Celebrations Galore & Free Dining too! A Sept 2012 PTR (TR started!)

I leave for Disney THIS WEEK!!!! :banana: Just 2 days to go and I'm starting to lose serious sleep. I have woken up at 5am yesterday and today and then I can't get back to sleep! Needless to say, I'm exhausted. I have to wake up early tomorrow to check us in for our flights. Then it's a day full of craziness...I hope I can sleep well Monday night!!!

Today will be fun and I hope to relax a bit. I have to do the last bit of cleaning this morning (I don't like coming home to an unclean house) and then a last load or two of laundry. My sister and BIL should be here around noon or so to watch the Bills game. I also need to run out and get some snacks (of course, because I was at the grocery store yesterday) and more night time diapers. Cole has decided to grow out of his diapers the past few days, so that's been fun. I was able to exchange a package at Target yesterday for the next size and I changed my order with Garden Grocer. I'm kind of mad about the night time ones though....I just opened the box!!!! I guess I'll have to find someone who could use them. I don't want them to go to waste. So, off to Target again today. I swear that place feels like my second home sometimes.

Tomorrow will definately be nuts. Tony has a bunch of errands to run for me, I'll be packing and then Madison has dance that night. I need to check in for my flights and do online check-in. After Madison's dance class, we're quickly stopping at my parents house to drop off Cole's car seat. My dad will be driving us to the airport, so I want to get his car seat installed the night before.

Of course, the weather has decided to drastically change this weekend. Madison and I both woke up with headaches....darn sinus problems! I'm hoping the warm Florida sun will help us!!! I'll be packing lots of sinus, allergy and pain reliever meds on this trip. Better to be safe than sorry, right? I also pack lots of clorox wipes....I wipe down the tv remote, door handles, light switches and the dresser drawers. I have read stories on here about people using the drawers for their dirty laundry. EW! So, I wipe everything down you could possibly wipe down.

I hope to get on here tomorrow for a last minute update. If you're my friend on FB I'll be posting pics whenever I can. If you're not my friend yet, send me a PM so we can try to find each other (I'm a little tricky to find).
Mornin' girlie!!! I had to jump on here and see what you are doing before I go to church! as far as weather changes and sinus~ we are looking at rain with a cool down from tonight into the next couple of days...after that our nighttime lows should be in the 50s:yay: But girl, my allergies are getting fired up with this fall pollen and stuff starting...My eyes this morning are killer. I forget to take something EVERY morning and this starts, but after today I will be back on a daily Allegra for a while.
I know that packing,cleaning,and laundry seem like they are endless when you are trying to leave. I know you will get it all done,..we always do! We are just exhausted when we leave. I know I am~ I pass out the minute I get settled into my plane seat! I know some people really have a hard time sleeping on the plane, but I just can't stay awake..I look like this :faint: EVERY TIME! Especially on the flight going over there,..
Good idea about the car seat,better to do it now and get it over with..Hope Madison has a good time at her dance Monday night...hopefully you will all get some rest tonight!!
Mornin' girlie!!! I had to jump on here and see what you are doing before I go to church! as far as weather changes and sinus~ we are looking at rain with a cool down from tonight into the next couple of days...after that our nighttime lows should be in the 50s:yay: But girl, my allergies are getting fired up with this fall pollen and stuff starting...My eyes this morning are killer. I forget to take something EVERY morning and this starts, but after today I will be back on a daily Allegra for a while.
I know that packing,cleaning,and laundry seem like they are endless when you are trying to leave. I know you will get it all done,..we always do! We are just exhausted when we leave. I know I am~ I pass out the minute I get settled into my plane seat! I know some people really have a hard time sleeping on the plane, but I just can't stay awake..I look like this :faint: EVERY TIME! Especially on the flight going over there,..
Good idea about the car seat,better to do it now and get it over with..Hope Madison has a good time at her dance Monday night...hopefully you will all get some rest tonight!!

Madison and I both feel good right now. Sometimes we wake up feeling yucky and get better as the day goes on.

I'm still in the process of doing laundry, but we're enjoying some time with my siter and BIL right now. GO BILLS!!! We had some delicious ribs that she made in the crockpot and Tony & I made macaroni salad and coleslaw. We're all very full!!!

I can never sleep on the plane...I think I'm just too excited! Maybe I'll be able to sleep if Cole falls asleep. If he doesn't, then I'll have to entertain him.

