Counting Our Nuts Like Chip & Dale, a Financially Aware PTR *Update 4/17 Pg 62 *

What a deal on dvc! We are in the very initial stages of planning a trip in the spring of 2012 and have kicked around the idea of renting points. With a family 5 and a little too much Contemporary Resort love after the last trip, I think we need to get serious about this point rental idea.

I really like Disney in January. Maybe Florida will have a fluke warm front and you'll still be able to swim!

I highly recommend renting points, it is working out in our favor right now.

I love Disney in January, it is my favorite time to travel. The weather is nice, I can handle it being cool at night. I much rather be cool than sweating. Honestly, I probably could have same last year but I just didn't have time. I'm from hearty New England stock, I bet I could summon the courage. :rotfl2:
better late than never ;) I'm in and thanks to the shout out on Jackie's PTR too :thumbsup2 what a friend...

I am very interested in this PTR for a few awesome reasons...

1) loved following some of your past PTR/TR's so be fun to hear the plans w/ your hubby

2) I can so keep a working Dis budget the real life ones well :rolleyes: so it will be nice to see what you come up w/ (how to transfer that to a fam of 6 :confused:) but still good stuff!


Our dates changed a bit, we were looking at the last full week in January but due to DVC availability we decided to go with MLK weekend.

We have a 5 night reservation at.....Animal Kingdom Villas Jambo House!

3) We're going MLK week too :cool1: my whole little fam of 6 will be down in the World (staying at our DVC home BLT) from Sun 15th of Jan to Thurs 19th


Just love how you went from POP to a studio at AKV and SAVED money that is so awesome...that's the fuzzy Diz math we all like to was wonderful there, I stayed there w/ the Spectrum Mom's just this past Jan (remember?) BTW we are still working on our TR :laughing: and for the Fam trip in 2013 we are planning to stay there w/ my folks their first DVC trip :thumbsup2

looking forward to hearing more

Scrappie (Julie)
YAY for renting points!!!!!!!!!!!!:cool1::cool1::cool1: I am so excited for you. We are going to rent points for our Oct 2011 trip. Don't forget Disney heats their pools so the water is always nice and warm so us New England girls can still swim. :laughing:
Renting points and AKV! Woo-hoo! As much as we enjoy POP, we loved staying at AKL! For my two cents, we did our first moderate in January (POFQ) and we were not impressed. I would rather spend more and go Deluxe or save more and stay at POP. We love WDW in January too - and my DH and DD both swim in January.
I love your Concord pictures! I'm like 20 or 25 minutes from there, and I finally got to Orchard House this past October after meaning to for was just one of those things where I have the mentality of, "I live close by, I can go whenever I want." I want to get there again and spend time exploring the area since I'm a huge local history nerd.

That's awesome that you get to stay at AKV! We're going early January, too, right after New Years and staying at Pop. I'm SO excited for lighter crowds after going during spring break and Presidents' week for three years!
HOLY CRAP LL!! I've heard of renting points before, but NEVER at $10 for AKL!! Lucky lucky you!!! How exciting! :yay:
Woohoo for renting points!! I hope you love AKV Jambo, I did! :goodvibes

If you ever want to walk around Concord w/o your hubby let me know! I haven't been to Orchard House in years and I would love to go back (ignore the fact that it's like 25 mins from me and there is no good reason why it's years since I've been there)

Ooooh can I come too?! :flower3:
I highly recommend renting points, it is working out in our favor right now.

I love Disney in January, it is my favorite time to travel. The weather is nice, I can handle it being cool at night. I much rather be cool than sweating. Honestly, I probably could have same last year but I just didn't have time. I'm from hearty New England stock, I bet I could summon the courage. :rotfl2:

The idea of renting has always intrigued me but I get gunshy every time I think of it. With so many friends who have had great experiences, I think we might try it. Of course, I really like the idea of a washer and dryer in our room and having a bedroom and livingroom if we do DVC. These things really cut down on our point value.

I totally understand the hearty New England stock thing -- I was born and raised in Michigan and have gotten many strange looks for swimming in an outdoor pool on a cool day!
I love the math! I've thought about renting but haven't had to go there yet due to PIN codes but as those seem to dry up, it might be an option in the future. I'd feel much more comfortable doing it from someone i know (or someone someone i know, knows lol).

