30 years? How is that possible? Recap last day at Disney (8/14)

Great plans for both days!!! August 22nd my twins turn 18 !!!!:scared1:Judy is letting them have a party in the backyard at her house and has a 3 room tent they can all sleep in !!She has told them they have to tone it down at 11p !! I will be safe in my bed and well away from all the NOISE!!!!:lmao:
Your plans for the day look awesome.

Such a sweet and loving tribute to your dad, and the Plaza... YUM..

Unusual plans for departure day??? Waiting to hear about that too. popcorn::

Turtle Krawls too YUM YUM.
Your plans sound wonderful. I absolutely love the tribute to your dad, what a sweet idea and a great way to remember him.
I love that you give a balloon to a child in memory of your dad.:goodvibes I have never noticed that statue of Dumbo. One of the things I love about dis is what I learn from others:cool1:
I love your balloon tradition. I can understand needing Mark to find the words for you. I lost my father some time ago, and year round I am fine. Yet annually around the time of his passing it is always a tad more sad... :hug:

You should know it is because of you I want to dine at the plaza. I may do it in january with my family... or perhaps just by myself in October. I suspect it would be a perfectly "dine alone" place.
Awww... I love your balloon tradition- that is just so sweet and a lovely memory of your Dad.

Your MK plans look wonderful!

Not sure what a hurricane is. This is called a Turtle Krawl and they will hit you fast if you haven't eaten prior to indulging.
Well, that sounds pretty similar to the strength of a hurricane. I wonder if they're similar drinks? Here's a link about hurricanes.

As many of my long time readers know, we always give a balloon to a child in memory of my dad because of his fondness in giving them to my boys when we went to the zoo, circus, whatever.
I really love that tradition.

Today is an EMH's morning at the MK which we love. We can usually get ALL of Fantasyland done within that first hour. I want to stop and get a Starbucks, and then we'll head to a few favorites
That Starbucks stop might kill your chances to do all of Fantasyland in the first hour. :rolleyes1
Yay Kathy I forms your ptr! I know always go in Sept, but hey August works too! Looking forward to hearing all about it. Lori
I remember reading about your touching tribute to your dad with the balloon but seeing you write that brought tears to my eyes. What a fitting way to honor your daddy's memory. :hug:

Hitting up all the major FL attractions during EMH makes you feel like you've accomplished a day's worth of fun in just an hour! :) One note about the Tiki Room, it looks like it is closed for rehab until 8/28. :sad1:

I think we've adopted your Plaza Inn Restaurant tradition... this will be the third trip with that being our last meal. I love their burgers and banana splits.
All caught up on the PTR!! :cool1: Didn't catch all the chatter between updates, but I'm up to date on your daily plans. All sound great!! Hope you love Ohanas. We did eat there again with the boys this trip. It was better than last fall. Desert was still to die for! And I get my fill on the wings. :goodvibes The chicken and pork from the skewers were awesome but the beef was still way underdone for my liking. If you like your steak med to med well, be sure to request a more "done" skewer.
What a wonderful way to honor your dad giving away a balloon. :angel:
Headed off to catch up on the girls trip now.
Has Parker never done Figment? I know you didn't do a lot of the "darker or louder" rides this year.

he rode it twice when he was two...first time was fine, he sat with grandpa, second time, not so much he screamed for grandpa the whole ride since was not on with us.

the last trip when 4 we made it through the doors but no closer.

so he hasnt made that love for figment that i was looking for yet
Sounds wonderful, Kathy! The balloon is so very sweet! :)

Thank you.

Did you love being able to say you're going to stop at Starbucks before heading into Fantasyland? ;)

Yes, yes I most certainly did. :)

Plaza!!! Nom nom nom!

I love the Plaza...simple food after some of those big meals we will be eating.

I love morning EMHs, you can get so much done in them! Definitely smart to use them in Fantasyland too, since it's a mad house in there so quickly. :scared1:

Truly, you can. We get all of FL done just about every time.

That ice cream at the Plaza looks so yummy.

They have some of the best ice cream.

:hug: for the anniversary of your father's passing. It's a great thing that you do to honor his memory though. I'm sure every child that gets that balloon cherishes it, even if they don't understand the meaning behind it at the time. :goodvibes

Thank you. I'm sure the kids don't have a clue, but we've had some really warm and understanding parents the past four years.

I love your plans for your relaxing day.

I think it's such a sweet thing to give a balloon to a child in memory of your dad.

Thank you, Mel. I do love my relaxing day, and it warms my heart to do that in memory of my dad.

Finally had a few minutes to stop in and catch up on your PTR. I love everything you are doing especially all of the food! You are hitting up some of my favorite restaurants this trip, Rose and Crown, Be Our Guest, The Plaza. Definitely tell Mark to try the Scotch Egg at Rose and Crown, yummy!

