After The Final Rose: The Beast Gets Married- A Nov 2015 Honeymoon PTR *Updated 04/02*


Thank you evenin' star!
May 8, 2009
Hello everyone! Welcome to my first ever PTR- After The Final Rose: The Beast Gets Married. The title of this upcoming PTR was provided by my beloved fiance, who associates himself with Beast. I, myself, don't think him very beastly. Sure, he may be a little on the hairy side, but he is a gentle, loving giant with the occasional grumpy mood. Eh, maybe I'm starting to see the comparison. . .

As much as he may or may not be Beast, he is my prince. I'm certainly no princess, though Belle and I do have a love for books in common. I probably have been called peculiar at least once in my lifetime. For the purpose of this report and a continuation of my last, sadly unfinished, one I tend to be more like Charlotte from The Princess and the Frog. In fact, I believe as a blonde-haired blue-eyed toddler I did tell my grandmother I would do it! I would kiss a hundred frogs if it meant I could marry a prince and be a princess in my best little Southern accent. My sweet grandmother also made me princess dresses for Halloween, sometimes in my favorite color of pink. I'm all grown up now and not having a mardi gras wedding, but I still love how fun and boisterous Charlotte is.

Moving on. . . Introductions

Well, just who are these May or May Not Be Beast and The Childhood Charlotte Le Bouff In The Flesh you may be asking?

I'm Shannon, a 30-year-old lover of all things antique and literary. I work in healthcare, a job I love every single day. My favorite Disney movies are The Little Mermaid and The Princess and The Frog. I'm also partial to :eeyore:, and Figment was my first love at Disney World as a child.

Jason is my fiance, 31. He also loves to read, but he's a big comic and Star Wars fan as well. He's a humble EMT by day, but I think he's a silent superhero. His favorite Disney movie is, obviously, Beauty and the Beast. Our Disneymoon will be his fourth trip.

We have been together nearly 10 years. We have grown together, and we’ve had our share of both wonderful and tragic times. I could not imagine my life without this person in it, and I cannot express how much I deeply deeply love him. Our last visit to Disney World was back in 2010 when we celebrated 5 years together. On September 20th, 2014, our ninth year together, he planned a marvelous day together. With his Kindle as the clue maker, he sent me on a scavenger hunt that took us back to important places in our lives such as our colleges, favorite restaurants, and first apartment together. The final place was at the little church my grandfather helped start. There, on one knee, he asked me to be his wife.

From that moment, we’ve been sent into a whirlwind of planning. We intended an elopement, but once family became involved it turned into Wedding Extraordinaire. I like to plan in general, but all the details have just been so overwhelming. Then, there was the honeymoon. Our hearts were set on the greens of Ireland, but we just couldn’t make it work. So, with the concept of “we have to do something different because it’s our honeymoon” we talked about a cruise to the Eastern Caribbean. We were halfheartedly committed to it until Jason said, “stop focusing on what we haven’t done and do what you love.” With that, he offered me a deal I couldn’t turn down: a Disney honeymoon.

So, it is with that offer that I have procrastinated on planning my November 1st wedding, and have gone into full Disneymoon planning mode. It’s been much more relaxing and fun than deciding who sits where and what colors the bridal party need to wear. Yes, I know I have to get that done, but I’d rather be writing this lengthy introduction instead. . .

So, I realize there are no mentions of the actual trip in this first post. For fear that I may have lost any readers that initially jumped on due to the mundane details, I’ll start on that in an upcoming post. From here forward, I solemnly vow that the focus of this PTR will, in fact, be about the trip and less mushy stuff about us and our nuptials. Thanks for reading! :welcome:

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Let The Planning Begin!
As I mentioned in the previous post, our last trip was in September, 2010. It was a wonderful vacation without a single drop of rain. It was also our first stay in a moderate resort--POR. What a beautiful place! Throw in some free dining, and you have a happy couple. Speaking of, here is my favorite picture of us from back then:

Once my fiance gave me the green light to book the trip, I ran to my laptop, threw everything off my table, and went straight to the website. It was there that I discovered the glory of free dining during the fall. Now, the slight problem was the dates. I had already secured my honeymoon dates at work with a little begging and pleading. To my surprise, the November dates at Disney for free dining coincided with my vacation dates! Could it be that this is simply meant to be?

Before I was too carried away, Jason advised me that we should do different things; stay in different resorts and try new restaurants. Fine by me. So, my search began. I started plugging in dates, weighing the options of resorts and dining plans, and after a grid that defined probability I came up with a solution: a split stay. With a little more math and some cackling, I called to book.