Monday night she just has her Irish dance class....I just wish it wasn't so late (7:15-8:15pm)! It's about a 20-25 minute drive away which makes it worse. At least it gives me something to do so I'm not just hanging around the house overthinking everything!
I can hardly think about our last day...it already makes me depressed. I haven't gotten a definate answer from Tony about our next trip which is pretty sad. I want to take at least one more before Cole turns 3 and he said he'll see what we can do.

We probably won't go back until 2014. There are other things we want to do and by then all of the Fantasyland stuff will be complete.

If I don't catch ya on here before your trip, have a wonderful time! See ya on FB! :)
We probably won't go back until 2014. There are other things we want to do and by then all of the Fantasyland stuff will be complete.

If I don't catch ya on here before your trip, have a wonderful time! See ya on FB! :)

I would go every year if the money man let me. :laughing: There are so many other times of year that I want to plan trips for....Christmas, Flower & Garden Festival, Star Wars Weekends for Maddie...the list goes on and on. Everyone keeps telling me this will be the last time we can take Madison out of school. Um, since when are they the parents of my child? She is extremely bright and missing a few days has never hurt her. I highly doubt it will as she gets older either. She is just begging for homework and she hasn't gotten any yet so far this year (just nightly reading). I know things will change when she gets to middle school, but I really think she's capable of missing a few days. Ok, rant over.

Thank you! I hope to post to FB as much as I can, but who knows! We've never traveled with a little guy before so that could drastically change how our days go.
I would go every year if the money man let me. :laughing: There are so many other times of year that I want to plan trips for....Christmas, Flower & Garden Festival, Star Wars Weekends for Maddie...the list goes on and on. Everyone keeps telling me this will be the last time we can take Madison out of school. Um, since when are they the parents of my child? She is extremely bright and missing a few days has never hurt her. I highly doubt it will as she gets older either. She is just begging for homework and she hasn't gotten any yet so far this year (just nightly reading). I know things will change when she gets to middle school, but I really think she's capable of missing a few days. Ok, rant over.

Thank you! I hope to post to FB as much as I can, but who knows! We've never traveled with a little guy before so that could drastically change how our days go.

I'm with ya - I'd go every year....of course DH & DS have other ideas of where they want to vacation. I just can't believe they don't want to go to Disney every year! :lmao: That's okay - if I can get to my happy place at least every other year, I'll be a happy girl.

Can't believe you leave in two days!!! I wouldn't be able to sleep either! I get so excited for the trip to be here!!

If I don't "talk" to you before you leave - have a GREAT trip!! Can't wait for the TR! :)
I say if they can keep up and the school doesn't fry you over how many missed days she has, take her on vacation...she's your kid! Ok..that's my 2 cents!:thumbsup2

I know you are asleep right now,right....Hope you get some sleep tonight!!
I swear I posted something, but now I see posts I don't remember from before - maybe it was on the snowbirds thread!?
CUTE halloween costumes for the kids!!
Don't let anyone tell you when you can or can't take your child out of school. YOU are the parents. YOU know her best and what will be a problem for her and what won't! (can you tell I'm getting ready to pull my kids out?)

Anyway - just wanted to say have a fabulous magical wonderful trip!!!
I hope you all and Cole enjoy his first trip!

Safe travels, my friend!! I'll be checking for updates on FB!!
I'm with ya - I'd go every year....of course DH & DS have other ideas of where they want to vacation. I just can't believe they don't want to go to Disney every year! :lmao: That's okay - if I can get to my happy place at least every other year, I'll be a happy girl.

Can't believe you leave in two days!!! I wouldn't be able to sleep either! I get so excited for the trip to be here!!

If I don't "talk" to you before you leave - have a GREAT trip!! Can't wait for the TR! :)

What? There are other places to vacation? :rotfl:

I can't believe it either! Yes, I'm up early again today. I have to check in for our flight in about 15 minutes....we'll be at the airport in 24 hours!!!

Thank you!

I say if they can keep up and the school doesn't fry you over how many missed days she has, take her on vacation...she's your kid! Ok..that's my 2 cents!:thumbsup2

I know you are asleep right now,right....Hope you get some sleep tonight!!

