rolleyes1

I am DYING over your take on Brave! You have all boys, right? I like to think that I'm doing a semi-decent job of raising my daughter (although I certainly doubt myself every dang day!), but, well, I could totally relate to that movie. In fact, we saw it during the premiere on the Wonder. My mom (70+) and her best friend (70+more) were traveling with us. All four of us (me 40+ and DD 5 at the time) went to see it together. At one point, I looked down the row at all of us, and every single one was wiping away a tear. :rotfl2: I think I was just so happy that the mom wasn't dead. And not only was she not dead, but the whole movie was about the mother-daughter relationship! :love: But, yeah, my kid would totally turn me into a bear to get her way.....:rolleyes: :rotfl2:
If you haven't been to an In N Out Ellen, you must go. Best burgers ever. Simple, good.
So glad this is on your list of places to eat.. really!! I have heard people wow about 5guys, and we just got one, its EH to me, I will always pick In N OUt hands down everytime!

Now you're talkin' - In N Out is our first restaurant of choice on every trip to Cali!:thumbsup2 I love the fries animal style - and don't forget to order your burger animal style too! It is just a little plain without it. I love the chocolate shake, too. Might as well not order a diet soda when you are already belly up, right?:goodvibes
I cant do animal style fries but my burgers I do! also there is more "secret menu" items on their website, incase no one feels like a burger they do a mean grilled cheese too lol IN N OUT SECRET MENUand ever now and then I will protein it up to be good on my diet LOL

Now back to your trip report since we have that food out of the way lol. your time in Animators looks so fun and the pics do go hand in hand that night. Do they not do there normal show then on pirate night?

Im so glad that Timmy showed you some love and hung out with dear moms for a bit before ditching you.. sometimes they do get it, that we need a lil attention too :)

btw T-17 days WOOHOO
We had priate night at AP too and enjoyed it there. I loved how the pictures changed to different pirate scenes. I had th shrimp/pasta dish too and that has become one of my favorite cruise dishes now.
I prefer the Dreams pirate party over the Magics, but I experienced the Dreams first, so that might be why I loke it better. Both are fun, and luckily I haven't had a cold party yet.
Getting caught up on your latest updates, sorry Timmy had that encounter with the crazy people on CC. I could see the actual main path being 2 way but that loop was definitely one way.

Love the beach pictures, It really is pretty there, I really want to do a Disney Cruise someday and Castaway Cay is a big reason why.

Fun Pirate dinner and show! I didn't realize that the Animator's Palate did the pirate themed pics that night, that is cool. I guess it's probably only on the Dream and Fantasy, though.

Looks like you had a fun night.
I am so spending lots of time in Pink this cruise! It looks so good!

Jill in CO

It's AWESOME in there- but really, Skyline is equally awesome (although in a less-girly way). But whichever one you are enjoying, make sure to go say hi to Alex- you will love her!

What a sweet picture of you and Timmy! Cherish these moments while you still have them!

I am...I am....:sad1:

Yeah, I tend to like In-and-Out much better than those other Guys. :laughing: And if you're not familiar with the "secret menu" at In-And-Out, you might want to check it out before you go. Jenny has a thing for the animal style fries. :rolleyes1 I haven't tried it, but I'm thinking about getting a 1x2 instead of my regular cheeseburger with onions next time we go.

Do they put mustard on all the burgers there? Is there one on Melrose? I remember having a burger at a burger place on Melrose when I was there 1000 years ago, and I remember they put mustard on- not sure if it was In-N-Out, but my girlfriend (who lies there) said I HAD to have a burger at this restaurant, whatever it was!

I'm glad you will make it safely to Santa Clarita, thus avoiding the scurge of Bakersfield! I wish I could offer you suggestions for breakfast the next morning that were creative and tasty. Many, many, many, many years ago there was a place at Lyons Avenue that made these awesome Polynesian drinks, but I'm pretty sure that place is long gone. It was so long ago that I went there before I was even 21 (fake ID).

No worries- breakfast is included in the room, and we just want to get to DL anyway! Planning to hit the road at 9, after rush hour.

I don't know how late you plan to get started, that's Wednesday the 21st right? The night we're getting together? But if you stop for lunch don't plan on doing it anywhere off the I5 once you pass the 110 until after you pass Lakewood/Rosemead or the 605. That whole area is not so good.

Thanks- good to know- we will be driving straight to the Mouse!:rotfl:

Santa Clarita to DL is only about 1 1/2-2 hours without traffic. But I'm not sure when "without traffic" happens!

