4 Night Wonder out of Miami (update 3/1-Complete)

Leshaface said:
Dancing classes?!? That's awesome, I can't recall if they offered them on the Dream or the Wonder. If they did, i'm pretty sure I would have been all over that:thumbsup2

Granted o
I haves never been on the Disney cruise line, but on all the others I have done (13) and counting, they have offered dance classes..
Hi, Pam! I don't know how I got so behind, but nevertheless, I'm all caught up now!!!:)

I can't believe the bad luck you and your Mom had at the DVC celebration. I would have been disappointed to!

I'd love to see pics of the jewelry you got in Nassau...sounds so pretty!

I know, what are the odds her name was drawn twice! If only I had gone to the spa raffle instead of her everything would have worked out.

The stone I picked out was so pretty. The story isn't over yet.
Caught up. :hyper: Love all of the pics.

You spent a week in Cozumel? What would you suggest DS and I do on our Cozumel excursion day? I'm really looking at Nachi Cocom.

Thank you!

My two favorite things I did on Cozumel were visiting the San Gervasio ruins and Punta Sur which is a beach/national park. If I could take mom to both I would but I think I'm going to have to pick one. A friend here on the boards also enjoys Chankanaab park which I'm going to look into.
Dancing classes?!? That's awesome, I can't recall if they offered them on the Dream or the Wonder. If they did, i'm pretty sure I would have been all over that:thumbsup2

Granted o
I haves never been on the Disney cruise line, but on all the others I have done (13) and counting, they have offered dance classes..

They did have a salsa class the first night on the Dream but we were so tired we didn't go. I didn't see it offered again so I'm hoping to catch something this time around.
Pinkocto said:
Thank you!

My two favorite things I did on Cozumel were visiting the San Gervasio ruins and Punta Sur which is a beach/national park. If I could take mom to both I would but I think I'm going to have to pick one. A friend here on the boards also enjoys Chankanaab park which I'm going to look into.

Can you tell me a little bit more about each? :thanks: Joshua is so excited to go to Mexico because the girls have been but he hasn't.
Can you tell me a little bit more about each? :thanks: Joshua is so excited to go to Mexico because the girls have been but he hasn't.

I'll do you one better, I'll post some pictures. I never uploaded them so I'll need to do that first.
Day 3 continued:

After finishing our treats we went to the Rainforest Room for a bit of relaxing. The time stamp on the Cove Café pictures say 2:37 so we had a few hours to kill until the 6:00 show of Toy Story the musical. We relaxed for a couple hours reading our books and chatting and then left around 5:00. We headed down to the room but first mom wanted to show me the secret verandah she had been enjoying. This is on Deck 7 Aft. She says nobody else was out there when she was.



I was impressed they were even cleaning the roof.


Our room was only a quick walk down the hallway so she enjoyed the verandah in the early mornings. We were planning on going to the theater early and get good seats but got distracted by a movie. I thought it was Frankenweenie but it ended up being ParaNorman. It was pretty bizarre. We ended up getting to the show only about 10 minutes ahead of time.


It was a very cute show and we cheered like crazy when Buzz came on stage. The girl who played Sid was quite scary though.

After the show we stopped by the DVC podium to see if there was trivia that evening. To commemorate Pirate Night the question was ‘which ship was docked at CC for a while?’ I said the Black Pearl for unknown reasons, mom corrected me with the Flying Dutchman. I’m sad it’s no longer there, it would have been so cool to see it in real life. We were given a nice little treasure box and a 2012 DVC Christmas ornament.

We saw these guys below.


Then we headed down to see Maxine and pick up my treasures! I was so excited I couldn’t stand it. She opened the earrings first which were such a tease, I knew what they looked like already. Bring on the necklace! It was stunning. I put it on right away. We had to sign something that we had received our items and with a gleaming smile on my face we headed up to the room to drop off our spoils. I took off the necklace to admire it and saw a chip. My heart sank. I said something to mom and she couldn’t see it. You could only see it at a certain angle but I could definitely feel it with my finger. We went straight down to Maxine again but she wasn’t there. Apparently everyone had already picked up their items so she left early. Two wonderful CMs at the Port Adventure Desk called Maxine and she said she’d be down in five minutes. They were curious about the necklace but for the life of them couldn’t see the chip. It was admittedly very small but it was there. I was so stressed. My stomach is in knots just thinking about it. Maxine finally came to rescue us. She first asked me if I had taken it off or knocked it against something. I had it for a grand total of 20 minutes, no I did not damage my brand new necklace. Then I started thinking would they have sold it with a chip? No she said, it had to have happened at some point when they were putting it in the setting. No more questions asked she started filling out paperwork. The process would take 4-6 weeks but they would provide me with a stone of equal or better quality. Sadly I did not get a picture of the pendant before handing it back to Maxine to take back to Diamonds International. I’ll happily take a picture the day my replacement arrives to show you guys. I’m just glad I saw the chip before the cruise was over so I didn’t have to ship it to anyone, this way Maxine is in charge of it and will take care of everything.

With a heavy heart we went to dinner. We were a bit late since Maxine had to fill out a bunch of paperwork but it was ok, they hadn’t gotten appetizers yet. The couple from Argentina asked us why we had missed the night before. I guess they didn’t hear us say that we were going to Palo. One of them had been quite seasick last night and only ate crackers for dinner. Well tonight it was my turn. Oh my. I never ever want to experience that again.