45 minutes later we had two trips. November 8th, we will be checking in at CBR--a first for us. I put the bulk of our park hopper tickets on that trip, along with an upgrade to the deluxe dining plan from the free plan. November 13th will see us checking into AKL--also a first deluxe resort. We are doing the free dining and staying for 3 nights, a total of 8 nights on property.

I also added the Memory Maker since it is our honeymoon, an extra we don’t usually do. So, now we have a moderate stay, a deluxe stay, and extra dining credits to use for 2 Signature dinners, something else we’ve never done. With all the finagling, I made the plan work for us in an affordable manner.

Next was the great transportation debate. While a flight takes less than 2 hours from airport to airport, I really hate flying. It’s convenient, but by the time we land I don’t have any nails left on my fingers. Plus, there’s the whole hassle of how to pack and repack. Blah. So, we’re going to leave early, rent a car, and drive down there a day or two ahead of time with a car full of water. He likes the idea of a road trip, with a few leisurely stops here and there.

We were off to a good start!

Coming Up: The Great ADR Fiasco
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:tink:Reserved for links once I figure out how to make them work properly. . .
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The Great ADR Fiasco
After our vacation was booked, we grabbed a notebook and began scribbling down ideas for ADRs. We have a few favorites we wanted to put back on the list:

Teppan Edo---We love this place and always have a great time. Yes, we have hibachi style restaurants here, but it just isn't the same as sitting down in the Japanese pavillion at Epcot. Who can go wrong with grilled vegetables, noodles, steak, chicken, and green tea? Oh and the shrimp sauce, "yum yum!"

Rose and Crown---This is, hands down, my favorite restaurant on the entire Disney property. I've read lots of mixed reviews, but I've always had a wonderful meal and experience here. This is a MUST for us.

Yak & Yeti---I like it fine here, but my DF really wanted it on the list. He enjoys the wonton dessert.

So, the name of the game is trying new things. After sketching out our list, here's what we came up with:

  • Be Our Guest: Yes, I know, the coveted Be Our Guest. DF really wanted to eat here to experience the ambience of the Beast's Castle. I didn't have much hope, but I would certainly try.

    • Chefs de France: This was on our list during our last trip, but we canceled it because we were just too tired. I’m hoping to catch Remy if they still do that.

  • Crystal Palace: We have eaten here for lunch and dinner, but we have never tried breakfast. I’ve seen pictures throughout my years spent on the Disboards, and have always wanted to give it a try for the early meal spot.

  • Tokyo Dining: As avid visitors of Teppan Edo, we’ve walked by Tokyo Dining, but we’ve never gone to the “other side” of the elevator. We’re not sushi fans, but we like Tempura and vegetables.

  • Yachtsman’s Steakhouse: We wanted two Signature spots, so we chose Yachtsman’s as our first. I look forward to this so much!

  • Boma: For breakfast and dinner! Again, the reviews have been so good. This will be our last dinner before we head home, intentionally chosen to make the last night easy on us since I anticipate two very tired people.

  • Sanaa: There are really no Indian food restaurants nearby. The menu looked interesting so, sure, why not.

  • Jiko: Well, we may as well round out the list with the third AKL TS. I have wanted to go here for years so it took the 2nd Signature spot.

  • Whispering Canyon: This is a filler, really. However, we really wanted to stay at Wilderness Lodge. Since I couldn’t make that work, we chose Whispering Canyon so we could visit the resort. I’m not entirely sure I’m sold on eating here, but we’re going to give it a try.

  • Via Napoli: DF likes pizza. Why not?

  • Lastly, there’s Akershus: This one took a lot of convincing on my part—to the both of us. We’re choosing this as a dinner. I wouldn’t exactly say I’m a “picky eater,” but I don’t like a lot of cold salads, fish, etc. I’m willing to try almost anything once, but sometimes once is all I can handle. The menu is certainly appealing, though, so it rounds out the extensive list of new tries.

Would we be able to get all of these? I mean, we’re right outside the ADR window. How hard should it be, right? Right?

Up next: The ADR Saga Continues

The ADR Saga Continues
I'm going to skip over the part of chasing hard-to-get restaurants, the Disney website glitches, the multiple phone calls in which I gained new "cousins" due to talking to the CMs so much, the hassle the split stay caused, the groaning and huffing and puffing of one Beast, and all the just "ugh" parts. Instead, we're just going to skip to the good part: the final list!

Here's what we scored:

Teppan Edo (L)

Chefs de France (D)
Crystal Palace (B)
Tokyo Dining (L)
Rose and Crown (L and D)
50's PrimeTime Cafe (L)
Yachtsman's Steakhouse (D)
Boma (B and D)
Sanaa (L)
Whispering Canyon (L)
The Plaza (L)
Akershus (D)
Jiko (D)
Via Napoli (D)

The verdict was in, we just couldn't get BOG or Yak & Yeti. :sad2: I tried so hard for BOG, but I'm really excited about all the new places we're trying. :Pinkbounc I know that Boma and Rose and Crown are on there twice, but we just love Rose and Crown so much. Also, Boma will be our last dinner before departure.

