BL Summer Challenge 2009

Look....there's my sister! Hi sister :wave:

We're both up late as tonight was our booking window for Palo and excursions for our September cruise.

I'm kind of frazzled from all the excitment on our meets thread tonight..the joy, the tears, the drama!

So I'm going to have a big glass of water and go to bed!

Goodnight loosers!

Is it too late to join the club? (I ask as I'm stuffing my face with a Pizza Hut pan pizza slice) I really need some extra motivation. I'm going on my first Disney cruise for Halloween and need to loose around 20lbs. to fit into my halloween costume (which I found on e-bay, but aparently I'm no longer a size 12 - Yikes!) :scared1: I just registered on sparkpeople since I saw a few other people on here are also in there hopefuly that helps too. I can't wait to post that I've lost my first pound.
:welcome: sdchickie! Please be sure and PM your starting weight to our weightkeeper, LuvBaloo. Your first weigh in will be Friday, June 19th. You may want to check out the sticky at the top of the WISH boards for important info about our challenge. Also, p. 1, post 12 has info to get to the COW (Challenge of the Week) a fun way to build healthy habits. Oh, yeah, grab a clippie, too. What is your Halloween costume?

:welcome: TiggersPal! Thanks for checking us out and we hope that you decide to stay. A friend of Jackie's is a friend of ours. ;) You are one of the few people I've met who like brussel sprouts -- DH calls them Barbie doll cabbage. Sounds like you and Jackie are both working hard to get ready for your upcoming cruise. Good luck! And did you get your Palo reservations?

Have a great day losers!
:welcome: sdchickie! Please be sure and PM your starting weight to our weightkeeper, LuvBaloo. Your first weigh in will be Friday, June 19th. You may want to check out the sticky at the top of the WISH boards for important info about our challenge. Also, p. 1, post 12 has info to get to the COW (Challenge of the Week) a fun way to build healthy habits. Oh, yeah, grab a clippie, too. What is your Halloween costume?
I'm going as Wendy Darling, my Mom is going to be Peter Pan, my son is going as Captian Hook, and my daughter is going as Tink.
Should be fun as long as we all fit in our costumes come Oct. :goodvibes I'll PM LuvBaloo with my info.
I am very happy with my weigh in today -- down 3.5 pounds! I had been down 6.5 at one time this week but that was due to illness and I didn't know how much would truly stay away. That makes me down 10 pounds for this challenge and over 5% down since the beginning of the year.

Congrat's on the 3.5 pounds - Woo hoo that is awesome.

I am down 3 from last week.

Woo hoo! 3 pounds is awesome too!!

another maintain week here -- i'm glad i certainly haven't been eating OP like i mean to every morning

Hang in there - Maintaining is still awesome!!

I am really proud to report that I'm down 2 lbs this week. I think I have over come my plateau. I have concluded that I have not been eating enough. I earn 6+ activity points daily on WW and I never use them. I also have not been using my 35 weekly points. I have over the last few weeks been using my weekly points spread out each day and now I'm starting to see bigger losses. (I was only getting a few 10th's up then down)

and I also got to change my WISH ribbon today too. 10.8 since starting WISH at the beginning of the year and 36.2 on WW.

Woo hoo - congrat's on this weeks and your total loss - that is fabulous :)

I am thrilled to say I had a good weight loss this week after a really hard week last week. Down 4.1 pounds from last Friday to this Saturday (couldn't weigh yesterday - long story.)

I had set a mini goal for myself to lose 30 pounds by the time we went to Disney. So far, I've lost 27.5! I need to lose 2.5 by Friday to meet my goal - it's possible!

Man we have some fabulous losses - 4.1 is so awesome!

Congratulations to all the losers!! It has been over a week since I was on here. Been busy with work and lots of other stuff. Hopefully this week will be better b/c I gained weight. :eek: I guess b/c I haven't eaten what I should have - even though I wasn't over on calories and I have somehow managed to hurt my ankle and can't exercise.

I was happy last week b/c cause I lost weight - I guess I just needed to stick with what I did last week , because I sure didn't lose weight this week!

I love stuff like cupcakes and ice cream - there are cupcakes in my kitchen right now that my mom made for my nephew's tball team and I really want one, but yesterday we had McDonald's twice!