Well, it's not like I'm from Montana or something- as a Jersey girl, I am (unfortunately) familiar with not knowing when without traffic is (I have spent waaaaay too much time sitting on the NJ Turnpike this summer, that's all I can say, and NONE of it was in any sort of a rush hour :headache:).I'll have my fingers crossed for smooth sailing in Cali!

All caught up again, Ellen.
Sorry I haven't been around much, but there are still so many things I need to get done until we leave for the US again.

I bet! You are almost back, huh? :yay:

Love that you got to visit Pink on a regular basis. ;) Those little desserts that come with the champagne are sooooooo yummy! :thumbsup2


I was really surprised to hear that it was so chilly. I would have never thought that. Well, maybe because for us going to Florida always means warmer than at home. :rotfl2:

Yea- even Timmy was freezing, it was definitely windy and chilly!

What a great Pirate Night. Love that Animator's had pirate art on the walls. That would be cool. And I'm not surprised that Tim found you for the fireworks. You are an awesome MOM! :thumbsup2

Animator's is THE place to be on PN! And thanks, but Timmy and the kids just happened to bump into me- but I'll take the credit anyway as an awesome Mom, LOL!!

Love the pics! It's so great to see you and Timmy have such a great relationship, even as a teenager.

Thanks, I feel very blessed. :cloud9:

Good luck with the teeth! Hope you've got lots of jello and ice cream ready!

Thanks- he did very well. Our friends fussed all over him while we were down there- nothing like going home with the surgeon after the surgery, I have to say!

When the ice wrap melted, Lumbo (our friend who is the surgeon) made him a custom wrap-

Between Lumbo and his wife Christi (who is a Dentist) Tyler was VERY spoiled!

Looking closely at your sig, i've got a few threads to catch up on!

I have 2 weeks from today to finish this one- it's almost vacay time again!!!! :dance3:
Love the pirate night costumes.

Ahhh - Pink - you speak of it so often. It must be THAT good.

Really, it is so nice!

So you are driving to Maryland for the oral surgeon? Hope all goes well with the wisdom teeth extraction. I have video from when Nick had his done and it was hysterical. He was stoned off those meds. But he recovered super quickly. Brian, on the other hand, was in pain for days. I guess its very variable. Good luck to Tyler.

Tyler did fine- no issues whatsoever! See the pics above in the last set of replies-

20 days to vacation! :cool1: Woo Hoo! Lucky you!

14 and counting, babe! :banana:

p.s. I could use that dessert right about now! :thumbsup2

They are creamy and yummy- and have no calories! It's incredible!:rotfl:

Animal fries Alison. :lovestruc

If you haven't been to an In N Out Ellen, you must go. Best burgers ever. Simple, good.

So what exactly are Animal fries? I looked and only saw an Animal Style burger-:confused3
And may I just say- it's going to be GREAT meeting you FINALLY!! :banana:
Hi Ellen! I will be back to comment on the TR, but I just wanted to deposit my 2 cents. We have driven down from Oregon many times. Sometimes we take 99 and my DB and DS both lived in Bakersfield for years. 99 all the way down would be really slower, but coming out of Yosemite it just makes sense. There were some good hotels and restaurants in Bakersfield, and you can catch the 5 just south of there in no time at all. I wouldn't go over the Grapevine at night, either. I don't think Bakersfield is quite the hole it used to be, but it isn't ultra safe either.

Harris Ranch is famous for their steaks, but the area smells so bad from the cattle stockyards that I couldn't possibly eat there. :sick: I'm still bummed that we won't get to meet up at DL!:(

EWWWW!!!!!! I can not even imagine what this smells like- I hope I miss it.

ETA: Oops! Sorry - I see you've decided on Santa Clarita.

Yup! Still have the Bakersfield ressie, though, just in case. I can cancel either hotel with no penalty before 6pn.

Now you're talkin' - In N Out is our first restaurant of choice on every trip to Cali!:thumbsup2 I love the fries animal style - and don't forget to order your burger animal style too! It is just a little plain without it. I love the chocolate shake, too. Might as well not order a diet soda when you are already belly up, right?:goodvibes

WOW- I really can't wait for this burger!!

Ok, all caught up now! Good thing I caught you before you left! I can't believe your trip is in 19 days!:yay: I'm really looking forward to reading all about it!
I can't believe those people were so terrible to Timmy after knocking him over - and then the stroller lady - he's trying to be nice and go around her and then she has the nerve, too?

It was ridiculous- I sincerely hope they all felt like MORONS when they walked/rode over the arrows painted on the ground.

