AGLET – We're Gonna Tour The World Together! Updated 11/9!!!

We almost got stuck on IASW last time (not last trip, they refused this time! LOL) and I was laughing at the horror on my son's face when he thought we were going to be stuck, it was in that same room you were in!

I can attest to the crowds, you should have seen me, I kept saying "I HAVE to take a picture of this to PROVE to the DISers that it really is crowded! :laughing:
I absolutely share Wingnut's fear of being trapped on IASW. Mark and I almost thought we were a few years ago! :scared1:

We found that by 11ish, Fantasyland, in particular, would get very full so we always head there first. Oh, that, and Max would never let us NOT ride Peter Pan right away. :goodvibes

And, to answer your earlier question, Max was a bit scared by Haunted Mansion.

The peaks at Fantasyland are pretty cool, aren't they? Being able to see Beast's castle like that makes me even more curious!
Ohh wow, I think my heart skipped a little beat at the pics of the Beast's castle! :love: I can't wait to see it finished!
Being stuck on iasw is my DH's nightmare too! :lmao: Glad it didn't last too long. Too bad about MK getting crowded.

Haha I can't wait to see it done either! And try out the new restaurant!

Hahaha I'm glad you at least got to toss your coins in a room CLOSE TO the Polynesian room. :thumbsup2

Thankfully I've only been stuck on small world once... oddly enough, IN the Polynesian room! :laughing:

The expansion is going to be amazing. I CANNOT WAIT.

Hahaha it was too funny - I was seriously doubting the existence of the Poly room for a moment there!

The expansion really does look like it will be awesome!

Haha, Brandon hates IASW and only goes on it to make me happy too, so if we got stuck on there, he'd probably dive overboard or something! :rotfl:

That's cute that you guys throw coins in the water, there are SO many in there! :eek:

I can't wait for the Fantasyland Expansion to be finished!! Not even because of all the new attractions, but because I'm SO sick of those walls being up! I'm starting to forget what it looked like before! :laughing:

Hahahaha we'd never gotten stopped so far back! Usually we hit the loading zone backup in the "goodbye" room!

The walls are getting old, aren't they?? Soon enough!

Do you think they cash in all the coins that are on the water rides? I've heard of people dropping the cremated ashes of friends/relatives on those too :scared1:

I've heard that all of the coins are donated to charities, which is really nice.

I've heard of that too! That's actually the reason Wingnut REFUSES to go on Splash Mountain. I once casually mentioned that people drop ashes on the ride, and he now is grossed out with the idea of getting splashed with ashes!
Nice update! I'm looking forward to being able to use the lines/crowds app that I just got! For our trip in July we won't have park hoppers and I think everywhere will be generally crowded...but for next year, it will be just the tow of us and we'll have hoppers so I can see it being pretty beneficial!

I can't wait to see Beast's Castle when it's finished! It looks so awesome already!

I read in one of the guidebooks that they donate some of the money from IASW to various children's charities, and some of the money that is in the fountains and such at AK gets donated to wildlife assistance programs. The rest is used to maintain the parks. Don't know if it's completely true or not, but it would be nice if it was!

Thanks!! The apps are pretty helpful, we really liked using them!

I hadn't heard about some of the money going to maintain the parks - I've just heard about the charities. I think there are signs up in some of the places that say where the money goes to.

Enjoying following along on your report. That was a real nightmare at the end of IASW. That is one thing that gets on my nerves is the waiting to get off a boat ride. It happened to us last time on Splash, Gran Fiesta Tour, IASW, POTC and Living with the Land. I wish they could do something about this!

Welcome, thanks!! :goodvibes Hahaha it gets annoying, bumping along towards the end! We sometimes get stuck towards the end of Grand Fiesta Tour too!

My thinking is that those rides get backed up sometimes when they have to take a little more time to get someone out and into a wheelchair, or maybe there is an elderly person or maybe a handicapped child that needs a little more time to step out.

I hope they donate the money thrown into the rides and fountains to charity. I would guess that they do.

It's fun to watch the little ones or first-timers in Philharmagic. It has a good gift shop, too.

