Calling all Princesses! (2014 Princess half marathon board)

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If you like the SparkleTechs (which I do) but wear the zipper to the back, this news just posted on their Facebook page may be of interest to you:

Good afternoon ladies... Regarding Rapunzel... Several of you have asked and we are listening:) Yes, we would be more than happy to accommodate those of you asking for the glitter design to be placed on the "back side" of the skirt. If you wear your SparkleTech with the zipper to the back, just state so; "I wear the zipper to the back" in the special instructions box when ordering. Happy Sunday and Mommies Day! ~Debbie

I normally just switch them to wear backwards, but a few (like the Rapunzel one) aren't reversible, so I'm really happy they can do the design on the back! I just ordered mine. :cool1:
I'm a bit confused by your response. The MM would be all out effort. If you're doing speedwork, your 200, 400, 800 or 1600 pace would certainly be faster than your LD pace. This is confusing me. Galloway roughly adds 2mins/mile to your MM time to calculate average pace/mile LD when you add in the walk break. This is a predictive value not an absolute.

I'd love a sub-4 marathon but first I have to break through the darn 2 hour 1/2 barrier. Grrr..... this fall.... I'm on it!

My coach has been doing more longer intervals since I'm more focused on longer distance races- although that will change for the next couple of weeks since I have some time down between major cycles and wanted to give a 10K another go. Of course I am faster at shorter distances then longer ones, but, I'm not as fast as I should be at shorter distances, so I struggle with speed. My all out MM would probably come in slower then what my half marathon pace would predict. I would much rather hold a semi-uncomfortable pace for a long period of time, then try to hold a very quick pace for a limited amount of time.

If your MM is 6:30 min/mile, you'll def be able to break 2 in a half! Even if it's just a mile, that's super impressive that you can hold a pace under a 7 min/mile...I def wouldn't be able to. Progressive long runs and long tempo intervals on tired legs is what really helped me this training cycle - it made holding a 8:45-9 min/mile pace seem eas(ier) on fresh legs on race day
If your MM is 6:30 min/mile, you'll def be able to break 2 in a half! Even if it's just a mile, that's super impressive that you can hold a pace under a 7 min/mile...I def wouldn't be able to. Progressive long runs and long tempo intervals on tired legs is what really helped me this training cycle - it made holding a 8:45-9 min/mile pace seem eas(ier) on fresh legs on race day

We have the opposite challenge. My brain turns out at Mile 10 and I psych myself out. I've been so close so many times!
We have the opposite challenge. My brain turns out at Mile 10 and I psych myself out. I've been so close so many times!

I'm not going to set any time goals for princess - really, I just want to enjoy the trip and have fun in the parks. But, if I'm feeling good, the weather isn't too warm, and I'm not spent from waking up early for the 10k the day before and playing in the parks...I reserve the right to gun it, and if that's the case, you're more then welcome to hang around for a pace buddy if you want! If I'm still on pace for sub 2 by mile 10, I WILL be finishing with a 1:5x on the watch!
No travel expenses - I live a 2-hour car ride away :) Yeah, I'd love to do the GSC, but that's off the table entirely; I'm already registered for the WDW Half and neither my wallet nor my body can handle the GSC on top of that.

Alright V, here we go. After the 2013 PHM, I said I was done. Well, then I thought about it long and hard. Why not do the full circle of races and finish with the 2014 GSC? With the great support of the folks on the Dis, and the friends I made from the PHM, i have all the reasons in the world to try and do it. If you recall, I went through a rough patch in 1/2013, and I was able to plod on with all my Dis peeps, including yourself. Let's be real, life's too short not to try. I'm like you, body can't take much more abuse, but since we are within driving distance, why not? C'mon, sister, are ya with us??
Well...I'm out for GSC in 2014. DH and I are doing C2C in Sept at DL half then taking time off for skiing and Hawaii early next year. Like some others on the thread I think I will still hang out and read all the great posts !