Any advice concerning any of these choices? We'd love some feedback!

Yak & Yeti!

DF has been bummed about Yak & Yeti, even though he said he was fine with all of our dining reservations. I have been reading along on the forums about other people having trouble getting an ADR to Yak & Yeti. I thought I'd give it one more, go. Voila! There it is, a lunch reservation for 2 on 11/11/15. We talked it over, decided to cancel Sanaa, and are going back to Yak & Yeti! :dance3:
Jumping in! Congrats!

No advice on meals - Boma is the only one on your list that I've tried. Itwas fun to try lots of different food. I have only done family trips...
Jumping in! Congrats!

No advice on meals - Boma is the only one on your list that I've tried. Itwas fun to try lots of different food. I have only done family trips...

:welcome: Hi! Thank you for stopping by! Which meal did you have Boma for?
We had Boma for dinner - and it was about 7 years ago, so probably different dishes now. :)
Oh Happy Mail!
We're always a little behind on getting our mail, but our package information came. Because of our split stay, I had two of them to read. pixiedust:
I'm going to have to catch up on all the things that are new since last visit, like the FP+, bracelets, new rides. I'm so excited!
Wedding Interruption

I'm interrupting this program for one short wedding update. I picked up my wedding dress today and ordered my veil. It was more perfect than I remembered; I actually felt like a bride. I could just imagine myself walking toward him on wedding day. It finally feels real! :love:
F&W Festival!

For years, it has been a dream to go to Epcot's Food and Wine Festival. We always seem to miss it by a matter of weeks. For curiosity’s sake, I looked up the dates for this year: September 25th- November 16th. WHAT!!! :eek: You mean, the festival is going to be taking place while we’re there? I’m pretty sure my neighbors just heard my high-pitched, mirror-shattering squeal of delight. I can’t believe we’re finally going to get to experience it. What a lovely surprise! :jumping1:

To Do or Not Do?

I’ve been debating with myself about doing something a little “extra” during our honeymoon trip. In none of my past trips have we ever done anything outside of the normal park attractions like tours, dinner shows, etc. with the exception of the Candlelight Processional dinner package back in December, 2008. Our trip is going to be wonderful and special no matter what, but I really am contemplating adding a little extra magic as a surprise to my future husband. I’m just not really sure which one. . .

MVMCP: I’ve always considered this, but I didn’t know much about it until I asked recently and was pointed in the direction of the awesome link that elaborates on all the details. It looks like fun, but I’m just not sure.

Characters In Flight: Okay, I’m terrified beyond scared out of my wit’s mind of heights. I’m talking standing on the edge of front porch makes me tremble. It’s probably not a good idea to do this, but it looks so awesome to just be above Disney and get to look down below.

Tours and other programs: Some of the tours look fantastic. There’s the Backstage Safari, Dolphins in Depth (dolphins are my favorite animals), Keys To the Kingdom Tour, and so many more. I don’t even know where to start with all of these.

What about Cirque Du Soleil?

Hoop Dee-Doo Musical Revue?

Wishes Party?

Illuminations Cruise?

I could use a lot of guidance and opinions on any of these! And by no means are my choices limited to what I mentioned. I have a completely open mind. What have been some of your favorite “extras?” Thank you!

To Do or Not Do?

I’ve been debating with myself about doing something a little “extra” during our honeymoon trip. In none of my past trips have we ever done anything outside of the normal park attractions like tours, dinner shows, etc. with the exception of the Candlelight Processional dinner package back in December, 2008. Our trip is going to be wonderful and special no matter what, but I really am contemplating adding a little extra magic as a surprise to my future husband. I’m just not really sure which one. . .

MVMCP: I’ve always considered this, but I didn’t know much about it until I asked recently and was pointed in the direction of the awesome link that elaborates on all the details. It looks like fun, but I’m just not sure.

Characters In Flight: Okay, I’m terrified beyond scared out of my wit’s mind of heights. I’m talking standing on the edge of front porch makes me tremble. It’s probably not a good idea to do this, but it looks so awesome to just be above Disney and get to look down below.

Tours and other programs: Some of the tours look fantastic. There’s the Backstage Safari, Dolphins in Depth (dolphins are my favorite animals), Keys To the Kingdom Tour, and so many more. I don’t even know where to start with all of these.

What about Cirque Du Soleil?

Hoop Dee-Doo Musical Revue?

Wishes Party?

Illuminations Cruise?

