Childfree (by choice) Disney Lovers!


During our stay at BW, we'd always go to the quite pool....seemed to be mostly adults w/a few teens. But no one was splashing around or making noise. It was great! :goodvibes


We do the quiet pool sometimes. Last month we did it only b/c the music was so darn loud at the clown pool! I don't remember it being that loud in the past. There weren't that many kids, so that would not have been a problem.
We're actually going on a month long vacation to celebrate my 30th in 2014 and the final week is all WDW. I've never been so I am uber excited! :yay: Any random "must do" things that I should know about?

Hello everyone,
my husband and I are planning a child free Disney vacay for our 15th Wedding anniversary in the Spring and we are in search of the most romantic resort...

any and all suggestions welcome! Please help us plan!

Well I just love the AKL. I've stayed there more than any other WDW resort. But even if you're not staying there, I would definitely go and dine at one if the restaurants. Plan to arrive early and check out the animals from the various viewing areas. The bar at Sanaa has a nice area on the same level as the animals.

Another adult thing I like to do is pick up a margarita in Epcot for strolling around the world. Be sure to check out the Moderate and Deluxe resorts for dining and other entertainment and don't forget to make ADRs if you want to eat in the sit down restaurants.
Thank you everyone for your replies. I'm so pleased to see so many of you mentioning BW because that's where I truly want to stay.

Unfortunately, my husband is not an animal lover...not even a little bit. He doesn't like the park and he doesn't like the resort. He's appalled by it.

I don't get it either because he's a huge teddy bear. Everyone who meets him, adores him and when they find out how much of a non-animal loving person he is, they're baffled.

So BW Villa perhaps?
So BW Villa perhaps?

We always do BWV- studio- BW view.

I would like to try a 1 bedroom b/c of the wash/dryer and I like that if one of us wakes up before the other, we can just shut the bedroom door and go about our business and not worry about the noise.
We book one bedrooms exclusively. At WDW we always have, but now even in CA we have given up on studios. It's just too luxurious to have your own jacuzzi tub and kitchen. Even though we mostly eat out, there's nothing like sleeping in and making bacon and eggs for breakfast MY way.

Just wanted to share this DINKlife article with all of you. LOL

A recent study published in the Journal of Economic Psychology found that the average woman’s perfect day involves a lot of sleep, and almost no time spent with children.

Oh how I love So justifies my thoughts when I feel pressured to go the baby making route.

Maddhatir... is that delightfully bearded man in your signature your husband? My hubby is also uber bearded. Gotta love a man w/ a beard. :cheer2:
We always do BWV- studio- BW view.

I would like to try a 1 bedroom b/c of the wash/dryer and I like that if one of us wakes up before the other, we can just shut the bedroom door and go about our business and not worry about the noise.

just wanted to say hi! i'm also from nj and a vegan.
We book one bedrooms exclusively. At WDW we always have, but now even in CA we have given up on studios. It's just too luxurious to have your own jacuzzi tub and kitchen. Even though we mostly eat out, there's nothing like sleeping in and making bacon and eggs for breakfast MY way.

LOL. I get more spoiled with each trip. LOL. I went from value resorts to BWV and can't look back, now I might be giving up on the studios. LOL.

Maddhatir... is that delightfully bearded man in your signature your husband? My hubby is also uber bearded. Gotta love a man w/ a beard. :cheer2:

No, he is my favorite singer. DH goes back and forth with his beard. I prefer hairy :thumbsup2

just wanted to say hi! i'm also from nj and a vegan.

Hello from South Jersey.
Just wanted to try to revive this post! Where are all the Child-free folks??
Wow! It has been a while CG folks have been posting! I will try to put some D23 stuff ober here only three weeks left!
We've been traveling, going to concerts & eating out all over town. :goodvibes

Seriously, we've been all over the place. Two trips to MA this summer for family/weddings another couple to OH for the other side of the family along with our own fun stuff. I'm going to need a vacation at the end of this summer just to catch up on some sleep!

We are home this weekend, but heading out to the zoo. They have gobs of extra programs for members (for additional $$ of course) so this weekend we get to have a meet-n-greet w/the otters. :woohoo:
Should be fun to get to feed them, see them from "backstage" up close & meet their keepers.
Greetings from another childless couple! One of the reasons my husband and I decided not to have kids is because we love to travel so much. We usually alternate each year with something state-side and Jamaica. Well, for 2014, I'm dragging him along to WDW for a week for my birthday. He's almost 40 and has never been. This will be my 4th trip, but my last one was 17 years ago, so I know a lot has changed since then. The only reason he's agreed to go is because #1-he knows I want to go so badly, and #2-I'm paying for the trip. He's not a fan of kids really, so I'm not entirely sure how this trip is going to go over with him. We'll be there the 3rd week of January, so I'm hoping it won't be completely full of kids like it would be during school breaks or during the summer. We are staying at POR. I can't wait to get there...6 months from today :). We are doing the DDP and I'm having my travel agent make some signature dining reservations for dinner which I thought would be nice for the evenings. Any tips on #1-some romantic things to do, and #2-how to get him even a little bit excited before we go?