Wow! Love the pirate pics in animators! So :cool1: Looks like you had a great time, even if you got dumped again! :rotfl: Too bad it was so cold for the party - I know how that is from the Canada cruise - it would have been funny if it wasn't so miserable. :lmao: Proud of you for getting this one finished before the next one, but sad you only have one day left.

Well, really a little more than a day when you figure in the worst breakfast in the world on the last morning....:rotfl:

Can't wait to go to PINK!!!! Thanks for the TR and Pics.

You are so welcome! And please tell Alex hello from Ellen! :goodvibes
Loved the Pirates night update Ellen !!!Those crepes did look a little strange !!We all enjoyed the Firewoks , had a great view !!!

The crepe tasted kind of...blech- maybe because it was sugar free? But is there a lot of sugar in the crepe itself? It just was a tough crepe-

Loved the pirate-y updates! How amazing and perfect that Tim ended up right by you for the show! :lovestruc

It was a really nice surprise!:goodvibes

Your trip must be super-close now. I hope you have a great time! Are you going to report about it somewhere? :rolleyes1

Of course! I would imagine it will be on the Cali Trip board. I'll post a link, don't worry! :)

I am DYING over your take on Brave! You have all boys, right? I like to think that I'm doing a semi-decent job of raising my daughter (although I certainly doubt myself every dang day!), but, well, I could totally relate to that movie. In fact, we saw it during the premiere on the Wonder. My mom (70+) and her best friend (70+more) were traveling with us. All four of us (me 40+ and DD 5 at the time) went to see it together. At one point, I looked down the row at all of us, and every single one was wiping away a tear. :rotfl2: I think I was just so happy that the mom wasn't dead. And not only was she not dead, but the whole movie was about the mother-daughter relationship! :love: But, yeah, my kid would totally turn me into a bear to get her way.....:rolleyes: :rotfl2:

That's too funny- :rotfl:

So glad this is on your list of places to eat.. really!! I have heard people wow about 5guys, and we just got one, its EH to me, I will always pick In N OUt hands down everytime!

we have 5 Guys out here- it's good, but I'm not dying to go there for any reason. Really looking forward to my Burger and fries animal style (without mustard- love mustard, just not on a burger).

I cant do animal style fries but my burgers I do! also there is more "secret menu" items on their website, incase no one feels like a burger they do a mean grilled cheese too lol IN N OUT SECRET MENUand ever now and then I will protein it up to be good on my diet LOL

Thanks for the link! :thumbsup2

Now back to your trip report since we have that food out of the way lol. your time in Animators looks so fun and the pics do go hand in hand that night. Do they not do there normal show then on pirate night?

No- they did the normal animators show there on the regular rotational dining- so, on our last night.:thumbsup2

Im so glad that Timmy showed you some love and hung out with dear moms for a bit before ditching you.. sometimes they do get it, that we need a lil attention too :)

Yea- Timmy does get it- he's usually thoughtful-:love:

btw T-17 days WOOHOO

BTW- 14 days! :dance3:

We had priate night at AP too and enjoyed it there. I loved how the pictures changed to different pirate scenes. I had th shrimp/pasta dish too and that has become one of my favorite cruise dishes now.

It was very good! I loved the one I had last cruise (and on my other cruises) but I think it's off the menu now- it was with a white sauce. Not on pirate night. THAT was one of MY faves-

I prefer the Dreams pirate party over the Magics, but I experienced the Dreams first, so that might be why I loke it better. Both are fun, and luckily I haven't had a cold party yet.

I like the Magic party better- but maybe for the same reason! :rotfl: I just LOVE it when Mickey comes flyin' in to save the day- and then you dance, and then you watch Pirates....:cloud9:

Getting caught up on your latest updates, sorry Timmy had that encounter with the crazy people on CC. I could see the actual main path being 2 way but that loop was definitely one way.

EXACTLY!!! Thank you!:)

Love the beach pictures, It really is pretty there, I really want to do a Disney Cruise someday and Castaway Cay is a big reason why.

I think the day on the private island is always the BEST day on any cruise- just so wonderful, having the place to yourself, and all the food is still included, ya know?

Fun Pirate dinner and show! I didn't realize that the Animator's Palate did the pirate themed pics that night, that is cool. I guess it's probably only on the Dream and Fantasy, though.

Yes, until they redo Animator's on the Classic ships!

Looks like you had a fun night.

Of course! :banana:
I had a Five Guys burger a couple of weeks ago, it was the best burger ever! Also, the fries were so good, of course I can be bought with fresh potatoes made into fries!

