City, Sand, and Savanna - Link to new trip report

Why do I have a sense of foreshadowing about the whole no scooter scenario? I know reading that did give me some for our trip next year. It is so hard to see our parents have to slow down, isn't it?

No, nothing major, like somebody in traction or anything. We were just at a slower pace for the week. Okay, a much slower pace for the week.

What a fun first night tradition and how perfect for your folks anniversary.

It was a really good choice for them....they like music (big bands) and comedy, and it was sit-down -- that's a major plus!

I felt like we waited forever for our food at Cookes as well, but the end result did seem to make the gang happy so that's good. Pretty funny about getting legos at WOD though.

It is some tasty fare. Well of course it is, it's fried! :thumbsup2

I am struggling to see your pictures here in my little "restricted" part of the world, but with my new computer I can actually see a few.

I'm wondering why it's some and not all? I'd think it was an all-or-none thing.

If I'm not mistaken, Nick had on that same hat that James i wearing. :thumbsup2

Yep, I believe so.

I love Bob and someday I am going to get there before the show starts just so I can meet him. It's such a fun show! I might just have to put a return visit into June's schedule.

He's so personable as he makes the rounds. And if you do that, he'll be calling your name all night. Wait, that didn't come out right. I mean during the show. Maybe I should just move on to the next comment. :blush:

That picture of your parents in the bride and groom ears is absolutely precious. What a keeper.


What a great way to spend your evening!

It was a fun night!

Great update, Glen. I'm actually thinking of POR-Riverside for one of our trips next year so enjoyed the photos.

We love that resort. I forget, have you stayed there before?

You can tell your folks are enjoying the show. And :thumbsup2 to James on the stupid hat trying on.

I was hoping you'd approve. :laughing: He went beyond trying it on, he bought it!

It looks like a nice little excursion to DTD. I'm glad James left at least 1 or 2 things on the shelf for everyone else to buy.

Yeah, it turns out that they had more merchandise in the back. :rotfl2:

I've never been a huge fan of spending time at DTD, and we didn't even go there at all last year. We had a nice morning there this trip though and I considered Cookes for lunch.

I need to find a better time, when it's not so crowded. I think it can be worse than the parks. :headache:

I love the first night tradition of seeing Yeehaw Bob. I've still never managed to see him, but it is on the Disney Bucket list.

It's good to have a list, there're so many things to try. I hope you get to see him someday. :goodvibes
Too bad Cooks (or, Cookies, as DF likes to call it) was annoyingly slow that night!! Your food does look good though!

Someday, someday, someday, we will go see YeeHaw Bob. His set looks hilarious!!
That would be the Rules Committee. It's a group made up of myself, along with rotating secret membership (with overlapping terms) of representatives from organizations such as Skull and Bones, the Illuminati, the Mickey Mouse Club (1950's cast), and Jeopardy! Ultimate Tournament of Champions. We've met and determined not to allow pre-guessing since some participants could claim (although we're sure no one would :rolleyes:) that a chapter was written to include the right number of Judy's to favor certain game participants.
I am very impressed in your ability to assemble such a fine group to be members of your Rules Committee. Most folks would just make decisions like this all by themselves. But you've gone out of your way to bring together this wonderful group to assist you in making the major decisions regarding your TR. :worship:

I'm really hoping to see Yehaa Bob next April. Each time I've read reports about his show everyone has loved it!
Glenn, I have to say, you have the youngest-looking "octegenarian" parents I've seen. Oh well, they say age is just a number, anyway.
Glenn My Mother's nickname was Pyschic Clara and I have inherited her "gift" that was not pure guess work it was a vision I had , I was a little mystified by the doublevision of the vision , but now I understand it was 2 seperate posts and they blurred into one:snooty::joker::crazy2:but mainly:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

Do I hear "It's getting Deep around here !!!":rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
Oh. it's. going. to. be. a looooong. week.. Or, you can just see it as a time to have a very stop and smell the popcorn kind of week. :goodvibes

Mmm, the fish and chips looks really good. Yee-Haw Bob looks like so much fun - I hope we can get over there with the kids one evening this Summer.
Judy took a fantastic welcome sign picture! Always a tricky feat.

Awhhh your parents in the bride and groom ears is so adorable!!

Sounds like such an awesome night of dancing and hilarities with Bob!

So cute. That would have been fun if they wore them all week!

Love your first day - a perfect beginning, especially after an exhausting travel day.
Hello! :wave: Well, I figured I should finally dig into your sandy trip report...I know I left off somewhere right after the city part...but with your handy chapter links, catching up on ninety seven pages should be easy-peasy! Ok, so I'm not quite done with the Vero section yet, but here are my thoughts thus far:

I love that you took Marlene to see the Boss! I went to a number of concerts with my dad when I was in highschool and we always had a blast!

