"All Growd Up" Trip (TR Complete)

andy, come back home.

you are missed.

i leave the next day........

want to hear from you before i leave....
Day.......4?: Epcot

So after braving my Madonna and going to bed about 1am, I was up again at 7:30 to get ready for my one and only day at Disney. My friend Jeff picks me up around 8 or 8:20. We stop at McDonald's, but I'm not that hungry so I have a hashbrown. We then head to Epcot. The park just opened by the time we get there. We head towards the ride in the big metal golf ball.....I mean go ride Spaceship Earth first. The face capture thing is, well, cheesy. Like chedda'. Anywho, we then briefly look at the exit exhibit and head towards the Cool Spot, since its right there. Everyone is right, the Beverly is nasty. But the Japanese (?) Watermelon soda is the best!! After I was the taste of Beverly from out my mouth, I make the decision to go to the Character Spot, cause you have to when you're in Disney (and I thought it might be the only chance to see characters that day :rolleyes:). So I stand in line to get to meet my pals (by the way,big thanks to my friend Jeff for being my photographer for the day): Mickey, Pluto, Minnie and Goofy. On the way out I spy my 2nd favorite Disney princess, Belle! I talked with her a little bit about how BATB is one of my favorite movies and how I got to do the musical not too long ago, then we pose together. Jeff forgot his phone, so I walked aroung Innoventions for a bit while waiting for him. I remember there being a lot LOT more there last time I visited. Oh well. When Jeff returns we head towards The Land, to get Soarin' done before it gets too crowded. Queue. Soarin' was pretty cool. We got the third row, and the feet in front of us were a little distracting. But the scents were cool. I wanted some OJ after riding it. Balloons Then we made our way to the Seas to get that done before a line. FYI, I don't think there were very many lines that day! :laughing: Pose I never did the seas before, but the Nemo overlay was nifty. I took some manatee pics to appease Chip's addiction. 1 2 3 Next up was the Imagination pavillion. We did Honey I Shrunk the Audience first, which was as fun as I remember it. Then we rode the "open house". It was....ok. Still upsets me that I was there when the original ride was and didn't get to ride it. Oh well. Figment hat We headed over to the Test Track area to pick up FastPasses (had to get them at least once or you were never really at Disney). While waiting for our ride we did Mission Space. It was fun, but not as intense as what I've heard. I like pressing the buttons!! :goodvibes queue. After space, we did the 37 minute attraction. The Universe of Energy for those who didn't know. I'm glad the didn't change out the Ellen part of it. She is so funny, and I love Bill Nye and Jaime Lee Curtis. Then we hopped back to Test Track. So much fun. Luckily it hadn't started raining yet!! lol That's the first half of Epcot. I'm gonna try to make myself do the World Showcase section tomorrow. If not it will definitely be Sunday!!!
Great pixs..I miss Epcot,its been 6yrs now since we been!!Cann't beleive they still got Ellen in that show!!
Day 4 con't: Epcot's World Showcase

