Avocado allergy


Jan 7, 2014
Well I have come to the conclusion I have developed a avocado allergy. So bummed out because I loved having it in stuff and guacamole. Going to call my doctor tomorrow for proper testing to confirm. Within 15 minutes of having some avocado at lunch today I was in so much pain and felt dizzy and nauseous. Lips felt tingly and my stomach was bloated. Third time in the last two weeks and by far the worst today. Hoping to feel better by tomorrow. First reaction wasn't sure what caused it. Second time I thought maybe that avocado was off or gone bad since it was the second half from the first reaction. Today a totally different avocado the was perfectly fine looking but boy was not perfectly fine for me to eat. Anyone else allergic out there to avocado? I am also allergic to latex so not all that surprised I developed this.
Yikes, that sounds scary..

I have no experience, but from what I think allergies tend to get worse each time..

Glad you are going to call the Dr..

I am going to move this over to the Community board, where you might get more replies to be more helpful.
I've never really had a serious food allergy, but I do know the feeling of a slight tingle in the lips as a result. One of them is raw oysters, which I absolutely love. At least for me I don't feel any symptoms with a little antihistamine like Allegra or its generic equivalent. I remember talking to a roommate about a friend of his with a serious food allergy where he accidentally ate something that could possibly kill him and without an EpiPen on him. He took something like 8 25 mg doses of Benadryl, which knocked him out but was otherwise a relatively safe dose.

Of course you want to talk this over with a doctor.
We think our son may have an avocado allergy. At least once, maybe twice, he had very bad stomach pains and nausea after eating avocado, but we weren't sure if maybe he just didn't like them or or was maybe sick from something else. Then another time after eating dinner at my parents' house, he was dry heaving for hours afterwards, which never happens to him--the only time he vomits is with the stomach flu and always vomits up a lot--never had just dry heaves like that. I talked to my mom afterwards and she mentioned that she'd put avocado in the cookies she'd made (sounds weird I know, she likes to add healthy ingredients to things, and you couldn't taste it at all in the cookies). So that's when I started thinking he may have an allergy. Haven't had him tested yet though.
I haven't eaten avocado for over 30 years because they make me so sick. I haven't been diagnosed with an allergy to it because, although they added it to a scratch panel at my request, it didn't react until after I had left the office. I'd say I have a "sensitivity" rather than an allergy, but it was enough to scare me off avocados for life. Severe stomach upset.

I have to say, as far as allergens go, it's a fairly easy one to avoid. (Fortunately I've never run into any in cookies!!!) Not much solace I know, but I remind myself that when I'm eyeing the guac.
Editing to add, I forgot that our son also had hives when he had the last reaction. I'm glad you brought this up because as the PP said, avocados are pretty easy to avoid, so I hadn't given it much thought since that reaction this winter. But after reading your thread and thinking about my son's reaction, I just looked up the allergy, and it looks like there are two kinds of avocado allergy: the first causes irritation and tingling in the mouth, but the second kind sounds exactly like what my son had, with the stomach pains and nausea, and they said that second kind can lead to anaphylaxis. I will schedule an appointment with the allergist
If there's a sensitivity, is it the oil or some other part? Avocados are very fatty and used to make avocado oil for cooking or other uses. Some of these oils are used in skincare products. If the oil contains the allergen, you might want to ask.

My mother in law is allergic to squid for some reason. Asks about it anywhere we go for food. Seems rather annoying, but to her it's life or death.
Aw, that's a shame. It stinks when you find you are allergic to something you love. But, as others have mentioned, at least it's fairly easy to avoid.

I don't know anyone with an avocado allergy, but in addition to the posters above, there is someone on this board who seems to be allergic to everything. She almost always posts on allergy threads, so I'm sure she'll pop in with her story.
Woke up with alot of back( kindey area) pain. I think my body is still trying to recover. Thankfully I have nowhere important to be today. My son has a peanut allergy but because we found out at a young age he has never actually ate it. He has an epipen for it.

Mommasita thanks for moving the thread. Wasn't sure where to place it.
Testing might not say that you are allergic. I'm allergic to shellfish, mango, and berries. The testing said I was allergic to green beans, I am not. Definitely go by your symptoms, the testing can be terribly inaccurate.
If you're allergic to latex, then it makes sense that you are also having a reaction to avocados. Kiwis are a possibility too. I have reactions after avocados too. If I eat anything with avocado (or bananas), I'm curled in a ball with pain.
Yes! me! I have never read about others with the problem. I would eat guacamole fine for years and then I had chips and guacamole at Chipotle one night and got sick...just figured it was a fluke. Did it a second time and same thing. Then I had avocado on a salad and had the worst stomach pains ever and decided that's it. I did read that the oil in avocado is like "poison" in some people's systems. I haven't been tested as I see no reason for confirmation so I just avoid it now.

This is horrible. I have not ate kiwi in a while but not sure if I want to now. Called my doctor and made an appointment. Even if I don't get tested I want t in my medical records.
OP, welcome to the food allergy club. So sorry you had to join us! I hope, for your sake, that the only thing that you are allergic to is avocado. Personally I would gladly trade one of my food allergies for avocado, I'm not a fan of the green stuff (unless it is properly spiced and mashed AKA guacamole),

I hope that your doc investigates many foods. I'm very allergic to a few foods (soy is a huge one- symptoms similar to yours with avocado) and just plain old allergic (tingly tongue, numb mouth) to many others.

I developed a condition called eosinophilic esophagitis which means that the allergic reaction is building up in my esophagus. If you cough a lot, you may want to investigate that. I coughed for 19 years before it got diagnosed.

Good luck!
I also can't eat tilapia. I know that is very odd but I had tilapia on three separate occasions and each time my symptoms got worse. The last time which was probably 12 years ago I thought I was going to die. It was a little different because it was a burning chest pain. I have to investigate all my creams and soaps I use to make sure avocado isn't in them.
but from what I think allergies tend to get worse each time..

Yes, this is totally true. STOP eating what you are allergic to. They tend to get worse the more times you eat it and even a previously mild reaction can at ANY time can turn anaphylaxic.

I also agree, listen to your body. Do you really need a test to tell you what your body is already telling you?
Yikes! That sounds like a scary reaction. Technically, any reaction that involves 2 or more body systems is anaphylaxis, so that sounds like what you experienced (at least circulatory plus GI symptoms). Most anaphylactic reactions will resolve on their own, but you never know when you might have one that will be more serious, and it's always good to treat with Epi early rather than later. I'm glad you're going to the doctor. You should make sure you leave with a written action plan telling you exactly what you should do for what symptoms and when to administer Epi.
Yes, this is totally true. STOP eating what you are allergic to. They tend to get worse the more times you eat it and even a previously mild reaction can at ANY time can turn anaphylaxic.

I also agree, listen to your body. Do you really need a test to tell you what your body is already telling you?

As a huge proponent of eliminating unnecessary testing, but I would have to disagree with not getting a test.

I had no idea how many different foods I was allergic to and needed to eliminate from my diet. While some foods were no-brainers knowing to eliminate, some of the others simply caused irritation in the throat, which could be hours later. In my case, the food testing was necessary.
I too am allergic to avocados, kiwi, melon, most berries,bananas and the list goes on. My lips at the least get itchy and worst swell along with my tongue and sometimes it goes to my throat. According to the allergist your body is unable to distinguish one allergen from another so if you can keep your overall level down tbrough the use of medications something that causes a mild reaction may not cause any at all.


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