Bittersweet trip last one before DH leaves... again

the shoes are super cute and that game looks like fun! that's definitely something i need to pick up for when my bf and I go in May. I had no idea hallmark sold those lol. I've seen that guidebook in the bookstore before, but i've never read it lol. Maybe I should one day :)

Hallmark has some really cute Disney things. I'll let you know how fun the game is when we come back from our trip. I don't want to read the cards before hand, because I want to be surprise :).

Love the binder!! I hope your in-laws make reservations for a different room. Love that cup. I didn't know Hallmark had those. You know I am going to totally go look this weekend at the Hallmark store to see if they have them. I always get new sneakers for Disney. Very cute the ones you got.

I didn't know they carry those either. They do have different theme ones too, some for kids, etc (this was the only one in our store that was Disney themed). I love my asics they are just so comfy I need to start breaking them in.

Love the binder and the guidebook. I think I have that downloaded on my kindle fire. LOL!!

I can totally sympathize with you on the MIL thing. We spent exactly 1/2 a day with my MIL at Disney. It was miserable. She complained because it was hot. Her feet hurt, etc. Anything to complain about she did. I swore then that we would only do Disney alone. LOL!!

Good for you for standing your ground on the hotel though. That's just rude to assume that you are going to stay in the same room as someone else.....

At least she is not coming to Disney with us, just Universal. Oh if she complains we will just leave her behind or she can walk back to the hotel. I will not let her ruin our vacation. Any over planner will have this guide :).
I was so hoping NOT to read an update like that about your MIL. :scared: Definitely stand your ground on the hotel thing! ::yes::

Love the shoes! Supercute!

I know you're missing your DH right now. :hug: :hug: Hang in there honey.
Ugh I had an awful day :(. Let me start by saying it has been raining here for days now. Rain and puppy don't go together well. Puppy is full of energy because we have not been able to go for walks or play outside. He is literally bouncing of the walls and there is not much more I can do. I been really sad since DH left, so super hyper puppy and sad mommy are not a good mix right now. I just want some peace and quiet. Of course things always seem to fall apart when DH leaves, today my tire pressure light is on but I haven't been able to fill it up because of the rain. Puppy ate DH vibram shoes, he is 7 month and never ever has he done anything like this. I can't blame him he needs some way to release the energy I wish I would have caught him sooner. And a huge branch of a tree felt in our backyard, thankfully it didn't hit the fence but when I took a look it (while getting soaking wet) it appears as if there was some termites. I am not really sure what to do about that :confused:. Also my mom called and said she is coming to visit tomorrow. I love my mom but right now I don't fell like seeing her. When DH leaves I need my own time to deal with my emotions on my own. At least she is not staying over the whole weekend. Anyway back to the trip.

Day 10
October 13th

We are checking out of Disney :( and moving to Universal. We will be leaving Disney early and checking in the Royal Pacific, if the room isn't ready we are just heading to the parks. We will be going to Universal Studios. I don't really have any food plan for today just whatever we feel like it. MIL and FIL arrive today :furious:. We will go pick them up from the airport and then probably have dinner with them and call it a night.
I was so hoping NOT to read an update like that about your MIL. :scared: Definitely stand your ground on the hotel thing! ::yes::

Love the shoes! Supercute!

I know you're missing your DH right now. :hug: :hug: Hang in there honey.

Thank you.
We will be at Universal at the same time. Except this is our post-deployment trip instead of our pre. Hang in there, the year will go faster than expected. Planning another trip for r&r and maybe post-deployment too will be something fun to do to eep your mind off of things. :)
I been doing a lot of shopping for our trip (mostly online). I actually have lost track of what I got already and what I haven't! I will sit tonight and figure it out, because tomorrow I will be heading out to do some more shopping. I am hoping I can get everything folded and in the luggage by the time DH comes back. Today it is finally not raining :thumbsup2, so I will take the dogs on multiple walks to get their energy out, because it is supposed to rain all next week. I am supposed to have our new fence install next week, but I don't think that is going to happen if it rains.

I had a great day yesterday and keep really busy and my mood is improving, even though I haven't been able to talk to DH. My mom drove a few hours just to have lunch with me :) and then BFF called me to meet for coffee. We literally stayed there until the coffee place close, we can seriously talk for hours and hours (we talk every day and we still have so much to talk about). I appreciate that she tries to keep me busy. She also took my birthday off from work next week so I wouldn't have to be alone. She is just great!

For the past couple of trips I been thinking on nominating DH for veteran of the day for the flag retrieval ceremony on the MK. I have been giving serious thought to this idea the past few days. DH hates any type of recognition so I am not sure he will be up to it, but maybe he will. Then I went to youtube and saw the ceremony and it made me cry. Something about the flag and the national anthem I just can't take it right now. Then I thought this is a bad idea for this trip, I mean if it was DH and we were at the MK plus I am already an emotional wreck. I will probably ugly cry at the MK!!! We all know we can't have that :scared1:. So I think that idea is out for sure.

I been avoiding posting this day because is our the last one of our trip :sad2:.