Now for some will help take the sting out of the spurs losing today and I need a glass to watch Revenge....I hate the end of a tv season...seems so long until the fall !:goodvibes
Well...I'm out for GSC in 2014. DH and I are doing C2C in Sept at DL half then taking time off for skiing and Hawaii early next year. Like some others on the thread I think I will still hang out and read all the great posts !

Now for some will help take the sting out of the spurs losing today and I need a glass to watch Revenge....I hate the end of a tv season...seems so long until the fall !:goodvibes

Sorry you won't be @ PHM 2014 but your trips sound wonderful.
AHHHHH I just signed up for my first 10k!!! June 8th! :eek: I wanted to push myself to squeeze a timed race in before PHM registration on the 11th, but that only gives me 4 weeks to train! I was planning to follow the "Bridge to 10k" program, which is 6 I think I might just cut out 1 or 2 runs each week to condense it down to 4 weeks? Does that sound like it would be feasible?:scratchin
For sure if you're already running now! FWIW, I didn't train specifically for my recent 10K, just kept running weekly mileage after my half in Feb. - 2 30-35 min short runs and a long run per week of 4-6 miles.
Any advice on where to start with fuel options?!
Unless you have blood sugar issues, you really shouldn't need to fuel for a 10K. I'm hypoglycemic by nature and my blood sugar plunges with running, so I eat a few Honey Stinger chews around the 30-40 minute mark of my 10K, but very few people bother with fuel at that distance. See how you feel as your mileage increases and go from there.

I'm much more of an endurance runner than a speed runner, so I don't really lose a ton of speed across distances(relatively - obviously my 5K is faster than my marathon, but still) Finding leg speed is what I struggle with, and none of my shorter races ever accurately predict my longer distance races. I think I'll run a sub 4 marathon before I'll run a sub 25 5k :lmao:
Too funny! I'm the exact opposite: I'm a sprinter. Trying to translate that into distance running has been really, really hard. Intervals has helped - a comfortable running cadence for me is in the 92-96 range, but my bad lungs can't sustain that over distance, so walk breaks force me to slow down and give my lungs a break.

Since last Princess, I've switched to straight running without walk intervals. I've gotten my long run back up to the 10k distance and I really want to do a "real" 10k race soon to get a better corral placement, but I can't find anything local anytime soon. Race season here is November through April and other than an annual July 4th 5k, there is nothing available without driving to Jax or Orlando. Anyone else having a hard time finding a 10k this time of year?
Stupid Florida. I never did get a 10K in for time last year. We have the Tampa Bay Times Turkey Trot 10K on Thanksgiving, if you want to come south... on a holiday. :headache: That's the only one I can think of that would be in time.

Alright V, here we go. After the 2013 PHM, I said I was done. Well, then I thought about it long and hard. Why not do the full circle of races and finish with the 2014 GSC? With the great support of the folks on the Dis, and the friends I made from the PHM, i have all the reasons in the world to try and do it. If you recall, I went through a rough patch in 1/2013, and I was able to plod on with all my Dis peeps, including yourself. Let's be real, life's too short not to try. I'm like you, body can't take much more abuse, but since we are within driving distance, why not? C'mon, sister, are ya with us??
:rotfl: Enabler! :hug: It's 90% financial at this point; I just don't have the money. 5 years of pay cuts have taken their toll. :( I'm not calling it over yet, but I'm not optimistic...

Well...I'm out for GSC in 2014. DH and I are doing C2C in Sept at DL half then taking time off for skiing and Hawaii early next year. Like some others on the thread I think I will still hang out and read all the great posts !
:hug: I'm sorry you're out, too. But skiing and Hawaii are really, really good reasons to be out! :banana:

So I know there is the mileage to go by when replacing shoes... but what else?