After riding Test Track, we made our way to the World Showcase. I love these birds. More birds view. For some reason I can't remember we skipped the Mexico Pavillion for now, but met this fellow passing through. Oh, we were hungry, that's why we skipped it. lol So we were making our way to China to eat, but I had to stop in Norway to ride Malestrom since I'm a big mythology nut. Since I was somewhat wanting to eat across the world (I love food, lol), I got some lafse bread from the Norway bakery. Norway pics: 1, 2, Maelstrom, Maelstrom waterfall, Norway glasses. On the way out through the gift shop, I picked up a Norse Donald Duck (in a Viking outfit) and some hazelnut chocolate. As we left, we noticed it was raining!! It was generally wet all day long actually. We headed to the China counter service and ate while waiting for the rain to let up some. Jeff had the orange chicken (I tried a piece, it was good!), and I had a sesame chicken salad, which was good, but I wanted some more dressing but didn't want to bother the workers so I ate it as is. While still waiting, I had my chocolate after my meal and it was tasty. The rain had let up a tiny bit, so we made our way through China. China pics: main building, stone warriors Germany was up next, which I now regret not eating there, lol. I did stop in the bakery and have a delicious gingerbread man (with chocolate Mickey ears) and spoke a little German with the girl working there (it was her last day). Germany pics: 1, 2, there's a miniature train in this area but I didn't want to get my camera wet trying to get a picture. For some reason I didn't get any pitcures of Italy, but I did get some more yummy chocolate there. It had espresso in it which for some reason I really like (coffee and chocolate flavors mixed together). The Voices of Liberty were performing as we entered the American Adventure building. They were awesome!! The girl in the light blue dress had the most impressive soprano voice. After they finished people started lining up to see the American Adventure. I was very impressed by this show. How it flowed seamlessly from AA to video and back was very well done. And they definitely knew how to yank at the patriotic heartstrings as I teared up at various points in the show. Japan was the next country we entered. It was very pretty there. I went inside the gift shop there cause I wanted to see if they had another stuffed Disney character in native dress, but no such luck. As we exited the drummers were just ending their set. I noticed that the "candy artist" Miyuki was going to be on in just minutes so we waited to see her. She is really cool. She takes this rice flour I believe it is and transforms it into whatever animal you ask. I got to get one, and being the selfless person I am :-)laughing:) got her to make a manatee for Chip. We then headed to Morocco, and I again tried to find a dressed up Disney character, still no luck. But while in the gift shop, I looked through a glass door they had and saw something that made me very happy. I literally ran from the store like a madman yelling at Jeff to follow me as I searched for the entrance to that room. Sure I looked crazy, but it was worth it, don't you think? I was getting hungry again as we entered France, so we headed to the French bakery there. I saw this as we were walking through, so I knew I had to check back later for another photo op. I got a ham and cheese quiche and a cheese plate at the bakery and Jeff had a chocolate croissant. As we started to leave, I saw a small like across the way. I went to check it out and was able to meet this lovely couple. Here's me telling the Beast how he's one of my favorite Disney princes. This is a topiary, right? View as you're leaving France. We entered the UK and I was automatically hungry again just smelling the fish and chips in the air. But I was on a mission by then, so I headed to where the UK character meet and greet was listed on the map, hoping to meet Mary Poppins. She wasn't there when I arrived, but 3 of my other favorites were there!! I was super excited to get to meet these 3. I've always loved Eeyore. I got to bounce with Tigger. Group shot. I was a little disappointed that Mary Poppins wasn't there.....until we were leaving the gift shop!! This alone was worth the $80 to get in. She even said.....that word (I can't spell it right now, lol) backwards for me! After my life was complete, I was craving those fish and chips. They were good too!! Canada was the last country in the showcase. I looked for Bonny and Lee here and here, but then I remembered they're in actual Canada, and not Disney Canada....at least not when I was there! :rotfl: Anywho, I also saw ducks, but they didn't look very mighty and they weren't in a blue sailor outfit so I didn't know what they were doing in Disney. :confused3 :laughing: We looped back around to head back to Mexico to do the boat ride there. On the way we stopped into a shop cause I was pondering getting Mickey ears, but I took these pics instead: Sorcerer hat; Arrgh, I'm a pirate; I make a pretty princess, don't you think?; My head's bein' eatin' by an alien!!; My head's not a nut! Mariachi band inside Mexico. I was tuckered out, and wanted to go back to the hotel, so Illuminations would have to wait until next trip. So we made our way to the exit. I wanted to try the sodas again so were headed towards the Cool Spot, but it started to pour!! We bee-lined to he nearest gift shop. I strolled through there to see if there was anything I wanted to buy. I did buy the unspeakable....a Disney Parks poncho!! :laughing: And for some reason I got some cotton candy, and also a Jack Skellington antenna ball. With my poncho on, we walked over to the Cool Spot and had some more of the yummy sodas (no Beverly). After that we left, but I got a couple more pics on the way: golf ball, epic shot, my Hannah Montana face. I for some reason still hungry, so me and Jeff went to the Golden Corral b my hotel. I was not hungry after that!! :laughing: Coming soon: 5th day at the Studios and IOA.
I'm loving your TR!!!!!!! The picture of Chip with his manatee candy is the happiest I've seen him the whole trip. Was he tired the rest of the time, or is he a GQ never-smile-for-pics kind of guy?