We have had 80 degree days in January and went in the pool before! Maybe you'll get lucky. If not, you still have lots to do around AKL - so great to sit by the fire, watch the animals, do the night vision goggles and look for animals in the dark (we thought it was hard to see them!), eat at Mara, Jiko, Boma (they're all good!), have a drink at the Victoria Falls bar (I think that's what it's called).

I tell you if I ever had to rent out my small amount of DVC points, I would only do it with some of my DIS friends or people I know. Of course, I'm not willing to miss out on using them at this point, but it could happen someday! ;)
I didn't even think about Garden Grocer. Hmmm. Must explore that option. I know we are planning on bringing breakfast type things with us but Garden Grocer might be the way to go.

We totally should go to Concord together!! Marc works most Saturdays for 1/2 day until early afternoon. Maybe we should get together one Saturday??

Definitely look into Garden Grocer. We were so happy with their service. And saves on what you have to pack!

I listened to Lion King musical CD again and got so excited for you! When you walk through those air conditioned doors at AKL/V and the music starts. OH it's so exciting!!!!

We definitely SHOULD go on Saturday! I would love it!!!!

Ooooh can I come too?! :flower3:

And we should take JEN!!!!!
We're staying at AKV Jambo also in November and I can't wait. Just like you said, it looks so beautiful.
better late than never ;) I'm in and thanks to the shout out on Jackie's PTR too :thumbsup2 what a friend...
That Jackie, she is the best!

I am very interested in this PTR for a few awesome reasons...

1) loved following some of your past PTR/TR's so be fun to hear the plans w/ your hubby

2) I can so keep a working Dis budget the real life ones well :rolleyes: so it will be nice to see what you come up w/ (how to transfer that to a fam of 6 :confused:) but still good stuff!

I think having a budget is just about knowing what you can spend and sticking to that. We estimated everything and decided the highest amount we wanted to spend and won't go over that.

3) We're going MLK week too :cool1: my whole little fam of 6 will be down in the World (staying at our DVC home BLT) from Sun 15th of Jan to Thurs 19th


Just love how you went from POP to a studio at AKV and SAVED money that is so awesome...that's the fuzzy Diz math we all like to was wonderful there, I stayed there w/ the Spectrum Mom's just this past Jan (remember?) BTW we are still working on our TR :laughing: and for the Fam trip in 2013 we are planning to stay there w/ my folks their first DVC trip :thumbsup2

looking forward to hearing more

Scrappie (Julie)
I'm so jealous you stay at BLT. I really want to stay there some day but it was more expensive than we wanted to spend. I need to try to catch up on that Jan. TR. I am so so so very behind.

YAY for renting points!!!!!!!!!!!!:cool1::cool1::cool1: I am so excited for you. We are going to rent points for our Oct 2011 trip. Don't forget Disney heats their pools so the water is always nice and warm so us New England girls can still swim. :laughing:
That's right, those heated pools will be just fine for us New England girls!

Renting points and AKV! Woo-hoo! As much as we enjoy POP, we loved staying at AKL! For my two cents, we did our first moderate in January (POFQ) and we were not impressed. I would rather spend more and go Deluxe or save more and stay at POP. We love WDW in January too - and my DH and DD both swim in January.
We enjoy Pop, and we really enjoyed POR last September but it's hard to make that $400 leap from value to moderate. I am glad that renting points worked out.

I love your Concord pictures! I'm like 20 or 25 minutes from there, and I finally got to Orchard House this past October after meaning to for was just one of those things where I have the mentality of, "I live close by, I can go whenever I want." I want to get there again and spend time exploring the area since I'm a huge local history nerd.

That's awesome that you get to stay at AKV! We're going early January, too, right after New Years and staying at Pop. I'm SO excited for lighter crowds after going during spring break and Presidents' week for three years!
Ahhh, I love those lighter crowds. I try to avoid Spring Break and other major school breaks.

There is still so much stuff we haven't explored yet locally, I need to make a bucket list!

HOLY CRAP LL!! I've heard of renting points before, but NEVER at $10 for AKL!! Lucky lucky you!!! How exciting! :yay:
I'm super excited!! :yay:

Woohoo for renting points!! I hope you love AKV Jambo, I did! :goodvibes

Ooooh can I come too?! :flower3:
Of course you can come too!!!

