9/12 great article ! Who am I to say no to going to WDW?

I just want to make sure that I am everywhere... I hate to miss out!

That might be a teeny tiny bit hard to do! :)

The last day at Magic Kingdom will be great when you get there,
and sad when you leave.

Brooklynn cried her way out of Magic Kingdom on our last trip. When we told her it was time to go, she started saying, "Noooo. My Magic Kiiiiiingdom!" It wasn't hateful or bratty; it was just a sad wailing that came from her heart. She wanted more times on Dumbo and Peter Pan and horsies. It was so sad that I don't know if I even want to go into Magic Kingdom without her in March. I'm thinking about shortening our trip by a day and just going to two parks - Epcot for the Flower and Garden stuff and Animal Kingdom, because I love Animal Kingdom. Cutting off one day and two parks would help the cost a lot, too.

Mostly, I feel guilty about going into Magic Kingdom without my little Brooklynn.
I followed you on your last TR and I'm joining in on this one too. Luke is such a cute little guy!
We are going to be there at the same time. We are staying at POR with the 4/3, and using AAA discount. Our dates are 16-25.
We have done 7 days of parks, but we usually go commando because we're never sure when and if we are coming back. Now that all of the kids have been a couple of times, we are going to split up the days with pool time at the resort. I just feel obligated to be at the parks when we are there. I told DH, this time I want to be able to just relax a bit and enjoy our hotel. Can't wait to here more about your planning.
That's what makes going to the parks even harder. You see EMH's at say AK and then MK on the same day..or Epcot and MK on the same day. I do know when we're there Epcot has early EMH's and MK has late EMH's :) At least it's a little harder for us. But it does help in planning your ADR's :)

I am just going to wait patiently:rotfl2:

Breakdown from June 2008 trip:

Arrival day (Sat)--pool and DTD

This worked out really well for us!!!

Thanks Jen! I thought you did at least three MK days... and I compare Megs to my girls in terms of what they like. Did you do Toy Story Mania with her?

whatever restaurant you eat at that day, be sure to tell them that it's your anniversary. you might get a little surprise (like a personalized dessert or table decorations). also, tell the hotel that it's your anniversary and you may get a card/balloon from a character and also get free happy anniversary pins from the front desk at the hotel or at guest services at the parks. the CMs really notice it and will continue to congratulate you guys all day! :goodvibes

We did not plan to be there then... but it is kinda neat. It is just our nine year anniversary... not a big one. However who knows when we will be there again on our anniversary. I will get those pins though!

That would be funny if we ended up at the same park that day! :laughing: I think maybe try the Coral Reef and make a personalized menu for your anniversary? :confused3

I don't think Coral Reef is doing that anymore. I really want to be in MK that day though so we will see!

That might be a teeny tiny bit hard to do! :)

The last day at Magic Kingdom will be great when you get there,
and sad when you leave.

Brooklynn cried her way out of Magic Kingdom on our last trip. When we told her it was time to go, she started saying, "Noooo. My Magic Kiiiiiingdom!" It wasn't hateful or bratty; it was just a sad wailing that came from her heart. She wanted more times on Dumbo and Peter Pan and horsies. It was so sad that I don't know if I even want to go into Magic Kingdom without her in March. I'm thinking about shortening our trip by a day and just going to two parks - Epcot for the Flower and Garden stuff and Animal Kingdom, because I love Animal Kingdom. Cutting off one day and two parks would help the cost a lot, too.

Mostly, I feel guilty about going into Magic Kingdom without my little Brooklynn.

MeMom you make me cry... what a great MeMom you are to Brooklynn. It will just be different.. and you will probably see things you will want to share with her this summer. It is not like you don't have a trip planned with her- remember that too. As for the crying... it is a terrible thing. I will forever remember Hannah wailing as we left the WL- I just cried behind my sunglasses.