Hi! Welcome back everyone! I have been happily married to my husband for 14 years and we have a dog we adopted from our local shelter 7 years ago. We love to travel as well. We vacation with my Mom since my Dad passed away when I was a teen and I am an only child and have a very small family. Most of her friends don't like to travel and we have the same style in getting up early and on the go all day and also want to visit the same places so it works out well. Luckily my husband is great and doesn't mind. He is the son my Mom never had. We went on a small weekend trip in June since we have our Disney trip to look forward to in Dec and we booked a cruise on RCI to the Western Caribbean for next summer. We love zoos as well. We are members of a few zoos in our area and one of the best parts is that we get discounted or free admission to other zoos across the country. If we are on vacation and there is a zoo or aquarium in that city it is a must do. We are big baseball and football fans. I also love to read and watch TV.
Hi again! I subscribe to this thread to get daily emails and I was happy to see the new posts today! DH and I have been married 5 years and childfree not exactly by choice due to infertility but our 'resolution' is to live childfree. We are both just big kids ourselves and are trying to enjoy life as much as possible. :woohoo: We love gaming and animals and traveling too. Wish we traveled more than we do but its far more than I did growing up. So I'm happy.

jdanjou- Happy 39 and a half birthday!!! I think your hubby will do fine. I hate crowds but for some reason Disney didn't bother me at all. Kids amuse me more than not though. If anything it made me happy we were there with OUT kids most of the time though. I am sure he will be grateful to return home to quiet. Last year was my first trip and DH said Disney is a place you will either love or hate. I asked him what he thought I would be. He said 'you will love it so much you will never want to leave'. And he's right. I've been 'homesick' ever since I left. As for romantic ideas, I am not a WDW expert but I think there are carriage rides at POR in the winter. So you can check those out! Actually i think there are carriage rides year round they are just decorated as 'sleigh rides' in winter (not really a sleigh). Also take advantage of any extra magic hours at night. I thought MK late at night when crowds were gone was very romantic. :)

CynBeth- We love zoos too! We don't have a membership like you but anytime we are in a city with a zoo or aquarium we go to it! For our anniversary we went to a zoo this year. We also went to an aquarium on our honeymoon (in the Smokies). That said I am one of the few people who LOVES AK! Almost as much as MK. Not quite...but almost. :upsidedow

zima-cheryl- Cool that you get to go 'back stage'. I would LOVE that. I really wanted to visit the Indy Zoo to do the 'wash an elephant' thing. but they quit doing it. :( I still want to visit that zoo sometime but I'm not as excited now. :lmao: I wish we had a zoo close by. The closest one to us is 90 minutes away and its small. If I go 2 hrs away I can get a zoo a little bigger. 3 hrs away and we have Chicago area zoos but that makes visiting a 2 day thing.

Okay I've prattled on long enough. :) I hope everyone has a good weekend!
Any tips on #1-some romantic things to do, and #2-how to get him even a little bit excited before we go?


Romantic - book a carriage ride over at Ft. Wilderness for around the same time as the MK fireworks. You don't have a clear view but you can see some of them through the trees.
You two snuggled in the carraige, bottle of champagne & fireworks in the distance.... :lovestruc

To get him excited, book something special for him. They have the Petty NASCAR ride along, golfing, spas, boat rentals, extra tours (trains, safari, etc). Find something you know will really appeal to him, book it, pre-pay for it so he can't quibble about the cost & then let him know that even though it is your birthday on such & such day you are doing this for him.
Romantic - book a carriage ride over at Ft. Wilderness for around the same time as the MK fireworks. You don't have a clear view but you can see some of them through the trees.
You two snuggled in the carraige, bottle of champagne & fireworks in the distance.... :lovestruc

To get him excited, book something special for him. They have the Petty NASCAR ride along, golfing, spas, boat rentals, extra tours (trains, safari, etc). Find something you know will really appeal to him, book it, pre-pay for it so he can't quibble about the cost & then let him know that even though it is your birthday on such & such day you are doing this for him.

Great ideas! I did book him the Exotic Driving Experience and he's really looking forward to that, although he keeps telling me that I don't need to do that for him. That's just the way he is. I know he'll love EPCOT and AK once he gets there. I think he'll like HS too. Just worried about MK.

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CynBeth- We love zoos too! We don't have a membership like you but anytime we are in a city with a zoo or aquarium we go to it! For our anniversary we went to a zoo this year. We also went to an aquarium on our honeymoon (in the Smokies). That said I am one of the few people who LOVES AK! Almost as much as MK. Not quite...but almost. :

Was it the Ripley's Aquarium you visited in the Smokies or a different one?
Hi everyone!

My husband and I have almost been married a year and definitely know kids are not for us! He is 30 about to be 31 and I am 27. We both have jobs and his a very demanding career. He is also a pilot and we share a Cessna-182 with his father. We LOVE to travel and do so quite often, especially now with the wedding planning over and new airplane! We have a timeshare in Aruba every June and my mother a member of DVC. So we know we will be traveling at LEAST twice a year from here on out, depending on the hubby's work schedule of course. :cool1:

Disney has always been my LOVE, my parents took us every year growing up! My mother and I share the passion in the family. My sister is 30 and loves Disney too, one day she will have little ones and then we may all take trips together!

We currently have a trip planned with my parents for the Food and Wine Festival this October, the 4th through the 9th. I am BEYOND excited!!!!! :joker: I haven't been to WDW since July 2010 and it has just been way too long!

We will be 6 adults enjoying the Festival kid-free! Excited to try all the food and visit my favorite vacation spot besides our beloved Aruba :love:

Glad to meet everyone and glad we aren't the only ones on this planet that are kid free by choice! I swear people make us feel so alien sometimes, but it is our decision and not theirs! Travel 2+ times a year and kids just don't mix, this is why I am positive we won't be changing our minds! :banana: Quite frankly we are so tired of the "you just got married, you will change your minds one day." NOPE NOPE and NOPE!
Hi everyone!

Glad to meet everyone and glad we aren't the only ones on this planet that are kid free by choice! I swear people make us feel so alien sometimes, but it is our decision and not theirs! Travel 2+ times a year and kids just don't mix, this is why I am positive we won't be changing our minds! :banana: Quite frankly we are so tired of the "you just got married, you will change your minds one day." NOPE NOPE and NOPE!

Hi, can I come live with you?? LOL.


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