30 Day Shred Results? Anyone?

LittleMissMickey--Welcome back !!!!

Glad you had a great vacation. Good for you for working out too.

Still shreading and finally was able to get a 5 mile run in yesterday. We've had so much rain --so much for "sunny California"---not. Feeling much stronger since starting the shread and I really need to get on track with my food now. So far the pounds are NOT melting off yet but I am gaining muscle and clothes are fitting differently.

I use the app Lose It on my iphone. It's free and easy to use and even has a bar code to scan your food. Very easy to use !!!! It's also a free app.
Time for another check-in!

LittleMissMickey--Thanks! And yes, I usually only keep it to 1 workout a day and try and stay active doing regular things during the day.

I use MFP too, I love it. I've been logging for around 80+ days, it's too easy to not use! I love that it shows all the other nutritional information of each food and how much you've had during the day too.

Well, I started Level 2 this morning after finishing level 1. Warm-up started and I was thinking "Pshhh. This is going to be easy!" :lmao: Yeah, right! I felt like I did on day one of level one. I had a skip a couple reps of the exercises and take some breaks to get some water, but I did finish. I ended up pulling a muscle in my back/neck during double crunches, luckily it's gotten a little better since this morning.

Hope you all are doing well!!
I'm starting the 30 Day Shred today... Am I in for something tough?? lol
Well... Crud.

I did not get back on track.

I diverged further from the track than I have gone since Christmas.:scared1:

Thanks for allowing me to admit that. Next step... fixing it!

Who wants to give me the swift kick to get me moving again?

I did create a challenge of sorts. Hop on over and check it out. I think I'll start it... tomorrow!:rolleyes:
Well... Crud.

I did not get back on track.

I diverged further from the track than I have gone since Christmas.:scared1:

Thanks for allowing me to admit that. Next step... fixing it!

Who wants to give me the swift kick to get me moving again?

I did create a challenge of sorts. Hop on over and check it out. I think I'll start it... tomorrow!:rolleyes:

Here's a little encouragement---:yay: :yay: :yay:

Don't give up just start up again. Tomorrow is a new day!!! You can do it!!! Hope that helps.:)
Well... Crud.

I did not get back on track.

I diverged further from the track than I have gone since Christmas.:scared1:

Thanks for allowing me to admit that. Next step... fixing it!

Who wants to give me the swift kick to get me moving again?

I did create a challenge of sorts. Hop on over and check it out. I think I'll start it... tomorrow!:rolleyes:

Ashley - me too! I started back up with 30DS today. Yesterday (my day 0), I finally took the dreaded BEFORE pictures - yuck! This morning, remembering those pics, I was ready and raring to go. So, I'm putting my pretty little star sticker on my chart and gonna go again tomorrow. That's my current plan anyway... get up every morning and do 30ds, then in the evenings when kiddo is at softball practice, do a c25k around the parking lot, fields, school, whatever.

Make a plan, and stick with it. I'll be here for when you want to check in!

Oh, and this 2nd time around on 30ds - I stuck with day 1 for at least 90% of the workout - encouraging way to start back! We'll see how sore i am later today and tomorrow morning. I'm trying to keep it simple this time. 3 lb weights for at least the first 3 days of each level, then moving to 5lb weights if I can, then after 3 days of that, I can stick with 5 lbs, or move up to 8. Does that seem realistic?
I'm 6 days into the shred now. sore in different places than last time. Able to keep up much better this time around though. Have yet to see any results. My quad muscles look like I've been running for a long time though! :-)

Anyone else still doing it?
I'm still doing it...although having to take a rest the past 3 days. I twisted and landed on my foot wrong. Nothing serious and almost back to normal. Planning to give it one more days rest then start up tomorrow. Still no dramatic results like I thought I would see 30 days ago.
Popping in, hope you are all doing well!

I am done with Level 2 Day 7. I hope to finish out this level by Friday. I always seem to have a day that kills me and then the next time I finish it easily. Last night was an easy day, which I'm thankful for. I like level 2 better except for those stupid lunges! I have been doing other workouts so I'm not sure how much is from 30DS but I can definitely tell a lot of difference in my endurance during the workouts and I've lost about an inch since started last month. So far I give it an A+!
I need to get way back on track. I work a long day tomorrow, 14 hours, so that would be setting myself up for failure. If I begin on Thursday I will have almost a whole week before my next long day, and it will be exactly 30 days before my last day of school. Seems like fate!