That is so cool to have an oral surgeon as your friend, makes sure that your boys get the ,best treatment! Our youngest son .has been dating a dentist floor a few years now, but we don't know when this is going! ;>)
Pirate night looks so fun! I didn't realize that they even extended the theming to the restaurants. Very cool! It looks like everyone really gets into it! Love the picture of the two of you! :goodvibes
It was Wednesday morning, and time for another delicious breakfast in Enchanted Garden. I really can't say enough how much more I enjoyed breakfast on this cruise compared to all my previous cruises on DCL- just so nice to have something yummy brought to you that was either really cold like it should be, or really hot, like it should be! Plus, it was very fast service- I never felt like I had to wait a long time to get my food, it was really good on all points! :goodvibes

This morning, on the way to breakfast (and I was by myself- Timmy was sleeping in, then heading to Vibe for the day)....

I was seated at nearly the same table as before, by myself this time, though. I wanted to try Swiss Burcher Muesli- Muesli with raisins, shredded apples and yogurt-

O.M.G. I think this may be my favorite brekkie ever (or right up there, at the very least, with the Mac Nut pancakes at Kona). It was icy cold, just a little sweet, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yummy. I loved it SO much, and was so sad it took me 50 years to discover that fact! :rotfl: Seriously- we are staying at the Ahwahnee in Yosemite this month on our vacay, and guess what I'm having for breakfast because it's on their dining room AND room service menu! Yum! Hiking AND muesli! I'm gonna LOVE Yosemite! :rotfl2: I had also ordered Eggs Benedict again- but I barely made a dent in it, because I was so full from the muesli, which I could not stop eating!

Of course, eating it or not, I still had to play with it first- I mean really, that plate is just not right!

LOL- after breakfast, I headed to see a presentation in Evolution about the Ship- I think it was the Making of the Dream? It was ok, glad I went. Afterwards, I stopped in 687 to say hi to Oscar (Alex's hubby) who was taking care of his bar.

He insisted we needed a pic together-

Awww...he really is a nice guy- I am so glad for Alex! :love:

Oscar asked me if I had ever been in here before- ummm, no- sorry- I hang in the girlie bar with your wife, Dude! :rotfl: But I think my hubby & Tom & hopefully Peter & Denny will love it in there when we cruise next October!

Ok- sorry for such a short update- but I need to get to the gym- more to come soon! Less than 2 weeks til California, and you KNOW I need to finish this baby up! :goodvibes


Oscar asked me if I had ever been in here before- ummm, no- sorry- I hang in the girlie bar with your wife, Dude! :rotfl: But I think my hubby & Tom & hopefully Peter & Denny will love it in there when we cruise next October!

I am sure Denny will love the "boy" bar while we ladies are enjoying the "girl" bar. :thumbsup2

I have seen that muslei (I know that can't be the correct spelling :confused3) on Karin's TRs and it does look really good.

Isn't it great to be able to make faces with your food just for our entertainment? :rotfl2: Thank you!

Yosemite? Nice! I hope you have a fabulous time. Since I just started a new job I can't take vacation for 3 months and I am already in vacation withdrawal. Can't wait to hear all about Yosemite. Take lots and lots and LOTS of pictures. Please!
That Muesli looks wonderful!!! Of course I would have to order Eggs Benedict they army favorite !!!!!
Glad to see Timmy did well with his surgery! It looks as if he got great care!

Your breakfast looked yummo!

In-N-Out burger - I tried one when I was in LA last November for work. I just don't get it. :confused3 It was just meh. One of the guys there for the training had to order some and carry them on his plane back to Chicago for his wife who used to live out west. Had 5 Guys last night with my Mom! Now that was a good burger! You'll have to weigh in on what you thought.
Great breakfast choices, Ellen. :thumbsup2 They look VERY familiar and will be consumed again in just over a week. ;)

I am glad you got to check out 687. We have been there often - Tom quite likes the beer there. :rotfl2:
Breakfast looks yummy! :rotfl2: to the girlie bar. Not sure I've met a bar I didn't care for. :rolleyes:

I have to say, I like your vacation style, Ellen!!! Hope you will share your California adventures. I can't remember... do your plans include Disneyland? And then where to next? Is it another cruise? I am going to live vicariously through your vacation plans!! :goodvibes

By the way - totally random - but I think it was from one of your TRs (Hawaii, maybe?) that I heard of the cocktail combining cucumber vodka and ginger ale. :thumbsup2 Thank you for sharing; it's becoming a summer favorite in this house. ::yes::


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