The idea of renting has always intrigued me but I get gunshy every time I think of it. With so many friends who have had great experiences, I think we might try it. Of course, I really like the idea of a washer and dryer in our room and having a bedroom and livingroom if we do DVC. These things really cut down on our point value.

I totally understand the hearty New England stock thing -- I was born and raised in Michigan and have gotten many strange looks for swimming in an outdoor pool on a cool day!
I think you should put some feelers out among your DISer friends or on Facebook, it worked for me.

I remember I went to Disney at Thanksgiving one year with my family and all the CMs laughed at us swimming and wearing shorts and they were in pants and longsleeves and even a few had gloves on!!

I love the math! I've thought about renting but haven't had to go there yet due to PIN codes but as those seem to dry up, it might be an option in the future. I'd feel much more comfortable doing it from someone i know (or someone someone i know, knows lol).

Pop probably would have been cheaper with a pin code but I didn't want to bank on that but I think we lucked out pretty nicely with AKV.

We have had 80 degree days in January and went in the pool before! Maybe you'll get lucky. If not, you still have lots to do around AKL - so great to sit by the fire, watch the animals, do the night vision goggles and look for animals in the dark (we thought it was hard to see them!), eat at Mara, Jiko, Boma (they're all good!), have a drink at the Victoria Falls bar (I think that's what it's called).

I tell you if I ever had to rent out my small amount of DVC points, I would only do it with some of my DIS friends or people I know. Of course, I'm not willing to miss out on using them at this point, but it could happen someday! ;)
I don't want 80 degree weather! :rotfl2: I like it cool. Maybe someday you won't want to go to Disney....:rolleyes1:scared1::rotfl2:
Definitely look into Garden Grocer. We were so happy with their service. And saves on what you have to pack!

I listened to Lion King musical CD again and got so excited for you! When you walk through those air conditioned doors at AKL/V and the music starts. OH it's so exciting!!!!

We definitely SHOULD go on Saturday! I would love it!!!!

And we should take JEN!!!!!
I need to get the some Animal Kingdom inspired music to listen to in the car.

Yes, let's go on a Saturday and let's take JEN!

We're staying at AKV Jambo also in November and I can't wait. Just like you said, it looks so beautiful.
It really does look beautiful, I can't wait.
I need to get the some Animal Kingdom inspired music to listen to in the car.

Yes, let's go on a Saturday and let's take JEN!

It really does look beautiful, I can't wait.

I can make a CD magically appear at your house! PM me your addy again ;)
Congrats for renting points! you will love AKV-we own DVC at Kidani. I bought me some leopard print mickey head jammies in the gift shop there :)
Ah, you called me "best." :goodvibes

Not-to-miss things at AKL? Hmmm, definitely the storytelling around the fire pit and the night vision goggles. Wandering around and watching all the animals on the savannas, zebra domes at the Mara...I know they give you a list of activities at check-in, and I think there were some things like art talks that were geared towards adults. :thumbsup2

The Lion King musical CD sits in my car and is definitely a great one for getting in the mood to stay at AKL.
Wooooooo Hooooo for AKL! That is awesome!:woohoo: I've contemplated trying to rent DVC points a few times but I just don't know enough of how the process works - but you do and that's awesome! I love how you are technically getting a deluxe for less than the value option! You are gonna become my savings guru!:thumbsup2

Concord looks stunning. I would love to of these days I'm gonna have to get my butt in the car and just do the road trip to Mass....DBFF and I have talked about doing one forever. There and Charleston is the newest one we've been talking about! But I would certainly love to see the Louisa May Alcott house! I love Little Women!
Oh LL I am so happy that you are staying at AKV!!! My home sweet home!!! I just know you will love it there.
I will concur with Jackie on the storytelling, zebra domes, animals, etc. I believe they also have a tour of Boma sometime midday....not sure about the details but I bet it's on the activities list. :thumbsup2 I would also stroll over to Kidani to check out the pool area (has a nicer gym than Jambo...I did walk through it once :rotfl2:) The CM's are super friendly and eager to talk about their homeland. :)
Last October I stayed at Kidani and near the lobby there is a fire/living room type area which goes outside to a balcony. I was sitting out on the balcony...this was around 11pm or so reading my Kindle. I was alone and all of a sudden I heard this loud clomp, clomp, clomp out on the savanna! I looked out and there were about 3 zebras running by with what I think either an elan or wildebeest following them. It was so fun to watch them playing tag! :goodvibes



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