I followed you on your last TR and I'm joining in on this one too. Luke is such a cute little guy!
We are going to be there at the same time. We are staying at POR with the 4/3, and using AAA discount. Our dates are 16-25.
We have done 7 days of parks, but we usually go commando because we're never sure when and if we are coming back. Now that all of the kids have been a couple of times, we are going to split up the days with pool time at the resort. I just feel obligated to be at the parks when we are there. I told DH, this time I want to be able to just relax a bit and enjoy our hotel. Can't wait to here more about your planning.

I love POR- we couldn't get rooms there. Now though I am committed to staying at a new place, one that we won't fit in as a party of five. Hannah just asked tonight if we would go back to there someday- I know we will.
I just found you!

YAY, I'm so glad you are getting to go back so soon, and with the new baby, how FUN!! I've heard/seen great things about CSR, I think you will enjoy it. I would like to try it out one day so I'm looking forward to hearing your review of it!!
That would be funny if we ended up at the same park that day! :laughing: I think maybe try the Coral Reef and make a personalized menu for your anniversary? :confused3

Sadly, they no longer do the personalized menus anymore!!! :sad2:

That might be a teeny tiny bit hard to do! :)

The last day at Magic Kingdom will be great when you get there,
and sad when you leave.

Brooklynn cried her way out of Magic Kingdom on our last trip. When we told her it was time to go, she started saying, "Noooo. My Magic Kiiiiiingdom!" It wasn't hateful or bratty; it was just a sad wailing that came from her heart. She wanted more times on Dumbo and Peter Pan and horsies. It was so sad that I don't know if I even want to go into Magic Kingdom without her in March. I'm thinking about shortening our trip by a day and just going to two parks - Epcot for the Flower and Garden stuff and Animal Kingdom, because I love Animal Kingdom. Cutting off one day and two parks would help the cost a lot, too.

Mostly, I feel guilty about going into Magic Kingdom without my little Brooklynn.

Oh MeMom--you are too sweet!!!! Poor little Miss Brooklyn---don't we all know EXACTLY how she feels, and want to be able to cry the same way too when we leave!!!!!!!!!!!

I followed you on your last TR and I'm joining in on this one too. Luke is such a cute little guy!
We are going to be there at the same time. We are staying at POR with the 4/3, and using AAA discount. Our dates are 16-25.
We have done 7 days of parks, but we usually go commando because we're never sure when and if we are coming back. Now that all of the kids have been a couple of times, we are going to split up the days with pool time at the resort. I just feel obligated to be at the parks when we are there. I told DH, this time I want to be able to just relax a bit and enjoy our hotel. Can't wait to here more about your planning.

You can do the 4/3 promo and the AAA discount at the same time???? Please---more details!!!!

Thanks Jen! I thought you did at least three MK days... and I compare Megs to my girls in terms of what they like. Did you do Toy Story Mania with her?

We did TSM with her twice---she LOVED it!!!! It is so cute and so much fun! Get a fastpass early on---they go fast!!

We did not plan to be there then... but it is kinda neat. It is just our nine year anniversary... not a big one. However who knows when we will be there again on our anniversary. I will get those pins though!

Since we are celebrating our 10 year in July, we are going to try to do something to make our September trip a celebration of that event----Lord knows we don't want to go to Mickey's House in July!!!! We would melt much too quickly! :goodvibes

I don't think Coral Reef is doing that anymore. I really want to be in MK that day though so we will see!

As for the crying... it is a terrible thing. I will forever remember Hannah wailing as we left the WL- I just cried behind my sunglasses.

Megan gave us a beautifully sad little pouty face as we left MK on that last day---I even took a picture of it because I thought it so perfectly embodied what we were all feeling. I get misty-eyed everytime I have to leave---always wishing for "just one more day!"

I love POR- we couldn't get rooms there. Now though I am committed to staying at a new place, one that we won't fit in as a party of five. Hannah just asked tonight if we would go back to there someday- I know we will.

I wanted to ask you---my aunt and uncle are heading down at the end of March and staying at POR---do you have any tips or recommendations for them for staying at that resort? I haven't stayed there since it was Dixie Landings, so I don't remember that much about besides that it is beautiful! Is there a good place to request to stay?
Apparently I was misinformed, or I misunderstood. I called WDW ressies this morning to check and see what my room costs where and if I got the AAA discount on the room. I had orginally booked a room only ressie, and then the deal came out. So, anyway, since I switched to the package, no AAA discount. Sorry to excite anyone. It's still a good deal. We got 6/3 at POR with 5 one day base tickets for $1641.
Sorry to hyjack your thread. I just know people were thinking. Can't wait to hear more about your planning. :thumbsup2
I just found you!