I could use a lot of guidance and opinions on any of these! And by no means are my choices limited to what I mentioned. I have a completely open mind. What have been some of your favorite “extras?” Thank you!


Tick Tock Tick Tock
It's been a while since my last update, but time keeps ticking and taking us closer to both wedding day and our Disneymoon! We are officially within 4 months of our vows! :flower1: There is still so much planning to do--both for our wedding and our fabulous upcoming trip. I think we decided to forgo any "extras" with additional tours. We're going to try to catch more parades this time. We're still very excited about the F&W Festival.

Since I don't have much to update, I thought I'd give everyone a chance to celebrate their upcoming trips here. So, go ahead, do a little Disney giggle and post your upcoming trip countdowns! pixiedust::stitch:


I may not be planning a disney honeymoon, but I really enjoyed reading your ptr. Sounds like ur going to have so much fun with ur hub!:cool1:
Im curious about the hoop de doo revue too.( try saying that 5x fast!) I've looked up reviews and such, but so darn nervous to take the plunge. Agh! But the unlimited beer and sangria may do the convincing lol:drinking1
I may not be planning a disney honeymoon, but I really enjoyed reading your ptr. Sounds like ur going to have so much fun with ur hub!:cool1:
Im curious about the hoop de doo revue too.( try saying that 5x fast!) I've looked up reviews and such, but so darn nervous to take the plunge. Agh! But the unlimited beer and sangria may do the convincing lol:drinking1

Thanks for reading!
I didn't realize there was unlimited beer or sangria for the show. That does tip the scales a bit! Maybe next time we'll take the plunge and let you know. Or vice versa!
Just an Update
No clever title here. This is, simply, an update.

We are within 2 months of wedding day. pixiedust: We finally have all the big stuff taken care of. Here's hoping for smooth sailing all the way from here until November 1st. :shamrock:

2 months from today at this exact time we should be almost to Orlando. Hooray! Our plan is to use my Orbitz discount and the advice of fellow Disers from a thread I created a while back to get a hotel room close to DTD. I have coupons for Planet Hollywood, Earl of Sandwich (yum), Ghiradelli, House of Blues, Bongos, and a few other restaurants there. That way, we can spend the night shopping, head to bed early, and be ready to check in at Caribbean Beach first thing in the morning so we can activate our bands and start the day off at The Magic Kingdom. :mickeyjum

Speaking of our trip, I am SO pleased to report that yesterday I paid off the balance in full. It's true, we really are going on a Disneymoon. This just makes it so official. :jumping1:

ADRs: We all knew it wouldn't last. I couldn't just leave well enough alone. After mulling over my DDP, we decided that the Plaza just wasn't enough of a "value" for the credit. I like the Plaza, but it's really the banana split bigger than my little ferret, Evie, that I like so much. So, we'll get ice cream next door instead and spend the credit elsewhere. Now, I really wanted to drop Yak & Yeti, too. WHAT? I know, I fought to get a reservation, but I really did that for my beloved. However, he pleaded with me to leave it alone so I did. To replace The Plaza, we debated on San Angel Inn or Garden Grill. We've never been to Garden Grill and didn't have a great experience with San Angel in 2008, but that was a long time ago. So, I made the decision and booked Kona for lunch. :littleangel: Hey, it's close to The Magic Kingdom, and I enjoyed breakfast there in 2010.

I've started gathering things for our trip. Now, I'm the kind of gal that will carry a purse until it is literally falling apart, and I've stapled it back together. With that being said, I needed a new Vera Bradley badly so we went to the outlet and I walked out with not only a new everyday purse, but these beauties as well:

A new Hipster and Wristlet. I've never had either before, but they were half off, and I thought they would be great for the trip. Plus, when my current purse wears out I'll just switch over.

I've also been trying to catch clothes on clearance. I was able to get my future husband quite a few Star Wars and Superman shirts that he loves for BOGO free. Hooray, again. I may have found a little something for myself:

I LOVE it! I bought a light-weight sweater in case it's chilly, but I love the design and colors with Ariel.

That about sums it up. Thanks for tagging along!
I don't have too much input for you but you will love F&W. DH and I went for the first time on our last trip and we have now vowed to always go during it now (and DH is a picky eater!). We also did Hoop Dee Doo and really enjoyed it. It's very campy so it's not for everyone but we enjoyed the music and thought the food was fantastic.
I don't have too much input for you but you will love F&W. DH and I went for the first time on our last trip and we have now vowed to always go during it now (and DH is a picky eater!). We also did Hoop Dee Doo and really enjoyed it. It's very campy so it's not for everyone but we enjoyed the music and thought the food was fantastic.

Thanks for the reply! What are some of your favorite booths to visit at F&W? I'm really hoping to get some cheese soup from Canada since we don't do Le Cellier anymore.

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