That's probably the reason why. It seems like there's always a wait towards the end of IASW!

I believe they do - I'm not sure of the exact charities though!

It really is, the people seeing the show for the first time get so into it!

We almost got stuck on IASW last time (not last trip, they refused this time! LOL) and I was laughing at the horror on my son's face when he thought we were going to be stuck, it was in that same room you were in!

I can attest to the crowds, you should have seen me, I kept saying "I HAVE to take a picture of this to PROVE to the DISers that it really is crowded! :laughing:

Hahahaha well I'm glad you didn't get stuck!! :laughing:

I kept forgetting to take pictures of the crowds! I took more pictures of the streets when they happened to be empty, I like looking at those more! :rotfl:

I absolutely share Wingnut's fear of being trapped on IASW. Mark and I almost thought we were a few years ago! :scared1:

We found that by 11ish, Fantasyland, in particular, would get very full so we always head there first. Oh, that, and Max would never let us NOT ride Peter Pan right away. :goodvibes

And, to answer your earlier question, Max was a bit scared by Haunted Mansion.

The peaks at Fantasyland are pretty cool, aren't they? Being able to see Beast's castle like that makes me even more curious!

Hahaha I think he just tolerates the length of the ride as it is - no more added waiting, please! :rotfl:

Why not PPF first? Something better to get to before it? Awww I'm sorry to hear he was a bit scared by the HM! It is a bit scary. I remember being pretty wary of Pirates of the Caribbean when I was a little kid!

It's so cool watching the construction progress!!
Beast's castle is looking amazing! I actually rode Dumbo (by myself, no child in sight) so I could see into the expansion the last time I was there. The CM was totally onto me and winked and said, "Yep, you get a great view from up there." :rotfl:

I enjoy IASW but haven't gotten Gabriel to ride it yet. We have a pact that we will never pull the old "If you loved me, you'd...." but IASW would be an excellent exception to the rule! :lmao:
Charles detests IASW so much that it would truly be his worst nightmare were he to get stuck on it. We aren't even allowed to sing the song around the house. :lmao:

Great picture of the Beast's castle! It's strange to think that there will be two castles at the Magic Kingdom soon -- for some reason, I have a hard time wrapping my mind around that. Can't wait for it to happen though.
Great pics of the 'new' Fantasyland! I cannot wait to see the finished product in November! (i hope it is done by then. We only planned our trip around it being done... :rolleyes1)

I love IASW. I wouldn't mind being stuck on there. (Let the heckling begin)
Beast's castle is looking amazing! I actually rode Dumbo (by myself, no child in sight) so I could see into the expansion the last time I was there. The CM was totally onto me and winked and said, "Yep, you get a great view from up there." :rotfl:

I enjoy IASW but haven't gotten Gabriel to ride it yet. We have a pact that we will never pull the old "If you loved me, you'd...." but IASW would be an excellent exception to the rule! :lmao:

Haha I was tempted to do that! I settled for standing on tiptoe :rotfl:.

:laughing: I agree, IASW would be a great exception!

Charles detests IASW so much that it would truly be his worst nightmare were he to get stuck on it. We aren't even allowed to sing the song around the house. :lmao:

Great picture of the Beast's castle! It's strange to think that there will be two castles at the Magic Kingdom soon -- for some reason, I have a hard time wrapping my mind around that. Can't wait for it to happen though.

Hahahaha that's like us with the Carousel of Progress! Sometimes I sing a few lines, "there's a great big beautiful tomorrow...", much to Wingnut's annoyance. :laughing:

I agree, I'm still not sure how I feel about the multiple castle thing! But it really does look cool!

Great pics of the 'new' Fantasyland! I cannot wait to see the finished product in November! (i hope it is done by then. We only planned our trip around it being done... :rolleyes1)

I love IASW. I wouldn't mind being stuck on there. (Let the heckling begin)

Thanks!! I hope it's done in time for your trip too!!

:laughing: I can think of rides that would be a lot worse to be stuck on, I won't heckle you!
Moving westward (or is it east? Right-ward?)