My shoes I got before the phm (brooks pureflow)probably have close to 250 miles on them. I obviously heel strike way more than I should...and on one foot in particular. The tread is wearing flat on just one shoe. (the other shoe is showing signs too...just not as bad as the one) I was hoping to get a good 300 miles out of these.

My second pair that I only run my short - for speed runs in (nike free + run 3) have no tread left on the heel of either shoe. I only got those about a month before the brooks... ran about 100 in them though. Time to retire those?

So basically, I am looking at tread. If I noticed my car had a tire that was bald on one side...even if the most of the tire had pretty good tread left, I would assume the tire needed to be replaced. Same for shoes? I read a bit about midsole cushioning being what you look for. I can't tell by looking at the midsole that there is any trouble with either shoe... well, maybe the brooks... the part that wraps up the back side of the heel has some creasing... but maybe this is normal? Or maybe is this wear caused by my heel striking?

I hate to be getting new shoes every few months.... Maybe I am just being silly about the tread and worrying about it. :confused:
Who here wears the Moving Comfort Juno sports bra? I know I've seen that one recommended tons of times over the last couple of years here, and I recently decided to try one when I decided it was time for a few new sports bras. Holy Moly, how do you guys get into that thing??? :confused: Do they run small? I ordered a size larger than normal anyway, as I usually do with a sports bra, but OMG I couldn't even get it all the way on...thought I was going to dislocate something! I'm going to go ahead and just exchange for another size up because I suspect it will probably have some good support once I get one that fits, but was also wondering about the straps for those that have worn one for a while. I see that it's like a velcro adjustment...does that actually hold up??? I'm wondering how many washes it can take before the velcro wears out? I'm having visions of it deciding not to hold anymore in the middle of a race :scared1: Anyone have any thoughts, comments about it? Will it last??
Who here wears the Moving Comfort Juno sports bra? I know I've seen that one recommended tons of times over the last couple of years here, and I recently decided to try one when I decided it was time for a few new sports bras. Holy Moly, how do you guys get into that thing??? :confused: Do they run small? I ordered a size larger than normal anyway, as I usually do with a sports bra, but OMG I couldn't even get it all the way on...thought I was going to dislocate something! I'm going to go ahead and just exchange for another size up because I suspect it will probably have some good support once I get one that fits, but was also wondering about the straps for those that have worn one for a while. I see that it's like a velcro adjustment...does that actually hold up??? I'm wondering how many washes it can take before the velcro wears out? I'm having visions of it deciding not to hold anymore in the middle of a race :scared1: Anyone have any thoughts, comments about it? Will it last??

I have the Fiona and THAT is trouble getting on, I can't imagine the Juno with the racer-back. That being said, the Fiona has velcro straps and they've held up quite well. I've had it for over a year now and it gets washed about 2x a week, no signs of wear yet.
Who here wears the Moving Comfort Juno sports bra? I know I've seen that one recommended tons of times over the last couple of years here, and I recently decided to try one when I decided it was time for a few new sports bras. Holy Moly, how do you guys get into that thing??? :confused: Do they run small? I ordered a size larger than normal anyway, as I usually do with a sports bra, but OMG I couldn't even get it all the way on...thought I was going to dislocate something! I'm going to go ahead and just exchange for another size up because I suspect it will probably have some good support once I get one that fits, but was also wondering about the straps for those that have worn one for a while. I see that it's like a velcro adjustment...does that actually hold up??? I'm wondering how many washes it can take before the velcro wears out? I'm having visions of it deciding not to hold anymore in the middle of a race :scared1: Anyone have any thoughts, comments about it? Will it last??

I don't wear the Juno, but do wear the Fiona -- they are pretty much the same except the Fiona is not a racerback. The Fiona seems to run true to size (although things are packed in there pretty good once you put it on and it does take a minute and some flexible shoulders to get the hooks fastened!), but I have heard that the Juno does run small. I can vouch for the durability of the velcro straps though! I have a couple that I've had for over a year and they are still going strong. And I wash them after each wearing too. I questioned whether they would hold myself when I got the first one, but so far I've had no issues whatsoever.