Like others have said it is me. I know what I need to do, but choose not to.

We love to go to the Great Smokey Mountains. I love to camp there, but I can't wait to get back to Disney on the July 4th - no parks this time but we are going to enjoy the campground.

Hang in there - this is a whole new week. Just make a pledge to start working your program starting right now and take it day by day. You can do it.

We love the Smoky Mountains too. We rent cabins up in Seiverville (probably not spelled right, lol) all the time with my mom and my aunt. Last summer we rented the owners cabin that was a 5 bedroom unit that was absolutely beautiful. Nothing better than sleeping under a tin roof when it rains.

Well I'm up a pound this week. Stil under 150 which has me very pleased as I have maintained my main weight loss of 25 pounds for almost 3 months but I still want to see 140. I'm blaming the pound mostly on the Krispy Cremes. I went to a huge garage sale in a neighborhood with 129 families participating and they had all kinds of goodies including the cub scouts selling the doughnuts. I resisted in the AM when they were $12 a box but could not walk by $8 box later in the day lol. Haven't been eating as well as I should, been eating too much at night when I think I'm going to go dumpster dive the college campus then decide to not go lol. Finally went a few nights ago and we'll just say I got a lot of stuff. Literally a couple of hundred dollars worth of food--canned albacore tuna and salmon, coffee, unopened boxed of pastas, soups, cereal, rice, etc. etc. Clothes laundry detergent-- you name it. Nice for the students to be overwhelmingly health conscious these days-- I now have a lifetime supply of Flax. So today I am organizing all this stuff. The only way I do it these days is to do it the Fly Lady way so I actually cleaned out an entire junk drawer last night. The horror...I think I'm going to have a garage sale this summer. I will tell you I'm gonna have a great free box. All the organizing did help me to lose the weight I did before too. I've been watching Clean house too, just discovered that lately. they have some great ideas with organization. Waiting for my sons finacial aid to come through, we figured out last night for one 4 credit class at the community college it will be about $400. Criminey. Had no idea just how much school cost. My stepdad will have a coronary too if I don't go ahead and get him registered for a summer class so he will have a better selection in the fall.(returning students get first choice) Honestly it just seems like a waste of money to me. Guess my new hobby will be--look for money for son for school lol. He is high functioning autistic so it will be me doing everything even though I don't have a clue...This is the sort of thing that makes me eat and badly.

Hang in there - Your at least maintaining your weight and the 1 pound is just water. I know what you mean about school. DD17 will be going out of state and is looking at Missouri (we go there next weekend to look at the school) and it's going to cost a fortune. You would think that there would be all sorts of scholorships for your son since he has autism.

I'm back from my trip to Washington D.C. and Virginia. It was lots of fun and kind of hectic. I piggy-backed my nearly 6 year old son from the Capitol to the Smithsonian museums on Wednesday. Whew - as they'd say in the Jungle Book, 40 pounds of scrawny man-cub!

It is HARD to stay on plan while traveling. I did not count my food but did calculate some of my activity for some weird reason. I had a nice jog in Charlottesville that included mulberries and chickens and at the end, a shop called "Ultimate Bliss" which was closed at that hour of the morning. :laughing:

Food-wise, I have a harder time, I sometimes think, being a vegetarian because I am going going to get the grilled chicken or fish and sometimes the vegetarian option is not what I'd want it to be. The main thing, though, was not to eat way too much at any time and I only had a few bites of others' desserts. I came back, weighed in the next day and was down .6, so I'm going to count that as a big
That is awesome considering you were out of town. Hopefully next weekend I can be OP and have a happy ending the following WI.

When I went to the grocery store this morning I had a nice treat. The Budweiser Clydesdales were at our fairgrounds running around in a pasture. They are hear for a car show this week-end and an event at our local amusement park. It was fun to see them just frisking around not in a stall or hooked up to the wagon. They were so happy and playful and absolutely beautiful!

How cool about the Clydesdales. They are such beautiful and graceful horses.