Day 11
October 14th

We are waking up early and I am hoping we will be able to go to the three broomsticks for breakfast (I still haven't figure out how to make reservations for this). Then we will spend the day in IOA. We don't have anymore plans other than at some point make it back to the hotel and start packing to go home :sad1:.
We will be at Universal at the same time. Except this is our post-deployment trip instead of our pre. Hang in there, the year will go faster than expected. Planning another trip for r&r and maybe post-deployment too will be something fun to do to eep your mind off of things. :)

YAY for post deployment leave!:yay: He won't be gone for a full year so no R&R but we are planning a trip with our BFF for next thanksgiving :).
I love the idea of nominating him for the flag retrieval ceremony. Do you think if he was chosen that he would really not want to? :scared: Maybe you could just mention the idea to him and see what he thinks beforehand.

Last days are always hard! :crazy2: As far as the 3 Broomsticks thing, have you checked the Uni website to see if there's any info to be had there? You could always check the Universal Board here on the DIS as well. :teeth:
I love the idea of nominating him for the flag retrieval ceremony. Do you think if he was chosen that he would really not want to? :scared: Maybe you could just mention the idea to him and see what he thinks beforehand.

Last days are always hard! :crazy2: As far as the 3 Broomsticks thing, have you checked the Uni website to see if there's any info to be had there? You could always check the Universal Board here on the DIS as well. :teeth:

Yes i think I will mention and see what he says but I am not sure he will go for it. Thanks for the link the only information I been able to find said I have to call the concierge at the hotel. I am going to do that tomorrow or sometime this week. I try the universal website and it sucks couldn't find anything :headache:.
I am a happy girl today :good vibes. i got to talk to DH and that alone makes it a great day. DH has actually been trying to get a hold of me for a few days, but I forgot to turn on my Skype:sad2:. I went shopping today, but I didn't find what I was looking for. However I did find a pair of shoes on sale from $105 to $17 and we all know girl can't have enough shoes :rolleyes:. Also tomorrow they will start installing our new fence :cheer2: no more dogs getting out and I don't have to see my annoying neighbor anymore.

I been trying to decide on the costume for the MNSSHP. I wanted something original and Disney. I know we will probably see many princess and prince charming, many Alice, etc. I finally decided what our costume is going to be...

Is either


Young Carl and Ellie



Older Carl and Ellie

I am so exited because we get to carry a My adventure book, that we can use to get autographs. We usually don't collect autographs, but if we are carrying a book might as well use it. I'll let Dh make the decision which Ellie and Carl he wants to be.
Oh what a great idea for costumes and so original! :yay: So glad you got your fence in and keep your Skype turned on!!! What a deal you got on the shoes, too. Sounds like a good day all around. :thumbsup2
I had a great week so far, Tuesday I celebrated my birthday with BFF and we had a lot of fun. They finish the fence and it looks great! Today I had a great day.With the new fence up we spend the day outside with the dogs. I made a cotton candy martini and laid out in the sun reading the Disney guides while listening to Disney music from pandora:thumbsup2.

33 days until DISNEY!!!:cool1:

I also got some Disney mail!


Here are a few pictures of the things I bought so far. There are a few more coming and I will post more details about then later on.


I got this one at target I figure it will be a good cover up paired up with some shorts for breakfast before TL. The shirt remained me of Colors of the wind.



I got this for the 3DDD party.


Ooooh Happy Belated Birthday! party: :cake: :flower3:

Thank goodness you got your Mickey Mail! I've been reading all these PTRs where people aren't getting it at all.

Love the shirts, and the dress for the 3DDD is adorable. :thumbsup2
Ooooh Happy Belated Birthday! party: :cake: :flower3:

Thank goodness you got your Mickey Mail! I've been reading all these PTRs where people aren't getting it at all.

Love the shirts, and the dress for the 3DDD is adorable. :thumbsup2

Thank you! I had no idea people have been having problems with mickey mail. My mail has been surprisingly good lately. Last year we had a person that was a mess and we didn't get half of our mail or it was deliver to another street!
I know I been MIA, but I had a crazy busy week.I hope you guys are still around. I went back to the gym and BFF has been keeping me busy. I have been shopping and are finally getting all my packages. So let's start with what I am wearing for the drive down.


I got the shirt at the and the headband at ross for $3.99! I will not plan DH outfit for today I will give him a break until we get there ;).
I know I been kind of absent from this PTR. This been a really hard week the sooner the trip gets the more exited and sad I get. Time is going by really fast which is great because I will get to see DH, but then the sooner he leaves :sad:. To say this week has been an emotional mess is being kind. I can't avoid not thinking about it anymore and I just kind of have to face reality :crazy2:.

I can't even count the times I just broke down crying for the smallest thing. Of course in my denial I think my thought process is if I ignore planning the trip it won't come so soon. Yeah right! So I been trying to avoid thinking about it all this. Sorry if this is all over the place this kind of how I feel. Friday finally things will slow down a bit and I will be back posting.
I am grateful to your hubby for his service!! (ps I work at a VFW)

you will be very hapy with royal pacific! we have stayed there a few times.

the pool is beautiful... there is no slide, but at Universal pool hopping between the 3 resorts is allowed. the hard rock pool has a great slide.. the portofino pool is really pretty.


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