Around the World in 4 days. . .Disney World that is!!

Man it's been a long time since I posted in here. I am soooo bad at TR's. I start out so excited to share my stories, but as time goes on it gets more depressing because my next trip is still so far away so I don't come on. The longer I don't update the more readers I loose and the more depressed I become because nobody is reading. :confused3 Oh well, I guess I should continue for myself and any stragglers that still may be around.

So we were at MK and I had just been on one of my favorites, Splash Montain.

So I have a little story before I continue. I know, I know. With all the delay can't you just contiue with the TR. I will in a second, I promise. Yestereday I took the kids to Six Flags. After playing at the waterpark for an hour we decided to go on some rides. Liam really wanted to go on Yankee Clipper (one of there log flume rides) but Mia was to scared to go on. I sat her down and told her that if she was to scared to go on the ride I was a little worried that she wouldn't try some of the bigger rides at WDW. I really wanted her to try it so she would be ready for Splash Montain (in which she rode 2 times in 2009) next year. She still refused but ended up getting on when I got on with her brother.

She Loooved it. So much so that they decided to head directly to the other log flume ride loggers run. Yea. I can't do WDW with out going on Splash Montain.

So I had just got off of SM, so where to head to next?

Well of course another one of my favorite rides. . . Pirates of the Caribean.
Or at least that was the plan until I got there and relized that it was closed.
Noooooo, is it closed for good or just temperarily? I guess you will just have to keep reading to find out. (Got to keep the readers I have left around somehow.)

So what to do next, well Jungle Cruise is just around the cornor so lets try that.

I just love the corny jokes on this ride, I don't think I can ever get sick of them. (But than lets be honest, I have only gone on the ride three times. LOL)







I think they got the point in the end.


That's Ginger, she snaps!



Bathing under the full moon.

Yes corny, but oh so good. LOL.

Enjoying the lovely boat ride I headed back to PotC to see what was going on. Still no go.:sad2: Oh well, hopefully later. But what to my wandering eyes should appear, Tortuga Tavern and the emptiness of my stomach was clear. (yea, yea bad Corrine, but I am trying. Give me a break. Lol)


I was hoping for a couple of tacos, but they were no longer on the menu so I ordered a borrito instead. It was good, but oh so big.

I honestly don't remember what I ordered for dessert, but it looks good. I found a table by the fire place that also happened to be by the fixings bar. I know I saw more than one person loading a empty plate with fixings, I can only hope that they were not making a poor man's salad.:confused3

I had a lovely view of people playing the new card game infront of the fireplace. I might have to try this next year. Soon I was full and there was still food left on my plate. Oh well, no use stuffing myself silly.

I decided that this was a great time to see the castle stage show that I have yet to see in person. But not without checking PotC once again. Still closed. I was really getting worried that it was going to not open at all today.

I found a place to stand for the show (without standing in front of everyone that was already there) and sipped my soda as I waited. I took the time to snap a photo of the castle and send it to a friend back in Illinois. She is a fellow Disney lover so she understands how we get.












The show was cute, but unless Mia really wants to see it I will be skiping it this next trip. I am going have to stop here for now though since I am almost at my limit.

So what's next? Will PotC ever be open? What's on the menu for dinner? Did somebody say rain? Come back and find out of the thrilling conclusion of my MK day.
What?!? :eek: POTC closed?!?!!! :scared1: Oh my goodness, I hope you didn't have to miss it this trip like I had to miss my beloved Jungle Cruise. :sad1:

Good for Mia in overcoming her fears with the log flume rides! Charity is the same way. I am alway so proud of her when she just dives in and tackles her fears head on. Way to go Mia! :goodvibes
Loved the update Corri! :)

Such a bummer about POTC - I really hope you got to ride it.

Yay for Mia trying to flume ride - Splash is like no other flume ride out there... It is clearly my favorite.

And we didn't stop for the Castle show this time either... We didn't see any parades (except for the one we were in)... Next time we need to do that.

Jumping in late- will catch up soon!
I just lost a friend to CF. :grouphug: So glad you guys got a wish trip!
I'm here! Finally! :lmao:

Loving the TR so far :thumbsup2 I know it can get discouraging not having many readers, well, not hearing from many readers I should say, but you have to do these PTR's and TR's for yourself, and if other people jump on board and come along for the ride, that's just fantastic! Well, that's how I look at it anyway. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a tad disappointed when I look at my PTR sometimes and haven't had any new responses, but it is what it is. :confused3

Looking forward to more updates :cool1:
What?!? :eek: POTC closed?!?!!! :scared1: Oh my goodness, I hope you didn't have to miss it this trip like I had to miss my beloved Jungle Cruise. :sad1:

Good for Mia in overcoming her fears with the log flume rides! Charity is the same way. I am alway so proud of her when she just dives in and tackles her fears head on. Way to go Mia! :goodvibes

Hmm, I guess you will just have to keep reading to see. :rolleyes1 I am very proud of Mia trying something new. Hopefully she continues in WDW.