I've been off DIS for a few days traveling for work. Eating well and working out was a definite challenge this trip. I only officially worked out once in 4 days and breakfast was my only real OP meal each day. I tried, but not great. I ended the week at 0.6 pounds up from last week. :rolleyes: *sigh* Not as bad as it could have been, but definitely not the right direction!
Hang in there - .6 is not bad considering you were away. It will be much better next week :)

I too am losing weight and thought I'd pop on to check you guys out. I see my lovely sis is here - HEY SIS!!!!:hug: And I'm having a little "trouble" getting and staying back on plan... I've got 3 months to sail and DO NOT want to stabilize here... ARGHHH.

So, I'm going to catch up on the thread and see if I get motivated...

and just cuz - my favorite fruit is banana's but I love all of them! Veggie - hmm that's hard - I'd have to say romaine - because I really love salads - but asparagus, green beans (french cut) are really high up there and I am probably one of the few who DOES like brussel sprouts! :sick: ? you ask?

Look....there's my sister! Hi sister :wave:

We're both up late as tonight was our booking window for Palo and excursions for our September cruise.

I'm kind of frazzled from all the excitment on our meets thread tonight..the joy, the tears, the drama!

So I'm going to have a big glass of water and go to bed!

Goodnight loosers!


HOpe the glass of water and sleep did you good :)

Is it too late to join the club? (I ask as I'm stuffing my face with a Pizza Hut pan pizza slice) I really need some extra motivation. I'm going on my first Disney cruise for Halloween and need to loose around 20lbs. to fit into my halloween costume (which I found on e-bay, but aparently I'm no longer a size 12 - Yikes!) :scared1: I just registered on sparkpeople since I saw a few other people on here are also in there hopefuly that helps too. I can't wait to post that I've lost my first pound.

:welcome: It's absolutely NEVER too late to joing :) I use sparkpeople and love it.
Sorry I didn't get to check in yesterday to give you the QOTD. We left early and I thought I could get on last night but we ended up going and seeing UP (very good) and it was so late when we got home.

Saturday QOTD:

What is your favorite healthy OP meal to eat out?

Mine is sushi: Seaweed salad and brown rice sushi

Sunday QOTD:

What is your favorite cooking item that you use to cook or make healthy meals. What is a cooking item you are wanting?

Things that I have - I probably use my blender, magic bullet and food processor the most. The problem is, they aren't powerful enough for some of the things I try to use them for.

I'm ordering a vitamix for my birthday next month (ordering it today) and I"m so excited. I also would like to get a dehydrator to dry fruits and make my own whole grain srouted crackers. I have also been thinking about getting a spyralizer. You use it to thinly spiral veggies and things like that to use in recipes.
Howdy all my friends! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and eating well.

Saturday QOTD:

What is your favorite healthy OP meal to eat out?

Is this yesterday's question? I didn't see it yesterday. Not sure how I missed it. Anyhow, I can really think of two things that I can easily order out without going off program. One is a 6" turkey or ham on honey oat bread sub from Subway. Lots of spinach, tomato, onion, cucumber, and a few pickle slices. No cheese, no oil, no mayo.... VERY yummy and filling. Watch out for their flatbread.... it is about 7 grams of fat more than a regular 6" sub!! (Although DD said it is good!)

The second thing is a WW meal from Applebee's. Sadly, my family members are not big fans of Applebees... I have to INSIST on eating there if I really want to go. I like the steak meal (not sure if it is a sirlion or what) with potato and veggie. Delicious and filling and low points! And sometimes I ask for double veggie and no potato.

Sunday QOTD:

What is your favorite cooking item that you use to cook or make healthy meals. What is a cooking item you are wanting?

Hard to answer. I HATE cooking of any sort (including grilling and baking). I do appreciate my Foreman grill, though, especially in the winter. I didn't want one, but DMIL bought it for me and I actually use it. I don't have many fancy cooking gadgets. I've never owned a food processor. I recently bought a mini Cuisinart at Costco. It works well for what I need. I also like the big paella pan I inherited after my grandmother died. I never make paella, but it makes a great big sautee/stir fry pan for when I am craving a big plate of hot veggies.

The only cooking item I would want is a PERSONAL CHEF!!

I am hungry right now. We made a big early Father's Day brunch for my dad today and even though I tried to be careful it took up half of my day's points, so I am trying to save some points for dinner. I had an iced decaf about an hour ago to take the edge off.