So, starting back Thursday. Will you all be here to check in? Hard to believe that Memorial Day is so close!
Hi everyone

I took 2 days off and thought I would start level 2 tonight. OH boy--did I feel weak and what is with those planks? I just continued to do my little modified girl pushups instead. It was tough but I'll try it again tomorrow.

Anyone else notice that Miss Jillian really doesn't do the all the hard stuff. I swear she spends more time talking than doing the actual work.

Hey---I'm just mad since I have not lost any lbs.
Vicki - good for you! I got halfway through level 2 last time before giving up the program. I just didn't like the moves... too much jiggling and jumping. I had a strained muscle in my upper back which is why any jerky movements made me hurt and I was acutely aware of those movements. Even jumping jacks made me hurt. This time around, I'm sure to stretch out my back especially well after each day's workout.

Does anyone else hate Jillians warm up and cool downs? I feel they are inadequate and usually do her cool down stretches and then continue stretching for about another 5 mins. I always have to hit up my hip flexor and calf muscles, as those are common trouble areas that she blatently misses.

Ashley - I will be here for you to check in. Today's my day 10. I was working out in the mornings, but last night I did it after work, before dinner, and I did SO much better - I kept up with every single move through level 1 without taking ANY breaks! So, I'm going to try to do that again today before starting level 2. Most days, I have to get up extra early to fit in my workout before my day begins because of a packed schedule in the evenings, but I think it's worth it. The results I'm seeing so far aren't as good as last time, but they're still decent.

Eating habits - I haven't changed my eating habits too much (last time I was all about portion control. This time, I've made moderate changes, not as drastic as last time.) but I've found that the more I do the work out, the less I want to eat that stuff that I shouldn't. I think "I worked out this morning - is this cookie really worth it, or maybe I should have a few strawberries instead?" Does anyone else feel that way?

Oh, and I turned down the volume on level 1, so I can JUST make out what she's saying. Then I tune her out when I'm doing the moves. I'm surprised by how much more enjoyable this makes the workout. Maybe I just hate Jillian Michaels.
Hops&dreams- I think that's why I didn't like level 2! I can't do all that jumping for some reason. And I know a lot of people who don't like listening to Leslie Sansone during their workouts as she is too perky!

Haven't done the 30 Day Shred in several weeks. I may throw it in now and then to see if it helps boost my weight loss!

I'm going to do some WATP this weekend. There is a 4 Fast Miles one that I LOVE! It has intervals in it that really make me sweat. Some moves I do the jogging and others the walking fast due to the way my knee feels.

Been consistently doing 40 minutes on my elliptical each day. Started doing my ab workout again that I got on my kindle. That's my real problem area right now.Slept in this morning but I have to mow the lawn this afternoon and I am walking with another mom during soccer practice tonight at the track.

Have a great day and keep up the good work everyone!

TTFN :tigger:
Hops&dreams- I think that's why I didn't like level 2! I can't do all that jumping for some reason. And I know a lot of people who don't like listening to Leslie Sansone during their workouts as she is too perky!

Haven't done the 30 Day Shred in several weeks. I may throw it in now and then to see if it helps boost my weight loss!

I'm going to do some WATP this weekend. There is a 4 Fast Miles one that I LOVE! It has intervals in it that really make me sweat. Some moves I do the jogging and others the walking fast due to the way my knee feels.

Been consistently doing 40 minutes on my elliptical each day. Started doing my ab workout again that I got on my kindle. That's my real problem area right now.Slept in this morning but I have to mow the lawn this afternoon and I am walking with another mom during soccer practice tonight at the track.

Have a great day and keep up the good work everyone!

TTFN :tigger:

What is WATP??

Good for you doing your elliptical each day. We have one in the garage maybe I should use it for something other than holding stufff. :rotfl2:
Oh, and I turned down the volume on level 1, so I can JUST make out what she's saying. Then I tune her out when I'm doing the moves. I'm surprised by how much more enjoyable this makes the workout. Maybe I just hate Jillian Michaels.

I turn her down too. But I really I think I am startng to dislike her too.
ok, so I skipped yesterday. I slept in. Then I was going to do my workout after work, while I made dinner, before DD's practice, and I didn't do that because she needed me to help her with her homework instead. So... I got up and did it this morning. So, I'm done with Day 10 of 30 DS.