Good info on the drive down. I wouldn't mind driving at some point, especially for a summer trip, and with plane fare being what it is these days, it might even make financial sense. Who knows? Good to hear that its doable, though. I know I'm in CT, which is a bit futher north than you, but not too far.

Nice Mid-Atlantic Dismeet! Personally, I'm a huge fan of the Red Velvet Cheesecake at the CF. Its one of the greatest desserts I've ever had. I swear.

Well, I'd say your view in Vero was pretty sweet. Or suite. Whatever. Like the decor, seems very similar to Old Key West. And those cottages look pretty amazing, too. I will say that I don't think anyone designs a bathroom quite like Disney does.

Ok...I want to go to the beach. In Florida. Right now. Probably not happening. Oh well.

And, ah...yes...Glennbo pictures. Amazing.

Am I the only one who's a bit shocked that Disney chargers for beach chairs at Vero???

I'm really liking the resort though. Kind of a nice mix of OKW and the Beach Club, two of my favorites.
1st post 4- #1,#3,#5,#6 missed #4
2nd post 4- #6,#7,#8, #20

Video 3- 2 pans past judy
Video 4 - 2 pans past Judy
Video 5 - 2 pans past Judy.
No I did not count frames .... I thought that might be over board :confused:
glenn i do agree with you, pat did some good work, but she forgot one clearly missed judy...ill point it out for you now. read below.

James soon found a Perry the Platypus hat.


Lets remember the sleeves on james shirt for amoment shall we.

We saw some bride and groom hats for the anniversary-couple, but we just looked, no purchase.


can see marlenes shirt in the background, which comes in later in pictures...and james neck and shoulder behind judy. and judy of course, but look at judys hair here.


the missing judy one that no one got...everyone shifted over slightly to the left for the picture but did not gte out of the picture fully including the shirt and arm of marlene, the arm of james, and whats that right in the middle of the picture but none other than the wavy curly hair of the lovely looks like there indeed 5 judys in this update...;)
i will now await your correction of the correct tally and my points.
ill take the round as well as an eagle eye point please.:thumbsup2
ohhh yeah forgot about the update...there was some good stuff in there, thanks for the pics of the bob show, really enjoyed it, did you get a bud light lime? ;)
glenn i do agree with you, pat did some good work, but she forgot one clearly missed judy...ill point it out for you now. read below.

i will now await your correction of the correct tally and my points.
ill take the round as well as an eagle eye point please.:thumbsup2

Glen he is right !!At least he gets an Eagle eye point and I get a Psychic eye point !!!:lmao:
Yeah we are at WDW. The balcony is wonderful.

Did you see a lot of animals there?

Too bad they were so delayed.

Nice way to start the trip at DTD then Bob. He does put on a good show.
I said I was, down and out with the blues

I'm happy to say that I don't know the next line, and I don't intend to look it up! :laughing:

Too bad Cooks (or, Cookies, as DF likes to call it) was annoyingly slow that night!! Your food does look good though!

We always seem to get a weird situation/delay like that about once per trip. I think it's just us though!

Someday, someday, someday, we will go see YeeHaw Bob. His set looks hilarious!!

You need to go. No excuses!

I am very impressed in your ability to assemble such a fine group to be members of your Rules Committee. Most folks would just make decisions like this all by themselves. But you've gone out of your way to bring together this wonderful group to assist you in making the major decisions regarding your TR. :worship:

Oh no, can you imagine the flak I'd take if I made these decisions all alone?!

I've got top men working on it I tell you. Top men.

I'm really hoping to see Yehaa Bob next April. Each time I've read reports about his show everyone has loved it!

It's a great, relatively inexpensive night of entertainment.

Glenn, I have to say, you have the youngest-looking "octegenarian" parents I've seen. Oh well, they say age is just a number, anyway.

Thanks, they'll be flattered to hear that. 80 is the new 70, I hear.
Glenn My Mother's nickname was Pyschic Clara and I have inherited her "gift" that was not pure guess work it was a vision I had , I was a little mystified by the doublevision of the vision , but now I understand it was 2 seperate posts and they blurred into one:snooty::joker::crazy2:but mainly:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

Uh huh.

Do I hear "It's getting Deep around here !!!":rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

I'm hiking up my pantlegs, even as we speak.

Oh. it's. going. to. be. a looooong. week.. Or, you can just see it as a time to have a very stop and smell the popcorn kind of week. :goodvibes

You're getting the picture. And I walk fast anyway, according to Judy, so it's going to be quite an adjustment for me. :hyper:

Mmm, the fish and chips looks really good. Yee-Haw Bob looks like so much fun - I hope we can get over there with the kids one evening this Summer.

I hope you do to....put it on the schedule and go!

Judy took a fantastic welcome sign picture! Always a tricky feat.

Thanks. It definitely can be tricky, centering it while going 55mph, hitting the button when the sign fills the frame. All with your eyes closed. ;) And Judy doesn't usually like to be the photographer, but she did a nice job on that one.

Awhhh your parents in the bride and groom ears is so adorable!!