Loved the update Corri! :)

Such a bummer about POTC - I really hope you got to ride it.

Yay for Mia trying to flume ride - Splash is like no other flume ride out there... It is clearly my favorite.

And we didn't stop for the Castle show this time either... We didn't see any parades (except for the one we were in)... Next time we need to do that.


Thanks D. Splash is definatly one of my favorie rides and a must do for out next trip. Mia loves parades so we will end up seeing a few, but anything for my little girl (as long as I get to ride Splash Montain and tower of terror).:lmao:

Jumping in late- will catch up soon!
I just lost a friend to CF. :grouphug: So glad you guys got a wish trip!

Welcome to my TR. I now this TR is taking forever but I promise I will finish it.:lmao: I am sorry to hear about your friend. It is definatly a fear of mine that my sons life will be to short, but with al the great research in CF lately I have high hopes.:grouphug:

I'm here! Finally! :lmao:

Loving the TR so far :thumbsup2 I know it can get discouraging not having many readers, well, not hearing from many readers I should say, but you have to do these PTR's and TR's for yourself, and if other people jump on board and come along for the ride, that's just fantastic! Well, that's how I look at it anyway. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a tad disappointed when I look at my PTR sometimes and haven't had any new responses, but it is what it is. :confused3

Looking forward to more updates :cool1:

Thanks silverhaze. You are rigt writing PTR's and TR's are for ourself and if someone else joins in than all the better.
Hey guys, that's right I am back. Ready for another update in this oh so exciting TR.:lmao:

So after watching the castle show I head over to FW and for the first time got to ride this.

I loved it, so relaxing to just be able to look at everything and rest my feet for a little bit.

I than headed to Buzz Lightyear.

I did OK. I tried to take a picture of my score but it didn't come out very well, so I wrote it down instead. 64900, not to bad.

So while I was hear I decided to head to another one of my favorites. The Carosel of Progress.




Ah love that show.

So after I was done with that show I was back on my way to PotC. Was it open this time? YES it was. YEAH!!!!



I tried to take some pictures inside of the attraction, but they came out very dark so I will not waste your time sharing them.

So finally enjoying PotC I took the train to front of the park so I can go to my dinner reservation at Boma. Here were a few pics I took while I enjoyed the ride.

This was closed when I went so I couldn't help but take a picture of the work they were doing.

Soon I was on my way to AKL where I was to eat dinner, but I will tell you more about that in my next update.:thumbsup2
Hey Corrine! I don't know why I didn't notice you had a trip report going before now. I just read it all and there's simply too much to comment on so I'll just say that I'm enjoying reading.

Im a little late but I just found your TR so I'm joining in!

Can't wait to hear More.

Ive always thought of doing a solo trip but I literally have so many people in my life who are in love with Disney it would never fly. My mom would sneak into my backseat and hide until we got there :lmao: (even if she did just have her hip replaced)

I see your planning a trip for next May!!! Me too :)

I hope to take my DBF for his FIRST ever real trip to WDW.
Hey Corrine! I don't know why I didn't notice you had a trip report going before now. I just read it all and there's simply too much to comment on so I'll just say that I'm enjoying reading.

:lmao:Yea unfortunatly I get more into my PTR than my TR and tend to forget I even have one for a while. :rotfl2: I need to get better at that.

Hi I'm new here ,came across your Tr and I'm here to stay .can't wait to read more :)

Glad to have you here cheekypoppins. I also have a PTR going on (actually started it before this trip)it's alot of ramblings but I would love for you to join us over there. The link is in my siggy. So do you have any trips coming up?


Im a little late but I just found your TR so I'm joining in!

Can't wait to hear More.

Ive always thought of doing a solo trip but I literally have so many people in my life who are in love with Disney it would never fly. My mom would sneak into my backseat and hide until we got there :lmao: (even if she did just have her hip replaced)

I see your planning a trip for next May!!! Me too :)

I hope to take my DBF for his FIRST ever real trip to WDW.

Hey MINNIEmeetsTINK, glad you found us over here. I actually was planning on going with a friend of mine but he canceled on me and I had my heart so set on the trip that I went by myself. It was fun but also lonely at times.

When are you going in May? I am going at the end of the month. I am currently involved with two May trip planning threads and the Facebook page. Plus I am also on the May code watching thread. Are you part of any of them. I would happily share the links if you want.:thumbsup2
Hey MINNIEmeetsTINK, glad you found us over here. I actually was planning on going with a friend of mine but he canceled on me and I had my heart so set on the trip that I went by myself. It was fun but also lonely at times.