I am going to a wedding next weekend and I was looking around for a dress to wear. I couldn't find anything that I really liked, so I pulled out a dress from my closet that I wore to a wedding in 2005. I knew it would be too big (it was a 16) but I LOVE the dress and I have nice shoes and a bag and jewelry to go with it (a rare thing with me!), so I took it to a tailor shop and had it taken in. It cost me more than the dress originally cost, but it looks really nice and I am excited to have something I love to wear. But it fits JUST RIGHT... I can't afford to gain a pound or it will be too tight. So that will definitely be my motivation this week. Thankfully my ovulation bloat will be gone and my TOM bloat will not have arrived yet, so I don't have to worry about that problem next weekend!

WELCOME... to our two newbies! So nice to have some new blood on here! It is a wonderful group (as are all of the WISH people). I was just commenting to my Mom yesterday that I think having this "support group" here has really helped me TREMENDOUSLY on my weight loss journey. I have done it without WW online or attending WW meetings (although I have in the past)... just me and my WISH friends.

BTW, anyone here attend the Women of Faith conference in Hartford yesterday? I should have asked ahead of time, but I didn't think of it until yesterday. It was a great time. It was part of my birthday gift from my Mom. I went with her and my daughter and it was a really nice "ladies only" day! Plus I packed a super healthy, OP lunch to bring along, so it wasn't even a bad eating day!! (Well, at least for me it wasn't....many women were splurging on ice cream, french fries, and nachos!!)

Talk to you all later!...........................P
This looks like a very motivating group and I would love to join up. I have been struggling for so long and can't take it anymore. I am a Weight Watcher but struggle daily with tracking and eating within my points. I've been with WW for 2 years and have lost 30 pounds but I have a WAYS to go to my goal weight. For now I am shooting for 10% at a time. I'll PM my current WW weight from Sat (which is my usual weigh in day).

I was reading some past posts about sparkpeople and I also signed up this evening as well. Here's to getting rid of the next 10%!
Its been a busy few days for me, but I'm happy to say that I feel confident that I passed my final exam last Thursday. I was mostly good this weekend, and did get some fresh air and exercise going out geocachinge with DH and our DD's. I did my WI on Sat morning and I'm down 2.6 so I've made up for the previous 2 weeks of gains. Now that I'm not working on a course, I am hoping to do better at exercising. I'm going to be spending some time reading up on kraft pulp mills to get some confidence going into my interview on Wednesday.

Congrats to all this weeks losers, maintainers and gainers! Its fantastic to be hanging in there with all of summer's distractions getting in the way!

I decided to try something difference and post those who haven't reported in yet this week. That way, if any of the missing are reading, please send me your weigh in for June 12:
MelanieC (you must be on here, you're the coach this week! ;) :lmao: )

Thanks to Eeyores Butterfly for coaching last week, and to MelanieC for coacing this week! :cool1::worship::surfweb:

Here's my answers for the QOTD's:
favourite fruit = fresh pineapple that somebody else has cut up!

favourite veggie = right now its raw cauliflower, but it changes all the time

favourite healthy eating out meal = stir fry on rice. I'm usually end up eating very little of the rice, because I'm filling up on the veggies

favourite cooking item = the grill, and steamer.
:welcome: to our Newbies who have PM'd me already!

Julianna07 and sdchickie!​

And :welcome: to TiggersPal (aka Jackie's sister) who popped in to check us out!
Welcome to our 3 newbies!

Saturday QOTD: OP Meal Out?
A Panera Bread salad with dressing on the side. I am anxious to hear other responses, because I have trouble dining out unless I'm not worried about calories.

Sunday QOTD: Fave kitchen gadget?
Hmm...I guess the Magic Bullet though I don't use it as much as I used to. Crock Pot is great too. My wish list kitchen item is really for a personal chef - I just know I'd eat much healthier if veggies were already prepared for me! :laughing: Runner up is for a dutch oven and one of those chopper things.
Is this yesterday's question? I didn't see it yesterday. Not sure how I missed it.