Aw, thanks.

Sounds like such an awesome night of dancing and hilarities with Bob!

Hiliarity ensued, for sure.

So cute. That would have been fun if they wore them all week!

Thanks. Oh, that might have been asking a little much from my dad. :rotfl:

Love your first day - a perfect beginning, especially after an exhausting travel day.

It was a mix of travel, getting administrative stuff done, shopping, and entertainment. Not too bad.
Hello! :wave: Well, I figured I should finally dig into your sandy trip report...I know I left off somewhere right after the city part...but with your handy chapter links, catching up on ninety seven pages should be easy-peasy! Ok, so I'm not quite done with the Vero section yet, but here are my thoughts thus far:

Hi Tina! This reminds me of your big post on MEK's thread. Okay, let 'er rip.

I love that you took Marlene to see the Boss! I went to a number of concerts with my dad when I was in highschool and we always had a blast!

It was a great time....what a great show! We loved it.

Good info on the drive down. I wouldn't mind driving at some point, especially for a summer trip, and with plane fare being what it is these days, it might even make financial sense. Who knows? Good to hear that its doable, though. I know I'm in CT, which is a bit futher north than you, but not too far.

Oh yeah, it's definitely doable. The drive itself is fine, but you do feel like you're wasting valuable vacation time -- that's the only drawback. Airfares are driving us to it though, so what're you going to do?

Nice Mid-Atlantic Dismeet! Personally, I'm a huge fan of the Red Velvet Cheesecake at the CF. Its one of the greatest desserts I've ever had. I swear.

We had a nice time. MEK and Captain_Oblivious and I are so close, it's surprising we haven't accidentally run into each other at the mall or somewhere.

It's hard to choose a dessert at the Cheesecake Factory. I have to go with something chocolate though, every time.

Well, I'd say your view in Vero was pretty sweet. Or suite. Whatever. Like the decor, seems very similar to Old Key West. And those cottages look pretty amazing, too. I will say that I don't think anyone designs a bathroom quite like Disney does.

We were living high on the hog. :)

Ok...I want to go to the beach. In Florida. Right now. Probably not happening. Oh well.

Maybe you'll have to settle for just turning up the thermostat a little. :laughing:

And, ah...yes...Glennbo pictures. Amazing.

Thank you!

Am I the only one who's a bit shocked that Disney chargers for beach chairs at Vero???

Disney miss an opportunity for revenue? Never!

I'm really liking the resort though. Kind of a nice mix of OKW and the Beach Club, two of my favorites.

We liked it. Okay, Judy and I more than the kids, but in general, we liked it.
glenn i do agree with you, pat did some good work, but she forgot one clearly missed judy...ill point it out for you now. read below.

i will now await your correction of the correct tally and my points.
ill take the round as well as an eagle eye point please.:thumbsup2

I think that's James' head you're seeing. Judy's taller and was closer to me in the previous picture....I think she'd be higher up in the frame if part of her hair got into that picture. Good try though. If I thought it was, I'd give it to you. I'm always willing to listen to an argument that might take points away from Marv, as you know. ;)

ohhh yeah forgot about the update...there was some good stuff in there, thanks for the pics of the bob show, really enjoyed it, did you get a bud light lime? ;)

Oh yeah, I should have put that in there. No Bud Lite Lime was ordered! :crazy2:

Glen he is right !!At least he gets an Eagle eye point and I get a Psychic eye point !!!:lmao:

Oh, you're just agreeing so that you can somehow tag along!

Yeah we are at WDW. The balcony is wonderful.

Did you see a lot of animals there?

It was down at one end, but we still got plenty of animals. I might have a picture or two later in the report. :rolleyes:

Too bad they were so delayed.

It was funny that we never considered an airline delay. It was a nice day, so we assumed they were somewhere between MCO and the resort.

Nice way to start the trip at DTD then Bob. He does put on a good show.

We always enjoy seeing him perform. His energy is incredible.
while i do not agree with your assessment at all, i dont want to get marvs old man panties in a bunch from you taking a point away from ill let you award the point to the wrong person this time.:rolleyes1

Glen he is right !!At least he gets an Eagle eye point and I get a Psychic eye point !!!:lmao:
i knew i always liked your rosie...and we know that we are correct in our seeing it, even if glenn doesnt know his own wifes hair.:upsidedow
Hey Hidey HO!!!

I am making a tenuous foray into DISBoardsLand to say a hearty Merry Christmas to all my long-lost homeys. Been a crazy term/year, and it's not over yet... but definitely slowing down. For a while. Glenn, I wish I had time to sit here a read like a mad woman, but alas, the family is drawn near to the fire listening to someone make amazing music on the piano, and we're headed up to the Hobbit midnight release tonight. Soon, my friend, soon, I will be back and enjoy all of your company once more. Promise! Meantime, enjoy your families, enjoy the moments, enjoy your Gifts!!!!


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