I loved all the pics in the hat shop at Epcot, too. I want to go dig out all my past vacay hats and act like a little kid! I think I NEED a chipmunk eating my head.

Happily looking forward to the rest of the TR!

I'm loving your TR!!!!!!! The picture of Chip with his manatee candy is the happiest I've seen him the whole trip. Was he tired the rest of the time, or is he a GQ never-smile-for-pics kind of guy?

I loved all the pics in the hat shop at Epcot, too. I want to go dig out all my past vacay hats and act like a little kid! I think I NEED a chipmunk eating my head.

Happily looking forward to the rest of the TR!


He's the GQ kind. I don't get it either. I love hats. If I had the money I would have bought most of them.....course they'd just be collecting dust in my closet!! :laughing:
He's the GQ kind. I don't get it either. I love hats. If I had the money I would have bought most of them.....course they'd just be collecting dust in my closet!! :laughing:

i rarely wear hats in RL, yet @ disney i go for broke:banana: , a 2 'fer...i have fun & embarrass my DSs @ the same time;) . luv this pick, when we visit in the winter DS always throws it in the suitcase (just to keep his head warm i think lol)
http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll306/faceleg24601/Florida Trip 2008/100_1245.jpg


btw, tell Chip he is not alone in his obsession...imo, manatees r waaaaaaaaay cooler than dolphins!

charactar pics r great, glad u got to interact with them!
Canada was the last country in the showcase. I looked for Bonny and Lee here and here, but then I remembered they're in actual Canada, and not Disney Canada....at least not when I was there! :rotfl:

:rotfl2: ... awww thanks for thinking of us

... and just so you know people up here in Canada really don't dress like the CMs at the Canadian Pavilion, nor do we live in log cabins :sad2:

and saying that, I leave you with this ...

The Canadian

I am not a lumberjack, or a fur trader.
I don't live in an igloo,
or eat blubber, or own a dogsled,
and I don't know Jimmy, Suzy, or Sally from Canada,
although I am certain they are really, really nice.

I Am Canadian
I have a Prime Minister, not a President
I speak English and French, not American
I pronounce it "About" not "a boot"

I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack
I believe in Peacekeeping, not policing
Diversity, not Assimilation
and that the Beaver is a proud and noble animal.

The Toque is a hat,
A Chesterfield is a couch,
and "Z" is pronounced "ZED" not "ZEE", "ZED"
Canada is the second largest land mass,
The first nation of hockey, and


:rotfl2: ... awww thanks for thinking of us

... and just so you know people up here in Canada really don't dress like the CMs at the Canadian Pavilion, nor do we live in log cabins :sad2:

and saying that, I leave you with this ...

The Canadian

I am not a lumberjack, or a fur trader.
I don't live in an igloo,
or eat blubber, or own a dogsled,
and I don't know Jimmy, Suzy, or Sally from Canada,
although I am certain they are really, really nice.

I Am Canadian
I have a Prime Minister, not a President
I speak English and French, not American
I pronounce it "About" not "a boot"

I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack
I believe in Peacekeeping, not policing
Diversity, not Assimilation
and that the Beaver is a proud and noble animal.

The Toque is a hat,
A Chesterfield is a couch,
and "Z" is pronounced "ZED" not "ZEE", "ZED"
Canada is the second largest land mass,
The first nation of hockey, and


But you do make maple syrup right? Please tell me you have maple syrup!!!!!!
i rarely wear hats in RL, yet @ disney i go for broke:banana: , a 2 'fer...i have fun & embarrass my DSs @ the same time;) . luv this pick, when we visit in the winter DS always throws it in the suitcase (just to keep his head warm i think lol)

btw, tell Chip he is not alone in his obsession...imo, manatees r waaaaaaaaay cooler than dolphins!

charactar pics r great, glad u got to interact with them!