Nope - sorry I posted the question this morning. I wasn't able to get online yesterday :(

This looks like a very motivating group and I would love to join up. I have been struggling for so long and can't take it anymore. I am a Weight Watcher but struggle daily with tracking and eating within my points. I've been with WW for 2 years and have lost 30 pounds but I have a WAYS to go to my goal weight. For now I am shooting for 10% at a time. I'll PM my current WW weight from Sat (which is my usual weigh in day).

I was reading some past posts about sparkpeople and I also signed up this evening as well. Here's to getting rid of the next 10%!

:welcome: You'll love Sparkpeople!!!!

I decided to try something difference and post those who haven't reported in yet this week. That way, if any of the missing are reading, please send me your weigh in for June 12:
MelanieC (you must be on here, you're the coach this week! ;) :lmao: )

Sorry - My WI routine got messed up on Friday when I got up early and worked out. I accidently ate immediently after eating :( I just sent to you. I used Thursday's WI since I had it written down. I didn't WI yesterday because I was rushing to get ready and we left the house when I was rushing. I lost .6 this week as of Thursday.
Oh - forgot to mention that I walked/ran 4 miles today :) I burned over 400 calories :)
I am a little late to the party this week.

QUOTE=Eeyores Butterfly;32153608]Saturday QOTD: What is the biggest obstacle to your weight loss and how will you address it?[/QUOTE]

I guess I am. I just love food so much lol. I can do really well for a couple of weeks and then as much as I am motivated in my head, it doesn’t seem to follow through to reality. I will spend all day planning to get on the treadmill and eat healthily and then go home and have takeout and lounge on the couch. Then, I’ll have a chocolate bar lol.

Sunday QOTD: If you could have any role at WDW, what would it be?

I would be the person who gives out special wishes. That would be an awesome job.

MONDAY QOTD: What is your favorite "bad food"? Do you stay away from it all together or do you find a way to work it in?

My favourite bad food is chocolate. Anything else I can find a suitable alternative for but when I need chocolate I need the real deal. I try to work it into my daily points where I can.

Tuesday QOTD: What is your favorite non Disney vacation?

We seem to do Disney every year. Even when we don’t do Disney we stay in Orlando, so I guess it would have to be that.

I live in the UK, so anything American is a real treat for me.

Wednesday QOTD: What is your favorite "activity"?

I used to be a dancer but I am too big for that. When I have lost weight I would love to go to some adult dance classes again. Nothing can make you forget all your worries as quickly as dancing can.

Friday QOTD: What is your favorite Fruit & favorite veggie?

I am not a big fan of fruit, I have to make myself eat it. When I do eat it, I generally go for bananas, grapes and currently, apples.

Vegetables, on the other hand, I love. I love broccoli, cauliflour, brussels sprouts (Yes, really), butternut squash, parsnips, mushrooms. The list could go on and on, the only veg I am not particularly fond of is cooked carrots.

Saturday QOTD:

What is your favorite healthy OP meal to eat out?

Sushi, I love it!!

Sunday QOTD:

What is your favorite cooking item that you use to cook or make healthy meals. What is a cooking item you are wanting?

I love our George Foreman Grill and hotplate. We can even do fried eggs on it without using any oil.

I keep saying I am going to buy a food processor. I love salad but I can never be bothered with all of the chopping. If I had a processor I would just throw it all in and chop it like coleslaw. Perfect!!

I did really badly this week. I started out all motivated, like I can do this and I’m gonna eat right and exercise, blah blah blah, but it never really materialised.

I gained a pound which is really annoying and even though I was motivated to get it right this week, it seem to be going the same way as the last one. I need to get back on track. This is about the point I usually give up and get back to my old bad habits. I need to decide now that it is time I take control.

I now weigh 202 pounds. I haven’t even hit my silver 7 yet. I need to get down to 199 to get that. Then, to hit my 5% goal, I need to get down to 196.

I wish I knew how to transfer the motivation in my head to my body but nothing seem to work for me at the moment.

Last night, my hubby and I ate a really nice, filling, healthy dinner, but then 2 hours later, we pigged out on crisps (chips), chocolate and all manner of things. I looked over at the table of shame and got onto my Wii Active, but no doubt I will gain again this week.