I just added Raglan Road as a surprise for hubby (although I may cancel it if I can get a decent time at Fulton's which up until now I've not been able to do).

Figment has now become a MUST do on our next trip. I've actually never been.

Cynthia, you best not miss this opportunity...it may be your last forever. :sad:

I do understand that they might need to temporarily move the Osborne lights but ugh, hope it's not permanent and am very grateful I'll get to see them once at least.

I hope it is not permanent either. I just don't see where else they fit. They don't belong at the Magic Kingdom; they don't keep AK open late enough and there's just not enough room at Epcot.

YAY for Turtle Krawls!

Double yay for Turtle Krawls! :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Sniff on the balloon. How sweet and bittersweet that will be. I'm glad you are headed to the Plaza that day, a sundae will help.

I think you are right...a sundae will definitely help.

Hi Kathy ~ You have made some great plans for this vacation. It will be here before you know it.

I can't believe I only have 7 more work days and then I am on my way.

Giving a balloon in your Dad's memory is one of the most wonderful imaginative ways I have ever heard of remembering someone.

Hope you have a good night....

Thank you, Jane. That means a lot.

I know I have said this before, but I think your tradition of giving away a balloon every year in your dad's honor is such a wonderful thing to do. I am glad you will continue it again this year. It must really make the day of some unsuspecting child.

Yes, MaryEllen...you've always been very supportive of my balloon tradition. I know the child's eyes light up when they get that Mickey balloon.

Looks like a great day at MK! I know you have mixed emotions about changing your traditions that day, but I know they will be just as special to you! :goodvibes Anytime at the Plaza is great, and your tradition with the balloon to celebrate your Dad is always so touching!!! :hug:

Thanks, GoofyFan. I just felt with our plans for our "last day" at the parks and what we are doing, that it was best to do it on our MK day and our traditional Plaza lunch day.
Great plans for both days!!! August 22nd my twins turn 18 !!!!:scared1:Judy is letting them have a party in the backyard at her house and has a 3 room tent they can all sleep in !!She has told them they have to tone it down at 11p !! I will be safe in my bed and well away from all the NOISE!!!!:lmao:

Thanks, Rosie. I still can't believe the twins are going to be 18. I want to see them tone it down by 11 p.m. :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

Your plans for the day look awesome.

Thanks, Pat.

Such a sweet and loving tribute to your dad, and the Plaza... YUM..

I do love the Plaza.

Unusual plans for departure day??? Waiting to hear about that too. popcorn::

Something we've never done and Mark has wanted to do for awhile now.

Turtle Krawls too YUM YUM.

I'll toast to you when I drink them. :)

Your plans sound wonderful. I absolutely love the tribute to your dad, what a sweet idea and a great way to remember him.

Thank you very much. :goodvibes

I love that you give a balloon to a child in memory of your dad.:goodvibes I have never noticed that statue of Dumbo. One of the things I love about dis is what I learn from others:cool1:

Thanks, GrammyJudy. Dumbo is over in the hub with the other statues (I usually get my picture taken with Pluto or Chip and Dale).

I love your balloon tradition. I can understand needing Mark to find the words for you. I lost my father some time ago, and year round I am fine. Yet annually around the time of his passing it is always a tad more sad... :hug:

I hear you; I'm usually fine during the year. But that anniversary creeps up on you and the recent wedding of his grandson and it just reminds you how much you miss them.

You should know it is because of you I want to dine at the plaza. I may do it in january with my family... or perhaps just by myself in October. I suspect it would be a perfectly "dine alone" place.

I think Zoe would love it...you should do it then.

Awww... I love your balloon tradition- that is just so sweet and a lovely memory of your Dad.

Your MK plans look wonderful!


Thanks, D. It's something that gives me great comfort.

:hug: I totally understand about your Dad :hug:

Thank you, Ruthie. :hug:

Well, that sounds pretty similar to the strength of a hurricane. I wonder if they're similar drinks? Here's a link about hurricanes.

It very well could be; I know that MEK or Cynthia have the receipe.

I really love that tradition.

Thanks, Andy.