When are you going in May? I am going at the end of the month. I am currently involved with two May trip planning threads and the Facebook page. Plus I am also on the May code watching thread. Are you part of any of them. I would happily share the links if you want.:thumbsup2

I'm sorry to hear that :( I think I would enjoy some of it but I just have to have ALOT of human contact so I would probley be striking up conversations with Random people EVERYWHERE :) BUT you had DIS friends there!!!

I am on the Code watch page but I know NOTHING of any of these other pages and would love links :flower3:

There is a facebook page??? That makes me happy.

As of right now my tenative plans are for May 9th-14th (but it all depends on DBF's exam schedule). Hoping to bring another couple along with us and stay at CBR (or another Mod since the extra space would be good for 4 adults over a Value)---I normally do POP.
Great update, Corri. I miss Disney!!! :sad: And I am so disappointed that I missed out on the PeopleMover this last time, too. :sad1: We took that train ride from Main St. to Adventureland, but it was raining, so we didn't get any good pictures. :sad2:

Ooooh~lots of sad faces on this comment...well, just to change that, here ya go:
:thumbsup2 :) :cool2: :groom: :wave2: :bitelip: :cutie: :p :sunny:
Okay, that's better!
I'm sorry to hear that :( I think I would enjoy some of it but I just have to have ALOT of human contact so I would probley be striking up conversations with Random people EVERYWHERE :) BUT you had DIS friends there!!!

I am on the Code watch page but I know NOTHING of any of these other pages and would love links :flower3:

There is a facebook page??? That makes me happy.

As of right now my tenative plans are for May 9th-14th (but it all depends on DBF's exam schedule). Hoping to bring another couple along with us and stay at CBR (or another Mod since the extra space would be good for 4 adults over a Value)---I normally do POP.

Here is the link to the
Official May 2013 Trip Planning Thread.
Unofficial May 2013 trip Planning thread.
Facebook page

I definatly made some friends while I was on my trip. I actually got a picture of a group of them that you will see when I talk about my DHS day.:thumbsup2 I am definatly glad that I will be going with some people during my next trip. I did Pop last year, but absolutly feel in love with POFQ in March and it has ruined me. I would definatly be doing a Value if I couldn't afford anything else, but as long as I can afford I will be going to a Mod.:thumbsup2
Great update, Corri. I miss Disney!!! :sad: And I am so disappointed that I missed out on the PeopleMover this last time, too. :sad1: We took that train ride from Main St. to Adventureland, but it was raining, so we didn't get any good pictures. :sad2:

Ooooh~lots of sad faces on this comment...well, just to change that, here ya go:
:thumbsup2 :) :cool2: :groom: :wave2: :bitelip: :cutie: :p :sunny:
Okay, that's better!

I know oopsi, it so sad to look back on those pictures and know that there is still months between now and the next trip. You know what will help with the blues, start a PTR. I know you want to, and I need another PTR to read. So bend to peer presure and do it. :lmao::rolleyes1 Love you Connie.
:flower3: princess: :cool2: ;)
Corrine 1973 said:
Here is the link to the
Official May 2013 Trip Planning Thread.
Unofficial May 2013 trip Planning thread.
Facebook page

I definatly made some friends while I was on my trip. I actually got a picture of a group of them that you will see when I talk about my DHS day.:thumbsup2 I am definatly glad that I will be going with some people during my next trip. I did Pop last year, but absolutly feel in love with POFQ in March and it has ruined me. I would definatly be doing a Value if I couldn't afford anything else, but as long as I can afford I will be going to a Mod.:thumbsup2

Ooo I hadn't seen the unofficial one! Thanks!
Love the TTA :lovestruc...oh, People Mover I think it's called now. I think it's really underestimated, and people don't appreciate it enough. That being said, I feel like I'm kind of weird for liking it so much in a park that has so many awesome rides :laughing:

Also, glad to hear you finally got to ride POTC :thumbsup2
I know oopsi, it so sad to look back on those pictures and know that there is still months between now and the next trip. You know what will help with the blues, start a PTR. I know you want to, and I need another PTR to read. So bend to peer presure and do it. :lmao::rolleyes1 Love you Connie.
:flower3: princess: :cool2: ;)

Well, I am to Day 6 of my TR, so when that if finished...I will probably consider starting a PTR. Just not sure at all what I can talk about for that long to keep people interested. :confused3 I will HAVE to have some sort of outlet for my Disney obsession though, you know? :rolleyes1 I could definitely post movie night updates... popcorn::
Well, I am to Day 6 of my TR, so when that if finished...I will probably consider starting a PTR. Just not sure at all what I can talk about for that long to keep people interested. :confused3 I will HAVE to have some sort of outlet for my Disney obsession though, you know? :rolleyes1 I could definitely post movie night updates... popcorn::

I think you should Oopsi! I think we all need that outlet.

Just do what I do, and talk to yourself. Eventually someone will chime in. :confused3


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