I am going on an activity weekend so maybe that will motivate me to be healthier.
Good morning everyone. Hope you all had a great on program weekend. I did not. I had a nice weekend, just not on track. Went totally out of control and into bad habits at my nephew's graduation party. It was a very emotional day, with my mom realizing this would most likely be her only grandchild that she sees graduate, but she went to the graduation, and some old friends came to the party, and she had a wonderful day, full of love and laughter, and it was beautiful. Today is a new day, and I am deciding right now, that i need to make time for myself, and really concentrate on taking care of me too. I love this thread and the support and inspiration I get here, so I'm going to concentrate on coming on here more often, and also I'm going to start journalling again today. I know if I'm eating healthy, and on track, that will help me deal with the stress of life. I'm up 2.2 this morning, and if I can stick within my points, I can see most of that gone by friday.

qotd friday- my fav fruits are berries, straw, blue, and raspberries. They are all so good lately, and next week we can start picking your own strawberries. Fav veggie is corn on the cob.

Sat- OP meal out would be panera soups- black bean is my fav, chicken noodle and southwest chicken are also good. with the french bread, they are between 5-7 points. My son loves the chicken noodle, so we go there often.

Sunday- I'm not fancy in the kitchen, but I would have to say the grill is my healthiest item. I would like to get a magic bullet. My blender is about 20 years old, and not very good with the ice.

A big congratulations to all our losers this week!! :cool1: I saw some awesome numbers lost --Whoo hoo, Lisa, Dona, Tink, lulamc, and all the others!! Nice work!!!
:grouphug:hugs to those who have gained or maintained. Don't give up. Persistence will get us all to our goals, and I'm remembering a quote I heard here before, it's the journey, not the destination. Just keep on that journey.

I too am losing weight and thought I'd pop on to check you guys out. I see my lovely sis is here - HEY SIS!!!!:hug: And I'm having a little "trouble" getting and staying back on plan... I've got 3 months to sail and DO NOT want to stabilize here... ARGHHH.

So, I'm going to catch up on the thread and see if I get motivated...

and just cuz - my favorite fruit is banana's but I love all of them! Veggie - hmm that's hard - I'd have to say romaine - because I really love salads - but asparagus, green beans (french cut) are really high up there and I am probably one of the few who DOES like brussel sprouts! :sick: ? you ask?

Look....there's my sister! Hi sister :wave:

We're both up late as tonight was our booking window for Palo and excursions for our September cruise.

I'm kind of frazzled from all the excitment on our meets thread tonight..the joy, the tears, the drama!

So I'm going to have a big glass of water and go to bed!

Goodnight loosers!

Are you guys twins? You look like the same person in your avatars.

I need to get back on track. This is about the point I usually give up and get back to my old bad habits. I need to decide now that it is time I take control.

This was so helpful to me this morning. I also need to take control of my eating and it can be so hard to do. We can do this together, one day at a time. Congrats on your loss to date! You can do it!! We all can do it!!

Have a wonderful day everyone!:)
Hi, I'm a kindergarten teacher and I work part time at my local DS. I am going to WDW at the end of July and would like to lose 10lbs by then. My big goal though is to lose a total of 75 lbs before a Disney Cruise June 2010. Can I join your group, please!
I used to be a dancer but I am too big for that. When I have lost weight I would love to go to some adult dance classes again. Nothing can make you forget all your worries as quickly as dancing can.

I was thinking about this and I want to encourage you to try dancing again. It is a fabulous exercise and since you love it so much you shouldn't put it behind you. If you feel you can't do one style, try another. I work at a Ballroom Dance Studio and I see all body types dancing. I am one of those large body types. I also love to dance and I am working on choreography to perform in February at our showcase. I am currently over 250 lbs and I would love to be around 200 when I perform in February 2010. I am still dancing. I started dancing at 285 lbs.

Ballroom, Jazz, Bellydance, Zumba, Hula, Tap, Ballet... the list is endless... Bellydancing is alot of fun and a great Abs workout. In most studios, You don't need a partner. I would hate for you to think you can't and not try.

I'm sorry to be preachy, when I sensed your love of dance I thought she can't give up on it. Our catch phrase at work is "Everybody CAN Dance.
If you can walk, you can learn to dance.":grouphug:
Are you guys twins? You look like the same person in your avatars.