That Starbucks stop might kill your chances to do all of Fantasyland in the first hour. :rolleyes1

Oh, I doubt that very much. You'd be amazed how fast I can drink my cappucino. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Oh, I doubt that very much. You'd be amazed how fast I can drink my cappucino. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I'm not worried about how fast you can drink it. It's more about how fast you can get it. Doesn't it take like a 5 minute speech in some foreign language just to order something there? :confused3 :rotfl:
I'm sorry it took awhile for responses and an update (and I'm behind on everyone's TR's again). We had a wedding Friday night, I slept until 10 on Saturday and took my brother shopping and spent all day Sunday cleaning house. We also got the news that my mother will no longer be getting my father's pension check every month. It seems the company is bankrupt. I have no idea what we are going to do. It's a huge chunk of her monthly income (the only other thing she gets is her social security check) and not sure how she will pay rent, bills, etc., when she struggles to do so now even "with my brother's help (and he barely makes above minimum wage and has his own doctor bills, prescriptions, etc.). It may end up being that they move in with us. Or it may end up that I don't leave Florida during our trip and let them worry about it. I know that may sound mean, but my mother and I are not on the best terms as I've never forgiven her for the way she treated my dad and it's just time Mark and I took care of ourselves.

Anyway, on to our plans. And, I apologize ahead of time, this will be an update seriously lacking pictures.

After our lunch at The Plaza and giving away a balloon in memory of my dad, our plans are actually up in the air. I currently have a car rental to pick up on Friday (the 23rd) back at Orlando Airport (we gave a fake flight time so we could get on the Magical Express, carrying our own luggage) because I got a great rate of $178 for the 23rd until we return the car on September 1. But it is just such an inconvenience to go all the way back to MCO and then drive to Marco. If I can find something within the $250 range, I want to pick it up at Downtown Disney. But so far all I've been able to come up with is $350 and that's almost double what I've already booked.

So in the event we DO get a new rate and pick up at DTD, we will pick up the car and probably go offsite and hit up the outlet mall. If not, we will either stay at the MK and do some attractions we didn't get to or just do them over again, or we will head here:

We'll probably walk around World Showcase leisurely and sample some snacks along the way as our dinner. We want to be back at the resort by 9:00 or so as we have an early morning on Friday.

Friday, August 23

We will have a quick breakfast in room and then either drive (if we got the car earlier) or take a bus to the MK. Now you might be asking yourself why we are going back to the MK when we did the balloon tradition yesterday, etc.

And the reason is simple. As a 30th anniversary gift for my wonderful hubby, I booked him a tour he has been wanting to do: The Keys to the Kingdom Tour.

From the Walt Disney World website:

This 5-hour walking tour explores the creation and remarkable growth of one of the most beloved parks at Walt Disney World Resort. Explore secret locations you’ve always wondered about and get the inside scoop on some of your favorite attractions. During your tour:
•Ride at least 2 classic Magic Kingdom attractions while hearing about their hidden secrets.
•Access the famed underground “Utilidor” tunnels that allow people and supplies to travel beneath the park unseen.
•Learn little-known trivia about each of the “lands” of the park.
•Visit the special backstage area where parade floats are stored and serviced.
•Enjoy your choice of lunch entrée at Columbia Harbour House, included with your tour.
•Take home an exclusive keepsake!"

I've read great things about this tour, and I know how much Mark has been wanting to do it. And I got a cheaper rate thanks to our AP's. :)

After the tour, if we don't have the car, we will go back to OKW and hop on the ME bus to go to MCO and pick it up.

We will then start our drive for the second part of our trip...our visit to Nickiland. For those of you new to my TR, Nickiland stands for our best friends "Nicki" and Todd. I met Nicki here on the DIS back in 2009 and we have become best friends. We spend part of our April business trip in Naples with them and part of our annual two week vacation with them. We have a friend who lets us use his condo on Marco Island every year, and this way we get to spend a week dining with Nicki and Todd, and Nicki and I get all of our girl time. Nicki and Todd also joined us for Mark's surprise 60th birthday trip at Disney last December which made the trip even more memorable for him.

So this update has at least a few pictures, here is where we are headed:

Up next: watch out fellas, Nicki and Kathy are loose at the outlets
I'm not worried about how fast you can drink it. It's more about how fast you can get it. Doesn't it take like a 5 minute speech in some foreign language just to order something there? :confused3 :rotfl:

No, I have mine down to a science: Venti 1/2 caf, nonfat, wet cappucino. :)
Plans for pre Nickiland sound great !!! I bet Mark will LOVE the Tour !! I hear you with your Mom!! I was so blessed with 2 very loving parents. I inherited such wealth from them and it was not the bucks either. My Mom is responsible for my sense of humor , my ability to recover from minor type infections like thre flu, my terrible sense of direction, (her's was WAY worse ) My Dad was the work ethic professor he believed you gave 110% minimum, he also volunteered a lot . My mom was everyone of my friends confidante !! So you can see why I was blessed . When my Dad died I was his only daughter my sister was his stepdaughter but his will read MY daughter's . It would have not mattered azs I would never take advantage of my sister . But these were the ethics on which I was raised !!!
that tour sounds really fun, i want to do that but, we will prob wait till the kids are grown and we start taking trips on our own again...

looking forward to hearing about it when you get back.


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