Exactly! Most of the flack I get is from my mom. I don't get it. Of course school is very important, but so is family time and making memories. We have a very busy schedule all year and we don't get a lot of family time. I can't wait to get away from all the crazy schedules and just enjoy my family.

I did go to sleep early, but I woke up at 1:55am, 3:55am and 4:55am....couldn't really get back to sleep after that, so here am!

I swear I posted something, but now I see posts I don't remember from before - maybe it was on the snowbirds thread!?
CUTE halloween costumes for the kids!!
Don't let anyone tell you when you can or can't take your child out of school. YOU are the parents. YOU know her best and what will be a problem for her and what won't! (can you tell I'm getting ready to pull my kids out?)

Anyway - just wanted to say have a fabulous magical wonderful trip!!!
I hope you all and Cole enjoy his first trip!

Safe travels, my friend!! I'll be checking for updates on FB!!

Thanks! I can't wait for our 2nd MNSSHP!

I hear ya! Each child is different and you have to know your kid. If she struggled at school I would have to think long and hard about taking her out.

Thank you!!!
I hope you have such a Magical and FUN trip!! I'll be keeping my eye on FB for all your wonderful pictures :) (totally jealous!)

I'm just starting to freak out about all the stuff I have to get done and here you are ready to leave! Not fair! :rotfl:

Tell Mickey I'll see him next week...and HAVE FUN!!
oh girl...bless your heart! I do the same thing..and of course if I am asleep, I am dreaming crazy stuff...hopefully your day will go smoothly and you can get it all done early enough to hit the sack as soon as she is finished with dance..or maybe you could lay down with Cole today for a few minutes,..maybe...
I hope you have such a Magical and FUN trip!! I'll be keeping my eye on FB for all your wonderful pictures :) (totally jealous!)

I'm just starting to freak out about all the stuff I have to get done and here you are ready to leave! Not fair! :rotfl:

Tell Mickey I'll see him next week...and HAVE FUN!!

Thanks! My plan is to post to FB as much as I can, but we'll see if that happens!

I have so much to do today and I'm sitting here on the computer. Yikes!

Will do!! :thumbsup2

oh girl...bless your heart! I do the same thing..and of course if I am asleep, I am dreaming crazy stuff...hopefully your day will go smoothly and you can get it all done early enough to hit the sack as soon as she is finished with dance..or maybe you could lay down with Cole today for a few minutes,..maybe...

I'm already tired and I haven't even done anything yet today. I could really use a nap....Cole is sleeping right now and I have to wait for Tony to get back home before I can pack. Maybe I'll try to rest now!
I would go every year if the money man let me. :laughing: There are so many other times of year that I want to plan trips for....Christmas, Flower & Garden Festival, Star Wars Weekends for Maddie...the list goes on and on. Everyone keeps telling me this will be the last time we can take Madison out of school. Um, since when are they the parents of my child? She is extremely bright and missing a few days has never hurt her. I highly doubt it will as she gets older either. She is just begging for homework and she hasn't gotten any yet so far this year (just nightly reading). I know things will change when she gets to middle school, but I really think she's capable of missing a few days. Ok, rant over.

Thank you! I hope to post to FB as much as I can, but who knows! We've never traveled with a little guy before so that could drastically change how our days go.

She's YOUR kid! Who are other people to say anything to you about her missing school? I hate when people give their opinion and you didn't ask for it.

I would really love to go to see the parks & resorts decorated for Christmas. I think in 2014 I'm going to plan for late Nov/early Dec.

Have fun!!
She's YOUR kid! Who are other people to say anything to you about her missing school? I hate when people give their opinion and you didn't ask for it.

I would really love to go to see the parks & resorts decorated for Christmas. I think in 2014 I'm going to plan for late Nov/early Dec.

Have fun!!

I know! It's so annoying. I understand that more work is given in middle and high school. I did go through those schools myself! I know that a lot of teachers don't like it when children miss school, but that's their problem. :rotfl:

I would love to see the Christmas decorations in person. So pretty!

Will do!
I'm just reading about you having to do the airline check in and realized I hadn't considered that I need to do that on Saturday!! Thanks:thumbsup2 I don't know what I was thinking. Never even occurred to me.

