Avatar Land will be amazing

Avatar is already obsolete and out of date. Biggest movie of all time, but only because the price of a 3D movie is so high - that record won't stand forever. Might not even stand for a couple of years.

Avatar might be an interesting one-stop-spot if they go through with it, but it will not draw in the crowds. And it will not cause families to make a trip to WDW just to see it (especially not repeat customers the way WWoHP has).

If Disney wants to compete with WWoHP, they need something that is proven to stand the test of time. Because of the Star Wars purchase and the success of SWW, that's the gold mine. 30+ years and the fanbase is bigger than ever and always growing. Hollywood Studios desperately needs an update - perfect fit.
You're proposing Disney completely ignore how they've done business in the past. As great as WWoHP is, and I do think it's great, Disney absolutely should not start tilting at windmills now. They just need to RETURN to what Disney USED to do best, tell stories with absolute quality (the story is less important than how well it is told) and despite all of the rash trashing of Avatar around here, Avatar, or rather Pandora offers Disney imagineers all of the opportunity for a beautiful and spectacular land.

Universal is proving very good at what they do, let them do it. Their success is not any indictment on Disney nor can they ever challenge Disney's success head to head because of their limited size.

Avatar land, Star Wars land, Humpty Dumpty land, whatever. None can survive on their cache alone. All can succeed with QUALITY as their hallmark and in the scheme of things, as I pointed out, Pandora is a huge gift to Disney just waiting to be opened.
Sometimes I think the reliance upon a movie or tv show for a theme, for a ride or an entire park can backfire. The focus should be on the EXPERIENCE one will receive and if done correctly, the 'story' or the 'theme' will sell itself. Heck, imangineers could come up with their own brand new story so long as the experience guests have is great. I don't care for Avatar, but if done right and the experience I receive makes me want to come back again and again, then I say go for it. However, if the experience is underwhelming, the rides only so-so, then the theming will not create the desire for me to spend my time there.
I know the future Avatar land is not popular amongst Disney fans. I think once its open it will be mind blowing.
~Yay! Great thread! I totally agree with you!!! :cool1: :goodvibes

Went to Fantasyland preview in Nov. what a boring bust that is. Very pretty but will never set foot in it again. IMHO a waste of space can only see interest in 6 or 7 and under. Mermaid like Nemo and the Story thing, would never wait again to do that. I hope the "roller coaster" is at least like Thunder but not hopeful:confused3
~LOL. Thanks for sharing your experience! Sadly, I have read many posts that have echoed the exact same sentiment. :( :goodvibes

I hope they call the area Pandora instead of Avatarland.
~I like the sound of Pandora! :goodvibes

hey ashlee
how did the avengers do at the box office? great of course (good movie) but it barley made half of what avatar made.... if star wars id the end all be all great IP how come when it reopened the lines were tiny barely a wait in summer..if avatars land will be good based on the the main E ticket you dont need the greatest story line

if story line mattered I vote for The Godfather to have a attraction

this is not a slam on Star wars because i hope to see a greater presence in the parks

i just get tired of people trying to discuss what may be in the land and somebody has to point out the same tired arguments why they dont want to see it

i say if you dont want to see it dont go to DAK or dont go to the land
~Fabulous post! I totally agree! Disney just created the New Fantasyland, people can just go there, instead! There are so many other wonderful options for everyone to enjoy. :goodvibes

You're proposing Disney completely ignore how they've done business in the past. As great as WWoHP is, and I do think it's great, Disney absolutely should not start tilting at windmills now. They just need to RETURN to what Disney USED to do best, tell stories with absolute quality (the story is less important than how well it is told) and despite all of the rash trashing of Avatar around here, Avatar, or rather Pandora offers Disney imagineers all of the opportunity for a beautiful and spectacular land.

Universal is proving very good at what they do, let them do it. Their success is not any indictment on Disney nor can they ever challenge Disney's success head to head because of their limited size.

Avatar land, Star Wars land, Humpty Dumpty land, whatever. None can survive on their cache alone. All can succeed with QUALITY as their hallmark and in the scheme of things, as I pointed out, Pandora is a huge gift to Disney just waiting to be opened.
~Omg... this post is just fabulous & I could not agree more! I totally *love* this post, it's remarkably thoughtful & so beautifully expressed!!! :lovestruc :goodvibes
...Avatar land, Star Wars land, Humpty Dumpty land, whatever. None can survive on their cache alone. All can succeed with QUALITY as their hallmark and in the scheme of things, as I pointed out, Pandora is a huge gift to Disney just waiting to be opened.

Exactly. Like the movie or not, Pandora was beautiful. As a matter of fact, as I was watching the movie for the first time, I saw those glowing flowers and plants, & the first thing I thought of was how Disney could do a great job a creating something like this in their park! I was thinking about Fantasyland, but seeing as how AK needs a nighttime area, Pandora's glowing gardens could be a nice flip side to the green of AK day time. A separate section they could block off at night to keep the guests away from the animals... and the park open later. Maybe even a restaurant along the lines of The Rainforest Cafe on steroid's. :)

I would like it to be the type of attraction that the whole family (age span) could do together and walk away from "wowed" by the beauty.
hey ashlee how did the avengers do at the box office? great of course (good movie) but it barley made half of what avatar made.... if star wars id the end all be all great IP how come when it reopened the lines were tiny barely a wait in summer..if avatars land will be good based on the the main E ticket you dont need the greatest story line

if story line mattered I vote for The Godfather to have a attraction

this is not a slam on Star wars because i hope to see a greater presence in the parks

i just get tired of people trying to discuss what may be in the land and somebody has to point out the same tired arguments why they dont want to see it

i say if you dont want to see it dont go to DAK or dont go to the land

Avengers and Star Wars Merchandise sells though. Avatar merchandise is practically non-existent.