So I know there is the mileage to go by when replacing shoes... but what else?
I can usually tell it's time when things start hurting that haven't hurt before; my knees always let me know. I can't go by tread wear at all - for no reason I can explain, I wear down mid-sole before tread. However, I'd be concerned about traction in wet conditions with worn tread, even if the rest of the shoe still feels good, y'know?

Holy Moly, how do you guys get into that thing??? :confused: Do they run small? I ordered a size larger than normal anyway, as I usually do with a sports bra, but OMG I couldn't even get it all the way on...thought I was going to dislocate something!
:rotfl2: I'm sorry - I'm of no help here, but I can totally relate to that comment! I tried on a C9 one, different from my usual pick, and seriously thought I'd have to ask the Target fitting room attendant to come help me get out of it! In the end, it was okay; my shoulders are more flexible than I thought. :blush:
Holy Moly, how do you guys get into that thing??? :confused:

That just made me :lmao:

I can relate, last weekend I tried on a dress at JCPenney and it was a struggle getting it on, almost tore the dang thing, before I realized there was a hidden zipper... LOL!!!
I don't wear the Juno, but do wear the Fiona -- they are pretty much the same except the Fiona is not a racerback. The Fiona seems to run true to size (although things are packed in there pretty good once you put it on and it does take a minute and some flexible shoulders to get the hooks fastened!), but I have heard that the Juno does run small. I can vouch for the durability of the velcro straps though! I have a couple that I've had for over a year and they are still going strong. And I wash them after each wearing too. I questioned whether they would hold myself when I got the first one, but so far I've had no issues whatsoever.

Fiona for me, I have two. :thumbsup2
I don't wear the Juno, but do wear the Fiona -- they are pretty much the same except the Fiona is not a racerback. The Fiona seems to run true to size (although things are packed in there pretty good once you put it on and it does take a minute and some flexible shoulders to get the hooks fastened!), but I have heard that the Juno does run small. I can vouch for the durability of the velcro straps though! I have a couple that I've had for over a year and they are still going strong. And I wash them after each wearing too. I questioned whether they would hold myself when I got the first one, but so far I've had no issues whatsoever.

I wear the Fiona too. It is the best sport bra I have ever had. No bounce at all! I put it on just like a regular bra with no trouble. The velcro is very durable and hasn't budged yet! I wash them after every wear and they still look good as new.
thanks for the feedback...glad to know the velcro doesn't seem to have been an issue for anyone yet. If I can't seem to find a good fit with the Juno, then maybe I'll check out the Fiona!
thanks for the feedback...glad to know the velcro doesn't seem to have been an issue for anyone yet. If I can't seem to find a good fit with the Juno, then maybe I'll check out the Fiona!

As far as fit goes, I do wear the same bra size as I do in a regular bra, but I have it in the loosest slot. If you are already in the loosest on your regular bra, you may want to go up a band. Just make sure it isn't too big! I like sport bras to be a little snug. Keeps everything under control!
I can usually tell it's time when things start hurting that haven't hurt before; my knees always let me know. I can't go by tread wear at all - for no reason I can explain, I wear down mid-sole before tread. However, I'd be concerned about traction in wet conditions with worn tread, even if the rest of the shoe still feels good, y'know?

How do you know if the mid sole is worn? I am sorry... I realize that may be a silly question.

I know this pair is getting close... my left side is aching in ways it normally doesn't.... That combined with the uneven tread wear can't be a coincidence.
How do you know if the mid sole is worn? I am sorry... I realize that may be a silly question.

I know this pair is getting close... my left side is aching in ways it normally doesn't.... That combined with the uneven tread wear can't be a coincidence.

That, exactly! I've never been able to actually see the wear, but I can feel it. Do you have a new pair waiting? That's my test: try the new pair for a couple runs and see how you feel compared to running in the old ones.
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