Moving in the direction of Tomorrowland (that works! :thumbsup2), we stopped off at one of our favorites, the Monster's Inc Laugh Floor.

The show was funny as usual (I know that it's used over and over there, but one of my favorites is the "Ah! New Jersey! Home of the Eiffel Tower!" joke.) :laughing:

I think you all can guess where we went after that:

The filled-with-thrills Tomorrowland Transit Authority!! ;)

I'm kidding, I love the TTA! It's so lovely and breezy and the seats are padded! :thumbsup2

(Seriously, that's what Wingnut and I discussed while on the ride. Why are there so few padded seats around the MK? The only other ones I can think of off the top of my head are the Carousel of Progress and the Hall of Presidents - neither of which we visited that day. Any others I've missed?)

Castle!! I see the castle!!

A pathetic attempt at taking a picture of Progress City.

Second attempt. I think this one's worse.

I think the Astro Orbiter looks really cool, but there's pretty much absolutely no way I'll get onto that ride. Too high, and Wingnut can't do spinning rides, so I'd have no accompaniment.

"We have lunch at Liberty Tree Tavern in a few minutes." I reminded Wingnut, while relaxing on padded cushion comfort.


I realized, though, that the one plate at Crystal Palace earlier that morning was much more filling than I had thought.

"Are you hungry?" I asked Wingnut.
"Not really. Are you?"

While I had been really looking forward to lunch at LTT (Fried cheese! Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake!), well, I was much less in the mood for a heavy meal than I had anticipated 180 days prior. Same with Wingnut. We decided to forego our ADR there (yes, I called Disney Dining and cancelled it), and seek out an intriguing snack instead.

Oh well, next trip we'll be sure to be hungrier! :thumbsup2

While on the TTA, we noticed the crowds starting to get denser around the area. We decided to take a spin on Buzz Lightyear, and then head out of the park. Approaching Buzz, however, the line was starting to wrap around outside the building, and a large tour group was joining the queue.

Um, no. We'll come back for that one...

Making our way out of the park, I peeked in a few of the stores to check for the Beaker hat, but my search efforts at the moment were a bit half-hearted, as I was counting on the Muppets store at DHS to have my treasure.

We decided to go with our earlier plan to hop over to DHS from the MK. It was close to 1 at that point, and dinner that night was at Citricos, so we figured we'd hang out at DHS for a couple of hours, then go back to the Polynesian after to change for dinner. We chose the route of ferry to TTC to bus to DHS.

I enjoy the various watercraft modes of transportation around Disney, they're a nice break from the busses (although they don't seem to play destination-specific music like the busses do...).
Looking forward to reading about Citricos! I don't know when we'll ever get to try it, but I love hearing about it!
I love the Monsters Inc Laugh Floor :lovestruc I love the TTA too. Astro Orbiter was so much higher and faster than I expected it to be!! I can't wait to hear about Citricos :)
You just wrote about two of my favorite things in just one installment....Monster's Inc and the People Mover. I always laugh at the Eiffel Tower joke and think that riding on the People Mover is super relaxing. As far as the padded seats go, I always thought that Disney had the hard plastic/fiberglassy/whatever seats so that they could spray 'em down when they need a good washing.
I can't believe I missed your last update? (the 3/1 update) What the heck. :confused3 That is so not like me. All I can figure is I must have known you were writing about getting stuck on IASW because, like Wingnut, that is on my list of the top ten things I don't want to happen at Disney. That song....over .....and ....over......and...... It happened to me once and that was enough. The worst part of that was we were trying desperately to get on last ride on Splash before the park closed. We barely made it.

Love you shoe picture - cute sneakers. :goodvibes

I seriously can't believe you bagged on my favorite lunch place in the MK. Horrors. :rotfl: Next time!

Glad you decided to hit HS for a bit.

Can't wait to read about Citricos.
Oh, I love the Laugh Floor, probably because of my schoolgirl crush on Sully. It never fails to make me laugh! And the deep intellectual padded cushion conversation had me chuckling, too! :lmao:

I'm sure someone without an ADR was very glad you guys cancelled yours, so you actually did a random act of kindness.