I'll let Chip know. I liked the Stitch hat (even tho I still haven't seen the movie :duck:), but it barely fit my head! :sad2:
Day 5: Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure

Started the day off as usual. Woke up, showered and left about 8. Chip was still not going with me to the parks. Oh well. Here's what the Hub looks like from my angle walking to the park.

Bubba Gump, Endangered Species Store

I was actually somewhat hungry this morning (and I had time to kill) so I went to Cinnabon. OMG, the Pecan Roll was to die for. I got to the front gates with about 15-20 minutes to spare. They opened the gates early again, but were only letting people ride Jimmy Neutron or Shrek. I chose Jimmy, not that I didn't like Shrek, but I just really love that stupid chicken dance part. It completes me. It's amazing how quickly they get things put together over here. I was at the Studios Monday, and by Thursday they had the Witch's Tower (or I assumed it was, am I right?), and these construction walls were farther out (Before pic). I wonder what they're building, lol. I got some pics I forgot to get the first time I was here:

Twister entrance, Mummy entrance

I fell in love with ROTM, and I rode it a total of 4 times back to back. The TM working the entrance was amazed at how many times I was willing to die. I was alone on 2 of the 4 rides. And Imhotep was not working today. Second ride.
Mummy prop On my last time through, I was behind these two people who were trying to use their room keys for the FOTL, but the TM told them there wasn't a wait and to use the regular line. It turns out they were the friends me and Chip made at Dueling Dragons on Tuesda! (Kristine and Mike) We rode ROTM together, and, since I was alone, I asked if they didn't mind my tagging along. They didn't, luckily. We decided to hit MIB next. I had more fun this time on our two times through. Mike got the bonus the first time, and I got it the second. Mike still had the highest score both times. For some reason, walking through the queue the first time, the windows of the break room were fogged up, but not the second time.

Slime, big screen, 1st ride, 2nd ride

I had fun in that crazy misting Coke thing: 1, 2

We hit The Simpsons next. I don't think I could ever get tired of this ride. We were on the 1st level I think our first ride. Map of Krustyland. Patty and Selma, Groundskeeper Willy. Then we were on the third or second level the second time, and I was able to get these pics: Moleman, Wheel of Pain, The Future-Looker-Atter didn't know we were coming. For those who don't know, it is Simpsons creator Matt Groening in this pic with Krusty. The Best Krusty Can Afford. 100 Tacos for $100.

The first showing of T2-3D was starting soon, so we headed that way. We past Ghiradelli, and Cafe La Bamba. I also noticed that what looked like part of the setup for The Skoolhouse had been put up: The Skool and the bus. Right by the show building, we ran into Curious George and Woody and Wendy Woodpeker. I felt bad cause I didn't know Wendy's name (I didn't even know there was a female woodpecker actually). We had a better Kimberly Duncan this show, in my opinion. And better seats. At the exit, we ran into one of those survey people. Apparently, the survey had to do with Lay's Kettle Cooked chips. I don't really like chips, but Kristine got selected to do the taste test part, so we got to go inside the Dark Room to wait on her. Inside: Ceiling, columns, pictures. Kristine and Mike had yet to ride Jimmy Neutron, so we rode that next. Spongebob had just come out to take pictures as we were exiting, me and Sponebob, Spongebob with Kristine and Mike Outside, I found Dora the Explorer and Jimmy Neutron. The Simpsons were out too, but it started to rain as we were in line, so no pics with them. :sad1: We were hungry, and since it was their last day there, Kristine and Mike wanted to do both parks, so I convinced them to go to Mythos. I'm a sly little devil. Mwahaha!! :goodvibes Mike had never really worn flip flops before, so his feet weren't used to them, and he had a blister in between his toes. Luckily they sold Crocs at a kart in IOA. Which I told him about. While he was surveying the Croc selection, I took this pic and spied someone in a bright blue outfit. ;) We yelled to Mike we were going to be over in the Marvel island. Did you guess who I saw? Here he is with me and Kristine. Over yonder, we took our pics with my favorite Marvel women: me, Kristine and Mike. Wolverine: me, Kristine and Mike. Captain America: me, Kristine and Mike.