Mom and I both ordered the same items so not many pictures for this dinner. We were in Parrot Cay.

I was totally fine through the appetizer which was delicious pineapple.


I couldn’t eat more than a few bites of Mr. Smees Bib Lettuce Salad. It was very tasty though.


This usually comes with shrimp and scallops but the veggie version is quite delicious. I only ate a few bites of this as well.


My tablemates were concerned for me. Apparently I was looking green. I did think I would have to race to the restroom at one point but managed to get through. Cindy, our assistant server was so nice and offered to bring me a ginger ale which did help a lot. She said to take one Dramamine instead of two and it wouldn’t make me sleepy. I planned to go get some after dinner.

Before dessert they did a limbo which a lot of people got up and joined. I simply couldn’t but watched in amusement. Here is mom coming back from her dancing adventure.


I had no plans for dessert but mom got a Mickey bar. One of the girls asked me why I didn’t tell her you could get Mickey bars on the ship. All in good fun, but how was I to know she didn’t know. Now all of you who didn’t know, know for the future. Eat as many Mickey bars on the ship as you want. You can also get them through room service.


Thanks to Alicia I knew they had Dramamine down at the Health Center so that’s where we headed. When we finally made it there the bin was empty. How could that be. A CM just happened to come out of a side door, dressed in civilian clothes, but she went and found us some and put some more in the bin. That was so nice of her. We slowly made it back to the room and I took one per Cindy’s advice. I felt considerably better in about 10 minutes.

We went up to catch the fireworks and saw Pirate Mickey making a grand entrance. Sorry this is blurry.


We had a great view of the fireworks from behind the aft funnel. Hardly anybody was back there because the party was midship. After the fireworks we headed back to the room to call it a night. I was really disappointed to miss the dance party but I just wasn’t up to it.

This cutie was our animal for the night.

I'm sorry some of these pictures are so big. I just switched over to the new photobucket, they all say they're the same size. I don't know what to do.
I'm sorry some of these pictures are so big. I just switched over to the new photobucket, they all say they're the same size. I don't know what to do.

They were great! No need to apologize, thank you for posting them!!!
Wow that is a very empty deck! I don't even remember that deck otherwise we would have been there. A very secretive deck indeed.

Ugh, how unfortunate about your necklace. However, I am glad you gotten it taken care of right then and there, than having to deal with it when you got home. Who knows, when you got home you probably thought it would have been too much trouble to deal with it, and would have just kept it. Can't wait to see your new one when you get it :thumbsup2

So glad that the medicine worked quickly for you. There is nothing worse than being sick on a ship where you have no control over the waves, etc. I hate being sick away from home.
I'm sorry some of these pictures are so big. I just switched over to the new photobucket, they all say they're the same size. I don't know what to do.

I haven't switched over to the new PB either! I'm putting it off, I think i have like 10 days or something :lmao: I refuse! I love the old version, not this new one.
Wow that is a very empty deck! I don't even remember that deck otherwise we would have been there. A very secretive deck indeed.

Mom really enjoyed it early in the morning. I had read that it's usually always empty but was still surprised that it was. It's a lovely little area.

Ugh, how unfortunate about your necklace. However, I am glad you gotten it taken care of right then and there, than having to deal with it when you got home. Who knows, when you got home you probably thought it would have been too much trouble to deal with it, and would have just kept it. Can't wait to see your new one when you get it :thumbsup2

Me too, I am so glad I saw it then and not at home. I can't wait for the new one to arrive. It's being shipped to mom so she'll let me know ASAP.

So glad that the medicine worked quickly for you. There is nothing worse than being sick on a ship where you have no control over the waves, etc. I hate being sick away from home.

If it weren't for you I'd have had no idea they had it at the health center. It was definitely a feeling I don't want to repeat. I'll be bringing my own stash just in case in the future.
I haven't switched over to the new PB either! I'm putting it off, I think i have like 10 days or something :lmao: I refuse! I love the old version, not this new one.

I don't like this knew one at all. I wish I had waited until the last minute to switch over. Apparently there's no way to go back now.
If it weren't for you I'd have had no idea they had it at the health center. It was definitely a feeling I don't want to repeat. I'll be bringing my own stash just in case in the future.

Especially for your 14 night trip! :thumbsup2
I don't like this knew one at all. I wish I had waited until the last minute to switch over. Apparently there's no way to go back now.

I think I switched over to the new one over a month ago to see how much more efficient it was, and it was horrible. I had the option to switch it back to the new version, thank goodness, but then saw the message that it was going to be permanent in so many days. :sad:
I can't believe you got sick that fast. Does sea sickness come on that fast? Ugh. I really hope I don't get it. I didn't the first time I went on a cruise but that was so many years ago.

I can only imagine hoe bummed you were about your necklace. That is just terrible. I hope you get the replacement very soon. That has got to be SO frustrating.
What a shame that this turned into a bit of a nightmare evening between the sea sickness and the chip in your necklace. Fortunately I don't get seasick. We had three fairly rough cruises now and I was fine.

I am glad that your necklace will be sorted out and hope that you get your new necklace soon.

Sounds like you found a great spot for Pirate Night.

Sorry you were feeling sea sick on pirate night

I've only cruised twice but fortunately I've been ok so far :)

Good job you spotted the chip in your necklace but it sounds like Disney did a great job in resolving the issue


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