:lmao:Well, I'm nearly a decade older, so nope, not twins. I'm trying to remember when my Avatar photo was taken and it was an early WDW trip, so that photo is at least seven years ago. Maybe I'll get a new photo with my friend Tigger this September.

I'm 'refocusing' this week. Had too many meals out last week and too many days of not tracking on WW on line. This is how bad habits slip back in. So, I'm signing off and moseying into the kitchen to pack up my lunch and make some breakfast!

I did really badly this week. I started out all motivated, like I can do this and I’m gonna eat right and exercise, blah blah blah, but it never really materialised.

I gained a pound which is really annoying and even though I was motivated to get it right this week, it seem to be going the same way as the last one. I need to get back on track. This is about the point I usually give up and get back to my old bad habits. I need to decide now that it is time I take control.

I now weigh 202 pounds. I haven’t even hit my silver 7 yet. I need to get down to 199 to get that. Then, to hit my 5% goal, I need to get down to 196.

I wish I knew how to transfer the motivation in my head to my body but nothing seem to work for me at the moment.

Last night, my hubby and I ate a really nice, filling, healthy dinner, but then 2 hours later, we pigged out on crisps (chips), chocolate and all manner of things. I looked over at the table of shame and got onto my Wii Active, but no doubt I will gain again this week.

I am going on an activity weekend so maybe that will motivate me to be healthier.

Don't give up on this week yet. If you don't weigh in until Friday or Saturday, you could still have a loss if you are good for the rest of the week.

I can totally understand your feelings. Evenings are a tough time for me. I can have a GREAT day on plan, resisting lots of goodies and then at 8 or 9 pm I will blow my great day on a handful of chips or an unplanned cup of ice cream. I get mad at myself, but I try REALLY hard not to carry that frustration over to the next day. Let it go and move on. Start fresh today. You can do it.

Good morning everyone. Hope you all had a great on program weekend. I did not. I had a nice weekend, just not on track. Went totally out of control and into bad habits at my nephew's graduation party. It was a very emotional day, with my mom realizing this would most likely be her only grandchild that she sees graduate, but she went to the graduation, and some old friends came to the party, and she had a wonderful day, full of love and laughter, and it was beautiful. Today is a new day, and I am deciding right now, that i need to make time for myself, and really concentrate on taking care of me too. I love this thread and the support and inspiration I get here, so I'm going to concentrate on coming on here more often, and also I'm going to start journalling again today. I know if I'm eating healthy, and on track, that will help me deal with the stress of life. I'm up 2.2 this morning, and if I can stick within my points, I can see most of that gone by friday.

Have a wonderful day everyone!:)

Glad to hear that your Mom had a nice day. I'm sure that the upcoming months will be full of bittersweet moments for you and your Mom. But I agree that taking care of YOURSELF (while you are taking care of your Mom and everyone else) will definitely pay off in the long run. Adding the frustration of being out of control with your eating and exercise to all of the frustration and stress you are sure to be experiencing will definitely not help. Like I said before.... you can't control your Mom's illness, but you can control what you do FOR YOURSELF! Control what you can and help Mom with the things that you (and she) can't control. I will continue to pray for you and your Mom.

Oops... I thought I had another quote here. I'll go check on it.........P
Hi, I'm a kindergarten teacher and I work part time at my local DS. I am going to WDW at the end of July and would like to lose 10lbs by then. My big goal though is to lose a total of 75 lbs before a Disney Cruise June 2010. Can I join your group, please!

Welcome to our group! Ten pounds by the end of July will be tough, but doable. When is your Disney cruise? You could SO be at your goal weight by then, depending on when in 2010 it is. Wouldn't that be a great feeling?!!

What kind of eating plan are you on?? Many of us are on Weight Watchers, lots of people count calories with online groups like, a few are doing South Beach (if I recall properly). So no matter what your plan, you will have support here. PM your starting weight to LuvBaloo. She is our official weight keeper. Weigh-in day is Friday, but if you weigh in another day just PM her your weight on Fridays so that she doesn't get confused. Glad to have you aboard.................P


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