We decided it would be quicker to head through Seuss Landing to Mythos than to keep going the direction we had started. Entrance to Seuss Landing, Green Eggs and Ham. I think the Lost Continent is probably my favorite Island. That vomiting guy, Poseidon's arm, Poseidon building. We arrived at Mythos, which was actually a little busy!! Chandeleir at the entrance. We only had to wait like 5 minutes at most for a table. We also had the same waiter me and Chip had when we were here. view from table, menu, back of menu, carved column, fountain, oven. I got the Aqua Panna water. Kristine had the Mythos beer which she said was pretty good (I don't like beer :sick:). I remembered to get an appetizer this time, and I chose the shrimp tempura which was good. Mike got the Chef's Signature Pizza and Kristine had the tortilla soup. Since I had the Pastabilities my previous meal, I got the risotto of the day this time. I know it had beef medallions, and I think it was a Spinach Alfredo risotto (spinach for sure), with asparagus and button mushrooms. It was tasty. Kristine had the Mythos bistro filet and Mike had the Chicken a la Oscar, which he let me try a bit of the crab cake, very good. I love seafood. For dessert, I believe I had the chocolate sabayon dessert shot, and Kristine and Mike split the rice krispie sushi dessert.

It was still drizzling outside, so we headed to Poseidon. There was a line and we didn't feel like waiting for the next show, but I did get these pics: archway, Columns 1, columns 2, um.....whatever this is, Map of the Lost Continent. We headed back to Seuss Landing to ride Cat in the Hat. More hat pics! Things, Cat in the Hat hats. With the rain, it was hard to tell which rides were running or not, so we made our way to Jurassic Park, and I got this pic of the Harry Potter building. Raptor hat! 1, 2. We ducked inside the Discovery Center for a bit. Dinosaurs. I don't remember where I took this pic at. We stopped by Hulk too, but that wasn't running. We were all tired at that point, and hungry again, so we headed out and towards Margaritaville. Lighthouse. Oh, funny story. We stopped at that little shop at the exit of IOA, and I found acute shirt that had Dracula, Frankenstein, his Bride and the Wolfman on it that had "Classic Rocker" underneath. Well I didn't check the tag when I bought it. Got back to the room later, tried it on and the neckline was weird. I looked at the tag.....it's a woman's shirt! :scared1: I ended up giving it to my mom, but I didn't tell her that story! :rolleyes1 There was no wait at Margaritaville. We got a good view of the volcano, but it was too far away for a pic. Kristine and Mike both had a Red Stripe to drink. I tried the "Off to See the Lizard" margarita. It was pretty good. We got picked by the stilt walkers to get the first balloon hats of the night. me, Mike, Kristine. We split the crab dip for the appetizer. We were all still kinda full (why we decided to eat, I still don't remember, lol). Kristine and Mike had appetizers for their meal, the volcano nachos and the Jamaica Mistaka wings respectively. I, of course, had to have the Cheeseburger in Paradise, which I again gave away the pickle. The cheeseburger was delicious, and I ate most of it, even though I shouldn't have. lol We were too full for dessert (and I had gotten fudge on the way out of IOA I now remember). But we still wanted to chat some more. We decided to go to Cigarz and have a smoke and chill (I'm a social smoker. Bad Robert, I know). We had fun talking, and we had a lot in common (me and Kristine are both big musical fans). After that, they headed back to their room at RPR, and I prepared for my walk back to my hotel. I stopped by the theater on my way out to pick up my ticket for the Rocky Horror Picture Show the following evening. And I'll have my final park day posted sometime soon. Probably Thursday, my next day off!
those food pictures look awesome - I must try that crab dip - that would be a meal for me :goodvibes

another great installment and I am glad to hear you met up with Kristine and Mike, so you didn't have to spend the day alone :thumbsup2


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