YAY, I'm so glad you are getting to go back so soon, and with the new baby, how FUN!! I've heard/seen great things about CSR, I think you will enjoy it. I would like to try it out one day so I'm looking forward to hearing your review of it!!

Glad you joined us!

We did TSM with her twice---she LOVED it!!!! It is so cute and so much fun! Get a fastpass early on---they go fast!!

Megan gave us a beautifully sad little pouty face as we left MK on that last day---I even took a picture of it because I thought it so perfectly embodied what we were all feeling. I get misty-eyed everytime I have to leave---always wishing for "just one more day!"

I wanted to ask you---my aunt and uncle are heading down at the end of March and staying at POR---do you have any tips or recommendations for them for staying at that resort? I haven't stayed there since it was Dixie Landings, so I don't remember that much about besides that it is beautiful! Is there a good place to request to stay?

Glad Megan loved TSM- I hope the girls do. The leaving pictures are impt... good to pull out when dad does not want to go back!

As for POR I think Alligator Bayou close to the main building is the best. I thought getting on the buses there too was impt since it seemed the outlying stops were always crowded and turned into standing room only!

Apparently I was misinformed, or I misunderstood. I called WDW ressies this morning to check and see what my room costs where and if I got the AAA discount on the room. I had orginally booked a room only ressie, and then the deal came out. So, anyway, since I switched to the package, no AAA discount. Sorry to excite anyone. It's still a good deal. We got 6/3 at POR with 5 one day base tickets for $1641.
Sorry to hyjack your thread. I just know people were thinking. Can't wait to hear more about your planning. :thumbsup2

I was pretty sure no AAA discount on top. We had AAA price it out too to check, and wondered if different resort availablity would be found.
SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have been truly lazy, snowed in and probably will get more tonight. Hannah went out in the snow, but Emily stayed inside. She had a terrible cough and needs to be healthy for her surgery in two weeks. We did spend some time looking at YouTube WDW videos- super fun. We checked out some old favorites and things that the girls have not experienced. What a way to spend a cold day- pretending you are at WDW!
Yeah for a snow day!! I used to love those days so much!!

What kind of surgery having? I hope she starts feeling better soon.

You have me thinking about changing our reservation in October from ASM-Family Suite to CSR. I was showing DH some pics and we both really like it. :)
SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have been truly lazy, snowed in and probably will get more tonight. Hannah went out in the snow, but Emily stayed inside. She had a terrible cough and needs to be healthy for her surgery in two weeks. We did spend some time looking at YouTube WDW videos- super fun. We checked out some old favorites and things that the girls have not experienced. What a way to spend a cold day- pretending you are at WDW!

What an awesome way to spend a snow day! I know when I was younger and had snow days, my sister and I would do fun things around the house with my mom so I know this was a day that the girls will remember.

And what's more fun than pretending you're at WDW than actually being there?!
Great way to spend a snow day!!!! It the rate the snow is coming down at my house right now, I may have one tomorrow! I'm torn...it would be nice to have the day off, but then it adds a day in June.
We almost got one, and are hoping for one tomorrow. It's been raining all day, and it'll freeze tonight. I wish for no one to have a wreck in it, but I'll take a day at home to do paperwork. We've been amazed by having two so far, because we rarely get any.

Watching youtube videos is a great way to get the kids ready! Have you ever watched surprise Disney trip videos? Some of them make me cry. There's a few where some of the kids cry tears of joy, and their happiness makes me cry.