I can't wait to hear a Stringbean & Wingnut review of Citricos!
The show was funny as usual (I know that it's used over and over there, but one of my favorites is the "Ah! New Jersey! Home of the Eiffel Tower!" joke.)

Wait a minute, now. I could have sworn in our visit there he said Michigan was the home of the Eiffel Tower! I'm so confused! :crazy2: :laughing:

I think the Astro Orbiter looks really cool, but there's pretty much absolutely no way I'll get onto that ride. Too high, and Wingnut can't do spinning rides, so I'd have no accompaniment.

John, Brooklynn, and I rode it in December. The worst part to me is the elevator. :scared:

"We have lunch at Liberty Tree Tavern in a few minutes." I reminded Wingnut, while relaxing on padded cushion comfort.


I realized, though, that the one plate at Crystal Palace earlier that morning was much more filling than I had thought.

"Are you hungry?" I asked Wingnut.
"Not really. Are you?"

While I had been really looking forward to lunch at LTT (Fried cheese! Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake!), well, I was much less in the mood for a heavy meal than I had anticipated 180 days prior. Same with Wingnut. We decided to forego our ADR there (yes, I called Disney Dining and cancelled it), and seek out an intriguing snack instead.

and dinner that night was at Citricos

That would have been a whole lot of eating!

I enjoy the various watercraft modes of transportation around Disney, they're a nice break from the busses (although they don't seem to play destination-specific music like the busses do...).

We do, too. A boat ride is something fun, especially for the girls, and more unique than just a bus ride.
Yay the Peoplemover!!! :banana: I love that ride sooooo much!

Aww, that's too bad you had to cancel LTT, I love that place for lunch! Although 3 TS in one day is a bit much! See, this is why I don't like that new stupid credit card guarantee, if you don't cancel some places 24 hours in advance they charge you $10 per person, and that's kind of messed up! Ah well! :confused3

I love taking boats around Disney! No, they don't play destination specific music, but they do play a pretty awesome mix of Disney music, which is fine by me! I love the WL>MK boats...there's nothing better than listening to "Under the Sea" on the way to the Magic Kingdom on a boat in the morning!
Hahha I love that joke too. I mean I always forget the jokes in between seeing the show, but even though I remember it as SOON as they say it, I still can't help but laugh. I love the corny, I tell ya.

TTA! Oh, um... PhilharMagic has padded seats! And Space Mountain of course. (Oh, no? Just kidding.)

Boat rides at Disney are always so nice and relaxing. Ahhh. :lovestruc Darn... why can't the boats play along? Hahha next time yall will have to hum some music to make up for it. :thumbsup2
Love the Peoplemover! The Laugh Floor is fun too. I haven't been to LTT but those things you mentioned are my 2 reasons it is on my wish list (Fried Cheese and the Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake)
Padded seats are at a premium in the Magic Kingdom -- I never really thought of that before!

Yeah, those breakfast buffets always fill me up, too. What was the interesting snack you opted for or is that in the next update? :goodvibes

Oh, and the AstroOrbiter -- only the thrill seekers in my house (Charles and Chelsea) will ride it -- Connor and I are big chickens. :lmao:
Moving in the direction of Tomorrowland (that works! :thumbsup2), we stopped off at one of our favorites, the Monster's Inc Laugh Floor.
I love Monster's Inc! We missed it last March, so it is high up on my list for Nov.!

I'm kidding, I love the TTA! It's so lovely and breezy and the seats are padded! :thumbsup2

(Seriously, that's what Wingnut and I discussed while on the ride. Why are there so few padded seats around the MK? The only other ones I can think of off the top of my head are the Carousel of Progress and the Hall of Presidents - neither of which we visited that day. Any others I've missed?)
Disney probably doesn't want people to get comfy in their seats... they want them up and moving... in to a gift shop!

You forgot a padded seat... Philharmagic. ;)

Wow. You must of been flying!!!! :scared1:


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