We are of the evil mindset that we do take our kids out of school for vacations (not every year). They are 14 and 17. This is the first year I'm questioning that decision as my youngest just started high school and had a rough first week getting adjusted. But it was when it worked for the in-laws (who happen to be retire, go figure) and coincided with a day off from school. They're only missing 2 days plus the jewish holiday and the weekend, but oldest DS is missing 3 cross country meets, I'm missing back to school night:sad2: (its always the week before:confused3), and there's some small stuff we're missing too. But, when all is said and done, family time is more important. DS17 is off to college next year and time will be even more scarce. So, enjoy it while you can!

Have a great trip:cool1: I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!
I love your Epcot outfits!
And, the Woody & Jessie outfits turned out great!
I can't believe I'm leaving Friday and that
YOU ARE LEAVING TOMORROW!!!!! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
I will be texting you to see how weather & crowd levels are!
Love the kids outfits..so cute! How exciting that you all get to leave tomorrow! I am a very jealous girl :). I am sure your trip is going to be great. I am really looking forward to hearing all about it when you get home. As I said before our little guy will be 15 months when we take our trip in December. As it gets closer I am getting a bit nervous. Yesterday we took him to the mall and was going to let him play in the play area where they have animals the kids can climb on. Well when we walked in he made a mommy help me face and stuck out his bottom lip. We couldn't help but laugh. Our little scaredy cat might have some problems with characters lol.

Again I hope you all have a great trip!
I'm just reading about you having to do the airline check in and realized I hadn't considered that I need to do that on Saturday!! Thanks:thumbsup2 I don't know what I was thinking. Never even occurred to me.

We are of the evil mindset that we do take our kids out of school for vacations (not every year). They are 14 and 17. This is the first year I'm questioning that decision as my youngest just started high school and had a rough first week getting adjusted. But it was when it worked for the in-laws (who happen to be retire, go figure) and coincided with a day off from school. They're only missing 2 days plus the jewish holiday and the weekend, but oldest DS is missing 3 cross country meets, I'm missing back to school night:sad2: (its always the week before:confused3), and there's some small stuff we're missing too. But, when all is said and done, family time is more important. DS17 is off to college next year and time will be even more scarce. So, enjoy it while you can!

Have a great trip:cool1: I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!

Glad I could help you remember to check in for your flights!!!

I'm so happy other people take their kids out of school....it makes me feel better! I know it will get harder as she gets older and I'm sure I'll get the evil eye from my mom, but that's ok.


I love your Epcot outfits!
And, the Woody & Jessie outfits turned out great!
I can't believe I'm leaving Friday and that
YOU ARE LEAVING TOMORROW!!!!! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
I will be texting you to see how weather & crowd levels are!

Thank you!!! I'm so happy with the way the costumes turned out.

I cannot believe we're leaving tomorrow either! I've been a crazy person today and I'm starting to get nervous that I'm forgetting something. I don't think that's humanly possible when I look at my suitcases! :rotfl:

I'll keep you posted! If you don't hear from me PLEASE send me a text!!! I tend to get a little too immersed in the magic while I'm there.

Love the kids outfits..so cute! How exciting that you all get to leave tomorrow! I am a very jealous girl :). I am sure your trip is going to be great. I am really looking forward to hearing all about it when you get home. As I said before our little guy will be 15 months when we take our trip in December. As it gets closer I am getting a bit nervous. Yesterday we took him to the mall and was going to let him play in the play area where they have animals the kids can climb on. Well when we walked in he made a mommy help me face and stuck out his bottom lip. We couldn't help but laugh. Our little scaredy cat might have some problems with characters lol.

Again I hope you all have a great trip!

Thank you! I try really hard to pick out cute yet comfy clothes for our trips.

I am a nervous wreck about flying tomorrow with Cole. I'm sure he'll be fine, but I tend to overthink everything. We have so much to bring on the plane too...crazy! I think he'll love the characters....whenever I show him pictures from our past trips he gets so excited!! When he's excited, he sits up super straight, sticks his arms out straight and flicks his hands around. It's adorable! He calls Mickey "cat" all the time so I'm sure that's what he'll be calling all the characters (it's his favorite word).

Thanks! I can't wait to get away from the real world for a week.

1 day Meghan! I cannot wait to see your FB pictures. Safe travels! :goodvibes

AHHH!!! I can't believe it. I really do hope to post pics to FB whenever possible.
Bon voyage, Meghan! :cool1::cool1:
Have a wonderful trip! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!


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