This evening, after DD's softball practice, I might try to do day 1 of level 2. I didn't enjoy this level last time, and I just keep telling myself "You only have to do it 10 times, then you'll move on to level 3 (which I've never seen, so for all I know, it's WORSE than level 2?!? ) and you'll have less flab!" Do you see how I have to psych myself out for this? I hope I'm not the only one that has to talk myself into the work outs with the promise of end results.

Ashley - I just saw your 7 weeks to a beach bod thread with the healthier eating chart - you're not messing around with your sticker charts! Looks great! Wish I could participate, but with how work is now - It's so unpredictable of where I will be and what food/refrigeration is available. I try to just eat healthy-ish and watch my portions. So far, I think I'm doing ok.

I think the biggest part of my food struggle is when I grocery shop. I know the things I want to get, but when I'm there, there are so many other temptations. Like look, oreos are on sale for $2. and I have a coupon for $1 off. It'd be a crime not to buy oreos for $1. Then the oreos are in my house, and then I blink and there are 5 in my tummy and stuck in my teeth. (I just admitted that out loud, didn't i?) It's like I don't have the will-power to just stick to my list.

I'm also finding it hard to stay away from the processed foods. It's hard on nights when DD has an activity or practice that night because then everything's on a compressed schedule. Dinner has to be cooked fast so we can hurry up and eat and get to practice. So those nights we end up with a frozen pizza or something that came from a box (I do Zatarains Jambalaya or some kind of chinese food packet - SunBird? General Tso's chicken served with rice). Any ideas to help with that? What do you guys do on practice nights?
ok, so I skipped yesterday. I slept in. Then I was going to do my workout after work, while I made dinner, before DD's practice, and I didn't do that because she needed me to help her with her homework instead. So... I got up and did it this morning. So, I'm done with Day 10 of 30 DS.

This evening, after DD's softball practice, I might try to do day 1 of level 2. I didn't enjoy this level last time, and I just keep telling myself "You only have to do it 10 times, then you'll move on to level 3 (which I've never seen, so for all I know, it's WORSE than level 2?!? ) and you'll have less flab!" Do you see how I have to psych myself out for this? I hope I'm not the only one that has to talk myself into the work outs with the promise of end results.

Ashley - I just saw your 7 weeks to a beach bod thread with the healthier eating chart - you're not messing around with your sticker charts! Looks great! Wish I could participate, but with how work is now - It's so unpredictable of where I will be and what food/refrigeration is available. I try to just eat healthy-ish and watch my portions. So far, I think I'm doing ok.

I think the biggest part of my food struggle is when I grocery shop. I know the things I want to get, but when I'm there, there are so many other temptations. Like look, oreos are on sale for $2. and I have a coupon for $1 off. It'd be a crime not to buy oreos for $1. Then the oreos are in my house, and then I blink and there are 5 in my tummy and stuck in my teeth. (I just admitted that out loud, didn't i?) It's like I don't have the will-power to just stick to my list.

I'm also finding it hard to stay away from the processed foods. It's hard on nights when DD has an activity or practice that night because then everything's on a compressed schedule. Dinner has to be cooked fast so we can hurry up and eat and get to practice. So those nights we end up with a frozen pizza or something that came from a box (I do Zatarains Jambalaya or some kind of chinese food packet - SunBird? General Tso's chicken served with rice). Any ideas to help with that? What do you guys do on practice nights?

I have to have an internal battle everynight about my workouts. But I've gotten to the point where I think about it and just get up and throw some clothes on. I think it's easier when you get all your workout clothes on and then you feel like you might as well do it. Or just say you'll try for 5 minutes and by that time you'll figure why not finish the rest? I don't think level 2 is TOO bad, but I'm worried about level 3 because I don't know what to expect!

Maybe don't take the coupons for the bad foods with you? Go on a full stomach, head straight towards what you are looking for and don't stray.

For dinner, maybe you should cook something and refrigerate it for the days you know that you have practice. Cook something on Monday when you have extra time for the rest of the week when there is practice so you'll have something healthy on hand to heat up.

Vicki - good for you! I got halfway through level 2 last time before giving up the program. I just didn't like the moves... too much jiggling and jumping. I had a strained muscle in my upper back which is why any jerky movements made me hurt and I was acutely aware of those movements. Even jumping jacks made me hurt. This time around, I'm sure to stretch out my back especially well after each day's workout.