When Brooklynn was sobbing her way out of Maic Kingdom, Jill said softly, but aloud, "It's okay, baby. You're only saying what we're all thinking." That was true, but somehow I don't think it would have been nearly as cute if Jill and I had been crying out, "My Magic Kingdom!" as we left. ;)
We had a snow day today and get one tomorrow. So far these have been are only two this school year. It has done nothing but sleet here in Southern Illinois. It did snow some but not much. My husband had to work last night and it normally only takes him 18 mins from door to door but last night it took 45 mins. The weather people are saying there is more to come...more sleet with it changing over to snow...don't excatly know how much but they did say that tomorrow morning will be worse than this morning. I am glad I am staying in. I just wish we had snow so they kids could make a decent snowman. We rarely get to do that around here.
Can't believe that you are getting so much snow!!! Hope everyone stays warm and cozy! It was 60 here today -- we just can't get snow to save our lives this year.
I'll share... but with the snow comes our 40 below weather. I mean really is it May yet?
Yeah for a snow day!! I used to love those days so much!!

What kind of surgery having? I hope she starts feeling better soon.

You have me thinking about changing our reservation in October from ASM-Family Suite to CSR. I was showing DH some pics and we both really like it. :)

It was nice... but awfully cold to play in the snow. Nor did it improve weather wise- yikes! Now I want you to stay in the suites to have a first hand report of them because I think they sound great too!

What an awesome way to spend a snow day! I know when I was younger and had snow days, my sister and I would do fun things around the house with my mom so I know this was a day that the girls will remember.

And what's more fun than pretending you're at WDW than actually being there?!

I am not sure what I will do to entertain them tomorrow. We have had sick kids and been trying to keep Luke and Emily in so they can get rid of their nasty cough.

Great way to spend a snow day!!!! It the rate the snow is coming down at my house right now, I may have one tomorrow! I'm torn...it would be nice to have the day off, but then it adds a day in June.

Yep... we are now over our days and will be making up a day the Friday before President's Day. We were supposed to have a 4 day weekend!

We almost got one, and are hoping for one tomorrow. It's been raining all day, and it'll freeze tonight. I wish for no one to have a wreck in it, but I'll take a day at home to do paperwork. We've been amazed by having two so far, because we rarely get any.

Watching youtube videos is a great way to get the kids ready! Have you ever watched surprise Disney trip videos? Some of them make me cry. There's a few where some of the kids cry tears of joy, and their happiness makes me cry.

When Brooklynn was sobbing her way out of Maic Kingdom, Jill said softly, but aloud, "It's okay, baby. You're only saying what we're all thinking." That was true, but somehow I don't think it would have been nearly as cute if Jill and I had been crying out, "My Magic Kingdom!" as we left. ;)

I will have to look at some surprise trip videos tomorrow! It did make for some fun this afternoon. I worked hard on report cards to give them to my teaching partner. Now we will be behind two days at school, and had a delay Monday. I feel as if I have not worked since Friday and am way way behind.

I agree watching sobbing adults leaving MK is not too cute... even though we sob on the inside!

We had a snow day today and get one tomorrow. So far these have been are only two this school year. It has done nothing but sleet here in Southern Illinois. It did snow some but not much. My husband had to work last night and it normally only takes him 18 mins from door to door but last night it took 45 mins. The weather people are saying there is more to come...more sleet with it changing over to snow...don't excatly know how much but they did say that tomorrow morning will be worse than this morning. I am glad I am staying in. I just wish we had snow so they kids could make a decent snowman. We rarely get to do that around here.

It was fun sledding but no snowman was built. I did not even go out in the snow--- Luke was awake and I am trying to get Emily well so I was a mean mom and kept her in. She was mad at me!

Can't believe that you are getting so much snow!!! Hope everyone stays warm and cozy! It was 60 here today -- we just can't get snow to save our lives this year.

60 degrees sounds heavenly--- I want my kids to get outside and run around some of their energy- both at home and school!

I'll share... but with the snow comes our 40 below weather. I mean really is it May yet?

Yes... today is a day I cannot wait for summer!
SNOW DAY #2 TOMORROW!!!! I am glad we have week between the end of our school year and when we arrive at WDW- it is only January and we are out of our allotted 5 Days
I was counting on an early am call today and it didn't come so out into the snow and ice we went......We have not had a singe snow day yet!

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