Who can name the main characters in Avatar?
Op post stated a great idea on how pondora can transform day to night, that in itself would be worth the visit. Plus throw in a night show like F! Or WOC
Avengers and Star Wars Merchandise sells though. Avatar merchandise is practically non-existent.

Who can name the main characters in Avatar?

so is merchandising the end all be all to theme park lands?
further more do people go to theme parks and say this land had great rides, the land was incredibly themed but the merchandise wasnt very good? nah they buy stuff

how about this, avatar did more in movie gross than all 3 of the star wars prequels combined

im not trashing avengers im simply pointing out when people talk how big avengers was they need to realize it did barely half what avatar did yet people around attempt to claim there is no fan base for avatar

and the main characters were neteri and jake sully...good movie great visuals can lead to a great themed land

like star wars
im not trashing star wars because i hope they expand in DHS but if star wars is so great how come they reopened ST2 to a big dud...lines were nothing the first day so ride quality matters far more than IP
CentralFloridian99 said:
Insiders are saying that Avatar is dead and instead AK is getting Dagobah and Naboo.

That would be interesting
Avengers and Star Wars Merchandise sells though. Avatar merchandise is practically non-existent.

Who can name the main characters in Avatar?

Do you really doubt Disney's ability to shamelessly merchandise anything they get thier hands on? ;)

so is merchandising the end all be all to theme park lands?
further more do people go to theme parks and say this land had great rides, the land was incredibly themed but the merchandise wasnt very good? nah they buy stuff

how about this, avatar did more in movie gross than all 3 of the star wars prequels combined

im not trashing avengers im simply pointing out when people talk how big avengers was they need to realize it did barely half what avatar did yet people around attempt to claim there is no fan base for avatar

and the main characters were neteri and jake sully...good movie great visuals can lead to a great themed land

like star wars

Adjusted for inflation, Star Wars: A New Hope brought in almost twice the money at the box office then Avatar did.

Obviously I am not arguing for one side or the other, just presenting some pertinent points.
Op post stated a great idea on how pondora can transform day to night, that in itself would be worth the visit. Plus throw in a night show like F! Or WOC

no fireworks that close to the animals - you will upset them -- maybe just a water/light show

I hope for a very cool ride that alot of people can go on - the Soarin idea works for me - AK has one roller coaster but another would be great - wich they could do 2 E ticket rides in that space

Thank you very much.
~You're so welcome!!! Seriously, that was really good! :hug: :hug: :hug: :goodvibes

so is merchandising the end all be all to theme park lands?
further more do people go to theme parks and say this land had great rides, the land was incredibly themed but the merchandise wasnt very good? nah they buy stuff

how about this, avatar did more in movie gross than all 3 of the star wars prequels combined

im not trashing avengers im simply pointing out when people talk how big avengers was they need to realize it did barely half what avatar did yet people around attempt to claim there is no fan base for avatar

and the main characters were neteri and jake sully...good movie great visuals can lead to a great themed land

like star wars
~Great post! I totally agree with this! Hot toy merchandise is not strong enough of an argument to demonstrate why Avatarland would not be a successful addition to Animal Kingdom. I don't see kids lined up to buy Harry Potter toys either, but WWoHP looks well done and seems to remain a huge draw for Universal. :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes
Agreed with a non fire work show thats why WoC type show would work. Even another enclosed theater show like FoLK nemo or an circqes KA in las vegas
I don't see kids lined up to buy Harry Potter toys either, but WWoHP looks well done and seems to remain a huge draw for Universal. :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

You don't? There's TONS of merchandise sales going on at WWOHP!! Ollivanders is basically a glorified sales pitch and it usually has an hour or longer wait.
how about this, avatar did more in movie gross than all 3 of the star wars prequels combined
Revenue does not equal quality.
I am a SW fan but did not particularly care for them either.
~You're so welcome!!! Seriously, that was really good! :hug: :hug: :hug: :goodvibes

~Great post! I totally agree with this! Hot toy merchandise is not strong enough of an argument to demonstrate why Avatarland would not be a successful addition to Animal Kingdom. I don't see kids lined up to buy Harry Potter toys either, but WWoHP looks well done and seems to remain a huge draw for Universal. :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

But I feel Harry Potter has a much bigger following. Avatar doesn't have that kind of Cult . I can see Harry Potter convention 10 years from now
But I feel Harry Potter has a much bigger following. Avatar doesn't have that kind of Cult . I can see Harry Potter convention 10 years from now

avatar is just starting not really fair to compare to a franchise thats been around for 11 years...but i see your point...i just look at avatar as having a great appeal to a themed land

nothing to do with its story
twebber55 said:
avatar is just starting not really fair to compare to a franchise thats been around for 11 years...but i see your point...i just look at avatar as having a great appeal to a themed land

nothing to do with its story

Exactly! IMHO. Disney is using there creative fake world of Pandora that would fit great in that park. When built Cameron will have basically free market ing for his next avatar movies. 20 years from now the land could be without the blue beings and just be. Pandora
Exactly! IMHO. Disney is using there creative fake world of Pandora that would fit great in that park. When built Cameron will have basically free market ing for his next avatar movies. 20 years from now the land could be without the blue beings and just be. Pandora

Turn the Imagineers loose and let them do their thing! It would be awesome if their goal was to one up WWoHP. Competition in this case is a great thing. Just make it a richly themed area. Everyone will enjoy it. Just don't use Dino Land as a model.


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