Does anyone else hate Jillians warm up and cool downs? I feel they are inadequate and usually do her cool down stretches and then continue stretching for about another 5 mins. I always have to hit up my hip flexor and calf muscles, as those are common trouble areas that she blatently misses.

Ashley - I will be here for you to check in. Today's my day 10. I was working out in the mornings, but last night I did it after work, before dinner, and I did SO much better - I kept up with every single move through level 1 without taking ANY breaks! So, I'm going to try to do that again today before starting level 2. Most days, I have to get up extra early to fit in my workout before my day begins because of a packed schedule in the evenings, but I think it's worth it. The results I'm seeing so far aren't as good as last time, but they're still decent.

Eating habits - I haven't changed my eating habits too much (last time I was all about portion control. This time, I've made moderate changes, not as drastic as last time.) but I've found that the more I do the work out, the less I want to eat that stuff that I shouldn't. I think "I worked out this morning - is this cookie really worth it, or maybe I should have a few strawberries instead?" Does anyone else feel that way?

Oh, and I turned down the volume on level 1, so I can JUST make out what she's saying. Then I tune her out when I'm doing the moves. I'm surprised by how much more enjoyable this makes the workout. Maybe I just hate Jillian Michaels.

The warm-ups and cool-downs are okay. They seem short compared to the workout. Since I try and have a net count lower than my set amount I have to watch what I eat all day so I will burn off enough calories that I want in the evenings. So in some aspect, working out doesn't allow me to eat whatever I want, but I don't really indulge in too many sweets except for pieces of chocolate.

She is driving me crazy! The first 3 or 4 days I'm okay with it but I have 2 days left of level 2 and I just want to punch the tv! Always critiquing the girl's moves and blah blah. I still keep it turned up because when she talks it helps me to know how many reps I have left, but I try and tune her out most of the time.

Hi everyone

I took 2 days off and thought I would start level 2 tonight. OH boy--did I feel weak and what is with those planks? I just continued to do my little modified girl pushups instead. It was tough but I'll try it again tomorrow.

Anyone else notice that Miss Jillian really doesn't do the all the hard stuff. I swear she spends more time talking than doing the actual work.

Hey---I'm just mad since I have not lost any lbs.

:rotfl: Yes. I wish she'd just workout instead of talking the whole time.

2 days left of level 2, I'll probably try and finish them tonight and tomorrow so I can move to level 3 Sunday. This level has been alright. I do the modified version of the plank jacks and thrusts or whatever they are. And I don't use weights during the squats. I think that when I'm getting a good workout rather than shaking because it's so hard I actually work harder. I'm more apt to do the workout when I know it's hard but doesn't feel undoable.
ok, I got 2 of the moms on kiddo's softball team to try the 30 DS too. They were talking about toning up and they asked me what I do (trust me, I do NOT look toned) because I always show up to practice in workout clothes.

So they are starting today or maybe yeterday? I haven't done the shred since Thurs, which was my day 10 on level 1. I'm going to try level 2 today, and if I'm dying trying to do it, I'll step back down to level 1. I'm not sure how much fitness I would have lost in 3 or 4 days, but I always feel better when I'm consistently doing it. I also don't want to be sore or worn out for the half marathon I'm doing on Sat. (yes, I'm crazy, ThankYouVeryMuchForAsking!)

The more I talk about it, the more I'm talking myself out of it! (starting on level 2). So I'll just stop talking now and hopefully stick to my plan.

How are you all doing?

I'm so inconsistent... I'm going to work on being more consistent with my workout, making it a priority. I keep telling myself it's only 30 mins. I read somewhere that it takes only 3 weeks to form a good habit and only 1 week to break it. It's hard to slip up that first time, but then it gets easier with each subsequent time. It's a slippery slope, missing my workout. I know my propensity for giving myself excises - and believing them too! But the bottom line is I can give up 30 mins of sleep or facebooking or DISboarding to work out. It's for my health, it's for my weight, it's for my self-esteem. Are ya with me?!? (I'm all fired up about it now - thanks for reading!)
I wish I was fired up! :rotfl:

I just finished day 9 of level 2 this morning. Half-heartedly. I have been really exhausted lately (possibly because of my cold) but I felt super weak doing all the moves. I have 22 days to finish level 3 before WDW so I have to get in gear. I agree that I feel better when I do it regularly, that was the first time in about a week for me.

Good luck with level 2 today! Even though it's tough I prefer it over level 1. I'm nervous for level 3 though....

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